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人际沟通视阈下的微信传播解读 被引量:52
作者 王欢 祝阳 《现代情报》 CSSCI 2013年第7期24-27,共4页
微信在人际沟通领域引发了一场革命,基于"媒介是人体器官延伸"的理论,分析微信功能,探讨微信进入社会流程后对社会成员的人际思考与对沟通方式的塑造作用。微信备受现代人的青睐,分别从满足体现自我价值、情感表达、娱乐消遣... 微信在人际沟通领域引发了一场革命,基于"媒介是人体器官延伸"的理论,分析微信功能,探讨微信进入社会流程后对社会成员的人际思考与对沟通方式的塑造作用。微信备受现代人的青睐,分别从满足体现自我价值、情感表达、娱乐消遣3个方面进行阐释。深入思考微信社交的本质变化:由原有的"弱关系"向基于手机通讯录的"强关系"转变,实现了基于熟人关系的全新互动。微信的半匿名性引发个体的去个性化与去抑制性,从道德滑坡、语言暴力化、交往快餐式化3个角度剖析其负面效用。 展开更多
关键词 交往 沟通 微信 关系 失范
当校园SNS照进现实——校内网的人际传播模式探讨 被引量:33
作者 郑宇钧 林琳 《广东技术师范学院学报》 2008年第3期29-35,共7页
SNS是Web2.0应用的典型模式之一,而人际传播是SNS最主要的传播形态。本研究以校内网注册用户为研究对象,通过对两所高校的校内网用户网络调查搜集的多项数据,结合7W传播模式,从传者、内容、媒介、受者、效果、动机、情境七个方面分析校... SNS是Web2.0应用的典型模式之一,而人际传播是SNS最主要的传播形态。本研究以校内网注册用户为研究对象,通过对两所高校的校内网用户网络调查搜集的多项数据,结合7W传播模式,从传者、内容、媒介、受者、效果、动机、情境七个方面分析校园SNS的传播特征。通过与博客等媒介的比较,归纳出传者的自组织性及去中心化、以隐私性和自主性为前提的高分享度微内容传播、传播符号的多元化、对象群体的同龄化及指定性、传播主体的交互性、真实性和社会性的回归、动机的目的性、直接性和非功利性等校内网的传播特征。参照使用与满足、弱连带优势等理论,探讨在实名制规则下校园SNS的人际传播与受者需求、个人形象、性别、物理世界的人际关系等的交互关系。并结合建设和谐校园的新形势,展望校园SNS的发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 网络调查 校园SNS 校内网 实名制 网络人际传播(Computer-Mediated interpersonal Communication) 和谐校园
团体箱庭疗法对人际交往不良大学生的治疗过程与效果研究 被引量:47
作者 张雯 刘亚茵 张日昇 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 2010年第2期264-265,268,共3页
目的:探讨箱庭疗法对人际交往不良大学生的过程及有效性。方法:采用团体箱庭疗法对9名人际交往不良大学生进行8次团体治疗。结果:被试团体的治疗历程经过冲突呈现、协调学习、理解整合三个阶段。经过团体箱庭治疗,被试在人际交往中的交... 目的:探讨箱庭疗法对人际交往不良大学生的过程及有效性。方法:采用团体箱庭疗法对9名人际交往不良大学生进行8次团体治疗。结果:被试团体的治疗历程经过冲突呈现、协调学习、理解整合三个阶段。经过团体箱庭治疗,被试在人际交往中的交流焦虑和回避行为问题得以缓解,自我像呈现出明显的变化。结论:团体箱庭疗法能在一定程度上缓解人际交往不良大学生的交流焦虑和回避行为问题。 展开更多
关键词 团体箱庭疗法 人际交往 心理治疗
团体辅导改善大学生人际关系及心理健康水平的实证研究 被引量:32
作者 宋大力 袁红波 《社会心理科学》 2011年第1期36-39,共4页
目的:探讨团体心理辅导对改善大学生人际关系及心理健康水平的有效性及可行性。方法:采用单因素重复测量设计自然实验,对16名有改善人际关系愿望的大学生进行为期2个月,共10次的团体心理辅导干预;使用人际关系综合诊断量表和症状自评量... 目的:探讨团体心理辅导对改善大学生人际关系及心理健康水平的有效性及可行性。方法:采用单因素重复测量设计自然实验,对16名有改善人际关系愿望的大学生进行为期2个月,共10次的团体心理辅导干预;使用人际关系综合诊断量表和症状自评量表前后施测,结合团体成员的反馈自评和表现进行质的分析。结果:被试人际关系综合诊断量表前后测有差异(t=2.55,p<0.05),症状自评量表总分有显著差异(t=3.12,p<0.01),其中抑郁、敌对因子有显著差异(抑郁因子t=2.95,敌对因子t=2.71),人际关系和偏执因子有差异(人际关系因子t=2.53,偏执因子t=2.57)。结论:人际交往团体辅导对改善大学生的人际关系,提高心理健康水平是有效的。 展开更多
关键词 团体辅导 人际交往 心理健康 大学生人际关系
人际交往视角下微信功能的探讨 被引量:33
作者 王欢 祝阳 《现代情报》 CSSCI 2014年第2期82-85,93,共5页
新信息技术正以全球的工具性网络整合世界,并产生了庞大多样的虚拟社群[1]。作为移动互联网时代的"新宠",微信席卷并占领了通信市场。旨在从人际交往的角度,剖析微信的处于核心地位的功能。基于媒介延伸论,探讨"对讲机&q... 新信息技术正以全球的工具性网络整合世界,并产生了庞大多样的虚拟社群[1]。作为移动互联网时代的"新宠",微信席卷并占领了通信市场。旨在从人际交往的角度,剖析微信的处于核心地位的功能。基于媒介延伸论,探讨"对讲机"功能如何实现人际沟通的"光荣革命"。从人际交往的符号互动理论出发,讨论了"摇一摇"功能体现出的社会心理。从弱关系和地缘性两个角度出发,分析了"附近的人"功能建立起的人际关系实质及其建立的认知过程。重点探讨了人际关系建立与发展的过程,以此反思"朋友圈"建立的过程。从人际关系分类与人际圈模型图两个方面,思考和解构基于微信形成的关系圈。 展开更多
关键词 人际交往 人际关系 沟通方式 微信 功能
绿色管理内涵拓展及其目标设计 被引量:23
作者 黄志斌 朱孝忠 李祖永 《软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第5期71-74,共4页
绿色管理思想自上世纪90年代产生以来,得到不断发展、补充和完善,现已被公认为是21世纪管理理论发展的一个重要方向。但通过对理论界和学术界相关研究成果的考察,发现到目前为止对绿色管理的研究还仅仅停留在表面层次上(局限于环保与生... 绿色管理思想自上世纪90年代产生以来,得到不断发展、补充和完善,现已被公认为是21世纪管理理论发展的一个重要方向。但通过对理论界和学术界相关研究成果的考察,发现到目前为止对绿色管理的研究还仅仅停留在表面层次上(局限于环保与生态),而未能挖掘出绿色管理的本质内涵———和谐。首先对绿色管理的内涵进行深层次的拓展,然后在其本质内涵的基础上,从生态和谐(人与自然的和谐)与人态和谐(人与人的和谐)两个方面对绿色管理的目标和主要内容进行了重新设计,为绿色管理的全面发展和深层次发展开辟道路。 展开更多
关键词 绿色管理 和谐 内涵拓展 生态 人态
论韩礼德的元功能思想 被引量:18
作者 孙迎晖 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第1期99-103,共5页
元功能思想,也称纯理功能,在功能语言学理论中占有着重要地位。作者就韩礼德元功能理论与其他学者的功能研究存在不同之处、他为什么采取三分的方法以及他的元功能思想理论依据等问题进行探讨,得出以下结论:元功能理论是对语言功能的抽... 元功能思想,也称纯理功能,在功能语言学理论中占有着重要地位。作者就韩礼德元功能理论与其他学者的功能研究存在不同之处、他为什么采取三分的方法以及他的元功能思想理论依据等问题进行探讨,得出以下结论:元功能理论是对语言功能的抽象概括;它贯穿整个系统功能语法体系中,其功能分类构成系统功能语法的总体框架,成为功能语言学得以深入的发展的基础和平台。元功能理论三分方法不仅具有高度的概括性,而且是必须的。它反映了韩礼德的功能与结构的对应理论,充分体现了韩礼德的语言观、系统观、层次观以及语域和语境的思想,从而使整个系统功能语言理论成为一个完整、有机的体系。 展开更多
