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中国“十四五”新能源发展研判及需要关注的问题 被引量:73
作者 黄碧斌 张运洲 王彩霞 《中国电力》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期1-9,共9页
新能源发电即将步入平价上网时代,近中期仍将快速发展,在全网总装机中的占比将继续提高,其发展应放到整个能源电力行业发展的框架内进行统筹考虑。结合中国新能源发电成本和接入电力系统引起的利用成本趋势研判,分析未来平价上网和平价... 新能源发电即将步入平价上网时代,近中期仍将快速发展,在全网总装机中的占比将继续提高,其发展应放到整个能源电力行业发展的框架内进行统筹考虑。结合中国新能源发电成本和接入电力系统引起的利用成本趋势研判,分析未来平价上网和平价利用情况,研究“十四五”中国新能源发展总体情况以及需要关注的4个关键问题,提出实现高比例新能源与电力系统协调发展的政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 新能源发展 度电成本 利用成本 平价上网 电网安全
一种基于优先级的网格调度算法 被引量:16
作者 廖大强 邹杜 印鉴 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 2014年第10期11-16,共6页
容错机制中基于任务数量的平均调度策略在处理跨度和服务质量方面存在不足,为此,提出一种基于优先级的网格调度算法,进而给出层次式集群系统的设计方案。在任务调度过程中引入任务剩余执行时间、任务价值密度、费用预算以及处理跨度的概... 容错机制中基于任务数量的平均调度策略在处理跨度和服务质量方面存在不足,为此,提出一种基于优先级的网格调度算法,进而给出层次式集群系统的设计方案。在任务调度过程中引入任务剩余执行时间、任务价值密度、费用预算以及处理跨度的概念,以缩短任务处理跨度,提高服务质量。实验结果表明,与原机制调度策略和Max-Min算法相比,该算法在任务完成率、价值实现率和处理速率方面具有优势。利用该算法对原机制进行改进,能够有效提高系统的任务执行效率。 展开更多
关键词 任务调度 价值密度 费用预算 处理跨度 高可用性 网格计算
基于栅格数据道路选线模型算法的应用研究 被引量:7
作者 陈雪冬 杨武年 罗虎 《公路》 北大核心 2004年第5期6-9,共4页
主要介绍基于 GIS栅格数据计算最优道路路线问题的算法设计原理和实现方法 ,它主要是根据坡度分级费用、最大坡长、最大纵坡和选线范围等限制条件 ,运用费用栅格矩阵法计算最优道路路线。最后给出一个示例 。
关键词 GIS栅格数据 道路选线模型 算法 费用栅格矩阵法
中国光伏发电平价上网分析 被引量:11
作者 王怀斌 胡芳 刘伊雯 《太阳能》 2021年第8期13-18,共6页
随着光伏电站投资成本与度电成本的不断下降,光伏发电成本已逐步逼近燃煤发电成本。针对不同太阳能资源状况、不同光伏电站投资成本水平下的光伏发电最低上网电价,以及我国不同地区光伏发电平价上网的可能性进行了测算分析,得出以下结论... 随着光伏电站投资成本与度电成本的不断下降,光伏发电成本已逐步逼近燃煤发电成本。针对不同太阳能资源状况、不同光伏电站投资成本水平下的光伏发电最低上网电价,以及我国不同地区光伏发电平价上网的可能性进行了测算分析,得出以下结论:在我国,若不考虑“弃光”问题,太阳能资源丰富、燃煤标杆上网电价高的地区可以实现光伏发电平价上网,甚至可以实现光伏发电上网电价低于燃煤标杆上网电价;太阳能资源丰富、燃煤标杆上网电价低的地区,或太阳能资源差、燃煤标杆上网电价高的地区,在控制好光伏电站投资成本的前提下,有希望实现光伏发电平价上网;而太阳能资源差、燃煤标杆上网电价低的地区,要实现光伏发电平价上网则较为困难。期望该研究结果可为相关政策的制定及项目决策提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 光伏发电 太阳能资源 投资成本 度电成本 平价上网
基于灰色理论的电网设备更换最优时间 被引量:10
作者 盛萌 张书雅 《电力建设》 北大核心 2018年第6期131-136,共6页
电网设备是电力企业的核心资产,研究电网设备的精益化管理和科学的经济寿命对电力企业投资决策及经营管理具有实际意义。基于资产全寿命周期管理的系统理念,采用技术经济评价成本年金法,对设备的综合成本进行分析,建立电网设备经济寿命... 电网设备是电力企业的核心资产,研究电网设备的精益化管理和科学的经济寿命对电力企业投资决策及经营管理具有实际意义。基于资产全寿命周期管理的系统理念,采用技术经济评价成本年金法,对设备的综合成本进行分析,建立电网设备经济寿命测算模型;在此基础上,利用历年实际数据,建立运行费用灰色G(1,1)预测模型,并通过后验差检验法检验运行费用预测的准确性,从而确定设备报废及更换的最优时机,可以实现设备的成本最优化、效益最大化。算例表明,文章所构建的基于灰色理论预测的电网设备经济寿命测算模型是可行的,测算结果较为准确。通过与设备实际使用年限对比,分析存在差异原因,可为电网公司的技改和电网规划工作提供一定的决策支撑。 展开更多
关键词 经济寿命 综合成本 设备更换 最优时间 灰色理论 电网设备
Estimation of cost savings from participation of electric vehicles in vehicle to grid(V2G)schemes 被引量:8
作者 Mahdi KIAEE Andrew CRUDEN Suleiman SHARKH 《Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy》 SCIE EI 2015年第2期249-258,共10页
The storage capacity of the batteries in an electric vehicle(EV)could be utilised to store electrical energy and give it back to the grid when needed by participating in vehicle to grid(V2G)schemes.This participation ... The storage capacity of the batteries in an electric vehicle(EV)could be utilised to store electrical energy and give it back to the grid when needed by participating in vehicle to grid(V2G)schemes.This participation could be a source of revenue for vehicle owners thus reducing the total charging cost of their EVs.A V2G simulator has been developed using MATLAB to find out the potential cost saving from participation of EVs in V2G schemes.A standard IEEE30 network has been modelled in the simulator which uses the MATPOWER engine