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草原文化的保持与传承 被引量:32
作者 任继周 侯扶江 胥刚 《草业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期5-10,共6页
放牧是草原文化的基本元素。保存与传承草原文化,就应以放牧为核心,建立现代轮牧制度。人、草原、家畜是草原文化的3个基本要素,通过放牧这一基本功能,将草原-家畜-人居耦合成一个自然社会生态系统。系统运行中产生草原文化。草原文化... 放牧是草原文化的基本元素。保存与传承草原文化,就应以放牧为核心,建立现代轮牧制度。人、草原、家畜是草原文化的3个基本要素,通过放牧这一基本功能,将草原-家畜-人居耦合成一个自然社会生态系统。系统运行中产生草原文化。草原文化是以人为本的草原生态系统的结构和功能的总体现。其中包含了草原民族的生产和生活方式、艺术形式、民族性格等,并延伸到政治、军事行为。在草原文化的发展过程中,放牧经历了不同的历史阶段。20世纪30年代前后各生产先进国家都完成了草原畜牧业的现代化转型。其转型的主要内涵为以划区轮牧为核心,配合定居点、饮水点、围栏、饲草料、牧民合作社等系统建设,建成人-草地-家畜的草原生态系统,这是保持与传承草原文化的必要途径。 展开更多
关键词 游牧 草原文化 划区轮牧
现场游牧式PC构件厂的建设及应用 被引量:13
作者 蒋竞进 涂晓 《施工技术》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第10期42-44,90,共4页
以西安万科城8号地项目为例,从建厂条件、建厂流程、建厂策划等方面介绍了现场游牧式PC构件厂的建设情况,分析了游牧式PC构件厂的优缺点,通过工程实际,证明游牧式PC构件厂可以满足工程所需预制构件的制作要求,并且可以降低构件运输成本... 以西安万科城8号地项目为例,从建厂条件、建厂流程、建厂策划等方面介绍了现场游牧式PC构件厂的建设情况,分析了游牧式PC构件厂的优缺点,通过工程实际,证明游牧式PC构件厂可以满足工程所需预制构件的制作要求,并且可以降低构件运输成本,值得在周边没有产业化基地的项目推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 装配式 游牧式 PC构件厂 工业化 应用
游牧空间及其意义 被引量:11
作者 靳铭宇 《世界建筑》 2011年第7期118-121,共4页
关键词 游牧 平滑空间 条纹空间 虚拟
Adaptation strategies to pasture degradation: Gap between government and local nomads in the eastern Tibetan Plateau 被引量:9
作者 YAN Jianzhong WU Yingying ZHANG Yili 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第6期1112-1122,共11页
In the last decade, there has been increasing interest in climate change, pasture degradation and its driving forces, and innovations in nomadic pastoralism on the Tibetan Plateau. However, little is known of indigeno... In the last decade, there has been increasing interest in climate change, pasture degradation and its driving forces, and innovations in nomadic pastoralism on the Tibetan Plateau. However, little is known of indigenous strategies of adaptation to pasture degradation, which limits the effectiveness of adaptation strategies planned by local government. This paper analyzes nomads' strategies of adaptation to pasture degradation on the basis of a field survey of three townships of Dalag County in the source regions of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers. Pastures there have evidently degraded, with pastures in Wasai mainly in a state of slight or medium degradation and those in Manzhang and Jianshe in a state of medium or severe degradation. With the degradation of pasture, the grazing time is reduced, which af- fects the livelihoods of nomads. Although the Four-Package Project has commenced in this region, there is still severe fodder shortage in winter and spring. The traditional hay storage strategy does not work because of pasture degradation, and few nomads establish fenced and artificial pastures. Therefore, nomads have employed other strategies, such as renting pasture, providing supplementary feed, and diversifying their livelihoods. Local strategies taken by nomads can provide valuable insights into ecological restoration and livelihood improvement in the region and suggest changes to means promoted by local government. It is necessary to seek new means that combine the best aspects of nomadic pastoralism with modern stockbreeding technologies to help nomads adapt to pasture degeneration and improve their livelihoods. 展开更多
关键词 pasture degradation adaptation strategy nomadic pastoralism Tibetan Plateau
