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喜鹊的个体行为谱 被引量:9
作者 顾孝连 郭玉民 刘晓龙 《哈尔滨师范大学自然科学学报》 CAS 2003年第4期92-96,共5页
行为学研究的第一步工作是对行为加以描述 ,即建立行为谱 ,只有对行为进行描述后 ,才能提出行为的发展、机制、功能和演化等问题 .本文从七个方面对喜鹊的个体行为进行了描述 ,即 :与姿势有关的行为、与睡眠有关的行为、与视觉有关的行... 行为学研究的第一步工作是对行为加以描述 ,即建立行为谱 ,只有对行为进行描述后 ,才能提出行为的发展、机制、功能和演化等问题 .本文从七个方面对喜鹊的个体行为进行了描述 ,即 :与姿势有关的行为、与睡眠有关的行为、与视觉有关的行为、维持行为、与摄取和排便有关的行为、与体温调节有关的行为、与运动有关的行为 .每种行为都有其固有的模式和适应意义 . 展开更多
关键词 喜鹊 个体行为谱 姿势 睡眠 视觉 体温调节 运动 饲养
汞在喜鹊组织和器官中的分布规律 被引量:5
作者 郭东龙 席玉英 周梅素 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 1996年第2期153-156,共4页
为了确定汞在喜鹊体内8种组织和器官中详细的分布规律,对采自太原南郊区7只喜鹊不同组织和器官中汞的含量进行了测定,并对其分布规律进行了研究。汞在喜鹊体内的分布规律为:肾>股肌>肝>肺>心>胸肌>胸骨>股骨。经方差分析,... 为了确定汞在喜鹊体内8种组织和器官中详细的分布规律,对采自太原南郊区7只喜鹊不同组织和器官中汞的含量进行了测定,并对其分布规律进行了研究。汞在喜鹊体内的分布规律为:肾>股肌>肝>肺>心>胸肌>胸骨>股骨。经方差分析,组织间及个体间汞的含量均存在显著的差异。汞在喜鹊体内的分布为不均匀分布。肝和心中汞,肺和肾中汞等均具有明昱的正相关。同时,对喜鹊组织和器官中汞含量进行了生态和生理的比较。 展开更多
关键词 喜鹊 组织 器官 分布规律
Azure-winged magpies solve string-pulling tasks by partial understanding of the physical cognition 被引量:3
作者 Lin Wang Yunchao Luo +3 位作者 Xin Wang Abudusaimaiti Maierdiyali Hao Chang Zhongqiu Li 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第4期385-392,共8页
String-pulling is one of the most widely used paradigms in an imal cog nition research. We in vestigated how azure-wi nged magpies Cyanopica cyan us solve multiple-string problems that they have never encountered befo... String-pulling is one of the most widely used paradigms in an imal cog nition research. We in vestigated how azure-wi nged magpies Cyanopica cyan us solve multiple-string problems that they have never encountered before. In Experiment 1, the strings were arranged in parallel, slanted, or crossed to investigate what rules azure-winged magpies use to solve multiple spatial relations of strings. Experiment 2 assessed whether the subjects understood the connection between the string and the bait while taking advantage of broken strings. In Experiment 3, the subjects were confronted with strings of different lengths attached to rewards in order to explore whether the string length, as a proxy for the pulling efficiency or reward distanee, was crucial for the birds' choice of which string to pull. Gen erally, the birds were successful in tasks where the reward was close to the correct string's end, and they relied on a "proximity rule" in most cases. The results showed that azure-winged magpies had a partial understanding of the physical principles underlying the string-pulling but were stumped by complex spatial relations. They likely relied on simple strategies such as the proximity rule to solve the tasks. The effects of in dividual difference and experiential learning on string-pulling performance are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 string-pulling azure-winged magpies animal COGNITION PERSONALITY
Vocal repertoire of Azure-winged Magpies(Cyanopica cyanus):A context-associated communication system 被引量:1
作者 Xu Wang Fan Yu +1 位作者 Haozhong Si Zhongqiu Li 《Avian Research》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第1期45-53,共9页
