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Promoting-mode free formalism for excited state radiationless decay process with Duschinsky rotation effect 被引量:7
作者 NIU YingLi PENG Qian SHUAI ZhiGang 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2008年第12期1153-1158,共6页
In the present work, through the path integral of Gaussian type correlation function, a new formalism based on Fermi-Golden Rule for calculating the rate constant of nonradiative decay process with Duschinsky rotation... In the present work, through the path integral of Gaussian type correlation function, a new formalism based on Fermi-Golden Rule for calculating the rate constant of nonradiative decay process with Duschinsky rotation effect in polyatomic molecules is developed. The advantage of the present path-integral formalism is promoting-mode free. In order to get the rate constant, a "transition rate matrix" needs to be calculated. The rate constant calculated previously is only an approximation of diagonal elements of our "transition rate matrix " . The total rate should be the summation over all the matrix elements. 展开更多
关键词 Duschinsky ROTATION radiationless decay correlation function path integral promoting-mode free
Effect of internal bubbly flow on pipe vibrations 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG MingMing & XU JianZhong Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第2期423-428,共6页
This paper presents an experimental investigation on wall vibrations of a pipe due to injection of a uniform bubble cloud into the pipe flow. For different bubble void fractions and averaged bubble sizes, the vibratio... This paper presents an experimental investigation on wall vibrations of a pipe due to injection of a uniform bubble cloud into the pipe flow. For different bubble void fractions and averaged bubble sizes, the vibrations were measured using accelerometers. To understand the underlying physics, the evolution of the vibration spectra along the streamwise direction was examined. Results showed that wall vibrations were greatly enhanced up to 25 dB, compared with no bubble case. The characteristics of the vibration were mainly dependent on void fraction. These vibrations were believed to be caused by two mechanisms: acoustic resonance and normal modes of the bubble cloud. The former, originating from the interaction between the first mode of the bubble cloud and the first acoustic mode of the pipe, persisted along the entire pipe to enhance the vibration over a broad band frequency range, while the later, due to the process of bubble formation, successively decayed in the streamwise direction. 展开更多
关键词 PIPE vibration bubbly flow ACOUSTIC RESONANCE NORMAL mode decay rate
高速公路不同养护策略的对比分析 被引量:2
作者 乐兴堃 索智 +1 位作者 李振 徐世法 《北京建筑工程学院学报》 2012年第2期19-24,共6页
以某高速公路长期养护为例,从结合预防性养护规划和单纯矫正性养护规划两个方面出发,建立两种长期的养护计划方案,得到两种养护方案下各路面性能指数的变化趋势.最后在高速公路的使用寿命、经济效益和路用性能三个方面,说明预防性养护... 以某高速公路长期养护为例,从结合预防性养护规划和单纯矫正性养护规划两个方面出发,建立两种长期的养护计划方案,得到两种养护方案下各路面性能指数的变化趋势.最后在高速公路的使用寿命、经济效益和路用性能三个方面,说明预防性养护在高速公路养护中的优越性,并倡导在高速公路养护中积极运用预防性养护. 展开更多
关键词 高速公路 预防性养护 衰变模型 使用寿命 现值 路面综合评价指数
Constraint on the warped space from → X_s γ
