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北京市白河和潮河流域生态健康评价 被引量:42
作者 徐菲 王永刚 +2 位作者 张楠 王旭 范清 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期932-942,共11页
选取北京市重要的饮用水源密云水库上游白河和潮河流域,结合北京山区流域生态现状,构建了涵盖水域生境结构、水生生物、生态压力和陆域生态格局与功能、生态压力5大类13项指标的评价指标体系,开展了流域生态健康评价。结果表明白河和潮... 选取北京市重要的饮用水源密云水库上游白河和潮河流域,结合北京山区流域生态现状,构建了涵盖水域生境结构、水生生物、生态压力和陆域生态格局与功能、生态压力5大类13项指标的评价指标体系,开展了流域生态健康评价。结果表明白河和潮河流域的健康状态整体处于良好等级,但水生生物和陆域生态格局状况相对较差。14个子流域的健康状况差异并不显著,琉璃河、白河下段、汤河上游的健康状况相对较好,潮河中下段和小汤河的健康状况相对较差。流域内不合理的畜禽养殖、岸边带种植及民俗旅游是导致流域生态健康退化的主要原因,建议加强污染负荷排放的控制和监管涉水活动对水生生境的干扰以改善流域健康状况,并重点关注可指示水生态系统早期退化的生物指数,以实现可持续性和适应性的流域管理,保障密云水库的水生态安全。 展开更多
关键词 流域健康 白河 潮河 健康评价 密云水库 生物指示物种 人为干扰
渤海湾大型底栖动物群落优势种长期变化研究 被引量:26
作者 蔡文倩 孟伟 +2 位作者 刘录三 朱延忠 周娟 《环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期2332-2340,共9页
以2008年4月,2009年5月、8月,2011年5月、9月以及2012年9月采集的大型底栖动物资料为基础,结合历史数据,描述渤海湾底栖动物群落优势种的变化规律,探讨变化原因.结果表明,近60年来,渤海湾底栖动物群落优势种多为营埋栖生活的小型双壳类... 以2008年4月,2009年5月、8月,2011年5月、9月以及2012年9月采集的大型底栖动物资料为基础,结合历史数据,描述渤海湾底栖动物群落优势种的变化规律,探讨变化原因.结果表明,近60年来,渤海湾底栖动物群落优势种多为营埋栖生活的小型双壳类和蟹类,而近几年则以小型双壳类为绝对优势种.其中,干扰耐受种凸壳肌蛤(Musculus senhousei)在渤海湾迅速增值并成为绝对优势种,影响了底栖动物群落结构的稳定性.胶州湾、莱州湾、辽东湾及渤海湾的主要优势种较为相似,变化规律皆为个体较大、生命周期较长的双壳类、虾蟹类逐步被个体更小、生命周期更短的干扰耐受种代替,说明4个海湾的底栖生态环境皆受到了一定程度的干扰.渤海湾优势种的变化可能与海湾本身的底质状况、人为干扰(如围海造陆工程的实施)、过量的陆源排污以及食物链的变化有关. 展开更多
关键词 大型底栖动物 优势种 底质状况 人为干扰 食物链 渤海湾
泰山风景区景观格局时空变化的研究 被引量:20
作者 郭泺 余世孝 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期641-646,共6页
采用1986年和2 0 0 1年两期遥感数据,结合野外调查,研究了泰山2 0世纪80年代中期以来景观格局的时空变化特征及成因,并探讨了相关人类活动对景观格局的影响.结果表明,过去15年的人为干扰是研究时段内景观格局显著变化的主要成因.80年代... 采用1986年和2 0 0 1年两期遥感数据,结合野外调查,研究了泰山2 0世纪80年代中期以来景观格局的时空变化特征及成因,并探讨了相关人类活动对景观格局的影响.结果表明,过去15年的人为干扰是研究时段内景观格局显著变化的主要成因.80年代后期大规模纯林改造和景区建设活动,使大范围的景观斑块被分割,景观类型优势度降低.研究还表明,森林景观要素中松林面积减少最明显,大部分松林变为刺槐林和混交林.研究区景观斑块数量增加,导致部分区域景观格局破碎化程度加剧,特别是裸岩面积增加对山地生态系统的健康造成潜在危害. 展开更多
关键词 景观格局 景观变化 泰山 人为干扰
地下水可持续开采量评价的前沿问题 被引量:13
作者 王长申 王金生 滕彦国 《水文地质工程地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期44-49,共6页
地下水可持续开采量是允许开采量发展的必然,与允许开采量不同,地下水可持续开采量突出了环境因素,同时强调了地下水资源的可更新和可持续利用性。地下水可持续开采量评价是实现地下水可持续利用的前提。本文在综合调研基础上,探讨了地... 地下水可持续开采量是允许开采量发展的必然,与允许开采量不同,地下水可持续开采量突出了环境因素,同时强调了地下水资源的可更新和可持续利用性。地下水可持续开采量评价是实现地下水可持续利用的前提。本文在综合调研基础上,探讨了地下水可持续开采量的内涵与特点,分别从地下水更新能力、环境需水、动态性等方面,综述了目前国内外实现地下水可持续开采量评价的前沿问题及发展动态。 展开更多
关键词 地下水可持续开采量 环境需水 可更新能力 人类活动
古田山不同干扰程度森林的群落恢复动态 被引量:11
作者 徐远杰 林敦梅 +2 位作者 米湘成 任海保 马克平 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期358-365,共8页
森林采伐后次生林的恢复过程对于生物多样性的保护和生态系统功能的重建具有重要意义。作者以古田山不同干扰程度的12个1 ha森林样地为研究对象,运用群落多元统计方法,探讨了自然恢复过程中森林群落组成及物种多样性的动态变化及趋势。... 森林采伐后次生林的恢复过程对于生物多样性的保护和生态系统功能的重建具有重要意义。作者以古田山不同干扰程度的12个1 ha森林样地为研究对象,运用群落多元统计方法,探讨了自然恢复过程中森林群落组成及物种多样性的动态变化及趋势。结果表明:不同恢复阶段森林样地的群落组成存在显著性差异,而同一恢复阶段的样地具有高度的相似性。物种丰富度随恢复进程有增加的趋势,但各阶段差异并不显著;物种均匀度除人工林较低以外,其他恢复阶段之间无显著性差异。不同恢复阶段研究样地的群落组成及物种多样性的差异主要存在于林冠层。灌木及更新层具有各自的指示种,人工林的指示种为落叶灌木或阳性乔木,幼龄次生林的指示种为常绿灌木或小乔木,老次生林的指示种为亚乔木层常绿树种,老龄林的指示种为林冠层树种。上述结果表明古田山不同人为干扰程度森林群落的物种多样性具有较强的自我恢复能力。尽管物种组成难以预测,但处于同一恢复阶段的森林,其幼树的生活型组成呈现出一致的变化趋势。 展开更多
关键词 次生林恢复 常绿阔叶林 群落组成 物种多样性 人为干扰 古田山自然保护区
人为干扰对泰山景观格局时空变化的影响 被引量:7
作者 郭泺 夏北成 +1 位作者 余世孝 巩重峰 《中国生态农业学报》 CAS CSCD 2006年第4期235-239,共5页
以TM影像和野外调查为数据源,3S技术为研究手段,对比分析了泰山风景区1986~2001年间不同人为干扰程度区域的景观结构、景观异质性动态变化特征以及景观多样性高程的分异。结果表明,泰山南部人为干扰斑块动态变化高于北部,南部景观结构... 以TM影像和野外调查为数据源,3S技术为研究手段,对比分析了泰山风景区1986~2001年间不同人为干扰程度区域的景观结构、景观异质性动态变化特征以及景观多样性高程的分异。结果表明,泰山南部人为干扰斑块动态变化高于北部,南部景观结构变化明显,北部轻微。景观多样性动态变化主要是在北部海拔900m以上和南部900m以下区域,揭示了人为活动是斑块分割的主因,景观格局的动态变化取决于人为干扰的程度。研究结果从景观生态学角度为泰山合理调整自然和人为影响,构建理想的景观格局和生态环境奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 景观格局 人为干扰 时空变化
