In the troposphere, ozone is a harmful gas compound to both human health and vegetation. Ozone is produced from the reaction of NO_x(@NO + NO_2) and VOCs(volatile organic compounds) with light. Due to the highly nonli...In the troposphere, ozone is a harmful gas compound to both human health and vegetation. Ozone is produced from the reaction of NO_x(@NO + NO_2) and VOCs(volatile organic compounds) with light. Due to the highly nonlinear relationships between ozone and its precursors, proper ozone mitigation relies on the knowledge of chemical mechanisms. In this study, an observation-based method is used to simulate ozone formation and elucidate its controlling factors for a rural site on the North China Plain. The instantaneous ozone production rate is calculated utilizing a box model using the dataset obtained from the Wangdu campaign. First, the model was operated in a time-dependent mode to calculate the ozone production rate at each time stamp. The calculated ozone formation rate showed a diurnal average maximum value of 17 ppbv/h(1-h diurnal averaged). The contribution of individual peroxy radicals to ozone production was analyzed. In addition, the functional dependence of calculated P(O_3) reveals that ozone production was in a NO_x-limited regime during the campaign. Furthermore, the missing peroxy radical source will further extend NO_x-limited conditions to earlier in the day, making NO_xlimitation dominate more of a day than the current chemical model predicts. Finally, a multiple scenarios mode,also known as EKMA(empirical kinetic modeling approach), was used to simulate the response of P(O_3) to the imaginary change in precursor concentrations. We found that ozone production was in the NO_x-limited region. However, the use of NO_2 measured by the molybdenum converter and/or the absence of a peroxy radical source in the current chemical model could over-emphasize the VOC-limited effect on ozone production.展开更多
It is a comparatively convenient technique to investigate the motion of a particle with the help of the differential geometry the-ory,rather than directly decomposing the motion in the Cartesian coordinates.The new mo...It is a comparatively convenient technique to investigate the motion of a particle with the help of the differential geometry the-ory,rather than directly decomposing the motion in the Cartesian coordinates.The new model of three-dimensional (3D) guidance problem for interceptors is presented in this paper,based on the classical differential geometry curve theory.Firstly,the kinematical equations of the line of sight (LOS) are gained by carefully investigating the rotation principle of LOS,the kinematic equations of LOS are established,and the concepts of curvature and torsion of LOS are proposed.Simultaneously,the new relative dynamic equations between interceptor and target are constructed.Secondly,it is found that there is an instan-taneous rotation plane of LOS (IRPL) in the space,in which two-dimensional (2D) guidance laws could be constructed to solve 3D interception guidance problems.The spatial 3D true proportional navigation (TPN) guidance law could be directly introduced in IRPL without approximation and linearization for dimension-reduced 2D TPN.In addition,the new series of augmented TPN (APN) and LOS angular acceleration guidance laws (AAG) could also be gained in IRPL.After that,the dif-ferential geometric guidance commands (DGGC) of guidance laws in IRPL are advanced,and we prove that the guidance commands in arc-length system proposed by Chiou and Kuo are just a special case of DGGC.Moreover,the performance of the original guidance laws will be reduced after the differential geometric transformation.At last,an exoatmospheric intercep-tion is taken for simulation to demonstrate the differential geometric modeling proposed in this paper.展开更多
Energy management(EM) is a core technique of hybrid electric bus(HEB) in order to advance fuel economy performance optimization and is unique for the corresponding configuration. There are existing algorithms of c...Energy management(EM) is a core technique of hybrid electric bus(HEB) in order to advance fuel economy performance optimization and is unique for the corresponding configuration. There are existing algorithms of control strategy seldom take battery power management into account with international combustion engine power management. In this paper, a type of power-balancing instantaneous optimization(PBIO) energy management control strategy is proposed for a novel series-parallel hybrid electric bus. According to the characteristic of the novel series-parallel architecture, the switching boundary condition between series and parallel mode as well as the control rules of the power-balancing strategy are developed. The equivalent fuel model of battery is implemented and combined with the fuel of engine to constitute the objective function which is to minimize the fuel consumption at each sampled time and to coordinate the power distribution in real-time between the engine and battery. To validate the proposed strategy effective and reasonable, a forward model is built based on Matlab/Simulink for the simulation and the dSPACE autobox is applied to act as a controller for hardware in-the-loop integrated with bench test. Both the results of simulation and hardware-in-the-loop demonstrate that the proposed strategy not only enable to sustain the battery SOC within its operational range and keep the engine operation point locating the peak efficiency region, but also the fuel economy of series-parallel hybrid electric bus(SPHEB) dramatically advanced up to 30.73% via comparing with the prototype bus and a similar improvement for PBIO strategy relative to rule-based strategy, the reduction of fuel consumption is up to 12.38%. The proposed research ensures the algorithm of PBIO is real-time applicability, improves the efficiency of SPHEB system, as well as suite to complicated configuration perfectly.展开更多
