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化学交换饱和转移技术原理及应用进展 被引量:11
作者 闫爽 李明利 金征宇 《磁共振成像》 CAS CSCD 2016年第4期241-248,共8页
许多生物大分子如蛋白质、糖胺聚糖、糖原等,由于其内均含有氢质子,因而在进行磁共振扫描时通过对其施加预报和脉冲使其氢质子得到饱和,饱和的氢质子与周围水中的氢质子进行化学交换,通过测定水分子信号的变化,可以间接反映这些分子在... 许多生物大分子如蛋白质、糖胺聚糖、糖原等,由于其内均含有氢质子,因而在进行磁共振扫描时通过对其施加预报和脉冲使其氢质子得到饱和,饱和的氢质子与周围水中的氢质子进行化学交换,通过测定水分子信号的变化,可以间接反映这些分子在人体内含量,化学交换饱和转移技术就是在这一原理的基础上应运而生的。而由于这些物质的含量变化往往与肿瘤、卒中等疾病的发生相关,利用这一技术可以对这些疾病的诊断与治疗提供诸多有用信息,并因这一技术具有无辐射、非侵入性等优势,已成为时下研究的一大热点。本文就该技术的原理和应用进展作一综述。 展开更多
关键词 磁共振成像 磁化传递 化学交换饱和转移 pH成像 氨基质子饱和转移
磁化传递技术在提高膝关节磁共振影像对比中的应用 被引量:8
作者 倪红艳 祁吉 +4 位作者 张文波 王晖 李鹏 张德生 吴胜勇 《临床放射学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 1999年第9期561-564,共4页
目的:探讨磁化传递(MT)技术在提高膝关节MR影像对比中的作用。材料与方法:用琼脂凝胶和CuSO4溶液两种水模成像,摸索并优化MT成像的参数条件。对10例骨关节病患者及16名志愿者先后进行T2加权二维场回波(FE)和FE加MT序列成像,对其... 目的:探讨磁化传递(MT)技术在提高膝关节MR影像对比中的作用。材料与方法:用琼脂凝胶和CuSO4溶液两种水模成像,摸索并优化MT成像的参数条件。对10例骨关节病患者及16名志愿者先后进行T2加权二维场回波(FE)和FE加MT序列成像,对其中12名还先后进行了三维T2加权傅立叶采集稳态技术(FW)和FAST加MT序列成像。另外,用特定软件将FE加MT与FE及FAST加MT与FAST的相应层面的图像逐个象素相减,获得新图像。测量各图像滑液、关节软骨、脂肪、肌肉和韧带的信号强度,并计算相应层面的关节软骨-滑液、骨胳肌-脂肪和韧带-脂肪之间的对比/噪声比(C/Ns)值。结果:水模成像表明死+MT图像选offset=1KHz,Th=26.8ms,TR=500ms左右,α=20°~30°可使C/Ns和信噪比较大。在膝关节研究中,与未加MT的相应图像相比,MT图像的关节软骨、肌肉和韧带的信号强度有不同程度的降低,而滑液和脂肪的信号强度基本未变。FE加MT和FAST加MT的上述各个C/Ns值均高于FE和FAST图像(P<0.01)。加MT技术后,上述3种C/Ns值分别提高到原来的1.6~1.9、2.6~3.0和1.1~1.3倍。相减后的图像突出显示了受MT影响较大的关节软骨、肌肉等组织。结论:MT技术可提高T2加权的FE和FAST的膝关节MR影像对比,有利于膝关节结构和病变? 展开更多
关键词 磁共振成像 磁化传递 膝关节 对比
基于Stewart平台的星上微振动主动隔离/抑制 被引量:9
作者 李伟鹏 黄海 黄舟 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期629-635,共7页
针对星上微振动主动隔离/抑制的要求,以VCM(voice coil motor)作动器Stewart平台为控制装置,通过对其动力学模型解耦将控制转化为SISO(single input single output)问题;分析了Skyhook控制方法的隔振效果及其对抑振的局限性,在控制系统... 针对星上微振动主动隔离/抑制的要求,以VCM(voice coil motor)作动器Stewart平台为控制装置,通过对其动力学模型解耦将控制转化为SISO(single input single output)问题;分析了Skyhook控制方法的隔振效果及其对抑振的局限性,在控制系统中加入了PFF(positive force feedback)控制回路,并引入加速度反馈环节以提高系统的鲁棒稳定性,形成一种振动主动隔离/抑制控制方法;利用Stewart平台的单杆开展了基础扫频激励和负载单频直接干扰共同作用下的S-DOF(single degree of freedom)微振动主动隔离/抑振控制实验,建立了Stewart平台刚/柔混合动力学模型并通过仿真研究了6-DOF振动主动隔离/抑振控制效果。实验和仿真结果表明:该方法可实现良好的振动主动隔离/抑制效果且性能稳定。 展开更多
关键词 STEWART平台 微振动 主动控制 振动隔离 振动抑制
对比增强磁化传递在脑部磁共振成像中的应用 被引量:6
作者 李志坚 赵晓东 +1 位作者 姚雪艳 齐珍宝 《中国CT和MRI杂志》 2013年第1期22-25,共4页
目的探讨对比增强磁化传递(magnetization transfer,MT)在脑部磁共振成像中的应用价值。方法对26例病人进行常规T1WI、T1W/MT钆剂增强扫描前后的定量对比研究。增强扫描前常规SE序列T1WI,然后注射钆喷替酸葡甲胺(Gd-DTPA)(0.1mmol/kg)... 目的探讨对比增强磁化传递(magnetization transfer,MT)在脑部磁共振成像中的应用价值。方法对26例病人进行常规T1WI、T1W/MT钆剂增强扫描前后的定量对比研究。增强扫描前常规SE序列T1WI,然后注射钆喷替酸葡甲胺(Gd-DTPA)(0.1mmol/kg)增强后,进行SE序列T1WI和T1W/MT技术成像。通过比较对比度/噪声比值(C/Ns值),对SE序列T1WI和T1W/MT的影像结果进行对比分析。结果所有采用钆剂增强T1W/MT技术的图像C/Ns值比常规T1WI增强扫描的图像C/Ns值高。采用MT技术图像的C/Ns值为33.99±17.84(χ±s),常规T1WI对比增强图像的C/Ns值为20.94±18.8,t=2.57,P<0.01。结论在显示脑部病变方面,T1W/MT对比增强比常规T1WI对比增强对比度更强,显示病灶更敏感,对评估脑部疾病具有重要的临床价值。 展开更多
关键词 磁化传递 对比增强 磁共振成像 脑部病变
磁化传递成像评估克罗恩病肠瘘发生风险的应用价值 被引量:5
作者 林锦江 卢宝兰 +6 位作者 王红莉 方壮念 黄斯韵 孙灿辉 冯仕庭 李子平 李雪华 《中山大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期130-135,共6页
