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扎龙湿地非使用价值评价研究 被引量:41
作者 崔丽娟 张曼胤 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期491-496,共6页
采用条件价值法,通过调查消费者的支付意愿,研究了扎龙湿地的非使用价值。扎龙湿地的非使用价值为49.34亿元.a-1,其中存在价值为30.19亿元.a-1,遗产价值为13.62亿元.a-1,选择价值为5.53亿元.a-1,扎龙湿地人均支付意愿值(WTP)为40元.a-1... 采用条件价值法,通过调查消费者的支付意愿,研究了扎龙湿地的非使用价值。扎龙湿地的非使用价值为49.34亿元.a-1,其中存在价值为30.19亿元.a-1,遗产价值为13.62亿元.a-1,选择价值为5.53亿元.a-1,扎龙湿地人均支付意愿值(WTP)为40元.a-1;职业、文人程度、了解程度、偏爱程度与支付意愿呈极显著相关关系;性别、技术职称、收入水平与支付意愿不相关。年龄、职业、了解程度、偏爱程度与WTP值均极显著相关;性别与WTP值显著相关,而与技术职称、收入水平不相关。 展开更多
关键词 扎龙湿地 非使用价值 条件价值法 支付意愿法
单边界、双边界二分式条件价值评估方法的比较——以北京市空气污染对健康危害问卷调查为例 被引量:41
作者 蔡春光 陈功 +1 位作者 乔晓春 郑晓瑛 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期39-43,共5页
以北京市空气污染健康危害经济评价为例,采用目前国际上推荐的条件价值评估最适合的二分式问卷格式,探索条件价值评估最大支付意愿引导技术在我国应用的适用性.结果表明,单边界问卷格式和双边界问卷格式估计平均最大支付意愿分别为... 以北京市空气污染健康危害经济评价为例,采用目前国际上推荐的条件价值评估最适合的二分式问卷格式,探索条件价值评估最大支付意愿引导技术在我国应用的适用性.结果表明,单边界问卷格式和双边界问卷格式估计平均最大支付意愿分别为739.57,652.33元,年.两闯卷格式估计平均最大支付意愿的95%置信区间分别为656.49~845.34,604.04-707.01元,年.双边界问卷格式与单边界问卷格式相比能够获得被调查者支付意愿的更多信息,从而缩小估计的置信区间,提高最大支付意愿的估计精度. 展开更多
关键词 条件价值评估 二分式问卷格式 支付意愿
农业废弃物资源化利用:补偿方式会影响补偿标准吗? 被引量:25
作者 全世文 刘媛媛 《中国农村经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期13-29,共17页
本文以中国农作物秸秆资源化利用补偿政策为例,采用条件价值评估方法分别在两种补偿方式(以农户为补偿单位和以耕地面积为补偿单位)下评估了农户的受偿意愿。结果显示,两种补偿方式下估算的农户受偿意愿存在显著差异。农户资源化处理农... 本文以中国农作物秸秆资源化利用补偿政策为例,采用条件价值评估方法分别在两种补偿方式(以农户为补偿单位和以耕地面积为补偿单位)下评估了农户的受偿意愿。结果显示,两种补偿方式下估算的农户受偿意愿存在显著差异。农户资源化处理农作物秸秆的边际成本递减、环境价值对农户的边际效用递减以及农户对补偿方式变化的不敏感性,是造成这一差异的主要原因。对补偿政策熟悉程度或认知水平更高的农户在两种补偿方式下的受偿意愿具有更强的一致性。在此基础上,本文建议政府在实施秸秆资源化利用补偿政策之前,应该着力于提高农户对补偿政策的认知,并重视秸秆产量更高的农户。 展开更多
关键词 农业废弃物 条件价值评估 补偿标准 受偿意愿 双边界二分选择
次级债能发挥对银行风险承担行为的市场约束作用吗 被引量:16
作者 许友传 何佳 《金融研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第6期56-68,共13页
关于次级债的既有文献基本都在实证研究其市场约束的存在性,而没有揭示次级债作为一种市场约束激励机制的有效程度或内在机理。本文则基于或有权估值理论,研究了次级债对银行风险承担行为的市场约束机理。我们的研究发现:当银行的资产... 关于次级债的既有文献基本都在实证研究其市场约束的存在性,而没有揭示次级债作为一种市场约束激励机制的有效程度或内在机理。本文则基于或有权估值理论,研究了次级债对银行风险承担行为的市场约束机理。我们的研究发现:当银行的资产负债水平处于一定的安全边界之内时,随着银行风险承担行为的提高,次级债债权人会在某种程度上补偿高级债债权人。在银行的负债结构中引入次级债,不一定能起到约束银行风险承担行为的目的,它取决于银行既有的资本充足水平。监管当局在允许或强制商业银行发行次级债时,应考虑到次级债市场约束与银行风险承担行为之间的内在关系。为增强市场对银行风险承担行为的约束作用,监管当局应强制资本相对充足的银行发行一定规模的次级债,但这种强制性要求不应覆盖到资本不足的银行。 展开更多
关键词 次级债 市场约束 风险承担行为 或有权估值
对中国消费者非转基因菜油支付意愿的研究 被引量:14
作者 Kevin Chen 石敏俊 Getu Hailu 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第3期53-61,共9页
有关中国消费者关于转基因食品接受度的资料非常有限。本文则首次尝试对中国消费者关于非转基因 (non -GM)食用油的支付意愿 (WTP)问题进行评估。通过对北京的 671个消费者进行调查采访 ,运用假设评价方法 (contingentvaluation) ,可推... 有关中国消费者关于转基因食品接受度的资料非常有限。本文则首次尝试对中国消费者关于非转基因 (non -GM)食用油的支付意愿 (WTP)问题进行评估。通过对北京的 671个消费者进行调查采访 ,运用假设评价方法 (contingentvaluation) ,可推导出消费者对非转基因菜油的支付意愿。为避免调查者无响应引起的偏差 ,运用了双变量概率选择模式对调查数据进行分析。研究结果表明 ,消费者对非转基因菜油的支付意愿受到了许多因素的影响 ,比如价格、风险意识、受教育程度和知识水平等等。计算所得的WTP显示 ,平均而言 ,被调查者愿意支付 3 3 %的额外费用来消费非转基因菜油。这一结果表明 。 展开更多
关键词 非转基因油 支付意愿 假设评价法 中国
文化遗产旅游资源非使用价值评价研究——以旅顺太阳沟为例 被引量:14
作者 周英 王尔大 韦建华 《生态经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第9期146-150,185,共6页