生态经济视阈下的游牧人口定居研究——以甘南牧区为例 被引量:11
作者 高新才 王娟娟 《北方民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2009年第1期64-68,共5页
关键词 生态经济 游牧人口 生态环境 模式 机制
“内亚”概念源流考 被引量:9
作者 程秀金 《北方民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2016年第6期20-25,共6页
一百多年以来,内亚研究在西方学术界一直是一门显学,但是"内亚"的概念和范围在学者之间却众说纷纭,各执一词。实际上,"内亚"起初以一个自然地理概念问世,在随后的一百多年里,由于内亚研究者不同的专业背景,且往往... 一百多年以来,内亚研究在西方学术界一直是一门显学,但是"内亚"的概念和范围在学者之间却众说纷纭,各执一词。实际上,"内亚"起初以一个自然地理概念问世,在随后的一百多年里,由于内亚研究者不同的专业背景,且往往不是来自内亚地区,故以不同的视角看待这一地区,于是"内亚"逐渐演变为历史语言地理、历史政治地理、历史民族地理、历史宗教地理,一直到独特的经济、文化生态圈等概念,因而有着丰富的历史地理学内涵。 展开更多
关键词 历史地理 游牧 边疆 文化
少数电影:理论概念和批评实践 被引量:8
作者 孙柏 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 CSSCI 2012年第3期14-21,共8页
尽管德勒兹的电影著作未及处理1980年代以来、欧美经典脉络之外的丰富而多样的电影形态,但是他所贡献的一些概念和思考仍具有进一步拓展"时间—影像"之后的电影研究的理论潜力。本文围绕"少数电影"的论题,梳理了从... 尽管德勒兹的电影著作未及处理1980年代以来、欧美经典脉络之外的丰富而多样的电影形态,但是他所贡献的一些概念和思考仍具有进一步拓展"时间—影像"之后的电影研究的理论潜力。本文围绕"少数电影"的论题,梳理了从德勒兹的理论原点到后来不同学者的批评应用。这些批评应用包括弗雷德里克.詹姆逊对好莱坞美学体系下"对抗性的现实主义"的讨论,达德利.安德鲁挪用"游牧"这一德勒兹术语对西非电影的考察,以及张英进为理解新时期中国电影而从不同的理论来源引入的"少数"话语,它们与德勒兹的问题意识之间建立起一种富于启发性的对话关系。这些批评实践反过来对德勒兹的理论术语和思想框架也构成了某种协商或修订。 展开更多
关键词 德勒兹 少数电影 对抗性的现实主义 游牧 第五代
游牧时代内蒙古呼伦贝尔草原地区蒙古族牧民居住生活研究 被引量:4
作者 白洁 荣丽华 韩盛华 《建筑学报》 北大核心 2016年第S1期113-116,共4页
运用住居学的研究方法,以生活研究和社会学研究作为切入点,从风土、游牧空间的层次、社会结构与游牧空间的变化几个方面研究游牧时代呼伦贝尔草原地区蒙古族牧民的居住生活空间,认识游牧空间形成的内在规律,探索呼伦贝尔草原地区蒙古族... 运用住居学的研究方法,以生活研究和社会学研究作为切入点,从风土、游牧空间的层次、社会结构与游牧空间的变化几个方面研究游牧时代呼伦贝尔草原地区蒙古族牧民的居住生活空间,认识游牧空间形成的内在规律,探索呼伦贝尔草原地区蒙古族牧民的居住生活观。 展开更多
关键词 游牧 呼伦贝尔草原地区 牧民 游牧空间 居住生活
文化生态学视野下游牧民族传统体育文化生态保护研究 被引量:5
作者 王萍 武勇亮 《辽宁体育科技》 2021年第1期84-87,共4页
运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,从文化生态学角度对游牧民族传统体育文化生态保护进行研究。结果显示:文化生存土壤流失、文化认同感淡化、文化传承主体衰落、文化保护制度滞后是当前游牧民族传统体育文化的生存危机。提出建立文化生态保... 运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,从文化生态学角度对游牧民族传统体育文化生态保护进行研究。结果显示:文化生存土壤流失、文化认同感淡化、文化传承主体衰落、文化保护制度滞后是当前游牧民族传统体育文化的生存危机。提出建立文化生态保护区,保持文化原生态本色;借助传统节庆平台,增强文化认同感;构建多元传承体系,加强后备人才培养;推进非遗保护工作,促进文化抢救保护等生态保护策略。 展开更多
关键词 文化生态 游牧民族 传统体育文化 生态保护
以无知者姿态:公共艺术“游牧”腹地现场的方法与实践 被引量:5
作者 曾令香 《当代美术家》 2019年第1期20-23,共4页
本文将以西南腹地乡村与工业遗址空间中发生的丰富实践案例,在"艺术介入乡村"的流行语境下,探讨艺术参与社会的文化态度,提出"以无知者的姿态、以浸润的方式"来面对中国城乡现场的公共艺术全新思考和艺术融入社会... 本文将以西南腹地乡村与工业遗址空间中发生的丰富实践案例,在"艺术介入乡村"的流行语境下,探讨艺术参与社会的文化态度,提出"以无知者的姿态、以浸润的方式"来面对中国城乡现场的公共艺术全新思考和艺术融入社会的美学生产与意义建构方法论。 展开更多
关键词 公共艺术 腹地现场 无知者 游牧 美学生产
当游牧文明遭遇现代定居——对若县牧民定居工程的思考 被引量:5
作者 席婷婷 《学术探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第9期73-79,共7页
2009—2011年,一项旨在改善牧民生活条件的工程“牧民定居”在若县∞实施。定居作为一种现代的生活方式介入到了藏区的游牧文明中。游牧文明与现代定居的接触经历了三个阶段:冲突时期一调适时期一非预期性后果。世代游牧的牧民对投资... 2009—2011年,一项旨在改善牧民生活条件的工程“牧民定居”在若县∞实施。定居作为一种现代的生活方式介入到了藏区的游牧文明中。游牧文明与现代定居的接触经历了三个阶段:冲突时期一调适时期一非预期性后果。世代游牧的牧民对投资修建定居房在开始的时候较抵触,在看到政策的实惠后,较多的牧民主动争取惠及定居的项目。然而随着工程的进展,游牧与定居之间浮现了非预期性后果,需要政府和牧民进一步合作协商解决,真正改善牧民生活,维护藏区稳定。 展开更多
关键词 游牧 牧民定居 生产 生活 生态
The relationship between interannual dry/wet changes and nomadic wars in the Hexi Corridor region of China during the period 241–1912 A.D.
作者 Fei TANG Zhilin SHI +2 位作者 Qinhua TIAN Xiaogang DU Yong ZHANG 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期1922-1931,共10页
