目的:探讨荧光原位杂交技术(fluorescence in situ hybridization,FISH)在产前诊断染色体嵌合体中的应用。方法:22例行绒毛/羊水细胞体外培养染色体核型结果提示可能存在染色体嵌合现象的病例,进一步用染色体微阵列比较基因组杂交检测(c...目的:探讨荧光原位杂交技术(fluorescence in situ hybridization,FISH)在产前诊断染色体嵌合体中的应用。方法:22例行绒毛/羊水细胞体外培养染色体核型结果提示可能存在染色体嵌合现象的病例,进一步用染色体微阵列比较基因组杂交检测(chromosomal microarray analaysis,CMA)和FISH技术分析确定其异常核型及嵌合比例。结果:22例核型结果提示嵌合体的病例中,性染色体数目嵌合13例,常染色体三体嵌合6例,性染色体结构异常嵌合3例。近50%病例CMA结果未检测到嵌合现象,可能与CMA技术仅能检测基因拷贝数变化且无法检测低比例嵌合有关。因常染色体数目异常对胎儿生长发育影响较大,常染色体数目异常嵌合病例中,除1例病例外其余均选择终止妊娠。3例结构异常嵌合病例经核型分析结合CMA及FISH结果确定均为性染色体双着丝粒染色体复杂结构嵌合。结论:对于产前诊断提示可能存在染色体嵌合的病例,不应急于终止妊娠,需采用多种方法加以验证,应充分应用CMA技术和FISH技术结合G显带核型结果进行综合分析,并需要对胎儿形态进行细致的超声评估,从而更加准确地确定嵌合类型以及异常核型的嵌合比例,为临床医师指导遗传咨询提供更加可靠的依据。展开更多
AIM: To investigate age, sex, histopathology and Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) status, as risk factors for gastroduodenal disease outcome in Brazilian dyspeptic patients.tients submitted to upper gastroscopy at Hosp...AIM: To investigate age, sex, histopathology and Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) status, as risk factors for gastroduodenal disease outcome in Brazilian dyspeptic patients.tients submitted to upper gastroscopy at Hospital das Clinicas of Marilia, antral biopsy specimens were obtained and subjected to histopathology and H. pylori diagnosis. All patients presenting chronic gastritis (CG) and peptic ulcer (PU) disease localized in the stomach, gastric ulcer (GU) and/or duodenal ulcer (DU) were included in the study. Gastric biopsies (n = 668) positive for H. pylori by rapid urease test were investigated for vacuolating cytotoxin A (vacA ) medium (m) region mosaicism by polymerase chain reaction. Logistic regression analysis was performed to verify the association of age, sex, histopathologic alterations, H. pylori diagnosis and vacA m region mosaicism with the incidence of DU, GU and CG in patients. RESULTS: Of 1466 patients submitted to endoscopy, 1060 (72.3%) presented CG [male/female = 506/554; mean age (year) ± SD = 51.2 ± 17.81], 88 (6.0%) presented DU [male/female = 54/34; mean age (year) ± SD = 51.4 ± 17.14], and 75 (5.1%) presented GU [male/female = 54/21; mean age (year) ± SD = 51.3 ± 17.12] and were included in the comparative analysis. Sex and age showed no detectable effect on CG incidence (overall c 2 = 2.1, P = 0.3423). Sex [Odds ratios (OR) = 1.8631, P = 0.0058] but not age (OR = 0.9929, P = 0.2699) was associated with DU and both parameters had a highly significant effect on GU (overall c 2 = 30.5, P < 0.0001). The histopathological results showed a significant contribution of ageing for both atrophy (OR = 1.0297, P < 0.0001) and intestinal metaplasia (OR = 1.0520, P < 0.0001). Presence of H. pylori was significantly associated with decreasing age (OR = 0.9827, P < 0.0001) and with the incidence of DU (OR = 3.6077, P < 0.0001). The prevalence of m1 in DU was statistically significant (OR = 2.3563, P = 0.0018) but not in CG (OR = 2.678, P = 0.0863) and GU (OR = 1.520, P = 0.2863). CONCLUSION: In展开更多
