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基于概化模型的城市洪水水力特性试验研究 被引量:4
作者 黄琼 张倩 彭勇 《西南民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2016年第2期229-236,共8页
近几十年来,随着经济的高速发展以及城市化进程的不断推进,城市遭遇洪水内涝的危险也日愈攀升.本文通过概化模型来研究城市洪水特性,得到了在不考虑建筑物透水性的条件下,上游水位分别为30cm、40cm、50cm,城市街道与水流方向平行、与水... 近几十年来,随着经济的高速发展以及城市化进程的不断推进,城市遭遇洪水内涝的危险也日愈攀升.本文通过概化模型来研究城市洪水特性,得到了在不考虑建筑物透水性的条件下,上游水位分别为30cm、40cm、50cm,城市街道与水流方向平行、与水流成22.5°、与水流成45°时,下游模型街道中的水深变化.实验发现不同的城市布置中,随着上游水位的增加,街道内的水深也随之增加;当所测街道与水流方向一致时,街道水深值最小,排水性最好;当街道与水流方向存在夹角时,夹角越大街道内的水深值也越大.本文通过实验手段,获得了概化城市模型在洪水来临时街道的水流数据,为后续的城市防洪研究提供了数据支持. 展开更多
关键词 概化城市模型 城市洪水 不透水性 水深关系
秦始皇政治心态的嬗变 被引量:2
作者 杜洪义 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第3期120-122,共3页
关键词 秦始皇 政治心态 权力 专横
明清皇家旋子彩画形制分期研究 被引量:12
作者 曹振伟 《故宫博物院院刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期79-90,共12页
旋子彩画是明清三大彩画体系之一,在官式建筑中被广泛使用。长期以来,明清旋子彩画是建筑考古领域的薄弱环节,彩画类型的断代标准皆是依据专家所传授的经验,其中难免加入个人的主观经验,与实际产生或多或少的偏差。此外,当今彩画界对明... 旋子彩画是明清三大彩画体系之一,在官式建筑中被广泛使用。长期以来,明清旋子彩画是建筑考古领域的薄弱环节,彩画类型的断代标准皆是依据专家所传授的经验,其中难免加入个人的主观经验,与实际产生或多或少的偏差。此外,当今彩画界对明代旋子彩画的认识多局限于从永乐至嘉靖时期,而之后百年间的演变却鲜有人提及。此文运用类型学研究方法,从明清皇家旋子彩画做法上,提炼出有助于分期研究的三组共12个形制类型,结合相关文献,系统整理了29处旋子彩画的实例。通过箍头、旋眼、方心头形制的演变关系,勾勒出旋子彩画在五百余年间所经历的六个演变历程,计为:明早期稳定期、明早期转变期、明中期至清初稳定期、清早期转变期、清中期稳定期和清晚期定型期。最后,作者利用形制分期结论,并结合文献,对故宫慈宁宫及大佛堂、西顶娘娘庙旋子彩画的年代问题加以分析。 展开更多
关键词 明清 皇家 旋子彩画 旋眼
女性之手:清末民初中国妇女的刺绣学问 被引量:8
作者 方秀洁 王文兵 《国际汉学》 CSSCI 2015年第4期87-108,共22页
本文作者方秀洁(Grace S.Fong),祖籍广东开平,著名文学家叶嘉莹先生的弟子。1984年获英属哥伦比亚大学博士学位。现为加拿大麦吉尔(Mc Gill)大学副教授,主要研究领域为明清时期的中国女性文学,曾主持哈佛燕京图书馆与麦吉尔大学合作的... 本文作者方秀洁(Grace S.Fong),祖籍广东开平,著名文学家叶嘉莹先生的弟子。1984年获英属哥伦比亚大学博士学位。现为加拿大麦吉尔(Mc Gill)大学副教授,主要研究领域为明清时期的中国女性文学,曾主持哈佛燕京图书馆与麦吉尔大学合作的明清女性著作数据库建设,并主编《美国哈佛大学哈佛燕京图书馆藏明清妇女著述汇刊》,在国际汉学界有很大影响。其主要作品有《吴文英和南宋词艺术》(Wu Wen-ying and the Art of Southern Sung Ci Poetry,Princeton:Princeton Univ.Press,1987年,博士论文)。方秀洁的《女性之手—清末民初中国妇女的刺绣学问》("Female Hands:Embroidery as a Knowledge Field in Women’s Everyday Life in Late Imperial and Early Republican China")2004年6月发表于《晚期中华帝国》(Late Imperial China,Vol.25,No.1)。在文章中,方秀洁借用法国学者赛道(Michel de Certeau)分析日常行为而认识到消费者这一所谓被动性群体对其所处文化经济有创造性改造的思路,以明清女子的日常刺绣活动为研究对象,探讨女性之手如何与知识建构、女性主体地位建构以及女性社会的建构相联系。作者强调自己不是对"受害传统女性"这一形象的对抗性解构,而是想通过展现中国近代女性与儒家正统意识形态之间也有一些非对抗性的作用模式,以求更全面地理解女性历史上的社会地位,从而拓宽和加深理解女性问题的视野。 展开更多
关键词 中国妇女 方秀洁 丁佩 imperial 沈寿 绣谱 借用法 南宋词 中国女性文学 吴文英
清代皇家园林匾额楹联的形式与特征 被引量:7
作者 夏成钢 《中国园林》 北大核心 2009年第2期73-77,共5页
清代皇家匾额楹联内容之广,数量之大,形式之多,都达到中国历史的顶峰。这些成就与历朝皇帝的重视、倡导密切相关,并对全国各地的匾联创作起到示范与促进作用,进而形成名匾佳联异彩纷呈、灿若群星的局面。在现有清宫档案资料基础上,对清... 清代皇家匾额楹联内容之广,数量之大,形式之多,都达到中国历史的顶峰。这些成就与历朝皇帝的重视、倡导密切相关,并对全国各地的匾联创作起到示范与促进作用,进而形成名匾佳联异彩纷呈、灿若群星的局面。在现有清宫档案资料基础上,对清代皇家园林匾联形式进行了简要梳理,依其特点分解为3个方面加以阐述,即:匾联造型、匾联书法以及匾联用印。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 匾额楹联 清代 皇家 书法 玺印 形式特点
宋代宫廷藏书续考——专藏皇帝著作的殿阁 被引量:5
作者 方建新 王晴 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第3期107-115,共9页
宋代皇宫内除了有专门的藏书处所与皇帝个人读书宴息的殿阁外,自真宗朝起,创设了为前朝去世的君主建置专门殿阁,收藏其御书、御制与诗文著作、书法手迹的制度,一直延续到南宋度宗朝。这是中国古代藏书史和档案收藏管理史上前所未有、后... 宋代皇宫内除了有专门的藏书处所与皇帝个人读书宴息的殿阁外,自真宗朝起,创设了为前朝去世的君主建置专门殿阁,收藏其御书、御制与诗文著作、书法手迹的制度,一直延续到南宋度宗朝。这是中国古代藏书史和档案收藏管理史上前所未有、后世亦无的独创。这从一个方面反映了宋代最高统治者重视文教,身体力行,加强自身读书学习,勤于撰作,在全社会营造了浓厚的文化氛围,出现了君臣上下未尝顷刻不以文学为务,非前代之所及的局面,促进了宋代文化的繁荣发展。 展开更多
关键词 宋代 皇室 殿阁 藏书
知识分子的边缘化和晚清小说队伍的嬗变 被引量:4
作者 贺根民 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期129-133,共5页
