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基于DEM的白龙江流域构造活动定量分析 被引量:29
作者 常直杨 王建 +1 位作者 白世彪 张志刚 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期292-301,共10页
白龙江流域地处青藏高原向黄土高原过渡的斜坡急剧变形带,是我国泥石流、滑坡灾害最为严重的地区之一,由于流域受多条断裂带的影响,内部相对构造活动强度存在差异,因此对该地区构造活动程度的研究显得尤为重要。本文基于SRTM3-DEM数据,... 白龙江流域地处青藏高原向黄土高原过渡的斜坡急剧变形带,是我国泥石流、滑坡灾害最为严重的地区之一,由于流域受多条断裂带的影响,内部相对构造活动强度存在差异,因此对该地区构造活动程度的研究显得尤为重要。本文基于SRTM3-DEM数据,利用GIS技术提取了白龙江流域33个子流域的面积高程积分(HI)、河流阶梯指数(SL)、流域盆地不对称度(AF)、流域形状指数(BS)、谷底宽度与谷肩高度比(VF)等5种地貌参数。然后对5种地貌参数进行分级,求取5种地貌参数分级值的算术平均值,作为评价研究区的构造活动程度(Iat),分为弱、中等、较强和强四类。研究结果表明,白龙江流域中上游地区构造活动程度为中等至强(Iat≤2),这与该地区受青藏高原隆升效应及断裂带走滑作用相一致。下游地区构造活动程度相对弱(Iat>2),地貌差异不明显,这与该地区主要断裂带第四纪以来活动性弱有关。研究结果与区域的地质背景相一致,该研究对利用地貌参数进行流域的活动构造量化分析具有借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 白龙江流域 地貌参数 数字高程模型(DEM) 构造活动程度
豫西山地传粉昆虫物种多样性对地貌和季节的响应 被引量:14
作者 王美娜 丁圣彦 +1 位作者 卢训令 崔洋 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第9期2879-2887,共9页
通过野外试验布设陷阱捕捉传粉昆虫,调查豫西山地春秋两季不同人为强度土地利用下的传粉昆虫多度、丰富度等,并结合实地的植被群落特征,研究传粉昆虫的多样性、群落相似性及物种重要度(重要值).结果表明:春秋两季累计捕获传粉昆虫23275... 通过野外试验布设陷阱捕捉传粉昆虫,调查豫西山地春秋两季不同人为强度土地利用下的传粉昆虫多度、丰富度等,并结合实地的植被群落特征,研究传粉昆虫的多样性、群落相似性及物种重要度(重要值).结果表明:春秋两季累计捕获传粉昆虫23275头,优势类群多为膜翅目、双翅目等.春季捕获传粉昆虫的数量约是秋季数量的1.8倍,且两个季节传粉昆虫的个体多度差异达到极显著水平.春秋季捕获的双翅目、膜翅目相对多度较高,且季节之间变化不大.鳞翅目、鞘翅目个体数量较少,其中春季捕获的鳞翅目数量极少,秋季的鞘翅目数量也偏低.丘陵的Shannon多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数和Margalef丰富度指数要明显高于其他两种地貌类型;山地的优势度指数和物种的个体数均高于其他两种地貌类型.不同地貌传粉昆虫的多样性和优势度差异达到显著水平,丘陵传粉昆虫多样性与山地和平原均有显著差异,山地的优势度与丘陵有显著差异.季节变化对传粉昆虫群落影响较小,但群落内各物种组成之间存在一定差异.从Morisita-Horn和Srensen相似系数来看,仅有膜翅目群落在山地和丘陵间有显著差异.春秋季的物种重要值也存在差异,春季中胡蜂科的重要值最高,寄蝇科、果蝇科次之;秋季中花蝇科重要值最高,胡蜂科次之.传粉昆虫与农作物密切相关,影响着作物生长和粮食产量.在种植作物过程中因地制宜,合理规划土地利用方式,根据不同地貌内的植被类型适当调整物种组成,保护其多样性,对维持农业可持续发展和提高生态系统服务意义重大. 展开更多
关键词 传粉昆虫多样性 地貌类型 群落相似性 重要值 巩义市
基于DEM的活动构造研究 被引量:13
作者 李利波 徐刚 +1 位作者 胡健民 于新兵 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期595-604,共10页
地形地貌参数指标是分析区域活动构造的有力工具。本文以渭河上游流域的活动构造研究为例,通过提取地貌的参数指标,如面积-高程积分(Hi)、流域盆地不对称度(AF)、山前曲折度(Smf)以及谷底宽度与谷肩高度的比值(Vf)、盆地形状指数(Bs)等... 地形地貌参数指标是分析区域活动构造的有力工具。本文以渭河上游流域的活动构造研究为例,通过提取地貌的参数指标,如面积-高程积分(Hi)、流域盆地不对称度(AF)、山前曲折度(Smf)以及谷底宽度与谷肩高度的比值(Vf)、盆地形状指数(Bs)等,然后对地貌参数指标等级进行算术平均化(S/n),可得到区域的相对构造活动程度(Iat),分为:低、中等、高、较高四类等级。研究认为渭河上游流域的构造活动程度相对高(Iat=1.50),这种方法对探讨整个区域活动构造的差异性具有很好的效果和意义。 展开更多
关键词 地貌参数 活动构造 构造地貌 DEM 渭河上游流域
数字高程模型在构造地貌形态分析中的应用现状及展望 被引量:11
作者 常直杨 孙伟红 +2 位作者 王建 白世彪 张志刚 《南京师大学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期129-136,共8页
构造地貌形态分析法是构造地貌学的基本方法之一,近年来随着数字高程模型(DEM)的发展,国内外对构造地貌形态分析的研究随之增多.本文重点从基本地形因子研究、水系流域地貌、夷平面与古地貌面、构造活动评估、构造地貌分区、地貌发育模... 构造地貌形态分析法是构造地貌学的基本方法之一,近年来随着数字高程模型(DEM)的发展,国内外对构造地貌形态分析的研究随之增多.本文重点从基本地形因子研究、水系流域地貌、夷平面与古地貌面、构造活动评估、构造地貌分区、地貌发育模式及地貌参数计算工具开发等7个方面,总结了DEM在构造地貌形态分析中的研究应用现状和主要不足,以及存在的关键和难点问题.总的来看,研究对象多集中在典型河流及流域、山前活动断裂带、板块交接构造活跃处、古地貌面;研究过程经历了从初期地貌形态的简单分析到多种地形参数的分析应用及其在地貌发育中应用的转变;研究尺度从几百平方千米的小流域至几十万平方千米的地貌体不等.但在构造活动带的内陆地区,构造活动等级划分的方法、多层次、多角度地貌参数研究等方面仍需改进及深入拓展.最后针对存在的问题,对DEM在今后构造地貌形态分析中的应用进行了展望. 展开更多
关键词 数字高程模型 构造地貌形态 地貌参数 构造活动 研究进展
阿尔金东段断裂带流域地貌特征及其构造活动 被引量:2
作者 路芳 高明星 +1 位作者 周书贤 王顺 《现代地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期1100-1109,共10页
阿尔金走滑断裂带是青藏高原北缘边界主控断裂,对高原新生代地壳变形起着重要作用。本文主要以阿尔金东段走滑断裂带附近流域为研究区,利用ArcGIS软件提取并计算了173个子流域的5个地貌参数(坡度、起伏度、分形维数、面积高程积分和河... 阿尔金走滑断裂带是青藏高原北缘边界主控断裂,对高原新生代地壳变形起着重要作用。本文主要以阿尔金东段走滑断裂带附近流域为研究区,利用ArcGIS软件提取并计算了173个子流域的5个地貌参数(坡度、起伏度、分形维数、面积高程积分和河长坡降指数),将各个子流域的地貌参数分为5个等级,并利用其算术平均值作为相对构造活动指数,用以定量分析研究区的地貌特征及构造活动强度。研究结果表明:阿尔金东段断裂带是整个研究区相对活动构造强度的分界线,研究区从南到北,由高山区至低山区过渡,相对活动构造指数等级逐渐降低;由相对活动构造指数等级空间分布可知,自西向东,相对活动构造强度逐渐降低,党河、野马河流域构造活动较活跃,反映该区域相对活动构造强度受区域隆升的作用明显。此外,结合岩性、降雨量及构造等因素对地貌指数的影响分析,表明构造运动是控制阿尔金东段断裂带流域地貌发育的主要因素,即地震点所处的流域、断裂带两侧的流域以及阿尔金东段断裂带与其他断裂交汇处子流域的相对构造活动强度等级均高于周围其他流域。 展开更多
