Acupuncture has been used for 1000 years, but how it gives therapeutic effect is not completely understood. Integration of brain wave as the central nervous system plays an important role in acupuncture efficacy. To e...Acupuncture has been used for 1000 years, but how it gives therapeutic effect is not completely understood. Integration of brain wave as the central nervous system plays an important role in acupuncture efficacy. To explore the effect of acupuncture stimulation in the central nervous system, it is imperative to decide the adjustments in brain waves that produced because of acupuncture stimulation. Electroencephalogram(EEG) is often used in the acupuncture research area. EEG records spontaneous cerebral activity after some time by positioning electrodes on scalp surface. Using EEG, we can observe the brain connectivity regarding the acupuncture stimulation. An overview regarding the effect of manual acupuncture on human brain wave through EEG observation will be discussed in this review.展开更多
文摘Acupuncture has been used for 1000 years, but how it gives therapeutic effect is not completely understood. Integration of brain wave as the central nervous system plays an important role in acupuncture efficacy. To explore the effect of acupuncture stimulation in the central nervous system, it is imperative to decide the adjustments in brain waves that produced because of acupuncture stimulation. Electroencephalogram(EEG) is often used in the acupuncture research area. EEG records spontaneous cerebral activity after some time by positioning electrodes on scalp surface. Using EEG, we can observe the brain connectivity regarding the acupuncture stimulation. An overview regarding the effect of manual acupuncture on human brain wave through EEG observation will be discussed in this review.