文化遗产是一项重要的旅游资源,但由于它的非市场性,给其价值的量化带来挑战。近年来,在诸多文化遗产旅游资源价值评价的实证研究中,大多强调其使用价值而常常忽略这类资源具有的非使用价值,从而大大低估了文化遗产的实际价值,降低了保... 文化遗产是一项重要的旅游资源,但由于它的非市场性,给其价值的量化带来挑战。近年来,在诸多文化遗产旅游资源价值评价的实证研究中,大多强调其使用价值而常常忽略这类资源具有的非使用价值,从而大大低估了文化遗产的实际价值,降低了保护政策的制定所需信息的准确性。文章运用条件评价法(CVM)结合单边二分式问卷设计方法,获取游客陈述性偏好数据,通过构建随机效用模型,对大连旅顺太阳沟老城区文化遗产旅游资源的非使用价值进行评价,分析影响价值水平的主要因素。结果表明,基于Logit模型估计的非使用价值为61.8(元/人),其中存在价值为22.9元、遗产价值为28.3元、选择价值为10.6元,表明目前游客更加关注太阳沟文化遗产旅游资源的遗产价值。 展开更多
关键词 文化遗产 非市场评价 条件评价法 非使用价值
运用信息熵理论研究条件估值调查中的抽样问题 被引量:12
作者 徐中民 张志强 +2 位作者 程国栋 苏志勇 张海涛 《系统工程理论与实践》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期129-133,共5页
条件估值研究是当前国际上流行且唯一的衡量环境物品非利用经济价值的方法 ,其中样本的数量和问卷的设计是条件估值研究能否成功的关键因素之一 .采用信息熵理论研究了恢复额济纳生态系统条件估值的最佳抽样样本容量问题 ,通过比较增加... 条件估值研究是当前国际上流行且唯一的衡量环境物品非利用经济价值的方法 ,其中样本的数量和问卷的设计是条件估值研究能否成功的关键因素之一 .采用信息熵理论研究了恢复额济纳生态系统条件估值的最佳抽样样本容量问题 ,通过比较增加随机抽样样本容量所获得的边际信息和增发问卷的边际成本 ,结果发现 ,在黑河流域采用支付卡的条件估值研究方法 ,发放 4 0 0份有效问卷就能相当近似地得到实证调查中发放 646份有效问卷的结果 .同时研究发现 ,被调查者的相关社会经济信息 ,不仅可以减少条件估值研究结果的不确定性 ,而且与列联表相关检验结合可以用来揭示被调查者支付意愿的差异 .分析表明 ,在恢复额济纳生态系统的问卷调查中 ,被调查者的学历、收入、户籍和所居住的区域对支付意愿的结果有较大的影响 ,而被调查者的年龄和性别对支付意愿的影响很小 . 展开更多
关键词 信息熵 抽样调查 平均相互信息 条件估值 额济纳旗
交通噪声污染经济损失估算方法比较研究 被引量:8
作者 陈婷 陆雍森 《交通环保》 2004年第5期15-17,28,共4页
目前国内外对于噪声污染经济损失的研究还相当有限 ,且采用的方法也存在很大的差别。运用环境经济学的观点和方法 ,提出了估算噪声污染损失的 3种常用方法 ;损害费用法、意愿型调查评估法和防护费用法 。
关键词 交通噪声污染 环境损失 损害费用法 意愿型调查评估法 防护费用法
基于条件价值法的行业生态补偿标准的确定——以福建省宁德市石材行业生态补偿为例 被引量:8
作者 林黎阳 许丽忠 +2 位作者 胡军 韩智霞 游武 《环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期259-264,共6页
生态补偿标准的确定是生态补偿机制建立的难点和重点,在资金供给不足的情况下,做好影响环境质量的关键行业的生态补偿工作尤为重要.因此,本文提出了应用条件价值法确定行业生态补偿标准的思路,并以福建省宁德市敖江流域石材行业为例进... 生态补偿标准的确定是生态补偿机制建立的难点和重点,在资金供给不足的情况下,做好影响环境质量的关键行业的生态补偿工作尤为重要.因此,本文提出了应用条件价值法确定行业生态补偿标准的思路,并以福建省宁德市敖江流域石材行业为例进行了实证研究.结果显示:2010年福州市民对敖江饮用水安全保障的平均支付意愿为0.21元·t-1自来水,福州市居民愿以自来水费的方式提供3066万元的资金用于敖江饮用水的生态补偿工作.以宁德市石材行业的总产值占宁德市当年GDP总值的百分比(14.4%)作为石材行业生态补偿资金分配的权重,则2010年宁德市石材行业的生态补偿标准为441.50万元. 展开更多
关键词 生态补偿标准 条件价值法 敖江 石材行业
Measuring Recreational Value of World Heritage Sites Based on Contingent Valuation Method:A Case Study of Jiuzhaigou 被引量:8
作者 DONG Xuewang ZHANG Jie +2 位作者 ZHI Ruizhi ZHONG Shi'en LI Min 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第1期119-128,共10页
World heritage possesses various kinds of use value and non-use value. Measuring the recreational value of world heritage sites is a key issue in the heritage tourism. This paper employs Contingent Valuation Method (C... World heritage possesses various kinds of use value and non-use value. Measuring the recreational value of world heritage sites is a key issue in the heritage tourism. This paper employs Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), which is an evaluation instrument on the basis of tourists′ attitude and preference, to measure the recreational value of Jiuzhaigou, one of the World Natural Heritage sites in China, and analyzes the biases in the survey. The results show that: 1) In 2009, Jiuzhaigou′s recreational value was 3.46×108 yuan (RMB), and the per capita Willingness to Pay (WTP) was 137.31 yuan by CVM. Compared with the results of other methods, this result is significantly low. 2) Among the factors that influence Jiuzhaigou tourists′ WTP, psychological perception