根据世界自然保护联盟(International Union for Conservation of Nature,IUCN)物种红色名录濒危等级和标准(3.1版),同时参照IUCN红色名录等级与标准使用指南(10.1版)和IUCN物种红色名录标准地区水平应用指南(4.0版),对489种中国苦苣苔...根据世界自然保护联盟(International Union for Conservation of Nature,IUCN)物种红色名录濒危等级和标准(3.1版),同时参照IUCN红色名录等级与标准使用指南(10.1版)和IUCN物种红色名录标准地区水平应用指南(4.0版),对489种中国苦苣苔科植物的濒危状况进行了评估分析.评估结果表明,绝灭1种,野外绝灭1种,极危12种,濒危16种,易危45种,近危86种,数据缺乏54种.评估重点为特有种.207种特有种和其它6种苦苣苔科植物需重点关注及保护.展开更多
A comprehensive action plan for the conservation of the endangered species, the Nubian ibex in Sudan, can be developed by gaining a thorough understanding of their current status, conservation strategy, and relevant l...A comprehensive action plan for the conservation of the endangered species, the Nubian ibex in Sudan, can be developed by gaining a thorough understanding of their current status, conservation strategy, and relevant laws and regulations, as well as raising awareness about the importance of protecting endangered species. The Nubian ibex is listed as an endangered species on The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, highlighting the need for further research on population conservation efforts due to insufficient population data. To address this knowledge gap, a questionnaire was conducted with various stakeholders, including police officers, researchers, and lecturers, representing a diverse range of organizations and universities. The findings revealed that hunting is the primary factor contributing to endangerment. Mammals account for 80% of endangered species, while reptiles comprise less than one-tenth. Research centers are recognized as the main governing body, and 85% of participants are concerned about the declining population. Hunting accounted for less than half of the threats to the ibex population in Sudan, while habitat loss made up a quarter. Mining, climate change, human activity, and agriculture were also identified as risks. However, there were no plans, strategies, procedures, or measures in place to conserve the Nubian ibex. There were also no initiatives to preserve its biodiversity, and awareness about endangered species was lacking. Although participants believed that laws were effective in protecting the ibex, no licenses were issued for its conservation, and annual surveys were not conducted. Additionally, there were no recorded instances of Mukhalfat related to the Nubian ibex. In light of these findings, we propose various conservation measures to address these challenges. These measures include the implementation of laws and regulations, conducting annual surveys to monitor population trends, protecting habitats, establishing breeding and releasing programs, launc展开更多
啄木鸟科物种作为初级洞巢者与蛀干害虫控制者,对森林高度依赖,是森林生态系统重要的伞护种和环境指示物种。自20世纪以来,由于全球范围的栖息地丧失和片段化,啄木鸟科物种的森林生境急剧萎缩,威胁着该类群物种的生存和繁衍。为探究啄...啄木鸟科物种作为初级洞巢者与蛀干害虫控制者,对森林高度依赖,是森林生态系统重要的伞护种和环境指示物种。自20世纪以来,由于全球范围的栖息地丧失和片段化,啄木鸟科物种的森林生境急剧萎缩,威胁着该类群物种的生存和繁衍。为探究啄木鸟科动物濒危情况和研究现状,本研究利用世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录(IUCN Red List)和国际鸟盟(BirdLife International)在线数据库,检索并整理出1988年到2023年以下内容:(1)全球啄木鸟的物种数、濒危等级及其变化情况;(2)各大洲的啄木鸟物种数及其受威胁物种的比例;(3)啄木鸟的主要威胁因素;(4)通过Google学术搜索等方式检索并统计啄木鸟相关文章的研究内容。结果显示:(1)目前现存254种啄木鸟,33年间全球受威胁啄木鸟由7种增加至18种,受威胁物种数占当年已命名啄木鸟物种数的比例由3.4%上升至7.0%。(2)亚洲、南美洲和北美洲各分布了83种、93种和56种啄木鸟,受威胁物种占比分别为12.0%、6.4%、5.3%。非洲和欧洲分别分布了36种和11种啄木鸟,当前没有受威胁物种。(3)农业和生物资源利用以及放牧是啄木鸟的主要威胁因素。(4)共检索到研究啄木鸟的有关文章1024篇,研究覆盖了140种啄木鸟,其中,文章数最多的物种是红顶啄木鸟(Leuconotopicus borealis)(162篇)。研究主要集中在巢相关特征(129篇)、生境选择特征(122篇)、取食行为(112篇)、繁殖行为(99篇)和种群状况(66篇)等基础生态学内容。这些研究为啄木鸟生物学、生态学积累了一定的基础,但物种覆盖程度还远远不够。在生物多样性急剧丧失的大背景下,亟需开展更为广泛和深入的研究。本研究对全球啄木鸟的濒危格局与研究现状进行了全面的分析,以期为后续啄木鸟的研究与保护工作提供参考。展开更多