作者 陈建宾 冯太傅 +1 位作者 高铁军 孙科盛 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第6期18-25,共8页
We analyze the theoretical prediction on the branching ratio of B→Xsγ to order ∧^2EW/∧^2KK in extension of the standard model with a warped extra dimension and the custodial symmetry SU(3)c×SU(2)L×S... We analyze the theoretical prediction on the branching ratio of B→Xsγ to order ∧^2EW/∧^2KK in extension of the standard model with a warped extra dimension and the custodial symmetry SU(3)c×SU(2)L×SU(2)R×U(1)××PLR, where AKK denotes the energy scale of low-lying Kaluze-Klein excitations and AEW denotes the electroweak energy scale. Contributions from the infinite series of Kaluze-Klein excitations are summed over through the residue theorem. The numerical result indicates that the present experimental data constrain the parameter space of the concerned model strongly. 展开更多
关键词 rare decay warped extra dimension Kaluza-Klein mode
作者 张一方 《新疆大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1990年第3期43-48,共6页
本文半理论半唯象地系统探讨了所有较稳定粒子的衰变道和分支比的规律,得到了衰变道间的4个定性关系;并定量论述了已知的衰变率公式及其推广,某些衰变宽度与质量差的乘方成正比,ΔI=1/2的应用,有些宽度成比例,衰变道多的粒子的分支比常... 本文半理论半唯象地系统探讨了所有较稳定粒子的衰变道和分支比的规律,得到了衰变道间的4个定性关系;并定量论述了已知的衰变率公式及其推广,某些衰变宽度与质量差的乘方成正比,ΔI=1/2的应用,有些宽度成比例,衰变道多的粒子的分支比常是等比的等等. 展开更多
关键词 衰变道 分支比 衰变规律 粒子 几率
The Use of MCRD Technique in Mode Shapes Extraction
作者 Ahmed. A. Elshafey Mahmoud R. Haddara H. Marzouk 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第7期26-33,共8页
The random decrement technique is an averaging technique that can be used to extract the free decay response of the structure from its random stationary vibratory response. The free decay response can then be used to ... The random decrement technique is an averaging technique that can be used to extract the free decay response of the structure from its random stationary vibratory response. The free decay response can then be used to identify the vibratory characteristics of the structure. The main advantage of the technique is that the identification of the parameters of the structure is achieved without previous knowledge of the excitation forces. This paper extends the random decrement technique to obtain the mode shapes of the structure using the concept of a multichannel random decrement technique (MCRD). This technique is based on extracting simultaneous random decrement records from measurements made at several points on the structure. The method is very efficient and simple. Numerical examples are solved and compared with the exact mode shapes extracted using classical modal analysis. An excellent agreement between the extracted modes shapes using the MCRD and those obtained from the classical modal analysis techniques is achieved. The vibration of an offshore structure excited by white noise excitation is used to illustrate the method. 展开更多
关键词 mode shapes multichannel random decrement free decay
具有中继谐振线圈的磁耦合谐振无线电能传输系统 被引量:24
作者 田子建 林越 +3 位作者 杨洪文 樊京 陈健 李玮祥 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第S1期168-174,共7页
