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小麦穗粒数形成的基因型差异及增粒途径分析 被引量:55
作者 王兆龙 曹卫星 戴廷波 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期236-242,共7页
以 2 7个穗粒性状不同的小麦品种为材料 ,对小麦穗粒数形成过程中的各构成因素进行了相关、通径和聚类分析。结果表明 :不同穗粒性状基因型在分化小穗数、结实小穗数、分化小花数和可孕小花数上均有明显差异。特大穗型小麦的小花分化速... 以 2 7个穗粒性状不同的小麦品种为材料 ,对小麦穗粒数形成过程中的各构成因素进行了相关、通径和聚类分析。结果表明 :不同穗粒性状基因型在分化小穗数、结实小穗数、分化小花数和可孕小花数上均有明显差异。特大穗型小麦的小花分化速率最快 ,分化持续时间最短。穗粒数对小麦产量提高的贡献最大 ,穗粒数与千粒重之间不存在负相关。在穗粒数各构成因素中 ,分化小穗数、结实小穗数、分化小花数、可孕小花数和小花结实率与穗粒数均呈极显著正相关 ,其中小花结实率的作用较大 ,直接通径系数高达 0 .82 2 5。在南京生态条件下 ,小花分化速率与分化小花数、可孕小花数和穗粒数呈显著正相关 ,但小花分化持续时间与分化小花数和穗粒数的相关均不显著。因此 。 展开更多
关键词 小麦 小穗 小花 穗粒数 基因型差异 增粒途径
东北草原羊草种群单穗数量性状的生态可塑性 被引量:41
作者 杨允菲 李建东 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期752-758,共7页
羊草 ( Leymus chinensis( Trin.) Tzvel.)是一种多年生禾本科优良牧草。经过对东北草原 3个固定样地连续 1 2 a,分别随机取样 1 0 0个穗状花序的调查和测定 ,将羊草种群单穗数量性状的生态可塑性进行了统计分析 ,并且分别与不同生长发... 羊草 ( Leymus chinensis( Trin.) Tzvel.)是一种多年生禾本科优良牧草。经过对东北草原 3个固定样地连续 1 2 a,分别随机取样 1 0 0个穗状花序的调查和测定 ,将羊草种群单穗数量性状的生态可塑性进行了统计分析 ,并且分别与不同生长发育阶段气候因子进行了相关分析。结果表明 ,羊草种群的单穗长度、小穗数和小花数的生态可塑性变化在样地内和样地间 ,以及年度内和年度间均达到了极显著水平。其中 ,均表现为年度内大于年度间 ,样地内大于样地间 ,样地间大于年度间。羊草种群单穗数量性状均与形成性状的生育期 ,及其以前各生育期不同阶段的光照时间、积温、降水量有着一定程度的相关关系。在整个冬性枝条生长发育期 ,较多的降水、较少的光照时间和较低的积温将对翌年幼穗分化及其生长有一定的促进作用 ,而较少的降水、较多的光照时间和较高的积温则有不利影响 ;从拔节到抽穗阶段较多的降水对幼穗分化具有一定的促进作用 ,但从返青到抽穗不同阶段较高的积温和较多的光照、以及返青初期较多的降水量则有着一定的不利影响。气候因子对羊草种群幼穗分化滞后效应的生态时间差可长达 1 展开更多
关键词 羊草 穗长 小穗 小花 数量性状 气候因子 生态可塑性 东北草原
水稻颖花与籽粒发育模拟的初步研究 被引量:23
作者 柳新伟 孟亚利 +1 位作者 周治国 曹卫星 《中国水稻科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期249-254,共6页
在文献资料与田间试验研究的基础上 ,建立了基于过程的水稻颖花原基分化与退化数、结实粒数以及灌浆动态预测的机理模型。模型量化了穗部器官发育与生理发育时间 (PDT)及环境因子的动态关系 ,确定了穗部籽粒发育的不均衡性与开花时间和... 在文献资料与田间试验研究的基础上 ,建立了基于过程的水稻颖花原基分化与退化数、结实粒数以及灌浆动态预测的机理模型。模型量化了穗部器官发育与生理发育时间 (PDT)及环境因子的动态关系 ,确定了穗部籽粒发育的不均衡性与开花时间和同化物供应状况的关系 ,进一步模拟了不同类型品种强势粒与弱势粒不同粒位的灌浆动态。模型验证结果表明 ,此模型对颖花动态和籽粒灌浆过程有较好的预测性。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 颖花 籽粒 发育 灌浆 品种
切花寒菊小花对低温胁迫的生理响应及其抗寒性分析 被引量:25
作者 李娜 房伟民 +2 位作者 陈发棣 陈素梅 陈煜 《西北植物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期741-746,共6页
以切花寒菊品种‘寒紫’和‘寒黄’为材料,比较了低温下(〈0℃)2个品种舌状花和管状花的相对电导率(REC)变化及半致死温度(LT50)差异,并测定了从温室温度(14.4℃-16.2℃)至3℃的降温过程中2个品种舌状花和管状花的SOD活性和MDA... 以切花寒菊品种‘寒紫’和‘寒黄’为材料,比较了低温下(〈0℃)2个品种舌状花和管状花的相对电导率(REC)变化及半致死温度(LT50)差异,并测定了从温室温度(14.4℃-16.2℃)至3℃的降温过程中2个品种舌状花和管状花的SOD活性和MDA、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白含量及花粉生活力变化。结果表明:低于-6℃条件下,2个品种电导率均随温度下降而显著上升,且低温下‘寒黄’舌状花、管状花的相对电导率均低于‘寒紫’。两品种半致死温度均在-9℃左右或更低,且‘寒黄’低于‘寒紫’,管状花低于舌状花。在室温至3℃的降温过程中,2个品种SOD活性、可溶性蛋白含量及花粉萌发率先升后降,MDA含量则先降后升,且均在6℃或9℃时出现拐点,而可溶性糖含量表现为持续增加,且‘寒紫’花粉萌发率下降较‘寒黄’早且快。结果发现,‘寒黄’抗寒性强于‘寒紫’、管状花强于舌状花,2品种小花出现冻害的极限低温在-6℃以下,而9℃甚至6℃是寒菊花期出现生理障碍的转折点;切花寒菊可通过提高自身SOD活性及可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白含量来抵抗低温胁迫,且调节能力‘寒黄’强于‘寒紫’、管状花强于舌状花。 展开更多