Signals within animals’vocal communication are considered functional referential and context-specific.Even in the absence of the context,receivers are expected to acquire the information of calls and respond specific... Signals within animals’vocal communication are considered functional referential and context-specific.Even in the absence of the context,receivers are expected to acquire the information of calls and respond specificallyWhereas the framework was supported by plenty of evidence,its exhaustivity in describing all animal vocalisations has been questioned.Here,we investigated the vocal repertoire of a cooperatively breeding species,Azure-winged Magpie(Cyanopica cyanus),to present evidence for referential signals.The results showed that Azure-winged Magpies had a relatively large vocal repertoire,consisting of twelve distinct calls.These calls were associated with the context including movement,begging for food,contact,vigilance against predators,etc.However,even the predator-specific alarm calls would induce various responses of receivers.This implies that multiple pieces of information are involved in the vocalisation,which could be utilised by the receiver to select an appropriate response based on the surroundings.Our study gives a detailed description of the context and function of the vocal repertoire in Azure-winged Magpies,laying the foundation for further investigation on the developmental mechanisms of bird vocalisations.This study also suggests that the referential signals of animal vocalisations may not be limited to the context-specific responses of receivers and need to be discussed from a broader perspective. 展开更多
关键词 Amure wingeod magpies Behavioural ontext Reerential sigmals Vocal ammumication Vocal repertoire
喜鹊筑巢行为对我国电气化铁路运输安全影响的调查研究——以朔黄铁路为例 被引量:1
作者 赵鸿锟 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期155-156,共2页
关键词 安全工程 喜鹊 筑巢 电气化铁路 运输安全 调查
牛郎织女传说与审美意象的外化 被引量:1
作者 赵卫东 王朝杰 《洛阳工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2002年第3期61-64,共4页
对于牛郎织女传说的研究 ,仅从史家观点和幻化形式入手 ,是偏颇和形而上学的 ,并使之失去了反封建意义。其“鸟鹊添河”幻化形式乃是一定历史阶段审美主体审美意象外化的一种特殊形式。在审美角度阐释牛、女爱情故事及外在形式 ,具有更... 对于牛郎织女传说的研究 ,仅从史家观点和幻化形式入手 ,是偏颇和形而上学的 ,并使之失去了反封建意义。其“鸟鹊添河”幻化形式乃是一定历史阶段审美主体审美意象外化的一种特殊形式。在审美角度阐释牛、女爱情故事及外在形式 ,具有更为直接和普遍的意义 ,并能感性地揭示其反封建主题。 展开更多
关键词 "牛郎织女" 神话传说 审美意象 "鸟鹊添河"
作者 李祥 郭福生 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第10期155-157,共3页
关键词 MAPGIS二次开发 组件式GIS 多媒体信息展示系统
从《鹊华秋色图》看赵孟頫的“引书入画”的理论与实践 被引量:1
作者 张玺 《吉林省教育学院学报》 2012年第5期135-136,共2页
赵孟頫在绘画实践中发展的"引书入画"的理论,丰富了绘画的艺术创作形式,其作品《鹊华秋色图》借鉴各种书体,追寻古法古意,以点画的形态和轨迹所形成的艺术美展现出绘画的主旨,形成一种清淡古朴、平和规整的画风,蕴含着深刻的... 赵孟頫在绘画实践中发展的"引书入画"的理论,丰富了绘画的艺术创作形式,其作品《鹊华秋色图》借鉴各种书体,追寻古法古意,以点画的形态和轨迹所形成的艺术美展现出绘画的主旨,形成一种清淡古朴、平和规整的画风,蕴含着深刻的人文精神和审美价值取向。 展开更多
关键词 赵孟頫 鹊华秋色图 引书入画
作者 刘泽 《职大学报》 2012年第4期51-53,25,共4页
《鹊巢》的主旨不是旧解所说的所谓结婚礼赞,而是对第三者插足式的弃妇婚姻的控诉。这一说法的理由,就隐藏在诗作中用来做比兴的两种生物"鹊"和"鸠"身上。把诗作前半的生物描述与后半的生活描述结合起来予以研究,... 《鹊巢》的主旨不是旧解所说的所谓结婚礼赞,而是对第三者插足式的弃妇婚姻的控诉。这一说法的理由,就隐藏在诗作中用来做比兴的两种生物"鹊"和"鸠"身上。把诗作前半的生物描述与后半的生活描述结合起来予以研究,就可得出近似的结论。 展开更多
