利用常规观测资料、加密自动站资料、NCEP 1°×1°分析资料、FY-2E卫星及雷达资料等,采用诊断分析和对比分析方法,分析了2014年9月27—28日豫中南区域性暴雨的环流形势、强降水成因、中尺度特征及该过程与夏季暴雨的异同...利用常规观测资料、加密自动站资料、NCEP 1°×1°分析资料、FY-2E卫星及雷达资料等,采用诊断分析和对比分析方法,分析了2014年9月27—28日豫中南区域性暴雨的环流形势、强降水成因、中尺度特征及该过程与夏季暴雨的异同。结果表明:本次秋季暴雨过程是高空低槽、副高、中低层切变线、高低空急流、地面倒槽等系统共同作用的结果。持续的水汽辐合为暴雨提供了充沛的水汽条件,水汽通量大值区与水汽辐合中心分布及暴雨落区吻合;低层涡度的发展和水平风的切变导致垂直涡度发展,动力条件较好;K指数高值区对预报暴雨尤其强降水落区有较好指示意义,暴雨中心上空θse值随高度递减,高层低能舌叠加在低层高能区之上,强降水落区位于二者交汇的区域。低层偏东气流与高空槽前西南气流配合产生经向次级环流,上升运动增强;200 h Pa西风急流稳定维持,导致高层抽吸作用明显,有利于区域性暴雨发展。降水云团tbb一般在-32℃左右,发展高度明显低于夏季暴雨云团;降水前期回波为层云回波,后期转变为混合性回波,强降水主要由混合降水回波中的强对流云团导致的。中高层没有明显强冷空气,低层冷空气作用较大,东路冷空气一方面形成冷垫造成动力抬升,另一方面在低层与暖湿气流形成强水汽辐合,是本次秋季区域性暴雨的形成机制,也是不同于夏季暴雨的主要特征。展开更多
利用197-2014年GLDAS-CLM(Global Land Data Assimilation System-the Community Land Model)地表参量数据集、中国区域逐日观测资料格点化数据集(CN05.1)和ERA-nterim大气环流再分析数据,研究青藏高原5月(春季)土壤湿度的异常变化特征...利用197-2014年GLDAS-CLM(Global Land Data Assimilation System-the Community Land Model)地表参量数据集、中国区域逐日观测资料格点化数据集(CN05.1)和ERA-nterim大气环流再分析数据,研究青藏高原5月(春季)土壤湿度的异常变化特征与6月高原地表热通量的相关关系以及土壤湿度异常与我国夏季(7月)降水的联系和可能机理。结果表明:(1)1979-2014年5月青藏高原0~10 cm区域平均土壤湿度异常偏高年有2000,2001,2004,2005,2006和2013年;异常偏低年有1994,1995,1996,1998和1999年。高原整体土壤湿度2000年前较2000年后干燥。从空间分布来看,藏北高原、三江源地区以及藏南谷地土壤湿度偏高年较偏低年有明显增加,且结果通过了90%的置信度检验。(2)高原5月土壤湿度的异常变化与中国夏季的降水分布存在明显的相关关系,当青藏高原土壤较为湿润(干燥)时,从高纬至低纬地区,相关区呈现"正负正负"("负正负正")带状分布特点。(3)5月高原土壤异常湿润时,6月高原东部感热通量和西部的潜热通量异常增加,其共同作用会加强其大气低层辐合环流和大气高层辐散环流,使整个东亚中高纬地区850 hPa以上受强反气旋环流控制;高原东北部500 hPa及以上为反气旋环流,南部和西部为气旋性环流,环流场配置会使南亚高压加强东移,加强西太平洋副热带高压。(4)7月西太平洋副热带高压北侧黄淮地区伴有垂直上升运动,暖湿气流与东北冷涡西侧南下的干冷气流汇合,高层辐散配合低层辐合有利于黄淮地区降水。西北东部和华北区域由反气旋性环流控制,伴有较强的下沉运动,空气干冷,无充足的水汽输送,不利降水产生。展开更多
Interannual variation of summer precipitation in East China, and frequency of rainstorms during the monsoon season from 1961 to 2010, are analyzed in this study. It is found that the two variables show opposite trends...Interannual variation of summer precipitation in East China, and frequency of rainstorms during the monsoon season from 1961 to 2010, are analyzed in this study. It is found that the two variables show opposite trends on a decadal time scale: frequency of rainstorms increases significantly after the 1990 s, while summer precipitation in East China decreases during the same period. Analysis of the spatial distribution of summer rainstorm frequency from 1961 to 2010 indicates that it decreases from the southeast to the northwest at the east edge of the large-scale topography associated with the plateaus. Spatial distribution of rainstorms with daily rainfall greater than 50 mm is characterized by a "high in the southeast and low in the northwest" pattern, similar to the staircase distribution of the topography. However, the spatial distribution of variation in both summer precipitation and frequency of extreme rainstorms under global warming differs significantly from the three-step staircase topography. It is shown that moisture characteristics of summer precipitation and extreme rainstorms during the monsoon season in East China, including moisture transport pathways, moist flow pattern, and spatial structure of the merging area of moist flows, differ significantly. Areas of frequent rainstorms include the Yangtze River Valley and South China. Column-integrated moisture transport and its spatial structure could be summarized as a "merging" of three branches of intense moist flows from low and middle latitude oceans, and "convergence" of column-integrated moisture fluxes. The merging area for moist flow associated with rainstorms in the high frequency region is located slightly to the south of the monsoonal precipitation or non-rainstorm precipitation, with significantly strong moisture convergence. In addition, the summer moist flow pattern in East China has a great influence on the frequency of extreme rainstorms. Moisture flux vectors in the region of frequent rainstorms correspond to vortical flow pattern. A c展开更多
