使用地面和高空观测资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析的格点资料和WRF中尺度数值模拟结果,对1983年4月29日黑龙江省暴风雪天气和2007年3月3—5日辽宁省暴风雪天气过程进行了分析,阐明了暴风雪天气发生的环境条件及其出现的时间和位置特点,对天气...使用地面和高空观测资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析的格点资料和WRF中尺度数值模拟结果,对1983年4月29日黑龙江省暴风雪天气和2007年3月3—5日辽宁省暴风雪天气过程进行了分析,阐明了暴风雪天气发生的环境条件及其出现的时间和位置特点,对天气预报和防灾减灾有重要意义。研究结果表明,两次有史以来最猛烈的、大范围的、持续性的暴风雪天气的影响系统为爆发性气旋,气旋在300 h Pa南支急流出口区北侧和北支急流入口区南侧之间的区域爆发性加深,气旋中心的海平面气压24 h平均加深率分别为1.2 h Pa·h^(-1)(观测)和0.71 h Pa·h^(-1)(模式)。单站上空风随高度顺转,风速随高度增长,4.5~8 km出现等风速层,对流层存在显著的垂直风切变。对流层高层辐散低层辐合,上升运动由于暖平流和高空辐散抽吸而发展,贯穿整个对流层。暴风雪天气主要出现在地面气旋中心区域的西部和北部,其中气旋中心西偏北方向110 km附近气压梯度最大的地方,出现7~9级的偏北风,12 h降水量达到20~35 mm,是暴风雪天气最猛烈的地方。在地面气压下降最快的时期,地面风速急剧增长,降水强度达到最大。9~10级东南风出现在气旋中心的东南方向约300 km,近地面有暖湿空气的入流急流。在气旋中心正北方3~5个纬度的范围内,仍有较强的暴雪和大风天气,出现暴风雪时的风力为6~7级,大部分测站的最大风出现在降水结束后。使用VAPOR对两次过程的风速进行三维显示,结果表明,风速大于25 m·s-1的区域在两支急流之间从对流层高层伸展至近地面,说明暴风雪天气过程中的地面强风能量来源于对流层高层大气。展开更多
2013年11月25日爆发性气旋引发黑龙江省东部地区大范围大暴雪天气,本文利用多种观测资料和NCEP再分析资料,从大尺度环流背景着眼,对气旋的爆发性发展及与其引发的暴雪天气进行了诊断分析。结果表明:气旋在具有疏散结构的发展槽槽前获得...2013年11月25日爆发性气旋引发黑龙江省东部地区大范围大暴雪天气,本文利用多种观测资料和NCEP再分析资料,从大尺度环流背景着眼,对气旋的爆发性发展及与其引发的暴雪天气进行了诊断分析。结果表明:气旋在具有疏散结构的发展槽槽前获得发展,并始终位于北支高空急流核右后方和南支高空急流核左前方,为强辐散区,有利于气旋爆发性增长。高低空急流的耦合作用,加强了气旋中心附近的上升运动,有利于强降雪的持续和加强。气旋自生成后主要在海上移动,水汽含量十分充沛,其东侧有不断增大的低空急流相伴,增强了水汽向北输送的强度,加强了黑龙江省东部地区的降雪。850 h Pa以下出现水汽辐合中心预示降雪强度增大,与强降雪对应。大气水汽饱和区的厚度减小至对流层低层,表明降雪强度减弱。暴雪与高空锋区的锋生关系密切,低层强锋区自南向北移动经过黑龙江省东部地区的时间和位置与暴雪有较好的对应关系。锋区随高度向北倾斜,高空暖锋锋区移出,降雪强度减小;锋区全部移出,降雪结束。展开更多
In this paper, a diagnostic analysis is made for a kind of explosive cyclone ovcr East Asia and the West PacificOcean in cold season, using the level Ⅲ FGGE dataset. The cyclone started developing at 0000 UTC 30 Marc...In this paper, a diagnostic analysis is made for a kind of explosive cyclone ovcr East Asia and the West PacificOcean in cold season, using the level Ⅲ FGGE dataset. The cyclone started developing at 0000 UTC 30 March, 1979.Q vector analysis shows that ageostrophic wind was obvious in cyclone region. The calculation of different kindsof frontogenetical functions indicates that the development of cyclone was closely related to baroclinicity, especially,at lower levels.Isentropic analysis revealed the three-dimensional structure of cyclone development, that is, ascent of southerlywarmer current and descent of northerly colder current existed around the cyclonic center during the developing process of the cyclone and is very favourable to the release of available potential energy and generation of eddy kineticenergy.Not only shear component, but also curvature component of upper level jet contributed to the explosive development of the cyclone.The computation of convergence of moisture flux demonstrated that the moisture probably came from the tropical ocean. The distribution of water vapor supply in this case was very advantageous to the deepening of cyclone, especially, during the well-developing period.Comparison between East Asia Pacific case and North America-Atlantic case (Ogura and Juang, 1990) hasbeen conducted. The common characteristics were that there existed strong baroclinicity in both cases. However, inthe latter case, the latent heat release was of secondary importance and in our case, moisture also played very important role in certain. stages of the cyclogenesis, especially, during well-developing stage when it moved over oceanicsurface.展开更多