关键词 切花菊 小花 生理指标 抗寒性
青藏高原东缘常见种长毛风毛菊(Saussurea hieracioides)的繁殖分配 被引量:20
作者 索南措 王一峰 +2 位作者 李梅 岳永成 李毛先 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1433-1438,共6页
对分布在青藏高原东缘高寒草甸常见种长毛风毛菊的6个海拔梯度(3200~3850m)18个居群的繁殖分配进行了研究,结果表明:长毛风毛菊随海拔的升高个体和营养器官减小,繁殖的投入增加;随着海拔的升高,长毛风毛菊的个体管状小花数目和种子数... 对分布在青藏高原东缘高寒草甸常见种长毛风毛菊的6个海拔梯度(3200~3850m)18个居群的繁殖分配进行了研究,结果表明:长毛风毛菊随海拔的升高个体和营养器官减小,繁殖的投入增加;随着海拔的升高,长毛风毛菊的个体管状小花数目和种子数目减少,管状小花重量和百粒重增大;个体管状小花的数目及重量和个体种子的数目及重量间存在权衡关系;长毛风毛菊的个体大小和繁殖分配存在负相关关系。在资源受限的环境下,长毛风毛菊以减少管状小花数目和种子的数目来增加管状小花重量和百粒重,是保证有性繁殖成功的策略之一。 展开更多
关键词 海拔 小花 百粒重 个体大小 权衡
不同播期和品种小麦小花结实的粒位差异 被引量:17
作者 李存东 曹卫星 +1 位作者 张月晨 戴廷波 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期1-7,共7页
确定小麦不同小穗位和小花位发育与结实特性是实现大穗多粒的重要前提。本文通过对冬、春性小麦品种分期播种试验得出 ,较高的小穗结实力是增加穗粒数的重要因素。不同播期、品种之间 ,小穗粒重和粒数呈现相同的变化趋势。中部以及基部... 确定小麦不同小穗位和小花位发育与结实特性是实现大穗多粒的重要前提。本文通过对冬、春性小麦品种分期播种试验得出 ,较高的小穗结实力是增加穗粒数的重要因素。不同播期、品种之间 ,小穗粒重和粒数呈现相同的变化趋势。中部以及基部小穗粒重与穗粒重之间呈高度正相关。体现环境差异的播期效应以对中部小穗发育的影响为主 ,而冬、春性品种的基因型差异可反映在各个小穗位上。第 2小花位的子粒发育状况反映整个小穗的生产能力。结果表明 ,促进中部优势小穗 (第 5~ 15小穗 )结实和第 1~ 展开更多
关键词 小麦 小穗 小花 结实 粒位差异 播期 品种
水分胁迫对耐旱性不同小麦小花分化发育和氮磷及激素含量的影响 被引量:13
作者 王月福 于振文 +1 位作者 潘庆民 王瑞英 《西北植物学报》 CAS CSCD 2000年第1期38-43,共6页
土壤水分亏缺导致小麦幼穗内氮、磷、异戊烯基腺嘌呤(iPAs)含量降低,脱落酸(ABA)含量升高,影响小花的发育,结实粒数减少。在水分充足的条件下,耐旱性不同的品种穗中氮、磷、iPAs 含量和ABA 含量无显著差异;在水... 土壤水分亏缺导致小麦幼穗内氮、磷、异戊烯基腺嘌呤(iPAs)含量降低,脱落酸(ABA)含量升高,影响小花的发育,结实粒数减少。在水分充足的条件下,耐旱性不同的品种穗中氮、磷、iPAs 含量和ABA 含量无显著差异;在水分胁迫条件下,旱地品种幼穗中氮、磷、i-PAs 含量降低的幅度和ABA 含量升高的幅度低于水浇地品种,这是耐旱品种在土壤水分亏缺时,较水浇地品种小花发育好、成花率和结实率高、穗粒数稳定的生理原因。 展开更多
关键词 小麦 水分胁迫 耐旱性 分化发育 ABA N.P
小麦不同组织器官叶绿素测定方法的比较研究 被引量:14
作者 丁富功 侯泽豪 +9 位作者 卢奕霏 宋婧含 孙悦 马东方 刘易科 朱展望 张鹏飞 张迎新 方正武 王书平 《东北农业科学》 2022年第5期111-115,共5页
为了更准确、高效地揭示小麦不同器官的叶绿素含量,本研究以小麦的旗叶、小花和花药为材料,分别采用80%丙酮研磨法(Arnon法)、丙酮乙醇研磨法、丙酮乙醇浸提法来提取小麦不同组织器官的叶绿素。结果表明:不同提取方法提取的叶绿素溶液... 为了更准确、高效地揭示小麦不同器官的叶绿素含量,本研究以小麦的旗叶、小花和花药为材料,分别采用80%丙酮研磨法(Arnon法)、丙酮乙醇研磨法、丙酮乙醇浸提法来提取小麦不同组织器官的叶绿素。结果表明:不同提取方法提取的叶绿素溶液的吸收光谱基本一致,但在提取效率上存在差异,其中丙酮乙醇研磨法为旗叶和小花叶绿素提取的最佳方法,而用丙酮乙醇浸提法(浸提18 h)提取小麦花药的效率更高,这为准确提取和检测小麦不同组织器官叶绿素提供了必要的技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 小麦 旗叶 小花 花药 叶绿素含量
Changes in Levels of Endogenous Plant Hormones During Floret Development in Wheat Genotypes of Different Spike Sizes 被引量:11
作者 曹卫星 王兆龙 戴廷波 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第10期1026-1032,共7页
The levels of endogenous plant hormones regulate floret development and degeneration, and thus grain set in flower crops. This study was undertaken to characterize the changes of endogenous hormone levels during flor... The levels of endogenous plant hormones regulate floret development and degeneration, and thus grain set in flower crops. This study was undertaken to characterize the changes of endogenous hormone levels during floret development in three wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes: “97J1' with the highest grain set and fertile florets per spike, “H8679' with the lowest grain set and fertile florets per spike, and a medium, “YM158'. The results showed that the peak level of ABA appeared between stamen and pistil differentiation and antherlobe formation of floret development, and the timing delayed with the size of spike (earliest in “H8679” and latest in “97J1”). From antherlobe formation to meiosis, the levels of ABA and GA 1+3 decreased sharply in the ears of “97J1”, while in the ears of “H8679” there was only a slight decrease in ABA, and even an increase in GA 1+3 . The ratio of isopentenyladenosine (iPA)/ABA and IAA/ABA in the ears of “97J1” increased sharply from antherlobe formation to meiosis, but changed only slightly in the ears of “H8679”. At antherlobe formation, IAA and GA 1+3 levels were higher in the ears of “97J1”, but lower in the ears of “H8679” than in the leaves. At meiosis, ABA, GA 1+3 and IAA levels in the “97J1” ears were much lower than in the leaves, but similar in “H8679”. These results indicated that the sharp decreases of ABA and GA 1+3 in ears from antherlobe formation to meiosis and the lowest maintenance at meiosis may be favorable for development of fertile florets and enhancement of grain set in wheat. 展开更多
关键词 WHEAT endogenous hormones floret development genotypic difference large ear
毛竹的花序发育研究 被引量:8
作者 郭起荣 周建梅 +4 位作者 孙立方 廉超 冯云 冉洪 张莹 《植物科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期19-24,共6页
通过野外观察和石蜡切片技术研究了毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)的花序发育进程。研究结果表明:毛竹的花序为续次发生的假花序,以小穗为单元,4~13个不等,偏向一侧排列(似扫帚状)的小穗组成长约8.01 cm的复穗状花序;当花序伸长至4~5... 通过野外观察和石蜡切片技术研究了毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)的花序发育进程。研究结果表明:毛竹的花序为续次发生的假花序,以小穗为单元,4~13个不等,偏向一侧排列(似扫帚状)的小穗组成长约8.01 cm的复穗状花序;当花序伸长至4~5 cm时,形成侧芽结构,小穗原基开始发育,形成各级小穗,直至顶生小穗、侧生小穗出现;当花序伸长至8~10 cm时,颖花原基形成并开始发育,最终形成3个雄蕊和1个雌蕊构成的小花。花序形成初期(5月中旬至6月),苞片紧裹主轴,顶端具缩小叶;随着分蘖小穗的生长和小花开放,植株叶片变黄,整个花序变为褐色,进入种实发育成熟阶段。本文首次报道了毛竹花序的发育进程,进一步丰富了竹类生殖生物学的研究内容,为竹亚科及禾本科的生殖生物学研究积累了丰富的材料。 展开更多
关键词 毛竹 花序 小穗 小花 发育
玉米籽粒形成的分子生物学基础 被引量:7
作者 赵然 蔡曼君 +1 位作者 杜艳芳 张祖新 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第20期3495-3506,共12页
玉米单穗籽粒产量由穗粒数和粒重两因子组成。单个果穗上所着生的籽粒数与雌花序建成和小花分化密切相关,因此,控制花序形态建成和小花发育的基因可能直接或间接地参与穗粒数调控。玉米成熟籽粒主要由源于母本组织的种皮和经双受精产生... 玉米单穗籽粒产量由穗粒数和粒重两因子组成。单个果穗上所着生的籽粒数与雌花序建成和小花分化密切相关,因此,控制花序形态建成和小花发育的基因可能直接或间接地参与穗粒数调控。玉米成熟籽粒主要由源于母本组织的种皮和经双受精产生的胚和胚乳组成,且胚和胚乳占成熟籽粒的绝大部分,直接影响粒重。文中主要从“CLAVATA(CLV)-WUSCHEL(WUS)负反馈调控途径、激素及其信号途径、花器官发育和小花性别决定”等方面总结了花序和小花发育相关基因及其与穗粒数的关系,描述了CLV-WUS途径中各基因在玉米雌花序上特异性表达的分生组织和基因间的调控关系,总结了生长素、赤霉素、细胞分裂素和独脚金内酯等植物激素的相互作用网络,以及已克隆的玉米花器官发育相关基因及其功能。从“线粒体基因转录本的加工和编辑、质体基因的转录和翻译及细胞核RNA转录与加工”3个方面总结了已克隆的影响胚和胚乳发育的相关基因,其中,大部分基因编码线粒体或质体定位的PPR蛋白。值得关注的是,近年来,研究发现了通过调节细胞核内RNA转录和加工而影响玉米籽粒发育的新途径。文章作者在基因水平上对玉米籽粒形成的分子生物学基础进行了简要总结,为进一步深入解析玉米产量形成的分子调控网络提供参考。同时,也就该研究领域今后可能的研究方向进行了讨论。 展开更多