to undertake power flow analysis.A novel control algorithm has been developed to take advantage of the difference between the selling and buying electricity prices by charging and discharging EVs at the appropriate time.Two scenarios are simulated to compare the total charging cost of EVs with or without the utilisation of V2G technology within the power system assuming a total of 5000 EVs.The results of the simulation show that the applied control strategy with V2G is able to reduce the charging cost of EVs by 13.6%while satisfying the minimum requirement for state of charge(SoC)of the EV batteries to complete their next journey. 展开更多
关键词 Electric vehicles cost saving Electricity price Vehicle to grid
基于耗费距离的公路网络路径分析模型研究——以珠江三角洲公路网为例 被引量:6
作者 康苹 刘高焕 《地球信息科学》 CSCD 2007年第6期54-58,132,共6页
栅格数据模型的最优路径分析方法是在综合考虑通行时间、通行资费等多种影响因素的基础上,通过计算最小累加费用值来确定最优路径。本文以珠江三角洲公路网为例,系统介绍了公路网和公路行车速度的模拟技术,以及基于栅格等级公路网的最... 栅格数据模型的最优路径分析方法是在综合考虑通行时间、通行资费等多种影响因素的基础上,通过计算最小累加费用值来确定最优路径。本文以珠江三角洲公路网为例,系统介绍了公路网和公路行车速度的模拟技术,以及基于栅格等级公路网的最小行车时间及行车资费的分析方法,并计算珠江三角主要城市间的最短行车路线。 展开更多
关键词 公路网络 耗费距离栅格 方向栅格 累积耗费距离 最优路径分析
乡村振兴背景下村庄道路规划智能化研究——以广州市花都区港头村为例 被引量:3
作者 刘以娜 包世泰 +1 位作者 佘美萱 陈顺清 《热带地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期226-233,共8页
自乡村振兴战略提出以来,村庄规划受到越来越多重视,其核心内容之一是道路规划。以村庄作为规划单元,采用定性与定量相结合的模糊层次分析法量化影响村庄道路规划的自然、社会、人口等因素及其权重,采用加权叠加分析形成多要素叠加的村... 自乡村振兴战略提出以来,村庄规划受到越来越多重视,其核心内容之一是道路规划。以村庄作为规划单元,采用定性与定量相结合的模糊层次分析法量化影响村庄道路规划的自然、社会、人口等因素及其权重,采用加权叠加分析形成多要素叠加的村庄全域综合成本栅格,构建一个流程化的村庄道路规划GIS工具,采用最小成本路径算法自动生成综合成本最小的村庄道路网。并以广州市花都区的港头村为例,验证方法、技术流程和GIS工具的可行性,高效生成了村庄全域综合成本栅格。根据居住区、耕地、历史古迹、公共设施和对外道路出入口等要素,自动提取村庄规划道路的共5类7个起点16个终点,自动生成多起点到多终点的4级村庄道路,包括主干道路4条、次干道路2条、生产型支路9条、生活型支路13条和环村路1条。验证结果表明,文章提出的村庄道路规划方法能生成符合要求的多类型多等级村庄道路,不仅建设成本最小,且具有较好的连通性和实用性,以期提升村庄道路规划智能化水平以助力乡村振兴。 展开更多
关键词 乡村振兴 村庄道路 道路规划 成本栅格 最小成本路径 广州
基于充放电模型的电动汽车充电价格设定策略 被引量:7
作者 聂津 陈涵 叶必超 《浙江电力》 2019年第9期27-33,共7页
电动汽车规模化给城市交通、充电基础设施建设以及电网运行带来了挑战,应合理设置充电价格,引导电动汽车有序充放电,以降低电网运行带来的负荷影响。为此,基于电动汽车与电网的充放电交互策略,分析区域负荷数据与电动汽车充电数据,考虑... 电动汽车规模化给城市交通、充电基础设施建设以及电网运行带来了挑战,应合理设置充电价格,引导电动汽车有序充放电,以降低电网运行带来的负荷影响。为此,基于电动汽车与电网的充放电交互策略,分析区域负荷数据与电动汽车充电数据,考虑功率平衡、电池容量以及用户充电等约束,以负荷电价为变量,以降低电网峰值运行负荷为目标函数,建立充放电模型,并根据区域内电源对于功率的响应特性确定充电价格,为充电站制定电价提供了指导。最后,结合福州市马尾区相关数据,验证了优化模型与电价设置的合理性。 展开更多
关键词 充电价格 削峰填谷 电网优化 充放电交互
SmartMicro Grid Energy System Management Based on Optimum Running Cost for Rural Communities in Rwanda
作者 Fabien Mukundufite Jean Marie Vianney Bikorimana Alexander Kyaruzi Lugatona 《Energy Engineering》 EI 2024年第7期1805-1821,共17页
The governmental electric utility and the private sector are joining hands to meet the target of electrifying all households by 2024.However,the aforementioned goal is challenged by households that are scattered in re... The governmental electric utility and the private sector are joining hands to meet the target of electrifying all households by 2024.However,the aforementioned goal is challenged by households that are scattered in remote areas.So far,Solar Home Systems(SHS)have mostly been applied to increase electricity access in rural areas.SHSs have continuous constraints to meet electricity demands and cannot run income-generating activities.The current research presents the feasibility study of electrifying Remera village with the smart microgrid as a case study.The renewable energy resources