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Searching for the Nano-Hertz Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background with the Chinese Pulsar Timing Array Data ReleaseⅠ 被引量:19
作者 Heng Xu Siyuan Chen +24 位作者 Yanjun Guo Jinchen Jiang Bojun Wang Jiangwei Xu Zihan Xue RNicolas Caballero Jianping Yuan Yonghua Xu Jingbo Wang Longfei Hao Jingtao Luo Kejia Lee Jinlin Han Peng Jiang Zhiqiang Shen Min Wang Na Wang Renxin Xu Xiangping Wu Richard Manchester Lei Qian Xin Guan Menglin Huang Chun Sun Yan Zhu 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第7期300-311,共12页
Observing and timing a group of millisecond pulsars with high rotational stability enables the direct detection of gravitational waves(GWs).The GW signals can be identified from the spatial correlations encoded in the... Observing and timing a group of millisecond pulsars with high rotational stability enables the direct detection of gravitational waves(GWs).The GW signals can be identified from the spatial correlations encoded in the times-of-arrival of widely spaced pulsar-pairs.The Chinese Pulsar Timing Array(CPTA)is a collaboration aiming at the direct GW detection with observations carried out using Chinese radio telescopes.This short article serves as a“table of contents”for a forthcoming series of papers related to the CPTA Data Release 1(CPTA DR1)which uses observations from the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope.Here,after summarizing the time span and accuracy of CPTA DR1,we report the key results of our statistical inference finding a correlated signal with amplitude logA_(c)=-14.4_(-2.8)^(+1.0)for spectral index in the range ofα∈[-1.8,1.5]assuming a GW background(GWB)induced quadrupolar correlation.The search for the Hellings–Downs(HD)correlation curve is also presented,where some evidence for the HD correlation has been found that a 4.6σstatistical significance is achieved using the discrete frequency method around the frequency of 14 n Hz.We expect that the future International Pulsar Timing Array data analysis and the next CPTA data release will be more sensitive to the n Hz GWB,which could verify the current results. 展开更多
关键词 (stars:)pulsars:general gravitational waves methods:statistical methods:observational
Design of the Full-disk Magneto Graph (FMG) onboard the ASO-S 被引量:15
作者 Yuan-Yong Deng Hai-Ying Zhang +21 位作者 Jian-Feng Yang Fu Li Jia-Ben Lin Jun-Feng Hou Zhen Wu Qian Song Wei Duan Xian-Yong Bai Dong-Guang Wang Juan Lv Wei Ge Jia-Ning Wang Zhao-Ying Zheng Chen-Jie Wang Nan-Ge Wang Hou-Kun Ni Yi-Zhong Zeng Yang Zhang Xiao Yang Ying-Zi Sun Zhi-Yong Zhang Xiao-Fan Wang 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第11期11-22,共12页
The Full-disk Magneto Graph(FMG),a payload onboard the Advanced Space Solar Observatory(ASO-S),will measure the vector magnetic field in the photosphere.The instrument consists of a frontwindow filter,a telescope,an L... The Full-disk Magneto Graph(FMG),a payload onboard the Advanced Space Solar Observatory(ASO-S),will measure the vector magnetic field in the photosphere.The instrument consists of a frontwindow filter,a telescope,an LCVR polarimeter,an image-stabilization system,a seven-stage tunable Lyot filter,a CMOS camera with 4096×4096 pixels and a pair of calibration/focus wheels.In this paper,we describe the design of the FMG instrument and provide a summary of test observations carried out with the FMG prototype. 展开更多
