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一种X光机后全钢轮胎激光刻字、自动扫码、称重及输送系统介绍 被引量:2
作者 沈爱华 《橡塑技术与装备》 CAS 2017年第15期31-38,共8页
佳通轮胎公司硫化后的全钢子午线轮胎经过6条上坡运输带汇总后分配给4台半自动修剪机,修剪后送到6台轮胎外观检察,检查后不合格品通过下层输送带送到修品区,合格品通过上层输送带自动分配给3台X光机检测,检测后送到3台激光刻字机后根据... 佳通轮胎公司硫化后的全钢子午线轮胎经过6条上坡运输带汇总后分配给4台半自动修剪机,修剪后送到6台轮胎外观检察,检查后不合格品通过下层输送带送到修品区,合格品通过上层输送带自动分配给3台X光机检测,检测后送到3台激光刻字机后根据条码进行激光刻字,刻字后送到动平衡输送系统,系统将进行扫码、称重将不同品号的轮胎根据设定自动分配到相应的动平衡试验机道口,免检胎直接入库、问题胎或扫描不良胎进入紧急道口进行人工处理。以上流程对比人工操作,极大提高工作效率,降低了生产成本和劳动强度,实现了全钢胎从硫化到入库的全自动化。 展开更多
关键词 全钢轮胎 智能制造 集中输送 互联网 自动扫码 自动分配
国内集中供液系统现状与展望 被引量:9
作者 赵小淋 《中国血液净化》 CSCD 2019年第2期121-123,共3页
透析用集中供液系统(dialysis centralized liquid supply system,CDS)在临床上的使用比例逐年增高,国内的集中供液设备起步较晚,且仍未有相关的国家标准。目前国内各类集中供液系统在使用上各具优势与不足,本文介绍了目前国内中央浓缩... 透析用集中供液系统(dialysis centralized liquid supply system,CDS)在临床上的使用比例逐年增高,国内的集中供液设备起步较晚,且仍未有相关的国家标准。目前国内各类集中供液系统在使用上各具优势与不足,本文介绍了目前国内中央浓缩液供应系统(central dialysis concentrate supply system,CCDS)与中央透析液供应系统(central dialysis fluid delivery system,CDDS)2大类透析用集中供液设备的基本原理,简述其使用现状,并展望了未来集中供液设备的发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 集中供液系统 中央浓缩液供应系统 中央透析液供应系统 透析设备管理
微信平台集中管理在高危孕产妇管理中的价值研究 被引量:5
作者 牛琼华 《现代医学》 2018年第11期1297-1300,共4页
目的:探讨微信平台集中管理在高危孕产妇管理中的价值。方法:选取本中心2016年8月至2017年10月收治的94例高危孕产妇作为研究对象,采取随机双盲法将所有产妇分为观察组与对照组,每组47例。对照组实施常规干预,观察组在常规干预基础上实... 目的:探讨微信平台集中管理在高危孕产妇管理中的价值。方法:选取本中心2016年8月至2017年10月收治的94例高危孕产妇作为研究对象,采取随机双盲法将所有产妇分为观察组与对照组,每组47例。对照组实施常规干预,观察组在常规干预基础上实施微信平台集中管理,对比两组孕产妇孕期保健知识掌握情况、孕检及复诊依从性、干预前后焦虑自评量表(SAS)及抑郁自评量表(SDS)评分、产妇分娩情况。结果:观察组孕产妇孕期保健知识掌握率为97. 87%,高于对照组的85. 11%(P <0. 05)。观察组孕检及复诊依从率为100%,高于对照组的89. 36%(P <0. 05)。干预后两组患者SAS及SDS评分明显改善(P <0. 05),观察组优于对照组(P <0. 05)。两组产妇均未见死亡,母婴平安,观察组产妇自然分娩率为89. 36%,高于对照组的57. 45%(P <0. 05)。结论:微信平台集中管理在高危孕产妇中应用价值极高,可提高孕产妇孕期保健知识掌握率及孕检、复诊依从率,改善孕妇心理状态,提高自然分娩率,值得临床推广。 展开更多
关键词 高危孕产妇 微信平台集中管理 分娩方式
中间集抛后送式双侧斜输烟草培土机设计与试验 被引量:1
作者 罗海峰 张晟 +3 位作者 吴明亮 王成伟 何激光 蒋啸虎 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期97-108,165,共13页
针对南方丘陵山区烟叶种植区传统铣抛式培土作业存在土块抛送不集中、定点覆土效果差等问题,采用“旋耕碎土—集中后抛—斜置送土”的作业方式,设计一款中间集抛后送式双侧斜输烟草培土机。根据土壤铣削加工和土壤螺旋输送器输送原理,... 针对南方丘陵山区烟叶种植区传统铣抛式培土作业存在土块抛送不集中、定点覆土效果差等问题,采用“旋耕碎土—集中后抛—斜置送土”的作业方式,设计一款中间集抛后送式双侧斜输烟草培土机。根据土壤铣削加工和土壤螺旋输送器输送原理,对整机土壤加工关键部件进行了研究,分析集中后抛斜输过程,确定了培土机的主要结构和工作参数。利用EDEM离散元仿真,建立培土作业仿真模型,以机具前进速度、旋耕深度、螺旋输送器轴转速为试验因素,培土高度、培土幅度、取土率为试验指标,进行了二次正交旋转回归仿真试验与优化,得到最优工作参数。田间试验结果表明,作业后沟底土壤松碎,培土土量均匀,培土高度为24.37 mm,培土幅度为130.42 mm,取土率为21.19%,与仿真结果误差分别为12.21%、1.90%、10.44%。能够满足烟田培土需求,为烟草培土技术农机农艺融合提供了新途径。 展开更多
关键词 烟草 培土机 螺旋输送器 中间集抛后送式 双侧斜输
2013-2015年湖北省二级及以上公立医院药品网上集中采购情况分析 被引量:3
作者 袁姣 陈宇 +3 位作者 刘杨正 周健丘 傅昌 毛宗福 《中国药房》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第31期4340-4343,共4页
目的:了解2013-2015年湖北省二级及以上公立医院药品网上集中采购情况,为进一步完善公立医院药品集中采购工作提供参考。方法:搜集2013-2015年湖北省药械集中采购服务平台集中采购药品的通用名、采购金额、配送金额等网上采购数据,利... 目的:了解2013-2015年湖北省二级及以上公立医院药品网上集中采购情况,为进一步完善公立医院药品集中采购工作提供参考。方法:搜集2013-2015年湖北省药械集中采购服务平台集中采购药品的通用名、采购金额、配送金额等网上采购数据,利用SPSS 22.0软件进行数据处理,对各类药品及各市、州二级及以上公立医院网上集中采购药品和配送情况、采购金额排前10名的药品种类等进行比较分析。结果:2013-2015年,湖北省二级及以上公立医院网上采购率分别为5.97%、17.21%、41.80%;其中采购金额一直排在前2名的是中成药和抗菌药物,中成药采购金额占网上集中采购药品总金额的比例分别为20.05%、18.19%、17.03%,抗菌药物金额占比分别为19.42%、17.89%、19.04%;配送率分别为45.77%、45.72%和63.68%,不同市、州的配送率为14.56%~94.49%。结论:湖北省二级及以上公立医院药品网上集中采购率逐年升高;网上集中采购的中成药和抗菌药物占比较高;药品配送率呈现逐年上升趋势,但存在地区差异。 展开更多