关键词 玉米 穗粒数 粒重 花序 小花 胚乳
桤木属花序和花的形态发生 被引量:6
作者 朱俊义 陆静梅 《植物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期641-650,共10页
在扫描电镜下首次观察了桦木科Betulaceae桤木属Alnus花序和花的形态发生过程,为桦木科属级鉴定提供了微形态学依据。实验材料为东北桤木A.mandshurica和辽东桤木A.sibirica,其雌花序均为柔荑状,由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成。每个... 在扫描电镜下首次观察了桦木科Betulaceae桤木属Alnus花序和花的形态发生过程,为桦木科属级鉴定提供了微形态学依据。实验材料为东北桤木A.mandshurica和辽东桤木A.sibirica,其雌花序均为柔荑状,由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成。每个小花序外具1枚初级苞片、2枚次级苞片、2枚三级苞片,内有2朵花。每个花具1个二心皮合生雌蕊,雌蕊具二叉分枝的长柱状花柱。每个小花序的2个二心皮合生雌蕊的定位方式为相互垂直。东北桤木的雌花序由芽鳞包被越冬,而辽东桤木的雌花序裸露越冬。东北桤木和辽东桤木的雄花序亦为柔荑状,由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成。每个小花序外被1枚初级苞片、2枚次级苞片、2枚三级苞片,内有3朵花。先形成的2枚次级苞片和后形成的2枚三级苞片均来源于小花序原基。3个花原基中,位于中间的比两侧的分化要早。每个花具4枚被片和4枚雄蕊,每个雄蕊具4个药囊。花的被片比雄蕊发育得早,均由花原基发育而成。东北桤木和辽东桤木的雄花序均裸露越冬。 展开更多
关键词 东北桤木 辽东桤木 花序 形态发生 扫描电镜
A dynamic regulation of nitrogen on floret primordia development in wheat 被引量:1
作者 Zhen Zhang Yujing Li +6 位作者 Yuxun Wu Xiaoyu Zheng Xiaolei Guo Wan Sun Zhencai Sun Zhimin Wang Yinghua Zhang 《The Crop Journal》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期271-280,共10页
Nitrogen(N)fertilization is critical for spike and floret development,which affects the number of fertile florets per spike(NFFs).However,the physiological regulation of the floret development process by N fertilizati... Nitrogen(N)fertilization is critical for spike and floret development,which affects the number of fertile florets per spike(NFFs).However,the physiological regulation of the floret development process by N fertilization is largely unknown.A high temporal-resolution investigation of floret primordia number and morphology,dry matter,and N availability was conducted under three N fertilization levels:0(N0),120(N1)and 240(N2)kg ha^(−1).Interestingly,fertile florets at anthesis stage were determined by those floret primordia with meiotic ability at booting stage:meiotic ability was a threshold that predicted whether a floret primordium became fertile or abortive florets.Because the developmental rate of the 4th floret primordium in the central spikelet was accelerated and then they acquired meiotic ability,the NFFs increased gradually as N application increased,but the increase range decreased under N2.There were no differences in spike N concentration among treatments,but leaf N concentration was increased in the N1 and N2 treatments.Correspondingly,dry matter accumulation and N content of the leaf and spike in the N1 and N2 treatments was increased as compared to N0.Clearly,optimal N fertilization increased leaf N availability and transport of assimilates to spikes,and allowed more floret