关键词 地貌参数 阿尔金断裂 相对构造活动强度 走滑断层
作者 翟良良 赵凯 +1 位作者 周小龙 于天娇 《地下水》 2024年第4期148-151,共4页
露天矿山在开采过程中会破坏地形地貌景观及土地资源,形成大面积的裸露凹缺地貌,并改变原始地形。在采用合适的工程技术措施对矿山进行生态修复后,作为矿山生态修复成效评估的一项重要内容,需对矿山的地貌重塑效果进行评价。本研究选取... 露天矿山在开采过程中会破坏地形地貌景观及土地资源,形成大面积的裸露凹缺地貌,并改变原始地形。在采用合适的工程技术措施对矿山进行生态修复后,作为矿山生态修复成效评估的一项重要内容,需对矿山的地貌重塑效果进行评价。本研究选取地貌因子中的坡向、坡度、地形起伏度及高程变异系作为地貌重塑评价指标,通过横向对比分析生态修复区与周边区地形地貌的协调性,及纵向对比生态修复区在修复前后的地形起伏,给出了每个指标的赋分标准及权重、地貌重塑综合赋分方法及分级,以供参考利用。文中以2处历史遗留矿山/取土点为例,利用ARCGIS计算了相关评价指标值,综合赋分结果为2处矿点/取土点的生态修复区的地貌重塑效果好,与实际调查结果一致,经检验该评价方法可行。 展开更多
关键词 地貌重塑 地形地貌协调性 ARCGIS 生态修复 加权指数和
基于资源利用和灾害风险的京津冀地区环境地质敏感性区划 被引量:5
作者 赵银兵 陈利顶 +4 位作者 孙然好 倪忠云 蒲梦馨 周国李 罗宇豪 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期2251-2264,共14页
环境地质敏感性是区域生态功能的本底,也是构建生态安全格局和开展生态保护与修复的重要基础。因环境地质敏感性涉及因素众多、且多源异构数据较难融合,当前基于环境地质敏感性的大尺度区划研究较少。通过集成地质、地理和专题数据,在... 环境地质敏感性是区域生态功能的本底,也是构建生态安全格局和开展生态保护与修复的重要基础。因环境地质敏感性涉及因素众多、且多源异构数据较难融合,当前基于环境地质敏感性的大尺度区划研究较少。通过集成地质、地理和专题数据,在土地沙化、土壤盐渍化、崩塌-滑坡、泥石流、地面塌陷、地裂缝、地面沉降、地下水地质环境功能、浅层地下水质量、地下水调蓄和地下水可持续利用11个单项环境地质敏感性评价的基础上,进一步将其归并为土地环境、地质灾害和地下水环境3个环境地质子系统并构建评价指标体系,完成综合环境地质敏感性评价。以地质地貌分区为主要依据,将研究区划分为3个一级环境地质敏感区和16个环境地质敏感性亚区。研究结果表明:环境地质区划与地质构造及分区、地质地貌和人类活动等自然与人为因素存在较强的空间重合;综合环境地质敏感性呈现出西北低、东南高的宏观格局;华北平原区主要受地面沉降和地下水环境敏感性影响,人类活动作用显著;华北山区主要受重力型地质灾害影响,内蒙古高原区主要受沙化和局地泥石流灾害影响,区域尺度以自然因素驱动为主,局部人类活动影响显著。针对综合环境地质敏感性区划结果,需要统筹全域国土空间规划,加强地貌过渡带及城乡关键区域的环境地质问题治理,提升关键生态源地、廊道和节点所在区域的韧性,全面实现城乡协同、生态协同和环境协同。 展开更多
关键词 环境地质 地质灾害 地貌梯度 敏感性指数 生态安全
Geomorphological responses of rivers to active tectonics along the Karahay?t Fault, Western Türkiye
作者 Savaş TOPAL 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第5期1464-1474,共11页
Understanding the topography in active tectonic areas and assessing the rates and models of active deformation in the upper crust are primary objectives in tectonic geomorphology studies. The drainage pattern of river... Understanding the topography in active tectonic areas and assessing the rates and models of active deformation in the upper crust are primary objectives in tectonic geomorphology studies. The drainage pattern of river systems is highly sensitive to tectonically induced changes, and it often preserves the records of the formation and progression of most tectono-geomorphic processes within its boundaries. Therefore, the evolution of landforms is a consequence of the evolution of individual drainage basins in which they are formed. Assessing the rates of tectonic deformation using geomorphic data is a traditionally adopted method to characterize the nature of active faults. Globally, the Digital Elevation Model(DEM) is widely used as a crucial tool to analyze the morphotectonic features of drainage basins. In this study, some geomorphic indices were applied to investigate the impact of tectonism on landscape along the Karahay?t Fault and its associated drainage areas. These geomorphic indices are mountain front sinuosity(Smf values between 1.17-1.52), valley floor width-to-height ratio(Vf values between 0.25-1.46), basin asymmetry factor(AF values between 15-72), drainage basin shape(Bs values between 3.18-6.01), hypsometric integral and curve(HI values between 0.32-047), channel sinuosity(S values between 1-1.6), normalized steepness index(Ksn values between 1-390) and Chi integral(χ values between 200-4400). The development of drainage areas on the hanging wall and footwall block of the Karahayit Fault differs depending on the uplift. The drainage areas developed on the hanging wall present different patterns depending on the regional uplift caused by the fault. This reveals that the fault contributed significantly to the development of drainage areas and regional uplift in the region. In addition, the maximum earthquake magnitude that may occur in the future on the Karahayit Fault, whose activity is supported by geomorphic indices, is calculated as 6.23. Since an earthquake of this magnitude may cause loss of li 展开更多