关键词 鹊鸠 鹊巢 主旨
喜鹊巢位选择对城市环境的适应 被引量:12
作者 吕艳 张月侠 +1 位作者 赛道建 周玉朋 《四川动物》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期892-893,共2页
关键词 喜鹊 巢位选择 市区
喜鹊在山地次生林中鸟类群落组织结构形成的作用 被引量:10
作者 邓秋香 高玮 +1 位作者 杨彦龙 周彤 《东北师大学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期101-104,共4页
关键词 关键类群 鸟类群落结构 山地次生林 喜鹊
学术文本结构功能深度学习识别方法的多学科对比分析 被引量:6
作者 李楠 方丽 张逸飞 《现代情报》 CSSCI 2019年第12期55-63,87,共10页
[目的/意义]学术文本的结构功能识别可视为多类别文本自动分类问题,借助深度学习技术能够获得良好的自动识别性能,然而目前缺少其在不同学科适用性的对比研究。[方法/过程]选择医学、图情、数据、出版、经济5个学科方向5种期刊的6 452... [目的/意义]学术文本的结构功能识别可视为多类别文本自动分类问题,借助深度学习技术能够获得良好的自动识别性能,然而目前缺少其在不同学科适用性的对比研究。[方法/过程]选择医学、图情、数据、出版、经济5个学科方向5种期刊的6 452篇结构式摘要为基础语料,设计并实现了基于Magpie深度学习组件的学术文本结构功能识别实验,通过对比分析同一分类模型在不同学科领域实验语料上的性能表现及其影响因素,揭示机器学习方法的学科适用性规律。[结果/结论]实验结果显示,学科差异性对于机器学习效果有显著的影响,其中医学领域学术文本的结构功能识别效率明显高于其他学科,常见的学术文本功能结构框架中"方法"和"结果"的机器学习识别效果更佳。 展开更多
关键词 文本结构功能识别 深度学习 多学科 文本分类 magpiE
河南省新乡市高校校园喜鹊的巢址选择研究 被引量:6
作者 刘义 李永杰 +2 位作者 贾琦 张玉箫 王艳梅 《野生动物学报》 北大核心 2019年第1期103-108,共6页
2017年2月至2018年3月,通过对新乡市河南师范大学、新乡医学院、河南科技学院、新乡学院等校区内发现所有喜鹊的巢址调查研究。共计调查鸟巢156个,其中建筑在树上的有152个,对这152个巢进行统计分析。结果表明营巢树木种类、巢高、树高... 2017年2月至2018年3月,通过对新乡市河南师范大学、新乡医学院、河南科技学院、新乡学院等校区内发现所有喜鹊的巢址调查研究。共计调查鸟巢156个,其中建筑在树上的有152个,对这152个巢进行统计分析。结果表明营巢树木种类、巢高、树高、巢数、胸径、巢上枝盖度、巢位层次、巢所在区域、巢距建筑物的距离、巢树所在的密植情况等方面对喜鹊营巢都有一定影响。本研究着重分析了巢树所处的密植情况对营巢的影响,发现不同建筑群、不同高校园林规划,对喜鹊营巢的影响较大。通过本研究,建议在后期的高校建设、校园绿化等方面,能够结合环境因素、野生动物和人类需求,适当栽种高大乔木以及增加行植树种并减少孤植与大规模的片植树木来增加巢数量,以满足喜鹊繁衍条件。 展开更多
关键词 新乡市高校 喜鹊 巢址选择 主成分分析
不同防治措施对春玉米田喜鹊的防治效果研究 被引量:5
作者 李清林 张悦 《现代农业科技》 2012年第20期129-129,137,共2页
关键词 玉米 喜鹊 防治措施 效果
Sounding the alarm:Functionally referential signaling in Azure-winged Magpie
作者 Xingyi Jiang Yanyun Zhang 《Avian Research》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期35-41,共7页
Functionally referential signals are a complex form of communication that conveys information about the external environment.Such signals have been found in a range of mammal and bird species and have helped us unders... Functionally referential signals are a complex form of communication that conveys information about the external environment.Such signals have been found in a range of mammal and bird species and have helped us understand the complexities of animal communication.Corvids are well known for their extraordinary cognitive abilities,but relatively little attention has been paid to their vocal function.Here,we investigated the functionally referential signals of a cooperatively breeding corvid species,Azure-winged Magpie(Cyanopica cyanus).Through field observations,we suggest that Azure-winged Magpie uses referential alarm calls to distinguish two types of threats:’rasp’ calls for terrestrial threats and ’chatter’ calls for aerial threats.A playback experiment revealed that Azure-winged Magpies responded to the two call types with qualitatively different behaviors.They sought cover by flying into the bushes in response to the ’chatter’ calls,and flew to or stayed at higher positions in response to ’rasp’ calls,displaying a shorter response time to ’chatter’ calls.Significant differences in acoustic structure were found between the two types of calls.Given the extensive cognitive abilities of corvids and the fact that referential signals were once thought to be unique to primates,these findings are important for expanding our understanding of social communication and language evolution. 展开更多