primordia to acquire meiotic ability and become fertile florets,finally increasing NFFs.There was no difference in leaf N concentration between N1 and N2 treatment,whereas soil N concentration at 0–60 cm soil layers was higher in N2 than in N1 treatment,implying that there was still some N fertilization that remained unused.Therefore,improving the leaf’s ability to further use N fertilizer is vital for greater NFFs. 展开更多
关键词 Fertile florets floret primordia Grain number Meiotic ability Morphological development
Genetic Analysis of Streaked and Abnormal Floret Mutant st-fon 被引量:2
作者 CHEN De-xi LI Ting +3 位作者 QU Guang-lin HUANG Wen-juan HE Zhong-quan LI Shi-gui 《Rice science》 SCIE 2013年第4期267-275,共9页
A double mutant with streaked leaf and abnormal floret was found and temporarily named streaked leaf and floral organ number mutant (st-fon). For this mutant, besides white streak appeared on culm, leaves and panicl... A double mutant with streaked leaf and abnormal floret was found and temporarily named streaked leaf and floral organ number mutant (st-fon). For this mutant, besides white streak appeared on culm, leaves and panicles, the number of floral organs increased and florets cracked. The extreme phenotype was that several small florets grew from one floret or branch rachis in small florets extended and developed into panicles. By using transmission electron microscope to observe the ultrastructure of white histocytes of leaves at the seedling stage, the white tissues which showed abnormal plastids, lamellas and thylakoids could not develop into normal chloroplast, and the development of chloroplast was blocked at the early growth stage of plastid. Scanning electron microscope and paraffin section were also used to observe the development of floral organs, and the results indicated that the development of floral meristem was out of order and unlimited, whereas in the twisty leaves, vascular bundle sheath cells grew excessively, or some bubbly cells increased. Genetic analyses carried out by means of cross and backcross with four normal-leaf-color materials revealed that the mutant is of cytoplasm inheritance. 展开更多
关键词 rice streaked leaf floral organ floret MUTANT CHLOROPLAST anatomical structure plasmatic inheritance
Differences between two wheat genotypes in the development of floret primordia and contents of pigments and hormones
作者 Liangyun Wen Yaqun Liu +6 位作者 Bingjin Zhou Wan Sun Xuechen Xiao Zhimin Wang Zhencai Sun Zhen Zhang Yinghua Zhang 《The Crop Journal》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第4期1196-1207,共12页
