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苏里格气田辫状河沉积相研究及其在地质建模中的应用 被引量:33
作者 陈凤喜 卢涛 +2 位作者 达世攀 徐小蓉 唐乐平 《石油地质与工程》 CAS 2008年第2期21-24,共4页
根据岩心、测井、地震等资料,在单砂层划分对比的基础上,对苏里格气田主要目的层段盒8-山1沉积砂体进行分析,认为研究区主要是沼泽背景下的辫状河沉积体系。分析认为,辫状河沉积可划分为河道沉积和岸外沉积两个亚相,其中河道沉积亚相可... 根据岩心、测井、地震等资料,在单砂层划分对比的基础上,对苏里格气田主要目的层段盒8-山1沉积砂体进行分析,认为研究区主要是沼泽背景下的辫状河沉积体系。分析认为,辫状河沉积可划分为河道沉积和岸外沉积两个亚相,其中河道沉积亚相可细分为心滩、河道冲填和废弃河道微相,岸外沉积可细分为堤岸沉积、溢岸洼地砂等微相。在此基础上,对沉积微相与有效储层的关系进行了分析,并将研究结果成功地应用到储层地质建模中。 展开更多
关键词 苏里格气田 沉积体系 沉积相 有效储层 地质模型
页岩气有效储层三维地质建模——以威远地区威202H2平台区为例 被引量:15
作者 马成龙 张新新 李少龙 《断块油气田》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第4期495-499,共5页
国内页岩气资源开发正处于起步发展阶段,实际开发中缺少有效的技术指导,尤其是三维地质建模技术方面。在综合钻测井、地震及分析测试资料的基础上,提出了一套页岩气有效储层三维地质建模技术。通过井震约束,建立有效储层段的构造模型,以... 国内页岩气资源开发正处于起步发展阶段,实际开发中缺少有效的技术指导,尤其是三维地质建模技术方面。在综合钻测井、地震及分析测试资料的基础上,提出了一套页岩气有效储层三维地质建模技术。通过井震约束,建立有效储层段的构造模型,以GR(自然伽马测井值)、TOC(总有机碳质量分数)、Si质量分数、Ca质量分数与沉积微相的对应关系构建沉积小层相的划分标准;应用序贯指示和序贯高斯模拟方法分别建立起相模型和各重要参数的属性模型;最后通过单位体积含气量累计求和的方法计算页岩气藏地质储量。实例应用表明,构建的三维地质模型有效刻画出了有效储层空间的非均质性变化特征,并指出了各属性参数对应的有利分布区域。该类页岩气藏模型的构建方法和实际应用,对类似气藏的开发部署具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 页岩气 有效储层 三维建模 相模型 储量计算
有效邻域波场近似框架下三维起伏地表高斯束地震正演模拟 被引量:8
作者 黄建平 杨继东 +2 位作者 李振春 李继光 赵胜天 《石油地球物理勘探》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期896-904,804,共9页
在传统高斯束正演模拟的基础上,针对三维起伏地表模型使用有效邻域波场近似导出了三维起伏地表高斯束正演公式,并给出了笛卡尔坐标系下相应的实现算法。对典型的三维起伏地表模型进行试算,结果表明:本文方法可以较好地刻画由起伏地表引... 在传统高斯束正演模拟的基础上,针对三维起伏地表模型使用有效邻域波场近似导出了三维起伏地表高斯束正演公式,并给出了笛卡尔坐标系下相应的实现算法。对典型的三维起伏地表模型进行试算,结果表明:本文方法可以较好地刻画由起伏地表引起的波场畸变和由复杂构造引起的同相轴干涉现象,充分体现了高斯束在处理起伏地表条件的优越性;试算得到的射线路径及单炮记录证实了本方法的正确性以及对三维复杂地表模型较好的适应性。 展开更多
关键词 有效邻域 波场近似 三维起伏地表 高斯束 正演模拟
基于有效应力影响的岩石物理建模研究 被引量:1
作者 王腾飞 《石化技术》 CAS 2024年第4期213-215,共3页
研究工区W区块位于四川盆地南部,目标储层埋藏较深,普遍大于3500m,自北向南深度逐渐增加,地层压力系数较高。从有效应力与孔隙纵横比的关系出发,结合测井资料、实验数据等进行岩石物理建模,最后通过建立的岩石物理模型进行速度预测,预... 研究工区W区块位于四川盆地南部,目标储层埋藏较深,普遍大于3500m,自北向南深度逐渐增加,地层压力系数较高。从有效应力与孔隙纵横比的关系出发,结合测井资料、实验数据等进行岩石物理建模,最后通过建立的岩石物理模型进行速度预测,预测结果与实际测井资料吻合较好,验证了模型的有效性和准确性。 展开更多
关键词 地层压力 有效应力 岩石物理建模 速度预测
装备体系可靠性概念、建模与预计方法研究 被引量:1
作者 陈志伟 张罗庚 +4 位作者 方晓彤 袁远 崔巍巍 兑红炎 洪东跑 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期1975-1985,共11页
武器装备体系执行任务复杂多样,其可靠性直接影响装备战备完好性与效能。传统可靠性建模与预计方法未充分考虑装备体系组成系统之间的资源共享与信息融合特征,难以满足现代化装备体系化和集群化需求。因此,分析给出装备体系可靠性相关概... 武器装备体系执行任务复杂多样,其可靠性直接影响装备战备完好性与效能。传统可靠性建模与预计方法未充分考虑装备体系组成系统之间的资源共享与信息融合特征,难以满足现代化装备体系化和集群化需求。因此,分析给出装备体系可靠性相关概念,并提出了一种基于广义有效OODA(observation,orientation,decision,action)环的装备体系可靠性建模与预计方法。首先,对装备系统与体系可靠性相关概念进行辨析,分析装备体系可靠性、维修性、测试性、保障性和安全性概念内涵。其次,考虑装备体系节点异质性与连边有向性,建立资源与信息共享条件下的装备体系OODA网络模型。然后,考虑装备体系节点与通信链路的随机、蓄意攻击失效和重构策略,提出基于广义OODA环的装备体系可靠性建模与预计方法。最后,以100个无人机组成的无人装备体系为对象验证所提方法的有效性与实用性,进而提升其作战效能。 展开更多
关键词 装备体系 有效OODA环 OODA网络模型 可靠性建模 可靠性预计
高中化学元素化合物教学策略的实践研究 被引量:5
作者 江合佩 张仁波 《福建教育学院学报》 2013年第2期44-46,共3页
针对元素化合物实际教学过程中出现的问题,提出通过创设真实的问题情境,以问题导学教学模式组织教学;设置合理的教学目标,控制教学深广度;同时运用概念图思想帮助学生自主构建元素化合物知识网络;帮助学生进行有效建模,提高思维的品质,... 针对元素化合物实际教学过程中出现的问题,提出通过创设真实的问题情境,以问题导学教学模式组织教学;设置合理的教学目标,控制教学深广度;同时运用概念图思想帮助学生自主构建元素化合物知识网络;帮助学生进行有效建模,提高思维的品质,进而使零散的知识系统化、条理化、结构化、网络化的教学策略。 展开更多
关键词 问题情境 控制难度 概念图 有效建模 教学策略
Gas hydrate saturation from NGHP 02 LWD data in the Mahanadi Basin
作者 Uma Shankar Pradeep Kumar Yadav +1 位作者 Sneha Devi Udham Singh Yadav 《Energy Geoscience》 EI 2024年第2期279-289,共11页
