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北京地区地应力测量与主要断裂稳定性分析 被引量:32
作者 秦向辉 张鹏 +4 位作者 丰成君 孙炜锋 谭成轩 陈群策 彭有如 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期2165-2180,共16页
2008年汶川地震后,为查明北京地区现今地应力状态、评价断裂稳定性,相继在北京地区开展了5个深孔(600∽1000 m)的水压致裂法地应力测量,并在适宜深度安装了地应力相对变化监测探头,建立了地应力变化监测台站.本文首先利用实测地应力... 2008年汶川地震后,为查明北京地区现今地应力状态、评价断裂稳定性,相继在北京地区开展了5个深孔(600∽1000 m)的水压致裂法地应力测量,并在适宜深度安装了地应力相对变化监测探头,建立了地应力变化监测台站.本文首先利用实测地应力数据分析了北京地区地壳浅表层应力状态,结果表明:(1)北京地区千米深度内,最大、最小水平主应力随深度增加梯度系数分别为0.0328和0.0221,侧压系数K_(av)和K_(Hv)值,最大、最小水平主应力之比K_(Hh)值与国内外已有认识基本一致,而水平向剪应力相对强度参数μm值较低;(2)北京地区最大水平主应力优势方向为近EW向,与华北地区构造应力场方向基本一致,同时受区内断裂活动等影响,存在与区域主应力方向偏差的局部应力场;(3)实测数据揭示的应力结构显示,北京地区地壳浅表层最大主应力(σ_1)总体为最大水平主应力(σ_H),受区域构造演化以及测点附近断裂的影响,中间主应力(σ_2)与最小主应力(σ_3)所对应的实测地应力存在变化,但总体来讲,实测地应力数据揭示的应力结构与北京地区主要断裂性质基本相吻合.其次,基于实测应力数据,采用库仑摩擦滑动准则,结合拜尔定律,并取摩擦系数为0.2∽1.0,初步评价了北京地区主要断裂稳定性,结果显示:(1)在摩擦系数取0.6∽1.0条件下,北京地区现今应力状态尚未达到导致断裂失稳滑动水平,断裂不会出现失稳滑动现象;(2)摩擦系数弱化到0.4时,西峰寺钻孔应力状态满足断裂失稳滑动条件,揭示出八宝山断裂存在失稳滑动可能性,而夏垫一马坊断裂和黄庄一高丽营断裂附近测点应力状态将趋近满足断裂失稳滑动条件,表明这两条断裂有趋向失稳滑动可能性;(3)只有当摩擦系数弱化到0.2时,北京地区主要断裂才可能在现今应力状态出现断裂失稳滑动.本� 展开更多
关键词 北京地区 地应力 水压致裂法 地壳应力状态 库仑滑动摩擦准则 断裂稳定性
郯庐断裂带区域应力状态研究综述 被引量:14
作者 李开洋 王成虎 +1 位作者 邢博瑞 李凤 《大地测量与地球动力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1-8,13,共9页
系统梳理和总结了前人对郯庐断裂带区域应力状态的研究成果,包括最大主应力方向、稳定性及动力机制分析等。郯庐断裂带北段最大主应力以NEE方向为主,中段以EW方向为主,南段以NEE方向为主。说明郯庐断裂带整体受东西方向的挤压作用,其活... 系统梳理和总结了前人对郯庐断裂带区域应力状态的研究成果,包括最大主应力方向、稳定性及动力机制分析等。郯庐断裂带北段最大主应力以NEE方向为主,中段以EW方向为主,南段以NEE方向为主。说明郯庐断裂带整体受东西方向的挤压作用,其活动受太平洋板块和东亚大陆板块控制。研究成果揭示了郯庐断裂带整体的应力状态,为防震减灾研究提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 郯庐断裂带 地应力 应力状态 最大主应力方向 断层稳定性
青藏高原东南缘实测地应力特征及意义分析 被引量:9
作者 张宁 兰恒星 +4 位作者 李郎平 孙巍锋 刘世杰 林感 田朝阳 《工程地质学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期696-707,共12页
在广泛收集整理了900组实测地应力数据的基础上,结合中国大陆现代构造应力场应力分区,通过统计回归分析的方法,分析了青藏高原东南缘5个4级应力区的主应力、侧压力系数、应力积累水平等应力量值特征随深度的变化规律,同时结合震源机制... 在广泛收集整理了900组实测地应力数据的基础上,结合中国大陆现代构造应力场应力分区,通过统计回归分析的方法,分析了青藏高原东南缘5个4级应力区的主应力、侧压力系数、应力积累水平等应力量值特征随深度的变化规律,同时结合震源机制解分析了应力区的应力方向特征。研究结果表明:(1)巴颜喀拉山应力区、龙门山-松潘应力区、墨脱-昌都应力区的应力梯度值较大,深部应力状态以水平应力为主,川滇和滇西南应力区的梯度值较小,深部应力状态以垂直应力为主,应力分布呈现“北强南弱”的特征;(2)应力积累水平参数μ_(m)的大小表明,巴颜喀拉山应力区、龙门山-松潘应力区与川滇应力区的应力积累水平较高,更接近摩擦极限平衡状态,发生地震的可能更大;(3)最大水平主应力优势方向表现为围绕喜马拉雅东构造结呈顺时针旋转,与中上地壳的震源机制得到最大水平方向的优势方向具有一致性。利用上述结果,结合地壳动力学模型,初步定性分析了“北强南弱”的应力特征可能是由于北侧应力区受块体侧向挤出模型控制,南侧应力区受下地壳流模型控制。最后以岩爆为例,基于各应力区的应力状态对重大地下工程稳定性进行了评价,分析表明青藏高原东南缘在0~2 km范围内岩爆风险等级以轻微岩爆、中等岩爆和强烈岩爆为主,局部区域存在极强岩爆,且各应力区相同岩爆等级对应的埋深具有明显差异性。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原东南缘 实测地应力 应力分区 应力状态 回归分析
我国某地下油库预可行性研究地应力测量及其应用分析 被引量:7
作者 侯砚和 孙炜锋 +2 位作者 陈群策 王宝君 陈少楠 《地质力学学报》 CSCD 2006年第2期197-202,共6页
本文运用水压致裂地应力测量方法,对我国某地下油库预可行性研究工程场区两个钻孔进行了地应力测量。测量结果表明:最大和最小水平主应力(SH,Sh)都远大于对应深度处的垂向应力(Sv),三向主应力的关系为:SH>Sh>Sv,应力大小在该深度... 本文运用水压致裂地应力测量方法,对我国某地下油库预可行性研究工程场区两个钻孔进行了地应力测量。测量结果表明:最大和最小水平主应力(SH,Sh)都远大于对应深度处的垂向应力(Sv),三向主应力的关系为:SH>Sh>Sv,应力大小在该深度范围属中等偏大级别;工程场区最大水平主应力方向近EW方向,与测点外围确定的区域最大水平主应力总体方向较为一致;建议未来地下硐库长轴按近EW分布,地应力状态、岩体结构构造、岩石强度等基本保证了其岩体稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 地下油库 水压致裂地应力测量 地应力状态