关键词 湖北省 药品网上集中采购 公立医院 采购金额 中成药 抗菌药物 配送率
小区供热锅炉房循环水泵扬程的计算 被引量:1
作者 王昭俊 叶德强 《煤气与热力》 2002年第6期540-542,共3页
关键词 计算 区域集中供热 循环水泵 扬程 流量
作者 李雪朋 郝桂兰 《首都食品与医药》 2022年第7期107-108,共2页
目的探讨新冠疫情下如何对集中隔离产妇展开住院分娩住院管理。方法对2021年10-11月在新冠疫情集中隔离点的19例密接孕产妇住院分娩进行防控管理。结果新冠疫情集中隔离点19例密接孕产妇顺利分娩,未发生院内感染及母婴并发症。结论强化... 目的探讨新冠疫情下如何对集中隔离产妇展开住院分娩住院管理。方法对2021年10-11月在新冠疫情集中隔离点的19例密接孕产妇住院分娩进行防控管理。结果新冠疫情集中隔离点19例密接孕产妇顺利分娩,未发生院内感染及母婴并发症。结论强化密接孕产妇新冠疫情防控管理工作,规范产科隔离区域的工作流程,是保证新冠定点医院集中隔离点密接孕产妇母婴安全的前提。 展开更多
关键词 新冠疫情 集中隔离 孕产妇 住院分娩
医院药物集中配送方法的实施及效果 被引量:1
作者 王丽军 杨娟 +2 位作者 雷蕾 王燕 关旭明 《护理管理杂志》 2003年第6期51-52,共2页
医院以流程为基础进行运作 ,药物集中配送就是利用信息技术和高新技术以流程为中心的整体改进 ,新流程使护士从繁杂的药物配置中解脱出来 ,保证了把临床护士的时间还给病人 ;满足了临床安全用药、合理用药的需要 ;较好地预防、控制了医... 医院以流程为基础进行运作 ,药物集中配送就是利用信息技术和高新技术以流程为中心的整体改进 ,新流程使护士从繁杂的药物配置中解脱出来 ,保证了把临床护士的时间还给病人 ;满足了临床安全用药、合理用药的需要 ;较好地预防、控制了医源污染 ;降低了潜在的护士职业安全风险 ; 展开更多
关键词 药物集中配送 效果
化学品集中供液系统在湿化学工业设备中的应用 被引量:1
作者 吴光庆 郭春华 《电子工业专用设备》 2017年第3期55-58,共4页
关键词 化学品集中供液系统(CDS) 远距离输送 精确配比 气液分离器
基于复杂网络的我国航空货运网络结构分析 被引量:6
作者 蒲亚琼 赵礼强 靖可 《沈阳航空航天大学学报》 2018年第6期82-89,共8页
基于中国国内65个民航机场、333条航线构建国内航空货运航线网络。通过搜集2016年上述航线国内航空货运运量,采用Pajek软件对该货运航线网络结构进行分析,并对航线载运率进行研究。结果显示:我国货运航线网络具有小世界特征,边缘节点优... 基于中国国内65个民航机场、333条航线构建国内航空货运航线网络。通过搜集2016年上述航线国内航空货运运量,采用Pajek软件对该货运航线网络结构进行分析,并对航线载运率进行研究。结果显示:我国货运航线网络具有小世界特征,边缘节点优先与大型枢纽城市节点建立连接;网络发展不均衡,拥有更多航线的城市节点运力也更高,导致大型城市枢纽节点负担过重;我国货运航线网络的载运率整体偏低,特别是连接枢纽城市和东南沿海地区的航线。最后,提出调整航线网络结构与提高航空货载运运率的建议。研究有助于分析我国当前货运航线网络存在的问题,为货运网络结构优化与货邮资源配置提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 航空货运 航线网络 中心度 载运率
Click chemistry extracellular vesicle/peptide/chemokine nanocarriers for treating central nervous system injuries 被引量:2
作者 Huitong Ruan Yongfang Li +12 位作者 Cheng Wang Yixu Jiang Yulong Han Yiwei Li Dandan Zheng Jing Ye Gang Chen Guo-yuan Yang Lianfu Deng Ming Guo Xingcai Zhang Yaohui Tang Wenguo Cui 《Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第5期2202-2218,共17页
Central nervous system(CNS)injuries,including stroke,traumatic brain injury,and spinal cord injury,are essential causes of death and long-term disability and are difficult to cure,mainly due to the limited neuron rege... Central nervous system(CNS)injuries,including stroke,traumatic brain injury,and spinal cord injury,are essential causes of death and long-term disability and are difficult to cure,mainly due to the limited neuron regeneration and the glial scar formation.Herein,we apply extracellular vesicles(EVs)secreted by M2 microglia to improve the differentiation of neural stem cells(NSCs)at the injured site,and simultaneously modify them with the injured vascular targeting peptide(DA7R)and the stem cell recruiting factor(SDF-1)on their surface via copper-free click chemistry to recruit NSCs,inducing their neuronal differentiation,and serving