available in Remera are the key sources of electricity in that village.The generation capacity is estimated based on the load profile.The microgrid configurations are simulated with HOMER,and the genetic algorithm is used to analyze the optimum cost.By analyzing the impact of operation and maintenance costs,the results show that the absence of subsidies increases the levelized cost of electricity(COE)five times greater than the electricity price from the public utility.The microgrid made up of PV,diesel generator,and batteries proved to be the most viable solution and ensured continuous power supply to customers.By considering the subsidies,COE reaches 0.186$/kWh,a competitive price with electricity from public utilities in Rwanda. 展开更多
关键词 Load demand load profile optimum running cost power demand satisfaction smart meters and smart micro grid
Economic analysis of hydrogen production from China’s province-level power grid considering carbon emissions 被引量:1
作者 Wenzuo Zhang Xinying Li +2 位作者 Jiezhi Yang Jianguo Liu Chuanbo Xu 《Clean Energy》 EI CSCD 2023年第1期30-40,共11页
Hydrogen energy contributes to China’s carbon peaking and carbon neutralization by serving as an important energy carrier.However,the calculation of the cost of hydrogen production by the power grid ignores the curre... Hydrogen energy contributes to China’s carbon peaking and carbon neutralization by serving as an important energy carrier.However,the calculation of the cost of hydrogen production by the power grid ignores the current cost of carbon emissions.To measure the cost of hydrogen-production projects in various provinces more comprehensively and accurately,this study incorporates the carbon-emission cost into the traditional levelized cost of hydrogen model.An analysis of the energy structure of the power supply is conducted in each province of China to calculate carbon-emission costs,which are then subjected to a sensitivity test.Based on the results,the carbon-emission costs for hydrogen in each province are between 0.198 and 1.307 CNY/kg,and the levelized cost of hydrogen based on carbon-emission costs varies from 24.813 to 48.020 CNY/kg;in addition,carbon-emission costs range from 0.61%to 3.4%of the total costs.The results also show that the levelized cost of hydrogen considering carbon-emission costs in the Shanghai municipality specifically is most sensitive to the carbon-emission price,changing by 0.131 CNY/kg for every 10%fluctuation in the carbon-emission price. 展开更多
关键词 hydrogen production levelized cost of hydrogen power grid carbon-emission intensity
Real-Time Pricing of Smart Grid Based on Piece-Wise Linear Functions 被引量:3
作者 Zhihong XU Liangyu GUO +2 位作者 Yan GAO Muhammad HUSSAIN Panhong CHENG 《Journal of Systems Science and Information》 CSCD 2019年第4期295-316,共22页
