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Wheel/rail dynamic interaction due to excitation of rail corrugation in high-speed railway 被引量:23
作者 WANG Kai Yun LIU Peng Fei +3 位作者 ZHAI Wan Ming HUANG Chao CHEN Zai Gang GAO JianMin 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期226-235,共10页
Characteristics of wheel-rail dynamic interaction due to the rail corrugation in a high-speed railway are analyzed based on the theory of vehicle-track coupled dynamics in this paper.Influences of the corrugation wave... Characteristics of wheel-rail dynamic interaction due to the rail corrugation in a high-speed railway are analyzed based on the theory of vehicle-track coupled dynamics in this paper.Influences of the corrugation wavelength and depth on the wheel-rail dynamic performance are investigated.The results show that,under the excitation of a measured rail corrugation,the wheel-rail dynamic interaction of high-speed railway is enhanced obviously,and the high-frequency dynamic force between wheel and rail is generated,which has an obvious impact on the vibrations of the wheelset and rail,and little effect on the vibration of the frame and carbody.If the corrugation wavelength is shorter than the sensitive wavelength,the wheel-rail vertical force will increase with the growth of the corrugation wavelength,otherwise,it will decrease.However,the wheel-rail vertical force keeps increasing with the growth of corrugation depth.Furthermore,if the corrugation wavelength is shorter than the sensitive wavelength,the wheel-rail vertical force will increase with the decrease of the running speed,otherwise,it will decrease.It is also found that the critical wavelength of corrugation increases with the growth of the corrugation depth and the running speed,and the critical depth of corrugation is nonlinearly related to the sensitive wavelength. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic interaction rail corrugation high-speed railway critical wavelength critical depth sensitive wavelength
深部膨胀性软岩巷道修复技术研究 被引量:17
作者 郭志飚 胡永光 +1 位作者 任爱武 陈大鹏 《采矿与安全工程学报》 EI 北大核心 2006年第3期316-319,共4页
通过现场调查、室内试验以及理论分析,对常村矿21盘区延深胶带下山变坡点附近巷道支护现状进行了分析研究,导致巷道破坏的根本原因为围岩的高应力和强膨胀性,直接原因是原支护形式不合理.根据现场工程地质条件、岩石特性和破坏特点,确... 通过现场调查、室内试验以及理论分析,对常村矿21盘区延深胶带下山变坡点附近巷道支护现状进行了分析研究,导致巷道破坏的根本原因为围岩的高应力和强膨胀性,直接原因是原支护形式不合理.根据现场工程地质条件、岩石特性和破坏特点,确定软岩变形力学机制为ⅠA,ⅡBD,ⅢBA复合型变形力学机制,采用锚网索桁架耦合支护技术进行修复.实践结果表明:采用该支护技术是有效的. 展开更多
关键词 深部开采 高应力 膨胀性软岩 巷道修复支护
Endoscopic ultrasound using ultrasound probes for the diagnosis of early esophageal and gastric cancers 被引量:21
作者 Shigetaka Yoshinaga Ichiro Oda +2 位作者 Satoru Nonaka Ryoji Kushima Yutaka Saito 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy》 CAS 2012年第6期218-226,共9页
