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川江中坝遗址5000年来洪水事件研究 被引量:35
作者 张强 杨达源 +2 位作者 施雅风 葛兆帅 姜彤 《地理科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第6期715-720,共6页
川江中坝遗址自然地层与文化层测年、粒度分析及其与长江沿岸现代洪积物粒度分析对比研究表明,中坝遗址自然沉积层为多期洪水泛滥成因。文化层中大量破碎陶罐、瓦片以及窑址的发现,结合实地调查表明当时遗址区主要以制盐为主。一定数量... 川江中坝遗址自然地层与文化层测年、粒度分析及其与长江沿岸现代洪积物粒度分析对比研究表明,中坝遗址自然沉积层为多期洪水泛滥成因。文化层中大量破碎陶罐、瓦片以及窑址的发现,结合实地调查表明当时遗址区主要以制盐为主。一定数量未燃尽的段木的发现,表明人们为制盐或烧制陶器而砍伐树木,导致水土流失与生态恶化,水土流失导致河床淤积,储水量减少,从而加重洪灾程度、加剧河床演变。频繁的洪水泛滥使研究区河床发生较大变化,使遗址从河岸孤立出去,成为河中心的一个孤岛。 展开更多
关键词 中坝遗址 洪水事件 粒度分析 河床演变
重庆中坝遗址剖面磁化率异常与人类活动的关系 被引量:34
作者 史威 朱诚 +2 位作者 徐伟峰 关勇 孙智彬 《地理学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期257-267,共11页
结合古器物推定及14C测定年代、人类遗存遗迹和堆积物自然属性特征,重庆中坝考古遗址多剖面地层高分辨率采样的质量磁化率(SI)综合对比研究表明:磁化率分布表现异常,在很大程度上已掩盖了气候变化、成土作用等因素对地层磁化率分布的贡... 结合古器物推定及14C测定年代、人类遗存遗迹和堆积物自然属性特征,重庆中坝考古遗址多剖面地层高分辨率采样的质量磁化率(SI)综合对比研究表明:磁化率分布表现异常,在很大程度上已掩盖了气候变化、成土作用等因素对地层磁化率分布的贡献,反映遗址堆积物曾受到人类长期异常强烈的改造。堆积物来源主要以文化器物碎片、人为带入的自然碎屑物和频繁的洪水沉积物为主。碎陶片集中(尤其红陶)的文化层表现为高磁化率值,其中多次异常高值的出现可能与此时高强度用火、大规模燃烧等事件致使土层磁性矿物增加有关;而"洪水扰动层"则表现为低磁化率值。进一步分析曲线还可发现,中坝地区新石器末至唐代是人类活动的活跃期,宋以后人类活动有逐渐减弱的趋势,其中新石器时代末、夏商中期、西周早中期、春秋时期、战国中晚期、六朝时期及唐代为活跃期中的旺盛阶段。新石器晚期、夏商早期、西周早期、春秋晚期、战国早期、宋代、明清和现代地层中洪水扰动明显,推断为洪水频发时代或此间曾出现过特大洪水。 展开更多
关键词 重庆忠县 中坝遗址 质量磁化率 堆积物来源 人类活动 洪水扰动层
Identifying paleoflood deposits archived in Zhongba Site,the Three Gorges reservoir region of the YangtzeRiver,China 被引量:30
作者 ZHU Chen ZHENG Chaogui +6 位作者 MA Chunmei SUN Zhibin ZHU Guangyao WANG Huilin GAO Huazhong WANG Pengling HUANG Run 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2005年第21期2493-2504,共12页
Based on the principle that the present is the key to the past , detailed analyses, such as AMS 14C dating, grain size, component and morphology of heavy minerals, micro-morphology of zircon, Rb/Sr, magnetic susceptib... Based on the principle that the present is the key to the past , detailed analyses, such as AMS 14C dating, grain size, component and morphology of heavy minerals, micro-morphology of zircon, Rb/Sr, magnetic susceptibility and total organic carbon (TOC), were conducted to identify paleoflood sediments archived in Zhongba Site. The results indicate that the plaeoflood sediments bear great similarities with modern flood sediments in the following aspects: (1) probability cumulative curves mainly show a pattern of 3―4 segments; (2) grain-size distribution of suspended matter ranges between 3 and 10Ф; (3) the sediments are well-sorted, most of which are suspended matter (>50%); (4) the same species, quantity and morphology of heavy minerals; (5) scanning electronic microscope images show that shapes of zircon are mainly oval and nearly spheral, rounded due to long-distance transport; (6) higher Rb/Sr values (0.55―0.66)than those of sediments from cultural layers (0.03―0.26); (7) magnetic susceptibility values (133.73―433.05 10-6m3/kg) are lower than those of sediments from cultural layers (959.25―2442.44 10?6 m3/kg); (8) TOC (0.14%―0.33%) are lower than those of sediments from cultural lay-ers (1.13%―2.95%). Our results demonstrate that, except for the 1981 flood, there are at least six paleoflood events that occurred during the Qing Dynasty, the middle of Song Dy-nasty, the early Warring States (400BC―350BC), the West Zhou Dynasty (920BC―900BC), the Xia Dynasty (2070BC―1600BC), and the late Neolithic Age (3000BC―2300BC), respectively . 展开更多