factors have the greatest effect while demographic and socio-economic characteristics have a small effect on WTP. 3) The virtuality in CVM creates biases both from CVM itself and in the procedures that CVM was implemented. The former includes hypothetical bias, information bias, protest response bias, and strategic bias; and the latter includes the questionnaire design, population and sample definition, sampling and data processing. The paper analyses those biases and illustrates their potential in-fluences on the accuracy of CVM measurement. 4) Although there are various defects in CVM measurement, it is still an effective valuation method. 展开更多
关键词 contingent valuation Method (CVM) Willingness to Pay (WTP) tourist's attitude tourist's preference world heritage recreational value BIAS Jiuzhalgou
环境与资源价值CV评估预测有效性研究进展 被引量:7
作者 许丽忠 钟满秀 +3 位作者 韩智霞 胡军 黄梅芬 张江山 《自然资源学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期1421-1430,共10页
条件价值法是评估非市场产品价值的最重要方法,在环境与资源价值评估中得到广泛的应用,预测有效性是条件价值研究中最为核心的内容。论文在对环境与资源项目条件价值评估预测有效性实证研究回顾与分析的基础上,初步总结了导致CV有效性... 条件价值法是评估非市场产品价值的最重要方法,在环境与资源价值评估中得到广泛的应用,预测有效性是条件价值研究中最为核心的内容。论文在对环境与资源项目条件价值评估预测有效性实证研究回顾与分析的基础上,初步总结了导致CV有效性差的主要原因,认为无收入限制、温暖光辉以及"答非所问"等诸多原因均来自市场的虚拟性。介绍了提高CV预测有效性的三类主要措施,即事前措施、事后措施及事间措施。同时分析了CV预测有效性表达方式的局限性,提出应合理看待CV预测有效性的结果。 展开更多
关键词 环境与资源价值 条件价值 预测有效性 校正因子
The Value of Clean Air in China: Evidence from Beijing and Shanghai 被引量:5
作者 Jijun Tan Jinhua Zhao 《Frontiers of Economics in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities》 2014年第1期109-137,共29页
We estimate the willingness to pay (WTP) of Beijing and Shanghai residents for improving the air quality of the two cities from their levels prior to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games to the level achieved during the O... We estimate the willingness to pay (WTP) of Beijing and Shanghai residents for improving the air quality of the two cities from their levels prior to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games to the level achieved during the Olympics. The data are obtained from a contingent valuation study conducted through face-to-face interviews in June 2008 in Beijing and Shanghai prior to the Beijing Olympics, during which time there was intensive debate about Beijing's air quality. Residents in both cities are willing to pay more when they are more exposed to air pollution, when their disposable income increases, and when they have stronger beliefs that public opinion plays an important role in government policy making. Beijing residents are willing to pay more than Shanghai residents, due possibly to Beijing's poorer air quality. Overall, aggregate WTP for air quality improvement accounts for about 0.53% of the 2008 GDP in Beijing and 0.22% of the 2008 GDP in Shanghai. 展开更多
关键词 contingent valuation Beijing Olympic Games air quality
Tourist Willingness to Pay for Protected Area Ecotourism Resources and Influencing Factors at the Hulun Lake Protected Area 被引量:7
作者 WANG Pengwei ZHONG Linsheng 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2018年第2期174-180,共7页