论文首先通过耦合模理论建立了具有中继谐振线圈的磁耦合谐振式无线电能传输系统的高阶数学模型,在此基础上分析了该系统耦合系数、谐振线圈衰减率及负载端衰减率对系统传输效率的影响,并进一步得出了系统取得最大传输效率所需满足的约... 论文首先通过耦合模理论建立了具有中继谐振线圈的磁耦合谐振式无线电能传输系统的高阶数学模型,在此基础上分析了该系统耦合系数、谐振线圈衰减率及负载端衰减率对系统传输效率的影响,并进一步得出了系统取得最大传输效率所需满足的约束条件和控制函数。最后根据理论分析搭建相关系统进行仿真和实验,并与无中继线圈的无线输电系统做了对比,结果验证了约束条件及控制函数与最大传输效率理论分析的正确性,以及该系统在能量传输距离和效率方面的优势,为后续设计远距离、高效率的无线电能传输系统提供了有效的参考。 展开更多
关键词 无线电能传输 中继谐振线圈 耦合模 传输效率 谐振线圈衰减率 耦合系数
^(265)Bh(Z=107)同位素的首次观测 被引量:14
作者 甘再国 范红梅 +19 位作者 秦芝 吴晓蕾 郭俊盛 雷相国 董成富 徐华根 陈若富 张福明 郭斌 刘洪业 王华磊 谢成营 冯兆庆 郑勇 宋立涛 骆鹏 徐瑚珊 周小红 靳根明 任中洲 《高能物理与核物理》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期332-334,共3页
在兰州的重离子加速器上用 2 6Mg离子束轰击 2 43 Am靶 ,产生了新同位素 2 65Bh .通过观测新同位素 2 65Bh和它的已知子核 2 61Db和 2 57Lr之间的α衰变的关联 ,实现了对新核素的鉴别 .实验中使用了一套新建立的具有数个探测器对的转轮... 在兰州的重离子加速器上用 2 6Mg离子束轰击 2 43 Am靶 ,产生了新同位素 2 65Bh .通过观测新同位素 2 65Bh和它的已知子核 2 61Db和 2 57Lr之间的α衰变的关联 ,实现了对新核素的鉴别 .实验中使用了一套新建立的具有数个探测器对的转轮收集探测系统 .将该系统用于特殊的母 -子核搜索模式 ,从而大大减少了本底 .共测得了 8个 2 65Bh的α衰变关联事件 ;同时 4个已知核 2 64Bh的衰变关联事件也被鉴别出来 .实验测得 2 65Bh的α衰变能量为 (9.2 4± 0 .0 5 )MeV ,半衰期为 0 .94 + 0 .70-0 .3 1s . 展开更多
关键词 新核素 α-α关联 Α衰变 母子核模式 衰变特性
基于改进两步移动搜索法的轨道交通接驳可达性分析 被引量:6
作者 袁红霞 徐菱 +1 位作者 严余松 江文辉 《交通运输系统工程与信息》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期113-119,共7页
研究城市轨道交通接驳可达性对提升轨道交通服务水平具有重要意义。本文从居民出发地角度,运用基于距离衰减的改进两步移动搜索法,计算并对比分析从居民出发地分别采取步行、共享单车和公交这3种接驳方式到达轨道交通站点的接驳可达性... 研究城市轨道交通接驳可达性对提升轨道交通服务水平具有重要意义。本文从居民出发地角度,运用基于距离衰减的改进两步移动搜索法,计算并对比分析从居民出发地分别采取步行、共享单车和公交这3种接驳方式到达轨道交通站点的接驳可达性。以成都三环外地铁2号线和6号线沿线区域为例,运用ArcGIS工具分析区域居民出发地的可达性空间分布差异和不同接驳方式的可达性差异,并结合人口分布梳理轨道交通出行重点区域,挖掘出行盲区。计算结果表明:越靠近轨道交通站和越靠近城市中心的区域,3种接驳方式的平均可达性越高;总体上,步行接驳可达性最小,空间分布差异最明显;步行、共享单车和公交接驳可达性高的区域分别集中在轨道站0.8,1.5,3.0 km服务半径范围内;公交沿线接驳可达性高于非沿线接驳可达性;通过对比可达性和人口空间分布,有效识别区域轨道交通出行的重点盲区、次要盲区、一般盲区和隐性盲区。 展开更多
关键词 城市交通 接驳可达性 改进两步移动搜索法 距离衰减
An Implantation and Detection System for Spectroscopy of 22,24Si 被引量:1
作者 孙立杰 徐新星 +35 位作者 林承键 王建松 方德清 李智焕 王玉廷 李晶 杨磊 马南茹 王康 臧宏亮 王宏伟 李琛 施晨钟 聂茂武 李秀芳 李贺 马军兵 马朋 金仕纶 黄美容 白真 王建国 杨峰 贾会明 张焕乔 刘祖华 包鹏飞 王东玺 吴振东 杨彦云 陈志强 苏俊 谌阳平 周远杰 马维虎 陈杰 《原子核物理评论》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期230-234,共5页
A new decay detection system with high detection efficiency and low detection threshold has been developed for charged-particle decay studies, including β-delayed proton, α decay or direct proton emission from proto... A new decay detection system with high detection efficiency and low detection threshold has been developed for charged-particle decay studies, including β-delayed proton, α decay or direct proton emission from proton-rich nuclei. The detection system was tested by using the β-delayed proton emitter ^(24)Si and was commissioned in the decay study of ^(22)Si produced by projectile fragmentation at the First Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou. Under a continuous-beam mode, the isotopes of interest were implanted into two double-sided silicon strip detectors, where the subsequent decays were measured and correlated to the preceding implantations by using position and time information. The system allows to measure protons with energies down to about 200 ke V without obvious β background in the proton spectrum. Further application of the detection system can be extended to the measurements of β-delayed proton decay and the direct proton emission of other exotic proton-rich nuclei. 展开更多