Ideal proportional navigation (IPN) is a natural choice for exoatmospheric interception for its mighty capture capability and ease of implementation. The closed-form solution of two- dimensional ideal proportional n...Ideal proportional navigation (IPN) is a natural choice for exoatmospheric interception for its mighty capture capability and ease of implementation. The closed-form solution of two- dimensional ideal proportional navigation was conducted in previous public literature, whereas the practical interception happens in the three-dimensional space. A novel set of relative dynamic equations is adopted in this paper, which is with the advantage of decoupling relative motion in the instantaneous rotation plane of the line of sight from the rotation of this plane. The dimension-reduced IPN is constructed in this instantaneous plane, which functions as a three-dimensional guidance law. The trajectory features of dimension-reduced IPN are explored, and the capture regions of dimension-reduced IPN with limited acceleration against nonmaneuvering and maneuvering targets are analyzed by using phase plane method. It is proved that the capture capability of IPN is much stronger than true proportional navigation (TPN), no matter the target maneuvers or not. Finally, simulation results indicate that IPN is more effective than TPN in exoatmospheric interception scenarios.展开更多
In the Chinese lunar exploration project,the Chang'E-1 (CE-1) satellite was jointly monitored by the United S-band range and Doppler and the VLBI technique. A real-time reduction of the tracking data is realized t...In the Chinese lunar exploration project,the Chang'E-1 (CE-1) satellite was jointly monitored by the United S-band range and Doppler and the VLBI technique. A real-time reduction of the tracking data is realized to deduce the time series of the instantaneous state vectors (ISV) (position and velocity vec-tors) of the CE-1 satellite,and is applied to the orbital monitoring of pivotal arcs. This paper introduces this real-time data reduction method and its application to the orbital monitoring of pivotal arcs of the CE-1 satellite in order to serve as a source of criticism and reference.展开更多
Aluminum alloy is the main structural material of aircraft,launch vehicle,spaceship,and space station and is processed by milling.However,tool wear and vibration are the bottlenecks in the milling process of aviation ...Aluminum alloy is the main structural material of aircraft,launch vehicle,spaceship,and space station and is processed by milling.However,tool wear and vibration are the bottlenecks in the milling process of aviation aluminum alloy.The machining accuracy and surface quality of aluminum alloy milling depend on the cutting parameters,material mechanical properties,machine tools,and other parameters.In particular,milling force is the crucial factor to determine material removal and workpiece surface integrity.However,establishing the prediction model of milling force is important and difficult because milling force is the result of multiparameter coupling of process system.The research progress of cutting force model is reviewed from three modeling methods:empirical model,finite element simulation,and instantaneous milling force model.The problems of cutting force modeling are also determined.In view of these problems,the future work direction is proposed in the following four aspects:(1)high-speed milling is adopted for the thin-walled structure of large aviation with large cutting depth,which easily produces high residual stress.The residual stress should be analyzed under this particular condition.(2)Multiple factors(e.g.,eccentric swing milling parameters,lubrication conditions,tools,tool and workpiece deformation,and size effect)should be considered comprehensively when modeling instantaneous milling forces,especially for micro milling and complex surface machining.(3)The database of milling force model,including the corresponding workpiece materials,working condition,cutting tools(geometric figures and coatings),and other parameters,should be established.(4)The effect of chatter on the prediction accuracy of milling force cannot be ignored in thin-walled workpiece milling.(5)The cutting force of aviation aluminum alloy milling under the condition of minimum quantity lubrication(mql)and nanofluid mql should be predicted.展开更多