During the Indian National Gas Hydrate Program(NGHP)Expedition 02,Logging-while-drilling(LWD)logs were acquired at three sites(NGHP-02-11,NGHP-02-12,and NGHP-02-13)across the Mahanadi Basin in area A.We applied rock p... During the Indian National Gas Hydrate Program(NGHP)Expedition 02,Logging-while-drilling(LWD)logs were acquired at three sites(NGHP-02-11,NGHP-02-12,and NGHP-02-13)across the Mahanadi Basin in area A.We applied rock physics theory to available sonic velocity logs to know the distribution of gas hydrate at site NGHP-02-11 and NGHP-02-13.Rock physics modeling using sonic velocity at well location shows that gas hydrate is distributed mainly within the depth intervals of 150-265 m and 100 -215 mbsf at site NGHP-02-11 and NGHP-02-13,respectively,with an average saturation of about 4%of the pore space and the maximum concentration of about 40%of the pore space at 250 m depth at site NGHP-02-11,and at site NGHP-02-13 an average saturation of about 2%of the pore space and the maximum concentration of about 20%of the pore space at 246 m depth,as gas hydrate is distributed mainly within 100-246 mbsf at this site.Saturation of gas hydrate estimated from the electrical resistivity method using density derived porosity and electrical resistivity logs from Archie's empirical formula shows high saturation compared to that from the sonic log.However,estimates of hydrate saturation based on sonic P-wave velocity may differ significantly from that based on resistivity,because gas and hydrate have higher resistivity than conductive pore fluid and sonic P-wave velocity shows strong effect on gas hydrate as a small amount of gas reduces the velocity significantly while increasing velocity due to the presence of hydrate.At site NGHP-02-11,gas hydrate saturation is in the range of 15%e30%,in two zones between 150-180 and 245-265 mbsf.Site NGHP-02-012 shows a gas hydrate saturation of 20%e30%in the zone between 100 and 207 mbsf.Site NGHP-02-13 shows a gas hydrate saturation up to 30%in the zone between 215 and 246 mbsf.Combined observations from rock physics modeling and Archie’s approximation show the gas hydrate concentrations are relatively low(<4%of the pore space)at the sites of the Mahanadi Basin in the turbidite channel system 展开更多
关键词 Mahanadi Basin Gas hydrate Sonic log effective medium modeling Electrical resistivity log Archie’s analysis Gas hydrate saturation
Prediction and quantification of effective gas source rocks in a lacustrine basin:Western Depression in the Liaohe Subbasin,China
作者 Si-Bo Yang Mei-Jun Li +3 位作者 Hong Xiao Fang-Zheng Wang Guo-Gang Cai Shuang-Quan Huang 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期2218-2239,共22页
Due to limited data on the geochemical properties of natural gas,estimations are needed for the effective gas source rock in evaluating gas potential.However,the pronounced heterogeneity of mudstones in lacustrine suc... Due to limited data on the geochemical properties of natural gas,estimations are needed for the effective gas source rock in evaluating gas potential.However,the pronounced heterogeneity of mudstones in lacustrine successions complicates the prediction of the presence and geochemical characteristics of gas source rocks.In this paper,the Liaohe Subbasin of Northeast China is used as an example to construct a practical methodology for locating effective gas source rocks in typical lacustrine basins.Three types of gas source rocks,microbial,oil-type,and coal-type,were distinguished according to the different genetic types of their natural gas.A practical three-dimensional geological model was developed,refined,and applied to determine the spatial distribution of the mudstones in the Western Depression of the Liaohe Subbasin and to describe the geochemical characteristics(the abundance,type,and maturation levels of the organic matter).Application of the model in the subbasin indicates that the sedimentary facies have led to heterogeneity in the mudstones,particularly with respect to organic matter types.The effective gas source rock model constructed for the Western Depression shows that the upper sequence(SQ2)of the Fourth member(Mbr 4)of the Eocene Shahejie Formation(Fm)and the