利用华东区域实况自动观测资料和全球预报系统的FNL再分析资料对一次爆发性气旋及其引发的大风天气进行诊断分析,结果发现,由高空急流调整导致叠加在气旋上空的中层辐散区,中高层干冷空气伴随正涡度,沿西北气流下传并在低层侵入气旋后部...利用华东区域实况自动观测资料和全球预报系统的FNL再分析资料对一次爆发性气旋及其引发的大风天气进行诊断分析,结果发现,由高空急流调整导致叠加在气旋上空的中层辐散区,中高层干冷空气伴随正涡度,沿西北气流下传并在低层侵入气旋后部,气旋前部850 h Pa西南急流输送的暖湿气流和气旋西侧槽前西南急流输送的暖湿气流通过潜热释放共同促成气旋的爆发性发展;同时在气旋发展初期,高层高湿位涡区的向下传输,也加速了气旋的快速发展。气旋第三象限的大风由动量下传触发强对流并形成大风叠加所致,低层西北干冷气流切断低层的增湿,使大风区降雨很弱。低层切变线与地面带状CAPE高值区重合,该区域未来1~2 h将出现大风,对预报有明显的指示意义。展开更多
Explosive cyclones(ECs)over two basins in the Northern Hemisphere(20°-90°N)from January 1979 to December2016 are investigated using ERA-Interim and Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature(OISST)data.Th...Explosive cyclones(ECs)over two basins in the Northern Hemisphere(20°-90°N)from January 1979 to December2016 are investigated using ERA-Interim and Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature(OISST)data.The classical definition of an EC is modified considering not only the rapid drop of the central sea level pressure of the cyclone,but also the strong wind speed at the height of 10 m in which maximum wind speeds greater than 17.2 m s^-1are included.According to the locations of the northern Atlantic and northern Pacific,the whole Northern Hemisphere is divided into the"A region"(20°-90°N,90°W-90°E)and"P region"(20°-90°N,90°E-90°W).Over both the A and P regions,the climatological features of ECs,such as their spatial distribution,intensity,seasonal variation,interannual variation,and moving tracks,are documented.展开更多
文摘使用地面和高空观测资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析的格点资料和WRF中尺度数值模拟结果,对1983年4月29日黑龙江省暴风雪天气和2007年3月3—5日辽宁省暴风雪天气过程进行了分析,阐明了暴风雪天气发生的环境条件及其出现的时间和位置特点,对天气预报和防灾减灾有重要意义。研究结果表明,两次有史以来最猛烈的、大范围的、持续性的暴风雪天气的影响系统为爆发性气旋,气旋在300 h Pa南支急流出口区北侧和北支急流入口区南侧之间的区域爆发性加深,气旋中心的海平面气压24 h平均加深率分别为1.2 h Pa·h^(-1)(观测)和0.71 h Pa·h^(-1)(模式)。单站上空风随高度顺转,风速随高度增长,4.5~8 km出现等风速层,对流层存在显著的垂直风切变。对流层高层辐散低层辐合,上升运动由于暖平流和高空辐散抽吸而发展,贯穿整个对流层。暴风雪天气主要出现在地面气旋中心区域的西部和北部,其中气旋中心西偏北方向110 km附近气压梯度最大的地方,出现7~9级的偏北风,12 h降水量达到20~35 mm,是暴风雪天气最猛烈的地方。在地面气压下降最快的时期,地面风速急剧增长,降水强度达到最大。9~10级东南风出现在气旋中心的东南方向约300 km,近地面有暖湿空气的入流急流。在气旋中心正北方3~5个纬度的范围内,仍有较强的暴雪和大风天气,出现暴风雪时的风力为6~7级,大部分测站的最大风出现在降水结束后。使用VAPOR对两次过程的风速进行三维显示,结果表明,风速大于25 m·s-1的区域在两支急流之间从对流层高层伸展至近地面,说明暴风雪天气过程中的地面强风能量来源于对流层高层大气。
文摘2013年11月25日爆发性气旋引发黑龙江省东部地区大范围大暴雪天气,本文利用多种观测资料和NCEP再分析资料,从大尺度环流背景着眼,对气旋的爆发性发展及与其引发的暴雪天气进行了诊断分析。结果表明:气旋在具有疏散结构的发展槽槽前获得发展,并始终位于北支高空急流核右后方和南支高空急流核左前方,为强辐散区,有利于气旋爆发性增长。高低空急流的耦合作用,加强了气旋中心附近的上升运动,有利于强降雪的持续和加强。气旋自生成后主要在海上移动,水汽含量十分充沛,其东侧有不断增大的低空急流相伴,增强了水汽向北输送的强度,加强了黑龙江省东部地区的降雪。850 h Pa以下出现水汽辐合中心预示降雪强度增大,与强降雪对应。大气水汽饱和区的厚度减小至对流层低层,表明降雪强度减弱。暴雪与高空锋区的锋生关系密切,低层强锋区自南向北移动经过黑龙江省东部地区的时间和位置与暴雪有较好的对应关系。锋区随高度向北倾斜,高空暖锋锋区移出,降雪强度减小;锋区全部移出,降雪结束。