为了探明江苏宝华山宝华鹅耳枥[Carpinus oblongifolia(Hu) Hu et W. C. Cheng]种群现状,在其集中分布区域随机设置了6个样方,并对每个样方进行了实地调查;在此基础上,以树高(H)和胸径(DBH)为指标,对该区域宝华鹅耳枥种群的龄级结构进...为了探明江苏宝华山宝华鹅耳枥[Carpinus oblongifolia(Hu) Hu et W. C. Cheng]种群现状,在其集中分布区域随机设置了6个样方,并对每个样方进行了实地调查;在此基础上,以树高(H)和胸径(DBH)为指标,对该区域宝华鹅耳枥种群的龄级结构进行了分析,并对其所在群落的物种组成和结构特征进行了分析。结果表明:供试6个样方内共有宝华鹅耳枥44株,其种群径级结构呈正态分布,其中,Ⅲ级(2.5 cm≤DBH<7.5 cm)和Ⅳ级(7.5 cm≤DBH<15.0 cm)的株数明显高于其余径级,而Ⅰ级(H<33 cm, DBH<2.5 cm)和Ⅱ级(H≥33 cm, DBH<2.5 cm)的株数偏少。供试6个样方共有维管植物38科55属63种,部分样方缺少灌木层植物;乔木层中Ⅲ级及以上的植株有157株,包括宝华鹅耳枥37株、其他种类120株;宝华鹅耳枥的径级结构仅在1个样方中完整,而在其余5个样方中均呈现断级现象。从乔木层植物的重要值看,宝华鹅耳枥的重要值在多数样方中并不是第1位。综上所述,宝华鹅耳枥在群落中不占有优势地位,且其种群的径级结构不完整,尤以低龄级的幼苗和幼树数量较少,种群难以维持稳定发展。因此,建议采取就地保护辅以迁地保护的保护措施,并进一步探明其幼苗和幼树建成的影响因子,以便创造合适条件,增强宝华鹅耳枥种群的天然更新能力。展开更多
红色名录指数(Red List Index,RLI)是评估物种濒危状况变化趋势的最有效指标,已经被列为联合国千年发展目标的指标之一,在全球尺度的应用取得了很好的效果。本研究基于多来源的中国脊椎动物濒危等级评估数据,对兽类、鸟类、两栖类、爬...红色名录指数(Red List Index,RLI)是评估物种濒危状况变化趋势的最有效指标,已经被列为联合国千年发展目标的指标之一,在全球尺度的应用取得了很好的效果。本研究基于多来源的中国脊椎动物濒危等级评估数据,对兽类、鸟类、两栖类、爬行类和淡水鱼类的濒危状况变化趋势进行了评估。两栖类和爬行类由于在任意两个年度同时被评估的物种数量少,不符合计算RLI的条件,未进行指数计算。结果表明:1996–2008年,兽类的RLI下降;1998–2004年,淡水鱼类的RLI下降;1988–2012年,根据Equal-steps方法计算的鸟类RLI略有下降,但根据Extinction-risk方法计算的RLI先略有上升又呈下降趋势,总体呈下降趋势。总体看来,3个类群的RLI变化幅度均较小,兽类和淡水鱼类的受威胁程度在加剧;鸟类整体上受威胁程度虽在加剧,但部分高濒危物种的保护状况一定程度上得到改善。建议全面开展物种濒危状况评估工作,并根据濒危等级变化制定有效的保护计划。展开更多
The developmental activities, particularly the construction of hydroelectric projects are causing a great loss of biodiversity in the Indian Himalayan Region. The Himaehal Pradesh, a part of IHR is well known for the ...The developmental activities, particularly the construction of hydroelectric projects are causing a great loss of biodiversity in the Indian Himalayan Region. The Himaehal Pradesh, a part of IHR is well known for the development of hydroelectric projects. The Parbati H.E. Project is amongst the major projects of the State. The different stages of the project are all causing loss of biodiversity of the area. Stage Ⅲ of the Parbati H.E. Project is a run of the river scheme on the Sainj River downstream of Power House of Parbati H.E. Project Stage Ⅱ. The project shall utilize regulated discharge of Parbati H.E. Project Stage Ⅱ and inflow of River Sainj for power generation, and has been contemplated as a peaking station operating in tandem with Stage Ⅱ. The present study has been undertaken to see the impact of hydroelectric project on the biodiversity, particularly on medicinal plants. A total of 104 species of medicinal plants, belonging to different life forms, i.e., trees (23 spp.), shrubs (22 spp.), herbs (57 spp.) and ferns (2 spp.) were recorded. The species have been analyzed and studied for their distribution, classification, altitudinal zones, part (s) used, indigenous uses, nativity, endemism and rarity.Different parts of these species, such as whole plants, roots (including rhizomes and tubers), leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, stems, barks, spikes, nuts and insect galls are used by the inhabitants for curing various diseases and ailments. 3o species are native to the Himalayan region, 9 species native to the Himalayan region and adjacent countries also and 65 species are non-natives. 9 species are near endemics. Considering the whole Himalaya as a biogeographie unit (sensu lato), the near endemics are endemic to the Himalaya. Among these species, Zanthoxylum armature is categorized as Endangered and Valeriana wallichii as Vulnerable. Hedychium spicatum, Rhus javanica, Berberis lycium, Thalictrum foliolossum, Salvia lanata, Rubia cordifolia and Bergenia ligulata may be 展开更多
文摘根据世界自然保护联盟(International Union for Conservation of Nature,IUCN)物种红色名录濒危等级和标准(3.1版),同时参照IUCN红色名录等级与标准使用指南(10.1版)和IUCN物种红色名录标准地区水平应用指南(4.0版),对489种中国苦苣苔科植物的濒危状况进行了评估分析.评估结果表明,绝灭1种,野外绝灭1种,极危12种,濒危16种,易危45种,近危86种,数据缺乏54种.评估重点为特有种.207种特有种和其它6种苦苣苔科植物需重点关注及保护.