We examined the Hulun Lake protected area(HLPA)and tourist willingness to pay(WTP)for ecotourism resources using the contingent valuation method(CVM).Eight hundred questionnaires were distributed in the HLPA and... We examined the Hulun Lake protected area(HLPA)and tourist willingness to pay(WTP)for ecotourism resources using the contingent valuation method(CVM).Eight hundred questionnaires were distributed in the HLPA and 708 questionnaires were collected.To establish the relationship between variables and WTP,11 variables were incorporated into the model.Social trust factors and awareness factor were for the first time applied to the models,and two bid equations were obtained by the first and second bid.We found that tourist WTP for ecotourism resources in the HLPA was CNY 14 710 389 in 2010,indicating that tourists have a large WTP for protected area ecotourism resources.Most tourists(79.9%)were willing to pay for ecotourism resources and 21.1%tourists were unwilling to pay.The most common explanation for unwillingness to pay was that it was the government’s responsibility,influenced by special social and economic characteristics in China and indicating that Chinese residents lack resource protection awareness and participation.Income and the awareness of being in a protected area most significantly affected WTP.Trusting protected area authorities significantly affected WTP.Tourists’satisfaction affected WTP negatively in the first equation and WTP positively in the second equation.These results reveal that tourists had large WTP for ecotourism resources.To improve the WTP for ecotourism resources,the protected area management department could use third-party monitoring mechanisms and accounting systems to strengthen tourists’trust,and increase ecological education and modify the"one site,several brands"management system. 展开更多
关键词 contingent valuation method ecotourism resource willingness to pay Hulun Lake Protected Area
Assessing the Economic Value of Vernacular Architecture of Mountain Regions Using Contingent Valuation 被引量:6
作者 Stella GIANNAKOPOULOU Dimitris DAMIGOS Dimitris KALIAMPAKOS 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第5期629-640,共12页
Human pressure on mountain resources poses certain threats to their natural and man-made environment. Although there are many parameters involved, one of the driving forces behind this situation is the emphasis given ... Human pressure on mountain resources poses certain threats to their natural and man-made environment. Although there are many parameters involved, one of the driving forces behind this situation is the emphasis given so far only to the market value of mountain goods and services, ignoring the true social and environmental costs of using mountain resources. Towards this direction, the use of non-market valuation techniques could prove to be beneficial. Bearing in mind the above remarks, the paper presents an application of the Contingent Valuation Method, which aims at estimating the monetary