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保障功能替代与农民对农地转出的响应 被引量:50
作者 聂建亮 钟涨宝 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期103-111,共9页
农民转出农地的意愿将决定农地流转行为的发生,对农地流转市场的发育有重要的影响,因此研究农民转出农地的意愿具有重要的现实意义。本文基于对中国5省样本农民的问卷调查,运用Logistic回归模型,探讨了农地保障功能替代,尤其是就业保障... 农民转出农地的意愿将决定农地流转行为的发生,对农地流转市场的发育有重要的影响,因此研究农民转出农地的意愿具有重要的现实意义。本文基于对中国5省样本农民的问卷调查,运用Logistic回归模型,探讨了农地保障功能替代,尤其是就业保障功能替代与养老保障功能替代对农民转出农地意愿的影响。总体来看,农民转出农地的意愿较高,近四成农民愿意转出农地。回归结果显示,农地保障功能替代程度在一定程度上影响了农民转出农地的意愿。第一,农地就业保障功能在个人和家庭两个层面替代程度越高的农民,转出农地的意愿越高:主要从事非农工作的农民相对于主要从事农业的农民,转出农地的意愿更高;农民所在家庭劳动力转移程度越高,其转出农地的意愿越高。第二,以新农保为代表的农村社会养老保险对农地养老保障功能的替代程度越高,农民转出农地的意愿越高。虽然农民的参保状况与农民转出农地意愿的关系不显著,但是农民对新农保保障能力的评价越高,那么其转出农地的意愿越高。同时研究还发现,不同性别、年龄、文化程度、身体健康状况、家庭规模的农民转出农地的意愿也存在显著差异。基于上述研究结论,为促进农地流转市场的发育,实现农地资源的优化配置,本文提出了促进农民非农转移和建立健全农村社会保障体系的政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 保障功能替代 就业 养老 农地流转:意愿
老年住院病人生活满意度及相关因素的调查 被引量:12
作者 蔡敏 刘兵 罗玫 《南方护理学报》 2004年第4期11-13,共3页
目的 了解老年住院病人生活满意度状况及其影响因素。方法 选择意识清楚,有一定的躯体功能缺损的老年住院病人102例,应用生活满意度评定量表、社会支持评定量表、日常生活能力量表、生活事件量表及自编的情况调查表进行测试、分析。结果... 目的 了解老年住院病人生活满意度状况及其影响因素。方法 选择意识清楚,有一定的躯体功能缺损的老年住院病人102例,应用生活满意度评定量表、社会支持评定量表、日常生活能力量表、生活事件量表及自编的情况调查表进行测试、分析。结果 生活满意度得分均值为(12.76±4.39),逐步回归分析表明社会支持、日常生活能力、经济负担这三因素对生活满意度影响最大,其中老年人的生活满意度评分与社会支持评分呈正相关,与日常生活能力评分、经济负担评分呈负相关。结论 老年住院病人的生活满意度与社会支持、生活自理能力、经济负担相关,应充分重视这些影响因素,予积极有效的护理干预措施,以增进病人的身心健康,提高生活质量。 展开更多
关键词 老年 住院病人 生活满意度 相关因素 调查 社会支持 日常生活能力 经济负担
美国养老事业的财政支持研究 被引量:6
作者 李超民 《上海商学院学报》 2015年第1期32-41,共10页
从一个多世纪以来美国老龄化发展和养老模式演变入手,探讨美国养老事业的财政支持问题,其中包括老年收入来源与养老模式发展的关系,养老模式的族裔差异,老年疾病、医疗与临终关怀问题,1965年《老年美国人法》与养老的财政支持政策,联邦... 从一个多世纪以来美国老龄化发展和养老模式演变入手,探讨美国养老事业的财政支持问题,其中包括老年收入来源与养老模式发展的关系,养老模式的族裔差异,老年疾病、医疗与临终关怀问题,1965年《老年美国人法》与养老的财政支持政策,联邦政府对老年社区建设的财政支持等几个问题。研究揭示了美国养老模式的启示意义:第一,当前社会养老模式发展正处于关键阶段,必须加强引导和财政支持;第二,社会养老模式建设需要理论指导,其中"适度普惠型福利理论"对完善居家养老服务具有指导意义;第三,必须研究国际养老模式的经验教训,美国对养老事业的财政支持经验非常典型。 展开更多
关键词 美国 老龄化 养老事业 养老模式 财政支持
关于武汉市居民养老方式的调查报告 被引量:6
作者 曾子昂 《科技创业月刊》 2013年第3期82-85,共4页
通过在武汉市城镇社区进行抽样调查等方法,对武汉市居民的养老观念、方式和消费需求进行调查,旨在了解武汉市居民养老的现状与模式、居民养老中存在的主要问题,以及思考如何完善居民养老服务体系。调查表明,目前武汉市居民的养老观念在... 通过在武汉市城镇社区进行抽样调查等方法,对武汉市居民的养老观念、方式和消费需求进行调查,旨在了解武汉市居民养老的现状与模式、居民养老中存在的主要问题,以及思考如何完善居民养老服务体系。调查表明,目前武汉市居民的养老观念在发生改变、居民对家庭成员的养老问题多有提前考虑、老年人对文化精神需求强烈、未来社区养老和机构养老作用发挥都需要民间资本的参与。 展开更多
关键词 武汉 养老观念 养老方式 抽样调查
加长柄人工双动股骨头置换治疗高龄骨质疏松性股骨粗隆间骨折 被引量:6
作者 谢文伟 利盛成 +5 位作者 姚汉刚 熊秉刚 廖德允 苏厂尧 黎明华 黎润超 《中国基层医药》 CAS 2007年第7期1134-1136,共3页
目的探讨加长柄人工双动股骨头置换治疗高龄骨质疏松性股骨粗隆间骨折的临床应用及意义。方法 2000年3月至2006年11月采用加长柄骨水泥型人工双动股骨头置换治疗高龄骨质疏松性股骨粗隆间不稳定性骨折28例,年龄75~99岁。取后外侧切口,... 目的探讨加长柄人工双动股骨头置换治疗高龄骨质疏松性股骨粗隆间骨折的临床应用及意义。方法 2000年3月至2006年11月采用加长柄骨水泥型人工双动股骨头置换治疗高龄骨质疏松性股骨粗隆间不稳定性骨折28例,年龄75~99岁。取后外侧切口,术中力求大小粗隆骨块的复位,钢丝固定,确定前倾角及假体插入深度后,安放人工股骨头。结果 28例术后获7个月至3年随诊,平均1.5年,术后3个月按 Harris 评分标准进行功能评定,优8例,良13例,可5例,差2例。优良率达75%,未出现畸形病例,随诊期间未发现有关节脱位,有1例术后1年有假体下沉现象。差2例为术后内科病加重,影响功能恢复,1例术后1年后死于内科疾病。结论加长柄人工双动股骨头置换治疗高龄骨质疏松性股骨粗隆间骨折,术后恢复快,能早期负重,减少并发症、死亡率,但要严格把握其适应证,以及掌握手术操作技巧。 展开更多
关键词 股骨粗隆间骨折 骨质疏松 加长柄 人工双动股骨头置换 高龄
显与潜:试论社会资本功能的发挥与农村老年人的养老问题 被引量:5
作者 马小华 《西北人口》 CSSCI 2009年第5期120-123,共4页
本文通过对社会资本相关研究的回顾,以中国转型期为背景,以转型效应对乡村社会家庭造成的冲击为线索,分析了乡村老年人在家庭外部关系网络的流失和家庭内部关系网络出现危机的情形下,老年人自身社会资本功能的发挥与老年人的养老之间的... 本文通过对社会资本相关研究的回顾,以中国转型期为背景,以转型效应对乡村社会家庭造成的冲击为线索,分析了乡村老年人在家庭外部关系网络的流失和家庭内部关系网络出现危机的情形下,老年人自身社会资本功能的发挥与老年人的养老之间的关系问题。 展开更多
关键词 社会资本 乡村社会 老年人 养老
吴文胜从肾阴亏虚论治老年不寐合并衰弱经验 被引量:5
作者 石林 吴文胜 《中医药临床杂志》 2019年第7期1270-1272,共3页