【目的】探讨磁化传递成像(MTI)预测克罗恩病(CD)患者肠瘘发生风险的应用价值。【方法】分析12例CD手术患者的术前MTI资料,在磁化传递率(MTR)图像上测量并计算病变肠壁的标准化MTR(标准化MTR=肠壁MTR/肌肉MTR)。采用MTI图像和手术切除... 【目的】探讨磁化传递成像(MTI)预测克罗恩病(CD)患者肠瘘发生风险的应用价值。【方法】分析12例CD手术患者的术前MTI资料,在磁化传递率(MTR)图像上测量并计算病变肠壁的标准化MTR(标准化MTR=肠壁MTR/肌肉MTR)。采用MTI图像和手术切除肠道区域对区域定位的方法,切取对应位置的肠壁组织行Masson染色以评估纤维化程度。采用Wilcoxon秩和检验比较有肠瘘和无肠瘘肠壁的标准化MTR,绘制ROC曲线分析标准化MTR预测CD肠瘘发生的效能。【结果】12例患者手术切除15个病变肠段,共获取35个肠壁标本,其中发生肠瘘的肠段有5段共12个标本,无发生肠瘘的肠段有10段共23个标本。有肠瘘的肠壁标准化MTR高于无肠瘘者(P=0.045)。ROC曲线分析显示标准化MTR预测病变肠壁发生肠瘘风险的曲线下面积为0.674(95%置信区间:0.537-0.811);以标准化MTR=0.768为诊断阈值时,诊断可能发生肠瘘的敏感度和特异度分别为93.3%、51.1%。有肠瘘的肠壁的纤维化评分高于无肠瘘者(P=0.012)。肠壁标准化MTR与纤维化评分呈正相关(r=0.708,P<0.001)。【结论】MTI可能有助于预测CD肠瘘的发生风险,可提前为临床制定有效治疗策略提供有价值的信息。 展开更多
关键词 磁化传递成像 克罗恩病 肠瘘
3D-TOF-MT-MRA在颅内AVM诊断中的应用分析 被引量:5
作者 吴冬 赵志清 +4 位作者 吕永革 黄春元 何金凤 钟金兰 余深平 《现代医用影像学》 2019年第8期1708-1710,共3页
目的:探讨3D-TOF-MT-MRA在颅内AVM诊断中的应用效果。方法:选取2014年6月-2018年6月我院收治的疑似AVM患者50例。所有患者都进行MR平扫联合3D-TOF-MT-MRA检查。结果:畸形血管团位于顶叶18例,枕叶5例,颞叶8例,脑室区6例,小脑半球4例,额叶... 目的:探讨3D-TOF-MT-MRA在颅内AVM诊断中的应用效果。方法:选取2014年6月-2018年6月我院收治的疑似AVM患者50例。所有患者都进行MR平扫联合3D-TOF-MT-MRA检查。结果:畸形血管团位于顶叶18例,枕叶5例,颞叶8例,脑室区6例,小脑半球4例,额叶5例,病变牵涉到多个脑叶4例。结论:3D-TOF-MT-MRA是一种安全可靠、无创伤的血管检查技术,对AVM的诊断效果较好,可清晰的检测出病变情况,值得作为AVM的临床诊疗依据。 展开更多
关键词 3D-TOF-MRA 磁化转移 颅内AVM 诊断
化学交换饱和转移效应量化方法的应用进展 被引量:4
作者 窦晗 郑阳 王晓明 《磁共振成像》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期118-120,124,共4页
化学交换饱和转移(chemical exchange saturation transfer,CEST)是一种新兴的分子成像技术,通过分子间化学交换现象间接获得代谢物浓度信息,进行疾病诊断、预后评估等。然而得到的CEST信号并不是单纯来自化学交换,而混杂了诸如传统磁... 化学交换饱和转移(chemical exchange saturation transfer,CEST)是一种新兴的分子成像技术,通过分子间化学交换现象间接获得代谢物浓度信息,进行疾病诊断、预后评估等。然而得到的CEST信号并不是单纯来自化学交换,而混杂了诸如传统磁化转移效应(magnetization transfer,MT)、直接饱和效应(direct water saturation,DS)、核奥氏效应(nuclear overhauser enhancement,NOE)等效应。去除或利用这些效应以提高量化的准确度和成像质量是向临床转化的关键。 展开更多
关键词 化学交换饱和转移 磁化传递 磁共振成像 核奥氏效应 直接饱和
基于T2WI与DWI的磁化传递技术在前列腺癌诊断及分级中的应用 被引量:3
作者 艾光勇 谯孝凤 +7 位作者 舒鑫 刘云帆 李欣 牛胜文 黄鑫 方静 张蓉 何晓静 《磁共振成像》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期86-92,共7页
目的探讨磁化传递成像(magnetization transfer imaging,MTI)在前列腺癌(prostate cancer,PCa)诊断及分级中的应用价值。材料与方法回顾性分析134例临床疑诊PCa的患者临床及影像资料,所有患者均完成基于T2WI与扩散加权成像(diffusion-we... 目的探讨磁化传递成像(magnetization transfer imaging,MTI)在前列腺癌(prostate cancer,PCa)诊断及分级中的应用价值。材料与方法回顾性分析134例临床疑诊PCa的患者临床及影像资料,所有患者均完成基于T2WI与扩散加权成像(diffusion-weighted imaging,DWI)序列的MTI检查。根据病理结果,把所有患者分为良性前列腺增生(benign prostatic hyperplasia,BPH)组和PCa组;根据Gleason分级分组(Gleason grade groups,GGG)系统将PCa进一步分为低级别(low score,Ls)组和高级别(high score,Hs)组。分析MTI应用于前列腺的可行性;比较施加磁化传递(magnetization transfer,MTr)脉冲前后,T2WI与DWI诊断PCa及识别高级别PCa的效能;进一步比较BPH与PCa组、Ls与Hs组磁化传递率(magnetization transfer ratio,MTR)的差异。结果基于T2WI与DWI序列的MTI图像质量佳,同一研究者前后2次及不同研究者间MTR测值一致性高。DWI序列施加MTr后,在PCa的诊断(MTr前AUC=0.779,MTr后AUC=0.850)以及高低级别PCa的鉴别上(MTr前AUC=0.697,MTr后AUC=0.818)诊断效能均有效提升。在进一步的MTR组间对比中,BPH与PCa组、Ls组与Hs组T2WI-MTR差异无统计学意义(P=0.06;P=0.59),而DWI-MTR差异均有显著统计学意义(P=0.01;P=0.01)。结论MTI技术有助于提升DWI序列的PCa诊断效能,同时能进一步提高其识别高级别PCa的能力;DWI-MTR在PCa诊断及分级中存在巨大潜力。 展开更多