Promoting more floret primordia within a spike to acquire fertile potential during the differentiation and pre-dimorphism phases is critical for increasing the number of fertile florets per spike(NFFs).However,it is y... Promoting more floret primordia within a spike to acquire fertile potential during the differentiation and pre-dimorphism phases is critical for increasing the number of fertile florets per spike(NFFs).However,it is yet unknown the physiological mechanism regulating the complex and dynamic process.This study aimed to clarify how intra-spike hormones,pigments,and assimilates coordinate with each other to regulate spike morphology and then floret primordia development.A two-year field experiment was conducted with two winter wheat genotypes:N50(big-spike with greater NFFs)and SM22(mediumspike with fewer NFFs).We monitored high temporal and spatial-resolution changes in the number and morphology of floret primordia within a spike,as well as in intra-spike hormones,pigments,and assimilates.Our results revealed that the big-spike genotype had more NFFs than the medium-spike genotype,not only because they had more spikelets,but also because they had greater NFFs mainly at central spikelets.More floret primordia at central spikelets had sufficient time to develop and acquire fertile potential during the differentiation phase(167-176 d after sowing,DAS)and the pre-dimorphism phase(179 DAS)for the big-spike genotype than the medium-spike genotype.Floret primordia with fertile morphology during the pre-dimorphism phase always developed into fertile florets during the dimorphism phase.Those early-developed floret primordia most proximal and intermediate to the rachis in the big-spike genotype developed faster than the medium-spike genotype.Correspondingly,the spike dry matter and pigments(chlorophyll a,chlorophyll b,carotene,and carotenoids)content during 170-182 DAS,auxin(IAA)and cytokinin(CTK)content on 167 DAS were significantly higher in the big-spike genotype than in the medium-spike genotype,while jasmonic acid(JA)content was significantly lower in the big-spike genotype compared to the medium-spike genotype during 167-182 DAS.Since the significant differences in intra-spike hormone content of the two genotypes appear 展开更多
关键词 Fertile florets floret primordia development Intra-spike hormones Jasmonic acid Photosynthetic pigments
2种早熟禾种群圆锥花序小穗及小花的空间分布格局 被引量:3
作者 杨允菲 张洪军 《东北师大学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 1998年第4期63-67,共5页
分析硬质早熟禾和草地早熟禾2种早熟禾种群圆锥花序小穗和小花的分布格局,结果表明,2种早熟禾种群在各节位上的小穗数和小花数均适合于Weibul分布,随着节位序的增加均呈饱和型指数增长.通过赋予各统计参数生物生态学涵义,... 分析硬质早熟禾和草地早熟禾2种早熟禾种群圆锥花序小穗和小花的分布格局,结果表明,2种早熟禾种群在各节位上的小穗数和小花数均适合于Weibul分布,随着节位序的增加均呈饱和型指数增长.通过赋予各统计参数生物生态学涵义,从宏观上分析与揭示了有关生命现象与发展规律及其生物生态学机理. 展开更多
关键词 早熟禾 圆锥花序 小穗 小花 空间分布格局 种群
Molecular mechanisms underlying the negative effects of transient heatwaves on crop fertility