The link between climate and war has long been a topic of great scientific and social interest.In this study,we investigate the influence of climate on warfare in China’s Hexi Corridor region since 241 A.D.Using the ... The link between climate and war has long been a topic of great scientific and social interest.In this study,we investigate the influence of climate on warfare in China’s Hexi Corridor region since 241 A.D.Using the superposed epoch analysis of tree-ring data and historical war data,we observe a notable correlation between interannual dry-wet variations and wars instigated by nomadic groups in the Hexi Corridor.However,this relationship is dynamic and influenced by the region’s relative unity.During periods in which the Hexi Corridor was ruled by multiple regimes,wars tended to follow dry climatic conditions,which may be due to the fact that unusual drought during these periods likely heightened competition for resources and land.Conversely,during times of regional unity,wars were more likely to occur when climatic conditions were wet because the expansion of rangelands and the accumulation of resources helped fuel the nomads’outward conquest.These findings underscore the complexity of the relationship between war and climate change.To gain a more comprehensive understanding of this relationship,continuous,high-resolution historical temperature and humidity datasets with broader and more uniform coverage are needed across multiple regions.In addition,collecting and examining disaggregated historical war data for regions with distinct characteristics is essential. 展开更多
关键词 DROUGHT Interannual dry and wet variations WAR The Hexi Corridor Tree ring nomadic groups
作者 罗婷 《西部学刊》 2024年第8期136-139,共4页
对游牧社会变迁研究多限于“传统与现代”“定居前与定居后”的二元论范式,忽略了社会变迁本质上的一个动态过程。基于“游牧—定居”连续统视角探究,可以清晰地发现,国家定居政策对贝都因游牧社会变迁的重要影响。沙特政府通过直接或... 对游牧社会变迁研究多限于“传统与现代”“定居前与定居后”的二元论范式,忽略了社会变迁本质上的一个动态过程。基于“游牧—定居”连续统视角探究,可以清晰地发现,国家定居政策对贝都因游牧社会变迁的重要影响。沙特政府通过直接或间接的定居政策使得原本自给自足的贝都因部落向民族国家转型。在沙特政府的直接干预和现代化社会进程的合力作用下,贝都因游牧体系、生计和生活方式逐步瓦解,成员之间产生了新的社会关系,部族关系逐渐淡化。贝都因人经历了一系列有序的社会演变和定居后的再社会化过程,完成了由从事单一的农牧业向从事多元化职业的转变,形成了多元社会结构。 展开更多
关键词 游牧 定居 定居政策 贝都因人
作者 刘澋沄燕 王兴锋 《边疆经济与文化》 2024年第12期86-92,共7页
南匈奴在东汉时期仍以游牧经济为主业,并未迅速农耕化。文献记载与考古资料显示,南匈奴生活方式和居住形式没有发生根本性转变,依然保持游牧民族的特点。黄河在东汉时期“安流”现象,间接证实南匈奴游牧生活的持续性。南匈奴未转向农耕... 南匈奴在东汉时期仍以游牧经济为主业,并未迅速农耕化。文献记载与考古资料显示,南匈奴生活方式和居住形式没有发生根本性转变,依然保持游牧民族的特点。黄河在东汉时期“安流”现象,间接证实南匈奴游牧生活的持续性。南匈奴未转向农耕原因包括对东汉的高度依赖、北匈奴持续加入和社会环境动荡。目前,尚无直接证据表明南匈奴已经从事农业,其八部落仍然处于立帐而居、迁徙不定的生活状态。 展开更多
关键词 南匈奴 游牧 单于庭
The Role of Local Knowledge in the Risk Management of Extreme Climates in Local Communities:A Case Study in a Nomadic NIAHS Site 被引量:3
作者 WANG Guoping YANG Lun +3 位作者 LIU Moucheng LI Zhidong HE Siyuan MIN Qingwen 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2021年第4期532-542,共11页
In the context of climate change,research on extreme climates and disaster risk management has become a crucial component of climate change adaptation.Local communities,which have been facing extreme climates for a lo... In the context of climate change,research on extreme climates and disaster risk management has become a crucial component of climate change adaptation.Local communities,which have been facing extreme climates for a long time in their production and daily life,have developed some locally applicable traditional knowledge that has played an important role in their adaptation to extreme climate and disaster risk management.Therefore,this research aims to link Local knowledge(LK)to community extreme climate disaster risk management in order to construct a conceptual model.It then takes the extreme climate adaptation strategy of traditional nomads in a temperate