关键词 β-delayed proton decay direct proton decay double-sided silicon strip detector continuousbeam mode implantation-decay correlation
万吨级反渗透海水淡化高压泵级数的优化选择 被引量:5
作者 胡敬宁 江伟 +1 位作者 叶晓琰 刘三华 《排灌机械工程学报》 EI 2010年第1期43-46,87,共5页
反渗透海水淡化高压多级离心泵为新型轴向吸入节段式多级泵.为了提高其效率以及转子系统的稳定性,利用ANSYS有限元分析软件,对不同级数的海水淡化多级泵转子-轴承系统进行了模态分析,计算了转子系统的临界速度,研究了临界转速与级数的... 反渗透海水淡化高压多级离心泵为新型轴向吸入节段式多级泵.为了提高其效率以及转子系统的稳定性,利用ANSYS有限元分析软件,对不同级数的海水淡化多级泵转子-轴承系统进行了模态分析,计算了转子系统的临界速度,研究了临界转速与级数的关系以及对数衰减率与级数的关系,并结合多级泵效率与级数的关系,讨论了海水淡化高压泵级数的最优选择.综合转子系统的稳定性和效率两方面因素,海水淡化用高压多级泵选用6级较为合适.可为设计过程中对参数的合理选择提供一些参考依据. 展开更多
关键词 多级离心泵 转子-轴承系统 模态分析 临界转速 对数衰减率 海水淡化
声-超声检测技术 被引量:4
作者 常新龙 尼涛 艾春安 《无损检测》 2009年第5期381-385,共5页
声-超声技术用以评估弥散缺陷分布以及由此产生的材料力学性质变化,已成功应用于金属、复合材料、粘接结构和木材等的无损检测。综述了声-超声检测技术发展现状。在阐述声-超声技术基本思想的基础上,分析了声-超声检测系统的组成及影响... 声-超声技术用以评估弥散缺陷分布以及由此产生的材料力学性质变化,已成功应用于金属、复合材料、粘接结构和木材等的无损检测。综述了声-超声检测技术发展现状。在阐述声-超声技术基本思想的基础上,分析了声-超声检测系统的组成及影响检测结果的各种因素。重点讨论了传播模型研究中的自然模态和频散模态分析,以及信号处理方法中的应力波因子法、超声波衰减率法和统计分析法等。最后对声-超声技术进一步研究的关键技术进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 声-超声检测技术 可重现性 自然模态 频散模态 应力波因子 超声波衰减率 平均时间 功率谱形心
水下多电机协同推进及其动态面反步滑模控制 被引量:5
作者 杨冠军 王伟然 +3 位作者 闫景昊 朱志宇 曾庆军 戴晓强 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2022年第10期3982-3990,共9页
复杂多变暗流湍急的水下环境会造成水下机器人姿态失衡,严重时会破坏船体稳定造成偏航。针对大幅度转弯工况与应对外部随机扰动等问题,提出一种归一化的比例同步系数分配方法,构造虚拟主轴多电机协同控制系统的输入,实时调配各个从动轴... 复杂多变暗流湍急的水下环境会造成水下机器人姿态失衡,严重时会破坏船体稳定造成偏航。针对大幅度转弯工况与应对外部随机扰动等问题,提出一种归一化的比例同步系数分配方法,构造虚拟主轴多电机协同控制系统的输入,实时调配各个从动轴推进电机的参考转速;针对该方法中异速差异大、动态响应高的需求,设计有限时间动态面反步滑模控制器,提升系统响应速度;并设计指数衰减转矩观测器,以解决水下机器人不能安装转矩传感器,但虚拟主轴方法对转矩检测精度要求较高的矛盾。仿真与实验结果表明,这种异速协同控制方法在处理瞬时大负载变化与恒定非线性扰动时,可以做到较好的实时性、鲁棒性和精度之间的平衡。 展开更多
关键词 水下机器人 虚拟主轴 多电机异速协同控制 动态面反步滑模控制 指数衰减转矩观测器
Evolution of a two-mode squeezed vacuum for amplitude decay via continuous-variable entangled state approach 被引量:2
作者 Xiang-Guo Meng Ji-Suo Wang +1 位作者 Bao-Long Liang Cheng-Xuan Han 《Frontiers of physics》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第5期231-239,共9页
Extending the recent work completed by Fan et al. [Front. Phys. 9(1), 74 (2014)] to a two-mode case, we investigate how a two-mode squeezed vacuum evolves when it undergoes a two-mode amplitude dissipative channel... Extending the recent work completed by Fan et al. [Front. Phys. 9(1), 74 (2014)] to a two-mode case, we investigate how a two-mode squeezed vacuum evolves when it undergoes a two-mode amplitude dissipative channel, with the same decay rate ~, using the continuous-variable entangled state approach. Our analytical results show that the initial pure-squeezed vacuum state evolves into a definite mixed state with entanglement and squeezing, decaying over time as a result of amplitude decay. We also investigate the time evolutions of the photon number distribution, the Wigner function, and the optical tomogram in this channel. Our results indicate that the evolved photon number distribution is related to Jacobi polynomials, the Wigner function has a standard Gaussian distribution (corresponding to the vacuum) at long periods, losing its nonclassicality due to amplitude decay, and a larger squeezing leads to a longer decay time. 展开更多
