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逮捕审查制度的中国模式及其改革 被引量:106
作者 刘计划 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期122-142,共21页
"侦查中由人民检察院批准、决定逮捕",构成逮捕审查制度的中国模式,其理论基础是检察监督理论。定量分析表明,逮捕在我国刑事诉讼中被普遍适用,有违法定逮捕要件,对公正审判与有效辩护造成不利影响;定性分析表明,逮捕被普遍... "侦查中由人民检察院批准、决定逮捕",构成逮捕审查制度的中国模式,其理论基础是检察监督理论。定量分析表明,逮捕在我国刑事诉讼中被普遍适用,有违法定逮捕要件,对公正审判与有效辩护造成不利影响;定性分析表明,逮捕被普遍适用的根源在于,享有批准、决定逮捕权的检察机关实为追诉机关,其执行的实体标准、审查程序及"快捕快诉"的追诉性指导思想,挤压了取保候审等羁押替代措施的适用空间。解决逮捕普遍化问题,应依据"互相制约"的宪法原则确立法院审查模式,由法院统一行使逮捕决定权,即在检察机关初次审查的基础上,增加法院审查程序,以制约公安机关、检察机关行使的追诉权,更好地实现保障人权的刑事诉讼目的。 展开更多
关键词 逮捕 人身自由 程序正义 审查逮捕模式
论我国审前羁押制度的完善 被引量:72
作者 卞建林 《法学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期81-88,177-178,共8页
审前羁押在我国成为对待犯罪嫌疑人的常态化处置方式,其主要原因在于混同了逮捕与羁押从而导致司法审查的缺失以及司法救济的虚无。应当从根本上对审前羁押制度进行改革,实现逮捕与羁押相分离,将逮捕定位于羁押的前置程序并设置独立的... 审前羁押在我国成为对待犯罪嫌疑人的常态化处置方式,其主要原因在于混同了逮捕与羁押从而导致司法审查的缺失以及司法救济的虚无。应当从根本上对审前羁押制度进行改革,实现逮捕与羁押相分离,将逮捕定位于羁押的前置程序并设置独立的羁押审查程序,以控制羁押的适用。在秉持司法授权原则、司法审查原则、司法救济原则以及比例原则等现代审前羁押制度通行原则的基础上,我国审前羁押制度可通过如下具体进路予以完善:坚持检察机关的审查主体定位,完善羁押审查程序,厘清羁押期限问题,强化羁押救济程序,丰富羁押替代措施。 展开更多
关键词 审前羁押 逮捕 羁押替代措施
舰载机弹射起飞及拦阻着舰动力学问题 被引量:56
作者 金长江 洪冠新 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1990年第12期B534-B542,共9页
弹射起飞和拦阻着舰是舰载机的特殊动力学问题,弹射起飞过程中的起飞离舰姿态、安全离舰速度及离舰上升航迹;着舰过程中的下滑航迹标定及保持、啮合速度及拦阻滑跑;逃逸复飞能力等是舰载机起落性能的主要评定指标。这些指标与航空母舰... 弹射起飞和拦阻着舰是舰载机的特殊动力学问题,弹射起飞过程中的起飞离舰姿态、安全离舰速度及离舰上升航迹;着舰过程中的下滑航迹标定及保持、啮合速度及拦阻滑跑;逃逸复飞能力等是舰载机起落性能的主要评定指标。这些指标与航空母舰的大气扰动、航空母舰的纵倾、横摇和升沉运动的影响密切有关。本文在探讨舰载机起落性能研究方法的基础上,进行了示例仿真研究,其计算结果与能取得的示例飞机的某些结果是一致的。 展开更多
关键词 舰载飞机 弹射起飞 动力学 拦阻
中国刑事强制措施制度的改革与完善 被引量:46
作者 陈光中 张小玲 《政法论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第5期126-132,共7页
为了适应社会转型时期的客观需要 ,解决司法实践中存在的问题 ,缩小与联合国刑事司法准则的差距 ,我国应当对包括逮捕、监视居住等在内的强制措施制度进行改革 ,对超期羁押进行制度性的防治 ,协调行政措施与强制措施之间的关系。
关键词 中国 刑事强制措施制度 超期羁押 逮捕 监视居住制度 刑事诉讼 辩护制度
刑事强制措施体系及其完善 被引量:64
作者 易延友 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期146-163,共18页
刑事强制措施可以分为以抓捕、截停、带到为目的的措施和以保证被告人出席审判为目的的措施两大类。为防止政府权力的滥用,西方国家从适当根据、令状主义、迅速带见法官等方面对羁押之前的抓捕、截停进行了规制;从羁押适用的法定理由、... 刑事强制措施可以分为以抓捕、截停、带到为目的的措施和以保证被告人出席审判为目的的措施两大类。为防止政府权力的滥用,西方国家从适当根据、令状主义、迅速带见法官等方面对羁押之前的抓捕、截停进行了规制;从羁押适用的法定理由、决定主体、上诉救济以及迅速审判等多个角度对审判前的羁押进行了规制。在我国,刑事强制措施也涵括了以拘留为中心、以留置盘问、公民扭送为补充的抓捕、截停、带到措施,以及以逮捕为术语标志的审前羁押措施和以取保候审、监视居住为形式的审前释放措施,并对这些措施设置了与西方大体相当而又略有差别的规制机制。尽管我国现行刑事强制措施体系较为完备,但仍需从拘留的临时化、逮捕羁押的司法化以及监视居住的自由化等方面进行完善。 展开更多
关键词 人身自由 强制措施 逮捕 拘留 监视居住
Marsdenia tenacissima extract induces G_0/G_1 cell cycle arrest in human esophageal carcinoma cells by inhibiting mitogen-activated protein kinase(MAPK) signaling pathway 被引量:33
作者 FAN Wei SUN Li +6 位作者 ZHOU Jing-Qian ZHANG Cang QIN Song TANG Ying LIU Yang LIN Sen-Sen YUAN Sheng-Tao 《Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第6期428-437,共10页