文摘A comprehensive action plan for the conservation of the endangered species, the Nubian ibex in Sudan, can be developed by gaining a thorough understanding of their current status, conservation strategy, and relevant laws and regulations, as well as raising awareness about the importance of protecting endangered species. The Nubian ibex is listed as an endangered species on The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, highlighting the need for further research on population conservation efforts due to insufficient population data. To address this knowledge gap, a questionnaire was conducted with various stakeholders, including police officers, researchers, and lecturers, representing a diverse range of organizations and universities. The findings revealed that hunting is the primary factor contributing to endangerment. Mammals account for 80% of endangered species, while reptiles comprise less than one-tenth. Research centers are recognized as the main governing body, and 85% of participants are concerned about the declining population. Hunting accounted for less than half of the threats to the ibex population in Sudan, while habitat loss made up a quarter. Mining, climate change, human activity, and agriculture were also identified as risks. However, there were no plans, strategies, procedures, or measures in place to conserve the Nubian ibex. There were also no initiatives to preserve its biodiversity, and awareness about endangered species was lacking. Although participants believed that laws were effective in protecting the ibex, no licenses were issued for its conservation, and annual surveys were not conducted. Additionally, there were no recorded instances of Mukhalfat related to the Nubian ibex. In light of these findings, we propose various conservation measures to address these challenges. These measures include the implementation of laws and regulations, conducting annual surveys to monitor population trends, protecting habitats, establishing breeding and releasing programs, launc
文摘啄木鸟科物种作为初级洞巢者与蛀干害虫控制者,对森林高度依赖,是森林生态系统重要的伞护种和环境指示物种。自20世纪以来,由于全球范围的栖息地丧失和片段化,啄木鸟科物种的森林生境急剧萎缩,威胁着该类群物种的生存和繁衍。为探究啄木鸟科动物濒危情况和研究现状,本研究利用世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录(IUCN Red List)和国际鸟盟(BirdLife International)在线数据库,检索并整理出1988年到2023年以下内容:(1)全球啄木鸟的物种数、濒危等级及其变化情况;(2)各大洲的啄木鸟物种数及其受威胁物种的比例;(3)啄木鸟的主要威胁因素;(4)通过Google学术搜索等方式检索并统计啄木鸟相关文章的研究内容。结果显示:(1)目前现存254种啄木鸟,33年间全球受威胁啄木鸟由7种增加至18种,受威胁物种数占当年已命名啄木鸟物种数的比例由3.4%上升至7.0%。(2)亚洲、南美洲和北美洲各分布了83种、93种和56种啄木鸟,受威胁物种占比分别为12.0%、6.4%、5.3%。非洲和欧洲分别分布了36种和11种啄木鸟,当前没有受威胁物种。(3)农业和生物资源利用以及放牧是啄木鸟的主要威胁因素。(4)共检索到研究啄木鸟的有关文章1024篇,研究覆盖了140种啄木鸟,其中,文章数最多的物种是红顶啄木鸟(Leuconotopicus borealis)(162篇)。研究主要集中在巢相关特征(129篇)、生境选择特征(122篇)、取食行为(112篇)、繁殖行为(99篇)和种群状况(66篇)等基础生态学内容。这些研究为啄木鸟生物学、生态学积累了一定的基础,但物种覆盖程度还远远不够。在生物多样性急剧丧失的大背景下,亟需开展更为广泛和深入的研究。本研究对全球啄木鸟的濒危格局与研究现状进行了全面的分析,以期为后续啄木鸟的研究与保护工作提供参考。