value of a mountain settlement’s vernacular architecture, namely Metsovo. For this purpose, the survey focuses on Metsovo visitors’ willingness to pay a single annual voluntary contribution to an institution that would be founded in order to undertake all necessary actions required to preserve the town’s traditional character. The results are very promising and indicate that vernacular architecture holds a significant economic value that could justify the implementation of appropriate policies towards the protection of vernacular settlements in mountain areas. 展开更多
关键词 Non-market valuation Vernacular architecture contingent valuation
Economic Value of Water Quality Improvement by One Grade Level in Erhai Lake: A Willingness-to-Pay Survey and a Benefit-Transfer Study 被引量:4
作者 Hua Wang Yuyan Shi +1 位作者 Yoonhee Kim Takuya Kamata 《Frontiers of Economics in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities》 2015年第1期168-199,共32页
Water quality in China has seriously deteriorated in recent years. However, very few valuation studies have been conducted to estimate the monetary values associated with water quality changes. As a result, the decisi... Water quality in China has seriously deteriorated in recent years. However, very few valuation studies have been conducted to estimate the monetary values associated with water quality changes. As a result, the decision makers can hardly make rational choices with regard to investments in water quality improvement. This paper presents a valuation study conducted in Dali, Yunnan Province, which aims to estimate the total economic value of improving the water quality of Erhai Lake by one grade level. Both the contingent valuation method and the benefit transfer approach are employed in this study. The contingent valuation estimation strategy reveals that, on average, a household located in Dali is willing to pay about 27 yuan per month continuously for 5 years for the water quality improvement, equivalent to 1.7% of the household monthly income. The elasticity of willingness-to-pay with respect to income is estimated to be 0.28. The internal rate of economic return of the proposed pollution control project is estimated to be 13%. The benefit transfer exercise produces a similar estimation on willingness to pay (WTP) values, with a difference of less than 2% compared with the contingent valuation approach. The results indicate the potential reliability of using the benefit transfer approach for valuation estimations in Chinese provinces. 展开更多
关键词 contingent valuation benefit transfer water quality
Preserving environmental quality of ecotourism sites through community participation in Purulia District of West Bengal,India
作者 Piyall CHATTERJEE Soumyendra Kishore DATTA 《Regional Sustainability》 2024年第3期111-123,共13页