Marsdenia tenacissima extract(MTE, trade name: Xiao-Ai-Ping injection) is an extract of a single Chinese plant medicine. It has been used for the treatment of cancer in China for decades, especially for esophageal can... Marsdenia tenacissima extract(MTE, trade name: Xiao-Ai-Ping injection) is an extract of a single Chinese plant medicine. It has been used for the treatment of cancer in China for decades, especially for esophageal cancer and other cancers in the digestive tract. In the present study, the potential mechanism for MTE's activity in esophageal cancer was explored. The effects of MTE on the proliferation of human esophageal cancer cells(KYSE150 and Eca-109) were investigated by the MTT assay, the Brd U(bromodeoxyuridine) incorporation immunofluorescence assay, and flow cytometric analysis. MTE inhibited cell proliferation through inducing G0/G1 cell cycle arrest in KYSE150 and Eca-109. Western blot analysis was employed to determine protein levels in the MTE treated cells. Compared with the control cells, the expression levels of the cell cycle regulatory proteins cyclin D1/D2/D3, cyclin E1, CDK2/4/6(CDK: cyclin dependent kinase), and p-Rb were decreased significantly in the cells treated with MTE at 40 mg·m L-1. In addition, MTE had an inhibitory effect on the MAPK(mitogen-activated protein kinase) signal transduction pathway, including ERK(extracellular signal-regulated kinase), JNK(c-Jun N-terminal kinase), and p38 MAPK. Moreover, MTE showed little additional effects on the regulation of cyclin D1/D3, CDK4/6, and p-Rb when the ERK pathway was already inhibited by the specific ERK inhibitor U0126. In conclusion, these data suggest that MTE inhibits human esophageal cancer cell proliferation through regulation of cell cycle regulatory proteins and the MAPK signaling pathways, which is probably mediated by the inhibition of ERK activation. 展开更多
关键词 Marsdenia tenacissima extract Cell cycle arrest Mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway Human esophageal cancer
羁押必要性审查制度试点研究报告 被引量:32
作者 陈卫东 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期175-194,共20页
为探索2012年刑事诉讼法第93条规定的羁押必要性审查制度的实施机制,中国人民大学诉讼制度与司法改革研究中心在A省W市开展了为期两年的试点研究。试点的内容是羁押必要性审查制度落实的各项支撑机制,包括归口管理、公开听证、风险评估... 为探索2012年刑事诉讼法第93条规定的羁押必要性审查制度的实施机制,中国人民大学诉讼制度与司法改革研究中心在A省W市开展了为期两年的试点研究。试点的内容是羁押必要性审查制度落实的各项支撑机制,包括归口管理、公开听证、风险评估、跟踪监督等。在两年试点期间,羁押必要性审查人数较之试点前增加了57.4%,占同期全市批捕人数的9.2%;适用案件范围逐步扩大,但仍然主要适用于审查起诉阶段的案件;审查后的释放或变更强制措施建议采纳率高达9 9.6%;在1 4%的案件中采用了公开听证的诉讼化方式进行审查,取得了良好的法律效果与社会效果。基于试点的发现,完善羁押必要性审查制度,需要在理论上明确:羁押必要性审查的制度性质是对逮捕适用条件的持续、定期审查,具有司法权属性,对羁押必要性审查应进行诉讼化改造并将建议权改为决定权;同时,应更新对侦查保密原则的传统认识,向辩方开示与逮捕适用条件有关的证据,以便辩方有效参与羁押必要性审查程序。 展开更多
关键词 逮捕 羁押 羁押必要性审查
英国逮捕制度的新发展 被引量:19
作者 吴宏耀 《国家检察官学院学报》 2001年第2期117-124,共8页
逮捕制度 ,作为刑事侦查活动的重要组成部分 ,其变化既构成了英国刑事侦查制度变革的重要内容 ,同时 ,也鲜明地体现着英国刑事侦查制度的改革方向和变革幅度。以英国逮捕制度为焦点 ,围绕英国《1 984年警察与刑事证据法》关于警察逮捕... 逮捕制度 ,作为刑事侦查活动的重要组成部分 ,其变化既构成了英国刑事侦查制度变革的重要内容 ,同时 ,也鲜明地体现着英国刑事侦查制度的改革方向和变革幅度。以英国逮捕制度为焦点 ,围绕英国《1 984年警察与刑事证据法》关于警察逮捕权规定 ,近年来英国逮捕制度的新发展可归纳为以下三个方面 :警察无证逮捕权的一般化 ;为了询问而(无证 )逮捕的合法化 ;警察无证逮捕权司法控制机制的弱化。 展开更多
关键词 逮捕制度 英国 重要组成部分 刑事侦查制度 司法控制机制 刑事证据法 1984年 逮捕权 侦查活动 制度变革 改革方向 警察 一般化 合法化 作为
论逮捕与人权保障 被引量:17
作者 孙谦 《政法论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第4期64-74,共11页