作者 Qian Yao Ping Li +3 位作者 Xin Wang Shuhua Liao Pu Wang Shoubing Huang 《Plant Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第9期101-115,共15页
Transient heatwaves occurring more frequently as the climate warms,yet their impacts on crop yield are severely underestimated and even overlooked.Heatwaves lasting only a few days or even hours during sensitive stage... Transient heatwaves occurring more frequently as the climate warms,yet their impacts on crop yield are severely underestimated and even overlooked.Heatwaves lasting only a few days or even hours during sensitive stages,such as microgametogenesis and flowering,can significantly reduce crop yield by disrupting plant reproduction.Recent advances in multi-omics and GWAS analysis have shed light on the specific organs(e.g.,pollen,lodicule,style),key metabolic pathways(sugar and reactive oxygen species metabolism,Ca2+homeostasis),and essential genes that are involved in crop responses to transient heatwaves during sensitive stages.This review therefore places particular emphasis on heat-sensitive stages,with pollen development,floret opening,pollination,and fertilization as the central narrative thread.The multifaceted effects of transient heatwaves and their molecular basis are systematically reviewed,with a focus on key structures such as the lodicule and tapetum.A number of heat-tolerance genes associated with these processes have been identified in major crops like maize and rice.The mechanisms and key heat-tolerance genes shared among different stages may facilitate the more precise improvement of heat-tolerant crops. 展开更多
关键词 heat stress floret fertility POLLEN pollen tube growth seed set molecular mechanism
普通小麦及其近缘物种花序、小穗和小花的形态结构分析 被引量:4
作者 刘楠 李海峰 +1 位作者 窦艳华 韩德俊 《麦类作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期293-299,共7页
花的发育影响着种子的发育。普通小麦是三大粮食作物之一,但对小麦花序发育的研究滞后于水稻和玉米。为揭示小麦花发育的机理,本研究采用体视镜观察、扫描电子显微镜观察和组织切片后光学显微镜观察等方法,对普通小麦及其近缘物种一粒... 花的发育影响着种子的发育。普通小麦是三大粮食作物之一,但对小麦花序发育的研究滞后于水稻和玉米。为揭示小麦花发育的机理,本研究采用体视镜观察、扫描电子显微镜观察和组织切片后光学显微镜观察等方法,对普通小麦及其近缘物种一粒小麦、拟斯卑尔脱山羊草、粗山羊草、二粒小麦以及二穗短柄草的花序、小穗和小花形态结构进行了系统观察和分析比较。结果表明,普通小麦与二倍体小麦、二粒小麦表现出一定差别:普通小麦每个小穗形成8~10朵小花,但在发育后期,大多数小花退化不育,每个小穗只有3~4朵小花能够形成种子;二倍体小麦和二粒小麦的小穗结构与普通小麦类似,但每个小穗发育形成3~5朵小花,小花数目明显减少。与普通小麦相似,二穗短柄草每个小穗同样分化形成多朵小花,不同的是,二穗短柄草的大多数小花发育正常,是可育的。以上这些研究结果暗示小麦具有巨大的增产潜力。 展开更多
关键词 小麦 短柄草 花序 小穗 小花
The soft glumes of common wheat are sterile-lemmas as determined by the domestication gene Q 被引量:1
作者 Gaoyuan Song Guoliang Sun +7 位作者 Xingchen Kong Meiling Jia Ke Wang Xingguo Ye Yun Zhou Shuaifeng Geng Long Mao Aili Li 《The Crop Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第1期113-117,共5页