In a power grid system, utility is a measure of the satisfaction of users’ electricity consumption;cost is a monetary value of electricity generated by the supplier. The utility and cost functions represent the satis... In a power grid system, utility is a measure of the satisfaction of users’ electricity consumption;cost is a monetary value of electricity generated by the supplier. The utility and cost functions represent the satisfaction of different users and the supplier. Quadratic utility, logarithmic utility,and quadratic cost functions are widely used in social welfare maximization models of real-time pricing. These functions are not universal;they have to be discussed in detail for individual models. To overcome this problem, a piece-wise linear utility function and a piece-wise linear cost function with general properties are proposed in this paper. By smoothing the piece-wise linear utility and cost functions, a social welfare maximization model can be transformed into a differentiable convex optimization problem. A dual optimization method is used to solve the smoothed model. Through mathematical deduction and numerical simulations, the rationality of the model and the validity of the algorithm are verified as long as the elastic and cost coefficients take appropriate values. Thus, different user types and the supplier can be determined by selecting different elastic and cost coefficients. 展开更多
关键词 smart grid real-time PRICING piece-wise linear UTILITY and cost FUNCTIONS dual optimization method
基于连续体近似法的特大城市公交系统规划研究 被引量:4
作者 刘雪杰 荣朝和 +3 位作者 欧阳彦峰 卡洛斯·F·达冈佐 朱家正 马腾腾 《交通运输系统工程与信息》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期1-8,24,共9页
公交普线规划因服务对象时间、空间的分散性,是大城市公交系统中最难规划的部分。本文分析了大规模多中心城市地区公交网络分层级功能及规划次序,重点针对普线网提出基于运营商和用户广义成本最低的连续体近似法模型搭建方法。通过确定... 公交普线规划因服务对象时间、空间的分散性,是大城市公交系统中最难规划的部分。本文分析了大规模多中心城市地区公交网络分层级功能及规划次序,重点针对普线网提出基于运营商和用户广义成本最低的连续体近似法模型搭建方法。通过确定区域网络的普线总服务距离,总停靠站数,以及发车间隔等决策变量的最佳值,使公交运营企业和乘客在单位时间内的广义预期成本最小化。利用本文提出的方法,对北京市进行区域划分,重新优化普线网,并基于北京市路网和兴趣点分布,校核规划的理想网络,得到能够实施的设计网络。相比现状网络,优化后的方案在成本控制和乘客出行体验方面都得到明显提升,分别减少企业运营成本5%,减少乘客出行时间21%,达到了降本增效的目标。 展开更多
关键词 城市交通 公交系统规划 连续体近似法 广义成本 网格布局
基于LU-SGS迭代的DGM隐式方法研究 被引量:3
作者 郝海兵 张强 +1 位作者 杨永 梁益华 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期346-350,共5页
考虑到LU-SGS迭代法已经在基于非结构网格的有限体积法中得到了成功应用,文章借鉴其思想,将其推广到高精度间断Galerkin有限元隐式格式求解中来,并对其性能进行了研究。为了避免隐式算法中对大型稀疏矩阵求逆,采用LU-SGS迭代法,只需要... 考虑到LU-SGS迭代法已经在基于非结构网格的有限体积法中得到了成功应用,文章借鉴其思想,将其推广到高精度间断Galerkin有限元隐式格式求解中来,并对其性能进行了研究。为了避免隐式算法中对大型稀疏矩阵求逆,采用LU-SGS迭代法,只需要在每步时间推进中沿网格号从前到后和从后到前2次扫描计算即可,并且还能有效降低内存需求。通过对NACA0012翼型和ONERA M6机翼跨声速无粘流动进行数值模拟,计算结果表明:与TVD-RKDG显式时间格式相比,隐式格式所需的迭代步数和CPU时间均得到了很大程度上的减少,并且精度保持不变。 展开更多
关键词 间断Galerkin有限元 LU—SGS 欧拉方程 非结构网格 时间隐式方法
Optimal Management of Energy Storage Systems for Peak Shaving in a Smart Grid
作者 Firas M.Makahleh Ayman Amer +4 位作者 Ahmad A.Manasrah Hani Attar Ahmed A.A.Solyman Mehrdad Ahmadi Kamarposhti Phatiphat Thounthong 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2023年第5期3317-3337,共21页
In this paper,the installation of energy storage systems(EES)and their role in grid peak load shaving in two echelons,their distribution and generation are investigated.First,the optimal placement and capacity of the ... In this paper,the installation of energy storage systems(EES)and their role in grid peak load shaving in two echelons,their distribution and generation are investigated.First,the optimal placement and capacity of the energy storage is taken into consideration,then,the charge-discharge strategy for this equipment is determined.Here,Genetic Algorithm(GA)and Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO)are used to calculate the minimum and maximum load in the network with the presence of energy storage systems.The energy storage systems were utilized in a distribution system with the aid of a peak load shaving approach.Ultimately,the battery charge-discharge is managed at any time during the day,considering the load consumption at each hour.The results depict that the load curve reached a constant state by managing charge-discharge with no significant changes.This shows the significance of such matters in terms of economy and technicality. 展开更多