由逮捕的特殊性和人权的重要性决定,二者之间是一种辩证的关系:逮捕存在的根本目的是为保障人权,然而却是以限制或剥夺具体人的基本人权为条件的;从对被害人人权和社会制度角度讲,需要而且离不开逮捕,从被告人人权保障角度讲,要... 由逮捕的特殊性和人权的重要性决定,二者之间是一种辩证的关系:逮捕存在的根本目的是为保障人权,然而却是以限制或剥夺具体人的基本人权为条件的;从对被害人人权和社会制度角度讲,需要而且离不开逮捕,从被告人人权保障角度讲,要控制和慎用逮捕。二者统一于社会的共同道德和法律基础。尊重人权是人道的,正确地适用逮捕同样是人道的。尤其应当注意对被逮捕者权利的保障。 展开更多
关键词 犯罪嫌疑人 逮捕 人权保障
Effects of Chinese Medicine Shen-Fu Injection(参附注射液)on the Expression of Inflammatory Cytokines and Complements during Post-Resuscitation Immune Dysfunction in A Porcine Model 被引量:26
作者 张茜 李春盛 +1 位作者 王烁 顾伟 《Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第2期101-109,共9页
Objective:To investigate the action of Shen-Fu Injection(参附注射液,SFI) in regulating the expression of the serum complements and inflammatory cytokines synthesized and released in response to the stress of global... Objective:To investigate the action of Shen-Fu Injection(参附注射液,SFI) in regulating the expression of the serum complements and inflammatory cytokines synthesized and released in response to the stress of global ischemia accompanying cardiac arrest(CA) and resuscitation.Methods:Thirty pigs were randomly divided into the sham(n=6) and 3 returns of spontaneous circulation(ROSC) groups(n=24).After 8-min untreated ventricular fibrillation and 2-min basic life support,24 pigs of the ROSC groups were randomized into three groups(n=8 per group),which received central venous injection of SFI(SFI group),epinephrine(EP group),or saline(SA group).Hemodynamic status and blood samples were obtained at 0,0.5,1,2,4,6,12,and 24 h after ROSC.Results:Serum concentrations of specific activation markers of the complement system C3,C4 and C5b-9 were increased during cardiopulmonary resuscitation th rough1 24 h after ROSC.There were intense changes of various pro-inflammatory cytokines and anti-inflammatory cytokines as early as 0.5 h after CA.Compared with the EP and SA groups,SFI treatment reduced the proinflammatory cytokines levels of interleukin(IL)-6,IL-8and tumor necrosis factor α(TNF-α,P〈0.05),and increased the anti-inflammatory cytokine levels of IL-4 and IL-10(P〈0.05).Further,SFI treatment decreased the values of C3,C4 and C5b-9 compared with the EP and SA groups.Conclusions:SFI,derived from the ancient Chinese medicine,has significant effects in attenuating post-resuscitation immune dysfunction by modulating the expression of complements and cytokines levels.The current study provided an experimental basis for the clinical application of a potential pharmacologic target for post resuscitation immune dysfunction. 展开更多
关键词 cardiac arrest complement activation cytokines immune dysfunction
A meta-analysis of the success rates of heartbeat restoration within the platinum 10min among outpatients suffering from sudden cardiac arrest in China 被引量:25
作者 Xiang-Min Gu Zhi-Hui Li +2 位作者 Zhong-jie He Zhe-Wei Zhao Shuang-Qing Liu 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2016年第1期1-14,共14页