关键词 中国 扬子江 蓄水池 防洪设施 沉积物 地球化学
长江三峡中坝遗址地层中Rb和Sr的分布特征及其古气候演变 被引量:21
作者 黄润 朱诚 +1 位作者 郑朝贵 马春梅 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期531-536,共6页
长江三峡中坝遗址是我国目前仅有的、世界上也罕见的“通史式”遗址。它不仅蕴藏大量的文化内涵 ,而且包含极其丰富的自然环境演变信息 ,是研究三峡地区全新世环境演变的理想剖面。文章对遗址地层中的铷(Rb)、锶 (Sr)值进行了测试和分... 长江三峡中坝遗址是我国目前仅有的、世界上也罕见的“通史式”遗址。它不仅蕴藏大量的文化内涵 ,而且包含极其丰富的自然环境演变信息 ,是研究三峡地区全新世环境演变的理想剖面。文章对遗址地层中的铷(Rb)、锶 (Sr)值进行了测试和分析 ,结果显示 :剖面地层中的Rb含量偏低 ,而Sr含量偏高 ,Rb/Sr比值变化较大。Rb/Sr比值已成为区域环境演变研究中较理想的替代指标 ,根据Rb/Sr比值的环境指示意义发现 ,长江三峡地区全新世中晚期以来气候环境总体上逐渐趋于恶劣 ;气候冷暖湿热变化剧烈 ;寒冷期长于温暖期 ,并没有明显地向湿热方向发展趋势。与长江下游等东部其他地区相比 ,长江三峡地区也存在明显不同之处 :隋唐暖期不明显 ,而中世纪暖期表现显著。 展开更多
关键词 中坝遗址 Rb/Sr比值 古气候
长江三峡库区中坝遗址地层洪水沉积粒度特征及其沉积环境 被引量:12
作者 田晓四 朱诚 +1 位作者 尹茜 孙智彬 《沉积学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期261-266,共6页
通过对三峡库区中坝遗址1981年洪水沉积和疑似古洪水沉积的粒度对比分析,发现它们的平均粒径、分选系数、偏度、峰度和众值粒径都在同一值域范围内;频率分布曲线相似,呈单峰态;概率累积曲线都呈明显的三段式。从而推断出中坝遗址的文化... 通过对三峡库区中坝遗址1981年洪水沉积和疑似古洪水沉积的粒度对比分析,发现它们的平均粒径、分选系数、偏度、峰度和众值粒径都在同一值域范围内;频率分布曲线相似,呈单峰态;概率累积曲线都呈明显的三段式。从而推断出中坝遗址的文化间隙层为古洪水沉积。在考古断代和AMS14C测年基础上,对洪水沉积环境研究发现,中坝遗址洪水沉积大多发生在我国的暖期,但周朝和宋代的洪水沉积发生在我国冷期,这与我国气候小循环和当地独特的地貌特征有关。清代以后,沉积物平均粒径明显变大,表明当地植被已经退化;沉积物平均粒径和峰度变化幅度大,说明人类活动使当地生态系统变得脆弱,气候多变。 展开更多
关键词 中坝遗址 古洪水沉积 粒度特征 环境变迁
中坝遗址地层的Cr/Cu值对干湿环境的指示意义 被引量:9
作者 李中轩 朱诚 +3 位作者 朱青 马春梅 张广胜 欧阳杰 《地理科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期799-803,共5页
将中坝遗址5 ka以来连续沉积地层按文化序列分为12层,分别测量Rb、Sr和Cr、Cu含量,对比显示,Cr/Cu比值与Rb/Sr比值明显正相关。Cr与Rb的属性相似,Cr化学活性低,易于在粉砂质沉积物中富集;而Cu和Sr在成壤过程中容易迁移,在粘土质沉积层... 将中坝遗址5 ka以来连续沉积地层按文化序列分为12层,分别测量Rb、Sr和Cr、Cu含量,对比显示,Cr/Cu比值与Rb/Sr比值明显正相关。Cr与Rb的属性相似,Cr化学活性低,易于在粉砂质沉积物中富集;而Cu和Sr在成壤过程中容易迁移,在粘土质沉积层中含量较高。通过对Cr、Cu元素在表生环境下的化学性质、沉积地层的属性、微地貌特征、与泥炭腐殖化度古里雅冰芯氧同位素曲线等指标对比表明,Cr/Cu比值变化对环境干湿变化的指示具有普遍意义。 展开更多
关键词 中坝遗址 Cr/Cu值 Rb/Sr值
中坝遗址约4250a B.P.以来古气候和人类活动记录 被引量:7
作者 史威 朱诚 +1 位作者 马春梅 朱青 《地理科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期703-708,共6页
重庆中坝遗址地层Rb、Sr、Hg及TOC研究表明:Rb、Sr和Rb/Sr值较好地反映了约4250 a B.P.以来气候变化过程,主要干冷期可与敦德冰川δ18O曲线谷值、湖光岩沉积物磁化率和Ti曲线峰值、以及大气14C浓度峰值和太阳活动水平较长期变化的低谷对... 重庆中坝遗址地层Rb、Sr、Hg及TOC研究表明:Rb、Sr和Rb/Sr值较好地反映了约4250 a B.P.以来气候变化过程,主要干冷期可与敦德冰川δ18O曲线谷值、湖光岩沉积物磁化率和Ti曲线峰值、以及大气14C浓度峰值和太阳活动水平较长期变化的低谷对比,反映出地层中Rb、Sr不易受人类活动干扰的特性。结合考古遗存对比还发现,Hg、P、Ca、Mg和TOC记录了该遗址约4250 a B.P.以来人类活动的三个不同演变阶段。进一步研究认为,盐业遗址的衰落可能与洪水事件。 展开更多
关键词 中坝遗址 4 250 a B.P.以来 RB SR Hg和TOC 古气候和人类活动记录
Rise and decline of ancient salt industry revealed by Na and Ca concentrations in sediments at Zhongba site, Chongqing 被引量:4
作者 ZHU Cheng JIANG Fengqing +5 位作者 MA Chunmei XU Weifeng HUANG Linyan ZHENG Chaogui LI Lan SUN Zhibin 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第3期328-340,共13页