A pplication o f m echanical excavators is one o f th e m o st com m only used excavation m eth o d s because itcan bring th e p ro ject m ore productivity, accuracy and safety. A m ong th e m echanical excavators, ro...A pplication o f m echanical excavators is one o f th e m o st com m only used excavation m eth o d s because itcan bring th e p ro ject m ore productivity, accuracy and safety. A m ong th e m echanical excavators, roadhead ers are m echanical m iners w h ich have b een extensively u se d in tu n n elin g , m ining an d civil indu stries. Perform ance pred ictio n is an im p o rta n t issue for successful ro a d h e a d e r application andgenerally deals w ith m achine selection, p ro d u ctio n rate an d b it consu m p tio n . The m ain aim o f thisresearch is to investigate th e c u ttin g p erfo rm an ce (in stan tan eo u s c u ttin g rates (ICRs)) o f m ed iu m -d u tyro ad h ead ers by using artificial neural n etw o rk (ANN) approach. T here are d ifferent categories forANNs, b u t based o n train in g alg o rith m th e re are tw o m ain k in d s: supervised and u n su p erv ised . Them u lti-lay er p ercep tro n (MLP) an d K ohonen self-organizing feature m ap (KSOFM) are th e m o st w idelyused neu ral netw o rk s for supervised an d u n su p erv ised ones, respectively. For gaining this goal, ad atab ase w as prim arily provided from ro ad h e a d e rs' p erfo rm an ce an d geom echanical characteristics o frock form ations in tu n n els and d rift galleries in Tabas coal m ine, th e larg est an d th e only fullymech an ized coal m ine in Iran. T hen th e datab ase w as analyzed in o rd e r to yield th e m ost im p o rtan tfactor for ICR by using relatively im p o rta n t factor in w hich G arson eq u atio n w as utilized. The MLPn etw o rk w as train ed by 3 in p u t p ara m e te rs including rock m ass pro p erties, rock quality d esignation(RQD), in tact rock p ro p erties such as uniaxial com pressive stre n g th (UCS) an d Brazilian ten sile stren g th(BTS), and o n e o u tp u t p a ra m e te r (ICR). In o rd e r to have m ore v alidation o n MLP o u tp u ts, KSOFM visualizationw as applied. The m ean square e rro r (MSE) an d regression coefficient (R �展开更多
An adaptive approach to select analysis window param- eters for linear frequency modulated (LFM) signals is proposed to obtain the optimal 3 dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the short- time Fourier transform (S...An adaptive approach to select analysis window param- eters for linear frequency modulated (LFM) signals is proposed to obtain the optimal 3 dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the short- time Fourier transform (STFT) domain. After analyzing the instan- taneous frequency and instantaneous bandwidth to deduce the relation between the window length and deviation of the Gaus- sian window, high-order statistics is used to select the appropriate window length for STFT and get the optimal SNR with the right time-frequency resolution according to the signal characteristic under a fixed sampling rate. Computer simulations have verified the effectiveness of the new method.展开更多
A new approach for unparallel trajectory bistatic spotlight SAR imaging is proposed. The approach utilizes the concept of instantaneous Doppler wavenumber and introduces two variants, the sum-range and subtraction-ran...A new approach for unparallel trajectory bistatic spotlight SAR imaging is proposed. The approach utilizes the concept of instantaneous Doppler wavenumber and introduces two variants, the sum-range and subtraction-range, to develop the 2D frequency analytical formula. Based on the assumption of plane wavefront, the transmitting and receiving Doppler are separated and formulated via series reversion. And frequency scaling is applied to focus image. The algorithm is with high computational efficiency, and provides well focus for limited scene imaging. Simulation result confirms the validity of the approach.展开更多
Plant water use efficiency(WUE) is becoming a key issue in semiarid areas, where crop production relies on the use of large volumes of water. Improving WUE is necessary for securing environmental sustainability of foo...Plant water use efficiency(WUE) is becoming a key issue in semiarid areas, where crop production relies on the use of large volumes of water. Improving WUE is necessary for securing environmental sustainability of food production in these areas. Given that climate change predictions include increases in temperature and drought in semiarid regions,improving crop WUE is mandatory for global food production. WUE is commonly measured at the leaf level, because portable equipment for measuring leaf gas exchange rates facilitates the simultaneous measurement of photosynthesis and transpiration. However,when those measurements are compared with daily integrals or whole-plant estimates of WUE, the two sometimes do not agree. Scaling up from single-leaf to whole-plant WUE was tested in grapevines in different experiments by comparison of daily integrals of instantaneous water use efficiency [ratio between CO2assimilation(AN) and transpiration(E); AN/E] with midday AN/E measurements, showing a low correlation, being worse with increasing water stress. We sought to evaluate the importance of spatial and temporal variation in carbon and water balances at the leaf and plant levels. The leaf position(governing average light interception) in the canopy showed a marked effect on instantaneous and daily integrals of leaf WUE. Night transpiration and respiration rates were also evaluated, as well as respiration contributions to total carbon balance. Two main components were identified as filling the gap between leaf and whole plant WUE: the large effect of leaf position on daily carbon gain and water loss and the large flux of carbon losses by dark respiration. These results show that WUE evaluation among genotypes or treatments needs to be revised.展开更多