Background:The optimal time to save a person who has had a sudden cardiac arrest is within the first few minutes of the incident.Early compression and early defibrillation should be performed at this time.Timeliness i... Background:The optimal time to save a person who has had a sudden cardiac arrest is within the first few minutes of the incident.Early compression and early defibrillation should be performed at this time.Timeliness is the key to successful CPR; as such,Prof.He proposed the 'platinum 10 min' system to study early CPR issues.This paper systematically evaluates the success rates of heartbeat restoration within the 'platinum 10min' among patients suffering from sudden cardiac arrest.Methods:The clinical data of outpatients suffering from a cardiac arrest were retrieved from the China Knowledge Network(January 1975-January 2015),the Chongqing VIP database(January 1989-January 2015),and the Wanfang database(January 1990-January 2015).The success of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) performed at different times after the patients had cardiac arrests was analyzed.Two researchers screened the literature and extracted the data independently.A meta-analysis was conducted using Stata 12.0.A total of 57 papers met the inclusion criteria,including 29,269 patients.Of these patients,1,776 had their heartbeats successfully restored.The results showed high heterogeneity(χ~2=3428.85,P<0.01,I2=98.4%).The meta-analysis was conducted using a random-effects model.The combined effect size was 0.171(0.144-0.199).Results:1) The success rate of heartbeat restoration did not differ among the four emergency treatment methods that patients received:the methods described in the 2000 Guidelines for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care,that described in the 2005 version,2010 version,and another CPR method.2) The patients were divided into five groups based on the time when CPR was performed:the ?1min group,the 1-5min group,the 5-10 min group,the 10-15 min group and the >15min group.The CPR success rates of these five groups were 0.247(0.15-0.344),0.353(0.250-0.456),0.136(0.109-0.163),0.058(0.041-0.075),and 0.011(0.004-0.019),respectively.The CPR success rates did not differ between the patients in the ?1min group and the 1-5min group.Thi 展开更多
关键词 Cardiac arrest Cardiopulmonary resuscitation META-ANALYSIS Platinum 10 minutes Time-efficiency First aid
Comparison of extracorporeal and conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation:A meta-analysis of 2 260 patients with cardiac arrest 被引量:25
作者 Gan-nan Wang Xu-feng Chen +5 位作者 Li Qiao Yong Mei Jin-ru Lv Xi-hua Huang Bin Shen Jin-song Zhang 《World Journal of Emergency Medicine》 CAS 2017年第1期5-11,共7页
BACKGROUND: This meta-analysis aimed to determine whether extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation(ECPR), compared with conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CCPR), improves outcomes in adult patients with ca... BACKGROUND: This meta-analysis aimed to determine whether extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation(ECPR), compared with conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CCPR), improves outcomes in