In situ stress state and seismic hazard in the Dayi seismic gap of the Longmenshan thrust belt 被引量:8
作者 Bing LI Furen XIE +8 位作者 Jinshui HUANG Xiwei XU Qiliang GUO Guangwei ZHANG Junshan XU Jianxin WANG Dawei JIANG Jian WANG Lifeng DING 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CSCD 2022年第7期1388-1398,共11页
In the Longmenshan thrust belt,the Dayi seismic gap,an area with few earthquakes,is located between the ruptures of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake and the 2013 Lushan Earthquake,with a length of approximately 40–60 km.... In the Longmenshan thrust belt,the Dayi seismic gap,an area with few earthquakes,is located between the ruptures of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake and the 2013 Lushan Earthquake,with a length of approximately 40–60 km.To date,however,the extent of the seismic hazard of the Dayi seismic gap and whether this gap is under high stress are still hotly debated.To further evaluate the seismic hazard of the Dayi seismic gap with regard to stress,two boreholes(1,000 and 500 m deep)were arranged to carry out hydraulic fracturing in situ stress measurement on either side of the Shuangshi-Dachuan fault zone.This zone has a high seismic hazard and the capacity to undergo surface rupture.Through the analogy of this new data with stability analysis using Byerlee’s Law and existing stress measurement data collected before strong earthquakes,the results show that the area surrounding the Shuangshi-Dachuan fault zone in the Dayi seismic gap(Dachuan Town)is in a state of high in situ stress,and has the conditions necessary for friction slip,with the potential hazard of moderate to strong earthquakes.Our results are the first to reveal the in situ stress profile at a depth of 1,000 m in the Dayi seismic gap,and provide new data for comprehensive evaluation of the seismic hazard in this seismic gap,which is of great significance to explore the mechanism of earthquake occurrence and to help mitigate future disaster. 展开更多
关键词 Dayi seismic gap Wenchuan Earthquake Lushan Earthquake In situ stress state Byerlee criterion Fault stability
原岩应力超声波检测及应力场分析 被引量:1
作者 叶明亮 邹义怀 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第5期31-36,共6页
关键词 原岩应力 超声波检测 应力场
青海共和盆地地应力状态与断层稳定性分析 被引量:7
作者 王洪 王成虎 +3 位作者 高桂云 陈念 周昊 安易飞 《震灾防御技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期123-133,共11页
青海共和盆地地质构造条件复杂,断层十分发育,区域内既有地热、太阳能、矿产等资源丰富,存在龙羊峡水库诱发地震环境背景。因此,分析青海共和盆地地应力特征与地质结构易滑性对于青海东部地区防震减灾具有重要意义。对盆地及附近区域内1... 青海共和盆地地质构造条件复杂,断层十分发育,区域内既有地热、太阳能、矿产等资源丰富,存在龙羊峡水库诱发地震环境背景。因此,分析青海共和盆地地应力特征与地质结构易滑性对于青海东部地区防震减灾具有重要意义。对盆地及附近区域内19个钻孔、65条水压致裂数据和44条应力解除实测数据进行统计分析,并基于断层摩擦强度理论、Byerlee-Anderson理论等断层力学相关理论讨论了研究区域断层易滑性与地震危险性。研究结果表明:研究区域内应力状态在深度350 m左右由逆冲型转换为走滑型,与区域内分布北北西右旋高角度逆断层相吻合;区域内最大水平主应力优势方位为N45°~E60°;地应力场初步结果反演表明研究区域应力场以逆冲型为主,局部地区兼走滑特征,与震源机制解反演结果一致;区域内断层平均摩擦系数为0.41,断层处于稳定状态,即断层易滑性较低,侧压力系数与应力积累指标插值分析结果同样表明断层整体易滑性较低,局部浅部断层带应力积累水平较高,综合分析推测断层易沿NW-SE向滑动。 展开更多
