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高温固体润滑研究的现状及发展趋势 被引量:105
作者 薛群基 吕晋军 《摩擦学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第1期91-96,共6页
关键词 高温 固体润滑剂 自润滑材料 润滑
高压永磁同步电动机实心转子三维温度场分析 被引量:42
作者 李伟力 陈婷婷 +1 位作者 曲凤波 李志鹏 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第18期55-60,共6页
为了更准确地研究高压大功率永磁同步电动机的温升情况,对315 kW,6 kV永磁自起动同步电动机进行分析。以二维电磁场分析得到的损耗为热源,建立了永磁同步电动机实心转子三维温度场的物理模型和数学模型。由于转子端部的构件比较复杂,故... 为了更准确地研究高压大功率永磁同步电动机的温升情况,对315 kW,6 kV永磁自起动同步电动机进行分析。以二维电磁场分析得到的损耗为热源,建立了永磁同步电动机实心转子三维温度场的物理模型和数学模型。由于转子端部的构件比较复杂,故采用反推迭代法确定端部表面散热系数。其后通过给定求解域内的基本假设和边界条件,利用三维有限元法对电机进行了温度场计算,将最终计算结果与实测值进行比较,验证其满足工程精度的要求,为以后表面散热系数的确定提供了新的理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 高压 永磁同步电动机 实心转子 三维温度场 散热系数
高温固体润滑材料研究的发展现状 被引量:30
作者 李玉峰 欧阳家虎 周玉 《热处理技术与装备》 2007年第6期2-5,9,共5页
随着现代航空、航天和军事工业技术的发展,传统的低温润滑材料无法满足在如此极端环境下的工作要求,迫切需要发展新一代耐高温固体润滑材料。本文综述了高温固体润滑剂、高温固体润滑材料等的研究现状,并在此基础上提出了高温摩擦学领... 随着现代航空、航天和军事工业技术的发展,传统的低温润滑材料无法满足在如此极端环境下的工作要求,迫切需要发展新一代耐高温固体润滑材料。本文综述了高温固体润滑剂、高温固体润滑材料等的研究现状,并在此基础上提出了高温摩擦学领域内一些急需解决的问题。 展开更多
关键词 高温 固体润滑剂 自润滑 复合材料
易腐有机垃圾单级高固体厌氧消化实验研究 被引量:27
作者 蒋建国 吴时要 +1 位作者 隋继超 王岩 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期1104-1108,共5页
在中温(35-37℃)条件下,对连续式单级高固体厌氧消化反应器处理易腐有机垃圾进行了试验研究,连续试验时间达半年以上.结果表明,系统稳定运行时,在进料TS为24.79%、VS为23.06%的情况下,单位体积反应器产气效率最高达到3.69L/(L.d),... 在中温(35-37℃)条件下,对连续式单级高固体厌氧消化反应器处理易腐有机垃圾进行了试验研究,连续试验时间达半年以上.结果表明,系统稳定运行时,在进料TS为24.79%、VS为23.06%的情况下,单位体积反应器产气效率最高达到3.69L/(L.d),易腐有机垃圾的产气能力(以VS计)为746.33 L/kg,有机负荷(以VS计)达到4.94 kg/(m^3.d),水力停留时间47 d,此时期处理效果理想;试验启动之初易发生酸化,其抑制情况严重,出现0产气,经碱性溶液调节后情况得到较好解决;反应进行至80 d后产气速率降至最高速率的一半以下,推断是氨氮浓度超过2 000 mg/L而产生氨氮抑制,经过投加化学药剂和调节进料C/N抑制情况得到缓解. 展开更多
关键词 有机生活垃圾 厌氧消化 高固体 酸化 氨氮抑制
Dense and pure high-entropy metal diboride ceramics sintered from self-synthesized powders via boro/carbothermal reduction approach 被引量:23
作者 Junfeng Gu Ji Zou +4 位作者 Shi-Kuan Sun Hao Wang Su-Yang Yu Jinyong Zhang Weimin Wangand Zhengyi Fu 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2019年第12期1898-1909,共12页
Equimolar quinary diboride powders,with nominal composition of(Ti0.2 Hf0.2 Zr0.2 Nb0.2 Ta0.2)B2,were synthesized by boro/carbothermal reduction(BCTR)of oxide mixtures(MOx,M=Ti,Hf,Zr,Nb and Ta)using B4 C as source of B... Equimolar quinary diboride powders,with nominal composition of(Ti0.2 Hf0.2 Zr0.2 Nb0.2 Ta0.2)B2,were synthesized by boro/carbothermal reduction(BCTR)of oxide mixtures(MOx,M=Ti,Hf,Zr,Nb and Ta)using B4 C as source of B and C in vacuum.By adjusting the B4 C/MOxratios,diboride mixtures without detectable MOxwere obtained at 1600℃,while high-entropy diboride(HEB)powders with particle size of<1μm was obtained at 1800℃.The phase,morphology and solid solution evolution process of the HEB powders during the BCTR process were comprehensively investigated.Although X-ray diffraction pattern indicated the powders synthesized at 1800℃ were in a single-phase Al B2 structure,elemental mappings showed that(Ta,Ti)-rich and(Zr,Nb)-rich solid solution coexisted in the HEB powders.The distribution of niobium and zirconium atoms in HEB was unable to reach uniform until the HEB powders were spark plasma sintered at 2000°C.