grassland of China as an example to analyze the role of LK in extreme climate adaptation using the proposed theoretical framework.The main research objectives of this study are:(1)To construct a conceptual model to illustrate the relations among extreme climate events,risk management,LK,and farmers’adaptation strategies;(2)To apply the theoretical framework to a field case to reveal context-specific extreme climate adaptation mechanisms with LK as a critical component;(3)To test the framework and provide suggestions for the extreme climates adaptation,and the conservation of LK related to climate change adaptation.The results show that from the perspective of disaster risk management,local communities could manage extreme climates as a disaster risk through adaptation strategies formed from LK,because as a knowledge system,LK contains relevant knowledge covering the whole process of disaster risk management. 展开更多
关键词 local knowledge extreme climate adaptive strategies disaster risk management Ar Horqin Grassland nomadic System in Inner Mongolia China Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(China-NIAHS) Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS)
论阴山对匈奴族生存与发展的价值 被引量:3
作者 王绍东 《内蒙古社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期61-65,共5页
在对游牧民族生存与发展环境的研究中,人们习惯于把着眼点放在草原和草原环境上,实际上,山脉对游牧民族的发展同样具有重要作用,从阴山与匈奴族的关系中可以看出这一点。阴山山脉横亘于内蒙古中部地区,匈奴族在早期的发展中曾长期活动... 在对游牧民族生存与发展环境的研究中,人们习惯于把着眼点放在草原和草原环境上,实际上,山脉对游牧民族的发展同样具有重要作用,从阴山与匈奴族的关系中可以看出这一点。阴山山脉横亘于内蒙古中部地区,匈奴族在早期的发展中曾长期活动于这里。阴山为匈奴提供了多样化的生存资源,增强了匈奴人抗击自然灾害的能力,阴山是大漠草原的重要屏障,阴山还是匈奴人的精神家园。阴山对匈奴人的生存与发展具有重要的价值。 展开更多
关键词 匈奴 游牧 生存资源 精神家园 阴山
参数化建筑美学 被引量:3
作者 宋靖华 朱甜 《建筑与文化》 2017年第6期112-113,共2页
古典建筑追求建筑形式的和谐,现代主义建筑体现的是简单的美学秩序,后现代主义建筑表现出变化多样的特点,这三种美学观本质上都是一种秩序美学。从建筑形式上看,参数化建筑与前三者截然不同,具有非线性、扭曲、无序的特征,但整体看来,... 古典建筑追求建筑形式的和谐,现代主义建筑体现的是简单的美学秩序,后现代主义建筑表现出变化多样的特点,这三种美学观本质上都是一种秩序美学。从建筑形式上看,参数化建筑与前三者截然不同,具有非线性、扭曲、无序的特征,但整体看来,参数化建筑却体现了强烈的理性和秩序。它是根据特定的逻辑规则生成的,其丰富的美学内涵大大拓展了建筑形式的可能性,使建筑师在对建筑掌控更加精准的前提下创造出灵活丰富、个性多元的建筑。 展开更多
关键词 参数化美学 生成 游牧 块茎 褶子
The Troyan Terrorism as an Established Order (Disciplina), or the Nomadic Colonatus(Mission of Mith in the space of Sir Thomas More’s “Utopia”) 被引量:3
作者 Menshikova Elena Rudolfovna 《International Relations and Diplomacy》 2018年第2期129-141,共13页
The Troyan horse served here as a sufficiently vivid picture to enter into the history conflicts of an archetypal symbol of treachery and robbery, a metaphor for domination, a monad of violence and its justification... The Troyan horse served here as a sufficiently vivid picture to enter into the history conflicts of an archetypal symbol of treachery and robbery, a metaphor for domination, a monad of violence and its justification. The body of terrorism rests not on ideology/beliefs/religions-it is purely a practical idea, behind which there is only one thing: terra nova-the habitat. It is necessary to look for other reasons for the massacres and public executions of modern times, because no religion calls for open murder-only dogmatists armed with faith, craved crusaders hikes, and therefore cannot be recognized and accepted as responsible for the murder. This is the search for the guilty, but only the person is guilty-the fault is his area of responsibility. The Utopians of Thomas More, who revered Mithra, acted like him: like Greek gods, they interfered