关键词 共和盆地 地应力 震源机制解 应力状态 滑动趋势
Mutual impact of true triaxial stress, borehole orientation and bedding inclination on laboratory hydraulic fracturing of Lushan shale 被引量:6
作者 Yongfa Zhang Anfa Long +2 位作者 Yu Zhao Arno Zang Chaolin Wang 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第12期3131-3147,共17页
Unconventional resources like shale gas has been the focus of intense research and development for two decades. Apart from intrinsic geologic factors that control the gas shale productivity (e.g. organic matter conten... Unconventional resources like shale gas has been the focus of intense research and development for two decades. Apart from intrinsic geologic factors that control the gas shale productivity (e.g. organic matter content, bedding planes, natural fractures, porosity and stress regime among others), external factors like wellbore orientation and stimulation design play a role. In this study, we present a series of true triaxial hydraulic fracturing experiments conducted on Lushan shale to investigate the interplay of internal factors (bedding, natural fractures and in situ stress) and external factors (wellbore orientation) on the growth process of fracture networks in cubic specimens of 200 mm in length. We observe relatively low breakdown pressure and fracture propagation pressure as the wellbore orientation and/or the maximum in situ stress is subparallel to the shale bedding plane. The wellbore orientation has a more prominent effect on the breakdown pressure, but its effect is tapered with increasing angle of bedding inclination. The shale breakdown is followed by an abrupt response in sample displacement, which reflects the stimulated fracture volume. Based on fluid tracer analysis, the morphology of hydraulic fractures (HF) is divided into four categories. Among the categories, activation of bedding planes (bedding failure, BF) and natural fractures (NF) significantly increase bifurcation and fractured areas. Under the same stress regime, a horizontal wellbore is more favorable to enhance the complexity of hydraulic fracture networks. This is attributed to the relatively large surface area in contact with the bedding plane for the horizontal borehole compared to the case with a vertical wellbore. These findings provide important references for hydraulic fracturing design in shale reservoirs. 展开更多
关键词 True triaxial hydraulic fracturing experiment In situ stress state Bedding planes Natural fractures Wellbore orientation Shale reservoirs
采动应力路径下深部煤体扰动特征 被引量:6
作者 郭依宝 周宏伟 +4 位作者 荣腾龙 王路军 钟江城 任伟光 陈吉 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期3072-3079,共8页
为研究采动条件下工作面前方煤体应力变化规律与扰动破坏特征,以平煤十二矿己15-31030工作面为研究对象,通过现场原位实验与三维数值模拟研究,给出了不同应力状态下的扰动强度判别指标,以煤体主应力为中间量,将采动应力与工作面前方煤... 为研究采动条件下工作面前方煤体应力变化规律与扰动破坏特征,以平煤十二矿己15-31030工作面为研究对象,通过现场原位实验与三维数值模拟研究,给出了不同应力状态下的扰动强度判别指标,以煤体主应力为中间量,将采动应力与工作面前方煤体破坏特征联系起来,得到了采动应力演化规律及采动应力路径下煤体变形特征。原位单轴实验表明工作面前方煤体采动应力不是单纯的增加,而是经历了原岩应力、缓慢上升、急剧升高、突然卸荷4个状态,而三维数值实验得出侧压力系数大小与扰动状态具有一定的相关性。根据已有的应力路径,数值再现了单向、三向采动应力状态下煤样的变形规律和塑性分布状态。 展开更多
