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全球季风动力学与气候变化 被引量:27
作者 安芷生 吴国雄 +14 位作者 李建平 孙有斌 刘屹岷 周卫健 蔡演军 段安民 李力 毛江玉 程海 石正国 谭亮成 晏宏 敖红 常宏 冯娟 《地球环境学报》 2015年第6期341-381,共41页
本文结合现代季风和古季风研究成果对全球季风进行了一个全面回顾,并引入了一个全球季风的新定义,该定义考虑了三维分布、终极成因,强调了季节性气压梯度变化对季风环流的影响,并同时使用了环流与降水来描述季风强度。我们在从构造到季... 本文结合现代季风和古季风研究成果对全球季风进行了一个全面回顾,并引入了一个全球季风的新定义,该定义考虑了三维分布、终极成因,强调了季节性气压梯度变化对季风环流的影响,并同时使用了环流与降水来描述季风强度。我们在从构造到季节内的宽广时间尺度上来考察全球季风气候变化。全球季风的性质包括全球不均一性、区域差异性、季节性、准周期性、不规则性、不稳定性和穿时性。对全球季风动力学来说,太阳辐射、地球轨道参数、下垫面性质和海-陆-气相互作用十分重要。本文还讨论了季风变率在不同时间尺度上的主要驱动因子以及多时间尺度之间的动力学关系。自然过程与人类活动影响对我们理解未来全球季风行为都非常重要。 展开更多
关键词 全球季风 季风动力学 气候变化 多时间尺度 古季风 青藏高原 亚洲季风 季风变率 季风性质 海-陆-气相互作用 太阳辐射 下垫面性质 季风定义
亚洲夏季风动力学研究综述 被引量:11
作者 刘伯奇 何金海 《热带气象学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期869-880,共12页
亚洲夏季风按照气候带可以分为东亚副热带夏季风和亚洲热带夏季风。就气候平均而言,东亚副热带夏季风于4月初在我国江南(泛称"华南")地区建立,而亚洲热带夏季风首先于5月初在孟加拉湾东北部建立,之后向东推进,于5月第4候到达南海,... 亚洲夏季风按照气候带可以分为东亚副热带夏季风和亚洲热带夏季风。就气候平均而言,东亚副热带夏季风于4月初在我国江南(泛称"华南")地区建立,而亚洲热带夏季风首先于5月初在孟加拉湾东北部建立,之后向东推进,于5月第4候到达南海,然而夏季风无法直接西传至印度地区,因此印度夏季风的爆发表现为热带对流在阿拉伯海上空自赤道向北逐步推进的特征。东亚副热带夏季风与亚洲热带夏季风的爆发机制和时空变率都存在明显差异。亚洲夏季风的建立与青藏高原的动力和热力强迫作用联系紧密,其中东亚副热带夏季风的建立又与东亚大陆-西北太平洋的纬向海陆热力差异的季节转换紧密联系,而亚洲热带夏季风的爆发则与亚洲南部地区对流层中上部经向温度梯度的季节变化有关。同时,亚洲热带夏季风的建立过程还与亚洲南部高、低空环流的垂直耦合密切相关。就季节内变化而言,东亚副热带夏季风在4月份表现出10~20天季节内振荡,这与青藏高原表面感热的季节内变化有关,而盛夏的东亚副热带夏季风则存在准双周和21~30天两种振荡信号。亚洲热带夏季风的季节内振荡包含30~60天的北传信号和10~20天的西传信号,其中北传信号与环境气流的垂直切变、边界层辐合以及暖SST下垫面有关。亚洲夏季风年际变率的主要外强迫是ENSO事件,同时印度洋和大西洋海温异常、南极海冰以及青藏高原的冬、春季积雪和感热异常也影响着亚洲夏季风的年际变率。而亚洲夏季风的年代际变化既与气候系统的自然变率有关,又受热带海温强迫、人为排放气溶胶浓度和青藏高原表面热状况长期变化影响。 展开更多
关键词 季风动力学 亚洲夏季风爆发 季节内变率 年际变率 年代际变率
帽儿山红松人工林鞘翅目成虫群落小尺度空间异质性变化特征 被引量:11
作者 朱纪元 李景科 +2 位作者 高梅香 胡媛媛 张雪萍 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期1975-1986,共12页
空间异质性是群落空间格局形成的基础,也是物种共存的重要前提。基于地统计空间分析方法,研究20 m×20 m空间尺度上帽儿山红松人工林鞘翅目成虫群落及物种的空间自相关性及异质性分布格局。结果显示:5次调查共捕获鞘翅目成虫10科、4... 空间异质性是群落空间格局形成的基础,也是物种共存的重要前提。基于地统计空间分析方法,研究20 m×20 m空间尺度上帽儿山红松人工林鞘翅目成虫群落及物种的空间自相关性及异质性分布格局。结果显示:5次调查共捕获鞘翅目成虫10科、42种、2721只个体,群落组成具有中等或较强的空间变异性和明显的时间变异性;Moran's I系数表明群落及部分物种具有显著的空间自相关性,各调查月份接近甚至超过一半的物种不存在空间自相关性;群落及部分物种表现为异质性特征并在特定空间尺度内形成集群,且这种空间分异多由结构性因素或结构性因素和随机性因素共同调控;物种之间表现为具有复杂正的或负的空间作用关系,这种空间关联性的形成主要是结构性因素或随机性因素单一调控的结果,但简单Mantel检验并未发现物种之间存在显著的空间关联性;群落的空间格局梯度分布特征较明显,随着季节的变化(夏天到秋天)聚集物种数量的斑块复杂程度降低。本文旨在揭示鞘翅目成虫空间异质性的变化特征,为鞘翅目成虫群落物种构建机制研究奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 鞘翅目成虫 空间异质性 空间关联性 动态变化 小尺度 红松人工林 帽儿山
气候变化背景下青藏高原核心区植被变化的时空特征 被引量:8
作者 杜际增 崔保山 隋皓辰 《环境生态学》 2019年第8期10-20,共11页
