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二维边坡稳定方法的统一计算公式 被引量:13
作者 朱禄娟 谷兆祺 +1 位作者 郑榕明 彭守拙 《水力发电学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期21-29,共9页
根据条分法的概念 ,本文推导出二维边坡稳定分析的统一计算公式。根据不同的计算假定 ,可以得到相应的刚体极限平衡方法 ,包括Bishop简化法、Janbu简化法、美国陆军工程师团法、Lowe和Karafiath法、传力系数法、分块极限平衡法、严格Ja... 根据条分法的概念 ,本文推导出二维边坡稳定分析的统一计算公式。根据不同的计算假定 ,可以得到相应的刚体极限平衡方法 ,包括Bishop简化法、Janbu简化法、美国陆军工程师团法、Lowe和Karafiath法、传力系数法、分块极限平衡法、严格Janbu法、Spencer法和Morgen stern Price法等。本文的计算公式简单 ,易于理解 ,适用于用有限差分求导的各种数值方法 ,避免了繁琐的求导计算。文中统一采用带线性搜索的高斯牛顿法 ,通过考题的比较 ,证明了计算公式的可靠性和正确性 ;也证实了不论计算假定如何 ,满足合理性条件和所有平衡条件的安全系数就是合理的 ,而且它们之间的相对误差应少于 5 %。 展开更多
关键词 边坡 稳定 刚体极限平衡方法 统一计算公式 安全系数
两种滑动面型式下边坡稳定性计算方法的研究 被引量:23
作者 邓东平 李亮 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期372-380,410,共10页
基于圆弧和任意曲线两种滑动面型式,对边坡稳定性计算方法中的瑞典法、简化Bishop法、简化Janbu法、严格Janbu法、Morgenster-Price法、Sarma法和不平衡推力法进行研究。对上述各种方法的研究成果进行了总结,并对Morgenster-Price法中... 基于圆弧和任意曲线两种滑动面型式,对边坡稳定性计算方法中的瑞典法、简化Bishop法、简化Janbu法、严格Janbu法、Morgenster-Price法、Sarma法和不平衡推力法进行研究。对上述各种方法的研究成果进行了总结,并对Morgenster-Price法中的条间力函数f(x)选择了4种形式(即f(x)为常数0.1、0.5、1.0及半正弦函数),对不平衡推力法中的公式进行了改进。通过算例对比,及当条分数不同、边坡坡角和坡高变化时,分析了这些方法的特点,由分析结果可知:(1)瑞典法和简化Janbu法计算得的安全系数最小,简化Bishop法和不平衡推力法与严格法得到的结果颇为接近;(2)任意曲线滑动面方法较圆弧滑动面方法计算得的安全系数稍小,且得到的临界滑动面与临界圆弧滑动面相接近,因而表明,圆弧滑动面作为一种近似的临界滑动面能够满足实际工程需要;(3)均质边坡采用较少条分数即可获得较高的安全系数计算精度,非均质边坡需一定数量的条分保证结果的可靠性;(4)Sarma法对土条侧面法向力和剪切的假设,使得其在均质边坡计算得的安全系数比其他方法要大,有偏于不安全的考虑,但Sarma法能够考虑边坡非均质对条分法的影响;(5)当边坡外形(如坡角、坡高)变化时,严格Janbu法在两种滑动面型式下计算得的安全系数相差很小,而其他方法稍大一些(;6)Morgenster-Price法中,条间力函数f(x)对计算得到的结果影响很小。 展开更多
关键词 边坡稳定性 安全系数 计算方法 圆弧滑动面 任意曲线滑动面
基于极限平衡理论的边坡稳定性分析方法对比研究 被引量:10
作者 刘波 黄卫 《工业建筑》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第S1期715-721,714,共8页
详细阐述了极限平衡理论在边坡稳定性分析中的基本原理。着眼于边坡安全系数的分析计算,系统总结了边坡稳定性分析软件SLOPE/W中基于极限平衡理论的几种分析方法的基本假设、计算原理、内在联系及方法的局限性,并运用这几种方法对同一... 详细阐述了极限平衡理论在边坡稳定性分析中的基本原理。着眼于边坡安全系数的分析计算,系统总结了边坡稳定性分析软件SLOPE/W中基于极限平衡理论的几种分析方法的基本假设、计算原理、内在联系及方法的局限性,并运用这几种方法对同一案例进行了稳定性计算,对比分析了相关计算结果。最后针对极限平衡法的局限性提出了改进措施。 展开更多
关键词 SLOPE/W 极限平衡理论 安全系数 GLE法 Fellenius法 简化BISHOP法 简化Janbu法 Spencer法 Morgenstern-Price法 CORPS of Engineer法 Lowe-Karafiath法 SARMA法 通用Janbu法
基于能量演化理论的多参数非等比例折减的安全系数求解方法 被引量:6
作者 卢锋 仇文革 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期547-557,共11页
边坡的破坏是一个渐进的过程,在失稳过程中,不同力学参数或不同材料对维持边坡稳定性发挥的贡献是不同且动态变化的,对综合安全系数的贡献也不同。因此,研究不同力学参数间或不同材料间非等比例折减的安全系数求解方法具有重要意义。首... 边坡的破坏是一个渐进的过程,在失稳过程中,不同力学参数或不同材料对维持边坡稳定性发挥的贡献是不同且动态变化的,对综合安全系数的贡献也不同。因此,研究不同力学参数间或不同材料间非等比例折减的安全系数求解方法具有重要意义。首先基于能量演化理论,分析了边坡破坏过程中的能量演化机制。然后在参照边坡的安全系数定义框架下,以力学参数在折减过程中对耗散能演化的贡献为权重,提出了一种考虑参数折减过程相关性的多参数非等比例折减的安全系数求解方法。此方法可以求解安全系数随折减路径的全过程演化规律,并具有明确的物理意义。随后通过算例分析了求解方法的合理性。最后讨论了采用该方法进行安全系数计算时,折减步长和折减路径对计算结果的影响。 展开更多
关键词 能量演化 强度折减 安全系数 劣化 折减路径
3D Identification and Stability Analysis of Key Surface Blocks of Rock Slope 被引量:4
作者 李明超 周四宝 王刚 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第4期317-323,共7页