Based on dynastic period division and AMS ^14 C dating performed on the sedimentary layers at Zhongba and Yuxi sites,and also the analysis of Na,Ca and Mg of 201 sedimentary samples from Zhongba site and that of Ca an... Based on dynastic period division and AMS ^14 C dating performed on the sedimentary layers at Zhongba and Yuxi sites,and also the analysis of Na,Ca and Mg of 201 sedimentary samples from Zhongba site and that of Ca and Na in 47 sedimentary samples from Yuxi by using an inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry(ICP),we found that there were 35 time periods when the contents of Ca and Na were reversely correlated,i.e.whenever the content of Ca was the highest,the content of Na was the lowest,and vice versa. Among them,there were 21 time periods when the content of Ca was the highest,and Na was the lowest,indicating that there were about 21 prosperous periods of ancient salt production at Zhongba site since 3000BC.Other 14 time periods with the peak values of Na while the low values of Ca indicate 14 declined periods of salt production at Zhongba site since 3000BC.The conclusion obtained from the reverse relationship between Ca and Na contents in this paper is consistent with that"the salt production at Zhongba site started in the new stone age,developed in the Xia and Shang dynasties,reached at the heyday in periods from the Western Zhou to the Han Dynasties,maintained stable to develop in the Tang and the Song dynasties,and gradually declined after the Song Dynasty because the sea salt were conveyed into Sichuan region,however,still had production in the 1970s-1980s",educed from archeological exploration.All the above mentioned results indicate that there is a reverse relationship obviously between the contents of Na and Ca in sediments at Zhongba site for ancient salt production,which can be used to reveal the process of rise and decline of ancient salt industry at Zhongba site. 展开更多
关键词 zhongba site Zhongxian County reverse relationship between contents of Na and Ca rise and decline of early salt production
Animal diversities and characteristics of environmental change revealed by skeletons unearthed at Zhongba Site of Chongqing City,China 被引量:4
作者 ZHU Cheng MA ChunMei +7 位作者 OUYANG Jie LI ZhongXuan YIN Qian SUN ZhiBin HUANG YunPing R.K.FLAD LI Lan LI YuMei 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2008年第S1期74-86,共13页
Nearly 200000 animal skeletons are unearthed in the Unit T0202 from Zhongba Site of Zhongxian County.According to the analysis of 129165 specimens,these skeletons may be classified into 5 kinds, namely,Mammalia,Osteic... Nearly 200000 animal skeletons are unearthed in the Unit T0202 from Zhongba Site of Zhongxian County.According to the analysis of 129165 specimens,these skeletons may be classified into 5 kinds, namely,Mammalia,Osteichthys,Aves,Amphibian and Reptilia,which belong to 13 orders,28 families and 42 genera.In this paper,based on archeological dating and AMS 14 C data,through statistically analyzing the unearthed skeletons and studying