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中医疫病病因学理论探析 被引量:27
作者 岳冬辉 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期3044-3047,共4页
随着历代医家对疫病病因认识的不断深入和发展,推动了中医病因学的进步与完善。文章从运气致疫、乖候致疫、疠气致疫、邪毒治疫四个方面对历代医家关于疫病病因的论述进行了探讨,对现今研究传染性疾病的发病规律、提高中医对疫病的防治... 随着历代医家对疫病病因认识的不断深入和发展,推动了中医病因学的进步与完善。文章从运气致疫、乖候致疫、疠气致疫、邪毒治疫四个方面对历代医家关于疫病病因的论述进行了探讨,对现今研究传染性疾病的发病规律、提高中医对疫病的防治水平具有重要指导价值和现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 疫病 病因 运气 乖候之气 疠气 邪毒
Correlation Analysis for the Attack of Bacillary Dysentery and Meteorological Factors Based on the Chinese Medicine Theory of Yunqi and the Medical-Meteorological Forecast Model 被引量:13
作者 马师雷 汤巧玲 +2 位作者 刘宏伟 贺娟 高思华 《Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine》 SCIE CAS 2013年第3期182-186,共5页
Objective: To explore the impact of meteorological factors on the outbreak of bacillary dysentery, so as to provide suggestions for disease prevention. Methods: Based on the Chinese medicine theory of Yunqi, the des... Objective: To explore the impact of meteorological factors on the outbreak of bacillary dysentery, so as to provide suggestions for disease prevention. Methods: Based on the Chinese medicine theory of Yunqi, the descriptive statistics, single-factor correlation analysis and back-propagation artificial neural net-work were conducted using data on five basic meteorological factors and data on incidence of bacillary dysentery in Beijing, China, for the period 1970-2004. Results: The incidence of bacillary dysentery showed significant positive correlation relationship with the precipitation, relative humidity, vapor pressure, and temperature, respectively. The incidence of bacillary dysentery showed a negatively correlated relationship with the wind speed and the change trend of average wind speed. The results of medical-meteorological forecast model showed a relatively high accuracy rate. Conclusions: There is a close relationship between the meteorological factors and the incidence of bacillary dysentery, but the contributions of which to the onset of bacillary dysentery are different to each other. 展开更多
关键词 bacillary dysentery meteorological factors Chinese medicine the theory of yunqi back-propagation artificial neural net-work medical-meteorological forecast model
《黄帝内经》“苦味”探析 被引量:11
作者 黄玉燕 汤尔群 桑希生 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 2012年第7期1238-1240,共3页
对《内经》苦味之品、苦味功效、苦味应用及用苦禁忌进行探析。《内经》中苦味之品以温热性质居多,有坚、温、燥、发、泄、下等功效,其中温、发之功效仅在"运气七篇"中提出,可能与苦味五行属火有关。《内经》应用苦味时除依... 对《内经》苦味之品、苦味功效、苦味应用及用苦禁忌进行探析。《内经》中苦味之品以温热性质居多,有坚、温、燥、发、泄、下等功效,其中温、发之功效仅在"运气七篇"中提出,可能与苦味五行属火有关。《内经》应用苦味时除依据五行理论之外,尚有五脏苦欲补泻及运气理论中的特殊应用及配伍方法。应用苦味时不宜多用过用,否则伤本脏、伐所克之脏,还会走骨、伤脾、令人呕。研究结果提示我们,理解《内经》苦味配伍需从其功效出发,慎将后世本草属苦药物代入分析。 展开更多
关键词 黄帝内经 苦味 五行 运气
Correlation Analysis of Rubella Incidence and Meteorological Variables Based on Chinese Medicine Theory of Yunqi 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG Xuan MA Shi-lei +1 位作者 LIU Zhong-di HE Juan 《Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第12期911-916,共6页