关键词 Sun magnetic fields-space vehicles instruments-methods observational-techniques polarimetric
漂移扫描CCD用于地球同步轨道卫星观测的初步结果 被引量:10
作者 毛银盾 唐正宏 +1 位作者 陶隽 于涌 《天文学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期475-487,共13页
对于地球同步轨道卫星,目前国内主要采用两种观测手段,即小光电望远镜短曝光观测和天文望远镜跟踪恒星(或卫星)观测.事实上,这两种手段都各自存在不足,尤其对于暗弱目标问题更加显著.利用CCD漂移扫描模式和凝视模式相结合观测地球同步... 对于地球同步轨道卫星,目前国内主要采用两种观测手段,即小光电望远镜短曝光观测和天文望远镜跟踪恒星(或卫星)观测.事实上,这两种手段都各自存在不足,尤其对于暗弱目标问题更加显著.利用CCD漂移扫描模式和凝视模式相结合观测地球同步轨道卫星具有明显的优势,小口径望远镜(口径约25cm)就能够获得高质量的目标和恒星圆星像与高精度的定位结果.本文重点阐述了获得高精度地球同步轨道卫星光学位置与星等的原理、方法及步骤;最后,利用实测资料的数据处理结果,分析了所获得的地球同步轨道卫星的内部精度及其误差源. 展开更多
关键词 卫星 普通 方法 观测
射电天文毫米波接收机强度校准 被引量:7
作者 王凯 陈卯蒸 +3 位作者 马军 李笑飞 闫浩 项斌斌 《天文学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期42-55,共14页
射电天文强度校准的目的是将接收设备对天文观测源的响应转换为天文意义上的流量.在常用的射电天文强度校准方法中,厘米波校准主要使用噪声注入模式,就是将1个标准噪声信号在馈源和极化器之后注入到接收机内部进行校准.由于毫米波微波... 射电天文强度校准的目的是将接收设备对天文观测源的响应转换为天文意义上的流量.在常用的射电天文强度校准方法中,厘米波校准主要使用噪声注入模式,就是将1个标准噪声信号在馈源和极化器之后注入到接收机内部进行校准.由于毫米波微波器件的小型化导致噪声注入模式不易实现,加之注入模式可能引入噪声,因此BTL (Bell Telephone Laboratory)最早提出使用斩波轮技术进行毫米波校准,就是在馈源口面交替放置或者移除常温黑体进行校准;之后BIMA (Berkeley Illinois Maryland Association Array)又提出使用常温、热负载进行校准; ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array)对单、双负载校准方式的精度进行计算后,认为双温度负载校准方式有潜力实现1%的校准精度,并最终设计出机械臂式双温度负载校准机构;此后, GBT (Green Bank Telescope) 4 mm波段制冷接收机设计出旋转盘式双温度校准机构; OSO (Onsala Space Observatory)最新研制的3 mm波段制冷接收机设计出波束切换式双温度校准机构.中国科学院新疆天文台QTT(Qi Tai Telescope)项目的启动推动了毫米波接收机研制进程,为提高毫米波强度校准精度,相关的技术预研已经开始. 展开更多
关键词 望远镜 技术:雷达天文 方法:观测
综合脉冲星时间尺度 被引量:6
作者 尹东山 高玉平 赵书红 《天文学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期326-335,共10页
由于截然不同的物理机制,毫秒脉冲星可产生与原子时尺度完全不同的另一类时间尺度.利用长期的脉冲星计时观测数据可建立综合脉冲星时间尺度,但通常脉冲星计时观测是非等间隔采样,并且有些脉冲星的观测间隔过长等,这些因素均对综合脉冲... 由于截然不同的物理机制,毫秒脉冲星可产生与原子时尺度完全不同的另一类时间尺度.利用长期的脉冲星计时观测数据可建立综合脉冲星时间尺度,但通常脉冲星计时观测是非等间隔采样,并且有些脉冲星的观测间隔过长等,这些因素均对综合脉冲星时间尺度的产生造成很大的困难.因此,提出了一种新的算法来计算综合脉冲星时间尺度,即:首先选用三次样条插值方法进行内插,并使观测数据间隔均匀;其次采用Vondrak滤波方法对观测序列进行平滑处理并去除高频噪声;最后再利用加权算法产生综合脉冲星时间尺度.利用NANOGRAV(North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves)最新发布的长达9 yr的观测数据,计算得到了综合脉冲星时间尺度,它的长期稳定度(取样间隔大于1 yr)优于3.4×10^(-15).研究结果表明:这种方法可有效降低脉冲星计时残差中的噪声影响,同时可提高综合脉冲星时间尺度的长期稳定度. 展开更多
关键词 时间 脉冲星 方法:观测 数据分析
基于优先策略的动态选星算法 被引量:4
作者 郝黎凯 金革 +5 位作者 王坚 任间 李锋 万长胜 李昔华 黄鲲 《天文学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期225-236,共12页
论述了LAMOST巡天观测战略系统(SSS)中观测策略的实现方法-选星算法问题.以国外SDSS望远镜为例介绍了静态选星算法,分析了其不足之处,并结合LAMOST望远镜的特点,提出了一种新的选星算法- “动态选星”算法.动态选星算法基于优先策略原理... 论述了LAMOST巡天观测战略系统(SSS)中观测策略的实现方法-选星算法问题.以国外SDSS望远镜为例介绍了静态选星算法,分析了其不足之处,并结合LAMOST望远镜的特点,提出了一种新的选星算法- “动态选星”算法.动态选星算法基于优先策略原理,可以在满足覆盖完备性的基础上,优化观测效率,并能方便地兼顾观测条件的约束.给出了算法的原理和框架描述,并针对算法进行了模拟计算,证明了算法的有效性.另外需要指出的是动态选星算法不仅适用于LAMOST,它可以普遍地应用于多目标光纤望远镜的巡天选星. 展开更多
关键词 LAMOST巡天观测战略系统 动态选星算法 望远镜 静态选星算法 优先策略原理
Portable adaptive optics for exoplanet imaging 被引量:6
作者 Yong-Tian Zhu Jiang-Pei Dou +3 位作者 Xi Zhang Gang Zhao Jing Guo Leopoldo Infante 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第4期110-118,共9页