文摘为了探明江苏宝华山宝华鹅耳枥[Carpinus oblongifolia(Hu) Hu et W. C. Cheng]种群现状,在其集中分布区域随机设置了6个样方,并对每个样方进行了实地调查;在此基础上,以树高(H)和胸径(DBH)为指标,对该区域宝华鹅耳枥种群的龄级结构进行了分析,并对其所在群落的物种组成和结构特征进行了分析。结果表明:供试6个样方内共有宝华鹅耳枥44株,其种群径级结构呈正态分布,其中,Ⅲ级(2.5 cm≤DBH<7.5 cm)和Ⅳ级(7.5 cm≤DBH<15.0 cm)的株数明显高于其余径级,而Ⅰ级(H<33 cm, DBH<2.5 cm)和Ⅱ级(H≥33 cm, DBH<2.5 cm)的株数偏少。供试6个样方共有维管植物38科55属63种,部分样方缺少灌木层植物;乔木层中Ⅲ级及以上的植株有157株,包括宝华鹅耳枥37株、其他种类120株;宝华鹅耳枥的径级结构仅在1个样方中完整,而在其余5个样方中均呈现断级现象。从乔木层植物的重要值看,宝华鹅耳枥的重要值在多数样方中并不是第1位。综上所述,宝华鹅耳枥在群落中不占有优势地位,且其种群的径级结构不完整,尤以低龄级的幼苗和幼树数量较少,种群难以维持稳定发展。因此,建议采取就地保护辅以迁地保护的保护措施,并进一步探明其幼苗和幼树建成的影响因子,以便创造合适条件,增强宝华鹅耳枥种群的天然更新能力。
文摘红色名录指数(Red List Index,RLI)是评估物种濒危状况变化趋势的最有效指标,已经被列为联合国千年发展目标的指标之一,在全球尺度的应用取得了很好的效果。本研究基于多来源的中国脊椎动物濒危等级评估数据,对兽类、鸟类、两栖类、爬行类和淡水鱼类的濒危状况变化趋势进行了评估。两栖类和爬行类由于在任意两个年度同时被评估的物种数量少,不符合计算RLI的条件,未进行指数计算。结果表明:1996–2008年,兽类的RLI下降;1998–2004年,淡水鱼类的RLI下降;1988–2012年,根据Equal-steps方法计算的鸟类RLI略有下降,但根据Extinction-risk方法计算的RLI先略有上升又呈下降趋势,总体呈下降趋势。总体看来,3个类群的RLI变化幅度均较小,兽类和淡水鱼类的受威胁程度在加剧;鸟类整体上受威胁程度虽在加剧,但部分高濒危物种的保护状况一定程度上得到改善。建议全面开展物种濒危状况评估工作,并根据濒危等级变化制定有效的保护计划。
文摘The developmental activities, particularly the construction of hydroelectric projects are causing a great loss of biodiversity in the Indian Himalayan Region. The Himaehal Pradesh, a part of IHR is well known for the development of hydroelectric projects. The Parbati H.E. Project is amongst the major projects of the State. The different stages of the project are all causing loss of biodiversity of the area. Stage Ⅲ of the Parbati H.E. Project is a run of the river scheme on the Sainj River downstream of Power House of Parbati H.E. Project Stage Ⅱ. The project shall utilize regulated discharge of Parbati H.E. Project Stage Ⅱ and inflow of River Sainj for power generation, and has been contemplated as a peaking station operating in tandem with Stage Ⅱ. The present study has been undertaken to see the impact of hydroelectric project on the biodiversity, particularly on medicinal plants. A total of 104 species of medicinal plants, belonging to different life forms, i.e., trees (23 spp.), shrubs (22 spp.), herbs (57 spp.) and ferns (2 spp.) were recorded. The species have been analyzed and studied for their distribution, classification, altitudinal zones, part (s) used, indigenous uses, nativity, endemism and rarity.Different parts of these species, such as whole plants, roots (including rhizomes and tubers), leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, stems, barks, spikes, nuts and insect galls are used by the inhabitants for curing various diseases and ailments. 3o species are native to the Himalayan region, 9 species native to the Himalayan region and adjacent countries also and 65 species are non-natives. 9 species are near endemics. Considering the whole Himalaya as a biogeographie unit (sensu lato), the near endemics are endemic to the Himalaya. Among these species, Zanthoxylum armature is categorized as Endangered and Valeriana wallichii as Vulnerable. Hedychium spicatum, Rhus javanica, Berberis lycium, Thalictrum foliolossum, Salvia lanata, Rubia cordifolia and Bergenia ligulata may be