关键词 元功能 概念功能 人际功能 语篇功能 系统 层次 语域 语境
称呼语在语境中的变异表现 被引量:14
作者 郑雯嫣 《浙江海洋学院学报(人文科学版)》 2003年第2期84-87,共4页
关键词 称呼语 语境 交际 人际关系
论课堂生态与课堂动力 被引量:16
作者 刘兴然 《教育理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期56-59,共4页
课堂生态是通过其环境和社会文化的特征直接或间接影响师生教与学活动成效的主要外因之一,而其影响方式往往将课堂动力作为切入点或聚焦点。学生自身和群体的特征,课堂生态的好坏,教师与课程、教学和评价的整合程度等因素都会对课堂动... 课堂生态是通过其环境和社会文化的特征直接或间接影响师生教与学活动成效的主要外因之一,而其影响方式往往将课堂动力作为切入点或聚焦点。学生自身和群体的特征,课堂生态的好坏,教师与课程、教学和评价的整合程度等因素都会对课堂动力产生影响,而课堂动力的强弱直接或间接地左右着课堂活动的结果。 展开更多
关键词 课堂生态 课堂动力 教师与学生 教学 自然生态 人际生态 心理生态 雁行文化
Associations between individual and environmental factors and habitual physical activity among older Chinese adults:A social–ecological perspective 被引量:11
作者 Xiangren Yi Zachary Pope +7 位作者 Zan Gao Shumei Wang Fang Pan Jingpeng Yan Meng Liu Peipei Wu Jingjing Xu Rui Wang 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2016年第3期315-321,383,共8页
Purpose: To examine, within a social–ecological framework, associations between multifaceted individual and environmental factors and habitual physical activity(HPA) among older Chinese adults.Methods: Through a mix ... Purpose: To examine, within a social–ecological framework, associations between multifaceted individual and environmental factors and habitual physical activity(HPA) among older Chinese adults.Methods: Through a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods, a survey instrument assessing various factors underlying 3 social–ecological dimensions of intrapersonal, interpersonal, and community and environmental resources was developed. Using a cross-sectional design, older adults(n = 1580, aged 67 ± 7 years) recruited from 10 communities in Shandong province completed the social–ecological survey of HPA. Data were analyzed using Partial Least Squares Path Modeling.Results: Factors related to intrapersonal(medical knowledge, motivation, physical function, sport skills, socioeconomic status, and education),interpersonal(social support, social activity, and social norms), and community and physical environmental resources(safety, capacity, availability of and access to physical activity facilities) were found to be significantly associated with older adults' participation in HPA.Conclusion: The findings provide an initial validation of a social–ecological approach to the study of HPA in China, suggesting that strategies aimed at promoting physical activity in older adults should address multiple levels of factors that may contribute to the likelihood of older Chinese adults being physically active. 展开更多
关键词 Exercise interpersonal RESOURCES Intrapersonal RESOURCES OLDER ADULTS Physical activity Social–ecological
影响大学生人际信任的因素及其对策 被引量:9
作者 韦耀阳 《湖北第二师范学院学报》 2008年第9期47-49,共3页
关键词 大学生 信任 人际信任
学科馆员与读者互动质量及其对关系质量的影响研究——以人际互倚理论为视角 被引量:8
作者 禇兆麟 邹薇 《图书馆学研究》 CSSCI 2015年第5期83-87,共5页
图书馆学科服务具有互动本质,学科馆员和读者参与整个学科服务过程,直接影响图书馆学科服务的质量。文章以人际互倚理论为理论基础,实证研究了学科馆员与读者互动质量及其对关系质量的影响。该研究为图书馆更好地设计学科馆员与读者互... 图书馆学科服务具有互动本质,学科馆员和读者参与整个学科服务过程,直接影响图书馆学科服务的质量。文章以人际互倚理论为理论基础,实证研究了学科馆员与读者互动质量及其对关系质量的影响。该研究为图书馆更好地设计学科馆员与读者互动、提高服务质量提供了指导意见。 展开更多
关键词 学科服务 学科馆员 互动质量 关系质量 人际互倚理论
高校辅导员工作案例探析 被引量:7
作者 岳海晶 《科教导刊》 2012年第7期220-220,250,共2页
本文以大学新生寝室人际关系问题为切入点,通过一个比较具有普遍性的案例具体分析和探讨了高校辅导员实际工作中遇到的学生寝室管理问题。文章主要通过案例背景、案例分析、解决方法和案例启示这四个部分来具体剖析案例并重点阐述了辅... 本文以大学新生寝室人际关系问题为切入点,通过一个比较具有普遍性的案例具体分析和探讨了高校辅导员实际工作中遇到的学生寝室管理问题。文章主要通过案例背景、案例分析、解决方法和案例启示这四个部分来具体剖析案例并重点阐述了辅导员解决学生之间矛盾的一些方法和想法,试从辅导员角度探讨加强大学生寝室文化建设的新举措。 展开更多
关键词 辅导员 寝室 人际关系 案例
Defining soft skills in nursing:a concept analysis
作者 Luke Laari Oboshie Anim-Boamah Margaret Nyame 《Frontiers of Nursing》 2024年第3期243-252,共10页