哀牢山湿性常绿阔叶林木质藤本植物地上部分生物量及其对人为干扰的响应 被引量:7
作者 袁春明 刘文耀 +1 位作者 李小双 杨国平 《植物生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期852-859,共8页
木质藤本植物是森林,尤其是热带和亚热带森林中的重要组分。由于野外调查的困难,对其生态学的研究相对较少。对哀牢山原生山地湿性常绿阔叶林和4类次生林中的藤本植物进行了调查,利用48株藤本植物样木实测数据,采用样本回归分析法,选取... 木质藤本植物是森林,尤其是热带和亚热带森林中的重要组分。由于野外调查的困难,对其生态学的研究相对较少。对哀牢山原生山地湿性常绿阔叶林和4类次生林中的藤本植物进行了调查,利用48株藤本植物样木实测数据,采用样本回归分析法,选取藤本植物的不同参数作为自变量,分别对冠层和林下两类藤本混合种生物量模型进行了拟合比较,结合样地内长度≥50cm的所有藤本植物的调查资料估算了各森林群落藤本植物地上部分生物量,探讨了原生林中藤本植物地上部分生物量的组成与分布特征,以及人为干扰对藤本植物地上部分生物量的影响。结果表明:1)以藤本基径为自变量建立幂函数回归模型,其相关系数较高,具有较高的实用价值;2)该区山地湿性常绿阔叶林中藤本植物地上部分生物量为9.82×103kg·hm–2,其中冠层藤本(基径≥1.0cm,长度≥5.0m)生物量占藤本植物总生物量的99.70%,林下藤本(基径<1.0cm,长度<5.0m)的地上部分生物量很低;3)人为干扰后林下藤本植物的生物量相对增加,而冠层藤本植物的地上部分生物量显著减少;经过约100年恢复演替的老龄栎类萌生林藤本植物地上部分生物量才达到接近原生林的水平。 展开更多
关键词 藤本植物 生物量回归模型 地上部分生物量 山地湿性常绿阔叶林 人为干扰
Contemporary Asymmetric Genetic Introgression Between Two Pelophylax Species in Shanghai
作者 Xu WEI Wenli LIU +12 位作者 Gang WANG Rui MA Meiling HUANG Jiaxin ZHENG Tingwei DONG Changqing YUAN Shunqi BO Xiao YUAN Ben LI Shuo MA Qu YUE Youzhong DING Zhenghuan WANG 《Asian Herpetological Research》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期1-11,共11页
Human disturbances are considered to break reproduction barriers among species.Significant increases in hybridization events have been reported among a large number of taxonomic groups in anthropogenic environments,pr... Human disturbances are considered to break reproduction barriers among species.Significant increases in hybridization events have been reported among a large number of taxonomic groups in anthropogenic environments,providing novel insights into species evolution mechanisms and conservation management in the Anthropocene.The Eastern Golden Frog(Pelophylax plancyi)and BlackSpotted Frog(P.nigromaculatus)are two sympatric anuran species with a long history of mitochondrial genome introgression in highly urbanized continental East Asia.However,there is only limited understanding of the pattern of their contemporary hybridization and factors influencing their interspecific relationship under anthropogenic disturbances.Here,interspecific hybridization between P.plancyi and P.nigromaculatus at the population level was investigated in Shanghai.All except two haplotypes obtained from both species in Shanghai were mixed together,and located in the introgression clade,implying multiple ancient mitochondrial introgression events occurred in the populations of our study area.Asymmetric genetic introgression was detected by microsatellite markers,with 0.7%of P.plancyi and 14.6%of P.nigromaculatus identified as contemporary admixed individuals.Consistent with the trend of population density,higher genetic diversity of neutral microsatellite loci was found in the more abundant P.plancyi;however,variation in mitochondrial(Cyt-b)and nuclear(POMC)genes was higher in relatively rare P.nigromaculatus.The population density of P.plancyi and number of water patches within local habitats were significantly positively correlated with both occurrences and proportions of admixed individuals in the populations of P.plancyi and P.nigromaculatus.Considering the prevalent transformation of habitats in urbanized areas,these results imply that a high population density in isolated artificially altered habitats is likely to increase interspecific hybridization.Thus,population monitoring and improvement of landscape connectivity between habitats wo 展开更多
