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堤防管涌整险加固的环境地质条件分析 被引量:1
作者 孙剑 《资源环境与工程》 2007年第1期43-46,共4页
荆江大堤是荆北平原赖以生存的命堤,开展堤防管涌整险加固的环境地质条件分析和方法研究具有十分重要的意义。管涌形成主要受控于堤基土体结构、土的物理力学性质和洪水位,经过不断改进的减压井等工程措施对防止管涌是有效的。由于洪水... 荆江大堤是荆北平原赖以生存的命堤,开展堤防管涌整险加固的环境地质条件分析和方法研究具有十分重要的意义。管涌形成主要受控于堤基土体结构、土的物理力学性质和洪水位,经过不断改进的减压井等工程措施对防止管涌是有效的。由于洪水位还有不断上升的发展趋势,防治管涌还应注意控制洪水位上升的问题。 展开更多
关键词 荆江大堤 管涌 整险加固 减压井 洪水位上升
作者 赵童 蒋灵芝 《广西水利水电》 2023年第1期113-116,122,共5页
以桂林市恭城瑶族自治县栗木水文站为例,介绍了广西中小流域常用的水文预报方法,包括多元回归分析法、地貌单位线法、中国洪水预报系统、涨率分析法。通过比对各方案的特点、适用条件及预报合格率,结果表明:涨率分析法综合误差最小,地... 以桂林市恭城瑶族自治县栗木水文站为例,介绍了广西中小流域常用的水文预报方法,包括多元回归分析法、地貌单位线法、中国洪水预报系统、涨率分析法。通过比对各方案的特点、适用条件及预报合格率,结果表明:涨率分析法综合误差最小,地貌单位线法误差最大。而在实际应用中,多元回归方程预报方法使用最为广泛。 展开更多
关键词 水文预报 多元回归分析 地貌单位线 中国洪水预报系统 涨率分析法 栗木水文站
城市适应气候变化行动方案——国内外应对气象灾害的典型案例 被引量:5
作者 刘苏潇 孙兰东 +2 位作者 吴蔚 刘校辰 杨涵洧 《气象科技进展》 2020年第6期118-124,共7页
回顾了为了适应由气候变化引起的高温灾害、水灾害与海平面上升,全球范围内不同国家在城市适应气候变化方面采取的措施行动。通过分析发现,尽管各地区拥有不同地域规模、气候条件与人文环境,面对的气候灾害问题也不尽相同,但在适应气候... 回顾了为了适应由气候变化引起的高温灾害、水灾害与海平面上升,全球范围内不同国家在城市适应气候变化方面采取的措施行动。通过分析发现,尽管各地区拥有不同地域规模、气候条件与人文环境,面对的气候灾害问题也不尽相同,但在适应气候变化的策略制定方面,却有着一定的共性,包括:“以各级政府为主导;强调各机构之间的沟通合作;制定策略时应当考虑当地实际环境,因地制宜;将气候变化的长期影响纳入考量;在适应性工程的建设上考虑可持续性;提升城市韧性,将灾害适应性纳入城市基础建设;调动社会各阶层的积极性,充分利用各渠道的社会资源”等。目前,虽然国内各城市在适应气候变化方面的相关策略与措施相较于发达国家、地区起步较晚,但近几年经过国家的重视、政府的主导、专家学者的学习与探索后也逐步取得了一定进展,部分城市针对“十三五”期间城市气候适应性的研究与规划已经表现出更高的合理性与成熟性,相关的试点改造也在一定程度上取得了积极成果。 展开更多
关键词 城市适应气候变化 韧性 高温 干旱 雨洪 海平面上升 海绵城市
作者 孙志芹 张泽 +2 位作者 姜兴钰 王福 王宏 《华北地质》 2024年第1期21-25,共5页
【研究目的】尽管人们普遍认为全球变化背景下的海面上升是海岸带环境变化的重要驱动因素,但对一个具体地区而言,仍缺少定量化的影响评估,以至于气候变化基础研究与海岸带实际经济社会活动之间存在日渐明显的脱节。本文是试图弥合这种... 【研究目的】尽管人们普遍认为全球变化背景下的海面上升是海岸带环境变化的重要驱动因素,但对一个具体地区而言,仍缺少定量化的影响评估,以至于气候变化基础研究与海岸带实际经济社会活动之间存在日渐明显的脱节。本文是试图弥合这种脱节的一次探索。【研究方法】2023年夏秋京冀津地区大暴雨,达到了1963年之后60年一遇的量级,造成生命财产和区域经济的重大损失。本文根据子牙新河洪水闸口泄洪的具体案例,探寻海面上升潮位升高泄洪延时之间可能存在的因果关系。【研究结果】研究发现在21世纪海面上升背景下,渤海湾西岸存在潮位升高1 cm、泄洪时间减少0.02小时的潮位上升与泄洪延时之间的定量时空关系。【结论】提出潮位高于洪水位时不能泄洪的“临界点”概念,并根据联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)关于海面上升的最新预案,尝试做出了今后三个时间节点(2030、2040和2050年)的泄洪延时预测。 展开更多
关键词 陆地大洪水 泄洪 海面上升 临界点 预案
作者 YANG Shi-lun ZHAO Qing-ying +1 位作者 XIE Wen-hui WANG Xing-fang(State Key Laboratory of Estuarine & Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, P R. China) 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2000年第2期113-118,共6页
As a worldwide authoritative, IPCC forecasted in 1990 that the world- s sea level would most probably rise by 0. 66 m by the end of the 21 st century. Combined with the local depression caused by the sink of the earth... As a worldwide authoritative, IPCC forecasted in 1990 that the world- s sea level would most probably rise by 0. 66 m by the end of the 21 st century. Combined with the local depression caused by the sink of the earth’s crust and the human activity, the relative sea level in the Chanaiiang River mouth will rise by about 1. 