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) devices were first designed and manufactured more than 30 years ago, and since then investigators have reported EUS is effective for determining both the staging and the depth of invasion o... Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) devices were first designed and manufactured more than 30 years ago, and since then investigators have reported EUS is effective for determining both the staging and the depth of invasion of esophageal and gastric cancers. We review the present status, the methods, and the findings of EUS when used to diagnose and stage early esophageal and gastric cancer. EUS using high-frequency ultrasound probes is more accurate than conventional EUS for the evaluation of the depth of invasion of superficial esophageal carcinoma. The rates of accurate evaluation of the depth of invasion by EUS using high-frequency ultrasound probes were 70%-88% for intramucosal cancer, and 83%-94% for submucosal invasive cancer. But the sensitivity of EUS using high-frequency ultrasound probes for the diagnosis of submucosal invasive cancer was relatively low, making it difficult to confirm minute submucosal invasion. The accuracy of EUS using high-frequency ultrasound probes for early gastric tumor classification can be up to 80% compared with 63% for conventional EUS, although the accuracy of EUS using high-frequency ultrasound probes relatively decreases for those patients with depressed-type lesions, undifferentiated cancer, concomitant ulceration, expanded indications, type 0-I?lesions, and lesions located in the upper-third of the stomach. A 92% overall accuracy rate was achieved when both the endoscopic appearance and the findings from EUS using high-frequency ultrasound probes were considered together for tumor classification. Although EUS using high-frequency ultrasound probes has limitations, it has a high depth of invasion accuracy and is a useful procedure to distinguish lesions in the esophagus and stomach that are indicated for endoscopic resection. 展开更多
关键词 Endoscopic ultrasound high-frequency ultrasound probe Esophageal cancer Gastric cancer depth diagnosis
大景深高清硬性内窥镜光学系统的优化设计 被引量:19
作者 禹璐 程德文 +3 位作者 周伟 王涌天 刘小华 金国藩 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期213-221,共9页
设计了一种高清成像的硬性内窥镜。通过控制特征光线在中继透镜表面上的入射高度和出射角,可保证有效视场和通光孔径内所有的光线在口径为2.7mm的透镜组中正常传播。将入瞳直径提高到0.3mm,使物方分辨率优于21lp/mm,角分辨率为8.45C/(&#... 设计了一种高清成像的硬性内窥镜。通过控制特征光线在中继透镜表面上的入射高度和出射角,可保证有效视场和通光孔径内所有的光线在口径为2.7mm的透镜组中正常传播。将入瞳直径提高到0.3mm,使物方分辨率优于21lp/mm,角分辨率为8.45C/(°)。同时有效避免棒镜内壁的全反射杂光导致像质下降。系统成像质量达到了衍射极限,调制传递函数值在空间频率120lp/mm处大于0.3;通过将系统设置为多重物距的结构实现大景深设计。加入目镜优化设计后,整体系统的调制传递函数值在空间频率3lp/mrad处为0.1,达到了人眼的分辨极限。测试验证表明,完成研制的内窥镜系统分辨率达到设计值。 展开更多
关键词 光学设计 医学成像 硬性内窥镜 高清 景深
高边坡坝基柱状节理玄武岩开挖卸荷时效松弛特性 被引量:17
作者 裴书锋 冯夏庭 +5 位作者 张建聪 王鹏飞 江权 周扬一 郝宪杰 刘俊峰 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期3743-3754,共12页