Objective: To analyze the correlations between the incidence of rubella and meteorological factors over the same period and previous periods including 1, 2, 3 and 4 year ago(defined according to Chinese medicine Yunqi... Objective: To analyze the correlations between the incidence of rubella and meteorological factors over the same period and previous periods including 1, 2, 3 and 4 year ago(defined according to Chinese medicine Yunqi theory of "pestilence occurring after 3 years") and establish the rubella-meteorological forecast models for Beijing area, China. Methods: Data regarding the incidence of rubella between 1990 and 2004 from Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the meteorological variables including daily average temperatures, daily average wind speeds, average precipitations, average relative humidity, average vapor pressures and average low cloud covers between 1986 and 2004 were collected from the Beijing Meteorological Observatory. Descriptive statistics and back-propagation artificial neural network for forecast model’s establishment were adopted for data analysis. Results: The average temperature and relative humidity have a great contribution(100%) to the rubella morbidity. But the combination of other meteorological factors contributed to improve the accuracy of rubella-meteorological forecast models. The forecast accuracy could be improved by 76% through utilizing a combination of meteorological variables spanning from 3 years ago to the present rather than utilizing data from a single year or dating back to more earlier time than 3 years. Conclusions: There is a close relationship between the incidence of rubella and meteorological variables in current year and previous 3 years. This finding suggests that rubella prediction would benefit from consideration to previous climate changes. 展开更多
关键词 RUBELLA METEOROLOGICAL factors Chinese MEDICINE yunqi theory PESTILENCE occurring after 3 YEARS
作者 张星 徐熙圣 郑洪 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期2840-2843,共4页
南宋永嘉医派以运气理论为论治疫病主线,从客主加临、胜复顺逆究疫病盛行之因;首创“六疫说”,据六气分疫病为寒疫、温疫、风疫、湿疫、燥疫、热疫六类,详辨寒温二疫;治疫在推以岁运的基础上,揆度平治,天气为平,地气为治;援引古方治四... 南宋永嘉医派以运气理论为论治疫病主线,从客主加临、胜复顺逆究疫病盛行之因;首创“六疫说”,据六气分疫病为寒疫、温疫、风疫、湿疫、燥疫、热疫六类,详辨寒温二疫;治疫在推以岁运的基础上,揆度平治,天气为平,地气为治;援引古方治四季疫病,总结“治四时疫病九方”,治之各以五味所胜调和,佐以本气主味,以平为期。以期对今人诊治疫病提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 运气 永嘉医派 五疫 六疫 平治 五运六气 疫病
作者 徐熙圣 张星 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2024年第8期961-967,共7页
[目的]研究南宋时期浙江地区疫病流行规律与浙江医家治疫特色。[方法]筛选南宋浙江府志、县志、卫生志等史料数据,采用数据统计分析、地图可视化、地理信息系统空间分析、文献分析等方法对南宋浙江疫病流行情况及医家治疗策略进行分析。... [目的]研究南宋时期浙江地区疫病流行规律与浙江医家治疫特色。[方法]筛选南宋浙江府志、县志、卫生志等史料数据,采用数据统计分析、地图可视化、地理信息系统空间分析、文献分析等方法对南宋浙江疫病流行情况及医家治疗策略进行分析。[结果]南宋浙江有42个疫病之年,疫病频度为27.63%,总体上表现为南宋中期疫病最频繁。春夏季节为疫病多发期,86.05%的疫病发生在春夏季节。疫病分布集中在杭州、温州等滨湖沿海人烟稠密地区。南宋浙江医家擅用运气理论预测疫病,以运气学或五行分类疫病,在方药上重用辛温燥湿之药祛湿化浊,兼用顾护正气之品扶正祛邪。[结论]南宋浙江疫病频发,医家创新论、立新法、制新方,对中医疫病理论发展具有重要价值。 展开更多
关键词 南宋 浙江 疫病 时空特征 运气 辛温燥湿 温中健脾 文献研究
Effect of Yunqi Decoction (匀气汤 ) on Esophageal Mucosal Morphology and Esophapeal Motility in Reflux Esophagitis Patients 被引量:1
作者 郝娅宁 孙喜才 张健 《Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine》 SCIE CAS 1999年第1期32-35,共4页
Objective: To observe the effects of Yunqi decoction (匀气汤, YQD) on both esophageal mucosal morphology and esophageal motility in patients with reflux esophagitis (RE). Methods: According to syndrome differentiation... Objective: To observe the effects of Yunqi decoction (匀气汤, YQD) on both esophageal mucosal morphology and esophageal motility in patients with reflux esophagitis (RE). Methods: According to syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), 42 RE patients were divided into three groups fdisharmony of Liver and Stomach (group D), Deficiency-Cold of Spleen and Stomach (Group DC), Heat Syndrome caused by stagnation of Liver Qi (Group H). No. Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ of YQD were taken respectively for 4 weeks.Before and after treatment scores of typical symptoms were collected, gastroscopy was performed and esophagealmotility were measured. Results: (1 ) The symptom remission rate was 81. 1 %, there were significant differences between the group DC with group D and group H (P< 0. 01 ). (2) The esophageal mucosal healing ratewas 61. 9 %, the effective rate was 90. 5 %, and the ineffective rate was 9. 5 %. There were not significant differences of effective rate among the three groups (P > 0. 05). (3) The changes of esophageal motility: Loweresophageal sphincter pressure (LESP) and average peristaltic pressure (APP) of group D were obviously higherthan before treatment (P < 0. 05), LESP, gastro--esophageal barrier pressure (GEBP) and peristaltic conductspeed (PCS) of group DC were remarkably higher (P < 0. 05). GEBP of group H was improved (P < 0. 05 ).Conclusions: YQD has a good therapeutic effect. It's not only resolving reflux esophageal symptoms, healingesophageal mucosa, but also improving esophageal motile function. 展开更多
关键词 reflux esophagitis esophageal motility yunqi decoction Syndrome Differentiation in traditional Chinese medicine
古代中医理论指导下的抗疫刍论 被引量:3
作者 陈晓娜 方泓 +4 位作者 张天嵩 邓宏勇 许吉 张洋 袁敏 《上海中医药杂志》 2020年第6期37-43,共7页
基于中医学对疫病的认识、中医运气学说对疫情的影响以及中医防治疫病的方药特点,探讨古代中医抗疫理论的现实意义及对新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)防治工作的临床指导价值。认为结合运气学说可推知COVID-19起因与2019年己亥岁末水火相... 基于中医学对疫病的认识、中医运气学说对疫情的影响以及中医防治疫病的方药特点,探讨古代中医抗疫理论的现实意义及对新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)防治工作的临床指导价值。认为结合运气学说可推知COVID-19起因与2019年己亥岁末水火相克有关,推算COVID-19的大规模扩散将于2020年3月得控,6~8月消灭;防治疫病的高频中药,以芳香开窍药、清热解毒药、祛风补虚药并举,组方思路因疫病分期不同而各有所侧重。 展开更多
关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎 新型冠状病毒 中医药疗法 疫病 运气 数据挖掘
"Who Is Reciting the Name of the Buddha?" as Gongan in Chinese Chan Buddhism
作者 Morten Schlutter 《Frontiers of History in China》 2013年第3期366-388,共23页
Chart Buddhism's ambivalent relationship with language and literature is perhaps most starkly seen in its practice of gongan meditation. This practice was first instituted by the famous Linji master Dahui and involve... Chart Buddhism's ambivalent relationship with language and literature is perhaps most starkly seen in its practice of gongan meditation. This practice was first instituted by the famous Linji master Dahui and involves an intense meditational focus on the "punch line" (huatou) of what is typically a story about an ancient Chan master or an enigmatic question like "why did [the legendary founder of Chan] Bodhidharrna come from the West?" In the Ming dynasty, a new gongan became widely used in Chart meditation: the phrase "who is reciting the name of the Buddha?" This was a reference to the widespread practice of chanting homage to the Buddha Amitgbha in hope of getting reborn into his paradise. In using this new gongan, Chan seemingly embraced oral practice in an unprecedented move and appeared to combine the other-power of Amitgbha worship with the self-power of Chan meditation. Scholars have struggled to understand this development, and several have dismissed it as an example of the degeneration of Chan and its later pandering to lay people. I argue that the development of this gongan can best be seen as an attempt to reframe the practice of Buddha-recitation in a Chan meditative framework; and further explore the rationale for the practice as given by the influential Buddhist thinker Yunqi Zhuhong, who was a staunch advocate of Buddha-recitation. 展开更多
关键词 Dahui Zonggao SONG huatou nianfo yunqi Zhuhong