The importance of valuing environmental resources,especially in ecotourism sites,has become increasingly important over the last two decades.Ecotourism is now considered as an important source of livelihood of local s... The importance of valuing environmental resources,especially in ecotourism sites,has become increasingly important over the last two decades.Ecotourism is now considered as an important source of livelihood of local stakeholders in backward regions.Therefore,the preservation of ecotourism sites through community participation seems very important to maintain continued flow of tourists.This study aimed at recognizing the importance of community participation for the preservation of ecotourism sites.For this,this study executed a survey based on non-probability sampling in two ecotourism sites(Garpanchkot and Baranti)covering 100 respondents in Purulia District,West Bengal of India.The central issue of this study was to assess the tendency of community participation for the conservation of ecotourism sites and find the optimum condition for offering participatory labour time.This study showed that the participation of young people is high,and the majority of respondents are aware of the importance in protecting ecotourism sites.Because respondents were too poor to offer money,the contingent valuation method(CVM)was used to elicit their willingness to pay(WTP)participatory labour time for the conservation of ecotourism sites.Respondents’age,income,education level,caste,and their perceived environmental quality had significant relationship with their WTP participatory labour time by applying the ordinary least square(OLS)model.It was found that the mean WTP participatory labour time of each respondent in a month is approximately 3.64 h.The significance of this study is that community participation can improve the sense of belonging,trust,and credibility of ecotourism sites,making them more appreciative of the value and protection of these sites. 展开更多
关键词 Ecotourism site conservation Community participation Local stakeholders Willingness to pay Participatory labour time Ordinary least square(OLS)model contingent valuation method(CVM)
草海湿地生态系统非使用价值评估 被引量:6
作者 徐跃 张翼然 周德民 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第S1期419-424,共6页
湿地资源的总价值,由使用价值(use value)和非使用价值(non-use value)构成,其中非使用价值通常占据相当大的比重,科学合理的评估湿地非使用价值有利于促进湿地资源的可持续利用和发展。该文采用条件价值法,通过对贵州威宁草海自然保护... 湿地资源的总价值,由使用价值(use value)和非使用价值(non-use value)构成,其中非使用价值通常占据相当大的比重,科学合理的评估湿地非使用价值有利于促进湿地资源的可持续利用和发展。该文采用条件价值法,通过对贵州威宁草海自然保护区周边居民的支付意愿调查,定量评估草海湿地生态系统的非使用价值。该研究于2012年5月在保护区周边发放240份调查问卷,收回208份有效问卷。得出草海湿地人均支付意愿值(WTP)为85.08元/a,非使用价值的评估总值为9 103.56万元/a。在各社会经济特征的影响分析中得知,文化程度、工作、月收入是影响支付意愿和WTP值的主要因素;性别、年龄对支付意愿和WTP值的影响很小。 展开更多
关键词 草海湿地 非使用价值 条件价值法 支付意愿
支付意愿与公共物品供给的模仿行为——吉林省污水处理项目的居民支付意愿实证研究 被引量:5
作者 郭桂霞 董保民 《辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2011年第3期90-96,共7页
基于"吉林城市环境改善项目"的调查数据,本文利用Type Ⅱ Tobit模型分析了长春市和延吉市居民对于政府污水处理工程的支付意愿。所使用的Type Ⅱ Tobit模型能有效地解决调查数据中经常出现的样本选择偏差问题,从而能比既有文... 基于"吉林城市环境改善项目"的调查数据,本文利用Type Ⅱ Tobit模型分析了长春市和延吉市居民对于政府污水处理工程的支付意愿。所使用的Type Ⅱ Tobit模型能有效地解决调查数据中经常出现的样本选择偏差问题,从而能比既有文献中常用的OLS和Tobit模型更好地估计支付意愿值。此外,还研究了公共物品供给的模仿行为与收入水平的关系。对于所有收入水平的被调查者的回归结果显示出微弱的模仿行为,而按照收入水平划分后发现高收入和低收入群体的模仿行为显著高于中等收入群体。 展开更多
关键词 支付意愿 条件价值评估 TOBIT 模仿行为