lower and middle sequences(SQ3 and SQ4)of the Third member(Mbr 3)form the principal gas-generating interval.The total volume of effective gas source rocks is estimated to be 586 km^(3).The effective microbial,oil-type,and coal-type gas source rocks are primarily found in the shallow western slope,the central sags,and the eastern slope of the Western Depression,respectively.This study provides a practical approach for more accurately identifying the occurrence and geochemical characteristics of effective natural gas source rocks,enabling a precise quantitative estimation of natural gas reserves. 展开更多
关键词 effective gas source rock 3D geological modeling Spatial distribution Geochemical characteristics Lacustrine rift basin
Modeling of Circuits within Networks by fMRI
作者 G. de Marco A. le Pellec 《Wireless Sensor Network》 2010年第3期208-217,共10页
In this review, the authors describe the most recent functional imaging approaches used to explore and identify circuits within networks and model spatially and anatomically interconnected regions. After defining the ... In this review, the authors describe the most recent functional imaging approaches used to explore and identify circuits within networks and model spatially and anatomically interconnected regions. After defining the concept of functional and effective connectivity, the authors describe various methods of identification and modeling of circuits within networks. The description of specific circuits in networks should allow a more realistic definition of dynamic functioning of the central nervous system which underlies various brain functions. 展开更多
关键词 FMRI CNS modeling Network effective CONNECTIVITY
Modeling and Simulation of Two-Staged Separation Process for an Onshore Early Production Facility
作者 Ojo Ademola J. G. Akpa K. K. Dagde 《Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science》 2019年第2期127-142,共16页
Early Production Facilities are makeshift process deployment that ensures that marginal oilfield operators make revenues from their new discoveries with little cash outlay and limited investment risks. Authors have in... Early Production Facilities are makeshift process deployment that ensures that marginal oilfield operators make revenues from their new discoveries with little cash outlay and limited investment risks. Authors have in past simulated a gas process facility using Hysys without particularly developing mathematical models for the key equipment. There also has been modeling of phase separation dynamics and process simulation but still without models for equipment. We basically developed models for the critical process equipment for early production, sized the equipment with data from a marginal field in the Niger delta region of Nigeria and then ran a dynamic simulation with the sized equipment. The important elements of the deployment are two-phase process vessel, 3-phase process vessel;knock-out drum, produced water treatment unit. Mathematical models were developed and adapted with Mathlab for the equipment sizing whilst ASPEN PLUS was used for simulating the process. Process data retrieved from a marginal field in Nigeria was used as input to quantify the equipment models. Sized equipment was deployed in Hysys V8.8 for a steady and dynamic state. The system simulation was comprised of a two-phase process vessel followed by a 3-phase process vessel [1]. The unwanted gas was sent to knock out drum for removal of entrained liquid droplets before flaring (this was because the volume of gas processed is deemed uneconomical) and produced water to treatment unit for removing droplets of oil before disposal. Gas, oil and water were fed into the first stage separator (2-phase) at 132918.34 Ibmole/hr, 7622.95 Ibmole/hr and 1082.74 Ibmole/hr respectively. The operating pressures of the first and second vessels were at 850 psi and 150 psi respectively. The 2-phase vessel flashed off 96.7% of the gas and increased the liquid recovery by 3.3%. At the end of the second stage separation, oil yield increased by 270 Ibmole/hr, the gas increased by 110.15 Ibmole/hr whilst water reduced by 379 Ibmole/hr. This result confirmed that th 展开更多