关键词 Drainage basins geomorphic indices Normalized steepness index(Ksn) Chi integral(χ) Morphotectonic features Karahayıt Fault
Relative active tectonics evaluation using geomorphic and drainage indices, in Dadra and Nagar Haveli, western India 被引量:4
作者 Naveen Kumar Rakesh K.Dumka +1 位作者 Kapil Mohan Sumer Chopra 《Geodesy and Geodynamics》 CSCD 2022年第3期219-229,共11页
The present study area,Dadra and Nagar Haveli,contains several lineaments and traces of active faults.The various aspect of the geomo rphic analysis,i.e.,stream length(SL) gradient,hypsometric integral(HI),basin shape... The present study area,Dadra and Nagar Haveli,contains several lineaments and traces of active faults.The various aspect of the geomo rphic analysis,i.e.,stream length(SL) gradient,hypsometric integral(HI),basin shape(BS),valley floor(VF),have been applied to evaluate the relative index of active tectonics(RIAT) of the Damanganga watershed.The high and low zones of tectonic activity have been identified based on the geomorphic analysis of the watershed.After evaluation of all indices,three classes,class IIhigh(1.3 ≤RIAT <1.5),class Ⅲ-moderate(1.5 ≤RIAT <1.8),and class Ⅳ-low(1.8 ≤RIAT),have been obtained to outline the degree/gradation of comparative tectonic activities in the study area.The appraised outcome of the RIAT dispersal is also well reinforced by the geomorphic evidence in the field.The collective outcomes of geomorphic evidence,such as stream deflection and analysis of lineament,deflection of streams,and geomorphic indices,conceal that the Damanganga watershed is affected by tectonic activity. 展开更多
关键词 Active tectonics geomorphic indices Relative index of active tectonics(RIAT) Drainage indices
Quantitative analysis of the macro-geomorphic evolution of Buyuan Basin, China 被引量:3
作者 GU Zhen-kui FAN Hui SONG Zhao-jun 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第5期1035-1047,共13页
Buyuan River, the largest tributary within the Chinese Lancang-Mekong River region downstream of the Jinghong Dam, plays a crucial role in river function and ecosystem service of the Lancang-Mekong River. The geomorph... Buyuan River, the largest tributary within the Chinese Lancang-Mekong River region downstream of the Jinghong Dam, plays a crucial role in river function and ecosystem service of the Lancang-Mekong River. The geomorphic evolution of a basin exerts a key control on riverine sediment input and transport. In this study, the geomorphic characteristics of Buyuan Basin are analyzed using morphological parameters, hydrodynamic parameters and the stream power river incision model. The results show that: 1) The slight north-south difference of channel density is most likely due to lithology and independent of tectonic activity and climate. 2) The weak tectonic activity and the low hypsometric integral(HI) value suggest that the macroscopic landform condition limits erosion and sediment production. 3) The logarithmic longitudinal profile of the main channel defends that the upstream sediments generated by erosion are easily deposited in the downstream channel, rather than being transported directly into the Lancang-Mekong River. 4) Approximately 74% of the reaches have annual average stream power less than 500 W·m^(-1). The narrow variation ranges of stream power in 50% of the river channel indicate relatively stable hydrodynamic environment. 5) Stream erosion and tectonic activity make the longitudinal profiles of the main channel and most tributary channels unstable. The wide range(between 22.01 and 45.58 with θ=0.43) of steepness index(k_(sn)) of longitudinal profiles implies differential uplift in the basin. 展开更多
