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西太平洋副热带高压对热带海温异常响应的研究 被引量:58
作者 应明 孙淑清 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第2期193-206,共14页
利用多年的观测资料 ,研究了西太平洋副热带高压对热带海温异常的响应及其相互作用过程。着重研究冬、夏季西太平洋副高对同期及前期不同海域 (特别是赤道东、西太平洋以及印度洋海域 )海温异常的响应 ;用SVD方法分析了夏季副热带高压... 利用多年的观测资料 ,研究了西太平洋副热带高压对热带海温异常的响应及其相互作用过程。着重研究冬、夏季西太平洋副高对同期及前期不同海域 (特别是赤道东、西太平洋以及印度洋海域 )海温异常的响应 ;用SVD方法分析了夏季副热带高压与前冬、前春及同期各月全球海温的最佳耦合模态。在对比研究西太平洋副热带高压异常时其垂直环流变化的基础上 ,进而研究海气相互作用对副热带高压影响的物理过程。 展开更多
关键词 副热带高压 海温异常 垂直环流 海气耦合 太平洋
一个耦合气候系统模式模拟的中全新世时期亚洲季风系统变化 被引量:21
作者 郑伟鹏 俞永强 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期1135-1145,共11页
本文分析了一个耦合模式FGOALS_g1.0对工业革命前气候(0ka)和中全新世时期(6ka)亚洲夏季风的模拟结果。在该研究中我们主要分析季风降水变率较大的区域,即东亚夏季风区(20°~45°N,110°~120°E)和印度夏季风区(10... 本文分析了一个耦合模式FGOALS_g1.0对工业革命前气候(0ka)和中全新世时期(6ka)亚洲夏季风的模拟结果。在该研究中我们主要分析季风降水变率较大的区域,即东亚夏季风区(20°~45°N,110°~120°E)和印度夏季风区(10°~30°N,70°~80°E)。尽管耦合模式的普遍偏差依然存在,该模式反映出亚洲季风系统是海陆热力性质差异的结果,并较好地模拟出了0ka亚洲夏季风大尺度环流的特点和季节变化的特征。6ka和0ka比较分析的结果表明,6ka时期欧亚大陆增暖,海陆温度梯度加强;印度夏季风降水从南亚大陆北移到30°N附近,位于青藏高原南侧的降水大值中心降水加强;东亚季风区降水则表现为华北地区减少,长江流域和华南地区降水增加的特点。但合理地模拟季风爆发仍然是耦合气候系统模式的难点之一。6ka时期亚洲夏季风变化是和大尺度季风环流的变化联系在一起的,而其根本原因是中全新世时期地球轨道参数变化所引起的太阳辐射变化,北半球季节循环的振幅加强。海陆热力性质的差异所导致海陆温差加大使得北半球的季风环流加强,印度夏季风高空东风在20°~30°N加强,低层赤道东风加强,跨赤道后的西南气流向北推移,从而使得印度夏季风降水雨带北移到30°N附近。东亚季风区的高低空温度场的配置使得副热带高空急流减弱,位置偏南,从而有利于华北地区的高空出现异常的辐合,中层为异常的辐散,抑制了季风降水的发展;长江流域和华南地区则相反,季风降水降水加强。 展开更多
关键词 季风 海陆热力性质 海气相互作用 中全新世 耦合模式
海上风能资源评估数值模拟技术现状及发展趋势 被引量:18
作者 易侃 张子良 +1 位作者 张皓 王浩 《分布式能源》 2021年第1期1-6,共6页
由于自然界风能资源复杂多变的特性,数值模型及工具在海上风电开发过程中风资源评估的重要性日渐凸显。对海上风能资源评估数学建模方法及工具的国内外技术现状进行了梳理,阐述了线性模型、计算流体力学(computational fluid dynamics,C... 由于自然界风能资源复杂多变的特性,数值模型及工具在海上风电开发过程中风资源评估的重要性日渐凸显。对海上风能资源评估数学建模方法及工具的国内外技术现状进行了梳理,阐述了线性模型、计算流体力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)模型、中尺度气象模型等不同建模工具的技术特点及存在的不足。近年来,多尺度嵌套的建模框架日渐成为学术界和工业界关注的重点。将中尺度与微尺度模式结合在一起嵌套使用,能够有效解决单一尺度模型适用性不足的问题。海气耦合模型通过考虑海气相互作用,能够有效提高海上风场模拟的效果,未来将在海上风电风能资源与海洋环境评估领域发挥越来越重要的作用。此外,对现有的不同尾流评估模型的特点以及在尾流评估中需要解决的问题进行了讨论。总体而言,当下迫切需要更多研究工作来提高未来海上风能资源评估的准确性。 展开更多
关键词 海上风能资源评估 数值模型 多尺度嵌套 海气耦合 尾流模型
耦合模式FGOALS_s模拟的东亚夏季风 被引量:15
作者 陈昊明 周天军 +1 位作者 宇如聪 包庆 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期155-167,共13页
本文评估了中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室的海气耦合模式FGOALS_s对东亚夏季风的模拟能力,并通过与观测海温强迫下单独大气模式SAMIL试验结果的比较,分析了海气耦合过程对模式性能的影响。结... 本文评估了中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室的海气耦合模式FGOALS_s对东亚夏季风的模拟能力,并通过与观测海温强迫下单独大气模式SAMIL试验结果的比较,分析了海气耦合过程对模式性能的影响。结果表明,FGOALS_s基本能够模拟出东亚夏季风系统的气候态分布及其演变过程,但也存在明显偏差,主要表现为模拟的温度场在对流层中上层一致性偏冷,导致模式中环流系统强度偏弱;而温度经向梯度模拟的不足,直接影响到东亚副热带西风急流的模拟。通过与观测海温强迫下SAMIL模拟结果的对比发现,SAMIL模拟的温度场、环流场以及风场较之耦合模式结果更接近观测,但也存在与FGOALS_s类似的模式偏差。因此,大气模式固有的偏差对耦合模式的模拟偏差有重要影响。分析发现,对于西太平洋降水的模拟而言,耦合模式结果更加合理,表明海气相互作用过程对模式性能有重要影响。本文的结果表明,大气模式自身的误差是导致耦合模式误差的主要原因。通过更新云-辐射模块改进大气模式模拟的温度场,应是FGOALS_s后续发展的首要工作。 展开更多
关键词 东亚夏季风 模式评估 海气耦合
Response of IAP/LASG GOALS Model to the Coupling of Air-Sea Fresh Water Exchange 被引量:12
作者 周天军 张学洪 +3 位作者 俞永强 宇如聪 刘喜迎 金向泽 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第3期473-486,共14页