穿梭于封建"道统"和"政统"之间的知识分子,因为国家的衰朽和社会的动荡,趋向社会边缘化。科举的废止,打破了知识分子赖以支撑信仰的工具性循环;心灵的煎熬和变异,表露为浓郁的社会沉思和人生悲叹。异域文明的输入,... 穿梭于封建"道统"和"政统"之间的知识分子,因为国家的衰朽和社会的动荡,趋向社会边缘化。科举的废止,打破了知识分子赖以支撑信仰的工具性循环;心灵的煎熬和变异,表露为浓郁的社会沉思和人生悲叹。异域文明的输入,解构了"道统"话语的桎梏;中西文明的对比,为广大知识分子提供了返观自身的时代命题。边缘化的生存境遇,造就了晚清小说的繁荣,也改变了知识分子社会诉求的既定轨迹。晚清小说以其鲜明的时代表征,书写着一代知识分子痛苦灵魂的锐变过程和图谋富强的普泛心路。 展开更多
关键词 知识分子 晚清小说 边缘化 科举 社会诉求
The Development of Chinese Royal Gardens
作者 LIU Junli DUAN Yapeng +1 位作者 LI Yuanli WU Fan 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2020年第1期111-113,116,共4页
This study discussed the development and evolution of Chinese royal gardens from the initial generation period (Zhou,Qin and Han dynasties) to the late mature period (middle Qing Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty).Thro... This study discussed the development and evolution of Chinese royal gardens from the initial generation period (Zhou,Qin and Han dynasties) to the late mature period (middle Qing Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty).Through the specific analysis of the typical royal gardens in different periods,the development and changes of the gardening skills and overall layout of the royal gardens in each period were obtained,and the development characteristics of the whole historical period of the Chinese royal gardens were summarized. 展开更多
关键词 Royal garden Epang Palace Copper Sparrow Garden Danei imperial Garden Ligongimperial Garden Xinggong imperial Garden
Tri-axial accelerometry allows to determine parental food provisioning behaviour in a marine bird
作者 Monserrat Del Caño Flavio Quintana +1 位作者 Giacomo Dell’Omo Agustina Gómez-Laich 《Avian Research》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期345-351,共7页
The study of parental food provisioning is essential for understanding the breeding ecology of birds.We conducted the first study using accelerometry to detect food provisioning in birds,using Support Vector Machine(S... The study of parental food provisioning is essential for understanding the breeding ecology of birds.We conducted the first study using accelerometry to detect food provisioning in birds,using Support Vector Machine(SVM)models to identify when adults feed chicks of three different age classes.Accelerometers were attached to the head of adult female Imperial Shags(Leucocarbo atriceps),and various attributes derived from the acceleration signals were used to train SVM models for each chick age class.Model performance improved with chick age class,with SVM models achieving high overall accuracy(>88%)and highest sensitivity in older chick categories(>91%).However,precision values,especially for younger chicks,remained relatively low(between 26%and 45%).The application of a time filter based on the minimum duration of the observed food provisioning behaviours for each chick age category,improved model performance by reducing false provisioning behaviours,particularly in the model for older chicks,which showed the highest precision(72.4%).This study highlights the effectiveness of accelerometry and machine learning in studying parental food provisioning in birds,providing a rapid and accurate data collection method to complement traditional techniques.The described methodology can be applied to any bird species that exhibits distinctive movements while feeding its offspring and has suitable characteristics for attaching an accelerometer to the body part that best captures this movement.Finally,it is hoped that the results of this study will contribute to future research on key questions in parental investment theory and reproductive strategies in birds. 展开更多