关键词 原位实验 采动应力 扰动系数 应力状态 变形破坏
Tectonic Stress State Changes Before and After the Wenchuan M_s 8.0 Earthquake in the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau 被引量:3
作者 MENG Wen CHEN Qunce +2 位作者 WU Manlu FENG Chengjun QIN Xianghui 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期77-89,共13页
Crustal tectonic activities are essentially the consequences of the accumulation and release of in situ stress. Therefore, studying the stress state near active faults is important for understanding crustal dynamics a... Crustal tectonic activities are essentially the consequences of the accumulation and release of in situ stress. Therefore, studying the stress state near active faults is important for understanding crustal dynamics and earthquake occurrences. In this paper, using in situ stress measurement results obtained by hydraulic fracturing in the vicinity of the Longmenshan fault zone before and after the Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake and finite element modeling, the variation of stress state before and after the Wenchuan M. 8.0 earthquake is investigated. The results show that the shear stress, which is proportional to the difference between principal stresses, increases with depth and distance from the active fault in the calm period or after the earthquakes, and tends to approach to the regional stress level outside the zone influenced by the fault. This distribution appears to gradually reverse with time and the change of fault properties such as frictional strength. With an increase in friction coefficient, low stress areas are reduced and areas with increased stress accumulation are more obvious near the fault. In sections of the fault with high frictional strengths, in situ stress clearly increases in the fault. Stress accumulates more rapidly in the fault zone relative to the surrounding areas, eventually leading to a stress field that peaks at the fault zone. Such a reversal in the stress field between the fault zone and surrounding areas in the magnitude of the stress field is a potential indicator for the occurrence of strong earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake stress state in situ stress measurement finite elementmethod Longmenshan active fault zone
大应变静力触探数值模拟及锥形因子影响因素分析 被引量:4
作者 肖先波 李波 +1 位作者 王婷 邱敏 《水文地质工程地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期70-76,83,共8页
以模拟圆锥在不排水黏土中的静力贯入和分析其影响因素为目标,假设土体为均质弹性—完全塑性材料且服从Mises屈服准则,采用任意拉格朗日—欧拉(ALE)网格划分技术确保锥尖土体在大应变条件下的网格质量,进行大应变有限元数值模拟,并分析... 以模拟圆锥在不排水黏土中的静力贯入和分析其影响因素为目标,假设土体为均质弹性—完全塑性材料且服从Mises屈服准则,采用任意拉格朗日—欧拉(ALE)网格划分技术确保锥尖土体在大应变条件下的网格质量,进行大应变有限元数值模拟,并分析了稳定状态下土体刚度指数、原位应力状态和锥尖粗糙程度对塑性区半径与锥形因子的影响,获得了锥形因子表达式。模拟结果表明:塑性区随着刚度指数的增大而增大,锥尖周围塑性区的径向扩张处于柱形孔扩张和球形孔扩张之间,更接近于球形孔扩张;锥形因子随土体刚度指数、锥尖粗糙程度的增大而增大,随土体原位应力状态参数的增大而减小;得到的锥形因子表达式可以量化土体刚度指数、原位应力状态和锥尖粗糙程度的影响,具有较高的精确度。 展开更多