The process of air—sea fresh water exchange is included successfully in the Global— Ocean—Atmosphere Land—System model developed at the State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (... The process of air—sea fresh water exchange is included successfully in the Global— Ocean—Atmosphere Land—System model developed at the State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG). The results of the coupled integration show that the climate drift has been controlled successfully. Analyses on the responses of ocean circulation to the changes of surface fresh water or salinity forcing show that the ocean spin-up stage under flux condition for salinity is the key to the implementation of air-sea fresh water flux coupling. This study also demonstrates that the Modified—Monthly—Flux—Anomaly coupling scheme (MMFA) brought forward by Yu and Zhang (1998) is suitable not only for daily air—sea heat flux coupling but also for daily fresh water flux coupling. Key words Fresh water flux - Air-sea coupling - Thermohaline circulation This work was co-supported by the National Key Project (Grant No.96-908-02-03), the Excellent National Key Laboratory Research Project (Grant No.49823002) and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) under grant “ Bai Ren Ji Hua? for “Validation of Coupled Climate Models”. 展开更多
关键词 Fresh water flux air-sea coupling Thermohaline circulation
北欧海主要海盆海面热通量的多年变化 被引量:7
作者 赵进平 Ken Drinkwater 《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期9-19,共11页
北欧海有暖流和寒流注入,又发生大量回流,水团特性异常复杂。由于北欧海的环流受地形控制,其水团的分布与4个海盆的分布有密切的关系。本文研究各个海盆热通量变化的差异,以研究获取对北欧海海气相互作用区域差异的认识。北欧海的热量... 北欧海有暖流和寒流注入,又发生大量回流,水团特性异常复杂。由于北欧海的环流受地形控制,其水团的分布与4个海盆的分布有密切的关系。本文研究各个海盆热通量变化的差异,以研究获取对北欧海海气相互作用区域差异的认识。北欧海的热量夏季以太阳短波辐射为主,冬季以来自海洋的长波辐射、感热和潜热通量为主。海盆间的差异主要体现在格陵兰海,其变化幅度短波辐射高出50%,长波辐射高出大约40%,潜热高出大约60%,感热高出近4倍。可能的原因是,格陵兰海强烈的感热和潜热释放导致海温降低,气温也受北极冷空气的影响,形成与暖流区迥异的自然环境。过去30年发生了2次显著的热量减少事件。其中,1987年的事件很可能与冰岛的火山喷发有关,火山喷发对短波辐射的影响长达一年之久,导致感热和潜热也同步减少。1998年格陵兰海的潜热和感热明显减少,与北极海冰输出导致的海温偏低有显著关系。文章分析了4个主要海盆热通量的变化与北极涛动(AO)指数的关系。结果表明,发生在冰岛海的向下短波辐射和发生在格陵兰海的感热和潜热与AO相关度较高,体现了与AO的密切关系。这些热通量与AO指数的滑动相关系数表明,1992年以前冰岛海的短波辐射与AO的相关性非常高,而格陵兰海的感热和潜热在1993年后与AO高度相关,是值得深入研究的现象。本文的结果支持以下观点:北欧海对北极涛动的贡献主要是格陵兰海的感热和潜热释放通过冰岛低压区的上升气流影响冰岛低压的云量,从而影响到达的太阳辐射而导致大气环流的变化。 展开更多
关键词 北欧海 热通量 海气耦合 北极涛动 北极涛动核心区
Impacts of boundary layer parameterization schemes and air-sea coupling on WRF simulation of the East Asian summer monsoon 被引量:7
作者 WANG ZiQian DUAN AnMin WU GuoXiong 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期1480-1493,共14页
The planetary boundary layer (PBL) scheme in the regional climate model (RCM) has a significant impact on the interactions and exchanges of moisture, momentum, and energy between land, ocean, and atmosphere; howev... The planetary boundary layer (PBL) scheme in the regional climate model (RCM) has a significant impact on the interactions and exchanges of moisture, momentum, and energy between land, ocean, and atmosphere; however, its uncertainty will cause large systematic biases of RCM. Based on the four different PBL schemes (YSU, ACM2, Boulac, and MYJ) in Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, the impacts of these schemes on the simulation of circulation and precipitation during the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) are investigated. The simulated results of the two local turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) schemes, Boulac and MYJ, are more consistent with the observations than those in the two nonlocal closure schemes, YSU and ACM2. The former simulate more reasonable low-level southwesterly flow over East China and west pacific subtropical high (WPSH) than the latter. As to the