In this paper, the structure of analytic signals is investigated by means of the relation between analytic signals and functions in the Hardy space. It is shown that an analytic signal is made up of two parts, one dep...In this paper, the structure of analytic signals is investigated by means of the relation between analytic signals and functions in the Hardy space. It is shown that an analytic signal is made up of two parts, one depending on the amplitude of the signal and another on the boundary value of an inner function. Based on this result, properties of the instantaneous frequencies of these two parts are studied, and it is found that negative instantaneous frequencies are caused by the amplitude of a signal. Finally, such conditions that an analytic signal is of positive instantaneous frequency are presented.展开更多
Low frequency content of seismic signals contains information related to the reservoir fluid mobility. Based on the asymptotic analysis theory of frequency-dependent reflectivity from a fluid-saturated poroelastic med...Low frequency content of seismic signals contains information related to the reservoir fluid mobility. Based on the asymptotic analysis theory of frequency-dependent reflectivity from a fluid-saturated poroelastic medium, we derive the computational implementation of reservoir fluid mobility and present the determination of optimal frequency in the implementation. We then calculate the reservoir fluid mobility using the optimal frequency instantaneous spectra at the low-frequency end of the seismic spectrum. The methodology is applied to synthetic seismic data from a permeable gas-bearing reservoir model and real land and marine seismic data. The results demonstrate that the fluid mobility shows excellent quality in imaging the gas reservoirs. It is feasible to detect the location and spatial distribution of gas reservoirs and reduce the non-uniqueness and uncertainty in fluid identification.展开更多
A novel parallel hybrid electrical urban bus (PHEUB) configuration consisting of an extra one-way clutch and an automatic mechanical transmission (AMT) is taken as the study subject. An energy management strategy ...A novel parallel hybrid electrical urban bus (PHEUB) configuration consisting of an extra one-way clutch and an automatic mechanical transmission (AMT) is taken as the study subject. An energy management strategy combining a logic threshold approach and an instantaneous optimization algorithm is proposed for the investigated PHEUB. The objective of the energy management strategy is to achieve acceptable vehicle performance and drivability requirements while simultaneously maximizing the engine fuel consumption and maintaining the battery state of charge in its operation range at all times. Under the environment of Matlab/Simulink, a computer simulation model for the PHEUB is constructed by using the model building method combining theoretical analysis and bench test data. Simulation and experiment results for China Typical Bus Driving Schedule at Urban District (CTBDS_UD) are obtained, and the results indicate that the proposed control strategy not only controls the hybrid system efficiently but also improves the fuel economy significantly.展开更多
Contaminant release from bottom sediments in rivers is one of the" main problems to study the environmental hydrodyna- mics. Contaminant will release into the overlying water column under different hydrodynamic condi...Contaminant release from bottom sediments in rivers is one of the" main problems to study the environmental hydrodyna- mics. Contaminant will release into the overlying water column under different hydrodynamic conditions through pore-water in sedi- ment, the release mechanism can be roughly divided into convection diffusion, molecular diffusion and adsorption/desorption. In this article, phosphorus was as a typical contaminant with sorption. Through theoretical analysis of the contaminant release, according to different particle-sized and hydraulic conditions, the mathematics model of contaminant release can be established by the coupled Navier-Stokes equation, Darcy equation, solute transport equation and adsorption/desorption equation. Then that model was verified by flume experiment. Numerical studies show that, under different velocity, the instantaneous concentration of convection diffusion is about 6 times to 50 times larger than that of molecular diffusion during initial stages. The concentration of molecular diffusion is about 1 times to 4 times larger than to that of convection diffusion during late stages. Through analysis, the diffusive boundary layer near the interface can be obtained. In addition, the release will increase with particle size decreasing, and the release will be influe- nced much more by the size change when the particle size is relatively big under different velocity.展开更多
基金supported from the research projects of the Environmental Public Welfare Industry in China (201509001,201409005)the National Science and Technology Support Program of China (2014BAC21B01)+2 种基金the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB05010500)the Special Fund of State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control (18K03ESPCP)the EU-project AMIS (Fate and Impact of Atmospheric Pollutants,PIRSES-GA-2011295132)