关键词 ACCELEROMETRY Food provisioning imperial shag Leucocarbo atriceps SEABIRD Support vector machine
甲午战争前日本近代东亚国际体系观的演变 被引量:4
作者 杨光 《济南大学学报(社会科学版)》 2001年第1期37-42,共6页
近代日本东亚国际体系观的主要内容是为打破华夷秩序 ,并以日本中心的东亚国际体系取而代之。它具有包含封建主义、近代殖民主义、帝国主义的侵略扩张属性 ,以及日本的“皇化”特性。近代日本的东亚国际体系观是在同历史与西方影响的双... 近代日本东亚国际体系观的主要内容是为打破华夷秩序 ,并以日本中心的东亚国际体系取而代之。它具有包含封建主义、近代殖民主义、帝国主义的侵略扩张属性 ,以及日本的“皇化”特性。近代日本的东亚国际体系观是在同历史与西方影响的双重关联中发展的。日本近代化的国家导向决定了日本官方东亚战略构想在其中起主导作用。对日本近代思想史作的考察也证明了这一点。到甲午战争前 。 展开更多
关键词 东亚国际体系观 华夷秩序 皇化
Mingzhongdu Imperial City Ruins in Fengyang
作者 Wang Yan 《China News Release》 2024年第5期69-72,共4页
Zhu Yuanzhang and Mingzhongdu。In 1368,Zhu Yuanzhang who was once a poor peasant,toppled the ethnic Mongolian Yuan Dynasty(1271-1368)in China and built up his own empire,the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644).He made Nanjing in ... Zhu Yuanzhang and Mingzhongdu。In 1368,Zhu Yuanzhang who was once a poor peasant,toppled the ethnic Mongolian Yuan Dynasty(1271-1368)in China and built up his own empire,the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644).He made Nanjing in today's east China's Jiangsu Province the capital of the Ming Dynasty. 展开更多
关键词 DYNASTY imperial Jiangsu
‘Transcending Fragmentation’
作者 Cao Ran Yu Xiaodong 《China Weekly》 2024年第2期34-35,共2页
Former world leaders called for greater inclusiveness and cooperation to cope with the challenges of an increasingly fragmented world at the 2023 Imperial Springs International Forum。
百分百Apex英雄 ImperialHal
作者 Nicole 《电子竞技》 2024年第2期68-71,共4页
随着2023TGA年度颁奖典礼落下帷幕,获奖名单正式确定,Faker当仁不让获得了年度最佳电竞选手奖。除了最后公布的获奖名单,TGA还提名了一些也值得拥有年度最佳电竞选手荣誉的选手,比如《英雄联盟》选手Ruler,CS:GO选手ZywOo,《无畏契约》... 随着2023TGA年度颁奖典礼落下帷幕,获奖名单正式确定,Faker当仁不让获得了年度最佳电竞选手奖。除了最后公布的获奖名单,TGA还提名了一些也值得拥有年度最佳电竞选手荣誉的选手,比如《英雄联盟》选手Ruler,CS:GO选手ZywOo,《无畏契约》选手Demon1,以及《使命召唤》选手Hydr。 展开更多
关键词 imperial 《英雄联盟》 APEX
Taosi:Bridging Early Chinese Civilization and Imperial China
作者 Shui Weixi Gao Jiangtao 《China News Release》 2024年第8期71-73,共3页
Taasi,an archaeological site in Xiangfen County,north China's Shanxi Province,was recognized as one of the Top 100 Arch aeological Discoveries of the Century in October 2021.Situated in the middle and lower reache... Taasi,an archaeological site in Xiangfen County,north China's Shanxi Province,was recognized as one of the Top 100 Arch aeological Discoveries of the Century in October 2021.Situated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River,it stands as the cradle of Ch inese civilization with i ts distinctive cultural footprint.Its grand scale and complete elements as a cap ital city make it a significant cultural hub of the Central Plains over 4,000 years ago. 展开更多
The Civil Examination System in Late Imperial China, 1400-1900 被引量:2
作者 Benjamin A, Elman 《Frontiers of History in China》 2013年第1期32-50,共19页