The portable adaptive optics(PAO)device is a low-cost and compact system,designed for 4-meter class telescopes that have no adaptive optics(AO)system,because of the physical space limitation at the Nasmyth or Cassegra... The portable adaptive optics(PAO)device is a low-cost and compact system,designed for 4-meter class telescopes that have no adaptive optics(AO)system,because of the physical space limitation at the Nasmyth or Cassegrain focus and the historically high cost of conventional AO.The initial scientific observations of the PAO are focused on the direct imaging of exoplanets and sub-stellar companions.This paper discusses the concept of PAO and the associated high-contrast imaging performance in our recent observational runs.PAO deliver a Strehl ratio better than 60%in H band under median seeing conditions of 1".Combined with our dedicated image rotation and subtraction(IRS)technique and the optimized IRS(O-IRS)algorithm,the averaged contrast ratio for a 5≤V_(mag)≤9 primary star is 1.3×10^(-5)and3.3×10^(-6)at angular distance of 0.36"with exposure time of 7 minutes and 2 hours,respectively.PAO has successfully revealed the known exoplanet ofκAnd b in our recent observation with the 3.5-meter ARC telescope at Apache Point Observatory.We have performed the associated astrometry and photometry analysis of the recoveredκAnd b planet,which gives a projected separation of 0.98"±0.05",a position angle of 51.1°±0.5°and a mass of 10.15_(-1.255)^(+2.19) MJup.These results demonstrate that PAO can be used for direct imaging of exoplanets with medium-sized telescopes. 展开更多
关键词 stars:imaging instrumentation:adaptive optics instrumentation:high angular resolution methods:observational techniques:image processing
TM65 m射电望远镜副面位姿建模 被引量:5
作者 孙正雄 陈岚 王锦清 《天文学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期102-114,共13页
大型射电望远镜在观测过程中,随着俯仰角度的变化,副面支撑、背架、主反射面等都有不同程度的变形,这将导致天线效率在高低俯仰角上明显下降,天马65 m射电望远镜副面系统的安装可以用来补偿副面支撑和主面的重力变形,在不同的俯仰角度上... 大型射电望远镜在观测过程中,随着俯仰角度的变化,副面支撑、背架、主反射面等都有不同程度的变形,这将导致天线效率在高低俯仰角上明显下降,天马65 m射电望远镜副面系统的安装可以用来补偿副面支撑和主面的重力变形,在不同的俯仰角度上,副面位姿的调整可以提高天线的效率和指向性能.通过在X波段和Ku波段研究副面位姿变化对天线效率的影响,用射电法建立了随俯仰角度变化的副面位姿随动调整模型和指向补偿模型.此外还测试了副面随动与固定对天线效率的影响,结果表明副面随动模型可以有效改善65 m望远镜在高低俯仰角上的效率,使得在整个俯仰角范围内,X波段的接受效率均达到60%以上. 展开更多
关键词 望远镜 方法 观测 数据分析
低频射电望远镜阵列宽视场成像技术研究 被引量:5
作者 劳保强 安涛 +2 位作者 陈骁 伍筱聪 陆扬 《天文学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期108-129,共22页
低频射电望远镜阵列宽视场成像正面临着一系列难点问题,其中最关键的问题是非共面基线效应.它的存在使得忽略w项将导致最终图像出现畸变,且随着视场的增大而加重.综述并剖析了几种w项改正算法及其技术原理,并分析了它们的计算成本和计... 低频射电望远镜阵列宽视场成像正面临着一系列难点问题,其中最关键的问题是非共面基线效应.它的存在使得忽略w项将导致最终图像出现畸变,且随着视场的增大而加重.综述并剖析了几种w项改正算法及其技术原理,并分析了它们的计算成本和计算复杂度,进而分析比较了它们的优缺点.以平方公里阵(Square Kilometre Array,SKA)射电望远镜第1阶段低频阵列为研究对象,选取faceting和w-projection成像算法进行了仿真实验.与传统的二维傅立叶变换成像算法进行对比,分析了它们的成像质量和正确性,结果表明这两种算法在宽视场成像方面均明显优于二维傅立叶变换方法.还具体分析了分面(facet)的数目对faceting成像质量和运行时间的影响,以及w步数对w-projection成像质量和运行时间的影响,表明facet数目和w步数的选择必须合理.最后,分析了数据量大小对这两种成像算法运行时间的影响,表明这两种算法在进行海量数据处理前,需要作算法优化改进.研究结果为后续进一步综合分析宽视场成像技术以及这些技术的实用性研究提供了有价值的参考. 展开更多
关键词 仪器:干涉仪 方法:观测 技术:干涉测量 技术:图像处理 射电连续谱:普通
The Bright Single Pulse Emission from PSR B1133+16
作者 Jun Tan Zhi-Gang Wen +12 位作者 Zhen Wang Xue-Feng Duan Hong-Guang Wang Na Wang Vishal Gajjar Jian-Ping Yuan Rai Yuen Wen-Ming Yan Jian-Ling Chen Wei Han Hui Wang Cheng-Bing Lyu Ai-Jun Dong 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第4期253-261,共9页