青藏高原汛期(5—9月)降水具有南北反相的空间分布特征,利用青藏高原67个台站1967—2008年逐月降水资料,分别讨论了汛期各月降水的主要空间分布型以及初夏(5—6月)和盛夏(7—8月)对应的水汽配置和环流异常。结果表明:初夏高原降水以南...青藏高原汛期(5—9月)降水具有南北反相的空间分布特征,利用青藏高原67个台站1967—2008年逐月降水资料,分别讨论了汛期各月降水的主要空间分布型以及初夏(5—6月)和盛夏(7—8月)对应的水汽配置和环流异常。结果表明:初夏高原降水以南北反相型(North-South Reverse Type,NSRT)为主,全区一致型(Whole Region Consistent Type,WRCT)次之;盛夏高原降水以WRCT为主。高原降水呈现NSRT分布时,初夏水汽由高原南部输向北部,而盛夏高原北部为水汽辐合区,南部为水汽辐散区。高原降水呈现WRCT分布时,初夏高原水汽主要来自西太平洋,盛夏水汽主要来自阿拉伯海向东转向的水汽输送,该水汽输送由高原西南地区进入高原。在500 h Pa位势高度场上,初夏(盛夏)降水两种主要空间分布型的位势高度差异以经(纬)向差异为主,且影响高原降水异常分布的系统多为深厚系统。展开更多
NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data were used to characterize stratospheric temperature and water-vapor anomalies before and after the freezing rain and snow disaster of South China in 2008,and the influence of stratospheric ci...NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data were used to characterize stratospheric temperature and water-vapor anomalies before and after the freezing rain and snow disaster of South China in 2008,and the influence of stratospheric circulation anomalies on the troposphere.Stratospheric temperature and water-vapor anomalies provided good leading indicators of this weather event.The period from December 1st 2007 to February 28th 2008 was divided into 18 pentads.During the 6th pentad,temperature decreased significantly at 10 hPa in the near-polar stratospheric region,and the decreasing trend strengthened and extended downward and southward to middle and lower latitudes.During the 14th-18th pentads,the temperature decrease reached its maximum and extended to 30°N.This coincided with the widespread freezing rain and snow event.By the end of January 2008,the temperature decrease ended in the near-polar stratospheric region,but continued in the mid-latitude area of the troposphere as the freezing rain and snow weather persisted.Similar to the temperature variations,positive anomalies of relative humidity in the stratospheric near-polar region also strengthened and extended downward and southward,coinciding with the freezing rain and snow event.Along with the significant relationship between the freezing rain and snow disaster and stratospheric circulation anomalies,the stratospheric polar vortex changed its shape in late December,intensifying and spreading downward from the top of the stratosphere and southward to the Asian continent,resulting in a deepening of the East Asian Trough and a strengthening of meridional circulation.Before the occurrence of the freezing rain and snow event,temperature and vapor increases in the stratosphere transferred downward to the troposphere,along with a stratospheric flow in the near-polar region southward to lower latitudes.展开更多
Based on 20 models from phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP6),this article explored possible reasons for differences in simulation biases and projected changes in precipitation in northern China ...Based on 20 models from phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP6),this article explored possible reasons for differences in simulation biases and projected changes in precipitation in northern China among the allmodel ensemble(AMME),“highest-ranked”model ensemble(BMME),and“lowest-ranked”model ensemble(WMME),from the perspective of atmospheric circulations and moisture budgets.The results show that the BMME and AMME reproduce the East Asian winter circulations better than the WMME.Compared with the AMME and WMME,the BMME reduces the overestimation of evaporation,thereby improving the simulation of winter precipitation.The three ensemble simulated biases for the East Asian summer circulations are generally similar,characterized by a stronger zonal pressure gradient between the