文摘In the troposphere, ozone is a harmful gas compound to both human health and vegetation. Ozone is produced from the reaction of NO_x(@NO + NO_2) and VOCs(volatile organic compounds) with light. Due to the highly nonlinear relationships between ozone and its precursors, proper ozone mitigation relies on the knowledge of chemical mechanisms. In this study, an observation-based method is used to simulate ozone formation and elucidate its controlling factors for a rural site on the North China Plain. The instantaneous ozone production rate is calculated utilizing a box model using the dataset obtained from the Wangdu campaign. First, the model was operated in a time-dependent mode to calculate the ozone production rate at each time stamp. The calculated ozone formation rate showed a diurnal average maximum value of 17 ppbv/h(1-h diurnal averaged). The contribution of individual peroxy radicals to ozone production was analyzed. In addition, the functional dependence of calculated P(O_3) reveals that ozone production was in a NO_x-limited regime during the campaign. Furthermore, the missing peroxy radical source will further extend NO_x-limited conditions to earlier in the day, making NO_xlimitation dominate more of a day than the current chemical model predicts. Finally, a multiple scenarios mode,also known as EKMA(empirical kinetic modeling approach), was used to simulate the response of P(O_3) to the imaginary change in precursor concentrations. We found that ozone production was in the NO_x-limited region. However, the use of NO_2 measured by the molybdenum converter and/or the absence of a peroxy radical source in the current chemical model could over-emphasize the VOC-limited effect on ozone production.
文摘It is a comparatively convenient technique to investigate the motion of a particle with the help of the differential geometry the-ory,rather than directly decomposing the motion in the Cartesian coordinates.The new model of three-dimensional (3D) guidance problem for interceptors is presented in this paper,based on the classical differential geometry curve theory.Firstly,the kinematical equations of the line of sight (LOS) are gained by carefully investigating the rotation principle of LOS,the kinematic equations of LOS are established,and the concepts of curvature and torsion of LOS are proposed.Simultaneously,the new relative dynamic equations between interceptor and target are constructed.Secondly,it is found that there is an instan-taneous rotation plane of LOS (IRPL) in the space,in which two-dimensional (2D) guidance laws could be constructed to solve 3D interception guidance problems.The spatial 3D true proportional navigation (TPN) guidance law could be directly introduced in IRPL without approximation and linearization for dimension-reduced 2D TPN.In addition,the new series of augmented TPN (APN) and LOS angular acceleration guidance laws (AAG) could also be gained in IRPL.After that,the dif-ferential geometric guidance commands (DGGC) of guidance laws in IRPL are advanced,and we prove that the guidance commands in arc-length system proposed by Chiou and Kuo are just a special case of DGGC.Moreover,the performance of the original guidance laws will be reduced after the differential geometric transformation.At last,an exoatmospheric intercep-tion is taken for simulation to demonstrate the differential geometric modeling proposed in this paper.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No. 51075410)
文摘Energy management(EM) is a core technique of hybrid electric bus(HEB) in order to advance fuel economy performance optimization and is unique for the corresponding configuration. There are existing algorithms of control strategy seldom take battery power management into account with international combustion engine power management. In this paper, a type of power-balancing instantaneous optimization(PBIO) energy management control strategy is proposed for a novel series-parallel hybrid electric bus. According to the characteristic of the novel series-parallel architecture, the switching boundary condition between series and parallel mode as well as the control rules of the power-balancing strategy are developed. The equivalent fuel model of battery is implemented and combined with the fuel of engine to constitute the objective function which is to minimize the fuel consumption at each sampled time and to coordinate the power distribution in real-time between the engine and battery. To validate the proposed strategy effective and reasonable, a forward model is built based on Matlab/Simulink for the simulation and the dSPACE autobox is applied to act as a controller for hardware in-the-loop integrated with bench test. Both the results of simulation and hardware-in-the-loop demonstrate that the proposed strategy not only enable to sustain the battery SOC within its operational range and keep the engine operation point locating the peak efficiency region, but also the fuel economy of series-parallel hybrid electric bus(SPHEB) dramatically advanced up to 30.73% via comparing with the prototype bus and a similar improvement for PBIO strategy relative to rule-based strategy, the reduction of fuel consumption is up to 12.38%. The proposed research ensures the algorithm of PBIO is real-time applicability, improves the efficiency of SPHEB system, as well as suite to complicated configuration perfectly.