(Ti0.2 Hf0.2 Zr0.2 Nb0.2 Ta0.2)B2 ceramics with a relative density of 97.9%were obtained after spark plasma sintering the HEB powders at 2050℃ under 50 MPa.Rapid grain growth was found in this composition when the sintering temperature was increased from 2000 to 2050℃,and the averaged grain size increased from 6.67 to 41.2μm.HEB ceramics sintered at 2000℃ had a Vickers hardness of 22.44±0.56 GPa(under a load of 1 kg),a Young’s modulus of^500 GPa and a fracture toughness of 2.83±0.15 MPa m1/2.This is the first report for obtaining high density HEB ceramics without residual oxide phase,benefiting from the high quality HEB powders obtained. 展开更多
关键词 ultra-high temperature ceramics high-entropy borides solid solution rapid grain growth powder synthesis
Formation condition of solid solution type high-entropy alloy 被引量:22
作者 任明星 李邦盛 傅恒志 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第4期991-995,共5页
Formation condition of high-entropy alloys with solid solution structure was investigated. Seventeen kinds of the high-entropy alloys with different components were prepared, the influencing factors (the comprehensiv... Formation condition of high-entropy alloys with solid solution structure was investigated. Seventeen kinds of the high-entropy alloys with different components were prepared, the influencing factors (the comprehensive atomic radius difference δ, the mixing enthalpy AH and the mixing entropy AS) of phase composition of the alloys were calculated, and the microstructure and phase compositions of alloys were analyzed by using SEM and XRD. The result shows that only the systems with δ≤2.77 and △H≥-8.8 kJ/mol will form high entropy alloy with simple solid solution. Otherwise, intermetallic compounds will exist in the alloys. So, selection of the type of element has important effects on microstructure and properties of high entropy alloys. 展开更多
关键词 high entropy alloy solid solution comprehensive atomic radius difference mixing enthalpy formation condition
高固含量无皂丙烯酸酯乳液的制备 被引量:18
作者 邱治国 方治齐 张晓东 《涂料工业》 CAS CSCD 2004年第1期1-3,共3页
利用离子型和非离子型亲水单体参与无皂乳液共聚 ,制备了稳定的高固含量苯乙烯 -丙烯酸丁酯乳液。讨论了亲水单体的用量、配比、投料方式 ,以及功能单体和醋酸乙烯酯对乳液稳定性的影响。
关键词 无皂乳液 丙烯酸酯 共聚 固含量 制备 苯乙烯 乳液聚合
游离氨调控对污泥高含固厌氧消化反应器性能的影响 被引量:20
作者 戴晓虎 何进 +4 位作者 严寒 李宁 丁月玲 董滨 戴翎翎 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期679-687,共9页