We have conducted a comprehensive investigation into the bright single pulse emission from PSR B1133+16using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope.High time resolution data(61μs)were obtained at a center frequency of 3... We have conducted a comprehensive investigation into the bright single pulse emission from PSR B1133+16using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope.High time resolution data(61μs)were obtained at a center frequency of 322 MHz with a bandwidth of 32 MHz over a continuous observation period of 7.45 hr.A total of 1082 bright pulses were sporadically detected with peak flux densities ranging from 10 to 23 times stronger than the average pulse profile.However,no giant pulse-like emission with a relative pulse energy larger than 10 and extremely short duration was detected,indicating that these bright pulses cannot be categorized as giant pulse emission.The majority of these bright pulses are concentrated in pulse phases at both the leading and trailing windows of the average pulse profile,with an occurrence ratio of approximately 2.74.The pulse energy distribution for all individual pulses can be described by a combination of two Gaussian components and a cutoff power-law with an index of α=-3.2.An updated nulling fraction of 15.35%±0.45% was determined from the energy distribution.The emission of individual pulses follows a log-normal distribution in peak flux density ratio.It is imperative that regular phase drifting in bright pulse sequence is identified in both the leading and trailing components for the first time.Possible physical mechanisms are discussed in detail to provide insights into these observations. 展开更多
关键词 (stars:)pulsars:general (stars:)pulsars:individual(PSR B1133+16) methods:observational methods:data analysis
作者 王辉 温志刚 +10 位作者 王娜 王洪光 陈建玲 袁建平 袁少南 李健 吕成冰 王金鹏 闫文明 托乎提努尔 崔思然 《天文学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期103-110,共8页
利用中国科学院新疆天文台南山观测站26m射电望远镜,在中心频率1556MHz,对Crab脉冲星(PSR B0531+21)进行了长达12.6h的连续观测,观测带宽为512MHz,时间分辨率为32μs,研究了巨脉冲辐射的等待时间分布特征.观测共探测到2097个信噪比大于1... 利用中国科学院新疆天文台南山观测站26m射电望远镜,在中心频率1556MHz,对Crab脉冲星(PSR B0531+21)进行了长达12.6h的连续观测,观测带宽为512MHz,时间分辨率为32μs,研究了巨脉冲辐射的等待时间分布特征.观测共探测到2097个信噪比大于10的巨脉冲,对应的流量密度大于100Jy.巨脉冲的爆发率表现为高度的间歇性,在较短的时间内具有较高的爆发率,在相对长的宁静期内巨脉冲的爆发率较低,尤其是中间脉冲相位内的巨脉冲爆发.相邻两个巨脉冲的等待时间分布表现为幂律分布特征,可以用一个非稳态的泊松过程进行模拟,这表明巨脉冲的爆发是一种独立的随机事件.此外,主脉冲和中间脉冲相位上的巨脉冲具有不同的等待时间分布特征,这意味着脉冲星不同磁极的巨脉冲辐射机制可能是不同的.这些观测结果对于理解脉冲星的射电辐射机制具有重要意义. 展开更多
关键词 脉冲星:个别:Crab 脉冲星:巨脉冲 方法:观测 方法:数据分析
A Novel Two-dimensional Low-redundancy Array Design for Solar Radio Imaging
作者 Weidan Zhang Bing Wang +3 位作者 Zhao Wu Guang Lu Yao Chen Yan Fabao 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第9期178-189,共12页
The radioheliograph is an extensive array of antennas operating on the principle of aperture synthesis to produce images of the Sun.The image acquired by the telescope results from convoluting the Sun’s true brightne... The radioheliograph is an extensive array of antennas operating on the principle of aperture synthesis to produce images of the Sun.The image acquired by the telescope results from convoluting the Sun’s true brightness distribution with the antenna array’s directional pattern.The imaging quality of the radioheliograph is affected by a multitude of factors,with the performance of the“dirty beam”being simply one component.Other factors such as imaging methods,calibration techniques,clean algorithms,and more also play a significant influence on the resulting image quality.As the layout