关键词 anthropogenic disturbances interspecific hybridization Pelophylax species abundance urban landscape URBANIZATION
Soil Seed Bank Characteristics of the Mbe and Nguela Shrub Savannas, and Implications for the Reforestation, Republic of Congo
作者 Chauvelin Douh Christian Moussoumbou +6 位作者 Belvina Chardène Mabengo Larisa Mbouchi Malonga Gilbert Nsongola Tite Miafouna Aimé Judicaël Mahoua Saint Fédriche Ndzaï Félix Koubouana 《Open Journal of Ecology》 2023年第7期435-453,共19页
The soil seed bank is an important source of restoration and resilience of disturbed ecosystems. This study evaluates the regeneration potential through the soil seed bank of the shrub savannas of Nguela and Mbe in or... The soil seed bank is an important source of restoration and resilience of disturbed ecosystems. This study evaluates the regeneration potential through the soil seed bank of the shrub savannas of Nguela and Mbe in order to predict the eventual dynamics. Three plots of 0.25 ha subdivided into four sub-plots of 0.015 ha have been installed in each savannah. In total, 48 samples of each savannah, i.e. 96 samples of both savannas, have been taken from the soil layers, 0 - 5 cm, 5 - 10 cm, 10 - 15 cm and 15 - 20 cm. Species diversity and abundance of the soil seed bank have been assessed after germination. The results reveal 167 seedlings belonging to 23 species in the Mbe savannah and 144 seedlings belonging to 14 species in the Nguela savannah. The total densities of the germinated seeds were respectively 463.63 seeds/m<sup>2</sup> and 400 seeds/m<sup>2</sup>. Nevertheless, the 20 cm deep layers have illustrated themselves compared to the superficial layers with densities of 16.29 seeds/m<sup>2</sup> and 21.66 seeds/m<sup>2</sup>, respectively, in the savannas of Mbe and Nguela. Herbaceous species largely dominated, with percentages of 91% and 100%, respectively, in the savannas of Mbe and Nguela. Alone, the Trema orientalis (L.) Blume species has been identified as woody species in the Mbe savannah. The greatest specific richness has been obtained in the first five centimeters of soil, with 21.73% and 28.57% of exclusive species, respectively, in the savannas of Mbe and Nguela. The results reveal that restoration through the soil seed bank would be limited to a single woody species found (T. orientalis). Consequently, the study suggests silvicultural interventions based on planting or enrichment techniques for sustainably managed savannas exposed to anthropogenic disturbances. 展开更多
关键词 Soil Seed Bank Shrub Savannas Restoration anthropogenic disturbances Republic of Congo
基于PSR模型的潜江市后湖管理区生态系统健康评价 被引量:5
作者 陈志鼎 王玲玲 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2020年第7期57-60,共4页
为评价城市小流域健康状况,以潜江市后湖管理区为例,于2019年10月对18个样点进行生态环境调查,采用压力—状态—响应模型构建包含压力、状态、响应指标3个层次的健康评价体系,利用熵权法计算评价指标权重,应用综合健康指数法评估后湖管... 为评价城市小流域健康状况,以潜江市后湖管理区为例,于2019年10月对18个样点进行生态环境调查,采用压力—状态—响应模型构建包含压力、状态、响应指标3个层次的健康评价体系,利用熵权法计算评价指标权重,应用综合健康指数法评估后湖管理区健康状况。结果表明,全流域18个采样点中,6个处于健康状态,7个处于亚健康状态,5个处于不健康状态,后湖管理区健康状态处于中等水平;影响城市小流域生态系统健康的主要因素为人口密度和水资源利用率,未来的小流域生态修复工程应注重城市化进程与生态环境保护协调发展,正确处理人类行为与环境变化的相互关系。 展开更多
关键词 城市小流域健康评价 压力—状态—响应模型 熵权法 人类影响
Epiphytic orchids and their ecological niche under anthropogenic influence in central Himalayas,Nepal 被引量:4
作者 ADHIKARI Yagya Prasad FISCHER Anton FISCHER Hagen Siegfried 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第5期774-784,共11页