adult patients with cardiac arrest(CA).DATA RESOURCES: Pub Med, EMBASE, Web of Science, and China Biological Medicine Database were searched for relevant articles. The baseline information and outcome data(survival, good neurological outcome at discharge, at 3–6 months, and at 1 year after CA) were collected and extracted by two authors. Pooled risk ratios(RRs) and 95% confidence intervals(CIs) were calculated using Review Manager 5.3.RESULTS: In six studies 2 260 patients were enrolled to study the survival rate to discharge and longterm neurological outcome published since 2000. A signi? cant effect of ECPR was observed on survival rate to discharge compared to CCPR in CA patients(RR 2.37, 95%CI 1.63–3.45, P<0.001), and patients who underwent ECPR had a better long-term neurological outcome than those who received CCPR(RR 2.79, 95%CI 1.96–3.97, P<0.001). In subgroup analysis, there was a significant difference in survival to discharge favoring ECPR over CCPR group in OHCA patients(RR 2.69, 95%CI 1.48–4.91, P=0.001). However, no signi? cant difference was found in IHCA patients(RR 1.84, 95%CI 0.91–3.73, P=0.09).CONCLUSION: ECPR showed a bene? cial effect on survival rate to discharge and long-term neurological outcome over CCPR in adult patients with CA. 展开更多
关键词 Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation Cardiac arrest ADULT OUTCOME META-ANALYSIS
Effects of short-acting β-adrenergic blocker on B-type natriuretic peptide at early stage of postresuscitation in rabbits 被引量:21
作者 LI Xiang LI Pei-jie +5 位作者 HE Yun-fen ZENG Hong LI Zi-li ZHANG Zheng-yi CAO Wen YANG Lan 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第10期864-867,共4页
Postresuscitation myocardial dysfunction is reversible heart failure and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a biochemical marker of ventricular disorders secreted from ventricle, which can be used to assess the sta... Postresuscitation myocardial dysfunction is reversible heart failure and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a biochemical marker of ventricular disorders secreted from ventricle, which can be used to assess the status of left ventricular function. This study investigated the effect of β-adrenergic blocker on concentration of BNP and cardiac function after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in rabbits. 展开更多
关键词 cardiac arrest cardiopulmonary resuscitation myocardial dysfunction B-type natriuretic peptide adrenergic blocker
羁押必要性审查制度实效研究 被引量:22
作者 谢小剑 《法学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期136-145,179-180,共10页
刑事诉讼法修改后,除审查逮捕时的羁押必要性审查外,捕后羁押必要性审查工作处于虚置状态,往往只有刑事和解的案件才在捕后变更逮捕。"程序虚置"的原因是检察机关缺乏开展工作的动力,受制于公安机关、被害人、法院以及公众舆... 刑事诉讼法修改后,除审查逮捕时的羁押必要性审查外,捕后羁押必要性审查工作处于虚置状态,往往只有刑事和解的案件才在捕后变更逮捕。"程序虚置"的原因是检察机关缺乏开展工作的动力,受制于公安机关、被害人、法院以及公众舆论压力,同时也因为审查缺乏明确的羁押事实标准及证明制度,权力缺乏来自辩方的有效制约。改革的方向应当是建立检察院开展羁押必要性审查的动力机制,确立明晰的羁押事实标准,建立量化评估及证明制度,优化诉讼结构。 展开更多
关键词 羁押必要性 逮捕 未决羁押 程序性证明
轻罪案件中的逮捕社会危险性条件研究——以故意伤害罪为例 被引量:20
作者 高通 《政法论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第2期73-89,共17页