of the antenna array directly affects the performance of the dirty beam,the design of an appropriate antenna configuration is critical to improving the imaging quality of the radioheliograph.Based on the actual needs of observing the Sun,this work optimized the antenna array design and proposed a twodimensional low-redundancy array.The proposed array was compared with common T-shaped arrays,Y-shaped arrays,uniformly spaced circular arrays,and three-arm spiral arrays.Through simulations and experiments,their performance in terms of sampling point numbers,UV coverage area,beam-half width,sidelobe level,and performance in the absence of antennas are compared and analyzed.It was found that each of these arrays has its advantages,but the two-dimensional low-redundancy array proposed in this paper performs best in overall evaluation.It has the shortest imaging calculation time among the array types and is highly robust when antennas are missing,making it the most suitable choice. 展开更多
关键词 INTERFEROMETERS methods:observational techniques:interferometric
The Influence of the Sun and Moon on the Observation of Very High Energy Gamma-ray Sources Using EAS Arrays
作者 Tao Wen Songzhan Chen Benzhong Dai 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第6期245-252,共8页
With great advance of ground-based extensive air shower arrays,such as LHAASO and HAWC,many very high energy(VHE)gamma-ray sources have been discovered and are being monitored regardless of the day and the night.Hence... With great advance of ground-based extensive air shower arrays,such as LHAASO and HAWC,many very high energy(VHE)gamma-ray sources have been discovered and are being monitored regardless of the day and the night.Hence,the Sun and Moon would have some impacts on the observation of gamma-ray sources,which have not been taken into account in previous analysis.In this paper,the influence of the Sun and Moon on the observation of very high energy gamma-ray sources when they are near the line of sight of the Sun or Moon is estimated.The tracks of all the known VHE sources are scanned and several VHE sources are found to be very close to the line of sight of the Sun or Moon during some period.The absorption of very high energy gamma rays by sunlight is estimated with detailed method and some useful conclusions are achieved.The main influence is the block of the Sun and Moon on gamma rays and the shadow on the cosmic ray background.The influence is investigated considering the detector angular resolution and some strategies on data analysis are proposed to avoid the underestimation of the gamma-ray emission. 展开更多
关键词 astroparticle physics Sun:general methods:observational Sun:UV radiation
Astronomy from Dome A in Antarctica 被引量:4
作者 Zhaohui Shang 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第10期353-384,共32页
Dome A in Antarctica has been demonstrated to be the best site on earth for optical,infrared,and terahertz astronomical observations by more and more evidence,such as excellent free-atmosphere seeing,extremely low per... Dome A in Antarctica has been demonstrated to be the best site on earth for optical,infrared,and terahertz astronomical observations by more and more evidence,such as excellent free-atmosphere seeing,extremely low perceptible water vapor,low sky background,and continuous dark time,etc.In this paper,we present a complete picture of the development of astronomy at Dome A from the very beginning,review recent progress in time-domain astronomy,demonstrate exciting results of the site testing,and address the challenges in instrumentation.Currently proposed projects are briefly discussed. 展开更多