as the nanocarriers at the injured site(Dual-EV).Results prove that the Dual-EV could target human umbilical vascular endothelial cells(HUVECs),recruit NSCs,and promote the neuronal differentiation of NSCs in vitro.Furthermore,10 miRNAs are found to be upregulated in Dual-M2-EVs compared to Dual-M0-EVs via bioinformatic analysis,and further NSC differentiation experiment by flow cytometry reveals that among these miRNAs,miR30b-3p,miR-222-3p,miR-129-5p,and miR-155-5p may exert effect of inducing NSC to differentiate into neurons.In vivo experiments show that Dual-EV nanocarriers achieve improved accumulation in the ischemic area of stroke model mice,potentiate NSCs recruitment,and increase neurogenesis.This work provides new insights for the treatment of neuronal regeneration after CNS injuries as well as endogenous stem cells,and the click chemistry EV/peptide/chemokine and related nanocarriers for improving human health. 展开更多
关键词 central nervous system injuries Stroke Neural stem cell Neurogenesis Click chemistry Extracellular vesicles Microglia Targeted delivery
Nanoparticle delivery for central nervous system diseases and its clinical application
作者 Lin Tang Rui Zhang +4 位作者 Yusi Wang Mohan Liu Die Hu Yuanda Wang Li Yang 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第7期6305-6322,共18页
In the treatment of central nervous system(CNS)diseases such as glioma,Alzheimer's disease(AD)and Parkinson's disease(PD),drugs are expected to reach specific areas of the brain to achieve the desired effect.A... In the treatment of central nervous system(CNS)diseases such as glioma,Alzheimer's disease(AD)and Parkinson's disease(PD),drugs are expected to reach specific areas of the brain to achieve the desired effect.Although a growing number of therapeutic targets have been identified in preclinical studies,the ones that can ultimately be used in the clinic are limited.Therefore,the research process and clinical application of drugs for treating CNS diseases are still large challenges.Physiological barriers such as the blood‒brain barrier(BBB)act as selective permeable membranes,allowing only certain molecules to enter the brain;this barrier is the major obstacle restricting the arrival of most drugs to brain lesions.Recently,nanoparticles,including lipid-based,cell-derived biomimetic,polymeric and inorganic nanoparticles,have gained increasing attention because of their ability to cross physiological barriers,and could play an important role as delivery carriers and immunomodulators.Additionally,clinical applications of nanoparticles in CNS diseases are underway.This review focuses on the progress of current research on the use of nanoparticles for the treatment of CNS diseases to provide additional insight into the treatment of CNS diseases. 展开更多
关键词 NANOPARTICLES central nervous system(CNS)diseases clinical applications delivery carriers IMMUNOMODULATORS
