结球甘兰(Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata)自交不亲和系的测定,通常是用田间自交法来进行,这种方法费工费时。自建立了用水溶性苯胺蓝显示花柱中花粉管的技术后,又逐渐发展了利用荧光染色法快速测定自交不亲和性的方法。此法根据...结球甘兰(Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata)自交不亲和系的测定,通常是用田间自交法来进行,这种方法费工费时。自建立了用水溶性苯胺蓝显示花柱中花粉管的技术后,又逐渐发展了利用荧光染色法快速测定自交不亲和性的方法。此法根据柱头上花粉萌发的数量确定不亲和程度,尚欠精确。研究表明,孢子体自交不亲和系统的花粉与柱头的识别机制是由S等位基因编码的S蛋白质决定的。美、英、日等国已先后分离鉴定出了这类S蛋白质。本试验旨在通过对甘蓝自交不亲和系及自交系花粉、柱头的蛋白质和氨基酸组分的分析,探讨利用蛋白质特性来快速测定植物孢子体型自交不亲和性的可能性。 材料与方法 试材采用西南农大园艺系蔬菜育种教研室选育的甘蓝自交不亲和系‘二乌叶86057’、‘北黑大86035’,二系统均是多代自交、高度稳定的自交不亲和系,1983年以来田间自交亲和指数均接近于0;自交系‘虹桥86047’,该材料也为多代自交,但亲和性稳定,1986年田间自交亲和指数达13.06。 等电聚焦电泳和氨基酸分析均测试“花粉”(P)、“柱头”(S)和“受粉后柱头”( P+ S)三项。花粉:取自开花前套袋隔离的花枝;枝头:隔离袋内,开花前1-2天彻底去雄,展开更多
The 33 ku protein, prepared from NaCI-treated PSII particles, has shown an single band by SDS-PAGE. After being dialyzed against the low-osmotic medium at 4癈, it has been found that the 33 ku protein degraded into se...The 33 ku protein, prepared from NaCI-treated PSII particles, has shown an single band by SDS-PAGE. After being dialyzed against the low-osmotic medium at 4癈, it has been found that the 33 ku protein degraded into several small fragments. This result suggests that the preparations of 33 ku protein probably contain some latent proteinases. it has also been found, by the 2-D electrophoresis and IEF, that the preparations of 33 ku protein not dialyzed against the low-osmotic medium contain several polypeptides with nearly the same molecular weight but not the same isoelectric point as the 33 ku protein.展开更多
文摘结球甘兰(Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata)自交不亲和系的测定,通常是用田间自交法来进行,这种方法费工费时。自建立了用水溶性苯胺蓝显示花柱中花粉管的技术后,又逐渐发展了利用荧光染色法快速测定自交不亲和性的方法。此法根据柱头上花粉萌发的数量确定不亲和程度,尚欠精确。研究表明,孢子体自交不亲和系统的花粉与柱头的识别机制是由S等位基因编码的S蛋白质决定的。美、英、日等国已先后分离鉴定出了这类S蛋白质。本试验旨在通过对甘蓝自交不亲和系及自交系花粉、柱头的蛋白质和氨基酸组分的分析,探讨利用蛋白质特性来快速测定植物孢子体型自交不亲和性的可能性。 材料与方法 试材采用西南农大园艺系蔬菜育种教研室选育的甘蓝自交不亲和系‘二乌叶86057’、‘北黑大86035’,二系统均是多代自交、高度稳定的自交不亲和系,1983年以来田间自交亲和指数均接近于0;自交系‘虹桥86047’,该材料也为多代自交,但亲和性稳定,1986年田间自交亲和指数达13.06。 等电聚焦电泳和氨基酸分析均测试“花粉”(P)、“柱头”(S)和“受粉后柱头”( P+ S)三项。花粉:取自开花前套袋隔离的花枝;枝头:隔离袋内,开花前1-2天彻底去雄,
文摘The 33 ku protein, prepared from NaCI-treated PSII particles, has shown an single band by SDS-PAGE. After being dialyzed against the low-osmotic medium at 4癈, it has been found that the 33 ku protein degraded into several small fragments. This result suggests that the preparations of 33 ku protein probably contain some latent proteinases. it has also been found, by the 2-D electrophoresis and IEF, that the preparations of 33 ku protein not dialyzed against the low-osmotic medium contain several polypeptides with nearly the same molecular weight but not the same isoelectric point as the 33 ku protein.