关键词 instrumentation:miscellaneous methods:observational techniques:miscellaneous telescopes atmospheric effects site testing stars:variables:general
The First Ground-based White Light Lunar Polarization Imaging:A New Kind of FeO Observation on the Near Side of the Moon
作者 Wei-Nan Wang Jin-Song Ping +4 位作者 Ming-Yuan Wang Wen-Zhao Zhang Han-Lin Ye Xing-Wei Han Song-Feng Kou 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第6期1-6,共6页
Lunar optical polarization is a fascinating phenomenon that occurs when sunlight reflects off the surface of the Moon and becomes polarized.This study employs a novel split-focus plane polarimetric camera to conduct t... Lunar optical polarization is a fascinating phenomenon that occurs when sunlight reflects off the surface of the Moon and becomes polarized.This study employs a novel split-focus plane polarimetric camera to conduct the initial white light polarimetric observations on the near side of the Moon.We obtained the linear degree of polarization(DOP)parameters of white light by observation from the eastern and western hemispheres of the Moon.The findings indicate that the white light polarization is lower in the lunar highland than in the lunar maria overall.Combining the analysis of lunar soil samples,we noticed and determined that the DOP parameters of white light demonstrate high consistency with iron oxide on the Moon.This study may serve as a new diagnostic tool for the Moon. 展开更多
关键词 techniques:photometric POLARIZATION methods:observational MOON
BSN:Photometric Light Curve Analysis of Two Contact Binary Systems LS Del and V997 Cyg
作者 Atila Poro Mehmet Tanriver +9 位作者 Elham Sarvari Shayan Zavvarei Hossein Azarara Laurent Corp Sabrina Baudart Asma Ababafi Nazanin Kahali Poor Fariba Zare Ahmet Bulut Ahmet Keskin 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第4期192-213,共22页
The light curve analyses and orbital period variations for two contact binary stars,LS Del and V997 Cyg,are presented in this work which was conducted in the frame of the Binary Systems of South and North project Grou... The light curve analyses and orbital period variations for two contact binary stars,LS Del and V997 Cyg,are presented in this work which was conducted in the frame of the Binary Systems of South and North project Ground-based photometric observations were performed at two observatories in France.We used the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite(TESS)data for extracting times of minima and light curve analysis of the targe systems.The O-C diagram for both systems displays a parabolic trend.LS Del and V997 Cyg’s orbital periods are increasing at rates of dP/dt=7.20×10^(-08)days yr^(-1)and dP/dt=2.54×10^(-08)days yr^(-1),respectively Therefore,it can be concluded that mass is being transferred from the less massive star to the more massive component with a rate of dM/dt=-1.96×10^(-7)M_(⊙)yr^(-1)for the LS Del system,and dM/dt=-3.83×10^(-7)M_(⊙)yr-1for V997 Cyg.The