关键词 静力触探 大应变有限元 锥形因子 刚度指数 原位应力状态 锥尖粗糙程度
Time-dependent behaviors and volumetric recovery phenomenon of sandstone under triaxial loading and unloading 被引量:4
作者 SONG Zhi-xiang ZHANG Jun-wen +3 位作者 DONG Xu-kai ZHANG Yang ZHANG Yu-jie AN Sai 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第12期4002-4020,共19页
The time-dependent behaviors of coal and rocks were easily ignored. Besides, “three-stage” triaxial loading and unloading mechanics tests of sandstone were conducted based on the idea of the initial high in-situ str... The time-dependent behaviors of coal and rocks were easily ignored. Besides, “three-stage” triaxial loading and unloading mechanics tests of sandstone were conducted based on the idea of the initial high in-situ stress state recovery according to the full-life cycle evolution characteristics of surrounding rocks in deep mines(pre-excavation,excavation and post-excavation). The time-dependent stress-strain curves of sandstone were obtained. Meanwhile, the deformation and strength fitting relationships with time of sandstone were also built. Furthermore, the dilatancy and volumetric recovery mechanical mechanisms of sandstone were revealed. The results showed that: 1) There were significant time-dependent evolution characteristics on the deformation and strength of sandstone;2) There were significant correlations among the internal friction angle, cohesion and the simulated depths;3) Volumetric recovery phenomenon of sandstone was observed for the first time, which mainly occurred at the simulated depth of 2000 m. The above research conclusions could provide a certain theoretical basis for the stability control of surrounding rocks in deep mines. 展开更多
关键词 initial high in-situ stress state SANDSTONE time-dependent behaviors depth effect volumetric recovery
Interaction between in situ stress states and tectonic faults:A comment 被引量:1
作者 Peng Li Meifeng Cai +3 位作者 Mostafa Gorjian Fenhua Ren Xun Xi Peitao Wang 《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第7期1227-1243,共17页
Understanding the in situ stress state is crucial in many engineering problems and earth science research.The present article presents new insights into the interaction mechanism between the stress state and faults.In... Understanding the in situ stress state is crucial in many engineering problems and earth science research.The present article presents new insights into the interaction mechanism between the stress state and faults.In situ stresses can be influenced by various factors,one of the most important being the existence of faults.A fault could significantly affect the value and direction of the stress components.Reorientation and magnitude changes in stresses exist adjacent to faults and stress jumps/discontinuities across the fault.By contrast,the change in the stress state may lead to the transformation