全球气候变化已经对青藏高原和高寒地区生态系统产生显著的影响,气温的不断升高和降水格局的不断变化,导致地表植被已经发生了卫星可以检测到的变化。通过利用归一化植被指数(NDVI)最长连续记录,以500 m空间分辨率16 d/次的MOD13A1数据... 全球气候变化已经对青藏高原和高寒地区生态系统产生显著的影响,气温的不断升高和降水格局的不断变化,导致地表植被已经发生了卫星可以检测到的变化。通过利用归一化植被指数(NDVI)最长连续记录,以500 m空间分辨率16 d/次的MOD13A1数据,描述2000—2013年青藏高原核心区土地覆被变化的时间趋势和空间变异性。通过对那曲地区和长江黄河源区(SRYY)土地覆被变化特征和气象资料的比较,发现气候因子在生长期或全年的变化是引起地表植被动态变化的主要驱动力。结果表明,在严重低温胁迫下,那曲西北地区大面积裸地由于气候变暖变成植被覆盖区,而部分植被覆盖区由于降水减少,植被面积和密度呈下降趋势。在长江黄河源区中,随着气温和降水的增加,大部分地区的植被都呈现出转好的趋势,使得低覆盖和中覆盖植被在较大区域内转变为高覆盖植被。在空间上,青藏高原核心区植被动态具有明显的空间异质性:在海拔上,植被分布平均高程呈显著的上升趋势;在坡向上,那曲地区阳坡的植被退化面积明显大于其他坡向;在坡度上,长江黄河源区植被分布的平均坡度比那曲低0.07°。通过对比分析,在青藏高原核心区这种特殊的寒冷干旱环境下,低温和干旱胁迫的变化是导致植被演变的主要驱动力,而气候因素对植被的影响会由于区域地形特征而产生明显的差异。因此,青藏高原核心区植被演变的时空特征是由气候变化和地形特征共同决定的。 展开更多
关键词 植被动态变化 时空变异 归一化植被指数 青藏高原
Utility of different glycemic control metrics for optimizing management of diabetes 被引量:7
作者 Klaus-Dieter Kohnert Peter Heinke +1 位作者 Lutz Vogt Eckhard Salzsieder 《World Journal of Diabetes》 SCIE CAS 2015年第1期17-29,共13页
The benchmark for assessing quality of long-term glycemic control and adjustment of therapy is currently glycated hemoglobin(Hb A1c). Despite its importance as an indicator for the development of diabeticcomplications... The benchmark for assessing quality of long-term glycemic control and adjustment of therapy is currently glycated hemoglobin(Hb A1c). Despite its importance as an indicator for the development of diabeticcomplications, recent studies have revealed that this metric has some limitations; it conveys a rather complex message, which has to be taken into consideration for diabetes screening and treatment. On the basis of recent clinical trials, the relationship between Hb A1 c and cardiovascular outcomes in long-standing diabetes has been called into question. It becomes obvious that other surrogate and biomarkers are needed to better predict cardiovascular diabetes complications and assess efficiency of therapy. Glycated albumin, fructosamin, and 1,5-anhydroglucitol have received growing interest as alternative markers of glycemic control. In addition to measures of hyperglycemia, advanced glucose monitoring methods became available. An indispensible adjunct to Hb A1 c in routine diabetes care is selfmonitoring of blood glucose. This monitoring method is now widely used, as it provides immediate feedback to patients on short-term changes, involving fasting, preprandial, and postprandial glucose levels. Beyond the traditional metrics, glycemic variability has been identified as a predictor of hypoglycemia, and it might also be implicated in the pathogenesis of vascular diabetes complications. Assessment of glycemic variability is thus important, but exact quantification requires frequently sampled glucose measurements. In order to optimize diabetes treatment, there is a need for both key metrics of glycemic control on a day-to-day basis and for more advanced, user-friendly monitoring methods. In addition to traditional discontinuous glucose testing, continuous glucose sensing has become a useful tool to reveal insufficient glycemic management. This new technology is particularly effective in patients with complicated diabetes and provides the opportunity to characterize glucose dynamics. Several continuous glucose moni 展开更多