柱状节理玄武岩在开挖卸荷条件下容易松弛与开裂,是白鹤滩水电站坝基稳定的主要挑战。以白鹤滩水电站左岸坝基柱状节理玄武岩试验区为工程背景,采用单孔声波、钻孔摄像等原位测试技术,研究了分梯段开挖及时间效应条件下Ⅲ_1类和Ⅲ_2类... 柱状节理玄武岩在开挖卸荷条件下容易松弛与开裂,是白鹤滩水电站坝基稳定的主要挑战。以白鹤滩水电站左岸坝基柱状节理玄武岩试验区为工程背景,采用单孔声波、钻孔摄像等原位测试技术,研究了分梯段开挖及时间效应条件下Ⅲ_1类和Ⅲ_2类柱状节理玄武岩松弛深度、松弛程度的时空演化规律,探讨了坝基柱状节理岩体松弛特征的原因。分析结果表明:柱状节理玄武岩的松弛深度主要由开挖引起,临近开挖面岩体的松弛程度随时间呈负指数增长,其时效期不超过半年。柱状节理岩体松弛特征与岩体质量关系密切,两类岩体的松弛深度、松弛程度的时效性及松弛程度随孔深的分布规律差异较大。坝基柱状节理岩体时效松弛是由内部节理张开导致的岩体强度参数的时效劣化引起。该研究对认识柱状节理岩体卸荷力学行为及优化坝基柱状节理岩体开挖保护方案具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 高边坡 柱状节理玄武岩 卸荷松弛 时间效应 松弛深度 松弛程度
无机胶植筋式后锚固连接的抗火性能研究 被引量:15
作者 王欣 姜常玖 +1 位作者 惠守江 赵考重 《四川大学学报(工程科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期27-33,共7页
为了研究无机胶植筋式后锚固连接的抗火性能,进行了无机胶与有机胶植筋真实火灾的对比试验。在设计试件时考虑了锚固深度和植筋胶种类2种影响因素。试验时先通过杠杆对试件施加荷载,并在试验中保持恒定不变,然后按照ISO834国际标准升温... 为了研究无机胶植筋式后锚固连接的抗火性能,进行了无机胶与有机胶植筋真实火灾的对比试验。在设计试件时考虑了锚固深度和植筋胶种类2种影响因素。试验时先通过杠杆对试件施加荷载,并在试验中保持恒定不变,然后按照ISO834国际标准升温曲线对试件进行升温,通过植筋梁的挠度来控制试验进程,直至植筋梁试件挠度发展较大而破坏。试验中使用高温应变片、差动式位移传感器以及热电偶来采集试验的关键数据。试验结果表明:锚固深度和植筋胶种类对植筋构件的抗火性能均有较大影响。在火灾作用下有机胶植筋最终将发生锚固破坏,破坏较突然,且耐火极限短。无机胶植筋的受弯构件,在满足一定锚固深度的前提下,在火灾作用下不会发生锚固破坏,破坏形态同一般的钢筋混凝土梁。 展开更多
关键词 高温 植筋 无机胶 锚固深度
高温下植筋试件拉拔试验 被引量:8
作者 刘长青 李占鸿 陆洲导 《结构工程师》 2008年第1期72-76,共5页
设计制作了25个试件,试件的植筋深度为lOd和15d,分别在高温下进行拉拔试验,来研究不同温度对不同植筋深度的钢筋拉拔承载力的影响。试验中,记录混凝土内部的温度与不同混凝土内部温度下的植筋拉拔承载力。分析了高温和常温下具有相... 设计制作了25个试件,试件的植筋深度为lOd和15d,分别在高温下进行拉拔试验,来研究不同温度对不同植筋深度的钢筋拉拔承载力的影响。试验中,记录混凝土内部的温度与不同混凝土内部温度下的植筋拉拔承载力。分析了高温和常温下具有相同植筋深度试件的承载力,高温下不同植筋深度试件的拉拔承载力,并拟合出粘结应力和温度的关系。试验结果表明,高温对植筋的拉拔承载力和锚固段粘结力有明显的影响;当温度高于350℃后,高温下植筋的承载力降低为常温下的10%~20%。 展开更多
关键词 植筋 高温 锚固深度 拉拔承载力
火灾(高温)下植筋试件拉拔承载力试验研究 被引量:9
作者 刘长青 陆洲导 +1 位作者 李占鸿 徐微平 《四川大学学报(工程科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期74-79,共6页
为了研究植筋试件在火灾(高温)下的力学性能,设计制作了25个植筋试件进行高温下拉拔试验。考虑10d和15d两种植筋深度,试验中记录了混凝土内部温度、钢筋位移以及拉拔力,并对常温和高温下具有相同植筋深度植筋试件拉拔承载力进行分析。... 为了研究植筋试件在火灾(高温)下的力学性能,设计制作了25个植筋试件进行高温下拉拔试验。考虑10d和15d两种植筋深度,试验中记录了混凝土内部温度、钢筋位移以及拉拔力,并对常温和高温下具有相同植筋深度植筋试件拉拔承载力进行分析。试验结果表明:温度对植筋试件承载力有很大影响,随着温度的升高,植筋试件的拉拔承载力显著下降;当温度高于350℃后,高温下植筋试件的承载力约为常温下的10%~20%。 展开更多
关键词 植筋 高温 植筋深度 拉拔承载力
大视场远距离视觉测量系统的分步标定 被引量:9
作者 胡浩 魏斌 +2 位作者 梁晋 王惠刚 张永庆 《光学精密工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期478-488,共11页
为了克服工程大视场标定精度不高、标靶加工难度大以及现场操作繁琐的问题,本文基于工业近景摄影测量基本原理提出一种大视场多相机内、外参数的分步标定方法。首先,根据相机透视投影模型,在近距离采用小幅面标靶和角锥体法完成相机前... 为了克服工程大视场标定精度不高、标靶加工难度大以及现场操作繁琐的问题,本文基于工业近景摄影测量基本原理提出一种大视场多相机内、外参数的分步标定方法。首先,根据相机透视投影模型,在近距离采用小幅面标靶和角锥体法完成相机前截面内参数的解算;然后,在远距离被测空间内布置若干编码标志点,利用多片后方交会原理计算得到相机外参数;最后,对相机内、外参数进行整体光束平差优化,实现精确标定。为验证该方法的可行性和精度,进行了大视场视觉测量实验,测量结果表明本文标定方法的重投影误差小于0.08像素;外场试验实测10 m直升机旋翼总距角的相对误差小于0.1°。该方法可实现相机内参数标定实验室进行、外参数标定外场完成的操作分离。 展开更多
关键词 大视场 大景深 透视投影 分步标定
堡古1井花岗岩地层钻头优选与应用 被引量:8
作者 李贵宾 刘泳敬 +1 位作者 柳耀泉 黄建 《石油钻采工艺》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期106-109,共4页
冀东油田堡古1井是部署在南堡4号潜山北断块较高部位的一口中石油重点风险探井,主要钻探目的是预探太古界花岗岩潜山含油气情况。花岗岩地层埋藏深、强度高、可钻性差,邻区实钻存在单只钻头进尺少、寿命短、机械钻速低的问题。在分析深... 冀东油田堡古1井是部署在南堡4号潜山北断块较高部位的一口中石油重点风险探井,主要钻探目的是预探太古界花岗岩潜山含油气情况。花岗岩地层埋藏深、强度高、可钻性差,邻区实钻存在单只钻头进尺少、寿命短、机械钻速低的问题。在分析深部花岗岩地层物性、温度、可钻性和邻井钻头应用的基础上,对钻头密封类型、切削齿结构、牙掌及牙轮保护、使用寿命等方面进行了研究,设计出了适用于小井眼的单金属密封掌背强化牙轮钻头,现场使用不仅寿命长,而且获得了较高的机械钻速,为该区花岗岩地层快速钻进提供了技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 高温 深层 花岗岩 单金属密封 小井眼牙轮钻头