mid-latitudes of the North Pacific and East Asia and a northward displacement of the East Asian westerly jet.However,the simulated vertical moisture advection is improved in the BMME,contributing to the slightly higher performance of the BMME than the AMME and WMME on summer precipitation in North and Northeast China.Compared to the AMME and WMME,the BMME projects larger increases in precipitation in northern China during both seasons by the end of the 21st century under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 5-8.5(SSP5-8.5).One of the reasons is that the increase in evaporation projected by the BMME is larger.The projection of a greater dynamic contribution by the BMME also plays a role.In addition,larger changes in the nonlinear components in the BMME projection contribute to a larger increase in winter precipitation in northern China.展开更多
With the extreme drought(flood)event in southern China from July to August in 2022(1999)as the research object,based on the comprehensive diagnosis and composite analysis on the anomalous drought and flood years from ...With the extreme drought(flood)event in southern China from July to August in 2022(1999)as the research object,based on the comprehensive diagnosis and composite analysis on the anomalous drought and flood years from July to August in 1961-2022,it is found that there are significant differences in the characteristics of the vertically integrated moisture flux(VIMF)anomaly circulation pattern and the VIMF convergence(VIMFC)anomaly in southern China in drought and flood years,and the VIMFC,a physical quantity,can be regarded as an indicative physical factor for the"strong signal"of drought and flood in southern China.Specifically,in drought years,the VIMF anomaly in southern China is an anticyclonic circulation pattern and the divergence characteristics of the VIMFC are prominent,while those are opposite in flood years.Based on the SST anomaly in the typical draught year of 2022 in southern China and the SST deviation distribution characteristics of abnormal draught and flood years from 1961 to 2022,five SST high impact areas(i.e.,the North Pacific Ocean,Northwest Pacific Ocean,Southwest Pacific Ocean,Indian Ocean,and East Pacific Ocean)are selected via the correlation analysis of VIMFC and the global SST in the preceding months(May and June)and in the study period(July and August)in 1961-2022,and their contributions to drought and flood in southern China are quantified.Our study reveals not only the persistent anomalous variation of SST in the Pacific and the Indian Ocean but also its impact on the pattern of moisture transport.Furthermore,it can be discovered from the positive and negative phase fitting of SST that the SST composite flow field in high impact areas can exhibit two types of anomalous moisture transport structures that are opposite to each other,namely an anticyclonic(cyclonic)circulation pattern anomaly in southern China and the coastal areas of east China.These two types of opposite anomalous moisture transport structures can not only drive the formation of drought(flood)in southern China but also展开更多
The deformation parameter (DP), which is defined as the product of shear deformation and stretching deformation of moisture flux circulation, is introduced. The tendency equation of DP is derived in pressure coordin...The deformation parameter (DP), which is defined as the product of shear deformation and stretching deformation of moisture flux circulation, is introduced. The tendency equation of DP is derived in pressure coordinates. Furthermore, DP is used to diagnose the deformation character of moisture flux circulation in the periphery of Bilis. The analysis showed that before Bilis landed, DP presented eight abnormal areas, which distributed