Complicated geological structures make it difficult to analyze the stability of rock slopes, such as faults, weak intercalated layers or joint fissures. Based on 3D geological modeling and surface block identifying me... Complicated geological structures make it difficult to analyze the stability of rock slopes, such as faults, weak intercalated layers or joint fissures. Based on 3D geological modeling and surface block identifying methods, an integrated methodology framework was proposed and realized to analyze the stability of surface blocks in rock slopes. The surface blocks cut by geological structures, fissures or free faces could be identified subjected to the four principles of closure, completeness, uniqueness and validity. The factor of safety(FOS)of single key block was calculated by the limit equilibrium method. If there were two or more connected blocks, they were defined as a block-group. The FOS of a block-group was computed by the Sarma method. The proposed approach was applied to an actual rock slope of a hydropower project, and some possible instable blocks were demonstrated and analyzed visually. The obtained results on the key blocks or block-groups provide essential information for determining potential instable region of rock slopes and designing effective support scheme in advance. 展开更多
关键词 rock slope 3D model surface block block-group stability factor of safety(fos)
Slope stability analysis of Balia Nala landslide, Kumaun Lesser Himalaya, Nainital, Uttarakhand, India 被引量:3
作者 Mohit Kumar Shruti Rana +1 位作者 Pitamber Dutt Pant Ramesh Chandra Patel 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第1期150-158,共9页
Balia Nala is the outlet of the Nainital lake, flowing towards southeast direction. Presence of Nainital habitation at its right bank has high socio-economic importance. This study presents the stability analysis of a... Balia Nala is the outlet of the Nainital lake, flowing towards southeast direction. Presence of Nainital habitation at its right bank has high socio-economic importance. This study presents the stability analysis of a ravine/valley along Balia Nala. Variegated slates(lower Krol and upper Blaini formations) are the main rock types, wherever the outcrop does exist and rest of the area is covered by slope wash and river borne materials. Three sets of joints are presented in the area, but 4 sets of joints also exist at some locations. Nainital lake fault intersected by Manora fault from southwest direction passes through eastern side of the study area, and some small faults, which are sub-branches of Nainital lake fault, are observed(with 10 m offset) and promote the landslide in the area. This study shows that different kinds of discontinuities(joints, faults and shear zones) and rapid down cutting by the stream due to neotectonic activity affect the stability of the slope. The fragile lithology and deep V-shaped valley further accelerate the mass movement in the study area. In addition, rock mass rating(RMR), factor of safety(FOS) and graphical analysis of the joints indicate the study area as landslide-prone zone. This study will be helpful in not only reducing the risk on life of people, but also in assisting the ongoing civil work in the study area. 展开更多
关键词 Rock mass rating(RMR) factor of safety(fos) Balia Nala landslide Slope stability analysis
Design of Overall Slope Angle and Analysis of Rock Slope Stability of Chadormalu Mine Using Empirical and Numerical Methods 被引量:1
作者 Mahdi Rasouli Maleki Mohammad Mahyar Kambiz Meshkabadi 《Engineering(科研)》 2011年第9期965-971,共7页