关键词 前列腺 良性前列腺增生 前列腺癌 磁共振成像 磁化传递 Gleason分级分组 诊断分级
作者 李义昌 周建良 钱林清 《现代医用影像学》 2024年第4期775-777,781,共4页
目的:探讨MRI磁化传递(MT)技术在磁共振脑动脉血管成像(MRA)中的应用价值。材料和方法:收集2021年6月26日至2023年5月18日在本院就诊的41例受试对象,均同时执行常规三维时间飞跃法MRA(3D-TOF-MRA)和MT+3D-TOF-MRA的脑血管成像检查,统计... 目的:探讨MRI磁化传递(MT)技术在磁共振脑动脉血管成像(MRA)中的应用价值。材料和方法:收集2021年6月26日至2023年5月18日在本院就诊的41例受试对象,均同时执行常规三维时间飞跃法MRA(3D-TOF-MRA)和MT+3D-TOF-MRA的脑血管成像检查,统计分析和比较两种成像方法对脑动脉血管图像的显示情况。结果:在41例受试者中,对脑动脉大血管,两种成像方法均能完全清晰显示;对脑动脉1-2级分支血管,常规3D-TOF-MRA法能清晰显示32例,占比78%,而MT+3D-TOF-MRA法均能清晰显示,两者比较具有显著统计学差异(P=0.005);对脑动脉3-4级分支远端小血管,常规3D-TOF-MRA法只能清晰显示25例,占比61%,而MT+3D-TOF-MRA法能清晰显示37例,占比90.2%,两者比较也具有显著统计学差异(P=0.002)。另外,常规3D-TOF-MRA法对脑动脉血管背景抑制不全,而MT+3D-TOF-MRA法能完全抑制脑血管的背景。结论:在常规3D-TOF-MRA基础上增加MT技术,脑血管背景抑制更好,能够获得更加清晰的脑动脉血管影像,有利于脑动脉远端分支小血管的显示。 展开更多
关键词 磁共振成像 磁化传递 三维时间飞跃法 脑血管成像 图像评价
磁化传递成像观察多发性硬化大鼠中枢神经系统病灶 被引量:3
作者 张海琴 李坤成 +2 位作者 于春水 秦文 马佳 《医学影像学杂志》 2011年第8期1269-1272,共4页
目的:探索应用3.0T临床型MR设备进行磁化传递成像(MTI)观察多发性硬化(MS)大鼠中枢神经系统病灶的可行性。方法:用髓鞘少突胶质细胞糖蛋白多肽35-55(MOG35-55)致敏Lewis大鼠制备MS动物模型实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓炎(EAE)大鼠10只,正常... 目的:探索应用3.0T临床型MR设备进行磁化传递成像(MTI)观察多发性硬化(MS)大鼠中枢神经系统病灶的可行性。方法:用髓鞘少突胶质细胞糖蛋白多肽35-55(MOG35-55)致敏Lewis大鼠制备MS动物模型实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓炎(EAE)大鼠10只,正常对照组大鼠4只。3.0T临床型MR扫描仪配备小正交腕关节线圈,分别对大鼠脑和脊髓行T2W、T1磁化传递和T1非磁化传递三维容积扫描。利用工作站专业软件获得磁化传递率(MTR)图像。结果:成功建立MOG35-55-EAE模型大鼠10只。大鼠脑和脊髓的MTR图像具有较高的空间分辨率和对比度。MOG35-55-EAE病灶在T2WI上呈高信号,在MTR图像上表现为MTR值下降,呈低信号,在T1WI上呈低信号或者等信号。MTR图像对MOG35-55-EAE病灶检出率高,病灶显示清晰。对照组大鼠MR扫描未见异常。结论:应用3.0T临床型MR设备可以获得高质量的MOG35-55-EAE大鼠脑和脊髓MTR图像。MTI有望成为小动物中枢神经系统脱髓鞘疾病实验研究的体外监测手段。 展开更多
关键词 磁共振成像 磁化传递 多发性硬化 动物模型 实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓炎
MRI can reveal metabolic changes in lily bulbs in vivo during dormancy release 被引量:3
作者 HAN HaoJun YI MingFang 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2012年第11期1002-1006,共5页
The factors influencing dormancy release in lily bulbs strongly affect commercialization success, but the mechanism of dormancy release is still unclear. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can detect changes in morpholo... The factors influencing dormancy release in lily bulbs strongly affect commercialization success, but the mechanism of dormancy release is still unclear. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can detect changes in morphology and water status in a living plant bulb and aid in investigating release factors. To evaluate whether MRI could be used to detect intra-bulb metabolic changes during the dormant period in Oriental Lilies (Lilium 'Sorbonne'), a series of MRI and sugar concentration measurements were performed weekly on bulbs stored for 11 weeks at 4°C. The image quality of intra-bulb structure obtained using T 1-weighted imaging was superior to that obtained using T 2 -weighted imaging and had a higher