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南沙守礁人员性行为的表达及性心理、性知识的调查研究 被引量:9
作者 曾伟杰 吴新文 +5 位作者 钟先阳 夏菱 蒙喜永 张东清 罗汉宏 陈少伟 《健康心理学杂志》 2004年第1期6-7,9,共3页
Objective To investigate the sexual behavior, knowledge and attitude toward sex of soldiers in remote islands in extraordinary environments. Methods Two surveys were conducted on 354 soldiers on their tour of duty on ... Objective To investigate the sexual behavior, knowledge and attitude toward sex of soldiers in remote islands in extraordinary environments. Methods Two surveys were conducted on 354 soldiers on their tour of duty on the Spratly Islands. The surveys inquired about the soldiers’ sexual experiences before and 3 months after being on the islands to determine their testosterone levels. Results Our survey shows that masturbating is very common with island soldiers. They can easily accept it, have fun and relax from it. Environmental factors have direct effects on their sexual attitude — the tougher the situation they are in, the higher the masturbation rate. Their testosterone levels 3-month after being on the Islands is obviously higher than before being on the Islands (P<0.001). The survey also indicates that soldiers on the Islands can easily understand and are tolerant of sex without marriage. However, when choosing a wife/husband, they pay more attention to the inner quality of their mates, instead of economic status, social position, and family background. Island soldiers gain their sexual knowledge mainly from medical books/magazines, sex exhibitions and their same-sex friends. Lectures, consulting hot lines and exhibitions are the three educational ways they like most.Conclusion Sex education, including but not restricted to peer education, self-control, as well as moral value classes should be given to soldiers on the Spratly Islands to ensure their good physical and mental heath. 展开更多
关键词 南沙 守礁人员 性行为 性心理 性知识 生殖健康 性教育
“一场幽梦同谁近,千古情人独我痴”——也说贾宝玉之“意淫” 被引量:1
作者 程建忠 《四川文理学院学报》 2010年第6期42-45,共4页
什么是贾宝玉之"意淫"?从《红楼梦》最早的批书人脂砚斋到今天的红学研究者,都按照自己的理解,对"意淫"所包含的深刻意蕴作出解释,可谓众说纷纭。认为"意淫"是"天下古今第一淫人"贾宝玉独有的... 什么是贾宝玉之"意淫"?从《红楼梦》最早的批书人脂砚斋到今天的红学研究者,都按照自己的理解,对"意淫"所包含的深刻意蕴作出解释,可谓众说纷纭。认为"意淫"是"天下古今第一淫人"贾宝玉独有的性格情怀,是贾宝玉对女儿特有的非肉欲非功利的真性情。"意淫"与"皮肤滥淫"水火不容,前者是"情天",后者是"孽海";前者是至真至纯、深入骨髓、浸入灵魂的情的极致,后者是"淫污纨绔"与"流荡女子"对"情"的玷辱与戕害。 展开更多
关键词 贾宝玉 意淫 非肉欲 真性情
作者 李晓军 《凯里学院学报》 2016年第4期74-80,共7页
《红楼梦》中的宝玉被警幻仙姑称为"天下古今第一淫人",并称这是"意淫";而从《红楼梦》众多别名来看,都与"意淫"的内涵联系紧密。作者倾注毕生心血塑造的红楼第一人却以"意淫"概括,其实是以春... 《红楼梦》中的宝玉被警幻仙姑称为"天下古今第一淫人",并称这是"意淫";而从《红楼梦》众多别名来看,都与"意淫"的内涵联系紧密。作者倾注毕生心血塑造的红楼第一人却以"意淫"概括,其实是以春秋笔法将"真事隐",暗含多重人生真味,绝不能从字面去解。 展开更多
关键词 宝玉 意淫 真味
大学生手淫的危害、原因与预防 被引量:2
作者 阮鹏 《实用预防医学》 CAS 2007年第2期577-578,共2页
当代大学生手淫行为比较普遍,很多大学生在上大学之前就养成了难以自控的手淫习惯。大学生手淫既影响了他们的身心健康,对他们在校园里健康成长成材也构成了严重的威胁。从思想与心里教育角度引导大学生正确对待手淫,促使他们养成积极... 当代大学生手淫行为比较普遍,很多大学生在上大学之前就养成了难以自控的手淫习惯。大学生手淫既影响了他们的身心健康,对他们在校园里健康成长成材也构成了严重的威胁。从思想与心里教育角度引导大学生正确对待手淫,促使他们养成积极健康的生活习惯,对他们将来人生的健康发展及营造和谐的校园风气具有重要的作用。文章论述了当代大学生手淫的根源、手淫危害、诱发因素、手淫动机及预防、矫治措施。 展开更多
关键词 性教育 身心健康 手淫 危害 大学生 原因
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