遭受高温混凝土中性化机理试验研究 被引量:8
作者 高润东 李向民 +2 位作者 许清风 王琼 於林锋 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期72-74,共3页
分析了混凝土在高温下和高温后两阶段中性化过程的机理,并通过试验研究了经历两阶段中性化过程后中性化深度的变化规律。研究结果表明:混凝土在高温下和高温后两阶段中性化过程中的中性化机理不同,前者对后者有一定影响;经历两阶段中性... 分析了混凝土在高温下和高温后两阶段中性化过程的机理,并通过试验研究了经历两阶段中性化过程后中性化深度的变化规律。研究结果表明:混凝土在高温下和高温后两阶段中性化过程中的中性化机理不同,前者对后者有一定影响;经历两阶段中性化过程后,随混凝土强度增加中性化深度减小幅度不断降低;随温度升高,中性化深度不断提高,但经历800℃高温后混凝土再碱化程度较高,对混凝土碳化具有一定的抵抗作用;高温后混凝土微观结构变化明显,能够反映出混凝土的中性化特征。 展开更多
关键词 高温 混凝土 中性化深度 微观结构
大采高浅埋深煤层覆岩破坏规律数值模拟 被引量:7
作者 朱庆伟 蒋军 +3 位作者 张润安 马矿生 高林君 霍雷敏 《煤炭工程》 北大核心 2013年第11期75-78,共4页
黄土层地质条件复杂,尤其是在山区,使得煤层开采引起的地表变形移动规律与平原地区有着很大的不同,特别是对大采高,浅埋深煤层更是如此。文章以最具代表性的三道沟矿区为例,运用FLAC3D模拟计算大采高开采引起的沉陷规律,并与现场已有实... 黄土层地质条件复杂,尤其是在山区,使得煤层开采引起的地表变形移动规律与平原地区有着很大的不同,特别是对大采高,浅埋深煤层更是如此。文章以最具代表性的三道沟矿区为例,运用FLAC3D模拟计算大采高开采引起的沉陷规律,并与现场已有实测数据进行对比分析,得出:通过选取合适的边界约束条件(如模型前后为固定约束,模型表面为自由边界)及岩土物理参数,并对模型进行适当的简化,可以较为准确地模拟出地表沉陷破坏的初步规律,从而掌握将要开采区域未来可能的移动变形破坏情况,提前做好相应准备。此成果对黄土山区研究大采高,浅埋深煤层的地表变形移动规律具有一定的理论价值和科学实践意义。 展开更多
关键词 大采高 浅埋深 黄土层 数值模拟 FLAC3D
Very Low-Level Heteroplasmy mtDNA Variations Are Inherited in Humans 被引量:5
作者 Yan Guo Chung-I Li +4 位作者 Quanhu Sheng Jeanette F.Winther Qiuyin Cai John D.Boice Yu Shyr 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第12期607-615,共9页
Little is known about the inheritance of very low heteroplasmy mitochondria DNA (mtDNA) variations. Even with the development of new next-generation sequencing methods, the practical lower limit of measured heteropl... Little is known about the inheritance of very low heteroplasmy mitochondria DNA (mtDNA) variations. Even with the development of new next-generation sequencing methods, the practical lower limit of measured heteroplasmy is still about 1% due to the inherent noise level of the sequencing. In this study, we sequenced the mitochondrial genome of 44 individuals using Illumina high-throughput sequencing technology and obtained high-coverage mitochondria sequencing data. Our study population contains many mother-offspring pairs. This unique study design allows us to bypass the usual heteroplasmy limitation by analyzing the correlation of mutation levels at each position in the mtDNA sequence between maternally related pairs and non-related pairs. The study showed that very low heteroplasmy variants, down to almost 0.1%, are inherited maternally and that this inheritance begins to decrease at about 0.5%, cor- resnondin to abottleneck of about 200 mtDNA. 展开更多
关键词 Maternal inheritance Next-generation sequencing high-depth sequencing HETEROPLASMY mtDNA mutations BOTTLENECK
Design Strategies for Aqueous Zinc Metal Batteries with High Zinc Utilization: From Metal Anodes to Anode-Free Structures 被引量:2