signal-to-noise ratio (0.97±0.01). Magnetization transfer ratio values for the bud and basal plate declined during the first eight weeks of cold storage (P>0.05), and were well correlated with concentration of soluble sugar in the bud (R 2 =0.95) and basal plate (R 2 =0.93). Thus, MRI can serve as a valuable tool for observation and analysis of dynamic morphological and metabolic changes in vivo during dormancy release. This information is potentially useful as a guide in the improvement of horticultural product quality. 展开更多
关键词 transverse and longitudinal relaxation times magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) soluble sugar magnetic resonanceimaging (MRI) Lilium oriental hybrids dormancy release
Shared and distinct abnormalities of brain magnetization transfer ratio in schizophrenia and major depressive disorder:a comparative voxel-based meta-analysis 被引量:1
作者 Huan Lan Xueling Suo +4 位作者 Chao Zuo Weishi Ni Song Wang Graham JKemp Qiyong Gong 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第23期2824-2833,共10页
Background:Patients with schizophrenia(SCZ)and major depressive disorder(MDD)share significant clinical overlap,although it remains unknown to what extent this overlap reflects shared neural profiles.To identify the s... Background:Patients with schizophrenia(SCZ)and major depressive disorder(MDD)share significant clinical overlap,although it remains unknown to what extent this overlap reflects shared neural profiles.To identify the shared and specific abnormalities in SCZ and MDD,we performed a whole-brain voxel-based meta-analysis using magnetization transfer imaging,a technique that characterizes the macromolecular structural integrity of brain tissue in terms of the magnetization transfer ratio(MTR).Methods:A systematic search based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines was conducted in PubMed,EMBASE,International Scientific Index(ISI)Web of Science,and MEDLINE for relevant studies up to March 2022.Two researchers independently screened the articles.Rigorous scrutiny and data extraction were performed for the studies that met the inclusion criteria.Voxel-wise meta-analyses were conducted using anisotropic effect size-signed differential mapping with a unified template.Meta-regression was used to explore the potential effects of demographic and clinical characteristics.Results:A total of 15 studies with 17 datasets describing 365 SCZ patients,224 MDD patients,and 550 healthy controls(HCs)were identified.The conjunction analysis showed that both disorders shared higher MTR than HC in the left cerebellum(P=0.0006)and left fusiform gyrus(P=0.0004).Additionally,SCZ patients showed disorder-specific lower MTR in the anterior cingulate/paracingulate gyrus,right superior temporal gyrus,and right superior frontal gyrus,and higher MTR in the left thalamus,precuneus/cuneus,posterior cingulate gyrus,and paracentral lobule;and MDD patients showed higher MTR in the left middle occipital region.Meta-regression showed no statistical significance in either group.Conclusions:The results revealed a structural neural basis shared between SCZ and MDD patients,emphasizing the importance of shared neural substrates across psychopathology.Meanwhile,distinct disease-specific characteristics could have implic 展开更多