In engineering projects associated with rock mechanic science like open pit mines, assessment and slope stability of mine walls is one of the important performance in generate of these structures. Estimating and knowl... In engineering projects associated with rock mechanic science like open pit mines, assessment and slope stability of mine walls is one of the important performance in generate of these structures. Estimating and knowledge of stable slope angle is one of main parts that should be occurring to special attention in open pit mines studies phase. Considering the importance of economic costs in mining issues, the need for appropriate design slope angle that can cause an adverse minimize project costs and throws the other hand, the stability conditions in the safe walls of the mine life will provide essential and seems obvious. Therefore, in this study to determine the optimal slope angle of overall and bench of west wall of the Chadormalu ore iron mine, has been trying, first, done field studies on the discontinuity of western wall, engineering classification and geomechanical properties of rock masses of wall, then assess the amount of optimal slope angle using empirical method. Finally, in order to ensure stability and accuracy of the wall slope angle based on the obtained (empirical method) tries to analysis is amount of Factor of Safety (FOS), displacements and mean stress condition atwalls calculated from drilling use Phase2D powerful software. 展开更多
关键词 Overall SLOPE ANGLE Phase2D Software factor of safety (fos)
Hill slope instability of Nainital City,Kumaun Lesser Himalaya,Uttarakhand,India 被引量:1
作者 Nirvan Sah Mohit Kumar +1 位作者 Rajeev Upadhyay Som Dutt 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期280-289,共10页
Nainital City of Kumaun Lesser Himalaya is prone to mass wasting processes during monsoon season,which mischievously triggers the hill slope instability in this region. Slate, dolomitic limestone, silty sandstone and ... Nainital City of Kumaun Lesser Himalaya is prone to mass wasting processes during monsoon season,which mischievously triggers the hill slope instability in this region. Slate, dolomitic limestone, silty sandstone and rhythmite of the Krol Formation are the main rock types. The present study focuses on the investigation of slope stability in the region in terms of potential seismicity and landslide. Geological and geotechnical mapping indicates that the major portion of the area is characterized by slope wash materials and buildings. The combination of 3-4 joint sets with one random joint is the main structure at outcrops.The major geological structures of this area are Nainital lake fault passing from the center of the lake, Main Boundary Thrust at SW, and Khuriya Fault passing from the SE direction of Nainital City. This work finds that different types of discontinuities(e.g. joints and faults), overburden due to unplanned civil structures,and neotectonic activity in the vicinity of this ara affect the stability of the city. The slate forms the base of the city, dipping slightly towards the lake side along the NW direction, thus accelerating the instability of this area. Rock mass rating(RMR), slope mass rating, factor of safety(FOS) and graphical analysis of the discontinuity for slope kinematics indicate that the study area is a landslide-prone zone. This study can facilitate reducing the risk of human life, and contribute to the ongoing construction works in the area. 展开更多
