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不同原子频标的物理工作原理对比 被引量:4
作者 刘玉菲 高翔 +1 位作者 吴亚明 刘文平 《微计算机信息》 北大核心 2006年第02S期170-172,158,共4页
关键词 原子频标 原子钟 微波共振 光学抽运 CPT
用激光共振电离光谱测定铈原子奇宇称高激发态(Ⅰ):32042~34575cm^(-1) 被引量:4
作者 李志明 朱凤蓉 +5 位作者 张子斌 翟利华 任向军 邓虎 张利兴 V N Fedoseev 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期709-712,共4页
激光共振电离光谱是一种十分适合于高能量区重元素复杂原子结构研究的技术。为寻找铈原子最佳的共振电离通道 ,利用这一技术对铈原子奇宇称高激发态进行了研究。在 32 0 42~ 34 5 75cm-1范围内 ,用两步共振激发和非共振电离方法 ,首次... 激光共振电离光谱是一种十分适合于高能量区重元素复杂原子结构研究的技术。为寻找铈原子最佳的共振电离通道 ,利用这一技术对铈原子奇宇称高激发态进行了研究。在 32 0 42~ 34 5 75cm-1范围内 ,用两步共振激发和非共振电离方法 ,首次观察到了 83条铈原子奇宇称高激发态能级 。 展开更多
关键词 激光共振电离光谱 测定 铈原子 奇宇称高激发态 原子结构
Simulation of ^(13)C NMR chemical shifts of carbinol carbon atoms using quantitative structure-spectrum relationships 被引量:2
作者 戴益民 黄可龙 +3 位作者 李浔 曹忠 朱志平 杨道武 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第2期323-330,共8页
A quantitative structure-spectrum relationship (QSSR) model was developed to simulate 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of carbinol carbon atoms for 55 alcohols. The proposed model,using multiple linear reg... A quantitative structure-spectrum relationship (QSSR) model was developed to simulate 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of carbinol carbon atoms for 55 alcohols. The proposed model,using multiple linear regression,contained four descriptors solely extracted from the molecular structure of compounds. The statistical results of the final model show that R2= 0.982 4 and S=0.869 8 (where R is the correlation coefficient and S is the standard deviation). To test its predictive ability,the model was further used to predict the 13C NMR spectra of the carbinol carbon atoms of other nine compounds which were not included in the developed model. The average relative errors are 0.94% and 1.70%,respectively,for the training set and the predictive set. The model is statistically significant and shows good stability for data variation as tested by the leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation. The comparison with other approaches also reveals good performance of this method. 展开更多
关键词 carbinol carbon atom ^13C nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shift topological indices quantitative structure-spectroscopy relationship
放电通道振荡特性分析及其蚀除机理的研究 被引量:2
作者 倪杨 郭常宁 薛锐 《电加工与模具》 2009年第1期9-12,共4页
从理论上对单脉冲放电通道的等离子体振荡特性进行了分析,发现其振荡频谱包含了金属晶格振动的本征频率。由此提出了受激原子共振的观点:在放电电流上升阶段,因放电通道中等离子体振荡频率可覆盖金属晶格振动频率,会使电极材料表面晶格... 从理论上对单脉冲放电通道的等离子体振荡特性进行了分析,发现其振荡频谱包含了金属晶格振动的本征频率。由此提出了受激原子共振的观点:在放电电流上升阶段,因放电通道中等离子体振荡频率可覆盖金属晶格振动频率,会使电极材料表面晶格原子产生共振或接近共振,加剧放电的热作用,使电极表面材料以"共振"形式去除;而在放电电流趋于平稳后,等离子体振荡频率则远远小于晶格振动频率,电极材料表面晶格原子不具备共振的必要条件,此时材料主要是以"碰撞"形式去除。从这个观点出发,说明了放电电流初始阶段和短脉冲加工是对电极消耗影响较大的原因。 展开更多
关键词 电火花加工 放电通道 等离子体振荡 原子共振
Two-dimensional atom localization induced by a squeezed vacuum
作者 王飞 徐俊 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第10期139-148,共10页