关键词 MARKERS of glycemic control HemoglobinA1c POSTPRANDIAL GLUCOSE Risk of HYPERGLYCEMIA andhypoglycemia Continuous GLUCOSE monitoring Glycemicvariability GLUCOSE dynamics STANDARDIZATION DIABETESMELLITUS
作者 陈钢华 温倩 史艳荣 《地理科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期1050-1059,共10页
运用混合研究方法,以环青海湖骑行为例,揭示骑行游客情感动态性的特征,并基于地方理论和景观感知理论构建“区位-场所-情感”三维分析框架,识别情感动态性的发生机制。研究发现:①强度方面,与消极情感相比,游客积极情感的可变性及不稳... 运用混合研究方法,以环青海湖骑行为例,揭示骑行游客情感动态性的特征,并基于地方理论和景观感知理论构建“区位-场所-情感”三维分析框架,识别情感动态性的发生机制。研究发现:①强度方面,与消极情感相比,游客积极情感的可变性及不稳定性的数值更高、数值区间更大,表明积极情感强度的波动程度更明显,游客之间的波动程度的差异性也更大。②多样性方面,游客消极情感多样性的变化最为明显,消极情感体验在骑行出发时最复杂,积极情感体验则在旅途结束时最复杂。③骑行所经之地独特的区位特质为游客提供了跨地方的差异化体验,场所特质则提供了具体的地方展演和体验方式。两者共同作用,不断引发骑行游客产生积极、消极情感,发生强度及类型上的变化,并在时空变换下将冰冷的道路空间转换为蕴含着丰富多变的人类情感的特殊地方。 展开更多
关键词 骑行游客 情感动态性 情感可变性 情感不稳定性 青海湖
Multifractal Analysis of Human Heartbeat in Sleep 被引量:2
作者 丁亮晶 彭虎 +1 位作者 蔡世民 周佩玲 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第7期2149-2152,共4页
We study the dynamical properties of heart rate variability (HRV) in sleep by analysing the scaling behaviour with the multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis method. It is well known that heart rate is regulate... We study the dynamical properties of heart rate variability (HRV) in sleep by analysing the scaling behaviour with the multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis method. It is well known that heart rate is regulated by the interaction of two branches of the autonomic nervous system: the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. By investigating the multifractal properties of light, deep, rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep and wake stages, we firstly find an increasing multifractal behaviour during REM sleep which may be caused by augmented sympathetic activities relative to non-REM sleep. In addition, the investigation of long-range correlations of HRV in sleep with second order detrended fluctuation analysis presents irregular phenomena. These findings may be helpful to understand the underlying regulating mechanism of heart rate by autonomic nervous system during wake-sleep transitions. 展开更多
Comparing dynamical systems concepts and techniques for biomechanical analysis 被引量:3
作者 Richard E.A.van Emmerik Scott W.Ducharme +1 位作者 Avelino C.Amado Joseph Hamill 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2016年第1期3-13,共11页