污泥高含固厌氧消化系统中,过高的游离氨(free ammonia nitrogen,FAN)浓度被认为是影响其产气性能的主要因素之一.通过降低pH和提高总氨氮(total ammonia nitrogen,TAN)浓度两种方法,考察了进料含固率为15%的中温半连续污泥高含固厌氧... 污泥高含固厌氧消化系统中,过高的游离氨(free ammonia nitrogen,FAN)浓度被认为是影响其产气性能的主要因素之一.通过降低pH和提高总氨氮(total ammonia nitrogen,TAN)浓度两种方法,考察了进料含固率为15%的中温半连续污泥高含固厌氧消化反应器在这两种游离氨调控措施下的性能表现.结果表明,随着TAN的提高,FAN从(400±174)mg·L^(-1)提升至(526±25)mg·L^(-1),日产沼气量从(11.9±0.3)L·d-1降低到(10.3±0.2)L·d-1,挥发性固体(volatile solid,VS)降解率降低了33.7%;同时,当通过降低pH使得FAN从(330±99)mg·L^(-1)下降至(47±13)mg·L^(-1)时,日沼气产量也从(14.4±1.1)L·d-1下降到(10.8±0.3)L·d-1,VS降解率降低了26.9%,系统性能并没有随着FAN的下降而提升.随着pH调控的停止,游离氨浓度逐步回升至300 mg·L^(-1),系统性能也恢复至调控之前的水平,表明pH调控的过程产生了游离氨浓度控制之外的抑制性作用.最后,通过对细菌和古菌的多样性分析以及甲烷菌的定量PCR分析,可以发现两个反应器系统产气性能的变化都伴随着细菌种群结构的明显变化.污泥高含固厌氧消化系统中过高的FAN(>500 mg·L^(-1))使得降解蛋白的细菌的主要种群由Tepidimicrobium和Proteiniborus转变为Anaerobranca.而通过降低pH来控制游离氨浓度之后,一些糖类和蛋白质类发酵细菌的活性也受到影响,并导致这些物质水解效率的下降,进而由于产甲烷菌的基质供给量的不足而削弱系统的产气性能. 展开更多
关键词 游离氨 氨抑制 脱水污泥 厌氧消化 高含固
Dehydration melting of solid amphibolite at 2.0 GPa: Effects of time and temperature 被引量:17
作者 ZHOU Wenge1, XIE Hongsen1, LIU Yonggang1, ZHENG Xiaogang1, ZHAO Zhidan2 & ZHOU Hui3 1. Laboratory of Material in the Earth’s Interior, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550002, China 2. Department of Geology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China 3. Department of Geology, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2005年第8期1120-1133,共14页
Two sets of dehydration-melting with a natural solid amphibolite, collected from North Himalayan structure zone, Tibet, have been carried out in multi-anvil apparatus at 2.0 GPa and 800―1000℃, for 12―200 h. One is ... Two sets of dehydration-melting with a natural solid amphibolite, collected from North Himalayan structure zone, Tibet, have been carried out in multi-anvil apparatus at 2.0 GPa and 800―1000℃, for 12―200 h. One is keeping the pressure at 2.0 GPa and the annealing time of 12 h, changing the temperature (800―1000℃). The other is keeping the pressure at 2.0 GPa and temperature at 850℃, varying the annealing time (12―200 h). The products are inspected with microscope and electron probe. The results indicate that at 2.0 GPa, annealing time of 12 h, garnets, melts and clinopyroxenes occur in amphibolite gradually with increasing temperature and the chemical compositions of melt vary from tonalite to granodiorite, and then to tonalite. However, at 2.0 GPa and 850℃, with the annealing time increasing, the garnets, melts and cli-nopyroxenes also occur in amphibolite gradually and the chemical compositions of melt vary from tonalite to granodiorite. In both cases, melts interconnect with each other when the contents of melt are over the 5 vol.%. the viscosities of the melt produced in amphibolite at temperature higher than 850℃ are on a level with 104 Pa·s. The interconnected melt with such a viscosity may segregate from the source rock and form the magma over reasonable geological time. Therefore, it is believed that at the lower part of the overthickened crust, the tonlitic and grano-dioritic magma may be generated through the dehydration melting of amphibolite. 展开更多
关键词 solid amphibolite high pressure high temperature time partial melting.