关键词 modeling and Simulation 2-Phase PROCESS VESSEL 3-Phase PROCESS VESSEL effective LENGTH Seam-Seam LENGTH SLENDERNESS Ratio
Landscape Genetics of Plants: Challenges and Opportunities 被引量:1
作者 Mitchell B.Cruzan Elizabeth C.Hendrickson 《Plant Communications》 2020年第6期43-57,共15页
Dispersal is one of the most important but least understood processes in plant ecology and evolutionary biology.Dispersal of seeds maintains and establishes populations,and pollen and seed dispersal are responsible fo... Dispersal is one of the most important but least understood processes in plant ecology and evolutionary biology.Dispersal of seeds maintains and establishes populations,and pollen and seed dispersal are responsible for gene flow within and among populations.Traditional views of dispersal and gene flow assume models that are governed solely by geographic distance and do not account for variation in dispersal vector behavior in response to heterogenous landscapes.Landscape genetics integrates population genetics with Geographic Information Systems(GIS)to evaluate the effects of landscape features on gene flow patterns(effective dispersal).Surprisingly,relatively few landscape genetic studies have been conducted on plants.Plants present advantages because their populations are stationary,allowing more reliable estimates of the effects of landscape features on effective dispersal rates.On the other hand,plant dispersal is intrinsically complex because it depends on the habitat preferences of the plant and its pollen and seed dispersal vectors.We discuss strategies to assess the separate contributions of pollen and seed movement to effective dispersal and to delineate the effects of plant habitat quality from those of landscape features that affect vector behavior.Preliminary analyses of seed dispersal for three species indicate that isolation by landscape resistance is a better predictor of the rates and patterns of dispersal than geographic distance.Rates of effective dispersal are lower in areas of high plant habitat quality,which may be due to the effects of the shape of the dispersal kernel or to movement behaviors of biotic vectors.Landscape genetic studies in plants have the potential to provide novel insights into the process of gene flow among populations and to improve our understanding of the behavior of biotic and abiotic dispersal vectors in response to heterogeneous landscapes. 展开更多
关键词 effective dispersal CPDNA ResistanceGA Circuitscape geographic information systems(GIS) ecological niche modeling(ENM)
Thermal conductivity modeling of water containing metal oxide nanoparticles 被引量:1
作者 Ahmad Azari 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期1141-1145,共5页