目的:总结妊娠中期羊水20-三体假性嵌合体的产前诊断及遗传咨询的特点。方法对1例妊娠中期羊水20-三体假性嵌合体病例及相关文献进行分析。结果孕妇31岁,妊1产0,妊娠16周时,母体血清学筛查提示胎儿21-三体风险值为1/200,于2012年9...目的:总结妊娠中期羊水20-三体假性嵌合体的产前诊断及遗传咨询的特点。方法对1例妊娠中期羊水20-三体假性嵌合体病例及相关文献进行分析。结果孕妇31岁,妊1产0,妊娠16周时,母体血清学筛查提示胎儿21-三体风险值为1/200,于2012年9月妊娠18周行羊膜腔穿刺术。采用GLP13/GLP21/CSP18/CSPX/CSPY探针的羊水间期细胞荧光原位杂交(fluorescence in situ hybridization,FISH)分析未见异常信号,羊水细胞培养和染色体核型分析结果为47,XY,+20[7]/46,XY[9],三体细胞系占7/16。进一步行脐静脉穿刺,脐血染色体核型为46,XY。对羊水间期细胞行D20Z1(20p11.1-q11.1)和D20S1157/20QTEL14(20per/qter)探针的 FISH 分析,各个探针在所有细胞中均只出现2个信号。妊娠24周行系统胎儿超声检查未见异常。综合分析上述情况,考虑该20-三体嵌合体为假性嵌合体。孕妇及其家属决定继续妊娠,至妊娠39周经阴道分娩一男性活婴,儿科体格检查未见异常。该婴儿随访至生后7个月,外观及发育未见异常。取该婴儿外周血查染色体核型为46,XY,同时取其口腔颊黏膜脱落细胞行D20Z1、D20S1157/20QTEL14探针的间期FISH分析,在所有细胞中均只出现2个信号,进一步证实产前诊断的结果。结论对羊水20-三体嵌合体需进行充分评估,对孕妇及配偶进行充分的产前咨询。间期FISH对评估嵌合体具有重要价值。产后应对多种组织行染色体核型分析或间期FISH的复核。展开更多
基金Supported by Fundaao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP), Research Grant 06/01223-0Fellowship CGF 2001/14509-5
文摘AIM: To investigate age, sex, histopathology and Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) status, as risk factors for gastroduodenal disease outcome in Brazilian dyspeptic patients.tients submitted to upper gastroscopy at Hospital das Clinicas of Marilia, antral biopsy specimens were obtained and subjected to histopathology and H. pylori diagnosis. All patients presenting chronic gastritis (CG) and peptic ulcer (PU) disease localized in the stomach, gastric ulcer (GU) and/or duodenal ulcer (DU) were included in the study. Gastric biopsies (n = 668) positive for H. pylori by rapid urease test were investigated for vacuolating cytotoxin A (vacA ) medium (m) region mosaicism by polymerase chain reaction. Logistic regression analysis was performed to verify the association of age, sex, histopathologic alterations, H. pylori diagnosis and vacA m region mosaicism with the incidence of DU, GU and CG in patients. RESULTS: Of 1466 patients submitted to endoscopy, 1060 (72.3%) presented CG [male/female = 506/554; mean age (year) ± SD = 51.2 ± 17.81], 88 (6.0%) presented DU [male/female = 54/34; mean age (year) ± SD = 51.4 ± 17.14], and 75 (5.1%) presented GU [male/female = 54/21; mean age (year) ± SD = 51.3 ± 17.12] and were included in the comparative analysis. Sex and age showed no detectable effect on CG incidence (overall c 2 = 2.1, P = 0.3423). Sex [Odds ratios (OR) = 1.8631, P = 0.0058] but not age (OR = 0.9929, P = 0.2699) was associated with DU and both parameters had a highly significant effect on GU (overall c 2 = 30.5, P < 0.0001). The histopathological results showed a significant contribution of ageing for both atrophy (OR = 1.0297, P < 0.0001) and intestinal metaplasia (OR = 1.0520, P < 0.0001). Presence of H. pylori was significantly associated with decreasing age (OR = 0.9827, P < 0.0001) and with the incidence of DU (OR = 3.6077, P < 0.0001). The prevalence of m1 in DU was statistically significant (OR = 2.3563, P = 0.0018) but not in CG (OR = 2.678, P = 0.0863) and GU (OR = 1.520, P = 0.2863). CONCLUSION: In
文摘目的:总结妊娠中期羊水20-三体假性嵌合体的产前诊断及遗传咨询的特点。方法对1例妊娠中期羊水20-三体假性嵌合体病例及相关文献进行分析。结果孕妇31岁,妊1产0,妊娠16周时,母体血清学筛查提示胎儿21-三体风险值为1/200,于2012年9月妊娠18周行羊膜腔穿刺术。采用GLP13/GLP21/CSP18/CSPX/CSPY探针的羊水间期细胞荧光原位杂交(fluorescence in situ hybridization,FISH)分析未见异常信号,羊水细胞培养和染色体核型分析结果为47,XY,+20[7]/46,XY[9],三体细胞系占7/16。进一步行脐静脉穿刺,脐血染色体核型为46,XY。对羊水间期细胞行D20Z1(20p11.1-q11.1)和D20S1157/20QTEL14(20per/qter)探针的 FISH 分析,各个探针在所有细胞中均只出现2个信号。妊娠24周行系统胎儿超声检查未见异常。综合分析上述情况,考虑该20-三体嵌合体为假性嵌合体。孕妇及其家属决定继续妊娠,至妊娠39周经阴道分娩一男性活婴,儿科体格检查未见异常。该婴儿随访至生后7个月,外观及发育未见异常。取该婴儿外周血查染色体核型为46,XY,同时取其口腔颊黏膜脱落细胞行D20Z1、D20S1157/20QTEL14探针的间期FISH分析,在所有细胞中均只出现2个信号,进一步证实产前诊断的结果。结论对羊水20-三体嵌合体需进行充分评估,对孕妇及配偶进行充分的产前咨询。间期FISH对评估嵌合体具有重要价值。产后应对多种组织行染色体核型分析或间期FISH的复核。