高固含量聚氨酯的合成进展 被引量:15
作者 宋飞 王小妹 《聚氨酯工业》 2005年第5期41-44,共4页
关键词 聚氨酯 高固含量 聚氨酯树脂 高固含量 合成 发展趋势 国内外
Springback prediction of thick-walled high-strength titanium tube bending 被引量:15
作者 Song Feifei Yang He +2 位作者 Li Heng Zhan Mei Li Guangjun 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第5期1336-1345,共10页
Significant springback occurs after tube rotary-draw-bending (RDB), especially for a high-strength Ti-3A1-2.5V tube (HSTT) due to its high ratio of yield strength to Young's modulus. The combination scheme of exp... Significant springback occurs after tube rotary-draw-bending (RDB), especially for a high-strength Ti-3A1-2.5V tube (HSTT) due to its high ratio of yield strength to Young's modulus. The combination scheme of explicit and implicit is preferred to predict the springback. This simulation strategy includes several numerical parameters, such as element type, number of elements through thickness (NEL), element size, etc. However, the influences of these parameters on spring- back prediction accuracy are not fully understood. Thus, taking the geometrical specification 9.525 mm × 0.508 mm ofa HSTT as the objective, the effects of numerical parameters on prediction accuracy and computation efficiency of springback simulation of HSTT RDB are investigated. The simulated springback results are compared with experimental ones. The main results are: (1) solid and continuum-shell elements predict the experimental results well; (2) for C3DSR elements, NEL of at least 3 is required to obtain reliable results and a relative error of 29% can occur as NEL is varied in the range of 1-3; (3) specifying damping factor typically works well in Abaqus/Emplicit simulation of springback and the springback results are sensitive to the magnitude of damping factor. In addition, the explanations of the effect rules are given and a guideline is added. 展开更多
关键词 BENDING Finite element method high strength Numerical parameters solid elements SPRINGBACK Titanium alloys Tube
高固体分羟基丙烯酸树脂 被引量:14
作者 方冉 陈延辉 高敬民 《上海涂料》 CAS 2002年第3期5-8,共4页
介绍了叔碳酸缩水甘油酯改性合成高固体分丙烯酸树脂的合成工艺,通过对引发剂、合成温度、链转移剂、玻璃化温度及叔碳酸缩水甘油酯的接入方式的讨论,成功地合成了新型的高固体羟基丙烯酸树脂,并讨论了由它所配制的双组分丙烯酸聚氨酯... 介绍了叔碳酸缩水甘油酯改性合成高固体分丙烯酸树脂的合成工艺,通过对引发剂、合成温度、链转移剂、玻璃化温度及叔碳酸缩水甘油酯的接入方式的讨论,成功地合成了新型的高固体羟基丙烯酸树脂,并讨论了由它所配制的双组分丙烯酸聚氨酯涂料的性能。 展开更多
关键词 叔碳酸缩水甘油酯 改性 丙烯酸树脂 聚氨酯 合成工艺 涂料
有机垃圾单级高固体厌氧消化启动实验研究 被引量:14
作者 隋继超 蒋建国 +1 位作者 吴时要 赵振振 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期684-688,共5页
在中温(35℃)条件下,应用连续式单级高固体厌氧消化技术对有机垃圾进行了实验室规模的处理研究.在启动阶段,垃圾进料量随反应器内pH值及产气量的变化作适当调节.结果表明,在反应器进料有机垃圾的含固率(TS)达到24.79%,挥发性固体物质(VS... 在中温(35℃)条件下,应用连续式单级高固体厌氧消化技术对有机垃圾进行了实验室规模的处理研究.在启动阶段,垃圾进料量随反应器内pH值及产气量的变化作适当调节.结果表明,在反应器进料有机垃圾的含固率(TS)达到24.79%,挥发性固体物质(VS)达到230.62g/kg的情况下,系统的产气效率以进料VS计达到了705.77L/kg.反应器启动30d后,内部料液的pH值稳定在6.9~7.3之间.在稳定运行阶段,以进料VS计,高固体厌氧消化反应器的有机负荷率(OLR)达到6.98kg/(m3.d),水力停留时间(HRT)为35d,启动实验取得了较为理想的效果. 展开更多
关键词 有机垃圾 高固体 厌氧消化 启动
A high-entropy spinel ceramic oxide as the cathode for proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells 被引量:15
作者 Yangsen XU Xi XU Lei BI 《Journal of Advanced Ceramics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第5期794-804,共11页