alternately and closely encircled the low-pressure center. This indicated that the moisture flux circulation in the periphery of Bills rotated counterclockwise and stretched longitudinally and latitudinally to deform. After Bilis landed, DP weakened gradually and its regular pattern of horizontal distribution loosened. The shear and stretching deformations of moisture flux circulation surrounding Bilis weakened after the typhoon landed. The deformation of moisture flux circulation in the periphery of Bilis mainly appeared in the middle-lower troposphere. There existed 1/2 phase difference between the shear and stretching deformations in the vertical-latitudinal cross section and a π/4 phase difference between them on the horizontal plane. As Bilis landed and further moved inland of China, the intensities of DP, shear and stretching deformations decreased, meanwhile their vertical and horizontal structures became irregular. The chief dynamic factors responsible for the deformation of moisture flux circulation in the periphery of Bilis were the three terms associated with the three-dimensional advection transportation of DP, square difference between shear and stretching deformations coupling with Coriolis parameter, and horizontal gradient of geopotential height before Bilis landed. The last two dynamic factors impacted jointly on the deformation of moisture flux circulation after Bilis landed.展开更多
A record-breaking heavy rainfall swept across Suizhou of Hubei province in China on August 12,2021.It was characterized by suddenness and extremeness and caused severe socio-economic losses.To deepen the understanding...A record-breaking heavy rainfall swept across Suizhou of Hubei province in China on August 12,2021.It was characterized by suddenness and extremeness and caused severe socio-economic losses.To deepen the understanding of such an urban rainstorm and to improve the forecasting ability,this study revealed the dominant atmospheric circulation and moisture sources for this event.We performed a Lagrangian model FLEXPART to understand this event in terms of moisture sources and transport trajectories.Three key circulation systems affecting this extreme event were identified,including the western Pacific subtropical high(WPSH),the low-level southwesterly jet and an anticyclone over northern China.The low-level jet was lifted along the northern dry and cold air mass to form a front,resulting in the heavy rain.The moisture sources located on land contributed about 64%of the moisture.The development of the low-level southwesterly jet in southern China was strengthened near the time of the precipitation occurrence,providing the main moisture supply.Southern China(23°-32.5°N,98°-122°E)was the most important source region,which contributed the most to the precipitation(43.6%).The results highlight the prominent role of the terrestrial water cycle in this extreme precipitation event over Hubei.展开更多
The winters of 1997/1998 and 1998/1999, corresponding to E1 Nifio and La Nina episodes, respectively, were two typical rain-abundant and -scarce seasons for the southern China. In order to understand the cause of the ...The winters of 1997/1998 and 1998/1999, corresponding to E1 Nifio and La Nina episodes, respectively, were two typical rain-abundant and -scarce seasons for the southern China. In order to understand the cause of the anomalous precipitation during the two winters, a comparative analysis technique has been employed to investigate the differences in general circulation and moisture transportation between the two seasons. The results show that the abundant rainfall during the winter of 1997/1998 was associated with the ENSO warm episode event, eastward shifted weak westerly trough/ridge, weakened