Polymeric nanocarriers for nose-to-brain drug delivery in neurodegenerative diseases and neurodevelopmental disorders 被引量:2
作者 Rania Awad Avi Avital Alejandro Sosnik 《Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第5期1866-1886,共21页
Neurodegenerative diseases are progressive conditions that affect the neurons of the central nervous system(CNS)and result in their damage and death.Neurodevelopmental disorders include intellectual disability,autism ... Neurodegenerative diseases are progressive conditions that affect the neurons of the central nervous system(CNS)and result in their damage and death.Neurodevelopmental disorders include intellectual disability,autism spectrum disorder,and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and stem from the disruption of essential neurodevelopmental processes.The treatment of neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental conditions,together affecting~120 million people worldwide,is challenged by the blood—brain barrier(BBB)and the blood—cerebrospinal fluid barrier that prevent the crossing of drugs from the systemic circulation into the CNS.The nose-to-brain pathway that bypasses the BBB and increases the brain bioavailability of intranasally administered drugs is promising to improve the treatment of CNS conditions.This pathway is more efficient for nanoparticles than for solutions,hence,the research on intranasal nano-drug delivery systems has grown exponentially over the last decade.Polymeric nanoparticles have become key players in the field owing to the high design and synthetic flexibility.This review describes the challenges faced for the treatment of neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental conditions,the molecular and cellular features of the nasal mucosa and the contribution of intranasal nano-drug delivery to overcome them.Then,a comprehensive overview of polymeric nanocarriers investigated to increase drug bioavailability in the brain is introduced. 展开更多
关键词 Neurodegenerative diseases Neurodevelopmental disorders central nervous system Blood—brain barrier Nano-drug delivery systems Nose-to-brain pathway Intranasal administration Polymeric nanoparticles Polymeric micelles DENDRIMERS
Liposomes as versatile agents for the management of traumatic and nontraumatic central nervous system disorders:drug stability,targeting efficiency,and safety
作者 Mingyu Zhang Chunyu Xiang +4 位作者 Renrui Niu Xiaodong He Wenqi Luo Wanguo Liu Rui Gu 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS 2025年第7期1883-1899,共17页
Various nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems for the treatment of neurological disorders have been widely studied.However,their inability to cross the blood–brain barrier hampers the clinical translation of these... Various nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems for the treatment of neurological disorders have been widely studied.However,their inability to cross the blood–brain barrier hampers the clinical translation of these