A high-entropy ceramic oxide is used as the cathode for the first time for proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells(H-SOFCs).The Fe_(0.6)Mn_(0.6)Co_(0.6)Ni_(0.6)Cr_(0.6)O_(4)(FMCNC)high-entropy spinel oxide has been s... A high-entropy ceramic oxide is used as the cathode for the first time for proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells(H-SOFCs).The Fe_(0.6)Mn_(0.6)Co_(0.6)Ni_(0.6)Cr_(0.6)O_(4)(FMCNC)high-entropy spinel oxide has been successfully prepared,and the in situ chemical stability test demonstrates that the FMCNC material has good stability against CO_(2).The first-principles calculation indicates that the high-entropy structure enhances the properties of the FMCNC material that surpasses their individual components,leading to lower O_(2)adsorption energy for FMCNC than that for the individual components.The HSOFC using the FMCNC cathode reaches an encouraging peak power density(PPD)of 1052 mW·cm^(-2)at 700℃,which is higher than those of the H-SOFCs reported recently.Additional comparison was made between the high-entropy FMCNC cathode and the traditional Mn_(1.6)Cu_(1.4)O_(4)(MCO)spinel cathode without the high-entropy structure,revealing that the formation of the high-entropy material allows the enhanced protonation ability as well as the movement of the O p-band center closer to the Fermi level,thus improving the cathode catalytic activity.As a result,the high-entropy FMCNC has a much-decreased polarization resistance of 0.057Ω·cm^(2)at 700℃,which is half of that for the traditional MCO spinel cathode without the high-entropy design.The excellent performance of the FMCNC cell indicates that the high-entropy design makes a new life for the spinel oxide as the cathode for HSOFCs,offering a novel and promising route for the development of high-performance materials for H-SOFCs. 展开更多
关键词 proton-conducting oxides high-entropy oxides CATHODE solid oxide fuel cells(SOFCs)
抗高温无固相钻井液研究 被引量:14
作者 张洁 孙金声 +3 位作者 杨枝 葛云华 张绍云 王建华 《石油钻采工艺》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期45-47,共3页
4000m埋深碳酸盐岩储层温度高达150℃以上,普通无固相钻井液无法满足抗温需要。室内通过对比动塑比及抗温极限优选出增黏剂VP和XC,并通过热重分析及滤失实验优选出降失水剂CMJ、SMP-2等处理剂;通过反复对比实验优选出抗高温的无固相钻井... 4000m埋深碳酸盐岩储层温度高达150℃以上,普通无固相钻井液无法满足抗温需要。室内通过对比动塑比及抗温极限优选出增黏剂VP和XC,并通过热重分析及滤失实验优选出降失水剂CMJ、SMP-2等处理剂;通过反复对比实验优选出抗高温的无固相钻井液,配方为(1%~饱和)甲酸钠+3%CMJ+2%RHJ(润滑剂)+0.2%XC+0.3%VP+3%SMP-2。该体系抗温达200℃,抗钻屑污染20%,抗盐20%,抗钙5%,极压润滑系数0.098,渗透率恢复值90%。实验结果表明该体系不仅能够满足高温深井钻井要求,还能实现对裂缝性碳酸盐岩储层的良好保护。 展开更多
关键词 高温 无固相 钻井液 碳酸盐岩 储层保护
煤炭直接液化高分散度固体酸催化剂的研制 被引量:14
作者 朱晓苏 《煤炭转化》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期66-76,共11页
煤炭直接液化反应的速率控制步骤一般是沥青烯生成液化油的中间化学反应。根据煤炭直接液化油收率极限理论,新型催化剂研制的方向和目标就是加快沥青烯生成液化油的反应速率,显著降低沥青烯的生产率,获得接近高限油收率的试验油收率... 煤炭直接液化反应的速率控制步骤一般是沥青烯生成液化油的中间化学反应。根据煤炭直接液化油收率极限理论,新型催化剂研制的方向和目标就是加快沥青烯生成液化油的反应速率,显著降低沥青烯的生产率,获得接近高限油收率的试验油收率,首次确定了Fe2O3催化剂研制的重点必须放在表面酸性上。应用沉淀法制备Fe2O3超微颗粒催化剂,晶粒尺寸在72nm-81.3nm。通过化学计算,首次证明了液相沉淀反应体系的pH值与Fe^3+浓度对数lg[Fe^3+]成线性关系。应用程序升温脱附法(TPD)测定了催化剂酸性。 展开更多
关键词 煤炭直接液化 高分散度 固体酸催化剂
高固含量无皂乳液聚合技术研究进展 被引量:10
作者 杨晶巍 尹延柏 +1 位作者 唐林生 朱燕 《涂料工业》 CAS CSCD 2004年第6期44-48,共5页
关键词 无皂乳液 聚合技术 乳化剂 制备方法 表面活性剂 引发剂
用磺酸型亲水扩链剂制备高固含量聚氨酯乳液 被引量:13
作者 卫晓利 张发兴 《合成橡胶工业》 CAS CSCD 2010年第1期29-32,共4页