基金co-supported by the National Science Foundation of China(No.11222215)the National Basic Research Program of China(No.2013CB733100)
文摘Ideal proportional navigation (IPN) is a natural choice for exoatmospheric interception for its mighty capture capability and ease of implementation. The closed-form solution of two- dimensional ideal proportional navigation was conducted in previous public literature, whereas the practical interception happens in the three-dimensional space. A novel set of relative dynamic equations is adopted in this paper, which is with the advantage of decoupling relative motion in the instantaneous rotation plane of the line of sight from the rotation of this plane. The dimension-reduced IPN is constructed in this instantaneous plane, which functions as a three-dimensional guidance law. The trajectory features of dimension-reduced IPN are explored, and the capture regions of dimension-reduced IPN with limited acceleration against nonmaneuvering and maneuvering targets are analyzed by using phase plane method. It is proved that the capture capability of IPN is much stronger than true proportional navigation (TPN), no matter the target maneuvers or not. Finally, simulation results indicate that IPN is more effective than TPN in exoatmospheric interception scenarios.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 10973031, 10778635 and 10973030)the Chinese Lunar Exploration Project (Chang’E-1), STC of Shanghai Municipality (Grant No. 06DZ22101)+1 种基金the CAS Key Research Program (Grant No. KJCX2-YW-T13-2)the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant Nos. 2008AA12A209 and 2008AA12A210)
文摘In the Chinese lunar exploration project,the Chang'E-1 (CE-1) satellite was jointly monitored by the United S-band range and Doppler and the VLBI technique. A real-time reduction of the tracking data is realized to deduce the time series of the instantaneous state vectors (ISV) (position and velocity vec-tors) of the CE-1 satellite,and is applied to the orbital monitoring of pivotal arcs. This paper introduces this real-time data reduction method and its application to the orbital monitoring of pivotal arcs of the CE-1 satellite in order to serve as a source of criticism and reference.
基金Suppo rted by National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.51975305,51905289)Major Research Project of Shandong Province of China(Grant Nos.2019GGX104040,2019GSF108236)+2 种基金Major Science and Technology Innovation Engineering Projects of Shandong Province of China(Grant No.2019JZZY020111)the Natural Scie nce Foundation of Shandong Province(Grant Nos.ZR2020KE027 and ZR2020ME158)Applied Basic Research Youth Project of Qingdao Science and Technology Plan of China(Grant No.19-6-2-63-cg).
文摘Aluminum alloy is the main structural material of aircraft,launch vehicle,spaceship,and space station and is processed by milling.However,tool wear and vibration are the bottlenecks in the milling process of aviation aluminum alloy.The machining accuracy and surface quality of aluminum alloy milling depend on the cutting parameters,material mechanical properties,machine tools,and other parameters.In particular,milling force is the crucial factor to determine material removal and workpiece surface integrity.However,establishing the prediction model of milling force is important and difficult because milling force is the result of multiparameter coupling of process system.The research progress of cutting force model is reviewed from three modeling methods:empirical model,finite element simulation,and instantaneous milling force model.The problems of cutting force modeling are also determined.In view of these problems,the future work direction is proposed in the following four aspects:(1)high-speed milling is adopted for the thin-walled structure of large aviation with large cutting depth,which easily produces high residual stress.The residual stress should be analyzed under this particular condition.(2)Multiple factors(e.g.,eccentric swing milling parameters,lubrication conditions,tools,tool and workpiece deformation,and size effect)should be considered comprehensively when modeling instantaneous milling forces,especially for micro milling and complex surface machining.(3)The database of milling force model,including the corresponding workpiece materials,working condition,cutting tools(geometric figures and coatings),and other parameters,should be established.(4)The effect of chatter on the prediction accuracy of milling force cannot be ignored in thin-walled workpiece milling.(5)The cutting force of aviation aluminum alloy milling under the condition of minimum quantity lubrication(mql)and nanofluid mql should be predicted.