Traditional biomechanical analyses of human movement are generally derived from linear mathematics.While these methods can be useful in many situations,they do not describe behaviors in human systems that are predomin... Traditional biomechanical analyses of human movement are generally derived from linear mathematics.While these methods can be useful in many situations,they do not describe behaviors in human systems that are predominately nonlinear.For this reason,nonlinear analysis methods based on a dynamical systems approach have become more prevalent in recent literature.These analysis techniques have provided new insights into how systems(1) maintain pattern stability,(2) transition into new states,and(3) are governed by short-and long-term(fractal) correlational processes at different spatio-temporal scales.These different aspects of system dynamics are typically investigated using concepts related to variability,stability,complexity,and adaptability.The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast these different concepts and demonstrate that,although related,these terms represent fundamentally different aspects of system dynamics.In particular,we argue that variability should not uniformly be equated with stability or complexity of movement.In addition,current dynamic stability measures based on nonlinear analysis methods(such as the finite maximal Lyapunov exponent) can reveal local instabilities in movement dynamics,but the degree to which these local instabilities relate to global postural and gait stability and the ability to resist external perturbations remains to be explored.Finally,systematic studies are needed to relate observed reductions in complexity with aging and disease to the adaptive capabilities of the movement system and how complexity changes as a function of different task constraints. 展开更多
关键词 Adaptability Complexity Dynamical systems Nonlinear dynamics Stability variability
Some Mathematical and Numerical Issues in Geophysical FluidD ynamics and Climate Dynamics 被引量:2
作者 Jianping Li Shouhong Wang 《Communications in Computational Physics》 SCIE 2008年第4期759-793,共35页
In this article,we address both recent advances and open questions in some mathematical and computational issues in geophysical fluid dynamics(GFD)and climate dynamics.The main focus is on 1)the primitive equations(PE... In this article,we address both recent advances and open questions in some mathematical and computational issues in geophysical fluid dynamics(GFD)and climate dynamics.The main focus is on 1)the primitive equations(PEs)models and their related mathematical and computational issues,2)climate variability,predictability and successive bifurcation,and 3)a new dynamical systems theory and its applications to GFD and climate dynamics. 展开更多
关键词 Geophysical fluid dynamics climate dynamics low-frequency variability attractor bifurcation dynamic transition well-posedness.