The nano particles have demonstrated great potential to improve the heat transfer characteristics of heat transfer fluids.Possible parameters responsible for this increase were studied. The heat transfer profile in th... The nano particles have demonstrated great potential to improve the heat transfer characteristics of heat transfer fluids.Possible parameters responsible for this increase were studied. The heat transfer profile in the nanolayer region was combined with other parameters such as volume fraction, particle radius thermal conductivity of the fluid, particle and nanolayer, to formulate a thermal conductivity model. Results predicting the thermal conductivity of nanofluids using the model were compared with experimental results as well as studies by other researchers. The comparison of the results obtained for the Cu O/water and Ti O2/water nanofluids studied shows that the correlation proposed is in closest proximity in predicting the experimental results for the thermal conductivity of a nanofluid. Also, a parametric study was performed to understand how a number of factors affect the thermal conductivity of nanofluids using the developed correlation. 展开更多
关键词 nanofluid effective thermal conductivity nanoparticle nanolayer modeling
Integration system research and development for three-dimensional laser scanning information visualization in goaf 被引量:1
作者 罗周全 黄俊杰 +2 位作者 罗贞焱 汪伟 秦亚光 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第7期1985-1994,共10页
An integration processing system of three-dimensional laser scanning information visualization in goaf was developed. It is provided with multiple functions, such as laser scanning information management for goaf, clo... An integration processing system of three-dimensional laser scanning information visualization in goaf was developed. It is provided with multiple functions, such as laser scanning information management for goaf, cloud data de-noising optimization, construction, display and operation of three-dimensional model, model editing, profile generation, calculation of goaf volume and roof area, Boolean calculation among models and interaction with the third party soft ware. Concerning this system with a concise interface, plentiful data input/output interfaces, it is featured with high integration, simple and convenient operations of applications. According to practice, in addition to being well-adapted, this system is favorably reliable and stable. 展开更多
关键词 GOAF laser scanning visualization integration system 1 Introduction The goaf formed through underground mining of mineral resources is one of the main disaster sources threatening mine safety production [1 2]. effective implementation of goaf detection and accurate acquisition of its spatial characteristics including the three-dimensional morphology the spatial position as well as the actual boundary and volume are important basis to analyze predict and control disasters caused by goaf. In recent years three-dimensional laser scanning technology has been effectively applied in goaf detection [3 4]. Large quantities of point cloud data that are acquired for goaf by means of the three-dimensional laser scanning system are processed relying on relevant engineering software to generate a three-dimensional model for goaf. Then a general modeling analysis and processing instrument are introduced to perform subsequent three-dimensional analysis and calculation [5 6]. Moreover related development is also carried out in fields such as three-dimensional detection and visualization of hazardous goaf detection and analysis of unstable failures in goaf extraction boundary acquisition in stope visualized computation of damage index aided design for pillar recovery and three-dimensional detection
学习“非饱和土微观结构与粒间吸力的研究进展” 被引量:1
作者 蒙理明 张风 《建材世界》 2020年第4期103-106,共4页
学习“非饱和土微观结构与粒间吸力的研究进展”,加深了对吸力、有效应力、土的微观结构及其模型的认识。吸力有两类。非饱和土有五相。应该用绝对压强论述土力学。土力学研究可以分为两个层次。对于动力机制,应该引入群的概念。赞成将... 学习“非饱和土微观结构与粒间吸力的研究进展”,加深了对吸力、有效应力、土的微观结构及其模型的认识。吸力有两类。非饱和土有五相。应该用绝对压强论述土力学。土力学研究可以分为两个层次。对于动力机制,应该引入群的概念。赞成将湿土体微结构搞清楚,准确地建模。 展开更多
关键词 吸力 有效应力 湿土体微结构 绝对压强 建模
Electrocaloric effect in ferroelectric materials:From phase field to first-principles based effective Hamiltonian modeling 被引量:1