of faulting type and potential fault reactivation.Qualitative fault reactivation assessment using characteristic parameters under the current stress environment provides a method to assess the slip tendency of faults.The correlation between in situ stresses and fault properties enhances the ability to predict the fault slip tendency via stress measurements,which can be used to further refine the assessment of the fault reactivation risk.In the future,stress measurements at greater depths and long-term continuous real-time stress monitoring near/on key parts of faults will be essential.In addition,much attention needs to be paid to distinguishing the genetic mechanisms of abnormal stress states and the type and scale of stress variations and exploring the mechanisms of pre-faulting anomaly and fault reactivation. 展开更多
关键词 in situ stress state stress variation fault reactivation fault properties interaction mechanism
作者 D. H. (Steve) Zou (Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering,Technical University of Nova Scotia, Canada) 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 1995年第1期23-33,共11页
Non-consistency of stress results is of ten observed during field measurements. In some cases, even the rneasurernents are made at the same location in a massive rockrnass, the results can vary widely. In order to sol... Non-consistency of stress results is of ten observed during field measurements. In some cases, even the rneasurernents are made at the same location in a massive rockrnass, the results can vary widely. In order to solve the problem, extensive research has been carried out to study the major factors wh1ch rnay affect stress deterrnlnation. They include the rock behaviour and the stress state. For rocks showing non-isotropic behaviour, the values of Young’s modulus and Poisson ratio vary with the orientation of loading and measurement. Stress condition in the rock affects the rock behaviour. Furtherrnore, the loading condition on rock samples durlng laboratory tests is different from in the field and therefore the determined e1astic constants may not represent the field condi tion. In general , the Young’s modulus may depend on the orientation, the loading path, the stress magnitude and the stress ratio. This paper examines in detail the effects of those factors, especially for rocks showing transversely isotropic behaviour. It is found that the discrepancy of stress results from field measurernents in this type of rock is mainly due to over simplification of the rock behavior and inadequate use of elastic constants of the rock during stress calculation. A case study is given,which indicates the significance of these factors and demonstrates the proper procedure for stress calculation from measurements. 展开更多
关键词 in-situ stress overcoring transverse isotropy microfractures Young 's modulus stress state