关键词 geomorphic parameters Steepness index STREAM power Lancang-Mekong RIVER
Geomorphic and tectonic controls of landslides induced by the 2022 Luding earthquake 被引量:2
作者 ZHAO Bo HU Kai-heng +7 位作者 YANG Zong-ji LIU Qiao ZOU Qiang CHEN Hua-yong ZHANG Bo ZHANG Wei-feng ZHU Lei SU Li-jun 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第12期3323-3345,共23页
On 05 September 2022,an Ms 6.8(Mw 6.6)earthquake occurred in Luding County,Sichuan Province,China,with the epicenter at 29.59°N,102.08°E and a focal depth of approximately 16.0km.Combining field investigatio... On 05 September 2022,an Ms 6.8(Mw 6.6)earthquake occurred in Luding County,Sichuan Province,China,with the epicenter at 29.59°N,102.08°E and a focal depth of approximately 16.0km.Combining field investigations,high-resolution satellite images and multiple datatpes characterizing the seismogenic structure,topography and geology,this study attempts to discuss the influence of geomorphic and tectonic indexes on landslide distribution.The results show that the 2022 Luding earthquake with seismogenic fault at the Moxi fault,was a sinistral strike-slip event that triggered at least 4528landslides over an area of~2000 km2.These landslides span a total area of 28.1 km^(2),and the western section of the seismogenic fault,which serves as the active wall area,is characterized by a higher landslide concentration,especially in the Wandong Basin.The seismogenic fault and lithology influence the regional distribution of landslides,and more landslides occurred closer to the seismogenic fault and in the controlling lithologies of granite and dolomite.Local topography influences the landslide occurrence position on the slope;the eastern section is prone to form landslides in the lower gorge section,and the western section is prone to form landslides in the upper-top section of the gorge.For coseismic landslides in the eastern Baryan Har block,the eastern boundary(Longmenshan fault),where the earthquakes are characterized by thrusts with slight dextral strike-slip movement,could be the primary landslide-prone area;the southern boundary,the Moxi fault and the southern segment of the Xianshuihe fault,with more intensive strikeslip movement,may be the secondary landsideprone area;and the northern boundary is the tertiary landside-prone area.Additionally,the current landslide inventory may be underestimated although this underestimation has limited influence on the results. 展开更多
关键词 LANDSLIDES Luding earthquake Spatial distribution geomorphic index Tectonic index
Responses of Stream Geomorphic Indices to Piedmont Fault Activity in the Daqingshan Area of China 被引量:3
作者 Junyi Wang Zhongtai He 《Journal of Earth Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第5期978-987,共10页