典型拉尼娜事件与1988—1989年拉尼娜事件生命史演变差异性成因分析 被引量:2
作者 陈明诚 黄玉蓉 《大气科学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期428-440,共13页
利用海洋混合层海温热量收支诊断方法和两套海洋同化再分析资料,对比分析典型拉尼娜事件和1988—1989年特殊拉尼娜事件生命史演变成因。研究结果表明,典型拉尼娜事件在发展年冬季到达最强值后通常缓慢衰减,在次年秋季时再次增强形成第... 利用海洋混合层海温热量收支诊断方法和两套海洋同化再分析资料,对比分析典型拉尼娜事件和1988—1989年特殊拉尼娜事件生命史演变成因。研究结果表明,典型拉尼娜事件在发展年冬季到达最强值后通常缓慢衰减,在次年秋季时再次增强形成第二次拉尼娜事件。而1988—1989年拉尼娜事件在发展年底时到达最强值后迅速衰减,并在次年秋季时依然维持衰减过程,最终回到气候平均态。诊断分析结果表明,风场强迫作用引起的纬向异常平流项变化是导致衰减年中两种类型拉尼娜事件海温变化倾向差异的主要原因。在典型拉尼娜事件衰减时期,西北太平洋上空以异常反气旋性环流为主,反气旋性环流南侧东风距平会激发海洋上翻Kelvin波向东传播,阻碍拉尼娜事件的衰减。而在1988—1989年特殊拉尼娜事件中,西北太平洋上空以异常气旋性环流为主。异常气旋性环流南侧西风距平将激发海洋下沉Kelvin波向东传播,引发海洋中自西向东的纬向异常暖平流帮助拉尼娜事件迅速衰减,最终回复到气候平均态。 展开更多
关键词 ENSO动力学 生命史不对称性 西北太平洋大气环流 年际间变率 热量收支诊断分析
Projection of Future Changes in Elephant Population in Amboseli under Representative Concentration Pathways
作者 Mildred M. Aduma Mohamed Y. Said +2 位作者 Gilbert Ouma Gordon Wayumba Lucy W. Njino 《American Journal of Climate Change》 2018年第4期649-679,共31页
Within savanna environments, movements of elephant are influenced by changes in climate especially seasonal rainfall. In this study, we investigated the possible changes in elephant population based on projected rainf... Within savanna environments, movements of elephant are influenced by changes in climate especially seasonal rainfall. In this study, we investigated the possible changes in elephant population based on projected rainfall changes using regional climate models (RCM) and Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). The relationship between elephant and rainfall was modelled against annual, wet season, dry season rainfall based on various time lags. Future relation between elephant and rainfall was projected based on three RCPs;2.6, 4.5 and 8.5. There was a strong linear relationship between elephant and October-November-December (OND) rains with time lag of 13 years (Y = &#8722;4016.43 + 19.11x, r2 = 0.459, P = 0.006). The rainfall trends for RCP 2.6 and 4.5 showed a slight increase in annual rainfall for the period 2006-2100 but driven by OND increases. Rainfall increase for RCP 8.5 was significant and was driven by increase in both March-April-May (MAM) and OND. These rainfall dynamics had influence on the projected elephant population in the Amboseli ecosystem. For RCP 2.6 and 4.5 the elephant population increase was 2455 and 2814 respectively. RCP 8.5 elephant population doubled to an average of 3348 elephants. In all the RCPs there are seasonal and yearly variations and absolute number varies from the average. The range of variation is small in RCPs 2.6 and 4.5 compared to RCP 8.5. Evidently, elephant population will increase based on projected rainfall projections surpassing park capacity. It therefore, requires that the Park authority put in place measures that could contain these numbers including opening of blocked wildlife corridors, maintain the cross border movement of Amboseli elephant with Tanzania in that case ensure there is no poaching. Lastly, work with local communities so that they can benefit from tourism through setting up conservancies through which they could minimize the human elephant conflicts based on the projected elephant population. 展开更多
Have some landscapes in the eastern Canadian boreal forest moved beyond their natural range of variability?