modeling of summer monsoon precipitation, both the spatial distributions and temporal evolutions from Boulac and MTT are also better than those in YSU and ACM2 schemes. In addition, through the comparison between YSU and Boulac experiments, the differences from the results of EASM simulation are more obvious over the oceanic area. In the experiments with the nonlocal schemes YSU and ACM2, the boundary layer mixing processes are much stronger, which lead to produce more sea surface latent heat flux and enhanced convection, and finally induce the overestimated precipitation and corresponding deviation of monsoon circulation. With the further study, it is found that the absence of air-sea interaction in WRF may amplify the biases caused by PBL scheme over the ocean. Consequently, there is a reduced latent heat flux over the sea surface and even more reasonable EASM simulation, if an ocean model coupled into WRF. 展开更多
关键词 WRF model boundary layer parameterization scheme East Asian summer monsoon air-sea coupling
MM5V3/ECOM-si海气耦合模式的数值试验 被引量:6
作者 亓春霞 黄立文 +1 位作者 吴国雄 宇如聪 《武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版)》 北大核心 2003年第4期443-448,共6页
利用中尺度大气数值模式MM5的最新版本MM5V3和一个三维的河口、海岸和海洋环流模式ECOM-si实现了一个MM5V3/ECOM-si的中尺度海-气耦合数值模式.耦合模式中大气模式底边界由海洋模式预报的SST强迫,海洋模式的上边界由大气模式预报的海面... 利用中尺度大气数值模式MM5的最新版本MM5V3和一个三维的河口、海岸和海洋环流模式ECOM-si实现了一个MM5V3/ECOM-si的中尺度海-气耦合数值模式.耦合模式中大气模式底边界由海洋模式预报的SST强迫,海洋模式的上边界由大气模式预报的海面风应力、感热通量、潜热通量、净长波辐射通量和吸收的太阳短波辐射通量强迫,两个模式在相应的时步上互相交换信息并同时运行.为了验证耦合模式的效果,文中利用耦合前后的模式分别对黄东海区域1995年3月的一个入海气旋的个例进行了36h的模拟试验,并对前后模拟的结果进行了初步的分析. 展开更多
关键词 海—气耦合 数值模式 人海气旋
The coupling procedure of air-sea freshwater exchange in climate system models 被引量:5
作者 Tianjun Zhou Xuehong Zhang Yongqiang Yu 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2001年第1期83-85,共3页
A coupling procedure of air-sea freshwater exchange in climate system models is reported in this note. The first stage of the procedure is to force OGCM to equilibrium under strong restoring surface condition on salin... A coupling procedure of air-sea freshwater exchange in climate system models is reported in this note. The first stage of the procedure is to force OGCM to equilibrium under strong restoring surface condition on salinity, then increase the relaxing coefficient and get another steady state. The second stage is to switch the forcing on salinity from the weak restoring condition to the flux condition, and then finish a long-term spinning-up integration. After finishing these OGCM spinning-up stages, the last stage is to couple the OGCM with an active atmosphere, i.e. AGCM. Verification with the Global-Ocean-Atmosphere-Land-System model developed at the State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG) shows that the preferred procedure is successful in including the air-sea freshwater exchange process. 展开更多
关键词 FRESHWATER FLUX air-sea coupling.
作者 TANG Ling ZHAN Jie-min +2 位作者 CHEN Yi-zhan LI Yok-sheung NIE Yu-hua 《Journal of Hydrodynamics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2011年第1期95-104,共10页