the change of the smallest individual numbers,these research results detected the following:1)In almost all the time of 2370―200 BC,in Zhongba region, some animals distributed widely,such as Muntiacus sp,Elaphodus cephalophus and Muntiacus sp. inhabiting in glade and grassland,Scrofa sp.and Canis familiaris raised by the ancient people,rodentia rabbit and Rattus rattus,which suggested that a fairly good ecological environment of forest and grassland was preserved at that period and the predecessors began to raise domestic animals from 1750 to 1000 BC,which has lasted until today.2)Rhinoceros only lived during 2000―1750 BC,1000― 700 BC and 700―500 BC,which indicates that the ecological environment of grassland and wetland might be better in these phases.3)Macaca sp.and Ursus arctos appeared only after 1750―1000 BC, which may show that the forest condition is better for animals to live during 1750―200 BC.4)The smallest individual numbers of Bublus sp.,bos sp.and otters emerged during about 2370―1750 BC, which perhaps infers that water area during the early period was wider than that of the late period.5) Since skeletons of rhinoceros are discovered in strata of Zhongba Site during 2000―1750 BC and 1000―500 BC,according to the climate and ecology environment which rhinoceros live in now,the average annual temperature and precipitation during 2000―1750 BC and 1000―500 BC are supposed to be probably higher than that of today.Although Zhu Kezhen considered that the first low temperature period in the past 5000 years of China was between 1100 BC and 850 BC,massive pollen o 展开更多
关键词 zhongba site ANIMAL SKELETONS ANIMAL diversity CLIMATE and ECOLOGICAL environment change 2370 BC—200 BC
Reconstructing past subsistence patterns on Zhongba Site using stable carbon and oxygen isotopes of fossil tooth enamel 被引量:4
作者 XiaoSi Tian Cheng Zhu +5 位作者 XinWang Xu ChunMei Ma ZhiBin Sun Qian Yin Qing Zhu Wei Shi 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2008年第S1期87-94,共8页
The oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios in human and animal tooth enamel were measured to reconstruct the subsistence patterns on Zhongba Site between 2400 and 4200 aBP.The results indicate that human consumed chiefly C... The oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios in human and animal tooth enamel were measured to reconstruct the subsistence patterns on Zhongba Site between 2400 and 4200 aBP.The results indicate that human consumed chiefly C4 resources,such as millet,and the C3 plants,such as rice and wheat,constituted only a small fraction of the human diets,normally no more than 15%.There are significant differences in food sources between human and pig,and the percentages of C3 plants in pig diets were higher than those in human diets.But theδ13C values of pig partially overlap those of human,demonstrating some similarities in their food sources.The differences in water sources between human and pig are significant.There are