The insulated gate bipolar transistor(IGBT) was invented in early 80s as the controlled switch to replace HV MOSFETs and BJTs.Today,the IGBT is the major player in most of power conversion applications,such as home ap...The insulated gate bipolar transistor(IGBT) was invented in early 80s as the controlled switch to replace HV MOSFETs and BJTs.Today,the IGBT is the major player in most of power conversion applications,such as home appliance drives,power supplies,lighting,industrial variable speed drives,UPS,medical equipment,traction drives, power transmission,etc..As fully controlled device,die IGBT requires an appropriate gate driver in order to achieve full performances of the IGBT.The author of this paper has tried to systematically summarize some major aspects of application and control of high power as well low power IGBT.The major aspects considered are the IGBT losses,gate driver and protection techniques.展开更多
文摘The insulated gate bipolar transistor(IGBT) was invented in early 80s as the controlled switch to replace HV MOSFETs and BJTs.Today,the IGBT is the major player in most of power conversion applications,such as home appliance drives,power supplies,lighting,industrial variable speed drives,UPS,medical equipment,traction drives, power transmission,etc..As fully controlled device,die IGBT requires an appropriate gate driver in order to achieve full performances of the IGBT.The author of this paper has tried to systematically summarize some major aspects of application and control of high power as well low power IGBT.The major aspects considered are the IGBT losses,gate driver and protection techniques.