Do Not Say That You Have Forgotten King and Father: Yunqi Zhuhong's Chan Realism
作者 Matthew Wilhite 《Frontiers of History in China》 2013年第3期389-405,共17页
This essay examines the late Ming-dynasty Chan master Yunqi Zhuhong's commentary on the Brahma Net Sutra (Fanwangjing), which it takes up in order to explore his discourse concerning both Chan realism and his ensui... This essay examines the late Ming-dynasty Chan master Yunqi Zhuhong's commentary on the Brahma Net Sutra (Fanwangjing), which it takes up in order to explore his discourse concerning both Chan realism and his ensuing rejection of mainstream Chan gongan rhetoric. The Brahma Net Sutra contains a list of major and minor precepts governing proper morality for monastic and lay Buddhists. Zhuhong's interpretation of the Twenty-First Minor Precept, which prohibits revenge, offers insight into his sense of political realism regarding the relationship between gradual teachings, provisional truths, and ultimate truth. His interpretation of the Tenth Minor Precept, which prohibits storing weapons, demonstrates his moral realism in contrast to Chan's traditional use of pedagogical violence. Zhuhong's realist discourse, influenced by the teachings of the Buddhist Vinaya as well as by engagement with Confucian ethics, presents an overlooked counter-narrative shift that contrasts with the emphasis on sudden enlightenment and antinomianism in Chan gongan discourse typical of the Tang and Song dynasties. 展开更多
关键词 yunqi Zhuhong Ming Brahma Net Sutra Chan realism gongan
Influenza Early Warning Model Based on Yunqi Theory
作者 胡雪琴 Gerald Quirchmayr +1 位作者 Werner Winiwarter 崔蒙 《Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine》 SCIE CAS 2012年第3期192-196,共5页
Objective:To establish an early warning model to simulate the outbreak of influenza based on weather conditions and Yunqi theory,an ancient calendar theory of Chinese medicine(CM).Methods:Tianjin, a northeastern c... Objective:To establish an early warning model to simulate the outbreak of influenza based on weather conditions and Yunqi theory,an ancient calendar theory of Chinese medicine(CM).Methods:Tianjin, a northeastern city in China,was chosen as the region of research and applied the influenza-like illness attack rate(ILI)%as the baseline and warning line to determine the severity of influenza epidemic.Then,an influenza early warning model was constructed based on the theory of rough set and support vector machines(RS-SVM), and the relationship between influenza and meteorology was explored through analyzing the monitoring data. Results:The predictive performance of the model was good,which had achieved 81.8%accuracy when grouping the obtained data into three levels that represent no danger,danger of a light epidemic,and danger of a severe epidemic.The test results showed that if the host qi and guest qi were not balanced,this kind of situation was more likely to cause influenza outbreaks.Conclusions:The outbreak of influenza closely relates to temperature, humidity,visibility,and wind speed and is consistent with some part of CM doctrine.The result also indicates that there is some reasonable evidence in the Yunqi theory. 展开更多
关键词 yunqi theory INFLUENZA meteorological factors early warning model
Effects of Fuhe decoction on behaviors and monoamine neurotransmitters in different brain regions of CUMS combined with social isolation depression model rats 被引量:2