A severe typhoon Utor,occurring between July 3 and 8,2001,brought heavy rainfall,strong wind and storm surge.Utor was responsible for tremendous destruction and economic losses in Philippines,Taiwan and Guangdong.An a... A severe typhoon Utor,occurring between July 3 and 8,2001,brought heavy rainfall,strong wind and storm surge.Utor was responsible for tremendous destruction and economic losses in Philippines,Taiwan and Guangdong.An air-sea model system (MM5 and Princeton Ocean Model(POM))was built to simulate meteorological dynamics and ocean circulation in the South China Sea(SCS).In the POM the output of MM5 was used as the input data.With an increased number of vertical levels,a high-resolution planetary boundary layer scheme and updated landuse/vegetation data,the accuracy of computing wind,temperature and other meteorological fields are improved in near surface and upper levels in MM5 simulations.The simulated trajectory and wind speed of Utor are close to the observed results.The simulated distribution of rainfall is accorded well with measured data in the Pearl River Delta(PRD)area.At different meteorological stations in Hong Kong,the wind,temperature and sea surface pressure are well simulated.The simulated ocean surface current and surface temperature fields have an obvious rightward-biased response to the typhoon Utor,and the maximum velocity and the lowest temperature region appear in the 30 km of the right side of the typhoon track.The typhoon Utor could make the water 50m under the surface ocean unwell to surface and the ocean surface temperature decrease by about 2°C. 展开更多
关键词 mesoscale model MM5 Princeton Ocean Model(POM) air-sea coupling ocean surface circulation
作者 李斐斐 徐彩艳 《气象学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期124-136,共13页
北大西洋涛动作为冬季北大西洋地区大气环流的主模态之一,其年际变率对全球许多地区气候变率具有重要影响,但目前其预测技巧并不高。采用降维投影四维变分同化方法,在耦合模式中建立了基于全球大气资料的弱耦合资料同化系统,直接同化月... 北大西洋涛动作为冬季北大西洋地区大气环流的主模态之一,其年际变率对全球许多地区气候变率具有重要影响,但目前其预测技巧并不高。采用降维投影四维变分同化方法,在耦合模式中建立了基于全球大气资料的弱耦合资料同化系统,直接同化月平均再分析资料,并进行了年代际后报试验。结果表明,通过耦合资料同化的手段,可以显著提升耦合模式对冬季北大西洋涛动年际变率及其相关的欧洲北部、美国东部、欧亚大陆北部的冬季近地面温度年际变率的后报效果,相关系数均超过0.05显著水平t检验。该后报效果的改进主要与在耦合同化过程中通过耦合模式中自由发展的海-气相互作用将大气的观测信息储存在耦合模式的海洋分量中,改进了冬季北大西洋地区海表温度“三极”型分布的时空变率及其时间序列的后报效果有关。该研究强调了耦合模式初始状态的准确度对提升冬季北大西洋涛动年际变率的后报技巧具有重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 北大西洋涛动 弱耦合资料同化 海-气相互作用 大气分量模式
A study on dynamical features of air-sea coupling waves in the tropics 被引量:2
作者 Yang Xiuqun and Huang Shisong Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210008, China 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1993年第3期379-393,共15页
The dynamical features of air-sea coupling waves and their stabilities in a simple coupled air-sea model in the tropics have been studied with respect to interaction occurring among different types of the free waves i... The dynamical features of air-sea coupling waves and their stabilities in a simple coupled air-sea model in the tropics have been studied with respect to interaction occurring among different types of the free waves in the o-cean and in the atmosphere. It is pointed out that there exist a stable and an unstable air-sea interaction modes in the tropical coupled system , respectively. The propagation of the unstable mode relies greatly on the zonal space scale, i. e. only for wave length ranging from 5 000 km to 10 000 km can the disturbance unstably move slowly eastward. The waves that slowly propagate unstably eastward agree well with the observational facts. Finally,it is also proposed that the interaction between Kelvin wave in one medium and Rossby wave in another medium is a necessary condition for the occurrence of destabilization of the coupled air-sea system in the tropics. 展开更多