A recent correlation of stream geomorphic indices to fault activity has revealed that stream geomorphologies in bedrock mountain areas are good records of local fault movements. The Daqingshan piedmont fault is one of... A recent correlation of stream geomorphic indices to fault activity has revealed that stream geomorphologies in bedrock mountain areas are good records of local fault movements. The Daqingshan piedmont fault is one of the main active faults in the fault system on the northern margin of the Hetao Basin and has produced frequent large-scale earthquakes since the Late Pleistocene. In the present study, following the segmentation regime of previous studies, we divide the fault zone into five segments, namely, the Baotou, Tuyouqi West, Tuzuoqi West, Bikeqi, and Hohhot segments, and we discuss the relationship between the drainage basin geomorphology and the piedmont fault activity in the Daqingshan area using 30 m spatial resolution Shuttle Radar Topography Mission(SRTM) digital elevation model(DEM) data. We use a range of geomorphic indices to examine the drainage basins in the Daqingshan area, including the channel steepness index(ksn), slope, hypsometric integral(HI), relief degree of land surface(RDLS), and stream lengthgradient index(SL), extracted with ArcGIS and MATLAB, and we also consider local lithologic and climate aspects. Furthermore, we compare the geomorphic indices with the slip rates of individual segments of the Daqingshan piedmont fault and paleoseismic data. The results show that the geomorphic indices of drainage basins in the Daqingshan area are primarily affected by the piedmont fault activity in the Daqingshan area. The geomorphic indices also demonstrate that piedmont fault activity has been the most intense in the middle segment of this fault system since the Late Quaternary and decreases towards the two sides. 展开更多
关键词 Daqingshan piedmont stream geomorphic index fault activity slip rate PALEOEARTHQUAKE
GIS-Based Analysis of Relative Tectonic Activity along the Kazerun Fault Zone, Zagros Mountains, Iran: Insights from Data Mining of Geomorphic Data 被引量:1
作者 Ali Faghih Ahmad Nourbakhsh Timothy M.Kusky 《Journal of Earth Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第5期712-723,共12页
This paper tests a data mining method for evaluation of the "IRTA"(Index of Relative Tectonic Activity) to investigate the impact of active tectonics on geomorphic processes and landscape development. Based upon K... This paper tests a data mining method for evaluation of the "IRTA"(Index of Relative Tectonic Activity) to investigate the impact of active tectonics on geomorphic processes and landscape development. Based upon K-means clustering of six basin-related geomorphic indices(the hypsometric integral, basin asymmetric factor, drainage density, basin shape ratio, mean axial slope of the channel and topographic roughness) that represent the relative strength of active tectonic deformation on topography and morphology, the relative tectonic activity along the Kazerun Fault Zone in the Zagros Mountains of Iran may be classified into low, moderate and high relative tectonic activity zones. The results allow the identification of the clusters of similarly deformed areas related to relative tectonic activity. The utilization of geomorphic parameters as well as IRTA with comparison to the field observations exhibit change in relative tectonic activities mostly corresponding to the change in mechanism of the prominent fault zones in the study area. 展开更多
关键词 active tectonics geomorphic index K-means clustering Kazerun Fault Zone ZAGROS Iran
鄂尔多斯西南缘陇县-岐山断层构造地貌特征定量分析 被引量:2
作者 樊双虎 张天宇 +1 位作者 卢玉东 陈淑娥 《西北地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期60-76,共17页