parameters of a third possible object in the system are also considered.The PHysics Of Eclipsing BinariEs Python code was used to analyze the light curves.The light curve solutions needed a cold starspot due to the asymmetry in the LS Del system’s light curve maxima.The mass ratio fill-out factor,and star temperature all indicate that both systems are contact binary types in this investigation.Two methods were applied to estimate the absolute parameters of the systems:one method relied on the parallax of Gaia DR3,and the other used a P-M relationship.The positions of the systems are also depicted on the M-L,M-R q-L_(ratio),and logM_(tot)-logJ_(0)diagrams.We recommend that further observations and investigations be done on the existence of a fourth body in this system. 展开更多
关键词 (stars:)binaries:eclipsing methods:observational stars:individual(LS Del and V997 Cyg)
Possible Habitats for NH_(3),NH_(2)D,H^(13)CN,HC^(15)N,SO,and C^(18)O in the Initial Conditions of High-mass Star Formation
作者 Quan-Ling Cui Chuan-Peng Zhang Jun-Jie Wang 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第4期237-252,共16页
The initial condition of high-mass star formation is a complex area of study because of the high densities(n_(H_(2))>106cm^(-3))and low temperatures(T_(dust)<18 K)involved.Under such conditions,many molecules be... The initial condition of high-mass star formation is a complex area of study because of the high densities(n_(H_(2))>106cm^(-3))and low temperatures(T_(dust)<18 K)involved.Under such conditions,many molecules become depleted from the gas phase by freezing out onto dust grains.However,the N-bearing and deuterated species could remain gaseous under these extreme conditions,suggesting that they may serve as ideal tracers.In this paper,using the Plateau de Bure Interferometer and Very Large Array observations at 1.3 mm,3.5 mm,and 1.3 cm,we investigate the possible habitats for NH_(3),NH_(2)D,H^(13)CN,HC^(15)N,SO,and C^(18)O in eight massive precluster and protocluster clumps G18.17,G18.21,G23.97N,G23.98,G23.44,G23.97S,G25.38,and G25.71.We found that the NH3cores are in good agreement with the 3.5 mm peak emission,but the NH_(3)is much more extended than the 3.5 mm emission structure.The SO distributions agree well with the 3.5 mm peaks for the evolved star formation stage,but we did not detect any SO emission in the four earliest star formation sources.C^(18)O is a poor tracer in conditions of the cold(■18 K)and dense(■10^(4)cm^(-3))cores,e.g.,the prestellar cores.We also found that the NH_(2)D cores are mainly located in the temperature range of 13.0-20.0 K,and the NH_(2)D lines may be strongly depleted above 20 K. 展开更多
关键词 galaxies:star formation techniques:interferometric methods:observational
The In-Flight Realtime Trigger and Localization Software of GECAM