关键词 air-sea interaction coupling waves FEATURES
热带太平洋地区SSTA和风应力场的海气耦合模态 被引量:3
作者 张勤 蒋贤安 何金海 《热带气象学报》 CSCD 1995年第1期43-50,共8页
使用EOF分析方法对20年热带太平洋地区风应力场资料和SSTA资料进行分析,研究它们的空间分布特征模态和时间变化特征,发现风应力场的第一特征向量与海温距平场的第一特征向量的时间系数具有相同的变化特征。它们反映了海洋和... 使用EOF分析方法对20年热带太平洋地区风应力场资料和SSTA资料进行分析,研究它们的空间分布特征模态和时间变化特征,发现风应力场的第一特征向量与海温距平场的第一特征向量的时间系数具有相同的变化特征。它们反映了海洋和大气在这个时空尺度上的相互作用和耦合关系,并与ElNino循环有较好的对应关系。 展开更多
关键词 海温 海气耦合 相互作用 应力场 太平洋
基于大涡模拟耦合模式的小尺度海气相互作用研究 被引量:2
作者 孙丹译 李爽 《海洋与湖沼》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期1310-1319,共10页
大气和海洋是影响地球气候系统的两个重要因素,它们之间的相互作用是海洋和大气研究的重要课题,海气耦合模式则是研究海气相互作用的重要工具,而海气耦合模式重点考虑的参数是海气通量。针对传统的大尺度海气耦合模式缺少湍流尺度分析... 大气和海洋是影响地球气候系统的两个重要因素,它们之间的相互作用是海洋和大气研究的重要课题,海气耦合模式则是研究海气相互作用的重要工具,而海气耦合模式重点考虑的参数是海气通量。针对传统的大尺度海气耦合模式缺少湍流尺度分析的问题,本文使用并行大涡模拟海气耦合模式(The Parallelized Large-Eddy Simulation Model,PALM),在小尺度上探究风速对海气通量及湍流动能收支(Turbulence Kinetic Energy Budget,TKE Budget)的影响,设置了5、10和15m/s三种地转风速度对大气边界层(Atmospheric Boundary Layer,ABL)和海洋混合层(Oceanic Mixed Layer,OML)进行海气耦合模拟。研究表明:海气通量的分布与风速大小密切相关,风速越大,净热通量和浮力通量相对越大,由于温度上升导致海水蒸发加剧,使得大气的淡水通量增大;海洋湍流动能收支各项在近海面处受风速影响较大,且随着深度加深而逐渐减弱。本研究初步展示了小尺度海气耦合模式在海气通量研究中的应用,对进行小尺度海气相互作用研究具有一定的意义。 展开更多
关键词 大涡模拟 海气通量 海气耦合 湍流动能收支
区域海气耦合模式模拟的2003年东亚夏季风季节内振荡 被引量:2
作者 房永杰 张耀存 《气候与环境研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期78-88,共11页
评估了一个区域海气耦合模式(由区域环境系统集成模式RIEMS和普林斯顿海洋模式POM组成)对2003年东亚夏季风季节内振荡(ISO)的模拟性能。通过与观测海温驱动单独大气模式结果的比较,分析了海气耦合过程对东亚夏季大气ISO模拟性能的影响... 评估了一个区域海气耦合模式(由区域环境系统集成模式RIEMS和普林斯顿海洋模式POM组成)对2003年东亚夏季风季节内振荡(ISO)的模拟性能。通过与观测海温驱动单独大气模式结果的比较,分析了海气耦合过程对东亚夏季大气ISO模拟性能的影响。结果表明:耦合模式能够模拟出2003年中国东部地区夏季降水的气候态分布,模拟的中国东部尤其是江淮地区大气ISO活动较单独大气模式更为显著。同时,耦合模式能够较好地再现大气ISO经向上北传的传播特征,模拟的江淮流域降水处于活跃和中断期时西北太平洋地区低频降水和环流异常在强度和空间分布上较单独大气模式都更为合理。相比于单独大气模式,耦合模式对大气ISO模拟的改善,一方面与其对气候态西北太平洋副热带高压和相关对流层底层风场模拟的改善有关,另一方面与其包含海气相互作用,因而对低频降水与海温和水汽辐合位相关系模拟的改善有关。 展开更多
关键词 区域海气耦合模式 东亚夏季风 季节内振荡 海气相互作用
作者 刘秦玉 徐启春 +1 位作者 王志联 秦曾灏 《Acta meteorologica Sinica》 SCIE 1993年第3期338-346,共9页
A numerical experiment of an asynchronous coupled ocean-atmosphere model has been described in this paper.A two-layer global atmosphere general circulation model(OSU/IAP-AGCM)and a two-layer North Pacific Ocean genera... A numerical experiment of an asynchronous coupled ocean-atmosphere model has been described in this paper.A two-layer global atmosphere general circulation model(OSU/IAP-AGCM)and a two-layer North Pacific Ocean general circulation model(NPOGCM)developed by Liu et al.(1992)are used in numerical experiment.The sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA)corresponding to the meander of the Kuroshio is treated as the initial perturbation in the Pacific Ocean and the abnormal phenomena caused by the disturbance and the interaction between atmosphere and ocean,have been studied. The numerical experiment showed that the SST anomaly in the North Pacific could induce a new 30—60 day oscillation through the coupling between atmosphere and ocean and the interaction between the meander of the Kuroshio and atmosphere circulation is a positive feedback process. 展开更多
关键词 air-sea coupling KUROSHIO MEANDER positive feedback
作者 邹力 倪允琪 《Acta meteorologica Sinica》 SCIE 1996年第4期419-429,共11页