关键词 cost energy storage particle swarm optimization(PSO) peak load smart grid
作者 李立 郝伟 李素红 《现代城市轨道交通》 2023年第7期107-111,共5页
为将土地利用与交通设施建设成本相关联,精确估算城市轨道交通建设成本,文章首先基于GIS栅格技术,构建并优化城市轨道交通建设成本模型,即在考虑高架和地下2种敷设方式的基础上,将建设工程成本、拆迁成本、环境成本和社会成本纳入城市... 为将土地利用与交通设施建设成本相关联,精确估算城市轨道交通建设成本,文章首先基于GIS栅格技术,构建并优化城市轨道交通建设成本模型,即在考虑高架和地下2种敷设方式的基础上,将建设工程成本、拆迁成本、环境成本和社会成本纳入城市轨道交通建设成本模型;然后利用兴趣面(AOI)数据创建成本栅格图层求解城市轨道交通建设成本;最后以天津市轨道交通Z2线一期东丽区段为例,对该优化模型进行验证,以期为城市轨道交通建设成本估算研究提供新思路。 展开更多
关键词 城市轨道交通 建设成本 求解优化 地理信息系统 栅格
世界促进风电产业发展最新动向 被引量:3
作者 罗承先 《中外能源》 CAS 2012年第5期32-39,共8页
近年来可再生能源发电发展迅速,其中风力发电表现尤为突出。在一些风电先行国家的推动下,风电机组大型化取得长足进展,单机容量从亚兆瓦级迅速提升到兆瓦级,研制中的10MW级风电机组即将问世。机组的大型化提高了风电的经济性和竞争力。... 近年来可再生能源发电发展迅速,其中风力发电表现尤为突出。在一些风电先行国家的推动下,风电机组大型化取得长足进展,单机容量从亚兆瓦级迅速提升到兆瓦级,研制中的10MW级风电机组即将问世。机组的大型化提高了风电的经济性和竞争力。风机设备利用率将由目前的25%左右提高至2015年的28%,同时投资成本将大幅下降,按照GWEC的高增长方案预测,投资成本将由2009年的1350欧元/kW降至2030年的1093欧元/kW。鉴于风力发电的间歇性和随机性,蓄电技术成为大量引入可再生能源的有效手段,美欧日等都投入专项经费支持蓄电技术的研究开发。IEA最近在报告中指出,与热电联产组合的方式可大幅扩大可再生能源的利用,其重点在于热供应。智能电网将成为解决风电大规模接入和输送问题的根本途径,它将使电力系统整体利用效率大大提高,有利于抑制发电厂的化石燃料消费。我国在智能电网方面已取得了一定成果,但仍面临许多问题。各国政府的可再生能源电力收购政策促进了风电产业的发展,其中德国的风电收购政策值得我国借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 风力发电 大型化 设备利用率 投资成本 蓄电技术 智能电网 风电收购政策
Droop Control for Micro-grid Operations Including Generation Cost and Demand Side Management 被引量:3
作者 Dulal Manna Swapan K.Goswami Pranab K.Chattopadhyay 《CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems》 SCIE 2017年第3期232-242,共11页
A new cost-based droop control method based upon generation cost and demand side cost management of the microgrid is proposed in this paper.At present,many droop control methods have been developed based on either the... A new cost-based droop control method based upon generation cost and demand side cost management of the microgrid is proposed in this paper.At present,many droop control methods have been developed based on either the power rating or the generation cost of the distributed generation(DG)unit,without consideration of the demand side participation in the operation and control.This exclusion might not be appropriate,if different types of consumers are connected in the micro-grid systems.This study proposes a droop control method considering both DG and load operating cost characteristics in order to minimize the generation cost of the micro-grid. 展开更多
关键词 Distributed generation droop control generation cost micro-grid operation optimization of demand cost function
A Cooperative Location Management Scheme for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 被引量:1
作者 Demin LI Jiacun WANG +2 位作者 Liping ZHANG Hao LI Jie ZHOU 《International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences》 2009年第8期732-741,共10页