significant differences in food and water sources between cattle and deer. This indicates that the two kinds of mammals subsisted in different niches.But theirδ13C values also partially overlap each other,suggesting some similarities in their food sources.There are both signifi- cant differences in meanδ13C andδ18O values between the omnivores,human and pig and the herbi- vores,cattle and deer,implying significant differences in food and water sources between the two categories.During the period the dietary habits of human had not changed,but the pig breeding strategies had changed,from breeding in house to breeding in confinement,and the proportion of C3 plants in pig food increased with time.The scope of human migration had been considerably large by the Warring States because of the development of productive forces. 展开更多
关键词 Zhongxian County in Chongqing City zhongba site TOOTH ENAMEL δ13C δ18O C3 PLANTS C4 PLANTS palaeodiet reconstruction
重庆中坝遗址地层Na-Ca元素含量揭示的制盐业兴衰史 被引量:4
作者 朱诚 姜逢清 +5 位作者 马春梅 徐伟峰 黄林燕 郑朝贵 李兰 孙智彬 《地理学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期524-534,共11页
在对中坝和玉溪遗址考古断代和AMS14C测年基础上,根据对中坝遗址201个地层样品ICP等离子发射光谱的Na、Ca、Mg元素测定及玉溪遗址47个地层样品的Na、Ca元素测定,发现中坝制盐遗址地层中存在明显的Na、Ca元素含量反向相关期有35处之多,即... 在对中坝和玉溪遗址考古断代和AMS14C测年基础上,根据对中坝遗址201个地层样品ICP等离子发射光谱的Na、Ca、Mg元素测定及玉溪遗址47个地层样品的Na、Ca元素测定,发现中坝制盐遗址地层中存在明显的Na、Ca元素含量反向相关期有35处之多,即:当Ca元素为峰值时,Na元素为谷值,反之亦然。其中,Ca元素为峰值、Na元素为谷值的反向相关期有21次,揭示出中坝遗址近5ka来制盐业有过近21个兴盛期。另有14个Na元素为峰值、Ca元素为谷值的反向相关期,揭示中坝遗址近5ka来制盐业也有过近14个衰落期。考古发掘得出的"中坝制盐业萌发于新石器时代、夏商发展、西周至汉代为鼎盛期、唐宋时代维持稳定发展、宋以后由于海盐进入川江地区导致中坝制盐业逐渐衰落、但20世纪70-80年代仍有生产"的结论证明本文Na、Ca元素含量反向相关性得出的研究结果是正确的。以上研究结果表明,中坝制盐遗址中Na、Ca元素含量有明显的反向相关规律,这一规律可以用于揭示盐业遗址的制盐业兴衰过程历史。 展开更多
关键词 重庆 中坝遗址 Na-Ca元素 制盐业
Research on the relationship between site function and environment at the site of Zhongba,Chongqing City,China 被引量:1
作者 SUN ZhiBin Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology of Sichuan Province,Chengdu 610041,China 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2008年第S1期58-73,共16页
The Zhongba site has been demonstrated to be a location of salt production based on multi-disciplinary research including salt archaeology,environmental archaeology,zooarchaeology,paleobotany,and other natural science... The Zhongba site has been demonstrated to be a location of salt production based on multi-disciplinary research including salt archaeology,environmental archaeology,zooarchaeology,paleobotany,and other natural science examinations.The continuity of salt production from the Han Dynasty to the present day as understood primarily from ancient texts can now be traced back to even earlier times. Based on the characteristics of cultural layer deposits,features,and artifacts,Zhongba can be clearly distinguished from known settlements,and from bronze,iron,pottery and porcelain workshops.According to various natural science examinations,the major impurities in local salt brine are also found in floor features,brine troughs,and rounded bottom pots at the site even