关键词 two-mode squeezed vacuum amplitude decay continuous-variable entangled staterepresentation photon number distribution Wigner function optical tomogram
Recent progress in MgB_(2)superconducting joint technology 被引量:2
作者 Hao Liang Dipak Patel +6 位作者 Mahboobeh Shahbazi Andrzej Morawski Daniel Gajda Matt Rindfleisch Richard Taylor Yusuke Yamauchi Md Shahriar A.Hossain 《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第7期2217-2229,共13页
Magnesium diboride(MgB_(2))magnets have the potential to be the next-generation liquid-helium-free magnet for magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)application due to their relatively high superconducting transition temperat... Magnesium diboride(MgB_(2))magnets have the potential to be the next-generation liquid-helium-free magnet for magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)application due to their relatively high superconducting transition temperature,high current density and low raw material cost compared with current commercial niobium-titanium(Nb-Ti)magnets.A typical superconducting magnet includes several coils.To produce an ultra-stable magnetic field for imaging in MRI,a superconducting electromagnet operating in a persistent mode is crucial.Superconducting coils of the electromagnet in MRI are short-circuited to operate in the persistent mode by connecting coils with superconducting joints.Per-sistent joints have been demonstrated for in-situ and ex-situ wires of both mono-and multi-filamentary structures,made predominantly by PIT techniques similar to those used in wire production.To realise further engagement of MgB_(2)in MRI applications,enhancing the performance of MgB_(2)superconducting joints is essential.This literature review summarises research and development on MgB_(2)superconducting joining technology. 展开更多
关键词 MgB_(2) Superconducting joints Persistent-mode magnets MRI application Field-decay measurement
腔光机械系统的纠缠演化特征 被引量:3
作者 闫学群 岳建林 《天津工业大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第3期72-75,共4页
为深入了解微型腔光机械系统的量子效应,对双腔光机械系统的光场模纠缠演化特性进行研究,重点分析了初始态参数对系统量子纠缠的影响.结果表明:随着初始态参数α的增大,系统将达到最大纠缠态,即系统的纠缠度为1;另外,系统纠缠度越大,纠... 为深入了解微型腔光机械系统的量子效应,对双腔光机械系统的光场模纠缠演化特性进行研究,重点分析了初始态参数对系统量子纠缠的影响.结果表明:随着初始态参数α的增大,系统将达到最大纠缠态,即系统的纠缠度为1;另外,系统纠缠度越大,纠缠度随时间演化的衰减速率就越大;然而,系统纠缠度越大,纠缠存活的时间就越长,这个特性对于应用是有益处的. 展开更多
关键词 腔光机械系统 光场模纠缠 纠缠演化 衰减速率 量子效应
Decay Mode Solutions to (2 + 1)-Dimensional Burgers Equation, Cylindrical Burgers Equation and Spherical Burgers Equation 被引量:1
作者 Xiangzheng Li Jinliang Zhang Mingliang Wang 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2017年第5期1009-1015,共7页
Three (2 + 1)-dimensional equations—Burgers equation, cylindrical Burgers equation and spherical Burgers equation, have been reduced to the classical Burgers equation by different transformation of variables respecti... Three (2 + 1)-dimensional equations—Burgers equation, cylindrical Burgers equation and spherical Burgers equation, have been reduced to the classical Burgers equation by different transformation of variables respectively. The decay mode solutions of the Burgers equation have been obtained by using the extended -expansion method, substituting the solutions obtained into the corresponding transformation of variables, the decay mode solutions of the three (2 + 1)-dimensional equations have been obtained successfully. 展开更多