East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM), strengthened subtropical high, and presented two anti-cyclonic circulations over Hokkaido and the Philippine Sea, respectively, as well as one cyclonic circulation over the Yangtze River Basin in the anomalous wind fields of the lower troposphere. During the rain-scarce winter, however, the patterns of equatorial sea surface temperature anomalies and the circulation systems both in upper and lower levels were nearly the opposite of those during the rain-abundant winter. It has also been discovered that the water vapor over southern China during the winters came mainly from the southwesterly flow ahead of troughs in the southern branch of westerlies and the turning flow over the South China Sea-Indo-China Peninsula area; and the moisture transportation channels varied significantly with regard to height. The intensified flow in the southern branch of westerlies and the anti-cyclonic circulation anomaly over the Philippine Sea during the winter of 1997/1998 were favorable for moisture transportation to China's Mainland, however the two moisture transportation streams were dramatically weakened during the winter of 1998/1999 due to weak westerly flow and the dominance of a cold high system in the lower level over the southeast coast of China. Such a significant inter-annual change of moisture transportation is a key factor resulting in the obvious difference in precipitation between the tw展开更多
文摘利用常规观测资料、加密自动站资料、NCEP 1°×1°分析资料、FY-2E卫星及雷达资料等,采用诊断分析和对比分析方法,分析了2014年9月27—28日豫中南区域性暴雨的环流形势、强降水成因、中尺度特征及该过程与夏季暴雨的异同。结果表明:本次秋季暴雨过程是高空低槽、副高、中低层切变线、高低空急流、地面倒槽等系统共同作用的结果。持续的水汽辐合为暴雨提供了充沛的水汽条件,水汽通量大值区与水汽辐合中心分布及暴雨落区吻合;低层涡度的发展和水平风的切变导致垂直涡度发展,动力条件较好;K指数高值区对预报暴雨尤其强降水落区有较好指示意义,暴雨中心上空θse值随高度递减,高层低能舌叠加在低层高能区之上,强降水落区位于二者交汇的区域。低层偏东气流与高空槽前西南气流配合产生经向次级环流,上升运动增强;200 h Pa西风急流稳定维持,导致高层抽吸作用明显,有利于区域性暴雨发展。降水云团tbb一般在-32℃左右,发展高度明显低于夏季暴雨云团;降水前期回波为层云回波,后期转变为混合性回波,强降水主要由混合降水回波中的强对流云团导致的。中高层没有明显强冷空气,低层冷空气作用较大,东路冷空气一方面形成冷垫造成动力抬升,另一方面在低层与暖湿气流形成强水汽辐合,是本次秋季区域性暴雨的形成机制,也是不同于夏季暴雨的主要特征。
文摘利用197-2014年GLDAS-CLM(Global Land Data Assimilation System-the Community Land Model)地表参量数据集、中国区域逐日观测资料格点化数据集(CN05.1)和ERA-nterim大气环流再分析数据,研究青藏高原5月(春季)土壤湿度的异常变化特征与6月高原地表热通量的相关关系以及土壤湿度异常与我国夏季(7月)降水的联系和可能机理。结果表明:(1)1979-2014年5月青藏高原0~10 cm区域平均土壤湿度异常偏高年有2000,2001,2004,2005,2006和2013年;异常偏低年有1994,1995,1996,1998和1999年。高原整体土壤湿度2000年前较2000年后干燥。从空间分布来看,藏北高原、三江源地区以及藏南谷地土壤湿度偏高年较偏低年有明显增加,且结果通过了90%的置信度检验。(2)高原5月土壤湿度的异常变化与中国夏季的降水分布存在明显的相关关系,当青藏高原土壤较为湿润(干燥)时,从高纬至低纬地区,相关区呈现"正负正负"("负正负正")带状分布特点。(3)5月高原土壤异常湿润时,6月高原东部感热通量和西部的潜热通量异常增加,其共同作用会加强其大气低层辐合环流和大气高层辐散环流,使整个东亚中高纬地区850 hPa以上受强反气旋环流控制;高原东北部500 hPa及以上为反气旋环流,南部和西部为气旋性环流,环流场配置会使南亚高压加强东移,加强西太平洋副热带高压。(4)7月西太平洋副热带高压北侧黄淮地区伴有垂直上升运动,暖湿气流与东北冷涡西侧南下的干冷气流汇合,高层辐散配合低层辐合有利于黄淮地区降水。西北东部和华北区域由反气旋性环流控制,伴有较强的下沉运动,空气干冷,无充足的水汽输送,不利降水产生。
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41130960)the National Science and Technology Pillar Program of China (Grant No. 2012BAK10B04)the National Department of Public Benefit Research Foundation of China (Grant No. GYHY201406001)
文摘Interannual variation of summer precipitation in East China, and frequency of rainstorms during the monsoon season from 1961 to 2010, are analyzed in this study. It is found that the two variables show opposite trends on a decadal time scale: frequency of rainstorms increases significantly after the 1990 s, while summer precipitation in East China decreases during the same period. Analysis of the spatial distribution of summer rainstorm frequency from 1961 to 2010 indicates that it decreases from the southeast to the northwest at the east edge of the large-scale topography associated with the plateaus. Spatial distribution of rainstorms with daily rainfall greater than 50 mm is characterized by a "high in the southeast and low in the northwest" pattern, similar to the