作者 Xianfu Zhang Long Zhang +2 位作者 Xinyuan Jia Wen Song Yongchang Liu 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期305-349,共45页
Aqueous zinc metal batteries(AZMBs)are promising candidates for next-generation energy storage due to the excellent safety, environmental friendliness, natural abundance, high theoretical specific capacity, and low re... Aqueous zinc metal batteries(AZMBs)are promising candidates for next-generation energy storage due to the excellent safety, environmental friendliness, natural abundance, high theoretical specific capacity, and low redox potential of zinc(Zn) metal. However,several issues such as dendrite formation, hydrogen evolution, corrosion, and passivation of Zn metal anodes cause irreversible loss of the active materials. To solve these issues, researchers often use large amounts of excess Zn to ensure a continuous supply of active materials for Zn anodes. This leads to the ultralow utilization of Zn anodes and squanders the high energy density of AZMBs. Herein, the design strategies for AZMBs with high Zn utilization are discussed in depth, from utilizing thinner Zn foils to constructing anode-free structures with theoretical Zn utilization of 100%, which provides comprehensive guidelines for further research. Representative methods for calculating the depth of discharge of Zn anodes with different structures are first summarized. The reasonable modification strategies of Zn foil anodes, current collectors with pre-deposited Zn, and anode-free aqueous Zn metal batteries(AF-AZMBs) to improve Zn utilization are then detailed. In particular, the working mechanism of AF-AZMBs is systematically introduced. Finally, the challenges and perspectives for constructing high-utilization Zn anodes are presented. 展开更多
关键词 Aqueous zinc metal batteries Zinc anodes high zinc utilization depth of discharge Anode-free structures
基于宽带移动通信的高安全移动办公系统框架研究 被引量:4
作者 刘学谦 刘蓓 《信息安全研究》 2020年第4期327-337,共11页
随着移动通信技术的迅猛发展,移动化办公的解决方案也越来越普及.移动办公使得工作更加轻松有效,整体运作更加协调,但在系统的移动终端、网络传输和接入、云端服务的各个环节都面临着很多风险.首先分析了移动办公的安全现状和主流方案... 随着移动通信技术的迅猛发展,移动化办公的解决方案也越来越普及.移动办公使得工作更加轻松有效,整体运作更加协调,但在系统的移动终端、网络传输和接入、云端服务的各个环节都面临着很多风险.首先分析了移动办公的安全现状和主流方案的不足之处,研究其面临的安全威胁,根据安全保密领域最新技术成果,针对高安全等级领域的移动办公系统,采用"端-网-云"体系架构,基于密码技术和纵深防御、端网协同的安全理念,提出整体安全保密解决方案,实现全程全网全业务安全. 展开更多
关键词 移动办公 高安全 安全框架 纵深防御 端网协同
高能有效真二次电子发射系数与逸出深度和入射角的关系 被引量:4
作者 谢爱根 宋标 赵浩峰 《安徽大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第6期53-55,68,共4页
根据金属二次电子发射的主要物理过程和有效真二次电子发射系数的定义,从理论上论述了高能原电子斜射入金属发射体内的金属的有效真二次电子发射系数的表达式,然后又根据高能原电子斜轰击金属并激发产生二次电子发射的特点,推导出金属... 根据金属二次电子发射的主要物理过程和有效真二次电子发射系数的定义,从理论上论述了高能原电子斜射入金属发射体内的金属的有效真二次电子发射系数的表达式,然后又根据高能原电子斜轰击金属并激发产生二次电子发射的特点,推导出金属的有效真二次电子发射系数与金属逸出深度和高能原电子入射角度的关系式.对结果进行了讨论并得出结论:当高能原电子斜射入金属发射体内时,金属的有效真二次电子发射系数与高能原电子的入射角的余弦函数近似成反比,金属的有效真二次电子发射系数与金属逸出深度近似成正比. 展开更多
关键词 高能 金属 有效真二次电子发射系数 入射角度 逸出深度