作者 Ruoyun Zheng Weifeng Xiong +3 位作者 Juan He Xu Wang Ranran Wang Yu Hao 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences》 2020年第3期245-254,共10页
Objective:To investigate the effect of Fuhe decoction on the behavior and levels of monoamine neurotransmitters in different brain regions in a depression rat model induced by chronic unpredictable mild stimulation(CU... Objective:To investigate the effect of Fuhe decoction on the behavior and levels of monoamine neurotransmitters in different brain regions in a depression rat model induced by chronic unpredictable mild stimulation(CUMS)combined with social isolation.Methods:Fifty male SD rats were randomly divided into a blank group,model group,fluoxetine group,Chaiqinwendan decoction group,and Fuhe decoction group.Chronic unpredictable mild stimulation combined with a social isolation method was used to replicate the depression rat model.After 42 days of administration,a tail suspension test and high-performance liquid electrochemical detection(HPLC-ECD)were used to detect the behavioral changes and changes in the content of monoamine neurotransmitters norepinephrine(NE),dopamine(DA),5-hydroxytrytamine(5-HT),and metabolites in different brain regions of rats in each group before and after treatment.Results:Compared with the model group,the epinephrine(E)content in the Fuhe decoction group was highly significantly increased(P<.01).Compared with the model group,the 5-HT content of the prefrontal cortex in rats in the Fuhe decoction group was highly significantly increased(P<.01).Furthermore,compared with the model group,the 5-HT content in the hippocampus of rats in the Fuhe decoction group was significantly increased(P<.05).Conclusion:Fuhe decoction can improve the depression-like behaviors of model rats,and its antidepressant effect may be related to the increase in 5-HT content in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of rats. 展开更多
关键词 yunqi recipes Fuhe decoction DEPRESSION CUMS Monoamine neurotransmitter
“运气七篇”法象用药举隅 被引量:2
作者 黄玉燕 汤尔群 《中医临床研究》 2015年第27期30-31,35,共3页
"运气七篇"在象数思维指导下,有独特的法象用药方法。如其中的苦味之品是具有火象之物,在某些情况下作为阳性药物来应用。又如《素问·六元正纪大论》中五味的运用,除根据五行相克来应用之外,亦有据五味所对应之象的阴阳... "运气七篇"在象数思维指导下,有独特的法象用药方法。如其中的苦味之品是具有火象之物,在某些情况下作为阳性药物来应用。又如《素问·六元正纪大论》中五味的运用,除根据五行相克来应用之外,亦有据五味所对应之象的阴阳属性来应用的。因此,临床用药在参考运气学说配伍规律时,需注意从药物功效的"象"出发,不宜直接将后世本草中注明的药物性味代入分析。 展开更多
关键词 运气 黄帝内经 法象用药 象数思维 苦味 五行 阴阳
Impact of meteorological factors on the incidence of influenza in Beijing: A 35-year retrospective study based on Yunqi theory 被引量:2
作者 Hong Wang Xuan Zhang +5 位作者 Zhili Gao Ling Han Zhongdi Liu Long Yan Mingyue Li Juan He 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences》 2018年第3期264-270,共7页
Objective:To analyze the impact of meteorological factors on the incidence of influenza based on the Yunqi theory in Beijing area,and to establish an effective forecast modelMethods:Monthly data on the incidence of in... Objective:To analyze the impact of meteorological factors on the incidence of influenza based on the Yunqi theory in Beijing area,and to establish an effective forecast modelMethods:Monthly data on the incidence of influenza from 1970 to 2004 and daily data on the meteorological factors (including daily averages of temperature,wind speed,relative humidity,vapor pressure,and daily total precipitation) from 1966 to 2004 were collected and processed under the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory of six qi.A back-propagation artificial neural network was then performed to analyze the data.Results:The highest incidence of