Composite investigation is performed of global dynamic characteristics of >3—4-year period low- frequency oscillation in ENSO variability of air-sea coupling in the context of monthly mean wind and SSTA.Evidence s... Composite investigation is performed of global dynamic characteristics of >3—4-year period low- frequency oscillation in ENSO variability of air-sea coupling in the context of monthly mean wind and SSTA.Evidence suggests that the horizontal(vertical)anomaly circulation at tropical latitudes (equatorial)exhibits their evolution to be,in substance,a kind of low-frequency wave slowly travel- ling eastward,featured by wave number 2 moving along the equator and zonal wind swiftly decaying off the equator in relation to divergence/convergence:the time that the low-frequency wave takes to move around the equator in its halfway is precisely the period of the ENSO low-frequency component (LFC)(approximately 4 years);the ocean also displays corresponding response to the component. 展开更多
关键词 low-frequency wave air-sea coupling composite analysis
作者 张向东 《Acta meteorologica Sinica》 SCIE 1992年第3期287-298,共12页
The propagation features, stabilities and dynamical characteristic structures of coupled Kelvin inner modes and second order Rossby inner modes are studied using a simple tropical coupled air-sea model in this paper. ... The propagation features, stabilities and dynamical characteristic structures of coupled Kelvin inner modes and second order Rossby inner modes are studied using a simple tropical coupled air-sea model in this paper. It is shown that there is mechanism of selecting scale and frequency in the tropical air-sea system. The effects of air-sea coupling are mainly on the large-scale modes and nonuniform. These effects make the frequency of Kelvin modes decrease and even excite the eastward propagating Rossby inner modes. These effects make the unstable development of Kelvin modes and result in the decay of Rossby modes. The effects of atmospheric damp are opposite to those of air-sea coup- ling. The oceanic damp only make the wave amplitudes decay. Simutaneously, this paper shows the dynamical character- istic structures of air-sea coupled system and the phase relations between the atmospheric and the oceanic wave compo- nent. 展开更多
关键词 air-sea coupling Kelvin modes Rossby modes
The influences of environmental factors on the air-sea coupling coefficient
作者 Yanmin Zhang Yifan Wang +2 位作者 Yunhua Wang Yining Bai Chaofang Zhao 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第2期147-155,共9页
The response relationship between equivalent neutral wind speed anomaly(ENWSA)and sea-air temperature difference anomaly(SATDA)has been analyzed over four typical sea regions,i.e.,the Kuroshio Extension,the Gulf Strea... The response relationship between equivalent neutral wind speed anomaly(ENWSA)and sea-air temperature difference anomaly(SATDA)has been analyzed over four typical sea regions,i.e.,the Kuroshio Extension,the Gulf Stream,the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence and the Agulhas Return Current.The results show that ENWSA is more sensitive to SATDA than sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA),which implies that SATDA seems to be a more suitable parameter than SSTA to analyze the mesoscale air-sea interactions.Here,the slope of the linear relation between ENWSA and SATDA is defined as the air-sea coupling coefficient.It is found that the values of the coupling