Objective:To define soft skills in nursing.Methods:This is a concept analysis using the Walker and Avant approach.Multiple electronic databases in the English language including CINAHL,Science Direct,MEDLINE on EBSCOh... Objective:To define soft skills in nursing.Methods:This is a concept analysis using the Walker and Avant approach.Multiple electronic databases in the English language including CINAHL,Science Direct,MEDLINE on EBSCOhost,and Scopus were consulted.Results:Soft skills in nursing include the intrapersonal attributes,interpersonal skills,and creativity of the nurse,which,when combined with professionalism,teamwork,and effective communication skills,improve the quality of nursing care and client satisfaction.Conclusions:Although hard and soft skills are compatible and synergetic,soft skills are to be prioritized for the success of nursing care in the healthcare industry.This concept analysis adds to the body of knowledge by identifying the attributes of soft skills in nursing and revealing that a good nurse needs more than just good grades to be successful. 展开更多
关键词 COMMUNICATION hard skills individual creativity interpersonal skills intrapersonal traits nursing care soft skills
How Emotion Nurtures Mentality:The Influencing Mechanism of Social-Emotional Competency on the Mental Health of University Students
作者 Yulei Chen Zhaojun Chen +2 位作者 Shichao Wang Yang Hang Jianpeng Guo 《International Journal of Mental Health Promotion》 2024年第4期303-315,共13页
Social-Emotional Competency(SEC),regarded as a critical psychological resource for individuals to adapt to social environments,is an effective protective factor for students’mental health,impacting their future succe... Social-Emotional Competency(SEC),regarded as a critical psychological resource for individuals to adapt to social environments,is an effective protective factor for students’mental health,impacting their future success and well-being.Analyzing the impact of SEC on university students’mental health can offer valuable insights for nurturing talents with healthy psychological and physical development.Based on data from two large-scale surveys of Chinese university students,this study designed two comprehensive Multiple Mediation Models involving SEC,stress,coping strategies,and stress reaction to explore the pathway of emotion nurturing mentality.Study 1 utilized a parallel mediation model to examine the relationships between SEC,academic stress,interpersonal stress,and stress reactions.The results indicated that SEC negatively predicted academic stress,interpersonal stress,and stress reactions.Additionally,academic and interpersonal stress mediated the relationships between SEC and stress reactions in parallel.Extending these findings,Study 2 further investigated the role of coping strategies.By constructing a multiple-chain mediation model,it examined the predictive relationships among SEC,academic stress,interpersonal stress,three types of coping strategies,and stress reactions.The findings indicated that SEC negatively predicted stress,problemavoiding strategy,and stress reactions,while positively predicting problem-solving and assistant-seeking strategies.Furthermore,the two stress types and three coping strategies significantly mediated the relationship between SEC and stress reactions.This indicated that higher SEC was associated with reduced stress and more adaptive coping strategies and subsequently contributed to more favorable stress reactions.This research explored the impact of university students’SEC on mental health and its relational mechanisms,aiming to provide theoretical reference and practical insights for future efforts in cultivating SEC among university students to adjust academic and in 展开更多