通过对1600余份故意伤害致人轻伤案件的分析,发掘了轻罪案件中的逮捕社会危险性审查模式。"构罪即捕"现象得到很大程度缓解,以逮捕为原则的刑事强制措施适用思路正在松动。犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的人身危险性和妨碍诉讼顺利进行... 通过对1600余份故意伤害致人轻伤案件的分析,发掘了轻罪案件中的逮捕社会危险性审查模式。"构罪即捕"现象得到很大程度缓解,以逮捕为原则的刑事强制措施适用思路正在松动。犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的人身危险性和妨碍诉讼顺利进行可能性是逮捕社会危险性审查的重点,犯罪行为严重程度对逮捕的影响作用在减少。近三年数据显示,逮捕社会危险性审查在逮捕条件中的作用出现一定程度的下滑。赔偿谅解和严重疾病是促成逮捕变更的关键原因。我国逮捕社会危险性审查模式存在一些问题,可能导致强制措施适用的不公。应确立社会危险性条件为核心的逮捕条件制度,适当弱化赔偿谅解在逮捕适用中的作用,限制违法犯罪史和社会联系的作用,并严格防范审前逮捕对量刑产生影响。 展开更多
关键词 故意伤害罪 逮捕 社会危险性条件 逮捕功能
逮捕社会危险性量化评估研究——以自动化决策与算法规制为视角 被引量:21
作者 高通 《北方法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期131-144,共14页
逮捕社会危险性量化评估主要是使用形式化、量化或精算方法来预测犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的社会危险性,其自20世纪80年代以来在世界范围内快速发展。逮捕社会危险性量化评估以法律现实主义以及循证实践为思想基础,以降低审前羁押率为目的,... 逮捕社会危险性量化评估主要是使用形式化、量化或精算方法来预测犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的社会危险性,其自20世纪80年代以来在世界范围内快速发展。逮捕社会危险性量化评估以法律现实主义以及循证实践为思想基础,以降低审前羁押率为目的,并以科学技术的快速发展为支撑。从实践来看,逮捕社会危险性量化评估模型的预测正确率只达到中等程度,且并未超越司法人员的预测正确率。逮捕社会危险性量化评估在带来便利的同时,也在科学性和公正性方面存在多重风险,如固化司法实践中既存的偏见歧视以及剥夺当事人辩护权等。为保障逮捕社会危险性量化评估的有效适用,一方面应建构科学且公正的评估模型,另一方面应确保逮捕社会危险性量化评估在建构和实施过程中受到正当程序原则的规制。 展开更多
关键词 逮捕 社会危险性 自动化决策 算法规制
p53 upregulated by HIF-la promotes hypoxiainduced G2/M arrest and renal fibrosis in vitro and in vivo 被引量:20
作者 Limin Liu Peng Zhang +10 位作者 Ming Bai Lijie He Lei Zhang Ting Liu Zhen Yang Menglu Duan Minna Liu Baojian Liu Rui Du Qi Qian Shiren Sun 《Journal of Molecular Cell Biology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第5期371-382,共12页
Hypoxia plays an important role in the genesis and progression of renal fibrosis.The underlying mechanisms, however, have not been sufficiently elucidated. We examined the role of p53 in hypoxia-induced renal fibrosis... Hypoxia plays an important role in the genesis and progression of renal fibrosis.The underlying mechanisms, however, have not been sufficiently elucidated. We examined the role of p53 in hypoxia-induced renal fibrosis in cell culture (human and rat renal tubular epithelial cells) and a mouse unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) model. Cell cycle of tubular cells was determined by flow cytometry, and the expression of profibrogenic factors was determined by RT-PCR, immunohistochemistry, and western blotting. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and luciferase reporter experiments were performed to explore the effect of HIF-lα on p53 expression. We showed that, in hypoxic tubular cells, p53 upregulation suppressed the expression of CDK1 and cyclins Bl and DI, leading to cell cycle (G2/M) arrest (or delay) and higher expression of TGF-β, CTGF, collagens, and fibronectin. p53 suppression by siRNA or by a specific p53 inhibitor (PIF-α) triggered opposite effects preventing the G2/M arrest and profibrotic changes. In vivo experiments in the UUO model revealed similar antifibrotic results following intraperitoneal administration of PIF-α(2.2 