Effect of seedling age and water depth on morphological and physiological aspects of transplanted rice under high temperature 被引量:4
作者 KHAKWANI Abdul Aziz SHIRAISHI Masaaki +3 位作者 ZUBAIR Muhammad BALOCH Mohammad Safdar NAVEED Khalid AWAN Inayatullah 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第5期389-395,共7页
To study the effect of high temperature, rice seedlings 20, 30, 40 and 50 d were kept at 5, 10, 15 and 20 cm water depth in a water pool. Meteorological findings indicated that water temperature varied up to 10 cm but... To study the effect of high temperature, rice seedlings 20, 30, 40 and 50 d were kept at 5, 10, 15 and 20 cm water depth in a water pool. Meteorological findings indicated that water temperature varied up to 10 cm but became stable below this depth. Deep water inflicted higher tiller mortality, minimal increase in dry weight of aerial parts and leaf area, decrease in root length, and decrease in root dry weight especially at 20 cm water depth and produced an unbalanced T/R ratio (top versus root dry weight). However, deep water tended to increase plant length. These parameters, however, excel in shallow water. Older seedlings, with the exception of root dry weight, could not perform well compared to young seedlings in all physiological and morphological aspects. The study revealed that seedlings, particularly young ones, stand well in shallow water and can cope with high temperature. 展开更多
关键词 RICE high temperature Seedling age Water depth
Time-dependent behaviors and volumetric recovery phenomenon of sandstone under triaxial loading and unloading 被引量:4
作者 SONG Zhi-xiang ZHANG Jun-wen +3 位作者 DONG Xu-kai ZHANG Yang ZHANG Yu-jie AN Sai 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第12期4002-4020,共19页
The time-dependent behaviors of coal and rocks were easily ignored. Besides, “three-stage” triaxial loading and unloading mechanics tests of sandstone were conducted based on the idea of the initial high in-situ str... The time-dependent behaviors of coal and rocks were easily ignored. Besides, “three-stage” triaxial loading and unloading mechanics tests of sandstone were conducted based on the idea of the initial high in-situ stress state recovery according to the full-life cycle evolution characteristics of surrounding rocks in deep mines(pre-excavation,excavation and post-excavation). The time-dependent stress-strain curves of sandstone were obtained. Meanwhile, the deformation and strength fitting relationships with time of sandstone were also built. Furthermore, the dilatancy and volumetric recovery mechanical mechanisms of sandstone were revealed. The results showed that: 1) There were significant time-dependent evolution characteristics on the deformation and strength of sandstone;2) There were significant correlations among the internal friction angle, cohesion and the simulated depths;3) Volumetric recovery phenomenon of sandstone was observed for the first time, which mainly occurred at the simulated depth of 2000 m. The above research conclusions could provide a certain theoretical basis for the stability control of surrounding rocks in deep mines. 展开更多