关键词 Social-Emotional Competency academic stress interpersonal stress stress reaction coping strategies Multiple Mediation Model
Learning of Concepts: A Review of Relevant Advances Since 2010 and Its Inspirations for Teaching
作者 Zhong Wang 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2024年第6期1-15,共15页
This article reviews the psychological and neuroscience achievements in concept learning since 2010 from the perspectives of individual learning and social learning,and discusses several issues related to concept lear... This article reviews the psychological and neuroscience achievements in concept learning since 2010 from the perspectives of individual learning and social learning,and discusses several issues related to concept learning,including the assistance of machine learning about concept learning.In terms of individual learning,current evidence shows that the brain tends to process concrete concepts through typical features(shared features);and for abstract concepts,semantic processing is the most important cognitive way.In terms of social learning,interpersonal neural synchrony(INS)is considered the main indicator of efficient knowledge transfer(such as teaching activities between teachers and students),but this phenomenon only broadens the channels for concept sources and does not change the basic mode of individual concept learning.Ultimately,this article argues that the way the human brain processes concepts depends on the concept’s own characteristics,so there are no“better”strategies in teaching,only more“suitable”strategies. 展开更多
关键词 Concept learning Concrete concepts Abstract concepts interpersonal neural synchrony Machine learning Review
Investigation of Patients’ Mood on Their Distance from the Pharmacist during Medication Instruction
作者 Saori Gocho Yukina Miyagi +4 位作者 Naoko Yamaguchi Chika Nakayama Yuka Miyachi Shoshiro Okada Taeyuki Oshima 《Pharmacology & Pharmacy》 CAS 2023年第5期145-155,共11页
Background: Pharmacists must adjust their distance from patients to facilitate communication during interviews and gain their trust. The distance between the patients and the pharmacists varies depending on many facto... Background: Pharmacists must adjust their distance from patients to facilitate communication during interviews and gain their trust. The distance between the patients and the pharmacists varies depending on many factors, such as gender, posture and the patients’ mood. Only a few of these papers have actually measured and validated distance with patients. In this study, we validated our method of assessing mood and measuring distance before beginning a survey with patients. Methods: We measured comfortable interpersonal distance among men and women using an ecological scenario, in which a pharmacist approaches the subject, and the subject is asked to stop the pharmacist at the distance he/she feel comfortable with. Five pharmacists and 33 subjects participated in the study. The Japanese version of the Brief Mood Questionnaire Checklists (BMC-J) was used to quantify the subject’s mood for the day, and then the distance from the pharmacist that the subjects considered comfortable was measured at the bedside. The relationship between the mood and distance obtained was examined. Results: The comfortable distance of subjects was