2050年我国的老年人口数会达到34%以上,老年不寐合并衰弱在老年患者中所占比重较大。老年人脏腑功能减退,阴血虚弱,一般呈现肾阴虚体质。肾阴是阴液的根本,具有濡润、滋养各个脏腑组织器官的功用,肾阴不足,脑、耳窍、骨就会失养,会出现... 2050年我国的老年人口数会达到34%以上,老年不寐合并衰弱在老年患者中所占比重较大。老年人脏腑功能减退,阴血虚弱,一般呈现肾阴虚体质。肾阴是阴液的根本,具有濡润、滋养各个脏腑组织器官的功用,肾阴不足,脑、耳窍、骨就会失养,会出现老年衰弱的各种临床表现;而老年素体阴虚,阴血衰少、阳气偏盛,阳不能入于阴则会失眠。老师吴文胜的临床经验总结认为,肾阴虚是老年人不寐合并衰弱的主要病机。 展开更多
关键词 老年 衰弱 不寐 肾阴亏虚 调和阴阳
对开展社区老年体育健身服务价值的探讨 被引量:4
作者 刘军 常生 《喀什师范学院学报》 2003年第3期87-89,共3页
对开展社区老年体育健身服务价值进行了探讨 .开展社区老年体育健身服务 ,可以减少我国人口老龄化带来的负面影响 ,提高老龄人的身心健康水平 ,促进老年体育锻炼和健身的科学化 ,并且可以进一步开发老年人力资源 ,推动社会主义精神文明... 对开展社区老年体育健身服务价值进行了探讨 .开展社区老年体育健身服务 ,可以减少我国人口老龄化带来的负面影响 ,提高老龄人的身心健康水平 ,促进老年体育锻炼和健身的科学化 ,并且可以进一步开发老年人力资源 ,推动社会主义精神文明建设 . 展开更多
关键词 社区服务 老年 体育健身
Old-age Care Modes and Facility Planning Based on the Concept of “Continuum of Care” 被引量:1
作者 YANG Jianjun,Urban Planning and Design Institute,Zhejiang University Member of Board of Directors,Urban Planning Society of China TANG Jingjie,Postgraduate Student,Urban Planning and Design Institute,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou,P.R.China. TANG Yan,Lecturer,School of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Zhejiang University of Science & Technology,Hangzhou,P.R.China.LI Caige 《China City Planning Review》 2012年第3期56-63,共8页
Through the comparative analysis on the theories and practical experience of the development of old-age care (OAC) in both China and other countries,and based on the interview and questionnaire survey in Zhejiang Prov... Through the comparative analysis on the theories and practical experience of the development of old-age care (OAC) in both China and other countries,and based on the interview and questionnaire survey in Zhejiang Province and Hangzhou City,this paper proposes the research and analysis framework for the old-age service system,i.e.,"OAC mode-OAC service system-OAC facility system." The paper argues that,oriented by OAC mode of "taking community-and home-based care as the main body and institution-based care as supplement," China should build an OAC facility system and planning thoughts that take "continuum of care" as concept and long-term care system as core.Taking Zhejiang Province and Hangzhou City as examples,the paper conducts the optimization research on current OAC facilities planning in terms of hierarchical system,scale,and differentiation,so as to formulate more systematic and operable planning standards for OAC facilities. 展开更多
关键词 old-age CARE MODE a CONTINUUM of CARE old-age CARE
The development and prospects of China's old-age security system 被引量:1
作者 华迎放 《Social Sciences in China》 2009年第1期185-196,共12页
On the basis of a description of the framework of China's urban and rural old-age security system and major security policies, this study examines the operation of the old-age security system currently in effect. Fro... On the basis of a description of the framework of China's urban and rural old-age security system and major security policies, this study examines the operation of the old-age security system currently in effect. From the point of view of setting up a system that would cover both urban and rural areas, we can see problems with the current system, including a development imbalance between urban and rural social security, wide gaps between different groups, the absence, fragmentation and artificial segmentation of the social security system, blurred government responsibility, etc. The paper goes on to propose establishing an old-age subsidy for urban and rural residents without income security, improving basic old-age insurance for enterprise employees in urban areas, reforming the superannuation schemes of government organizations and public institutions, and setting up rural oldage insurance. 展开更多