The survival chance of epiphytie orchids today not only depends on the natural site conditions required by the orchids but also on anthropogenic changes in site conditions. This study answers two questions: (1) Wha... The survival chance of epiphytie orchids today not only depends on the natural site conditions required by the orchids but also on anthropogenic changes in site conditions. This study answers two questions: (1) What is the ecological niche of the different epiphytic orchid species? (2) What are the ecological factors that threaten epiphytic orchid's population under anthropogenic disturbances? Our study area was the Kathmandu valley, Nepal, with its subtropical forest. We established 156 systematically selected sampling points in the Kathmandu area covering different types of ecosystems under human impacts such as densely populated area, agricultural land, mixed agricultural and settled area, old tree patches, and a natural forest in a national park. The ecological niche of the orchid species was analyzed with a principal component analysis (PCA). The correlations between the different site factors were statistically significant. Spearman's rank correlation matrices showed that the variables land-use intensities with altitude, and height with diameter in breast height (dbh) of host had the highest significant positive correlation coefficient (0.67 and 0.64 respectively). On the other hand, host bark pH and altitude as well as land use had a significantly strong negative correlation coefficient (-0.80 and -0.61, respectively). Different epiphytic orchid species interact differently with the given set of environmental factors: for occurrence of Vanda cristata there is no single environmental factor of special influence, while for Rhynehostylis retusa high bark pH and high light availability are important. First two axis of the PCA explained more than 50% of the total variance. Most orchid species occupy a specific, narrow niche in this ecological space. The main causes of anthropogenie influence of orchid population in the Kathmandu Valley are loss of adequate host trees (species and size) and increasing air pollution, resulting in increasing host bark pH. 展开更多
关键词 Host characteristics Epiphytic orchids anthropogenic disturbances Canopy ecosystem Ecological niche HIMALAYAS
Seasonal resource selection of an arboreal habitatspecialist in a human-dominated landscape: A case studyusing red panda
作者 Damber Bista Greg S.Baxter +1 位作者 Nicholas J.Hudson Peter J.Murray 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第1期1-11,共11页
Human-dominated landscapes provide heterogeneous wildlife habitat. Conservation of habitat specialists, like red pandas Ailurus fulgens, inhabiting such landscapes is challenging. Therefore, information on resource us... Human-dominated landscapes provide heterogeneous wildlife habitat. Conservation of habitat specialists, like red pandas Ailurus fulgens, inhabiting such landscapes is challenging. Therefore, information on resource use across spatial and temporal scales could enable informed-decisionmaking with better conservation outcomes. We aimed to examine the effect of geo-physical, vegetation, and disturbance variables on fine-scalehabitat selection of red pandas in one such landscape. We equipped 10 red pandas with GPS collars in eastern Nepal in 2019 and monitoredthem for 1 year. Our analysis was based on a generalized-linear-mixed model. We