作者 Jingtong Zhang Xu Hou +2 位作者 Yajun Zhang Gang Tang Jie Wang 《Materials Reports(Energy)》 2021年第3期34-63,共30页
Electrocaloric effect(ECE)of ferroelectrics has attracted considerable interest due to its potential application in environmentally friendly solid-state refrigeration.The discovery of giant ECE in ferroelectric thin f... Electrocaloric effect(ECE)of ferroelectrics has attracted considerable interest due to its potential application in environmentally friendly solid-state refrigeration.The discovery of giant ECE in ferroelectric thin films has greatly renewed the research activities and significantly stimulated experimental and theoretical investigations.In this review,the recent progress on the theoretical modeling of ECE in ferroelectric and antiferroelectric materials are introduced,which mainly focuses on the phase field modeling and first-principles based effective Hamiltonian method.We firstly provide the theoretical foundation and technique details for each method.Then a comprehensive review on the progress in the application of two methods and the strategies to tune the ECE are presented.Finally,we outline the practical procedure on the development of multi-scale computational method without experiemtal parameters for the screening of optimized electrocaloric materials. 展开更多
关键词 Electrocaloric effect Ferroelectric materials Phase field simulation Machine learning models First-principles based effective HAMILTONIAN modeling
A review on different theoretical models of electrocaloric effect for refrigeration
作者 Cancan SHAO A.A.AMIROV Houbing HUANG 《Frontiers in Energy》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第4期478-503,共26页
The performance parameters for characterizing the electrocaloric effect are isothermal entropy change and the adiabatic temperature change,respectively.This paper reviews the electrocaloric effect of ferroelectric mat... The performance parameters for characterizing the electrocaloric effect are isothermal entropy change and the adiabatic temperature change,respectively.This paper reviews the electrocaloric effect of ferroelectric materials based on different theoretical models.First,it provides four different calculation scales(the first-principle-based effective Hamiltonian,the Landau-Devonshire thermodynamic theory,phase-field simulation,and finite element analysis)to explain the basic theory of calculating the electrocaloric effect.Then,it comprehensively reviews the recent progress of these methods in regulating the electrocaloric effect and the generation mechanism of the electrocaloric effect.Finally,it summarizes and anticipates the exploration of more novel electrocaloric materials based on the framework constructed by the different computational methods. 展开更多
关键词 electrocaloric effect effective Hamiltonian phase-field modeling different theoretical models
A modified gas flow model in the near wellbore region below dew point pressure
作者 Abed Inan Chowdhury Md Mostafijul Karim 《Petroleum》 CSCD 2021年第3期294-302,共9页
When pressure in gas reservoirs fall below the dew point,condensate banking occurs around the wellbore which alters the fluid flow behavior.The state of the knowledge on this flow behavior is yet not fully-developed;w... When pressure in gas reservoirs fall below the dew point,condensate banking occurs around the wellbore which alters the fluid flow behavior.The state of the knowledge on this flow behavior is yet not fully-developed;which leads to severe problems in field.In this study,the Al-Hussainy,Ramey,and Crawford Solution Technique has been modified to accurately resemble the real gas flow behavior for this condition.First,a primary investigation was conducted to observe the