in human wars, descending from heaven, and restored justice by waging war beyond their state borders, as if protecting the inviolability of their territory and their laws, whose rejection, like, and encroachment on them, led to armed conflicts, the purpose of allowing them was the introduction of forced disciplina (established order), sanctioned by Mithra himself. It is this identity that allows us to consider Utopia as an extended invective for the entire social order, regardless of time and place, and in particular the state as a paramilitary mechanism for the improvement of the human hostel, based on regulations that allow and, more often, provoke its violation, since destabilization is the driving force of existence. This polar involvement of Mithra in the war lies hidden in the very aporia of the world-war, which turns the god of treaties into the chthonic deity of destruction and murder. 展开更多
关键词 Troy TERRA colonatus nomadic piracy disciplina Thomas More Mithra state
Reconsideration of the origins of the pastoral nomadic economy in the Eurasian Steppe
作者 Jianxin WANG Chen DENG Xiang WAN 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第11期2057-2067,共11页
Archaeological discoveries indicate that a variety of economic models have operated in the inland areas of Asia.One of these models,pastoral nomadism,differs from agriculture,agro-pastoral,and settled pastoralism in t... Archaeological discoveries indicate that a variety of economic models have operated in the inland areas of Asia.One of these models,pastoral nomadism,differs from agriculture,agro-pastoral,and settled pastoralism in terms of cattle-breeding,cultivation and manufacture.Pastoral nomadism is a livestock-breeding management mode of production,in which the stock is fed by uninterrupted moving in a large geographical area.The Eurasian Steppe,which includes the cold forest-steppe area in the north and the semi-arid desert-steppe in the south,is the major region in which the ancient nomadic population flourished.Because of the absence of both intrinsic motivation and external pressure for the transition to pastoral nomadism,early animal husbandry economy in the forest-steppe area could not have developed into the initial pastoral nomadic economy;instead,the pastoral nomadic economy emerged from the agro-pastoral economy in the semi-arid desert-steppe.These agro-pastoral people were forced to minimize the scale of agriculture and sedentary pastoralism and to turn to a nomadic lifestyle,with the internal cause being a shortage of feed resources caused by expansion of the human population and livestock,with the added external pressure of climatic and environmental deterioration.From archaeological findings,the eastern Tianshan area in Xinjiang,China,was a major region for the emergence of the early pastoral nomadic economy.The main evidence for this conclusion is a series of pastoral nomadic settlement sites in the northern and southern piedmonts of the Tianshan Mountains,which display settlement conditions,resources and environments entirely different from those of agricultural and agro-pastoral settlements elsewhere. 展开更多
关键词 Eurasian Steppe Origins of pastoral nomadic economy Semi-arid desert-steppe Eastern Tianshan Mountains nomadic settlements
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