found the combined effect of geo-physical, vegetation, anddisturbance variables resulted in differences in resource selection of red pandas and that the degree of response to these variables variedacross seasons. Human disturbances, especially road and cattle herding activities, affected habitat utilization throughout the year whereas othervariables were important only during restricted periods. For instance, geo-physical variables were influential in the premating and cub-rearingseasons while vegetation variables were important in all seasons other than premating. Red pandas selected steeper slopes with high solarinsolation in the premating season while they occupied elevated areas and preferred specific aspects in the cub-rearing season. Furthermore,the utilized areas had tall bamboo in the birthing and cub-rearing seasons while they also preferred diverse tree species and high shrub coverin the latter. Our study demonstrates the significance of season-specific management, suggests the importance of specific types of vegetationduring biologically crucial periods, and emphasizes the necessity to minimize disturbances throughout the year. 展开更多
关键词 Ailurus fulgens anthropogenic disturbances habitat specialists habitat utilization resource use spatio-temporal variation VEGETATION
Ice Sheet Melt and Ozone Hole Variations on Three Solar Cycles Possible Anthropogenic Interactions
作者 Marilia Hagen Anibal Azevedo 《Atmospheric and Climate Sciences》 CAS 2022年第3期564-587,共24页
This paper investigated the information about Ice sheet melt and Ozone hole variations during three solar cycles. After performing the inquiry on the data, the final results pointed out that both phenomena varying acc... This paper investigated the information about Ice sheet melt and Ozone hole variations during three solar cycles. After performing the inquiry on the data, the final results pointed out that both phenomena varying accord with Earth’s seasonality. The sea melt extension depends on the season and if the ocean waters are warmer around the polar caps. We checked the suggestion that anthropogenic perturbations could influence the variations in both phenomena. 展开更多
关键词 Sun-Earth Connections Sea Melt Ozone Hole anthropogenic disturbances
Microbial Diversity of Planctomycetes and Related Bacteria in Wetlands with Different Anthropogenic Disturbances 被引量:1
作者 Yu Wang Guibing Zhu +2 位作者 Erwin van der Biezen Mike S M Jetten Chengqing Yin 《湿地科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期158-166,共9页
The diversity of Planctomycetes and related bacteria in 3 types of freshwater wetlands with different anthropogenic disturbances were investigated by cloning and sequencing PCR-amplified partial 16S rRNA genes. Three ... The diversity of Planctomycetes and related bacteria in 3 types of freshwater wetlands with different anthropogenic disturbances were investigated by cloning and sequencing PCR-amplified partial 16S rRNA genes. Three clone libraries were constructed using 16S rRNA-targeted forward PCR primer specific for Planctomycetales and general bacterial reverse primer. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences defined 95 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) with 163 sequences. The clone libraries covered a wide microbial diversity of Proteobacteria and the Planctomycetes-Verrucomicrobia-Chlamydiales (PVC) superphylum. The majority of the OTUs were related to the phylum of Planctomycetes (33 OTUs), Proteobacteria (22 OTUs) and Verrucomicrobia (22 OTUs). Four known genera from the Planctomycetes phylum were all detected. The genus Pirellula (18 OTUs) dominated the Planctomycetes community, but different patterns of distribution were observed in the wetlands. The littoral wetlands of Baiyangdian Lake with the least anthropogenic disturbances covered more species and showed the highest biodiversity. However, the Jiaxing paddy fields with the highest anthropogenic disturbances showed a higher biodiversity than that in the riparian wetlands of the North Canal. Bacteria distantly related to anammox bacteria were also detected with a small proportion (4 OTUs). It showed that wetlands hold a great biodiversity of phyla Planctomycetes and related bacteria; furthermore, there is ample opportunity to discover novel phylotypes of Planctomycetes in the wetland ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 PLANCTOMYCETES BIODIVERSITY PVC superphylum anthropogenic disturbances freshwater wetlands
Assessment and impact of anthropogenic disturbances in protected areas of northern Togo 被引量:1
作者 Folega FOUSSENI Dourma MARRA +4 位作者 Kperkouma WALA Komlan BATAWILA ZHANG Chun-yu ZHAO Xiu-hai Koffi AKPAGANA 《Forestry Studies in China》 CAS 2012年第3期216-223,共8页
These days, human activities in the savanna and the remaining dry and riparian forests of the Sudanian ecoregions continue to have their impact. These anthropogenic practices are still the main cause of disturbances i... These days, human activities in the savanna and the remaining dry and riparian forests of the Sudanian ecoregions continue to have their impact. These anthropogenic practices are still the main cause of disturbances in these areas. In order to investigate and assess the importance of these disturbances, caused by people bordering on protected areas and to determine the relation between these activities and the environment in which they are carried out, 220 samples were selected in the three main protected areas of northern Togo. The investigation was mainly qualitative, considering the floristic sampling of this drought area; any anthropogenic activities observed were recorded. A simple investigative questionnaire about the activities of rural people in the reserved areas was distributed to individuals encountered in the study area. Each sample in the investigation ended with a site description of its ecologi- cal characterization, i.e., soil features, topography, fauna footprints, dominant plant species and GPS position; we also took photo- graphs of the site. Data processing was entirely based on descriptive statistics and a factor analysis. The results show that eight kinds of human activities, i.e., the use of pastures, tree cutting, bush fires, charcoal production, harvesting of plant material, fanning, honey harvesting and hunting, were noted to be serious disturbances to the integrity of the ecosystems. Among these disturbances, three are recurrent in all the sampled areas of which the use of pastures accounts for 31.88%, tree cutting for 30.35% and bush fires for 30.13%. Fire and pasture disturbances are closely linked and are responsible for the current features of the savanna area of the region. Tree cutting is more a direct function of the need for the production of wood fuel, generally used by city populations. Hunting, farm- ing and honey production are of lesser importance in the area and therefore, do not pose a significantly negative effect on the growth of fauna and flora. Knowledge of these dist 展开更多