A scheme of two-dimensional(2D) atom localization induced by a squeezed vacuum is proposed, in which the threelevel V-type atoms interact with two classical standing-wave fields. It is found that when the environment ... A scheme of two-dimensional(2D) atom localization induced by a squeezed vacuum is proposed, in which the threelevel V-type atoms interact with two classical standing-wave fields. It is found that when the environment is changed from an ordinary vacuum to a squeezed vacuum, the 2D atom localization is realized by detecting the position-dependent resonance fluorescence spectrum. For comparison, we demonstrate that the atom localization originating from the quantum interference effect is distinct from that induced by a squeezed vacuum. Furthermore, the combined effects of the squeezed vacuum and quantum interference are also discussed under appropriate conditions. The internal physical mechanism is analyzed in terms of dressed-state representation. 展开更多
关键词 atom localization squeezed vacuum resonance fluorescence
Using Inductance as a Tuning Parameter for RF Meta-atoms
作者 Derrick Langley Ronald A.Coutu Peter J.Collins 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第2期103-109,共7页
The resonant frequency of metamaterials structured with split ring resonator(SRR) meta-atoms is determined primarily through the capacitance and inductance of the individual meta-atoms. Two designs that vary inductanc... The resonant frequency of metamaterials structured with split ring resonator(SRR) meta-atoms is determined primarily through the capacitance and inductance of the individual meta-atoms. Two designs that vary inductance incrementally were modeled, simulated, fabricated, and tested to investigate the role inductance plays in metamaterial designs. The designs consisted of strategically adding sections to the SRR to increase the inductance, but in a manner that minimized capacitance variations. Each design showed a shift in resonant frequency that was proportional to the length of the added section. As the length of each section was increased, the resonant frequency shifted from 2.78 GHz to 2.18 GHz. 展开更多
关键词 INDUCTANCE Meta-atom METAMATERIAL Split Ring Resonator Radio Frequency resonance
Anomalous Effects of Driving Field Linewidth on a One-Atom Dressed-State Laser
作者 杨金金 胡响明 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第5期1256-1259,共4页
We examine the effects of driving field linewidth on a one-atom dressed state laser. Unexpectedly, the linewidth leads to anomalous effects on the cavity field. The mean photon number of the cavity field is raised or ... We examine the effects of driving field linewidth on a one-atom dressed state laser. Unexpectedly, the linewidth leads to anomalous effects on the cavity field. The mean photon number of the cavity field is raised or the normalized variance is reduced to a certain degree as the linewidth increases for an appropriate range of parameters. The responsible mechanism is attributed to the fluctuation-induced modification of the electromagnetic reservoir where the atom stays. 展开更多
Resonances of a hydrogen atom in strong parallel electric and magnetic fields using B-spline basis sets
作者 张月霞 孟慧艳 史庭云 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第1期140-147,共8页