关键词 initial high in-situ stress state SANDSTONE time-dependent behaviors depth effect volumetric recovery
The Impact of High-standard Free Trade Areas on the Diversification of China's Export Products: Expanding Market or Intensifying Competition?
作者 Zhaobin Fan Ruimin Bian Hui Li 《China & World Economy》 2024年第4期33-67,共35页
In the context of China's efforts to establish a global network of free trade areas and diversify its export products, this study explores the impact of trade agreement depth on China's export diversification.... In the context of China's efforts to establish a global network of free trade areas and diversify its export products, this study explores the impact of trade agreement depth on China's export diversification. Building upon a trade model with multiproduct firms, we discover that the effect of trade agreement depth on export diversification is multifaceted, depending on the relative magnitude of the “market expansion effect” and the “competition intensification effect.” Through empirical analysis of China's exports to 132 countries (or regions) from 2000 to 2015, we find that the deepening of trade agreements affected China's export diversification negatively. This negative correlation was predominantly due to the similarity in comparative advantages between China and its trade partners, leading to the “competition intensification effect” overshadowing the “market expansion effect.” We also note that “natural” agreements, when deepened, were more likely to affect China's export diversification adversely than their “non-natural” counterparts. Moreover, as export diversification increased, the marginal impact of deepening trade agreements exhibited an inverted U-shaped trajectory. 展开更多
关键词 export product diversification export similarity high-standard free trad areas trade agreement depth
高地应力条件下锦屏一级主厂房围岩松弛深度形成规律和支护时机研究 被引量:4
作者 杨静熙 刘忠绪 黄书岭 《工程地质学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期775-787,共13页
近年来我国西部已建成发电或正在建设的一批大型、特大型水电工程,其地下洞室群多处于高山峡谷地区,地质条件复杂、地应力较高。受高地应力影响,施工期洞室群围岩易出现不同程度的变形破坏,并常常导致超常规深度的围岩松弛。本文结... 近年来我国西部已建成发电或正在建设的一批大型、特大型水电工程,其地下洞室群多处于高山峡谷地区,地质条件复杂、地应力较高。受高地应力影响,施工期洞室群围岩易出现不同程度的变形破坏,并常常导致超常规深度的围岩松弛。本文结合锦屏一级水电站主厂房围岩松弛长期物探检测成果,系统分析了围岩松弛深度的形成、发展和演化趋势,再采用数值分析手段,通过围岩位移、塑性区发展趋势来研究最佳支护时机,研究表明:高地应力地区厂房轴线宜尽量与最大主应力σ1方向平行,能有效减小时效变形导致的不同部位不同程度的围岩松弛;洞室分层开挖时,围岩松弛深度的80%在本层开挖后间隔2~3层时形成;相比开挖后滞后支护,及时支护围岩位移量、塑性区明显较小,因此及时支护为最佳支护时机。研究成果对高地应力条件下大型地下洞室轴线选择、支护设计、支护时机选择具有参考意义。 展开更多
关键词 锦屏一级水电站 高地应力 地下洞室 松弛深度 支护时机
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