关键词 Hill slope instability Himalaya region Wedge failure Rock mass rating(RMR) factor of safety(fos)
堆积体边坡渐进性破坏的随机模型 被引量:2
作者 谢山立 袁广祥 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期16-21,共6页
为精确模拟堆积体边坡变形破坏过程,根据堆积体所固有的非连续性、非均质性、各向异性等特点,以及边坡变形破坏的渐进性特征,采用改进的有限单元法(FEM)对堆积体边坡进行模拟。考虑堆积体边坡从连续位移函数到不连续位移函数的突变。破... 为精确模拟堆积体边坡变形破坏过程,根据堆积体所固有的非连续性、非均质性、各向异性等特点,以及边坡变形破坏的渐进性特征,采用改进的有限单元法(FEM)对堆积体边坡进行模拟。考虑堆积体边坡从连续位移函数到不连续位移函数的突变。破裂发生前,用连续位移函数进行计算;破裂发生后,引入不连续位移函数。研究结果表明,破裂面上不同点的安全系数(FOS)是不同的,但都随着破坏过程而降低。同时,可以得出不同非均匀程度下安全系数的概率分布。 展开更多
关键词 堆积体边坡 渐进性破坏 随机模型 有限单元法(FEM) 位移函数
利用工程措施提高水工建筑物抗滑稳定性的分析 被引量:2
作者 段云岭 李良波 谷兆祺 《水力发电学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期26-30,共5页
本文将Bishop法、传递系数法、分块极限平衡法以及纯摩法综合在一起 ,结合某具体工程 。
关键词 水工结构 抗滑稳定分析 刚体极限平衡 安全系数
Limit equilibrium method(LEM) of slope stability and calculation of comprehensive factor of safety with double strength-reduction technique 被引量:14
作者 DENG Dong-ping LI Liang ZHAO Lian-heng 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第11期2311-2324,共14页
When the slope is in critical limit equilibrium(LE) state, the strength parameters have different contribution to each other on maintaining slope stability. That is to say that the strength parameters are not simultan... When the slope is in critical limit equilibrium(LE) state, the strength parameters have different contribution to each other on maintaining slope stability. That is to say that the strength parameters are not simultaneously reduced. Hence, the LE stress method is established to analyze the slope stability by employing the double strengthreduction(DSR) technique in this work. For calculation model of slope stability under the DSR technique, the general nonlinear Mohr–Coulomb(M–C) criterion is used to describe the shear failure of slope. Meanwhile, the average and polar diameter methods via the DSR technique are both adopted to calculate the comprehensive factor of safety(FOS) of slope. To extend the application of the polar diameter method, the original method is improved in the proposed method. After comparison and analysis on some slope examples, the proposed method's feasibility is verified. Thereafter, the stability charts of slope suitable for engineering application are drawn. Moreover, the studies show that:(1) the average method yields similar results as that of the polardiameter method;(2) compared with the traditional uniform strength-reduction(USR) technique, the slope stability obtained using the DSR techniquetends to be more unsafe; and(3) for a slope in the critical LE state, the strength parameter φ, i.e., internal friction angle, has greater contribution on the slope stability than the strength parameters c, i.e., cohesion. 展开更多
关键词 SLOPE STABILITY Nonlinear Mohr-Coulomb (M-C) criterion DOUBLE strength-reduction(DSR) technique SLOPE COMPREHENSIVE factor ofsafety (fos) STABILITY charts
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