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a kind of wireless ad hoc network. It is a self-configuring network of mobile routers connected by wireless links. Since MANETs do not have a fixed infrastructure, it is a chal-lenge... A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a kind of wireless ad hoc network. It is a self-configuring network of mobile routers connected by wireless links. Since MANETs do not have a fixed infrastructure, it is a chal-lenge to design a location management scheme that is both scalable and cost-efficient. In this paper, we propose a cooperative location management scheme, called CooLMS, for MANETs. CooLMS combines the strength of grid based location management and pointer forwarding strategy to achieve high scalability and low signaling cost. An indepth formal analysis of the location management cost of CooLMS is presented. In particular, the total location management cost of mobile nodes moving at variable velocity is estimated using the Gauss_Markov mobility model for the correlation of mobility velocities. Simulation results show CooLMS performs better than other schemes under certain circumstances. 展开更多
关键词 Ad HOC Network grid HOME Region LOCATION Management FORWARDING POINTER cost Estimation
Techno-Economic Evaluation and Optimization of Grid Connected PV and Wind Generating System for Riyadh City 被引量:1
作者 Fahd A. Alturki Abdulhakim Bin Dayil 《Journal of Power and Energy Engineering》 2020年第12期46-63,共18页
The risks and challenges faced by human society at the moment are global warming, climate change and pollution. In addition to their effect on the atmosphere, the quantity of fossil fuels is beginning to decrease, and... The risks and challenges faced by human society at the moment are global warming, climate change and pollution. In addition to their effect on the atmosphere, the quantity of fossil fuels is beginning to decrease, and countries have taken steps to encourage greater use of renewable energy resources. This article explores the feasibility of supplying electricity from a hybrid power system (HPS) comprising wind/photovoltaic (PV) and batteries. Taking into account residential buildings that consume the largest portion of energy in Saudi grid<span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">,</span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> Saudi Arabia, Riyadh is the preferred city with distinctive geographical and climatic conditions. The hourly electricity demand data must be over 8760 hours during a 1-year analysis in order to assess the optimum design and operational planning of the HPS. The economic analysis is carried out by applying HOMER software on the basis of net present cost (NPC), energy cost (COE) and the renewable fraction for all situations. In addition, to specify the effect of fuel costs on the scheme, sensitivity tests are carried out by considering two separate tariff rates for residential consumers. The results of the economic analysis show that current tariff is not economic to </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">use HSP under warm and temperate climate conditions compare to using</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> electricity from grid and the expected forecasted tariff shows it’s economic to use HSP compare to grid electricity.</span></span></span></span> 展开更多
关键词 Solar grid Optimization cost HOMER Pro® Software
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