The B-spline basis set plus complex scaling method is applied to the numerical calculation of the exact resonance parameters Er and Г/2 of a hydrogen atom in parallel electric and magnetic fields. The method can calc... The B-spline basis set plus complex scaling method is applied to the numerical calculation of the exact resonance parameters Er and Г/2 of a hydrogen atom in parallel electric and magnetic fields. The method can calculate the ground and higher excited resonances accurately and efficiently. The resonance parameters with accuracies of 10^-9 - 10^-12 for hydrogen atom in parallel fields with different field strengths and symmetries are presented and compared with previous ones. Extension to the calculation of Rydberg atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields and of atomic double excited states in external electric fields is discussed. 展开更多
关键词 hydrogen atom B-SPLINE complex scaling method resonance parallel electric and magnetic fields
作者 殷立峰 杨援 +2 位作者 吴励 舒海珍 林福成 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1990年第9期785-791,共7页
关键词 原子 共振光电离 空心阴极放电
Asymmetric conductivity of the Kondo effect in cold atomic systems
作者 Yanting Cheng Xin Chen Ren Zhang 《Frontiers of physics》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第1期71-77,共7页
Motivated by recent theoretical and experimental advances in quantum simulations using alkaline earth(AE)atoms,we put forward a proposal to detect the Kondo physics in a cold atomic system.It has been demonstrated tha... Motivated by recent theoretical and experimental advances in quantum simulations using alkaline earth(AE)atoms,we put forward a proposal to detect the Kondo physics in a cold atomic system.It has been demonstrated that the intrinsic spin-exchange interaction in AE atoms can be significantly enhanced near a confinement-induced resonance(CIR),which facilitates the simulation of Kondo physics.Since the Kondo effect appears only for antiferromagnetic coupling,we find that the conductivity of such system exhibits an asymmetry across a resonance of spin-exchange interaction.The asymmetric conductivity can serve as the smoking gun evidence for Kondo physics in the cold atom context.When an extra magnetic field ramps up,the spin-exchange process near Fermi surface is suppressed by Zee-man energy and the conductivity becomes more and more symmetric.Our results can be verified in the current experimental setup. 展开更多
关键词 Kondo effect alkaline earth atom confinement induced resonance
作者 吴强 姚焜 郭光灿 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1991年第11期988-994,共7页
本文用缀饰原子本征态的方法,导出三原子体系合作共振荧光过程的主方程。求出了共振荧光的谱线结构,各谱线的权重比及各谱线的弛豫速率。文中报道了三原子共振荧光由七条谱线组成,每条谱线又有自己的精细结构。作者认为各谱线的分裂原... 本文用缀饰原子本征态的方法,导出三原子体系合作共振荧光过程的主方程。求出了共振荧光的谱线结构,各谱线的权重比及各谱线的弛豫速率。文中报道了三原子共振荧光由七条谱线组成,每条谱线又有自己的精细结构。作者认为各谱线的分裂原因在于缀饰原子偶极矩之间的相互耦合。 展开更多
关键词 三原子体系 合作效应 共振荧光
作者 赵建明 肖连团 +1 位作者 汪丽蓉 贾锁堂 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第11期2485-2488,共4页
利用外腔半导体激光器 85 2 .1nm激光将Cs原子共振激发到 6P态 ,对Cs原子 6P→ 7P态能量积聚效应的温度特性进行了实验研究 .随温度的升高 ,共振荧光强度增大 ,同时双峰间隔增大 。
关键词 温度特性 CS原子 能量积聚效应 外腔半导体激光器 共振荧光 激发态
作者 金昌泰 王秀兰 +2 位作者 王松岳 李玉福 周大凡 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1996年第1期7-10,共4页
关键词 铀原子 共振电离 四光子电离
作者 殷立峰 景春阳 +5 位作者 朱雷 杨援 张桂燕 宋秀冬 陈国斌 林福成 《中国激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1991年第1期75-77,共3页