关键词 disturbances protected areas seasonal migration anthropogenic impact TOGO
Woody plant assemblage and the structure of miombo woodland along a disturbance gradient in Hurungwe, Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe
作者 Tatenda Gotore Hilton GTNdagurwa +2 位作者 Shakkie Kativu Denis Gautier Laurent Gazull 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第5期1867-1877,共11页
Miombo woodlands near human settlements are under significant pressures from human activities,with negative consequences on their structure and composition.As studies are limited,we assessed the structure and species ... Miombo woodlands near human settlements are under significant pressures from human activities,with negative consequences on their structure and composition.As studies are limited,we assessed the structure and species composition of a portion of miombo woodland along an increasing disturbance gradient from a national park,through a buffer zone to communal lands in northeast Zimbabwe.Five concentric plots of 2 and 11 m radii were established in each area to record woody species composition,diameter,height,basal area,density and volume as well as evidence of disturbance.Effects of site,growth stage and their interaction on vegetation diversity and structural parameters were tested using a general linear model(GLM).Principal component analysis(PCA) tested the association between species and site and ANOVA the differences in the level of disturbance across strata.Species diversity did not differ between sites except for evenness,which increased with disturbance.Evenness and richness were greater in seedlings and saplings than mature trees across sites,respectively.Sapling and mature tree diameters differed significantly between sites.Volume and density of mature trees declined with increasing disturbance while seedling densities peaked at intermediate disturbance levels(buffer zone).Tree harvesting,was more evident in the buffer zone and in the communal area relative to the national park.In contrast,fire frequency was greater in the national park and in the buffer zone relative to the communal area.The results of this study identify a true miombo woodland dominated by Brachystegia boehmii with a stable population,as illustrated by an inverse-J shape in diameter class distribution on all sites,and that these woodlands are generally resilient to disturbances,maintaining similar species composition and structure at various levels of disturbance.However,continued monitoring of disturbance levels and miombo woodland response is recommended to ensure sustainable utilisation of these resources. 展开更多
关键词 Miombo woodlands cComposition Diversity STRUCTURE anthropogenic disturbances
Carbon accumulations by stock change approach in tropical highland forests of Chiapas, Mexico
作者 Deb R.Aryal Roldan Ruiz-Corzo 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第6期2479-2493,共15页