作者 Xiao-Yun Zhao Shao-Lin Xiong +86 位作者 Xiang-Yang Wen Xin-Qiao Li Ce Cai Shuo Xiao Qi Luo Wen-Xi Peng Dong-Ya Guo Zheng-Hua An Ke Gong Jin-Yuan Liao Yan-Qiu Zhang Yue Huang Lu Li Xing Wen Fei Zhang Jing Duan Chen-Wei Wang Dong-Li Shi Peng Zhang Qi-Bin Yi Chao-Yang Li Yan-Bing Xu Xiao-Hua Liang Ya-Qing Liu Da-Li Zhang Xi-Lei Sun Fan Zhang Gang Chen Huan-Yu Wang Sheng Yang Xiao-Jing Liu Min Gao Mao-Shun Li Jin-Zhou Wang Xing Zhou Yi Zhao Wang-Chen Xue Chao Zheng Jia-Cong Liu Xing-Bo Han Jin-Ling Qi Jia Huang Ke-Ke Zhang Can Chen Xiong-Tao Yang Dong-Jie Hou Yu-Sa Wang Rui Qiao Xiang Ma Xiao-Bo Li Ping Wang Xin-Ying Song Li-Ming Song Shi-Jie Zheng Bing Li Hong-Mei Zhang Yue Zhu Wei Chen Jian-Jian He Zhen Zhang Jin Hou Hong-Jun Wang Yan-Chao Hao Xiang-Yu Wang Zong-Yuan Yang Zhi-Long Wen Zhi Chang Yuan-Yuan Du Rui Gao Xiao-Fei Lan Yan-Guo Li Gang Li Xu-Fang Li Fang-Jun Lu Hong Lu Bin Meng Feng Shi Hui Wang Hui-Zhen Wang Yu-Peng Xu Jia-Wei Yang Xue-Juan Yang Shuang-Nan Zhang Chao-Yue Zhang Cheng-Mo Zhang Zhi-Cheng Tang Cheng Cheng 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第10期11-24,共14页
Realtime trigger and localization of bursts are the key functions of GECAM,an all-sky gamma-ray monitor launched on 2020 December 10.We developed a multifunctional trigger and localization software operating in the CP... Realtime trigger and localization of bursts are the key functions of GECAM,an all-sky gamma-ray monitor launched on 2020 December 10.We developed a multifunctional trigger and localization software operating in the CPU of the GECAM Electronic Box.This onboard software has the following features:high trigger efficiency for real celestial bursts with a suppression of false triggers caused by charged particle bursts and background fluctuation,dedicated localization algorithm optimized for both short and long bursts,and low time latency of the trigger information which is downlinked through the Global Short Message Communication service of the global BeiDou navigation system.This paper provides a detailed description of the design and development of the trigger and localization software system for GECAM.It covers the general design,workflow,the main functions,and the algorithms used in the system.The paper also includes on-ground trigger tests using simulated gamma-ray bursts generated by a dedicated X-ray tube,as well as an overview of the performance for real celestial bursts during its in-orbit operation. 展开更多
关键词 telescopes instrumentation:detectors methods:observational
德令哈13.7m望远镜谱线OTF观测系统 被引量:4
作者 孙继先 逯登荣 +4 位作者 杨戟 苏扬 张少博 周鑫 林镇辉 《天文学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期24-35,共12页
紫金山天文台研制的毫米波段多波束超导成像频谱接收机(简称超导成像频谱仪)于2010年底安装到13.7 m望远镜上.为发挥超导成像频谱仪的观测能力,紫金山天文台研发了基于多波束接收机的快速高效巡天的OTF(On-The-Fly)观测方法,在国际上首... 紫金山天文台研制的毫米波段多波束超导成像频谱接收机(简称超导成像频谱仪)于2010年底安装到13.7 m望远镜上.为发挥超导成像频谱仪的观测能力,紫金山天文台研发了基于多波束接收机的快速高效巡天的OTF(On-The-Fly)观测方法,在国际上首次提出并运用了"隔行扫描"的OTF扫描方法,对该方法进行了系统的测试和验证,并做了观测参数的优化.研发了"OTF观测星表生成器"软件,该软件提供参考点查找、观测时间估算、rms(root mean square)估算、最佳观测时段选择等功能.研发了OTF数据预处理软件,该软件具有坏数据剔除、数据修正功能,并能够结合GILDS软件完成数据网格化(Gridding)处理.通过实际观测测试,观测结果与美国五大学射电天文台(Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory,FCRAO)观测相符.该系统2011年用于13.7 m望远镜谱线成图观测,在银河画卷项目观测和其他课题成图观测中得到广泛的应用,取得了很好的观测结果,验证了该系统的有效性. 展开更多
关键词 望远镜 方法:观测 技术:OTF
作者 王圣豪 《天文学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期131-140,共10页
古书《竹书纪年》记载周懿王元年“天再旦于郑”,这被现代学者认为可能是发生在日出之际的日食,夏商周断代工程选择前899年4月21日的日环食为天再旦的对应日食.更一般的分析发现只有食分在0.95以上的日食才能产生“天再旦”现象,对食甚... 古书《竹书纪年》记载周懿王元年“天再旦于郑”,这被现代学者认为可能是发生在日出之际的日食,夏商周断代工程选择前899年4月21日的日环食为天再旦的对应日食.更一般的分析发现只有食分在0.95以上的日食才能产生“天再旦”现象,对食甚时的太阳高度也有限制.在确定“郑”位于陕西凤翔县的前提下,前899年日食和断代工程实测的1997年日食的日光变化情况可以通过天文软件模拟,这确认了“天再旦”现象的普遍存在,从中也可得出“天再旦”现象发生时的具体过程并还原部分细节. 展开更多
关键词 日食 天体力学 天文学史 方法:观测
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