以聚(四氢呋喃-co-氧化丙烯)二醇为软段、异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯为硬段,以1,2-二羟基-3-丙磺酸钠(DHPA)作为亲水扩链剂,用自乳化法合成了一系列稳定的高固含量聚氨酯乳液,分析了DHPA用量对乳液及其胶膜性能的影响。结果表明:所得聚氨酯乳... 以聚(四氢呋喃-co-氧化丙烯)二醇为软段、异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯为硬段,以1,2-二羟基-3-丙磺酸钠(DHPA)作为亲水扩链剂,用自乳化法合成了一系列稳定的高固含量聚氨酯乳液,分析了DHPA用量对乳液及其胶膜性能的影响。结果表明:所得聚氨酯乳液的粒径呈多元分布,乳胶粒子呈球形;乳液为假塑性流体;随着DHPA用量的增加,乳液平均粒径逐渐减小,粒径分布变窄,固含量不断增大,当DHPA质量分数为7%时,乳液的总固物质量分数可达61%。乳液具有较好的高、低温及贮存稳定性能。随着DHPA用量的增加,聚氨酯乳液胶膜的拉伸强度逐渐增大,扯断伸长率则先增大后减小;当DHPA质量分数为5%时胶膜的综合力学性能最佳;DHPA用量对胶膜的热稳定性没有明显影响。 展开更多
关键词 磺酸型亲水扩链剂 聚氨酯乳液 高固含量 稳定性 力学性能
高压下Al基合金的凝固组织特征 被引量:13
作者 孙淑华 李杰 +2 位作者 徐瑞 赵海丽 刘日平 《高压物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期434-438,共5页
研究了亚共晶或过共晶Al-Cu和Al-Si合金在5 GPa压力条件下凝固的显微组织特征。与常压相比,高压不仅会明显改变凝固组织形态,而且会使凝固组织尺寸发生变化,有时粗化,有时细化。凝固组织粗化还是细化与压力对液固两相区温度间隔的影响... 研究了亚共晶或过共晶Al-Cu和Al-Si合金在5 GPa压力条件下凝固的显微组织特征。与常压相比,高压不仅会明显改变凝固组织形态,而且会使凝固组织尺寸发生变化,有时粗化,有时细化。凝固组织粗化还是细化与压力对液固两相区温度间隔的影响有关。当压力使液固两相区温度间隔增大时,凝固组织粗化,反之细化。此外,还提出了一种针对树枝晶和胞状晶两种不同形态组织的尺寸评价新方法。 展开更多
关键词 高压 凝固 粗化 AL基合金
Detection of 36 antibiotics in coastal waters using high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry 被引量:13
作者 那广水 顾佳 +4 位作者 葛林科 张蓬 王震 刘春阳 张琳 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第5期1093-1102,共10页
Among pharmaceuticals and personal care products released into the aquatic environment, antibiotics are of particular concern, because of their ubiquity and health effects. Although scientists have recently paid more ... Among pharmaceuticals and personal care products released into the aquatic environment, antibiotics are of particular concern, because of their ubiquity and health effects. Although scientists have recently paid more attention to the threat of antibiotics to coastal ecosystems, researchers have often focused on relatively few antibiotics, because of the absence of suitable analytical methods. We have therefore developed a method for the rapid detection of 36 antibiotic residues in coastal waters, including tetracyclines (TCs), sulfanilamides (SAs), and quinolones (QLs). The method consists of solid-phase extraction (SPE) and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis, using electrospray ionization (ESI) in positive mode. The SPE was performed with Oasis HLB and Oasis MCX cartridges. Chromatographic separation on a Cr8 column was achieved using a binary eluent containing methanol and water with 0.1% formic acid. Typical recoveries of the analytes ranged from 67.4% to 109.3% at a fortification level of 100 ng/L. The precision of the method, calculated as relative standard deviation (RSD), was below 14.6% for all the compounds. The limits of detection (LODs) varied from 0.45 pg to 7.97 pg. The method was applied to detemaine the target analytes in coastal waters of the Yellow Sea in Liaoning, China. Among the tested antibiotics, 31 were found in coastal 'waters, with their concentrations between the LOD and 212.5 ng/L. These data indicate that this method is valid for analysis of antibiotics in coastal waters. The study first reports such a large number of antibiotics along the Yellow Sea coast of Liaoning, and should facilitate future comprehensive evaluation of antibiotics in coastal ecosystems 展开更多
关键词 ANTIBIOTICS high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry solid-PHASEEXTRACTION coastal waters
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