0 m during the same peried. Based on this figure, the article forecasted the impacts of sea-level rise on the safety coefficient of coastal structures and civil facilities, loss of wetlands, flood hazard as well as water intrusion. The results show that: 1 ) 40% as large as the present engil1eering mass should be added to the coastal structures in order to maintain the safety coefficient; 2 ) a dynamic loss of 60 km2 of wetlands, as much as 15% of the present total area, would be caused; 3) to hinder the increase inflood hazard dy11amic capacity to drain water must increase by at least 34 times as large as the present; 4) to maintain the present navigation conditions, about 100 million yuan (RMB) is needed to reconstruct over 30(X) bridges and 30 sluices;and 5 ) the disastrous salt water intrusion caused by the sea-level rise could be encountered by the increase in water discharge from the Three Gorge Reservoir in the dry season. 展开更多
关键词 SEA-level rise flood hazard loss of wetland salt water INTRUSION CHANGJIANG River MOUTH
青海省巴音河流域地下水对河流洪水入渗的响应特征研究 被引量:1
作者 杨炳超 顾小凡 +3 位作者 党学亚 犹香智 曾庆铭 张俊 《水利与建筑工程学报》 2021年第4期180-185,共6页
为了防止青海省巴音河流域地下水位上升成灾,为合理配置与利用区内水资源提供指导,绘制了地下水位上升幅度分区图、河流径流量及地下水动态曲线图和多年年平均径流量曲线,采用点面结合的方式系统分析了巴音河流域地下水对洪水入渗的响... 为了防止青海省巴音河流域地下水位上升成灾,为合理配置与利用区内水资源提供指导,绘制了地下水位上升幅度分区图、河流径流量及地下水动态曲线图和多年年平均径流量曲线,采用点面结合的方式系统分析了巴音河流域地下水对洪水入渗的响应特征。结果表明:汛期内戈壁滩地下水位明显上升,距离巴音河河道越近,地下水响应越迅速,水位上升幅度越大,最大可以上升10 m以上;距离巴音河河道越远,地下水响应越滞后,水位上升幅度越小。确定了巴音河洪水致灾的流量临界值为4.07×10^(8)m^(3)。最后,提出了减少巴音河洪水的入渗量,增加地下水排泄量,实施节源开流的防治对策。 展开更多
关键词 巴音河 洪水入渗 地下水位上升 响应特征
Mapping Sea Level Rise Behavior in an Estuarine Delta System:A Case Study along the Shanghai Coast 被引量:14
作者 H.Q. Cheng J.Y. Chen +9 位作者 Z.J. Chen R.L. Ruan G.Q. Xu G. Zeng J.R. Zhu Z.J. Dai X.Y. Chen S.H. Gu X.L. Zhang H.M. Wang 《Engineering》 2018年第1期156-163,共8页
Sea level rise (SLR) is a major projected threat of climate change that is expected to affect developing coastal cities located in estuarine delta regions, Shanghai is one such city, being located in the Yangtze Riv... Sea level rise (SLR) is a major projected threat of climate change that is expected to affect developing coastal cities located in estuarine delta regions, Shanghai is one such city, being located in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD), It is difficult, however, for decision-makers to implement adaptation due to the uncer- tain causes, magnitudes, and timings of SLR behaviors, This paper attempts to map the causes and mag- nitudes of SLR behaviors on a decadal scale, We analyze the tidal level records from 11 tidal gauge stations and the corresponding bathymetry measurements around these stations since 1921, We identify three new SLR behaviors along the Shanghai coast due to anthropogenic geomorphologic changes (AGCs), besides the well-known eustatic sea level rise (ESLR), tectonic subsidence (TS), and urban land subsidence (ULS), The first new behavior is regional sea level rise (RSLR), which occurs as a result of land reclamation and deep waterway regulation, The