Resident Willingness to Pay for Ecotourism Resources and Associated Factors in Sanjiangyuan National Park,China 被引量:5
作者 MA Ting MIN Qingwen +1 位作者 XU Kun SANG Weiguo 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2021年第5期693-706,共14页
Willingness to Pay(WTP),Willingness to Work(WTW)and Willingness to Accept Compensation(WTA)are the three quantitative criteria for assessing local ecological asset values for the social aspects of ecosystem services a... Willingness to Pay(WTP),Willingness to Work(WTW)and Willingness to Accept Compensation(WTA)are the three quantitative criteria for assessing local ecological asset values for the social aspects of ecosystem services and residents’willingness to contribute to and receive compensation for tourism ecology.The objectives of this study are to estimate the residents’willingness to pay,work and accept compensation for conservation at Sanjiangyuan National Park,and to analyze the relationship between residents’attitude towards tourism ecology and the ecological assets of the National Park based on a standard questionnaire survey.The dichotomous choice Contingent Valuation Method(CVM)was employed to determine the willingness.The survey conducted in 2018 collected WTP,WTW,WTA,socio-demFographical information,social trust and resident perceptions toward tourism impacts and relevant management strategies from 244 residents in two counties.Based on generalized linear modeling,income and education level are important for residents’WTP and WTA,but other social characteristics,such as gender and age,do not have significant effects.The social trust is found to be a significant factor on residents’willingness,despite the limitation on education level.Also,government funding is associated with residents’inclination to WTP,WTW and WTA,but the support levels differ among the two counties due to geographical and social heterogeneities.The estimated WTP,WTW and WTA for the Sanjiangyuan National Park in 2018 were 1.2448×10^(7) yuan,1.247×10^(6) hours and 2.3232×10^(7) yuan yr^(-1) based on the survey and published demographics.This study,for the first time,estimates the WTP,WTW and WTA for the Sanjiangyuan National Park and informs ecological conservation managers and policy makers.Ultimately,to maintain the long-term benefits arising from sustainable development,compensation should be specifically tailored and site-dependent,and development measures based on local resources should be adopted by governments to actively su 展开更多
关键词 willingness to pay tourism ecology compensation contingent valuation method Sanjiangyuan National Park
作者 徐东 杨招军 黄立宏 《系统工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期18-23,共6页
试图从金融与数学的角度 ,通过对数理金融学中连续交易模型下的未定权益与投资消费问题的部分简单介绍 ,从一个侧面展示随机分析与金融学的辩证关系 :一方面 ,随机分析是金融学研究的强有力工具 ;另一方面 ,来自金融学中的问题已成为随... 试图从金融与数学的角度 ,通过对数理金融学中连续交易模型下的未定权益与投资消费问题的部分简单介绍 ,从一个侧面展示随机分析与金融学的辩证关系 :一方面 ,随机分析是金融学研究的强有力工具 ;另一方面 ,来自金融学中的问题已成为随机分析理论新发展的巨大动力和源泉。 展开更多
关键词 金融理论 随机分析 金融学 未定权益 金融市场 定价 保值
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