文摘A pplication o f m echanical excavators is one o f th e m o st com m only used excavation m eth o d s because itcan bring th e p ro ject m ore productivity, accuracy and safety. A m ong th e m echanical excavators, roadhead ers are m echanical m iners w h ich have b een extensively u se d in tu n n elin g , m ining an d civil indu stries. Perform ance pred ictio n is an im p o rta n t issue for successful ro a d h e a d e r application andgenerally deals w ith m achine selection, p ro d u ctio n rate an d b it consu m p tio n . The m ain aim o f thisresearch is to investigate th e c u ttin g p erfo rm an ce (in stan tan eo u s c u ttin g rates (ICRs)) o f m ed iu m -d u tyro ad h ead ers by using artificial neural n etw o rk (ANN) approach. T here are d ifferent categories forANNs, b u t based o n train in g alg o rith m th e re are tw o m ain k in d s: supervised and u n su p erv ised . Them u lti-lay er p ercep tro n (MLP) an d K ohonen self-organizing feature m ap (KSOFM) are th e m o st w idelyused neu ral netw o rk s for supervised an d u n su p erv ised ones, respectively. For gaining this goal, ad atab ase w as prim arily provided from ro ad h e a d e rs' p erfo rm an ce an d geom echanical characteristics o frock form ations in tu n n els and d rift galleries in Tabas coal m ine, th e larg est an d th e only fullymech an ized coal m ine in Iran. T hen th e datab ase w as analyzed in o rd e r to yield th e m ost im p o rtan tfactor for ICR by using relatively im p o rta n t factor in w hich G arson eq u atio n w as utilized. The MLPn etw o rk w as train ed by 3 in p u t p ara m e te rs including rock m ass pro p erties, rock quality d esignation(RQD), in tact rock p ro p erties such as uniaxial com pressive stre n g th (UCS) an d Brazilian ten sile stren g th(BTS), and o n e o u tp u t p a ra m e te r (ICR). In o rd e r to have m ore v alidation o n MLP o u tp u ts, KSOFM visualizationw as applied. The m ean square e rro r (MSE) an d regression coefficient (R �
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(6107313361175053+8 种基金6127236960975019)the Heilongjiang Postdoctoral Grant(LRB08362)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China(2011QN0272011QN1262012QN0302011ZD010)the Science and Technology Planning Project of Dalian City(2011A17GX0732010E15SF153)
文摘An adaptive approach to select analysis window param- eters for linear frequency modulated (LFM) signals is proposed to obtain the optimal 3 dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the short- time Fourier transform (STFT) domain. After analyzing the instan- taneous frequency and instantaneous bandwidth to deduce the relation between the window length and deviation of the Gaus- sian window, high-order statistics is used to select the appropriate window length for STFT and get the optimal SNR with the right time-frequency resolution according to the signal characteristic under a fixed sampling rate. Computer simulations have verified the effectiveness of the new method.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60502044)Program for New Century Excellent Talents inUniversity (Grant No. NCET-06-0861)
文摘A new approach for unparallel trajectory bistatic spotlight SAR imaging is proposed. The approach utilizes the concept of instantaneous Doppler wavenumber and introduces two variants, the sum-range and subtraction-range, to develop the 2D frequency analytical formula. Based on the assumption of plane wavefront, the transmitting and receiving Doppler are separated and formulated via series reversion. And frequency scaling is applied to focus image. The algorithm is with high computational efficiency, and provides well focus for limited scene imaging. Simulation result confirms the validity of the approach.