关键词 old-age security system basic old-age insurance system for urban enterprise employees superannuation scheme rural old-age insurance old-age subsidy
Construction of Urban Mixed-age Community: Opportunities, Challenges and Countermeasures: A Case Study of“Fangjia Hutong”in Beijing
作者 FAN Anuo 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2024年第3期31-36,共6页
In the context of China’s economic development and population aging,the innovation and exploration of the old-age care model has emerged as a new community transformation and development direction.Given the differing... In the context of China’s economic development and population aging,the innovation and exploration of the old-age care model has emerged as a new community transformation and development direction.Given the differing needs and characteristics of individuals across the lifespan,it is evident that a design approach that incorporates mixed-age integration and mutual-help communities is a viable strategy for enhancing intergenerational exchanges.This entails the creation of a diverse and open community that is conducive to habitation for individuals of all ages,encompassing the full spectrum of needs,from those of young children to the elderly.Such a community must be designed and constructed with the population in mind,from the initial planning and design stages to the operational phase.This encompasses a comprehensive range of services,including food,clothing,housing,transportation,and medical care and recreation. 展开更多
关键词 Mixed-age community old-age care Community construction
广州市海珠区社区中老年人群肥胖与慢性病关系研究 被引量:4
作者 李小云 钟克丹 +1 位作者 林景丹 刘芳 《护理学报》 2009年第21期70-72,共3页
目的探讨社区中老年人群超重和肥胖与多种慢性疾病的关系,为开展社区慢性病管理和综合干预提供依据。方法抽取海珠区江南中街社区45岁以上的中老年人群1 185人,详细调查疾病史和进行全面体检,包括血压、体质量、心率、腹围,计算体质量... 目的探讨社区中老年人群超重和肥胖与多种慢性疾病的关系,为开展社区慢性病管理和综合干预提供依据。方法抽取海珠区江南中街社区45岁以上的中老年人群1 185人,详细调查疾病史和进行全面体检,包括血压、体质量、心率、腹围,计算体质量指数。结果超重和肥胖率分别为26.33%和16.45%,45.91%的人群体质量正常,腰臀比值超过正常范围的占67.85%,腹壁脂肪厚度超过正常范围的占88.10%,上臂后脂肪厚度超过正常范围的占61.86%。超重和肥胖者高血压、冠心病、糖尿病、高脂血症、高尿酸血症和脂肪肝的患病率明显高于正常体质量者。结论广州市海珠区中老年人群超重和肥胖情况较为严重,并且与多种慢性疾病的发病有明显关系。社区人群对肥胖危害认识不足,应有目的地进行健康教育,以减少慢性疾病的发生。 展开更多
关键词 中年 老年 超重 肥胖 慢性病 社区护理
Design of Prefabricated Old-age Building Based on Modularization:A Case Study of Institutional Elderly Houses Design in Taigou Village,Xi'an City 被引量:3
作者 SUN Qianqian 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第5期84-87,共4页
Old-age building was designed in Ziwu Town,from the aspects of energy saving,environmental protection,full use of solar energy and characteristics of the local climate.In order to meet the requirements of energy conse... Old-age building was designed in Ziwu Town,from the aspects of energy saving,environmental protection,full use of solar energy and characteristics of the local climate.In order to meet the requirements of energy conservation,environmental protection and climate adaptability of residential buildings,this paper integrates the construction and design in the prefabricated building design,at the same time,with the consideration of the possibility of expansion