therapeutic strategies.Liposomes are nanoparticles composed of lipid bilayers,which can effectively encapsulate drugs and improve drug delivery across the blood–brain barrier and into brain tissue through their targeting and permeability.Therefore,they can potentially treat traumatic and nontraumatic central nervous system diseases.In this review,we outlined the common properties and preparation methods of liposomes,including thin-film hydration,reverse-phase evaporation,solvent injection techniques,detergent removal methods,and microfluidics techniques.Afterwards,we comprehensively discussed the current applications of liposomes in central nervous system diseases,such as Alzheimer's disease,Parkinson's disease,Huntington's disease,amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,traumatic brain injury,spinal cord injury,and brain tumors.Most studies related to liposomes are still in the laboratory stage and have not yet entered clinical trials.Additionally,their application as drug delivery systems in clinical practice faces challenges such as drug stability,targeting efficiency,and safety.Therefore,we proposed development strategies related to liposomes to further promote their development in neurological disease research. 展开更多
关键词 Alzheimer's disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis brain tumors central nervous system Huntington's disease liposome drug delivery neurological disorders Parkinson's disease spinal cord injury traumatic brain injury
Cre-recombinase systems for induction of neuronspecific knockout models:a guide for biomedical researchers 被引量:1
作者 Tetiana Shcholok Eftekhar Eftekharpour 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第2期273-279,共7页
Gene deletion has been a valuable tool for unraveling the mysteries of molecular biology.Early approaches included gene trapping and gene targetting to disrupt or delete a gene randomly or at a specific location,respe... Gene deletion has been a valuable tool for unraveling the mysteries of molecular biology.Early approaches included gene trapping and gene targetting to disrupt or delete a gene randomly or at a specific location,respectively.Using these technologies in mouse embryos led to the generation of mouse knocko ut models and many scientific discoveries.The efficacy and specificity of these approaches have significantly increased with the advent of new technology such as cluste red regula rly inters paced short palindromic repeats for targetted gene deletion.However,several limitations including unwanted off-target gene deletion have hindered their widespread use in the field.Crerecombinase technology has provided additional capacity for cell-specific gene deletion.In this review,we provide a summary of currently available literature on the application of this system for targetted deletion of neuronal genes.This article has been constructed to provide some background info rmation for the new trainees on the