基金financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (project AGL2011-30408-C04-01)from Conselleria de Educación, Cultura y Universidades (Govern de les Illes Balears)the European Social Fund through the ESF Operational Programme for the Balearic Islands 2013–2017 (project PD/027/2013)
文摘Plant water use efficiency(WUE) is becoming a key issue in semiarid areas, where crop production relies on the use of large volumes of water. Improving WUE is necessary for securing environmental sustainability of food production in these areas. Given that climate change predictions include increases in temperature and drought in semiarid regions,improving crop WUE is mandatory for global food production. WUE is commonly measured at the leaf level, because portable equipment for measuring leaf gas exchange rates facilitates the simultaneous measurement of photosynthesis and transpiration. However,when those measurements are compared with daily integrals or whole-plant estimates of WUE, the two sometimes do not agree. Scaling up from single-leaf to whole-plant WUE was tested in grapevines in different experiments by comparison of daily integrals of instantaneous water use efficiency [ratio between CO2assimilation(AN) and transpiration(E); AN/E] with midday AN/E measurements, showing a low correlation, being worse with increasing water stress. We sought to evaluate the importance of spatial and temporal variation in carbon and water balances at the leaf and plant levels. The leaf position(governing average light interception) in the canopy showed a marked effect on instantaneous and daily integrals of leaf WUE. Night transpiration and respiration rates were also evaluated, as well as respiration contributions to total carbon balance. Two main components were identified as filling the gap between leaf and whole plant WUE: the large effect of leaf position on daily carbon gain and water loss and the large flux of carbon losses by dark respiration. These results show that WUE evaluation among genotypes or treatments needs to be revised.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.10631080, 60873088, 10810301059)
文摘In this paper, the structure of analytic signals is investigated by means of the relation between analytic signals and functions in the Hardy space. It is shown that an analytic signal is made up of two parts, one depending on the amplitude of the signal and another on the boundary value of an inner function. Based on this result, properties of the instantaneous frequencies of these two parts are studied, and it is found that negative instantaneous frequencies are caused by the amplitude of a signal. Finally, such conditions that an analytic signal is of positive instantaneous frequency are presented.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41004054)the National Science and Technology Major Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(No.2011ZX05023-005-010)+1 种基金the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China(No.20105122120002)supported by the Cultivating Program of Middle-aged Backbone Teachers of Chengdu University of Technology and the Cultivating Programme of Excellent Innovation Team of Chengdu University of Technology(Grang No.KYTD201002)
文摘Low frequency content of seismic signals contains information related to the reservoir fluid mobility. Based on the asymptotic analysis theory of frequency-dependent reflectivity from a fluid-saturated poroelastic medium, we derive the computational implementation of reservoir fluid mobility and present the determination of optimal frequency in the implementation. We then calculate the reservoir fluid mobility using the optimal frequency instantaneous spectra at the low-frequency end of the seismic spectrum. The methodology is applied to synthetic seismic data from a permeable gas-bearing reservoir model and real land and marine seismic data. The results demonstrate that the fluid mobility shows excellent quality in imaging the gas reservoirs. It is feasible to detect the location and spatial distribution of gas reservoirs and reduce the non-uniqueness and uncertainty in fluid identification.
基金Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, China (No. 033012017).
文摘A novel parallel hybrid electrical urban bus (PHEUB) configuration consisting of an extra one-way clutch and an automatic mechanical transmission (AMT) is taken as the study subject. An energy management strategy combining a logic threshold approach and an instantaneous optimization algorithm is proposed for the investigated PHEUB. The objective of the energy management strategy is to achieve acceptable vehicle performance and drivability requirements while simultaneously maximizing the engine fuel consumption and maintaining the battery state of charge in its operation range at all times. Under the environment of Matlab/Simulink, a computer simulation model for the PHEUB is constructed by using the model building method combining theoretical analysis and bench test data. Simulation and experiment results for China Typical Bus Driving Schedule at Urban District (CTBDS_UD) are obtained, and the results indicate that the proposed control strategy not only controls the hybrid system efficiently but also improves the fuel economy significantly.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10972134)the National Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11032007)the Shanghai Program for Innovative Research Team in Universities
文摘Contaminant release from bottom sediments in rivers is one of the" main problems to study the environmental hydrodyna- mics. Contaminant will release into the overlying water column under different hydrodynamic conditions through pore-water in sedi- ment, the release mechanism can be roughly divided into convection diffusion, molecular diffusion and adsorption/desorption. In this article, phosphorus was as a typical contaminant with sorption. Through theoretical analysis of the contaminant release, according to different particle-sized and hydraulic conditions, the mathematics model of contaminant release can be established by the coupled Navier-Stokes equation, Darcy equation, solute transport equation and adsorption/desorption equation. Then that model was verified by flume experiment. Numerical studies show that, under different velocity, the instantaneous concentration of convection diffusion is about 6 times to 50 times larger than that of molecular diffusion during initial stages. The concentration of molecular diffusion is about 1 times to 4 times larger than to that of convection diffusion during late stages. Through analysis, the diffusive boundary layer near the interface can be obtained. In addition, the release will increase with particle size decreasing, and the release will be influe- nced much more by the size change when the particle size is relatively big under different velocity.