The Q gene in common wheat encodes an APETALA2(AP2) transcription factor that causes the free threshing attribute. Wheat spikelets bearing several florets are subtended by a pair of soft glumes that allow free liberat... The Q gene in common wheat encodes an APETALA2(AP2) transcription factor that causes the free threshing attribute. Wheat spikelets bearing several florets are subtended by a pair of soft glumes that allow free liberation of seeds. In wild species, the glumes are tough and rigid,making threshing difficult. However, the nature of these "soft glumes", caused by the domestication allele Q is not clear. Here, we found that over expression of Q in common wheat leads to homeotic florets at glume positions. We provide phenotypic, microscopy, and marker genes evidence to demonstrate that the soft glumes of common wheat are in fact lemma-like organs, or so-called sterile-lemmas. By comparing the structures subtending spikelets in wheat and other crops such as rice and maize, we found that AP2 genes may play conserved functions in grasses by manipulating vestigial structures, such as floret-derived soft glumes in wheat and empty glumes in rice. Conversion of these seemingly vegetative organs to reproductive organs may be useful in yield improvement of crop species. 展开更多
关键词 floret development SPIKE morphology STERILE LEMMA Wheat
Effects of Nitrogen Application in Different Wheat Growth Stages on the Floret Development and GrainYield of Winter Wheat 被引量:1
作者 ZHU Yun-ji, WANG Chen-yang, GUO Tian-cai, CUI Jin-mei, XIA Guo-jun, LIU Wan-dai and WANG Yong-hua( The National Engineering Research Centre for Wheat, Zhengzhou 450002, P. R . China ) 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2002年第10期1156-1161,共6页
The study was carried out on the effect of nitrogen application in different wheat growth stage on the floret development, the photosynthetic rate, the yield and its components of winter wheat. The result indicated th... The study was carried out on the effect of nitrogen application in different wheat growth stage on the floret development, the photosynthetic rate, the yield and its components of winter wheat. The result indicated that nitrogen application in the pistil-stamen primordium formation stage and the tetrad formation stage of wheat growth prolonged the duration of floret development, promoted the balance growth of floret and reduced the floret decadence number, thus increased the grain number per spike. Nitrogen application in the middle and in the late stages of wheat development increased the photosynthetic ability of the plant leaves in the later stage, and also lengthened the peak of grain filling stage, thus enhanced the grain weight and yield of wheat significantly. 展开更多
关键词 Winter wheat Nitrogen application Development of floret Grain yield
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