文摘In this paper, a diagnostic analysis is made for a kind of explosive cyclone ovcr East Asia and the West PacificOcean in cold season, using the level Ⅲ FGGE dataset. The cyclone started developing at 0000 UTC 30 March, 1979.Q vector analysis shows that ageostrophic wind was obvious in cyclone region. The calculation of different kindsof frontogenetical functions indicates that the development of cyclone was closely related to baroclinicity, especially,at lower levels.Isentropic analysis revealed the three-dimensional structure of cyclone development, that is, ascent of southerlywarmer current and descent of northerly colder current existed around the cyclonic center during the developing process of the cyclone and is very favourable to the release of available potential energy and generation of eddy kineticenergy.Not only shear component, but also curvature component of upper level jet contributed to the explosive development of the cyclone.The computation of convergence of moisture flux demonstrated that the moisture probably came from the tropical ocean. The distribution of water vapor supply in this case was very advantageous to the deepening of cyclone, especially, during the well-developing period.Comparison between East Asia Pacific case and North America-Atlantic case (Ogura and Juang, 1990) hasbeen conducted. The common characteristics were that there existed strong baroclinicity in both cases. However, inthe latter case, the latent heat release was of secondary importance and in our case, moisture also played very important role in certain. stages of the cyclogenesis, especially, during well-developing stage when it moved over oceanicsurface.
文摘利用华东区域实况自动观测资料和全球预报系统的FNL再分析资料对一次爆发性气旋及其引发的大风天气进行诊断分析,结果发现,由高空急流调整导致叠加在气旋上空的中层辐散区,中高层干冷空气伴随正涡度,沿西北气流下传并在低层侵入气旋后部,气旋前部850 h Pa西南急流输送的暖湿气流和气旋西侧槽前西南急流输送的暖湿气流通过潜热释放共同促成气旋的爆发性发展;同时在气旋发展初期,高层高湿位涡区的向下传输,也加速了气旋的快速发展。气旋第三象限的大风由动量下传触发强对流并形成大风叠加所致,低层西北干冷气流切断低层的增湿,使大风区降雨很弱。低层切变线与地面带状CAPE高值区重合,该区域未来1~2 h将出现大风,对预报有明显的指示意义。
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China for financial support (Grant Nos. 41775042 and 41275049)
文摘Explosive cyclones(ECs)over two basins in the Northern Hemisphere(20°-90°N)from January 1979 to December2016 are investigated using ERA-Interim and Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature(OISST)data.The classical definition of an EC is modified considering not only the rapid drop of the central sea level pressure of the cyclone,but also the strong wind speed at the height of 10 m in which maximum wind speeds greater than 17.2 m s^-1are included.According to the locations of the northern Atlantic and northern Pacific,the whole Northern Hemisphere is divided into the"A region"(20°-90°N,90°W-90°E)and"P region"(20°-90°N,90°E-90°W).Over both the A and P regions,the climatological features of ECs,such as their spatial distribution,intensity,seasonal variation,interannual variation,and moving tracks,are documented.