关键词 magnetization transfer imaging Major depressive disorder META-ANALYSIS NEUROIMAGING Psychoradiology SCHIZOPHRENIA
Voxel-based analyses of magnetization transfer imaging of the brain in hepatic encephalopathy 被引量:2
作者 Falk R Miese Hans-Jrg Wittsack +4 位作者 Gerald Kircheis Arne Holstein Christian Mathys Ulrich Mdder Mathias Cohnen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第41期5157-5164,共8页
AIM: To evaluate the spatial distribution of cerebral abnormalities in cirrhotic subjects with and without hepatic encephalopathy (HE) found with magnetization transfer imaging (MTI).METHODS: Nineteen cirrhotic patien... AIM: To evaluate the spatial distribution of cerebral abnormalities in cirrhotic subjects with and without hepatic encephalopathy (HE) found with magnetization transfer imaging (MTI).METHODS: Nineteen cirrhotic patients graded from neurologically normal to HE grade 2 and 18 healthy control subjects underwent magnetic resonance imaging. They gave institutional-review-board-approved written consent. Magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) maps were generated from MTI. We tested for significant differences compared to the control group using statistical non-parametric mapping (SnPM) for a voxelbased evaluation.RESULTS: The MTR of grey and white matter was lower in subjects with more severe HE. Changes were found in patients with cirrhosis without neurological defi cits in the basal ganglia and bilateral white matter. The loss in magnetization transfer increased in severity and spatial extent in patients with overt HE. Patients with HE grade 2 showed an MTR decrease in white and grey matter: the maximum loss of magnetization transfer effect was located in the basal ganglia [SnPM (pseudo-)t = 17.98, P = 0.0001].CONCLUSION: The distribution of MTR changes in HE points to an early involvement of basal ganglia and white matter in HE. 展开更多
关键词 BRAIN Hepatic encephalopathy magnetic resonance imaging Uver cirrhosis magnetization transfer imaging
Modelling Magnetization Transfer Considering Spin-Locking Effects
作者 Claus Kiefer 《Open Journal of Medical Imaging》 2014年第4期199-204,共6页