Predictive analysis of stress regime and possible squeezing deformation for super-long water conveyance tunnels in Pakistan
作者 Wang Chenghu Bao Linhai 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第6期825-831,共7页
The prediction of the stress field of deep-buried tunnels is a fundamental problem for scientists and engineers. In this study, the authors put forward a systematic solution for this problem. Databases from the World ... The prediction of the stress field of deep-buried tunnels is a fundamental problem for scientists and engineers. In this study, the authors put forward a systematic solution for this problem. Databases from the World Stress Map and the Crustal Stress of China, and previous research findings can offer prediction of stress orientations in an engineering area. At the same time, the Andersonian theory can be used to analyze the possible stress orientation of a region. With limited in-situ stress measurements, the Hock-Brown Criterion can be used to estimate the strength of rock mass in an area of interest by utilizing the geotechnical investigation data, and the modified Sheorey's model can subsequently be employed to predict the areas' stress profile, without stress data, by taking the existing in-situ stress measurements as input parameters. In this paper, a case study was used to demonstrate the application of this systematic solution. The planned Kohala hydropower plant is located on the western edge of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Three hydro-fracturing stress measurement campaigns indicated that the stress state of the area is SH - Sh 〉 Sv or SH 〉Sv 〉 Sh. The measured orientation of Sn is NEE (N70.3°-89°E), and the regional orientation of SH from WSM is NE, which implies that the stress orientation of shallow crust may be affected by landforms. The modified Sheorey model was utilized to predict the stress profile along the water sewage tunnel for the plant. Prediction results show that the maximum and minimum horizontal principal stres- ses of the points with the greatest burial depth were up to 56.70 and 40.14 MPa, respectively, and the stresses of areas with a burial depth of greater than 500 m were higher. Based on the predicted stress data, large deformations of the rock mass surrounding water conveyance tunnels were analyzed. Results showed that the large deformations will occur when the burial depth exceeds 300 m. When the burial depth is beyond 800 m, serious squeezing deformations will occur 展开更多
关键词 Super-long water conveyance tunnel In-situ stress state Squeezing deformation Prediction analysis Kohala hydropower plant
山西盆地现今地应力状态与地震危险性分析 被引量:34
作者 陈群策 安其美 +3 位作者 孙东生 杜建军 毛吉震 丰成君 《地球学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期541-548,共8页