and removal of the nursing home,the concept of "modular unit" is put forward.Considering the climatic adaptability of the base position,the utilization of solar energy and the organization of natural ventilation should be paid attention to,also,the rammed soil construction method is added in this design,which can improve the thermal insulation performance of the building enclosure and create a comfortable indoor thermal environment both in winter and summer.In order to realize the object of industrial building construction and design,the prefabricated construction method is used,which produces impact on the surrounding environment more environmentally friendly.The building will be easily built,less restricted,and low-cost.What's more,local material and the advantages of all dry work increase the operability of the project. 展开更多
关键词 PREFABRICATED assembly old-age BUILDING DESIGN Modular units
西安市老年人养老方式选择的影响因素及对策分析 被引量:4
作者 李从容 雒娜 《改革与战略》 北大核心 2015年第8期181-185,共5页
随着人口老龄化程度的不断提高,老年人的养老问题日益突出,养老方式的选择是老年人养老最基本的问题。文章通过问卷调查,了解西安市老年人对养老方式选择的倾向,探讨影响其选择的因素。调查发现,家庭养老仍是老年人养老方式的主要选择,... 随着人口老龄化程度的不断提高,老年人的养老问题日益突出,养老方式的选择是老年人养老最基本的问题。文章通过问卷调查,了解西安市老年人对养老方式选择的倾向,探讨影响其选择的因素。调查发现,家庭养老仍是老年人养老方式的主要选择,自我养老是第二大选择。经多元逻辑回归分析得出,老年人的月收入、文化程度、子女的生活照顾、健康状况及自理能力是影响老年人养老方式选择的主要因素。 展开更多
关键词 老年人 养老方式 影响因素
An effective pharmacological hydrogel induces optic nerve repair and improves visual function
作者 Lipeng Wang Shan Zhang +5 位作者 Yawen Han Shuo Tang Jiarui Li Lina Bu Dongyu Zhao Hongkui Deng 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第3期529-542,共14页
Irreversible eye lesions, such as glaucoma and traumatic optic neuropathy, can cause blindness;however, no effective treatments exist. The optic nerve, in particular, lacks the capacity to spontaneously regenerate, re... Irreversible eye lesions, such as glaucoma and traumatic optic neuropathy, can cause blindness;however, no effective treatments exist. The optic nerve, in particular, lacks the capacity to spontaneously regenerate, requiring the development of an effective approach for optic nerve repair, which has proven challenging. Here, we demonstrate that a combination of the small molecules 3BDO and trichostatin A(TSA)—which regulate mTOR and HDAC, respectively—packaged in thermosensitive hydrogel for 4-week-sustained release after intravitreal injection, effectively induced optic nerve regeneration in a mouse model of optic nerve crush injury. Moreover, this combination of 3BDO and TSA also protected axon projections and improved visual responses in an old mouse model(11 months old) of glaucoma. Taken together, our data provide a new, local small molecule-based treatment for the effective induction of optic nerve repair, which may represent a foundation for the development of pharmacological methods to treat irreversible eye diseases. 展开更多
关键词 retinal ganglion cell axon regeneration old-age glaucoma small molecules pharmacological hydrogel visual function repair
基于演化博弈的养老机构规范发展分析 被引量:2
作者 张娇娇 桂云苗 曹兵 《安徽工程大学学报》 CAS 2019年第3期70-75,共6页
随着老龄化时代的到来,养老产业面临着前所未有的发展机遇和重大挑战。通过构建政府监管和养老机构行动的演化博弈模型,分析了两者的策略选择及演化方向。研究表明:当政府重视自身的公信力和社会声誉或者监管收益大于监管成本时,政府会... 随着老龄化时代的到来,养老产业面临着前所未有的发展机遇和重大挑战。通过构建政府监管和养老机构行动的演化博弈模型,分析了两者的策略选择及演化方向。研究表明:当政府重视自身的公信力和社会声誉或者监管收益大于监管成本时,政府会选择监管。当养老机构受奖惩力度较大或因声誉受损带来的风险过高时,养老机构会选择遵守规范。依据博弈研究结果,提出了养老机构规范发展的政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 老龄化 政府 养老机构 演化博弈分析