staircase distribution of the topography. However, the spatial distribution of variation in both summer precipitation and frequency of extreme rainstorms under global warming differs significantly from the three-step staircase topography. It is shown that moisture characteristics of summer precipitation and extreme rainstorms during the monsoon season in East China, including moisture transport pathways, moist flow pattern, and spatial structure of the merging area of moist flows, differ significantly. Areas of frequent rainstorms include the Yangtze River Valley and South China. Column-integrated moisture transport and its spatial structure could be summarized as a "merging" of three branches of intense moist flows from low and middle latitude oceans, and "convergence" of column-integrated moisture fluxes. The merging area for moist flow associated with rainstorms in the high frequency region is located slightly to the south of the monsoonal precipitation or non-rainstorm precipitation, with significantly strong moisture convergence. In addition, the summer moist flow pattern in East China has a great influence on the frequency of extreme rainstorms. Moisture flux vectors in the region of frequent rainstorms correspond to vortical flow pattern. A c
文摘青藏高原汛期(5—9月)降水具有南北反相的空间分布特征,利用青藏高原67个台站1967—2008年逐月降水资料,分别讨论了汛期各月降水的主要空间分布型以及初夏(5—6月)和盛夏(7—8月)对应的水汽配置和环流异常。结果表明:初夏高原降水以南北反相型(North-South Reverse Type,NSRT)为主,全区一致型(Whole Region Consistent Type,WRCT)次之;盛夏高原降水以WRCT为主。高原降水呈现NSRT分布时,初夏水汽由高原南部输向北部,而盛夏高原北部为水汽辐合区,南部为水汽辐散区。高原降水呈现WRCT分布时,初夏高原水汽主要来自西太平洋,盛夏水汽主要来自阿拉伯海向东转向的水汽输送,该水汽输送由高原西南地区进入高原。在500 h Pa位势高度场上,初夏(盛夏)降水两种主要空间分布型的位势高度差异以经(纬)向差异为主,且影响高原降水异常分布的系统多为深厚系统。
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41005021,40830955)Scientific Research Foundation of CUIT(Grant No.CSRF20102)Special Fund for Public Welfare Industry(meteorology)(Grant No.GYHY(QX)2007-6-37)
文摘NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data were used to characterize stratospheric temperature and water-vapor anomalies before and after the freezing rain and snow disaster of South China in 2008,and the influence of stratospheric circulation anomalies on the troposphere.Stratospheric temperature and water-vapor anomalies provided good leading indicators of this weather event.The period from December 1st 2007 to February 28th 2008 was divided into 18 pentads.During the 6th pentad,temperature decreased significantly at 10 hPa in the near-polar stratospheric region,and the decreasing trend strengthened and extended downward and southward to middle and lower latitudes.During the 14th-18th pentads,the temperature decrease reached its maximum and extended to 30°N.This coincided with the widespread freezing rain and snow event.By the end of January 2008,the temperature decrease ended in the near-polar stratospheric region,but continued in the mid-latitude area of the troposphere as the freezing rain and snow weather persisted.Similar to the temperature variations,positive anomalies of relative humidity in the stratospheric near-polar region also strengthened and extended downward and southward,coinciding with the freezing rain and snow event.Along with the significant relationship between the freezing rain and snow disaster and stratospheric circulation anomalies,the stratospheric polar vortex changed its shape in late December,intensifying and spreading downward from the top of the stratosphere and southward to the Asian continent,resulting in a deepening of the East Asian Trough and a strengthening of meridional circulation.Before the occurrence of the freezing rain and snow event,temperature and vapor increases in the stratosphere transferred downward to the troposphere,along with a stratospheric flow in the near-polar region southward to lower latitudes.