在山西盆地南北两端4个地区共计13个深钻孔中进行了水压致裂地应力测量, 获得了现今地应力的大小、方向和分布规律。在盆地北端五台山、雁门关地区400~600 m深度内, 实测最大水平主应力值为8~12 MPa。而南端临汾、运城地区则具有较高的... 在山西盆地南北两端4个地区共计13个深钻孔中进行了水压致裂地应力测量, 获得了现今地应力的大小、方向和分布规律。在盆地北端五台山、雁门关地区400~600 m深度内, 实测最大水平主应力值为8~12 MPa。而南端临汾、运城地区则具有较高的构造应力, 在400~500 m深度内实测最大水平主应力值为20~28 Mpa。地应力“南高北低”比较明显。运用这些实测的地应力资料, 根据库仑摩擦滑动准则, 对研究区内断裂的稳定性进行了力学分析。分析结果表明, 总体来看, 目前五台山、雁门关和临汾地区的水平主应力都未达到断层活动的临界值; 运城地区已接近断层活动临界值的下限, 若计入孔隙压力的影响因素, 运城地区最大水平主应力已达到逆断层活动的临界值。从地应力的角度分析认为该区发生地震的潜在危险性较大, 这一现象值得关注和研究。 展开更多
关键词 山西盆地 水压致裂 地应力测量 应力状态 库伦破裂准则
金川三矿地应力测量及应力状态特征研究 被引量:29
作者 张重远 吴满路 廖椿庭 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期3254-3260,共7页
金川三矿位于金川矿区F17断层以东,是超基性贫矿。随着选矿和冶炼水平的提高,三矿区逐渐进入开采阶段。了解矿山深部的地应力状态可以为巷道开挖和支护设计提供科学依据。为此在三矿1 200 m水平进行了系统的地应力测量,以了解三矿区的... 金川三矿位于金川矿区F17断层以东,是超基性贫矿。随着选矿和冶炼水平的提高,三矿区逐渐进入开采阶段。了解矿山深部的地应力状态可以为巷道开挖和支护设计提供科学依据。为此在三矿1 200 m水平进行了系统的地应力测量,以了解三矿区的地应力状态特征。现场测量采用改进的空芯包体应力解除法,共获得了7个测点的三维应力数据,并绘出了各测点不同法线方向的截面应力椭圆。测量结果表明,在井下约520 m深度,最大主应力量值约为17~21 MPa,属于中等应力水平。最大主应力方向分为NNW^NNE和NE^WE两组,与区域应力场基本吻合,但又表现出新的趋势方向,其原因可能是受三矿区内两条断裂的影响。部分测点最大主应力倾角超过20°,最大达-49°,以水平应力为主的矿区应力场特征发生改变。研究结果对矿山设计及施工具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 金川三矿 空芯包体应力解除法 地应力测量 应力状态特征
原地应力测量对某核废料处置场场地评价的应用 被引量:27
作者 李方全 刘鹏 +3 位作者 张钧 毛吉震 柴建忠 张志国 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 1993年第1期55-62,共8页
为研究在某核废料处置场用深地层注浆固化方法处置中放核废液的可行性,我们在该处置场的两口钻井中进行了水压致裂法原地应力测量。通过原地应力测量,发现处置场区的水平主应力和铅直主应力随深度的增加而线性增加,且σ_H>σ_h>σ... 为研究在某核废料处置场用深地层注浆固化方法处置中放核废液的可行性,我们在该处置场的两口钻井中进行了水压致裂法原地应力测量。通过原地应力测量,发现处置场区的水平主应力和铅直主应力随深度的增加而线性增加,且σ_H>σ_h>σ_r,说明处置场的地应力状态有利于水平或近水平裂缝的产生和扩展,对用水力压裂法处置核废料是有利的,方法是可行的。 展开更多
关键词 核废料 原地应力状态 处置场 评价
页岩油储层现今地应力场与裂缝有效性评价——以鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长7油层组为例 被引量:27
作者 鞠玮 牛小兵 +3 位作者 冯胜斌 尤源 徐浩然 王胜宇 《中国矿业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期931-940,共10页
鄂尔多斯盆地是我国重要的非常规油气产区,其内延长组长7储层页岩油富集,勘探开发潜力巨大.查明延长组长7储层现今地应力特征,并分析在其作用下的天然裂缝有效性,对鄂尔多斯盆地页岩油勘探开发极为必要.本文综合利用多种方法分析延长组... 鄂尔多斯盆地是我国重要的非常规油气产区,其内延长组长7储层页岩油富集,勘探开发潜力巨大.查明延长组长7储层现今地应力特征,并分析在其作用下的天然裂缝有效性,对鄂尔多斯盆地页岩油勘探开发极为必要.本文综合利用多种方法分析延长组长7页岩油储层现今地应力状态及其影响下的裂缝有效性,认为延长组长7页岩油储层现今地应力场以正断机制为主,其内天然裂缝的有效性受地应力影响显著,裂缝开启压力与埋藏深度、裂缝产状以及现今地应力方向和大小等因素密切相关.研究结果表明:长7页岩油储层现今地应力方向呈现ENE-WSW-NE-SW的优势方位;现今地应力大小随埋藏深度的增加而增大,二者具有明显的线性关系.垂向主应力(Sv)、水平最大(SHmax)和最小主应力(Shmin)之间遵循Sv>SHmax>Shmin的规律.在现今地应力状态下,鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长7页岩油储层内的天然裂缝均为无效裂缝,随着流体注入,与现今水平最大主应力方向夹角较小、倾角较大的天然裂缝率先成为有效裂缝,其临界压力增值为14.1~36.5 MPa.延长组长7页岩油储层内天然裂缝的开启压力介于29.7~77.2 MPa,平均值为49.9 MPa. 展开更多
关键词 现今地应力 页岩油储层 裂缝有效性 延长组 鄂尔多斯盆地
淮南矿区地应力场特征 被引量:24
作者 韩军 张宏伟 《煤田地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期17-21,共5页
利用空心包体地应力测量方法对淮南矿区的地应力进行了实测,获得了矿区的地应力场分布特征。研究表明,所有测点的两个主应力近水平,一个主应力近垂直。垂直主应力与上覆岩体的重力具有良好的相关性;水平主应力随深度的增加而增加,不同... 利用空心包体地应力测量方法对淮南矿区的地应力进行了实测,获得了矿区的地应力场分布特征。研究表明,所有测点的两个主应力近水平,一个主应力近垂直。垂直主应力与上覆岩体的重力具有良好的相关性;水平主应力随深度的增加而增加,不同区域增加的梯度不同;最大水平主应力与最小水平主应力的比值与测点深度没有明显的关系,50%以上测点的水平主应力差异显著;最大水平主应力作用方位为北东向,局部受构造等影响,水平主应力发生变化。总体上,淮南矿区受北东向的挤压应力作用。根据3个主应力量值的关系,确定淮南矿区地应力场类型属大地动力场型和准静水应力场型。地应力场的以上特征对淮南矿区煤与瓦斯突出的发生具有重要作用,提出了在进行瓦斯抽放钻孔参数设计时应考虑地应力场特征的建议。 展开更多
关键词 地应力场 临界状态 岩性 突出 瓦斯抽放
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