铜原子能级中存在着两个亚稳态能级(4d^94s^(22)D_(3/2)和4d^94s^(22)D_(5/2)。它们分别是铜蒸气激光器578.2nm和510.6nm激光跃迁的下能级。过去已经在CuCl正柱放电管中测量过这二个亚稳态能级的寿命,在不同的条件下,得到的结果也不尽相... 铜原子能级中存在着两个亚稳态能级(4d^94s^(22)D_(3/2)和4d^94s^(22)D_(5/2)。它们分别是铜蒸气激光器578.2nm和510.6nm激光跃迁的下能级。过去已经在CuCl正柱放电管中测量过这二个亚稳态能级的寿命,在不同的条件下,得到的结果也不尽相同,大致在10到100μs的范围内。利用HCD灯,我们发展了一种新的利用窄脉冲放电激发HCD灯产生Cu亚稳态粒子并在放电结束后测量共振激光感生荧光强度随激光脉冲对放电脉冲延迟时间的衰减关系来测量亚稳态寿命的方法。这里的激光波长共振于下能级为亚稳态的跃迁,即510.6nm: 展开更多
关键词 铜原子 亚稳态 HCD灯 测量
作者 李世芳 林福成 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1989年第4期302-309,共8页
关键词 缀饰原子法 共振荧光 激光场
量子计算研究现状与未来发展 被引量:16
作者 李晓巍 付祥 +13 位作者 燕飞 钟有鹏 陆朝阳 张君华 贺煜 尉石 鲁大为 辛涛 陈济雷 林本川 张振生 刘松 陈远珍 俞大鹏 《中国工程科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期133-144,共12页
量子计算乃至更为广泛的量子信息,是基于量子力学原理发展出来的概念与技术体系,涉及信息的本质及其处理。量子计算利用量子叠加、量子纠缠等资源进行信息编码和处理,已被证明在若干问题上具有相对于经典计算的极大优势,在实用化后将对... 量子计算乃至更为广泛的量子信息,是基于量子力学原理发展出来的概念与技术体系,涉及信息的本质及其处理。量子计算利用量子叠加、量子纠缠等资源进行信息编码和处理,已被证明在若干问题上具有相对于经典计算的极大优势,在实用化后将对信息及相关科技产生深远影响。本文概要回顾了量子计算的发展历史,如量子计算思想与概念的形成、重要理论及算法的发展以及应用情况;梳理总结了代表性的量子计算技术路线及其发展态势,如超导量子计算、分布式超导量子计算、光量子计算、囚禁离子量子计算、硅基量子计算及若干其他体系。着眼不同技术路线面临的共性问题,对我国量子计算领域未来发展提出建议:注重战略规划和布局,培养高水平研究团队,加强基础研究、核心技术、关键设备的自主研发。 展开更多
关键词 量子计算 量子算法 量子测控系统 量子软件 超导量子计算 分布式量子计算 囚禁离子量子计算 硅基量子计算 光量子计算 中性原子量子计算 金刚石氮空位色心 核磁共振量子计算 自旋波量子计算 拓扑量子计算
Composition formulas of Ti alloys derived by interpreting Ti-6Al-4V 被引量:9
作者 LIU TianYu ZHANG Shuang +2 位作者 WANG Qing MIN XiaoHua DONG Chuang 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第8期1732-1740,共9页
Titanium alloys are composed ofαandβphases and are classified as nearα,dual-phaseα+β,andβtypes.This study attempts to derive their general composition formulas within the cluster-plus-glue-atom model by interpre... Titanium alloys are composed ofαandβphases and are classified as nearα,dual-phaseα+β,andβtypes.This study attempts to derive their general composition formulas within the cluster-plus-glue-atom model by interpreting Ti-6A1-4V and other popular dual-phaseα+βTi alloy s with well-established chemical compositions.Our model identifiedαmolecule-like structural unit that covers onlyαnearest-neighbor cluster along withαfew next-neighbor glue atoms,which can be represented as"[cluster](glue atoms)x".The structural units of theαandβphases in Ti-6Al-4V,α-[Al-Ti_(12)](AlTi_(2)),andβ-[Al-Ti_(14)](V2Ti),were derived first and were in an unusual unit ratio of about 2.33:1.To obtain an alloy composition formula that satisfied this unit ratio,the two clusters were treated as hard spheres of different radii and packed according to the clusterplusglueatom model.Our calculations determined that the Ti-6A1-4V alloy unit is composed of 12α-[Al-Ti_(12)](AlTi_(2))and 5β-[Al-Ti_(14)](V2Ti)units(Ti-6.05A1-3.94V wt.%),with the fractional volume of theβphase being 32.5 vol.%,which is in agreement with experimental data.Finally,we describe how the chemical formulas of theαand p phases explain the high temperature near-a alloys(such as Ti-1100,[Al-(Ti_(0.97)Zr_(0.03))_(12)](Al_(0.67)Si_(0.12)Sn_(0.18)Mo_(0.03))_(1.01)Ti_(1.99))and high-strengthβ-Ti alloys(such as Ti-5553,[Al-Ti_(14)](Al_(0.24)Fe_(0.03)Cr_(0.20)-Mo_(0.18)V0.35)_(2.45)Ti_(0.55)),respectively. 展开更多