关键词 Alarm call Animal communication Azure-winged magpie Referential signal
作者 刘文轩 杨笑礼 +1 位作者 李宗会 王斌 《青岛大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第3期15-20,26,共7页
为评估不同种鸟类的病原体传播风险,提取红嘴鸥和喜鹊粪便的总DNA,通过PCR扩增16S rRNA序列V3~V4高变区,基于高通量测序和生物信息学研究两者肠道微生物群差异。研究结果显示,红嘴鸥和喜鹊粪便微生物群组成存在显著差异,两者粪便中最丰... 为评估不同种鸟类的病原体传播风险,提取红嘴鸥和喜鹊粪便的总DNA,通过PCR扩增16S rRNA序列V3~V4高变区,基于高通量测序和生物信息学研究两者肠道微生物群差异。研究结果显示,红嘴鸥和喜鹊粪便微生物群组成存在显著差异,两者粪便中最丰富的细菌门分别是厚壁菌门和变形菌门,前者粪便中绝对优势属是Catellicoccus(丰度均值65.5%)。红嘴鸥样本中均检测出弯曲杆菌属,检出率100%,丰度均值1.2%;喜鹊样本检出率55.6%,丰度均值0.019%。这表明,青岛市红嘴鸥种群广泛存在弯曲杆菌属,红嘴鸥的接触安全风险高于喜鹊。 展开更多
关键词 红嘴鸥 喜鹊 肠道菌群 高通量测序
转凶为吉:环境史视野下的古代喜鹊形象再探讨 被引量:4
作者 夏炎 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期89-97,共9页
唐以前,喜鹊的主要意向是凶兆,这是时人的主流观念。这一观念发端于汉魏之际的黄河中游流域,此后也由北方传到了南方。唐代,喜鹊的形象发生了巨大反转,由凶兆转变为吉兆,这一转变对后世影响深远。促使这种转变的动因,如果从环境史的视... 唐以前,喜鹊的主要意向是凶兆,这是时人的主流观念。这一观念发端于汉魏之际的黄河中游流域,此后也由北方传到了南方。唐代,喜鹊的形象发生了巨大反转,由凶兆转变为吉兆,这一转变对后世影响深远。促使这种转变的动因,如果从环境史的视角加以解答的话,便是喜鹊赖以生存的森林资源在魏晋南北朝隋唐时期发生了变化,这一变化直接影响着人们对喜鹊的好恶。 展开更多
关键词 喜鹊 凶兆 吉兆 环境史 森林
Surgical Resident Attrition and the Menninger Morale Curve
作者 Jack Contessa Tassos Kyriakides 《Surgical Science》 2011年第7期397-401,共5页
BACKGROUND: Attrition in surgical residency programs continues to be a significant challenge. Ap-proximately 20% of residents who begin a categorical surgery residency fail to complete it. A number of studies speculat... BACKGROUND: Attrition in surgical residency programs continues to be a significant challenge. Ap-proximately 20% of residents who begin a categorical surgery residency fail to complete it. A number of studies speculated reasons for this including work hours, life style, family pressures, and resident feelings of inadequacy including fear of termination. To date no research has been conducted investigating the relation-ship between resident morale and attrition. This study sought to determine if this linkage exists in surgery residents. METHODS: The Morale Assessment in General Practice Index (MAGPI) was administered to 21 PGY 1, 2, 3, and 5 surgical residents to assess level of morale. Non-parametric methods were carried out to assess if there were differences in morale among the four PGY groups. Additionally, analyses of the four factors comprising the MAGPI were also conducted. RESULTS: Although differences did not reach statis-tical significance, analysis of the data reveals that residents demonstrate different trends in their levels of morale based on the amount of time they spend in a residency and in a way that approximates the morale curve described by W. Walter Menninger, M.D. Additionally, two of the four factors