作者 Pierre Grondin Sylvie Gauthier +3 位作者 Veronique Poirier Patrice Tardif Yan Boucher Yves Bergeron 《Forest Ecosystems》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期412-428,共17页
Background: In the contxt of ecosystem management, the present study aims to compare the natural and the present-day forested landscapes of a large territory in Quebec(Canada). Using contemporary and long-term fire cy... Background: In the contxt of ecosystem management, the present study aims to compare the natural and the present-day forested landscapes of a large territory in Quebec(Canada). Using contemporary and long-term fire cycles, each natural forst landscape is defined according to the variability of its structure and composition, and compared to the present-day landscape. This analysis was conducted to address the question of whether human activities have moved these ecosystems outside the range of natural landscape variability.Methods: The study encompassed a forested area of 175 000 km2 divided into 14 landscapes. Using a framework that integrates fire cycles, age structure and forest dynamics, we characterized the forest composition and age structures that resulted from three historical fire cycles(110,140, and 180 years) representative of the boreal forest of eastern Canada. The modeled natural landscapes were compared with present-day landscapes in regard to the proportion of old-growth forests(landscape level) and the proportion of late-successional forest stands(landscape level and potential vegetation type).Results: Four landscapes(39%) remain within their natural range of variability. In contrast, nine landscapes(54%)show a large gap between natural and present-day landscapes. These nine are located in the southern portion of the study area, and are mainly associated with Abies-Betula vegetation where human activities have contributed to a strong increase in the proportion of Populus tremuloides stands(early-successional stages) and a decrease of oldgrowth forest stands(more than 100 years old). A single landscape(7%), substantially changed from its potential natural state, is a candidate for adaptive-based management.Conclusion: Comparison of corresponding natural(reference conditions) and present-day landscapes showed that ten landscapes reflecting an important shift in forest composition and age structure could be considered beyond the range of their natural variability. The description of a landscape's nat 展开更多
关键词 Ecosystem management Reference conditions Natural variability RESILIENCE Fire cycle Age structure Forest dynamics Potential vegetation type Landscape ecology Theoretical natural landscape Present-day landscape
Spatio-temporal variation analysis of soil temperature based on wireless sensor network 被引量:1
作者 Liu Hui Meng Zhijun +1 位作者 Wang Hua Xu Min 《International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS 2016年第6期131-138,共8页