Purpose: Recently it was demonstrated that spin-locking (SL) effects can manifest as pseudo magnetization transfer (MT). To our best knowledge the MT models proposed so far cannot distinguish between saturation effect... Purpose: Recently it was demonstrated that spin-locking (SL) effects can manifest as pseudo magnetization transfer (MT). To our best knowledge the MT models proposed so far cannot distinguish between saturation effects caused by the MT preparation pulses and SL phenomena. Therefore a new MT model is proposed. Materials and Methods: A binary spin-bath model for magnetization transfer was extended in that sense that SL effects are considered. The new modified spin bath model was tested for a phantom with different agar concentrates (2%, 4%, 8%) and a MnCl2 (0.3 mM) solution. Results: The mean fitting error is 3.2 times lower for the modified model compared to the original model. Especially the parameter F for the fractional part of the bounded proton pool describes the situation for the MnCl2 (F = 0) better than the original model (F = 0.004). Conclusion: The proposed mathematical modifications of the binary spin-bath model considering SL seem to be a step in the right direction in that sense that the effects associated with SL are not interpreted as magnetization transfer. 展开更多
关键词 MRI magnetization transfer Spin-Locking
作者 张贵荣 Stephen Matchett +1 位作者 戴立益 陆嘉星 《华东师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期46-53,共8页
该文用完全线形分析法、磁化强度迁移法和自旋锁定技术等三种具体的DNMR法对含有不同取代基的金属烯烃有机化合物中因碳碳键转动引起的分子内质子的化学交换的动力学行为进行了较为详细的研究。结果表明,测得的化学交换的速率常数是合... 该文用完全线形分析法、磁化强度迁移法和自旋锁定技术等三种具体的DNMR法对含有不同取代基的金属烯烃有机化合物中因碳碳键转动引起的分子内质子的化学交换的动力学行为进行了较为详细的研究。结果表明,测得的化学交换的速率常数是合理的。它们满足Eyring和Ar-rehenuius关系式;由此获得的化学交换的活化能参数和活化自由能的变化与化合物中的取代基的Hammett常数б存在很好的一致关系。 展开更多
关键词 线形拟合 磁化强度 自旋锁定 DNMR 活化能 化学交换
Brain development in children with developmental delay using amide proton transfer-weighted imaging and magnetization transfer imaging
作者 Xiaolu Tang Hong Zhang +4 位作者 Jinyuan Zhou Huiying Kang Shuangfeng Yang Haijing Cui Yun Peng 《Pediatric Investigation》 CSCD 2020年第4期250-256,共7页
Importance:The process of brain development in children with developmental delay is not well known.Amide proton transfer-weighted(APTw)imaging is a novel molecular magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)technique that can non... Importance:The process of brain development in children with developmental delay is not well known.Amide proton transfer-weighted(APTw)imaging is a novel molecular magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)technique that can noninvasively detect cytosolic endogenous mobile proteins and peptides involved in the myelination process,and may be useful for providing insights into brain development.Objective:To assess the contribution of amide proton transfer-weighted(APTw)imaging and magnetization transfer(MT)imaging to the evaluation of children with developmental delay(DD).Methods:Fifty-one patients with DD were recruited to this study.The patients were divided into two groups according to the state of myelination assessed on conventional magnetic resonance imaging(MRI).Thirty patients(10 girls,20 boys;age range:1-8 months;median age:4 months)in