coefficient over the four typical sea areas have obvious seasonal variations and geographical differences.In order to reveal the reason of the seasonal variation and geographical difference of the coupling coefficient,the influences of some environmental background factors,such as the spatially averaged sea surface temperature(SST),the spatially averaged air temperature,the spatially averaged sea-air temperature difference and the spatially averaged equivalent neutral wind speed,on the coupling coefficient are discussed in detail.The results reveal that the background sea-air temperature difference is an important environmental factor which directly affects the magnitude of the coupling coefficients,meanwhile,the seasonal and geographical variations of the coupling coefficient. 展开更多
关键词 air-sea coupling coefficient SST equivalent neutral wind speed sea-air temperature difference
Representing surface wind stress response to mesoscale SST perturbations in western coast of South America using Tikhonov regularization method 被引量:2
作者 CUI Chaoran ZHANG Rong-Hua +1 位作者 WANG Hongna WEI Yanzhou 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第3期679-694,共16页
Interaction between mesoscale perturbations of sea surface temperature(SSTmeso)and wind stress(WSmeso)has great influences on the ocean upwelling system and turbulent mixing in the atmospheric boundary layer.Using dai... Interaction between mesoscale perturbations of sea surface temperature(SSTmeso)and wind stress(WSmeso)has great influences on the ocean upwelling system and turbulent mixing in the atmospheric boundary layer.Using daily Quik-SCAT wind speed data and AMSR-E SST data,SSTmeso and WSmeso fields in the western coast of South America are extracted by using a locally weighted regression method(LOESS).The spatial patterns of SSTmeso and WSmeso indicate strong mesoscale SST-wind stress coupling in the region.The coupling coefficient between SSTmeso and WSmeso is about 0.0095 N/(m^2·℃)in winter and 0.0082 N/(m^2·℃)in summer.Based on mesoscale coupling relationships,the mesoscale perturbations of wind stress divergence(Div(WSmeso))and curl(Curl(WSmeso))can be obtained from the SST gradient perturbations,which can be further used to derive wind stress vector perturbations using the Tikhonov regularization method.The computational examples are presented in the western coast of South America and the patterns of the reconstructed WS meso are highly consistent with SSTmeso,but the amplitude can be underestimated significantly.By matching the spatially averaged maximum standard deviations of reconstructed WSmeso magnitude and observations,a reasonable magnitude of WSmeso can be obtained when a rescaling factor of 2.2 is used.As current ocean models forced by prescribed wind cannot adequately capture the mesoscale wind stress response,the empirical wind stress perturbation model developed in this study can be used to take into account the feedback effects of the mesoscale wind stress-SST coupling in ocean modeling.Further applications are discussed for taking into account the feedback effects of the mesoscale coupling in largescale climate models and the uncoupled ocean models. 展开更多
关键词 MESOSCALE air-sea coupling Tikhonov’s regularization method WESTERN COAST of South AMERICA
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