Scholars often contend that civil examinations were what made imperial China a political meritocracy. They point to the examination system to show that the selection process served more as a common training program fo... Scholars often contend that civil examinations were what made imperial China a political meritocracy. They point to the examination system to show that the selection process served more as a common training program for literati than as a gate-keeper to keep non-elites out. Despite the symbiotic relations between the court and its literati, the emperor played the final card in the selection process. The asymmetrical relations between the throne and its elites nevertheless empowered elites to seek upward mobility as scholar-officials through the system. But true social mobility, peasants becoming officials, was never the goal of state policy in late imperial China; a modest level of social circulation was an unexpected consequence of the meritocratic civil service. Moreover, the meri^t-based bureaucracy never broke free of its dependence on an authoritarian imperial system. A modem political system might be more compatible with meritocracy, however. One of the unintended consequences of the civil examinations was creation of classically literate men (and women), who used their linguistic talents for a variety of non-official purposes, from literati physicians to local pettifoggers, from fiction-writers to examination essay teachers, from Buddhist and Daoist monks to mothers and daughters. If there was much social mobility, i.e., the opportunity for members of the lower classes to rise in the social hierarchy, it was likely here. Rather than "social mobility," this phenomenon might be better described as a healthy "circulation" of lower and upper elites when compared to aristocratic Europe and Japan. 展开更多
Chinese Jingdezhen blue and white imperial porcelain 被引量:2
作者 WU Juan1, LI Jiazhi1, DENG Zequn1 & WANG Changsui2 1. Laboratory of Ancient Ceramics, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China 2. Department of History of Science and Archaeometry, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2004年第3期366-375,共10页
Jingdezhen blue and white imperial porcelain specimens from the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties have been systematically analyzed using a nondestructive test method—— energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis (EDX... Jingdezhen blue and white imperial porcelain specimens from the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties have been systematically analyzed using a nondestructive test method—— energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis (EDXRF). The derived data of major and trace element compositions have been treated by correspondence analysis. The variation laws of the composition patterns for Jingdezhen blue and white imperial porcelain in different historical periods owing to the change in raw materials, recipe and technology have been discussed, and a time model related to variation of element composition has been preliminarily established, It would be helpful for scientific dating of Jingdezhen blue and white imperial porcelain, and even for the studies on the whole field of identification of ancient ceramics. 展开更多
关键词 energy DISPERSIVE X-ray fluorescence analysis BLUE and WHITE imperial porcelain CORRESPONDENCE analysis.