group A showed delayed myelination on MRI,while 21 patients(3 girls,18 boys;age range:12-36months;median age:25months)in group B showed normal myelination on MRI.Fifty-one age-and sex-matched children with normal developmental quotient(DQ)and normal MRI appearance were recruited as normal controls.Three-slice APTw/MT axial imaging was performed at the level of the centrum semiovale,the basal ganglia and the pons.Quantitative data of the MT ratio(MTR)and APTw were analyzed for multiple brain regions.Independent-samplet-tests were used to compare differences in APTw and MTR signals between the two DD groups and normal controls.Analysis of Covariance was conducted to correct the statistical results.The level of statistical significance was set toP<0.05.Results:For group A,the MTR values were lower in all regions(P=0.004-0.033)compared with the normal controls,while the APTw values were higher in the pons,middle cerebellar peduncle,corpus callosum,frontal white matter,occipital white matter and centrum semiovale(P=0.004-0.040).For Group B,the MTR values were slightly reduced,and the APTw values were slightly increased compared with the normal controls,but the differences were not statistic 展开更多
关键词 CHILDREN MYELINATION Developmental delay Amide proton transfer magnetization transfer
作者 黄丽华 郑锐标 吴冬 《现代医用影像学》 2020年第9期1592-1595,共4页
目的:探讨磁化传递成像技术(MT)在3D-TOF-MR血管造影中的应用价值。方法:对本院2018年3月至2019年3月接受MR检查的50例患者分别进行常规脑血管3D-TOF-MRA及3D-MT-TOF-MRA检查,探讨磁化传递成像技术在3D-TOF-MR血管造影中的应用价值。结... 目的:探讨磁化传递成像技术(MT)在3D-TOF-MR血管造影中的应用价值。方法:对本院2018年3月至2019年3月接受MR检查的50例患者分别进行常规脑血管3D-TOF-MRA及3D-MT-TOF-MRA检查,探讨磁化传递成像技术在3D-TOF-MR血管造影中的应用价值。结果:3D-MT-TOF-MRA对大血管及其1-2级分支的显示轮廓锐利清晰、血管中断少、显示率为100%;对3-4级远端细小血管显示轮廓较清晰、血管中断较少,显示率为80%。常规3D-TOF-MRA对大血管显示轮廓锐利、连续性好,显示率为100%,对1-2级分支的显示轮廓欠清晰、部分血管有中断现象,显示率为72%;对3-4级远端细小血管显示率仅为16%。3D-MT-TOF-MRA图像质量佳,脑实质背景信号抑制完全。结论:应用MT技术的3D-MT-TOF-MRA较常规3D-TOF-MRA对颅内大动脉及远端小动脉显示清晰,脑实质背景信号抑制更完全,在脑血管造影中更具临床应用价值,值得推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 磁化传递技术 MRA 造影
Three-dimensional biomagnetic Maxwell fluid flow over a stretching surface in presence of heat source/sink
作者 M.G.Murtaza M.Ferdows +1 位作者 J.C.Misra E.E.Tzirtzilakis 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 SCIE 2019年第3期207-226,共20页
The present paper deals with the study of three-dimensional boundary layer flow of biomagnetic Maxwell fluid over a plane horizontal surface stretched linearly along two mutually perpendicular directions. Basic princi... The present paper deals with the study of three-dimensional boundary layer flow of biomagnetic Maxwell fluid over a plane horizontal surface stretched linearly along two mutually perpendicular directions. Basic principles of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and ferro-hydrodynamics (FHD) have been employed. The effect of heat generation/absorption has been taken into consideration. The study is