基金jointly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41991285)the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2017YFA0605004)the Program for Distinguished Professors of Jiangsu。
文摘Based on 20 models from phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP6),this article explored possible reasons for differences in simulation biases and projected changes in precipitation in northern China among the allmodel ensemble(AMME),“highest-ranked”model ensemble(BMME),and“lowest-ranked”model ensemble(WMME),from the perspective of atmospheric circulations and moisture budgets.The results show that the BMME and AMME reproduce the East Asian winter circulations better than the WMME.Compared with the AMME and WMME,the BMME reduces the overestimation of evaporation,thereby improving the simulation of winter precipitation.The three ensemble simulated biases for the East Asian summer circulations are generally similar,characterized by a stronger zonal pressure gradient between the mid-latitudes of the North Pacific and East Asia and a northward displacement of the East Asian westerly jet.However,the simulated vertical moisture advection is improved in the BMME,contributing to the slightly higher performance of the BMME than the AMME and WMME on summer precipitation in North and Northeast China.Compared to the AMME and WMME,the BMME projects larger increases in precipitation in northern China during both seasons by the end of the 21st century under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 5-8.5(SSP5-8.5).One of the reasons is that the increase in evaporation projected by the BMME is larger.The projection of a greater dynamic contribution by the BMME also plays a role.In addition,larger changes in the nonlinear components in the BMME projection contribute to a larger increase in winter precipitation in northern China.
基金The Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research(STEP)Program(2019QZKK0105)the Science and Technology Development Fund of the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences(2022KJ022)+2 种基金Special Fund for the Basic Scientific Research Expenses of the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences(2021Z013)the Science and Technology Development Fund of the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences(2022KJ021)Major Projects of the Natural Science Foundation of China(91337000)。
文摘With the extreme drought(flood)event in southern China from July to August in 2022(1999)as the research object,based on the comprehensive diagnosis and composite analysis on the anomalous drought and flood years from July to August in 1961-2022,it is found that there are significant differences in the characteristics of the vertically integrated moisture flux(VIMF)anomaly circulation pattern and the VIMF convergence(VIMFC)anomaly in southern China in drought and flood years,and the VIMFC,a physical quantity,can be regarded as an indicative physical factor for the"strong signal"of drought and flood in southern China.Specifically,in drought years,the VIMF anomaly in southern China is an anticyclonic circulation pattern and the divergence characteristics of the VIMFC are prominent,while those are opposite in flood years.Based on the SST anomaly in the typical draught year of 2022 in southern China and the SST deviation distribution characteristics of abnormal draught and flood years from 1961 to 2022,five SST high impact areas(i.e.,the North Pacific Ocean,Northwest Pacific Ocean,Southwest Pacific Ocean,Indian Ocean,and East Pacific Ocean)are selected via the correlation analysis of VIMFC and the global SST in the preceding months(May and June)and in the study period(July and August)in 1961-2022,and their contributions to drought and flood in southern China are quantified.Our study reveals not only the persistent anomalous variation of SST in the Pacific and the Indian Ocean but also its impact on the pattern of moisture transport.Furthermore,it can be discovered from the positive and negative phase fitting of SST that the SST composite flow field in high impact areas can exhibit two types of anomalous moisture transport structures that are opposite to each other,namely an anticyclonic(cyclonic)circulation pattern anomaly in southern China and the coastal areas of east China.These two types of opposite anomalous moisture transport structures can not only drive the formation of drought(flood)in southern China but also
基金National Basic Research Program of China (2009CB421505)National Natural Sciences Foundations of China (40875032 and 40875002)Major Foreland Project of IAP (IAP07201)