关键词 decay mode Solution (2 + 1)-Burgers EQUATION (2 + 1)-Cylindrical BURGERS EQUATION (2 + 1)-Spherical BURGERS EQUATION Transformation of Variables Extended (G'/G)-Expansion Method
Superpave13混合料级配与构造深度关系 被引量:2
作者 李志强 《价值工程》 2014年第6期92-94,共3页
在某条高速Superpave13混合料施工过程中现场随机抽取试样,通过抽提试验确定混合料的级配。在混合料铺筑完成后次日现场取芯分析路面压实度,同时采用铺砂法确定路面构造深度(TD),采用多元非线性回归法分析构造深度与级配关系,并在路面... 在某条高速Superpave13混合料施工过程中现场随机抽取试样,通过抽提试验确定混合料的级配。在混合料铺筑完成后次日现场取芯分析路面压实度,同时采用铺砂法确定路面构造深度(TD),采用多元非线性回归法分析构造深度与级配关系,并在路面通车半年、一年后对路面构造深度进行测试,分析构造深度随时间衰变规律。通过分析得知在施工过程中路面压实度满足要求的情况下,级配与构造深度有着很好的相关性。同一公路不同路段,由于交通量的差异,导致构造深衰变规律有一定的差异,在排除交通轴载对构造深度的影响因素后,构造深度随时间有着很好的相关性。 展开更多
关键词 Superpave13混合料 构造深度(TD) 多元非线性回归模型 衰变规律 TEXTURE depth(TD)
Mode-Coupling Analysis of Parametric Decay Instability in Magnetized Plasmas
作者 袁媛 江中和 +2 位作者 郭伟欣 孙新锋 胡希伟 《Plasma Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第9期809-814,共6页
In this paper, derived from Maxwell and fluid equations of plasmas, unified nonlinear wave equations are used to describe the parametric decay instability (PDI) in magnetized plasmas, and in view of mode-coupling, w... In this paper, derived from Maxwell and fluid equations of plasmas, unified nonlinear wave equations are used to describe the parametric decay instability (PDI) in magnetized plasmas, and in view of mode-coupling, we can obtain all the possible PDI channels. By solving the nonlinear equations with a mode-coupling method, we obtain the growth rate of the PDI, of which all of the three waves are ordinary mode (O-mode) or extraordinary mode (X-mode) wave. Under the dipole approximation, an explicit formula of the growth rate of the X-mode and the condition of the equilibrium density scale are obtained. According to the existence conditions of three X-mode waves, this kind of instability might exist in ECRH with the second harmonic X-mode wave. 展开更多
关键词 magnetized plasma parametric decay instability mode-coupling theory growth rate
Unconventional geometric logic gate in a strong-driving-assisted multi-mode cavity
作者 潘长宁 杨迪武 +1 位作者 赵学辉 方卯发 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第8期103-109,共7页
We propose a scheme to implement an unconventional geometric logic gate separately in a two-mode cavity and a multi-mode cavity assisted by a strong classical driving field. The effect of the cavity decay is included ... We propose a scheme to implement an unconventional geometric logic gate separately in a two-mode cavity and a multi-mode cavity assisted by a strong classical driving field. The effect of the cavity decay is included in the investigation. The numerical calculation is carried out, and the result shows that our scheme is more tolerant to cavity decay than the previous one because the time consumed for finishing the logic gate is doubly reduced. 展开更多
关键词 unconventional geometric gate multi-mode cavity cavity decay
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