theoretical and is conducted by using a combination of approximate and numerical techniques. By using the method of similarity transformation, the governing nonlinear partial differential equations are converted into a set of coupled ordinary differential equations. In the sequel, a suitable numerical method has been developed to solve the coupled differential equations. The accuracy of the numerical method has been checked by comparing the numerical results with those of an earlier study reported in available literatures. Effects of various parameters involved in the study, viz. the magnetohydrodynamic and ferromagnetic parameters, Deborah number, stretching ratio and heat generation on the fluid flow profiles are investigated and the results have been presented graphically. Variations of the skin friction, heat transfer rate and relative wall pressure with change in hydrodynamic and ferromagnetic parameters have also been illustrated. It is found that due to the influence of the Kelvin force, the velocity component in xx-direction is greater than the corresponding one in the hydrodynamic case, but the opposite is true for the velocity component in the yy-direction. We also found that the temperature of the fluid for hydrodynamic flow is greater than that for MHD or FHD flow. It is even greater for BFD flows. The numerical results of the study reveal that the characteristics of blood flow are significantly affected by the presence of a magnetic field. 展开更多
关键词 Biomagnetic fluid magnetic DIPOLE magnetization heat transfer STRETCHING surface
作者 陈爽 李文彬 +1 位作者 沈天真 陈星荣 《临床放射学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 1995年第2期83-85,共3页
本文搜集经组织学证实的15例颅内转移瘤病例,采用Gd-DTPA增强和增强后磁化传递对比技术(magnetizationtransfercontrast,MTC)相结合的方法,初步探讨了MTC在检测脑转移瘤中的价值,发... 本文搜集经组织学证实的15例颅内转移瘤病例,采用Gd-DTPA增强和增强后磁化传递对比技术(magnetizationtransfercontrast,MTC)相结合的方法,初步探讨了MTC在检测脑转移瘤中的价值,发现:(1)MTC在低磁场强度下对Gd-DTPA增强有协同作用;(2)两者结合可进一步发现和明确常规SE序列成像上没有或可疑的病灶,从而可提高检出率,防止漏检。 展开更多
关键词 磁化传递 脑转移瘤 脑肿瘤 肿瘤转移 NMR 成像
作者 姚秀忠 陈世勇 +1 位作者 赖清泉 粘朝晖 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期682-685,共4页
目的探讨3DSPGR磁化传递成像(MTI)在鉴别脑脓肿与坏死囊变性胶质瘤和脑转移瘤的应用价值。方法7例经手术病理(3例)或临床随访(4例)证实的脑脓肿、9例经手术病理证实的坏死囊变性胶质瘤和8例经临床证实的坏死囊变性转移瘤在治疗前接受了... 目的探讨3DSPGR磁化传递成像(MTI)在鉴别脑脓肿与坏死囊变性胶质瘤和脑转移瘤的应用价值。方法7例经手术病理(3例)或临床随访(4例)证实的脑脓肿、9例经手术病理证实的坏死囊变性胶质瘤和8例经临床证实的坏死囊变性转移瘤在治疗前接受了常规MR和3DSPGR序列MTI检查,测量并计算病灶囊性区、实性区、同层面对侧正常脑白质区和脑脊液的平均磁化传递率(magnetization transfer ratio,MTR)。结果病灶囊性区、实性区、同层面对侧正常脑白质区和脑脊液的MTR分别依次为(0.0803±0.04)、(0.2259±0.03)、(0.3475±0.02)、(-0.1546±0.15);病灶囊性区与脑脊液的MTR之间存在显著性差异,t=8.911,P<0.001,病灶实性区与正常脑白质区的MTR之间存在显著性差异(t=-20.208,P<0.001);脑脓肿与坏死囊变性胶质瘤和脑转移瘤囊性区的MTR均存在显著性差异(F=37.390,P<0.001),其中脑脓肿与胶质瘤存以及脑脓肿与脑转移瘤有显著性差异(P<0.001),胶质瘤和脑转移瘤无明显差异(P=0.179);实性区域的MTR三者之间无差异。结论3DSPGR-MTI以及MTR的测量在鉴别脑脓肿与坏死囊变性胶质瘤和脑转移瘤有重要价值,可作为常规MRI序列的重要补充。 展开更多
关键词 磁化传递 磁共振成像 脑脓肿 胶质瘤 肿瘤转移
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