文摘The deformation parameter (DP), which is defined as the product of shear deformation and stretching deformation of moisture flux circulation, is introduced. The tendency equation of DP is derived in pressure coordinates. Furthermore, DP is used to diagnose the deformation character of moisture flux circulation in the periphery of Bilis. The analysis showed that before Bilis landed, DP presented eight abnormal areas, which distributed alternately and closely encircled the low-pressure center. This indicated that the moisture flux circulation in the periphery of Bills rotated counterclockwise and stretched longitudinally and latitudinally to deform. After Bilis landed, DP weakened gradually and its regular pattern of horizontal distribution loosened. The shear and stretching deformations of moisture flux circulation surrounding Bilis weakened after the typhoon landed. The deformation of moisture flux circulation in the periphery of Bilis mainly appeared in the middle-lower troposphere. There existed 1/2 phase difference between the shear and stretching deformations in the vertical-latitudinal cross section and a π/4 phase difference between them on the horizontal plane. As Bilis landed and further moved inland of China, the intensities of DP, shear and stretching deformations decreased, meanwhile their vertical and horizontal structures became irregular. The chief dynamic factors responsible for the deformation of moisture flux circulation in the periphery of Bilis were the three terms associated with the three-dimensional advection transportation of DP, square difference between shear and stretching deformations coupling with Coriolis parameter, and horizontal gradient of geopotential height before Bilis landed. The last two dynamic factors impacted jointly on the deformation of moisture flux circulation after Bilis landed.
基金Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research(STEP)program(2019QZKK0102)Chinese Academy of Sciences under grant from K.C.Wong Education Foundation。
文摘A record-breaking heavy rainfall swept across Suizhou of Hubei province in China on August 12,2021.It was characterized by suddenness and extremeness and caused severe socio-economic losses.To deepen the understanding of such an urban rainstorm and to improve the forecasting ability,this study revealed the dominant atmospheric circulation and moisture sources for this event.We performed a Lagrangian model FLEXPART to understand this event in terms of moisture sources and transport trajectories.Three key circulation systems affecting this extreme event were identified,including the western Pacific subtropical high(WPSH),the low-level southwesterly jet and an anticyclone over northern China.The low-level jet was lifted along the northern dry and cold air mass to form a front,resulting in the heavy rain.The moisture sources located on land contributed about 64%of the moisture.The development of the low-level southwesterly jet in southern China was strengthened near the time of the precipitation occurrence,providing the main moisture supply.Southern China(23°-32.5°N,98°-122°E)was the most important source region,which contributed the most to the precipitation(43.6%).The results highlight the prominent role of the terrestrial water cycle in this extreme precipitation event over Hubei.
基金Supported by the project from the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China under Grant No.2001BA611B-01.
文摘The winters of 1997/1998 and 1998/1999, corresponding to E1 Nifio and La Nina episodes, respectively, were two typical rain-abundant and -scarce seasons for the southern China. In order to understand the cause of the anomalous precipitation during the two winters, a comparative analysis technique has been employed to investigate the differences in general circulation and moisture transportation between the two seasons. The results show that the abundant rainfall during the winter of 1997/1998 was associated with the ENSO warm episode event, eastward shifted weak westerly trough/ridge, weakened East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM), strengthened subtropical high, and presented two anti-cyclonic circulations over Hokkaido and the Philippine Sea, respectively, as well as one cyclonic circulation over the Yangtze River Basin in the anomalous wind fields of the lower troposphere. During the rain-scarce winter, however, the patterns of equatorial sea surface temperature anomalies and the circulation systems both in upper and lower levels were nearly the opposite of those during the rain-abundant winter. It has also been discovered that the water vapor over southern China during the winters came mainly from the southwesterly flow ahead of troughs in the southern branch of westerlies and the turning flow over the South China Sea-Indo-China Peninsula area; and the moisture transportation channels varied significantly with regard to height. The intensified flow in the southern branch of westerlies and the anti-cyclonic circulation anomaly over the Philippine Sea during the winter of 1997/1998 were favorable for moisture transportation to China's Mainland, however the two moisture transportation streams were dramatically weakened during the winter of 1998/1999 due to weak westerly flow and the dominance of a cold high system in the lower level over the southeast coast of China. Such a significant inter-annual change of moisture transportation is a key factor resulting in the obvious difference in precipitation between the tw