陇县岐山断层位于青藏高原东北缘、鄂尔多斯地块及渭河盆地三者结合部位,既是青藏高原北东向扩展的前锋,也是海原六盘山断裂带与秦岭断裂系之间构造转换的桥梁与纽带。深入地认识其构造地貌特征、活动特性及动力学机制,有助于进一步揭... 陇县岐山断层位于青藏高原东北缘、鄂尔多斯地块及渭河盆地三者结合部位,既是青藏高原北东向扩展的前锋,也是海原六盘山断裂带与秦岭断裂系之间构造转换的桥梁与纽带。深入地认识其构造地貌特征、活动特性及动力学机制,有助于进一步揭示青藏高原北东向扩展机制及构造转换特征。基于30 m分辨率ASTER GDEM数据,利用定量构造地貌参数分析构造地貌特征及构造活动性差异,根据经验公式估算其垂直滑动速率,并结合断层运动学特征探讨了构造地貌演化的动力机制。根据断层山前带的线性特征,断层自西北向东南可以划分为7个次级段落,48个流域及31个山前面的地貌参数及估算的垂直滑动速率显示出断层东南部构造抬升强于西北部。综合分析认为,陇县岐山断层受青藏高原北东向扩展的远程影响,西北部以左行走滑运动为主;东南部受渭北隆起影响以构造抬升运动为主,且向西北方向翘倾。 展开更多
关键词 鄂尔多斯西南缘 陇县岐山断层 构造地貌 地貌指数 垂直滑动速率
地貌参数提取方法以及与构造活动的关系——以龙门山断裂带南段为例 被引量:2
作者 刘汉永 《资源环境与工程》 2017年第3期343-351,共9页
利用地貌特征来反映构造活动是活动构造的常用研究方法,而借助多种计算机软件和高分辨率数字高程模型可以迅速而有效地提取各种地貌参数。介绍利用Arc GIS、River Tools以及Matlab等软件快速提取面积高程积分、河流分支比、河流坡降指数... 利用地貌特征来反映构造活动是活动构造的常用研究方法,而借助多种计算机软件和高分辨率数字高程模型可以迅速而有效地提取各种地貌参数。介绍利用Arc GIS、River Tools以及Matlab等软件快速提取面积高程积分、河流分支比、河流坡降指数、Hack剖面、地貌起伏度以及坡度等地貌因子的方法,并以龙门山断裂带南段为例,介绍地貌特征与构造活动之间的关系。 展开更多
关键词 地貌参数 构造活动 龙门山断裂带南段
地貌指数在当雄县宁中盆地及邻域构造活动性评价中的应用 被引量:1
作者 马少谦 李家存 +1 位作者 王俊 刘晓东 《首都师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2020年第5期53-61,共9页
遥感技术作为研究构造活动性的一种重要手段,可获取构造地貌的空间分布及水平位移分量,但无法量算垂直位移分量.应用高分辨率数字高程模型(digital elevation model,DEM)数据,得到的地貌指数可定量化表达地貌表面的三维特征,对垂直位移... 遥感技术作为研究构造活动性的一种重要手段,可获取构造地貌的空间分布及水平位移分量,但无法量算垂直位移分量.应用高分辨率数字高程模型(digital elevation model,DEM)数据,得到的地貌指数可定量化表达地貌表面的三维特征,对垂直位移分量的量算具有独特优势,可弥补遥感解译方法的不足.本文以当雄县宁中盆地及邻域为研究区,利用12.5 m分辨率DEM数据计算7种地貌指数,包括山前曲折度指数、横向地形对称指数、流域非对称性指数、河谷宽高比指数、面积-高程积分指数、纵剖面和裂点以及河流坡降指数,通过与遥感解译结果进行对比验证,综合分析研究区的构造活动性,并探讨地貌指数的适用条件.研究表明,在相同的分级标准下,F1断层为正断层,活动性较弱;F2断层为左旋走滑兼正断层,活动性最强;F3断层为左旋走滑兼正断层,活动性较强. 展开更多
关键词 地貌指数 遥感解译 构造活动 宁中盆地
Drainage evolution in intermontane basins at the Qinling-Daba Mountains 被引量:1
作者 Wanting XIE Xianyan WANG +3 位作者 Hanzhi ZHANG Quanyu LIU Shejiang WANG Huayu LU 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CSCD 2021年第11期1949-1968,共20页
River capture is of great significance to landform evolution and hominine migration.In the Qinling-Daba Mountains,there is a viewpoint that Jialing River captured Hanjiang River,but this is still controversial.In this... River capture is of great significance to landform evolution and hominine migration.In the Qinling-Daba Mountains,there is a viewpoint that Jialing River captured Hanjiang River,but this is still controversial.In this paper,we discuss the drainage evolution processes in intermountain basins at the Qinling-Daba Mountains based on a combination of detrital zircon UPb geochronology and geomorphic indexes.We suggest that the Hanjiang River gradually captured the Jialing River from east to west,accompanied by the evolution of the ancient Yangtze River.In terms of geomorphic evidences,wide valleys did not match with discharge,and a series of wind gaps developed in the Shiquan-Ankang basin.In addition,the valley shapes and width-toheight ratios(Vf)indicate two possible rapid incisions.The hypsometric integrals(HI)reflect that the landform gradually changes from the old stage to the youth stage from west to east.Theχvalues show that the drainage divide is moving to the side of the Yuehe River,and the Yuehe River is gradually shrinking.According to the sedimentary records,the zircon U-Pb age distributions indicate the provenance change.The high-altitude terraces show three age peaks(200–250,400–505,and 700–900 Ma),with the dominant Indosinian age peak(200–250 Ma),while the modern fluvial sediments only show a single peak of Jinning(700–900 Ma).These data show that there are two major river captures:(1)The ancient Hanjiang River cut through the regional compression ridge,and then captured the Hanzhong Basin river system(a part of the ancient Jialing river system)from east to west,and(2)The southern tributary captured the trunk with the uplift of the divide in the Shiquan-Ankang Basin,forming the modern drainage pattern in the upper Hanjiang River.The activities of the regional strike-slip fault,and the associated compression uplift played a key role in the river captures,the drainage evolution,and related landforms in the Shiquan-Ankang basin.In addition,it is shown that the evolution of the upper tributary basi 展开更多