mg/kg). Using gain-of-function, loss-of-function, and luciferase assays, we further identified an HRE3 region on the p53 promoter as the HIF-lα-binding site. The HIF-la-HRE3 binding resulted in a sharp transcriptional activation of p53. Collectively, we show the presence of a hypoxia-activated, p53-responsive profibrogenic pathway in the kidney. During hypoxia, p53 upregulation induced by HIF-la suppresses cell cycle progression, leading to the accumulation of G2/M cells, and activates profibrotic TGF-β and CTGF-mediated signaling pathways, causing extracellular matrix production and renal fibrosis. 展开更多
关键词 renal tubulointerstitial FIBROSIS HYPOXIA cell cycle (G2/M) arrest P53 HIF-lα TGF-β
Gambogic acid induces mitochondria-dependent apoptosis by modulation of Bcl-2 and Bax in mantle cell lymphoma JeKo-1 cells 被引量:18
作者 Jingyan Xu Min Zhou +7 位作者 Jian Ouyang Jing Wang Qiguo Zhang Yong Xu Yueyi Xu Qian Zhang Xihui Xu Hui Zeng 《Chinese Journal of Cancer Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期183-191,共9页
Objective: To study the mechanisms in gambogic acid (GA) -induced JeKo-1 human Mantle Cell Lymphoma cell apoptosis in vitro. Methods: The proliferation of GA-treated JeKo-1 cells was measured by CCK-8 assay and Ki... Objective: To study the mechanisms in gambogic acid (GA) -induced JeKo-1 human Mantle Cell Lymphoma cell apoptosis in vitro. Methods: The proliferation of GA-treated JeKo-1 cells was measured by CCK-8 assay and Ki-67 immunocytochemical detection. Apopt0sis, cell cycle and mitochondrial membrane potential were measured by flow cytometric analysis. Caspase-3, -8 and -9 were detected by colorimetric assay. Bcl-2 and Bax were analyzed by Western blotting. Results: GA inhibited cell growth in a time- and dose- dependent manner. GA induces apoptosis in JeKo- 1 cells but not in normal bone marrow cells, which was involved in reducing the membrane potential of mitochondria, activating caspases-3, -8 and -9 and decreasing the ratio of Bd-2 and Bax without cell cycle arresting. Conclusions: GA induced apoptosis in human MCL JeKo-1 cells by regulating Bcl-2/Bax and activating caspase-3, -8 and -9 via mitochondrial pathway without affecting cell cycle. 展开更多
关键词 Gambogic acid JeKo-1 cells cell cycle arrest apoptosis membrane potential of mitochondria caspase-3 CASPASE-8 caspase-9 BAX BCL-2
捕诉合一办案机制研究 被引量:16
作者 许永俊 王宏伟 《国家检察官学院学报》 2001年第1期101-106,共6页
现行捕诉分离制度存在弊端 ,捕诉合一制度是检察机关进行内部制度改革的有益尝试。实行捕诉合一制度可能带来一些问题 。
关键词 逮捕 起诉 捕诉合一 刑事诉讼 检察机关 批捕权 办案质量
论我国刑事拘留的紧急性要件 被引量:19
作者 谢小剑 《现代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期110-120,共11页
学界通说认为刑事拘留是紧急状态下的临时强制措施。1996年《刑事诉讼法》修改后,刑事拘留不再以紧急性为要件,实践中其系逮捕的常规前置程序,成为非紧急羁押措施。然而,刑事拘留定位为紧急强制措施才符合宪法精神,否则会扩张警察权力,... 学界通说认为刑事拘留是紧急状态下的临时强制措施。1996年《刑事诉讼法》修改后,刑事拘留不再以紧急性为要件,实践中其系逮捕的常规前置程序,成为非紧急羁押措施。然而,刑事拘留定位为紧急强制措施才符合宪法精神,否则会扩张警察权力,架空检察机关批捕权,损害犯罪嫌疑人权利。未来的改革应使之回归紧急强制措施,取消需要拘留证的规定,缩短刑拘期限,弱化对逮捕的程序控制,并以事前证明标准、事后权利保障防止刑事拘留权滥用。 展开更多
关键词 刑事拘留 逮捕 强制措施 司法保留 人权保障
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