关键词 TI-6AL-4V titanium alloys chemical formula cluster-plus-glue-atom model cluster-resonance model
作者 靳刚 成永杰 +5 位作者 彭博 韩斌斌 黄承祖 赵鹏 刘星汛 齐万泉 《宇航计测技术》 CSCD 2024年第3期36-40,共5页
针对里德伯原子EIT-AT法射频电场测量方案中,测量频点带宽窄的问题,提供了一种宽带连续射频电场测量方法,并在TEM室中演示了量子射频电场探测系统的测量技术。该方法通过在TEM室内放置电场探头,基于非共振射频与里德伯原子的相互作用模... 针对里德伯原子EIT-AT法射频电场测量方案中,测量频点带宽窄的问题,提供了一种宽带连续射频电场测量方法,并在TEM室中演示了量子射频电场探测系统的测量技术。该方法通过在TEM室内放置电场探头,基于非共振射频与里德伯原子的相互作用模型,在外加射频电场作用下,里德伯原子的能级产生偏移,根据光谱偏移变化量,反推出射频电场的强度大小。基于该方案实现了50~500 MHz范围内的连续频率不间断电场测量,极大的扩展了量子场强的应用范围,该方案同样可扩展至1 GHz以上的微波电场测量,该量子场强探头为光纤可解耦的结构,可以实现管道机箱等狭小空间的电场环境探测。 展开更多
关键词 横电磁波室 里德伯原子 射频 电场强度 谐振频率测量 激光光谱分裂
氩原子共振增强多光子电离谱——奇对称性里德堡态 被引量:3
作者 郑贤锋 王婷婷 +2 位作者 裴林森 陈从香 陈旸 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期605-612,共8页
利用脉冲放电产生氩原子亚稳态4s2[3/2]°2和4s'2[1/2]°0,在610-670 nm波长范围内,利用共振增强多光子电离和飞行时间质谱技术得到氩原子(2+1)REMPI谱。光谱分析表明所有谱线来源于氩原子4s2[3/2]°2和4s'2[1/... 利用脉冲放电产生氩原子亚稳态4s2[3/2]°2和4s'2[1/2]°0,在610-670 nm波长范围内,利用共振增强多光子电离和飞行时间质谱技术得到氩原子(2+1)REMPI谱。光谱分析表明所有谱线来源于氩原子4s2[3/2]°2和4s'2[1/2]°0两个亚稳态向16个奇对称性里德堡态双光子跃迁,并标识所有谱线。同时首次在实验上观察到一个长序列的3p54s'2[1/2]°0→3p5nd2[1/2]°1(n=8-31)双光子跃迁。在实验技术上,提供了一种研究惰性气体原子以及其它原子高里德堡态和自电离态的新方法。 展开更多
关键词 氩原子 共振增强多光子电离 里德堡态
Molecular constants of LiCl(X^1Σ^+) and elastic collisions of two ground-state Cl and Li atoms at low and ultralow temperatures
作者 朱遵略 张小妞 +2 位作者 寇素华 施德恒 孙金锋 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第11期351-359,共9页
Interaction potentials for LiCI(X^1∑+) are constructed by the highly accurate valence internally contracted multireference configuration interaction in combination with a number of large correlation-consistent bas... Interaction potentials for LiCI(X^1∑+) are constructed by the highly accurate valence internally contracted multireference configuration interaction in combination with a number of large correlation-consistent basis sets, which are used to determine the spectroscopic parameters (D0, De, Re, ωe, ωeχe, Be and αe). The potentials obtained at the basis sets, i.e., aug-cc-pV5Z-JKFI for Cl and cc-pV5Z for Li, are selected to study the elastic collision properties of Li and Cl atoms at the impact energies from 1.0 ×10^-12 to 1.0× 10-4 a.u. The derived total elastic cross sections are very large and almost constant at ultralow temperatures, and their shapes are mainly dominated by the s-partial wave at very low impact energies. Only one shape resonance can be found in the total elastic cross sections over the present collision energy regime, which is rather strong and obviously broadened by the overlap contributions of the abundant resonances coming from various partial waves. Abundant resonances exist for the elastic partial-wave cross sections until l= 22 partial waves. The vibrational manifolds of the LiCI(X^1∑+) molecule, which are predicted at the present level of theory and the basis sets cc-pV5Z for Li and the aug-cc-pV5Z-JKFI for Cl, should achieve much high accuracy due to the employment of the large correlation-consistent basis sets. 展开更多
关键词 atom-atom collision shape resonance interaction potential molecular constant
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