severity of the problem in three condensate banked reservoirs.Then this study involved Constant Composition Expansion tests for determining the dew point,Prode Properties software for modeling the reservoir fluid properties,Flowing Material Balance(or Dynamic P/Z Material Balance)for identifying the pressure distribution of the selected reservoirs.The real field data along with the determined(analytical,computational,and experimental)data were incorporated to check the validity of the models.The modification proposes a Dimensionless Correction Factor(CD)for any condensate banked reservoir and identifies parameters such as the Perforation Factor(Pf)and Heterogeneity Factor(n).It is found that the Modified Al-Hussainy,Ramey,and Crawford Solution Technique successfully models the actual flow characteristics of the stated condition. 展开更多
关键词 Condensate banking effective permeability Gas flow modeling Model fitting
作者 卢冀 陈皓辉 李万玉 《火控雷达技术》 2022年第4期125-129,共5页
雷达数字化设计与仿真根据雷达功能及雷达使用环境构建雷达、目标、杂波、电子战等数字模型,仿真模型间的信息传递获取雷达性能及环境的参数变化,可完成不同环境下对雷达性能的评估,但需要解决如何利用仿真中参数获取雷达性能的技术问... 雷达数字化设计与仿真根据雷达功能及雷达使用环境构建雷达、目标、杂波、电子战等数字模型,仿真模型间的信息传递获取雷达性能及环境的参数变化,可完成不同环境下对雷达性能的评估,但需要解决如何利用仿真中参数获取雷达性能的技术问题。为此,针对数字化雷达性能评估中雷达功能及其使用环境的参数获取和使用问题,提出了一种面向雷达数字化设计与仿真的雷达性能评估方法,通过从数字模型获取环境和雷达参数,完成了雷达在不同环境下的性能评估。最后通过具体实现验证了雷达性能评估方法的有效性和可用性。 展开更多
关键词 雷达数字化 雷达仿真 雷达评估 效能评估 建模与仿真
作者 姜力孚 郑维敏 +3 位作者 陈剑 刘国健 张秀和 王振圻 《生物数学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1995年第4期44-50,共7页
关键词 作物育种 有效因子 建模
A Mixed Wavelet-Learning Method of Predicting Macroscopic Effective Heat Transfer Conductivities of Braided Composite Materials
作者 Hao Dong Wenbo Kou +3 位作者 Junyan Han Jiale Linghu Minqiang Zou Junzhi Cui 《Communications in Computational Physics》 SCIE 2022年第2期593-625,共33页
In this paper,a novel mixed wavelet-learning method is developed for predicting macroscopic effective heat transfer conductivities of braided composite materials with heterogeneous thermal conductivity.This innovative... In this paper,a novel mixed wavelet-learning method is developed for predicting macroscopic effective heat transfer conductivities of braided composite materials with heterogeneous thermal conductivity.This innovative methodology integrates respective superiorities of multi-scale modeling,wavelet transform and neural networks together.By the aid of asymptotic homogenization method(AHM),off-line multi-scalemodeling is accomplished for establishing thematerial databasewith highdimensional and highly-complexmappings.Themulti-scalematerial database and the wavelet-learning strategy ease the on-line training of neural networks,and enable us to efficiently build relatively simple networks that have an essentially increasing capacity and resisting noise for approximating the high-complexity mappings.Moreover,it should be emphasized that the wavelet-learning strategy can not only extract essential data characteristics from the material database,but also achieve a tremendous reduction in input data of neural networks.The numerical experiments performed using multiple 3D braided composite models verify the excellent performance of the presentedmixed approach.The numerical results demonstrate that themixedwaveletlearningmethodology is a robustmethod for computing themacroscopic effective heat transfer conductivities with distinct heterogeneity patterns.The presentedmethod can enormously decrease the computational time,and can be further expanded into estimating macroscopic effective mechanical properties of braided composites. 展开更多
关键词 Braided composite materials macroscopic effective heat transfer conductivities multi-scale modeling neural networks wavelet transform
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