Changes in forest biomass and soil organic carbon reserves have strong links to atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration.Human activities such as livestock grazing,forest fires,selective logging and firewood extractio... Changes in forest biomass and soil organic carbon reserves have strong links to atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration.Human activities such as livestock grazing,forest fires,selective logging and firewood extraction are the common disturbances that affect the carbon dynamics of the forest ecosystems.Here,we hypothesized that such anthropogenic activities significantly reduce the carbon stocks and accumulation rates in the tropical highland forests of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas in Southern Mexico.We sampled the Pinus oocarpa Scheide dominated forests within the elevation range of 900 to 1100 m above sea level in 2010,2014 and 2017.We measured the stand structural properties and used the reported allometric equations to calculate the tree carbon stocks.Stock change approach was used to calculate carbon accumulation rates.The results showed a gradual increase in carbon storage over the 7-year period from 2010 to 2017,but the rate of increase varied significantly between the study sites.The aboveground carbon stock was 107.25±11.77 Mg ha-1 for the site with lower anthropogenic intensity,compared to 74.29±16.85 Mg ha-1 for the site with higher intensity.The current annual increment for the forest with lower anthropogenic intensity was 7.81±0.65 Mg ha-1 a-1,compared to 3.87±1.03 Mg ha-1 a-1 in the site with high anthropogenic intensity.Although at varying rates,these forests are functioning as important carbon sinks.The results on carbon accumulation rates have important implications in greenhouse gas mitigations and forest change modelling in the context of changing global climate. 展开更多
关键词 anthropogenic disturbances BIOMASS Carbon accumulation rates Forest carbon pools Forest structure Southern Mexico
作者 张军 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2017年第11期102-106,共5页
[目的]研究川东北丘陵地区不同土地利用方式的土壤紧实度特征。[方法]以西华师范大学华凤校区不同土地利用类型为研究对象,选取25个测样点,分析丘陵地区土壤紧实度的变化特征。[结果]土壤紧实度随土层深度的增加而增加,随坡度的增加而... [目的]研究川东北丘陵地区不同土地利用方式的土壤紧实度特征。[方法]以西华师范大学华凤校区不同土地利用类型为研究对象,选取25个测样点,分析丘陵地区土壤紧实度的变化特征。[结果]土壤紧实度随土层深度的增加而增加,随坡度的增加而降低。但植被条件不同,也可能导致其土壤紧实度有所差异;植被覆盖率越高,其土壤紧实度越大;植被垂直结构越好,其土壤紧实度越高;枯枝落叶降低了土壤表层的紧实度。[结论]该研究对川东北丘陵地区的土地利用与水土保持研究,以及城市绿化的模拟与分析提供基础数据。 展开更多
关键词 土地利用 土壤紧实度 植被覆盖 人为扰动 坡度
作者 韩晓鹏 商宇 +3 位作者 张伟 窦瑞 赵紫涵 牛东玲 《宁夏大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2020年第4期396-400,407,共6页
土生地衣作为地衣资源中的重要一支,是生物土壤结皮的重要组成成分.地衣结皮在增加土壤营养、维持土壤稳定性、增强土壤抗冲蚀能力等方面是一个重要的功能角色.土生地衣对生长环境的扰动非常敏感,其地衣体由于环境变化很容易遭到破坏,... 土生地衣作为地衣资源中的重要一支,是生物土壤结皮的重要组成成分.地衣结皮在增加土壤营养、维持土壤稳定性、增强土壤抗冲蚀能力等方面是一个重要的功能角色.土生地衣对生长环境的扰动非常敏感,其地衣体由于环境变化很容易遭到破坏,据此可监测环境污染.土生地衣在大气氮污染、重金属污染以及各种人类干扰活动等方面是一个高敏感的生物指示类群,且土生地衣拥有非常多样的物种组成.分析近年来土生地衣在监测大气污染、人为干扰的生物指示作用及土生地衣物种多样性方面的研究概况. 展开更多
关键词 物种多样性 生物土壤结皮 人类干扰活动 大气污染
干扰对太湖西山风景林景观格局影响的时间轨迹分析 被引量:4
作者 王军围 唐晓岚 +1 位作者 李明阳 杨玉锋 《中南林业科技大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期69-75,共7页
由于各种自然、人为干扰,森林公园风景林存在着快速的空间及结构特征的变化。以太湖西山国家森林公园为研究区域,以免费开放的2001~2010年Landsat时间系列堆栈(LTSS)数据为主要信息源,在监督分类、森林景观格局指数计算基础上,分观... 由于各种自然、人为干扰,森林公园风景林存在着快速的空间及结构特征的变化。以太湖西山国家森林公园为研究区域,以免费开放的2001~2010年Landsat时间系列堆栈(LTSS)数据为主要信息源,在监督分类、森林景观格局指数计算基础上,分观光旅游(2001~2004年)、度假旅游(2005~2007年)、综合整治(2008~2010年)3个时段,对研究区域2001~2010年的风景林景观格局变化及其驱动因素进行了时间轨迹分析。研究表明:(1)2001~2010年,研究区域的森林干扰经历了小幅上升、上下剧烈变动、缓慢下降3种不同的变化趋势;(2)2001~2010年,研究区域风景林平均斑块大小和面积加权形状指数经历了较大幅度下降、上下剧烈变化、缓慢上升3种不同的变化趋势,斑块数量则呈现较大幅度上升、先下降后上升的剧烈变化、缓慢上升3种变化趋势;(3)2001~2010年,森林干扰变化剧烈的地段位于海拔较低、坡度较为平缓、受人类旅游活动影响剧烈的西山岛东部以及南部边缘地带;(4)西山岛森格局指数的时间轨迹变化与森林干扰指数的变化趋势在时空上存在着密切的联系。 展开更多
关键词 森林景观格局 自然和人为干扰 时间轨迹分析 江苏省太湖西山岛
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