Soil temperature is a key factor for best planting dates decision-making in the large scale farming areas of northeast China because of high latitudes and frigid environment.Continuous data were collected from a wirel... Soil temperature is a key factor for best planting dates decision-making in the large scale farming areas of northeast China because of high latitudes and frigid environment.Continuous data were collected from a wireless sensor network(WSN)-based monitoring system to exactly analyze and understand soil temperature of the whole farmland.Using the classical statistics and geo-statistics methods,real-time monitoring data were analyzed with three aspects,i.e.temporal variation,spatial variation and spatio-temporal variation.Temporal variation analysis of each sensor node showed a sinusoidal curve of daily soil temperature and gave the long-term trend of daily average soil temperature in a certain period.Spatial variation analysis provided the spatial distribution map of daily average soil temperature within a study region for a certain day.Spatio-temporal variation analysis quantified the variation process of the spatial distribution over time by the monitored classes distribution indicator(MCDI)proposed.Experimental results showed that the above variations analysis of the real-time data provide an effective approach to determine whole-farmland soil temperature. 展开更多
关键词 precision agriculture soil temperature dynamics spatial-temporal variability spatial variation wireless sensor network(WSN)
作者 梁娟 陈晓云 徐碧波 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期1443-1449,共7页
组织公正的动态研究是在时间视角下分析组织公正的变化及其影响。根据研究中不同的时间跨度,可将该领域的研究分为短期公正变化与长期公正变化研究。短期公正变化研究主要分析公正事件在日层次上的变化对组织内个体的影响。长期公正变... 组织公正的动态研究是在时间视角下分析组织公正的变化及其影响。根据研究中不同的时间跨度,可将该领域的研究分为短期公正变化与长期公正变化研究。短期公正变化研究主要分析公正事件在日层次上的变化对组织内个体的影响。长期公正变化则分析组织内个体过往的公正经历如何影响他们当前的心理与行为。研究主要从自我调节资源的变化、不确定管理、社会认知及长时社会交换角度解释公正的动态影响。未来可从公正动态变化的特征、前因机制及其差异化影响机制开展研究。 展开更多
关键词 组织公正 动态变化 公正轨迹 公正变异性
Modeling Dynamical Noises Corrupted Chaotic System for Heart Rate Variability Analysis
作者 何振亚 裴文江 +3 位作者 尉承建 杨绿溪 S.S.Hull 张隐磐 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 1999年第2期1-7,共7页
It is difficult to establish the process of chaos in time series from cardiac dynamics. The output from such a system is probably the result of both its internal dynamics, and the input to the system from its surround... It is difficult to establish the process of chaos in time series from cardiac dynamics. The output from such a system is probably the result of both its internal dynamics, and the input to the system from its surroundings. We present an optimization algorithm to find a time series that is as close as possible to the heart rate series subject to the constraint that it is deterministic with respect to some dynamics. The algorithm is tested by some famous forced dynamical systems, and applied to heart rate data. We find that the deterministic components of heart rate variability are chaotic. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear dynamics heart rate variability Lyapunov exponent
作者 梁健 任宏利 陈权亮 《成都信息工程大学学报》 2019年第5期525-531,共7页