though NaCl itself was not preserved.These traces were left over from the salt production process rather than being naturally deposited.Zhongba and its constituent features and artifacts share many common characters with other salt production sites around the world.Consequently,the Zhongba site can be confidently identified as a salt production site where activity continued for several thousand years.The formation of the site cannot be separated from salt production,and it is also highly related to its natural environment. 展开更多
静水沉积地层中Ti含量变化对干湿环境的响应——以重庆中坝遗址为例 被引量:2
作者 李中轩 朱诚 +1 位作者 闫慧 吴国玺 《海洋地质与第四纪地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期137-143,共7页
用XRF和ICP-AES方法,分别测出中坝遗址地层中Rb、Sr和Ti含量,结果显示Ti元素在地层中含量的变化与对应地层中指示环境干湿的Rb/Sr值变化呈显著的正相关。对比泔井河流域含Ti矿物物源和化学蚀变指数(CIA),发现地层中Ti变化与流域元素迁... 用XRF和ICP-AES方法,分别测出中坝遗址地层中Rb、Sr和Ti含量,结果显示Ti元素在地层中含量的变化与对应地层中指示环境干湿的Rb/Sr值变化呈显著的正相关。对比泔井河流域含Ti矿物物源和化学蚀变指数(CIA),发现地层中Ti变化与流域元素迁移集聚无本质关联;而对应地层中的TOC含量与Ti含量有对应关系,同时有机物产生的有机酸可使含Ti矿物(如钛铁矿)发生离解过程,中坝遗址地层中Ti含量变化取决于沉积环境的Eh值和有机质的分解产物。通过与其他环境指标对比后,认为在准静水沉积地层中Ti元素对干湿环境变化具有普遍指示意义。 展开更多
关键词 TI含量 Rb/Sr值 准静水沉积 中坝遗址
Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses of mammal bone fossils from the Zhongba site in the Three Gorges Reservoir region of the Yangtze River,China 被引量:2
作者 TIAN XiaoSi ZHU Cheng +4 位作者 SUN ZhiBin SHUI Tao HUANG YunPing FLAD Rowan Kimon LI YuMei 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第2期169-178,共10页
Based on AMS 14 C dating data,carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses were conducted on mammal bone collagen of deer,cattle and pigs from the Zhongba site in the Three Gorges Reservoir region of the Yangtze River.These a... Based on AMS 14 C dating data,carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses were conducted on mammal bone collagen of deer,cattle and pigs from the Zhongba site in the Three Gorges Reservoir region of the Yangtze River.These analyses were conducted to reconstruct palaeodiets of mammals,palaeoecology,palaeoenviroment and previous human activities in the study area.Results show that the collagen loss of bone did not change the in vivo isotopic composition of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes,and most of the bone fossils were well preserved.The bone collagen of samples from deer had a mean δ 13 C of-23.1‰ and a mean δ 15 N of 4.7‰,suggesting that deer subsisted in a closed habitat and fed on branches and leaves.The bone collagen of cattle had a mean δ 13 C of-19.6‰ and a mean δ 15 N of 5.2‰,which indicates that cattle subsisted in an open habitat and fed on grasses and stems.The δ 13 C values show that both deer and cattle fed on C 3 plants and lived in the same ecosystem,but the t-test results show that deer δ 13 C and δ 15 N values were both more negative than those of cattle,indicating that they inhabited different niches.The δ 13 C and δ 15 N values of cattle partially overlapped those of deer,suggesting some competition in diets between them.The t-tests