Rural migrants' participation in old-age insurance: a case study of the inter-provincial migrant workers from Sichuan, China 被引量:2
作者 Yong Chen Yan Tan Qin Zhang 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2017年第2期120-131,共12页
Old-age pension, a fundamental part of the Chinese social security system, is perceived by the Chinese government as the last support for rural-to-urban migrant workers upon retreating from the labor market. Using sur... Old-age pension, a fundamental part of the Chinese social security system, is perceived by the Chinese government as the last support for rural-to-urban migrant workers upon retreating from the labor market. Using survey data collected by the authors, this paper examines a host of factors which influence migrant workers' participation in the old-age scheme. The result shows that individual characteristics, employment status, attitudes toward old-age support and perception of the old-age pension system significantly differentiate two groups of migrant workers between those that have participated in and their counterparts who have not participated in the old-age pension schemes. Among a number of factors, age, educational attainment, holding labor contract, etc. are found to be significant factors influencing migrants' behavior participating(or not participating) the available age-pension schemes. Policy implications for how to improve the rate of participation in existing old-age pension schemes among migrant workers are drawn from the findings. 展开更多
关键词 Inter-provincial rural migrant old-age pension participation in old-age pension factors
Retrospective analysis of old-age colitis in the Dutch inflammatory bowel disease population 被引量:3
作者 Muhammed Hadithi Marcel Cazemier +6 位作者 Gerrit A Meijer Elisabeth Bloemena Richel J Felt-Bersma Chris J Mulder Stephan GM Meuwissen Amado Salvador Pea Adriaan A van Bodegraven 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第20期3183-3187,共5页
AIM: To describe the characteristics of Dutch patients with chronic.inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) first diagnosed above 60 years of age-a disease also known as old-age colitis (OAC) and to highlight a conditio... AIM: To describe the characteristics of Dutch patients with chronic.inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) first diagnosed above 60 years of age-a disease also known as old-age colitis (OAC) and to highlight a condition that has a similar appearance to IBD, namely segmen- tal colitis associated with diverticular disease (SCAD). METHODS: A retrospective longitudinal survey of patient demographic and clinical characteristics, disease characteristics, diagnostic methods, management and course of disease was performed. The median follow-up period was 10 years. RESULTS: Of a total of 1100 IBD patients attending the Department of Gastroenterology, 59 (50) [median age 82 years (range 64-101); 25 male (42%)] were identified. These patients were diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (n = 37, 61%), Crohn's disease (n = 14, 24%), and indeterminate colitis (n = 8, 15%). Remission was induced in 40 (68%) patients within a median interval of 6 mo (range 1-21) and immunosuppressive therapy was well tolerated. Histological evaluation based on many biopsy samples and the course of the disease led to other diagnosis, namely SCAD instead of IBD in five (8%) patients. CONCLUSION: OAC is not an infrequent problem for the gastroenterologist, and should be considered in the evaluation of older patients with clinical features suggestive of IBD. Extra awareness and extensive biopsy sampling are required in order to avoid an erroneous diagnosis purely based on histological mimicry of changes seen in SCAD, when diagnosing IBD in the presence of diverticulosis coli. 展开更多