Life cycle inventory analysis of CO_2 and SO_2 emission of imperial smelting process for Pb-Zn smelter 被引量:2
作者 李启厚 郭学益 +2 位作者 肖松文 黄凯 张多默 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2003年第2期108-112,共5页
Based on the principle of life cycle assessment, CO2 and SO2 emission of Imperial Smelting Process in a certain zinc-lead smelter was analyzed by life cycle inventory method. According to the system expansion and subs... Based on the principle of life cycle assessment, CO2 and SO2 emission of Imperial Smelting Process in a certain zinc-lead smelter was analyzed by life cycle inventory method. According to the system expansion and substitution method, the environmental impacts of co-products were allocated among the main products of zinc, lead and sulfuric acid. The related impacts were assessed by use of Global Warming Potential (GWP) and Acidification Potential (ACP). The results show that the GWP index from 1998 to 2000 is 11.53, 11.65, 10.93 tCO2-eq/tZn respectively, the ACP index decreases from 14.88 kgSO2-eq/tZn in 1998 to 10.99 kgSO2-eq/tZn in 2000. Power and electricity generation, followed by smelting and zinc distillation, are mainly responsible for GWP. Sintering individually affects ACP. Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of the ISP may come from energy conservation measures rather than from technological developments. And recycling more secondary Pb and Zn materials effectively treated by ISP, and reducing the amount of primary metal are the main ways to put SO2 emission under control. 展开更多
关键词 impact assessment life cycle inventory imperial smelting process ZINC LEAD
“連結”之後:評 Kristina Kleutghen,Imperial Illusions:Crossing Pictorial Boundaries in the Qing Palaces.Washington,D.C.:University of Washington Press,2015 被引量:3
作者 賴毓芝 《浙江大学艺术与考古研究》 2018年第1期191-225,5-7,共36页
全球史浪潮下的清宫熱正如許多學者已經留意到,近二十年來歷史學界最值得關注的現象之一,大概是全球史的興起。~1而這波全球化研究的轉向及其影響所及,不僅局限於歷史學的領域,同時也衝擊着藝術史的研究。~2不同於之前同樣以全球爲範疇... 全球史浪潮下的清宫熱正如許多學者已經留意到,近二十年來歷史學界最值得關注的現象之一,大概是全球史的興起。~1而這波全球化研究的轉向及其影響所及,不僅局限於歷史學的領域,同時也衝擊着藝術史的研究。~2不同於之前同樣以全球爲範疇的世界史研究,此全球史視世界爲一彼此連動的整體,强調地球村中千絲萬縷的關聯,任何一個區域的變化都可能帶來牽一髪而動全身的全球效應。 展开更多
关键词 雍正朝 北京故宫博物院 乾隆朝 UNIVERSITY of WASHINGTON Press 2015 Kristina Kleutghen imperial Illusions:Crossing PICTORIAL Boundaries in the Qing Palaces.Washington D.C
北京孔庙大成殿清代皇帝御制匾联探微 被引量:3
作者 王琳琳 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第8期103-118,共16页
北京孔庙是元、明、清三代皇帝祭祀儒家创始人、至圣先师孔子的场所。大成殿是祭祀孔子的正殿,殿内外悬挂着清代康熙至宣统九位皇帝御书匾额、楹联以及袁世凯、黎元洪书写的匾额。近年来研究孔庙大成殿匾额、楹联的文章屡有发表,取得一... 北京孔庙是元、明、清三代皇帝祭祀儒家创始人、至圣先师孔子的场所。大成殿是祭祀孔子的正殿,殿内外悬挂着清代康熙至宣统九位皇帝御书匾额、楹联以及袁世凯、黎元洪书写的匾额。近年来研究孔庙大成殿匾额、楹联的文章屡有发表,取得一定成果,但所述匾额、楹联的颁揭时间既不全面,也不准确。本文主要考证了孔庙大成殿清代皇帝御制匾额、楹联的颁揭时间,并考察了匾联的文字内涵。 展开更多
关键词 北京孔庙 大成殿 御制 匾额楹联 颁揭时间
Intelligent predictive model of ventilating capacity of imperial smelt furnace 被引量:1
作者 唐朝晖 胡燕瑜 +1 位作者 桂卫华 吴敏 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 2003年第4期364-368,共5页
In order to know the ventilating capacity of imperial smelt furnace(ISF), and increase the output of plumbum, an intelligent modeling method based on gray theory and artificial neural networks(ANN) is proposed, in whi... In order to know the ventilating capacity of imperial smelt furnace(ISF), and increase the output of plumbum, an intelligent modeling method based on gray theory and artificial neural networks(ANN) is proposed, in which the weight values in the integrated model can be adjusted automatically. An intelligent predictive model of the ventilating capacity of the ISF is established and analyzed by the method. The simulation results and industrial applications demonstrate that the predictive model is close to the real plant, the relative predictive error is 0.72%, which is 50% less than the single model, leading to a notable increase of the output of plumbum. 展开更多
关键词 imperial SMELT FURNACE ventilating capacity INTELLIGENT PREDICTIVE model artificial NEURAL network GRAY theory adaptive fuzzy combination
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