mechanism and to provide necessary information for the design,and application of the Cre-recombinase system thro ugh reviewing the most f requent promoters that are currently available for genetic manipulation of neuro ns.We additionally will provide a summary of the latest technological developments that can be used for targeting neurons.This may also serve as a general guide for the selection of appropriate models for biomedical research. 展开更多
关键词 central nervous system CEREBELLUM Cre/LoxP system Cre-recombinase transduction gene deletion gene delivery hippocampus in vivo genome editing stereotaxic injection
导丝部分外撤结合生理盐水推注在预防PICC异位中的应用效果 被引量:4
作者 盛叶 赵锐祎 单燕敏 《中华护理杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第S01期15-18,共4页
目的探索导丝部分外撤结合生理盐水推注在预防PICC异位中的效果。方法选取2016年11月—2017年3月我院需留置PICC的住院患者802例,按随机数字表法分为实验组402例和对照组400例,置管时,实验组采用导丝部分外撤联合生理盐水推注送管法,对... 目的探索导丝部分外撤结合生理盐水推注在预防PICC异位中的效果。方法选取2016年11月—2017年3月我院需留置PICC的住院患者802例,按随机数字表法分为实验组402例和对照组400例,置管时,实验组采用导丝部分外撤联合生理盐水推注送管法,对照组采用常规送管法。通过置管中超声探查和置管后胸部X线摄片定位法观察两组的导管异位率及送管一次到位率。结果实验组异位率为1.74%(7例),送管一次到位率为97.01%(390例);对照组异位率为4.25%(17例),送管一次到位率为93.75%(375例),两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论采用导丝部分外撤结合生理盐水推注能降低导管异位率,提高送管一次到位率。 展开更多
关键词 导管插入术 中心静脉 送管 导管异位 护理
品管圈在缩短中心药房出院带药发放时间中的应用 被引量:2
作者 金涛 黄菲 +1 位作者 王进 钱晓萍 《中国医药科学》 2019年第18期183-185,192,共4页
目的缩短中心药房出院带药发放时间,减少患者等待时间。方法通过统计2017年1~7月出院带药的发放时间,对药品不能及时下送的原因进行分析验证,根据真因制定对策、实施并验证。结果开展品管圈活动之后,中心药房出院带药(一批次)发放时间... 目的缩短中心药房出院带药发放时间,减少患者等待时间。方法通过统计2017年1~7月出院带药的发放时间,对药品不能及时下送的原因进行分析验证,根据真因制定对策、实施并验证。结果开展品管圈活动之后,中心药房出院带药(一批次)发放时间显著下降,由51min下降到27min,目标达标率为106.2%,进步率为47.06%。结论开展品管圈活动后能够有效的缩短中心药房出院带药发放时间,提高了科室凝聚力,增加了科室员工的团队合作意识,提高了患者的服务满意度。 展开更多
关键词 品管圈 中心药房 出院带药 PDCA 发放时间
Experimental characterization of the removal efficiency and energy effectiveness of central air cleaners
作者 Patrice Blondeau Marc Olivier Abadie +6 位作者 Alexandra Durand Pascal Kaluzny Sylvie Parat Alain Ginestet Dominique Pugnet Céline Tourreilles Thierry Duforestel 《Energy and Built Environment》 2021年第1期1-12,共12页
This study assessed six commercially available in-duct air cleaning devices which are designed to be mounted in the central ventilation system of offices or commercial buildings.The selected devices use different air ... This study assessed six commercially available in-duct air cleaning devices which are designed to be mounted in the central ventilation system of offices or commercial buildings.The selected devices use different air cleaning technologies:mechanical filtration,electrostatic precipitation,gas filtration,ionization/cold plasma,photocatalytic oxidation(PCO)and catalysis under UV light.They were tested against particles,a mixture of volatile organic compounds containing acetone,acetaldehyde,toluene,heptane and formaldehyde,and two bio-contaminants:Aspergillus brasiliensis(fungus)and Staphylococcus epidermidis(bacteria).Two different test rigs were used.The single pass efficiency of each device was determined