comprising the MAGPI also indicate trends similar to that described by the Menninger morale curve. CONCLUSIONS: Although no statistically significant results were achieved, the data reveal trends that approximate shifts in morale similar to those described by the Menninger morale curve, with residents at the PGY 2 and 3 levels present-ing lower morale levels than at the PGY 1 and 5 levels. This may be due in part to the size of the population studied. Future research should be continued in this area with a larger sample size. 展开更多
关键词 MORALE Assessment in General Practice INDEX (magpi) Menninger MORALE CURVE SURGERY RESIDENT Attrition
太原市南郊区喜鹊种群数量研究 被引量:3
作者 郭萃文 郝桂英 《河北师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1993年第1期76-81,共6页
喜鹊遍布于全国,分化为4个亚种。作者于1961~1990年连续30年,在太原市南郊对喜鹊的种群数量进行了研究。选定4条调查路线,采用数量统计法,表明种群数量相对稳定。以5年对种群数量比较,结果差异也不显著。但30年间种群数量呈不规则的波... 喜鹊遍布于全国,分化为4个亚种。作者于1961~1990年连续30年,在太原市南郊对喜鹊的种群数量进行了研究。选定4条调查路线,采用数量统计法,表明种群数量相对稳定。以5年对种群数量比较,结果差异也不显著。但30年间种群数量呈不规则的波动。种群数季节消长规律以5月份最低,与自然死亡,天敌伤害和雌鸟卧巢关系密切。繁殖后比繁殖前的种群数量指数增长65.13%。影响喜鹊种群数量增长的因素是食物和气候。 展开更多
关键词 喜鹊 种群数量 太原市
Egg rejection and egg recognition mechanism in a Chinese Azure-winged Magpie(Cyanopica cyanus)population 被引量:2
作者 Jianping Liu Longwu Wang Wei Liang 《Avian Research》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第3期487-491,共5页
Recognition and rejection of foreign eggs are effective defense of hosts against brood parasitism.However,brood parasitism can impose various selection pressures on different geographic populations of the same host sp... Recognition and rejection of foreign eggs are effective defense of hosts against brood parasitism.However,brood parasitism can impose various selection pressures on different geographic populations of the same host species.In a multiple cuckoo system in China,Azure-winged Magpies(Cyanopica cyanus)are parasitized by both Indian Cuckoos(Cuculus micropterus)and Asian Koels(Eudynamys scolopaceus).In this study,egg recognition ability and recognition mechanism of the Azure-winged Magpie were investigated using a population in Fusong,southeastern Jilin,China.The results showed that 55.6%(20/36)of the Azure-winged Magpies correctly rejected quail(Coturnix japonica)eggs in their nests,while 13.9%(5/36)of the individuals experienced rejection costs by wrongly rejecting their own eggs.Azure-winged Magpies could accurately reject the experimental eggs when the number of such eggs in the nests was the same as that of the magpie eggs.However,Azure-winged Magpies do not recognize and reject conspecific eggs(0/28).The present study indicates that the Azure-winged Magpie has moderate egg recognition ability toward non-mimetic quail eggs and shows a true recognition mechanism with rejecting foreign eggs by accurately recognizing their own eggs.However,they cannot recognize conspecific eggs. 展开更多
关键词 Azure-winged magpie Cuckoo parasitism Egg rejection Recognition error True recognition
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