second is regional sea level fall (RSLF), which occurs because the channel bed is eroded due to sediment supply decline in the river catchment, The last SLR behavior is local tidal datum rise (LTDR). Thus, we project that the magnitude of SLR for the Shanghai coast ranges from 10 cm to 16 cm from 2011 to 2030, Clarifying SLR behaviors is important to aid local decision- makers in planning structural and non-structural measures to combat escalating flood damage costs in an estuarine delta system; this field is full of future challenges, 展开更多
关键词 Sea level rise BEHAVIOR ANTHROPOGENIC geomorphologic change Local TIDAL DATUM flood management Adaptation
Prediction of the future flood severity in plain river network region based on numerical model: A case study 被引量:7
作者 胡孜军 王玲玲 +1 位作者 唐洪武 戚晓明 《Journal of Hydrodynamics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第4期586-595,共10页
Suzhou is one of China's most developed regions, located in the eastern part of the Yangtze Delta. Due to its location and river features, it may at a high risk of flood under the climate change background in the fut... Suzhou is one of China's most developed regions, located in the eastern part of the Yangtze Delta. Due to its location and river features, it may at a high risk of flood under the climate change background in the future. In order to investigate the flood response to the extreme scenario in this region, 1-D hydrodynamic model with real-time operations of sluices and pumps is established. The rain-runoff processes of the urban and rural areas are simulated by two lumped hydrologic models, respectively. Indicators for a quantitative assessment of the flood severity in this region are proposed. The results indicate that the existing flood control system could prevent the Suzhou Downtown from inundation in the future. The difficulty of draining the Taihu Lake floods should be given attention to avoid the flood hazard. The modelling approach based on the in-bank model and the evaluation parameters could be effective for the flood severity estimation in the plain river network catchment. The insights from this study of the possible future extreme flood events may assist the policy making and the flood control planning. 展开更多
关键词 flood control hydrodynamic model sea level rise extreme rain Suzhou District
作者 丁磊 褚明华 +5 位作者 朱建荣 潘军宁 俞茜 缴健 王逸飞 窦希萍 《中国水利》 2024年第14期18-26,共9页
近一个世纪以来,全球气候变暖导致海平面持续上升,增加了整个长江口的水深,抬高了潮汐和风暴潮的基础水位,使得河口咸潮入侵,洪水和风暴潮发生的频率和强度增加。同时,由于长江流域水土保持和水库群建设,进入河口的泥沙量锐减,加剧了河... 近一个世纪以来,全球气候变暖导致海平面持续上升,增加了整个长江口的水深,抬高了潮汐和风暴潮的基础水位,使得河口咸潮入侵,洪水和风暴潮发生的频率和强度增加。同时,由于长江流域水土保持和水库群建设,进入河口的泥沙量锐减,加剧了河口咸潮上溯,对区域人群生产生活产生一定影响。从全球气候变暖背景下长江口海平面上升和演变规律、长江口人类活动与气候变化影响下的动力要素变化、河口咸潮入侵时空分布和水盐交换机制及供水安全风险、海平面上升对海堤防洪御潮能力的影响、长江口地区防洪御潮韧性等5个方面总结归纳了现有研究成果,提出未来研究的方向,以期对保障河口地区水资源安全利用和防洪御潮能力提升提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 长江口 咸潮入侵 防洪御潮 供水安全 海平面上升
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