for three airflow rates,corresponding to face velocities ranging from 0.9 to 2.7 m/s,and two sets of temperature and humidity that are representative of indoor air conditions in wintertime and summertime.The concentration of the chal-lenge volatile organic compounds was also varied in the 30 to 100μg/m^(3)range as a way to characterize their influence on efficiency at realistic concentration levels for non-industrial buildings.Measurements of ozone and formaldehyde concentration downstream of the air cleaners were carried out to determine the emission rate of by-products into the air stream.Finally,the energy issue was addressed by measuring the electric power drawn and pressure loss of the devices.The results showed that two devices,namely a radiant catalytic ionizer and a plasma ionizer,had a very low single pass efficiency against all the challenge pollutants.The association of the plasma ionizer and the electrostatic precipitator did not produce a synergetic effect between the two technologies either,contrary to what their manufacturer claims.Finally,three of the six devices tested were effective in terms of pollutant removal,but only two had an acceptable energy effectiveness in view of their use in low or zero energy buildings.Their energy effectiveness ranged from a few thousand m^(3)/kWh for VOCs at the 展开更多
关键词 central air cleaners EFFICIENCY Clean air delivery rate Energy effectiveness By-products OZONE
改良送管方法预防经外周静脉置入中心静脉导管异位至颈内静脉的临床研究 被引量:17
作者 鲁林花 丁美华 +2 位作者 黄丽芳 陈莉萍 孔月华 《解放军护理杂志》 CSCD 2017年第4期53-55,64,共4页
目的探索改良送管方法预防经外周静脉置入中心静脉导管(peripherally inserted central catheter,PICC)异位至颈内静脉的应用效果。方法 2015年6-12月便利抽样法选取嘉兴学院附属第一医院需留置PICC导管的住院患者400例,按随机数字表法... 目的探索改良送管方法预防经外周静脉置入中心静脉导管(peripherally inserted central catheter,PICC)异位至颈内静脉的应用效果。方法 2015年6-12月便利抽样法选取嘉兴学院附属第一医院需留置PICC导管的住院患者400例,按随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组各200例,对照组采用常规送管方法,观察组采用改良送管方法。比较两组患者一次送管成功率、导管异位至颈内静脉发生率。结果对照组一次送管成功179例(成功率为89.5%),导管异位至颈内静脉21例(异位率为10.5%),观察组一次送管成功198例(成功率为99.0%),导管异位至颈内静脉2例(异位率为1.0%),两组比较差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论采用改良送管方法,能提高一次送管成功率,降低颈内静脉异位发生率,确保导管安全留置,为预防导管异位提供临床实践与理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 导管插入术 经外周静脉置入中心静脉导管 改良送管方法 异位
78例中央性前置胎盘的临床分析 被引量:14
作者 高泳涛 苏绮枫 +2 位作者 骆月娥 蒋鉴芬 蔡兰娣 《上海医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期159-162,共4页
目的 探讨中央性前置胎盘的临床处理方法。方法 回顾性分析我院 1999年 1月~ 2 0 0 3年 2月收治的 78例中央性前置胎盘的病例资料。结果 中央性前置胎盘的发生率为 0 .344 %。剖宫产术中的出血量与孕周呈正相关 (r =0 .35 ,P =0 .0 ... 目的 探讨中央性前置胎盘的临床处理方法。方法 回顾性分析我院 1999年 1月~ 2 0 0 3年 2月收治的 78例中央性前置胎盘的病例资料。结果 中央性前置胎盘的发生率为 0 .344 %。剖宫产术中的出血量与孕周呈正相关 (r =0 .35 ,P =0 .0 15 ) ,与胎盘主体的位置有关 ,后壁胎盘的出血量少于前壁胎盘 (P =0 .0 1)。胎盘主体在前壁者 ,术中推开胎盘边缘破膜娩出胎儿法的出血量少于切开胎盘法 (P =0 .0 2 7)。胎盘自然剥离的出血最少 ,人工剥离的出血最多 (P =0 .0 3)。结论 对于中央性前置胎盘者选择性剖宫产的时间宜在孕 35~37周。主体胎盘在前壁者 ,术中切开子宫时应尽量避免切开胎盘 ,应于推开胎盘后快速破膜娩出胎儿。胎儿娩出后若无活动性出血应尽量等待胎盘自然剥离 ,以减少手术出血量。 展开更多
关键词 中央性前置胎盘 临床分析 剖宫产 术中出血量
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