influenced by gender, posture, and mood. The shortest distance was 94.7 ± 11.1 cm (mean ± SD), for the male subjects versus the female pharmacists in the sitting position. The distance of male subjects shorted when they had positive emotions and lengthened when they were worried. Female subjects maintained a long distance from both male and female pharmacists when they had positive emotions and a short distance when they were worried. Conclusion: Findings show that the distance changes depending on the subjects’ mood at the time of measurement. It was found that the present measurement method can be used to determine the psychological state of the patient and measure the comfort distance at that time, and can be used as a simple method to examine these relationships. Therefore, it is also considered a practical method for the next step, which is a clinical study on patients. 展开更多
关键词 Non-Verbal Communication Personal Space interpersonal Distance MOOD PHARMACIST
Interpersonal Perception in Virtual Groups: Examining Homophily, Identification and Individual Attraction Using Social Relations Model in Network
作者 Zuoming Wang 《Social Networking》 2023年第2期45-56,共12页
With the penetration of the Internet, virtual groups have become more and more popular. The reliability and accuracy of interpersonal perception in the virtual environment is an intriguing issue. Using the Social rela... With the penetration of the Internet, virtual groups have become more and more popular. The reliability and accuracy of interpersonal perception in the virtual environment is an intriguing issue. Using the Social relations model (SRM) [1], this paper investigates interpersonal perception in virtual groups from a multilevel perspective. In particular, it examines the following three areas: homophily, identification, and individual attraction, and explores how much of these directional and dyadic relational evaluations can be attributed to the effect of the actor, the partner, and the relationship. 展开更多
关键词 Virtual Groups interpersonal Perception Social Relations Model HOMOPHILY IDENTIFICATION Individual Attraction
关于当代大学生人际关系状况与人际交往问题的探讨 被引量:5
作者 杜娟 陈骁 《中国教育技术装备》 2011年第3期62-63,共2页
大学生人际关系是大学生大学生活的重要组成部分,直接影响其心理健康和主观幸福感。人际交往问题是大学生校园生活的第一大问题,在各种困扰大学生生活的因素中处于十分突出的位置。针对当代大学生人际关系状况、人际交往中存在的问题... 大学生人际关系是大学生大学生活的重要组成部分,直接影响其心理健康和主观幸福感。人际交往问题是大学生校园生活的第一大问题,在各种困扰大学生生活的因素中处于十分突出的位置。针对当代大学生人际关系状况、人际交往中存在的问题,理性分析原因,科学探究合理的方法,指导大学生更好地与人交往,构建和谐人际关系,促进自身健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 大学生 人际关系 人际交往
Interpersonal coordination in schizophrenia:a concise update on paradigms,computations,and neuroimaging findings 被引量:1
作者 Yafeng Pan Yalan Wen +2 位作者 Yajie Wang Leonhard Schilbach Ji Chen 《Psychoradiology》 2023年第1期13-17,共5页
Social function deficits are a ubiquitous manifestation of many psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia(Burns,2006;Green et al,2015;Schilbach,2016).Patients with schizophrenia(PSZ)exhibit a variety of abnormalit... Social function deficits are a ubiquitous manifestation of many psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia(Burns,2006;Green et al,2015;Schilbach,2016).Patients with schizophrenia(PSZ)exhibit a variety of abnormalities in social cognition related to social perception,facial emotion recognition,mentalization,and interpersonal coordination(Turetsky et al,2007;Schilbach,2016;Green et al,2019). 展开更多
关键词 SCHIZOPHRENIA social functioning computational psychiatry neuroimage interpersonal coordination
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