关键词 Inflammatory bowel disease old-age colitis Segmental colitis
Aging Characteristics and Layout Planning of Old-age Care Facilities in the Downtown Area of Nanchang City 被引量:1
作者 HU Siqi 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2016年第5期77-80,共4页
Compared to the situation of population aging and the elderly aging, the development of oldage undertaking in Nanchang is still undeveloped in that the old-age care industry lags behind the urban renewal speed and the... Compared to the situation of population aging and the elderly aging, the development of oldage undertaking in Nanchang is still undeveloped in that the old-age care industry lags behind the urban renewal speed and the objective needs of aging. Apart from discussions on the composition of elderly population and the status quo of aging, this paper took the institutional old-age care in the downtown area of Nanchang for example, explored problems in the current institutional old-age care facilities through field investigation, and proposed suggestions for the layout planning of old-age care facilities in the study area. 展开更多
关键词 Population aging old-age care facilities Layout Nanchang
Construction of Comprehensive Old-age Tourism Complex in Kunming City 被引量:1
作者 HUAN Shaojun 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2016年第4期30-34,共5页
As the population aging becomes a global trend,old-age tounsm has gradually become a newly-emerging industry integrating tounsm industry and old-age support industry for such functions as leisure sightseeing,vacationi... As the population aging becomes a global trend,old-age tounsm has gradually become a newly-emerging industry integrating tounsm industry and old-age support industry for such functions as leisure sightseeing,vacationing and health care,learning and expenence,recuperation,soul comfort and so on.In face of the market opportunities of old-age tounsm,Kunming City owns many advantages such as climate,location,traffic and tounsm resources,but also shows deficiencies such as few and low-grade old-age tourism agencies,insufficient funds for old-age tourism,underdeveloped old-age service industry.To enhance the advantages and avoid disadvantages,this paper proposed the industrialized development mode of old-age tourism complex for Kunming City.On the basis of sorting out tourism resources in the city this paper first concluded 6 old-age tounsm resource spaces,integrated characteristic tounsm resources,cultural resources and social resources of each space into the 7 sub-systems of the old-age tounsm complex,proposed specific conceptions for the construction of old-age tounsm complex in Kunming,and finally gave suggestions in view of the development environment of local old-age tourism complex. 展开更多
关键词 Kunming City AGING old-age tounsm INDUSTRIALIZATION
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