show that the δ 13 C and δ 15 N values of pigs were more positive than those of cattle and deer,which signifies that pigs occupied a higher trophic level compared to cattle and deer.The wide range of pig δ 13 C values demonstrates that pig trading had been taking place from early Neolithic Age to late Bronze Age.There were no significant differences in deer δ 13 C and δ 15 N values among different archaeological periods,making it clear that climatic,ecological and environmental conditions were kept relatively stable from 2200 to 4200 a BP.This stability may have been responsible for the extensive and complete cultural layers at the Zhongba site.The minimum number of samples required to estimate the mean δ 13 C values of deer,pigs and cattle are 8 展开更多
关键词 碳稳定同位素 长江中下游地区 中坝遗址 哺乳动物 三峡库区 动物骨骼化石 中国地区
长江三峡中坝遗址地层的孢粉学初步研究 被引量:1
作者 刘泽雨 马春梅 +2 位作者 朱诚 尚广春 孙智彬 《微体古生物学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期250-259,共10页
对重庆忠县中坝遗址剖面82个地层样品和遗址附近的12个现代表土样品进行孢粉分析,结果表明:表土样品中孢粉含量较高,沉积地层中频繁出现蕨类植物孢子(相对于木本和草本花粉,其数量多,比例高),揭示出中坝地区植被长期处于次生化状态。表... 对重庆忠县中坝遗址剖面82个地层样品和遗址附近的12个现代表土样品进行孢粉分析,结果表明:表土样品中孢粉含量较高,沉积地层中频繁出现蕨类植物孢子(相对于木本和草本花粉,其数量多,比例高),揭示出中坝地区植被长期处于次生化状态。表土花粉中,松在乔灌木中占明显优势;旱生草本花粉以蒿属、十字花科和菊科等为主;蕨类孢子以水龙骨、三缝孢子、凤尾蕨、石松孢子和单缝孢子为主,植被处于次生化。地层花粉中,蕨类孢子以凤尾蕨属、卷柏属、其它三缝孢子和单缝孢子为主;乔灌木植物花粉以松属和榆属占优势;草本植物花粉中,禾本科、菊科、藜科和蒿属等含量较高。研究点孢粉分析显示,人类活动对中坝遗址影响较大:1)新石器晚期:先人栽培种植活动已经开始;2)新石器时代末期至六朝,受人类活动影响,植被覆盖度较低;3)商代至周初至秦汉时期,人类活动不断加强;4)唐宋时期,人类栽培种植活动较活跃;5)明清至现代,人类砍伐当地植被日趋严重,导致植被次生化现象增强。 展开更多
关键词 孢粉 人类活动 中坝遗址 长江三峡
中坝制盐遗址的孢粉分析与古植被、古环境 被引量:18
作者 李宜垠 赵凤鸣 +1 位作者 李水城 崔海亭 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期730-735,共6页
考古证据表时,距今4000多年以前,重庆三峡地区的中坝遗址就开始了规模性的盐业生产。为了解盐业生产的环境背景及其影响,在中坝遗址厚达12.5m的文化堆积层进行了孢粉取样和分析。AMS^(14)C测年结果显示,这些样品分别来自新石器时代晚期(... 考古证据表时,距今4000多年以前,重庆三峡地区的中坝遗址就开始了规模性的盐业生产。为了解盐业生产的环境背景及其影响,在中坝遗址厚达12.5m的文化堆积层进行了孢粉取样和分析。AMS^(14)C测年结果显示,这些样品分别来自新石器时代晚期(4420~3700aB.P.)、商至西周(3550~2700aB.P.)和东周(2700~2300aB P.)。孢粉分析表明:中坝遗址的样品均以草本植物花粉和蕨类植物孢子占绝对优势。主要以禾本科(Poaceae)、楼梯草属(Elatostema)和蹄盖蕨属(Athyrium)为主,而乔灌木植物花粉所占比例很低,除松属(Pinus)、桦木属(Betula)、枫杨属(Pterocarya)、栎属(Quercus)花粉外,还见到夹竹桃科(Apoeynaceae)、女贞属(Ligustrum)、(?)木属(Loropetalum)和枫香属(Liquidambar)等亚热带树种的花粉。中坝遗址及附近地区自新石器时代以来的植被以少林、灌丛草地为主,遗址周围分布大片杂草群落,并可能有大面积的农阳,表明这个地区始终存在较强的人类活动。早在新石器时代,制盐业和种植业使得低山丘陵与河谷的森林植被遭到破坏,遗址附近的河谷形成疏林草地景观。商至西周时期,尽管气候变干,但人类活动仍很强烈,似乎气候变化对盐业生产的影响不大;东周时期的气候较为温暖湿润,制盐业和农业活动规模扩大,森林植被破坏程度加大,草坡随之增多。 展开更多
关键词 孢粉分析 古植被 古环境 盐业 中坝遗址
重庆忠县中坝遗址动物遗存的研究 被引量:18
作者 付罗文 袁靖 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第1期79-88,共10页
中坝遗址近年来的发掘为研究该地区新石器时代晚期到青铜时代末期的历史和环境变迁提供丰富的资料。1997~2002年,发掘出涉及历史和环境变迁及与专门的盐业生产有关的文化遗存,出土了大量动物骨骼等。对这些动物骨骼的研究表明,随着时... 中坝遗址近年来的发掘为研究该地区新石器时代晚期到青铜时代末期的历史和环境变迁提供丰富的资料。1997~2002年,发掘出涉及历史和环境变迁及与专门的盐业生产有关的文化遗存,出土了大量动物骨骼等。对这些动物骨骼的研究表明,随着时间的变化鱼类、哺乳动物的种类增多,这与当时盐业生产组织和周边环境的变化有关。 展开更多
关键词 重庆 中坝遗址 动物考古学 盐业生产
重庆忠县中坝遗址的碳十四年代 被引量:6
作者 吴小红 李水城 +3 位作者 付罗文 罗泰 孙智彬 陈伯桢 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第7期80-91,共12页
关键词 重庆 中坝遗址 碳十四年代 忠县
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