为研究分析热带太平洋海表温度(SST)年代际变化对太阳辐射响应,利用SST资料、20世纪再分析资料和第六次耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)所提供的太阳总辐照度(TSI)数据,采用线性回归的方法对TSI对热带太平洋SST年代际变化的可能影响进行了诊断... 为研究分析热带太平洋海表温度(SST)年代际变化对太阳辐射响应,利用SST资料、20世纪再分析资料和第六次耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)所提供的太阳总辐照度(TSI)数据,采用线性回归的方法对TSI对热带太平洋SST年代际变化的可能影响进行了诊断研究。结果表明,热带中太平洋SST存在与TSI类似的准11年周期变化信号,TSI与SST以及其他海气变量之间存在显著相关关系。SST异常在滞后于TSI信号1~3年时的正相关达到最强,证实了热带中太平洋海表温度可能存在对TSI信号的滞后响应。进一步分析表明,由TSI所直接引起的海表净短波辐射变化可能是热带中太平洋SST在年代际尺度上变化的直接原因。海表温度的年代际异常可以通过海气相互作用引起表层纬向风的变化,并反过来增强SST的年代际变化信号。TSI正位相引起的SST正异常可促使对流层温度上升、空气中的水汽增加、上升运动加强等相应变化,进而使得总云量增加,因此滞后2~3年后可能会由于云-辐射反馈而引起进入海洋净短波辐射量的减少。 展开更多
关键词 气象学 气候动力学 太阳辐射 年代际变化 热带中太平洋 海温 太阳总辐照度
学哲学 扬理性 促科学发展
作者 孙坦 《地质科技管理》 1997年第4期58-60,47,共4页
学哲学扬理性促科学发展孙坦一人是万物之灵,既有情感又有理智,既能情感体验,又能理性思维。而人类的复杂性正在于此。仔细想想,社会舞台上演出的正剧、悲剧或喜剧,有哪一幕不是用情感和理智编织而成的?孔子曰:四十而不惑。此言... 学哲学扬理性促科学发展孙坦一人是万物之灵,既有情感又有理智,既能情感体验,又能理性思维。而人类的复杂性正在于此。仔细想想,社会舞台上演出的正剧、悲剧或喜剧,有哪一幕不是用情感和理智编织而成的?孔子曰:四十而不惑。此言说明,一般而言,情感和理智的分配在... 展开更多
关键词 地质学 哲学 物理性 科学发展
气候动力学与气候预测理论的研究 被引量:15
作者 曾庆存 王会军 +4 位作者 林朝晖 李崇银 黄荣辉 吴国雄 周天军 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期468-483,共16页
主要概述了中国科学院大气物理研究所近些年来在气候动力学与气候预测理论研究领域的若干重要研究进展。通过对气候系统变化多尺度特征及其动力学的分析和研究,提出了一系列气候系统动力学理论,并在此基础上提出了适合于我国季风气候特... 主要概述了中国科学院大气物理研究所近些年来在气候动力学与气候预测理论研究领域的若干重要研究进展。通过对气候系统变化多尺度特征及其动力学的分析和研究,提出了一系列气候系统动力学理论,并在此基础上提出了适合于我国季风气候特点的气候预测理论和方法,在国际上率先开展了跨季度数值气候预测,进一步建立了先进、完善的短期数值气候预测系统,并应用于我国夏季旱涝预测业务。这些工作既带有极大的基础性意义,同时也具有巨大的应用价值,为我国大气科学及气候科学乃至环境科学的研究提供了重要工具。 展开更多
关键词 气候动力学 气候预测 气候异常 短期数值预报
鄂西南亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林土壤空间异质性 被引量:13
作者 冯广 姚兰 +4 位作者 艾训儒 黄继红 路兴慧 丁易 臧润国 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第23期7635-7643,共9页
大样地是监测森林生物多样性及生态因子动态变化的重要平台,以湖北木林子国家级自然保护区常绿落叶阔叶混交林为对象,依托15 hm2动态监测样地,对每个400 m2样方进行取样并测定7个化学性质指标,运用地统计与多元统计方法,分析了该大样地... 大样地是监测森林生物多样性及生态因子动态变化的重要平台,以湖北木林子国家级自然保护区常绿落叶阔叶混交林为对象,依托15 hm2动态监测样地,对每个400 m2样方进行取样并测定7个化学性质指标,运用地统计与多元统计方法,分析了该大样地内不同土壤因子的富集程度、空间格局、变异性、相关性。结果如下:1)研究区土壤酸性较强,有机质、有效氮、全氮、有效钾丰富,有效磷、全磷亏缺;2)有效氮、全氮、有效磷呈东高西低,p H呈西高东低,有效钾呈斑块状分布,有机质呈中间高,西北与东南低的"凸"型分布,其中以有效钾空间结构最复杂(A=50 m,D=1.96),p H空间结构最简单(A=180 m,D=1.83);3)土壤因子的块基比范围为0.14—0.69,14对因子显著相关(P<0.05),其中以全磷的空间自相关最强,并与其余因子显著相关;4)土壤因子的变异系数范围为0.05—0.34,其中全磷、有效磷变异系数最高,分别为0.29和0.34,p H变异系数最低(0.05),土壤全磷在主成分中具有最大载荷(2.27)。结果表明:1)木林子常绿落叶阔叶混交林土壤酸性较强,除了磷素亏缺,其余土壤养分富集;2)土壤的变异性不强,空间分布具有明显的自相关特征,并具有一定的尺度效应;3)除了土壤有效磷以外的土壤因子之间存在较为普遍的相互联系;4)土壤全磷对于土壤的综合变异最具代表性。 展开更多
关键词 常绿落叶阔叶混交林 大型森林动态监测样地 土壤空间异质性 半方差分析 Moran's Ⅰ系数
符号动力学在心率变异性分析中的参数选择 被引量:12
作者 宋爱玲 黄晓林 +1 位作者 司峻峰 宁新宝 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期120-127,共8页
时间序列的符号动力学信息熵Hk因其计算简单快速,对数据量要求小,而被应用于心率变异性(heart rate variability,HRV)分析,然而符号化的参数选择至今却并未形成统一标准.HRV作为典型的生理信号,存在着极大的个体间差异和非平稳性,要获... 时间序列的符号动力学信息熵Hk因其计算简单快速,对数据量要求小,而被应用于心率变异性(heart rate variability,HRV)分析,然而符号化的参数选择至今却并未形成统一标准.HRV作为典型的生理信号,存在着极大的个体间差异和非平稳性,要获得稳健的一致性分析,在符号化过程中必须考虑符号化参数α与序列本身均值、标准差的综合影响.文中,首先以仿真噪声序列为对象,考察了3个参数对于Hk的影响及三者相互之间的关联性,研究表明当满足特定关系时,Hk的曲线簇收敛于反映序列动力特性的Hk-up;随后在对15例心跳间隔序列的分析中,验证了Hk-up在消除个体间差异及减弱非平稳干扰影响两方面都优于α取固定值时的研究结果. 展开更多
关键词 符号动力学 心率变异性
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