关键词 geomorphic index Zircon U-Pb geochronology Drainage network pattern River capture Ankang fault Intermountain basin South Qinling
The impacts of base level and lithology on fluvial geomorphic evolution at the tectonically active Laohu and Hasi Mountains,northeastern Tibetan Plateau
作者 Zhengchen LI Xianyan WANG +4 位作者 Yang YU Huiping ZHANG Qi SU Xiaodong MIAO Huayu LU 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CSCD 2021年第6期906-919,共14页
Previous researches had emphasized tectonic impacts on the fluvial system at the tectonically active areas,while the effects of lithology and local base level change have received relatively rare attention.Here we inv... Previous researches had emphasized tectonic impacts on the fluvial system at the tectonically active areas,while the effects of lithology and local base level change have received relatively rare attention.Here we investigated fluvial landforms at different spatial scales,focusing on knickpoints and channel network reorganization from an area affected by the Haiyuan Fault in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau.The geomorphic indices,i.e.,drainage pattern andχanomalies,were calculated and investigated.The results show that two regional radial drainages formed around the Laohu and Hasi Mountains.Within the interior of the radial drainage,tributaries from the southeast side of the Laohu Mountain experienced near 180°direction change.We interpret this as the gradual drainage capture originating from the height difference(~190 m)of the local base level between the two catchments.Some tributaries from the Hasi Mountain show alternating gorges and broad valleys controlled by lithology.Besides,tectonic uplift and the lowering of base level(from the incision of the Yellow River)triggered an autogenic positivefeedback transition from parallel to dendritic drainage patterns.These observations suggest that base level change and lithology play a crucial role in landscape evolution,even in a tectonically active region. 展开更多
关键词 River piracy Base level LITHOLOGY geomorphic index Haiyuan Fault Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
Fluvial Geomorphology and Basin Development of Karra Khola Basin, Hetauda, Central Nepal
作者 Manju Subedi Naresh Kazi Tamrakar 《Journal of Geological Research》 2020年第4期1-13,共13页
Geomorphological study of a basin is important for understanding theoverall basin characteristics which are helpful for the management of waterresources, construction along the river bank and natural hazard mitigation... Geomorphological study of a basin is important for understanding theoverall basin characteristics which are helpful for the management of waterresources, construction along the river bank and natural hazard mitigationwithin the area. The study was carried out in the Karra Khola Basin, oneof the prominent basins in the Eastern extreme of the Hetauda Dun Valley,Central Nepal, to investigate geomorphic characteristics of the mainstream of the basin, categorize them into various stream types and studybasin development through drainage basin’s morphometric parameters.Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote sensing techniquesusing satellite images were used as a tool to make the morphometricanalysis of the basin along with its major 13 sub-basin and delineate streamclassification following the Rosgen’s Level I hierarchical inventory. Themain stream of the Karra Khola is characterized as A-, B- and C-typeand the tributaries segments as B- and F-type. The basin is structurallyunaffected and has the permeable surface area and elongated shape. Thehypsometric analysis indicates that the basin is mostly at the old stage ofgeomorphic development while four out of 13 sub-basin being at maturestage. The Karra Khola sub-basin have higher risk to flash flooding(Lg=0.1-0.16km). Drainage density value reveals that the basin is highlysusceptible to flooding, gully erosion, etc. Similarly, dissection index valueimplies that the north eastern region of the basin is highly vulnerable toerosion as it at the younger stage of geomorphic development. Since thestudy area is highly sensitive to future natural hazards, further study andappropriate measures should be followed for safeguarding against thefuture risk along the Karra Khola basin and its tributaries. 展开更多
关键词 Morphometric analysis Stream classification Hypsometric analysis geomorphic development Drainage density Dissection index Natural hazards EROSION
Appraisal of active tectonics in Hindu Kush:Insights from DEM derived geomorphic indices and drainage analysis 被引量:19
作者 Syed Amer Mahmood Richard Gloaguen 《Geoscience Frontiers》 SCIE CAS 2012年第4期407-428,共22页
Landscapes in tectonically active Hindu Kush (NW Pakistan and NE Alghanistanl result from a complex integration of the effects of vertical and horizontal crustal block motions as well as erosion and deposition proces... Landscapes in tectonically active Hindu Kush (NW Pakistan and NE Alghanistanl result from a complex integration of the effects of vertical and horizontal crustal block motions as well as erosion and deposition processes. Active tectonics in this region have greatly influenced the drainage system and geomorphic expressions. The study area is a junction of three important mt^unlain ranges (Hindu Kush-Karakorunl-Himalayas) and is thus an ideal natural laboratory to investigate the relative tectonic activity resulting from the India-Eurasia collision. We evaluate active tectonics using DEM derived drainage network and geomorphic indices hypsometric integral (Hl). stream-length gradient (SL), fractal dimension (FD), basin asymmetry factor (AF), basin shape index (B,), valley floor width to wllley height ratio (Vf) and motmtain front sinuosity (Star). The results obtained from these indices were combined to yield an index of relative active tectonics (IRAT) using GIS. The average of the seven measured geomorphic indices was used to ewfluate the distri- bution of relative tectonic activity in the study area. We defined tour classes to define the degree of rela- tive tectonic activity: class 1 very high (1.0 ≤ IRAT 〈 1.3); class 2 high (1.3 ≥ IRAT 〈 1.5): class 3--moderate (1.5 〉 IRAT 〈 1.8); and class 4--low (1.8 〉 IRAT). In view of the results, we conclude that this combined approach allows the identification of the highly deformed areas related to active tectonics. Landsat imagery and field observations also evidence the presence of active tectonics based on the deflected streams, deformed landforms, active mountain fronts and triangular facets. The indicative values of IRAT are consistent with the areas of known relative uplift rates, landforms and geology. 展开更多
关键词 Active tectonics:geomorphic indices:IRAT index of relativeactive tectonics):Hindu Kush:Pakistan--Alghanistan
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