influenza occurs in the sixth qi (the period of December and January),which is characterized by dryness and coldness.Altogether six models were successfully established.Climatic data used were of the same year,one year prior,two years prior,and three years prior to the influenza data respectively.The last two models involve climatic data of the previous three years plus the current year and of the past four years plus the current year.Finally,we determined the fifth model has the highest forecast accuracy (49%).Conclusions:Meteorological factors can exert an influence on the incidence of influenza,which corresponds to TCM theory that 'the pestilence occurred three years after the abnormal climatic changes'.This study may generate interest among the public health community and other TCM theories can be applied so that public health measures can be taken to prevent and control influenza,particularly during the winter months. 展开更多
张子和的运气病机学说 被引量:1
作者 刘派 欧阳亚萍 +2 位作者 陈昊 张野 苏颖 《吉林中医药》 2014年第8期778-779,824,共3页
张子和作为金元四大家之一,其学术思想"论病首重邪气",重视运气病机学说的应用。整理归纳张子和对运气病机理论的发展和认识,从病机基础、病因、病位病性、标本中气、五郁致病、运气6六个方面对张子和的运气病机进行分析,认... 张子和作为金元四大家之一,其学术思想"论病首重邪气",重视运气病机学说的应用。整理归纳张子和对运气病机理论的发展和认识,从病机基础、病因、病位病性、标本中气、五郁致病、运气6六个方面对张子和的运气病机进行分析,认为张氏病因以六淫立论,重视六淫之间的联系,六淫与脏腑之间的联系,六淫以"三邪"为纲。病机以脏腑为经,邪气为纬,疾病性转变以"火""湿"为主,病势变化与郁发影响有关。应用《内经》理论构建理论系统,并且依据运气病机提出"汗、吐、下"三法,使"理"明则"法"立,"法"立则"方药"出,揭示运气与疾病的内在联系。 展开更多
关键词 五运六气 病因 病机 张子和 《黄帝内经》
运气南北政四探 被引量:1
作者 晏向阳 《江西中医学院学报》 2007年第1期13-19,共7页
在三探的基础上,对运气南北政脉不应与反其诊的辨证论治,进行了深入全面的探讨。主要包括天干中阳明与少阴的单独辨治和组合辨治,地支中的同气辨治和同时辨治,干支结合中的同性辨治和同数辨治,岁会中四正、四维、四角的属性辨治和方位... 在三探的基础上,对运气南北政脉不应与反其诊的辨证论治,进行了深入全面的探讨。主要包括天干中阳明与少阴的单独辨治和组合辨治,地支中的同气辨治和同时辨治,干支结合中的同性辨治和同数辨治,岁会中四正、四维、四角的属性辨治和方位辨治这几个方面。 展开更多
关键词 黄帝内经 五运六气 南北政 脉不应
作者 钟娟 张勤修 《四川中医》 2014年第9期16-18,共3页
关键词 类经 经络 五运六气
数字创业生态系统动态演进机理——基于杭州云栖小镇的案例研究 被引量:47
作者 朱秀梅 林晓玥 王天东 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期487-497,共11页
利用纵向单案例研究方法,以杭州云栖小镇的动态演进过程为研究对象,建立"多主体-机会集开发-共生关系(机会共生与价值共生)"的研究框架。研究表明,数字创业生态系统的IPO演进路径,在孕育阶段体现为"较少的多主体-发现型... 利用纵向单案例研究方法,以杭州云栖小镇的动态演进过程为研究对象,建立"多主体-机会集开发-共生关系(机会共生与价值共生)"的研究框架。研究表明,数字创业生态系统的IPO演进路径,在孕育阶段体现为"较少的多主体-发现型机会集开发-机会松散共生和价值寄生与偏利共生",在发展阶段体现为"丰富的多主体-均衡的发现型与创造型机会集开发-机会溢出共生和价值非对称互惠共生",在成熟阶段体现为"多元的多主体-创造型机会集开发-机会网络共生和价值对称互惠共生"。数字创业企业、数字用户和政府作为数字创业生态系统的核心主体,能够为数字创业生态系统的持续演进提供关键动力。 展开更多
关键词 数字创业生态系统 演进机理 案例研究 杭州云栖小镇
从北京市60年气象资料看王冰注释运气计算模式的谬误 被引量:32
作者 刘玉庆 高思华 +3 位作者 张德山 贺娟 丁谊 马锡明 《北京中医药大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期813-816,共4页
目的根据北京市60年气象资料看王冰注释运气计算模式的谬误。方法将北京市60年气象资料按节气统计均值,在计算24节气日平均气温、日平均水汽压、日平均风速和日总降水量平均值的基础上,分别就"初运始于立春"(始于立春)和"... 目的根据北京市60年气象资料看王冰注释运气计算模式的谬误。方法将北京市60年气象资料按节气统计均值,在计算24节气日平均气温、日平均水汽压、日平均风速和日总降水量平均值的基础上,分别就"初运始于立春"(始于立春)和"初运始于大寒"(始于大寒)2种运气模式进行对比分析。结果始于立春运气模式初之气的平均气温高于始于大寒运气模式(P<0.01);二之气始于立春运气模式的平均气温、平均水汽压高于始于大寒运气模式(P<0.05);三之气始于立春运气模式的平均水汽压、平均降水量高于始于大寒运气模式;四之气始于立春运气模式的平均水汽压、平均降水量低于始于大寒运气模式(P<0.05);五之气始于立春运气模式的平均气温、平均水汽压明显低于始于大寒运气模式(P<0.01);终之气始于立春运气模式的平均气温明显低于始于大寒运气模式,平均风速明显高于始于大寒运气模式(P<0.05);其他各气象资料2种运气模式对比无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论北京市60年气象资料印证了"初运始于立春"与北京地区的气候实际相吻合,说明王冰提出的每年运气始于大寒节气纯属谬误。从而为今后研究中医运气学说提供了正确的分析依据。 展开更多
关键词 运气模式 始于立春 气象要素
出生日期的五运六气对后天罹患糖尿病倾向的趋势性分析 被引量:24
作者 张轩 刘一玄 +3 位作者 颜隆 王鸿 刘忠第 贺娟 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第2期270-273,共4页
目的:研究糖尿病患者出生日期的五运六气分布特点及差异。方法:对1282例糖尿病患者出生时的五运六气分布情况进行统计学分析。结果:糖尿病患者出生时的天干、岁运及主气分布具有一定的差异性:岁运为土,年干为己,主气为阳明燥金者,最易发... 目的:研究糖尿病患者出生日期的五运六气分布特点及差异。方法:对1282例糖尿病患者出生时的五运六气分布情况进行统计学分析。结果:糖尿病患者出生时的天干、岁运及主气分布具有一定的差异性:岁运为土,年干为己,主气为阳明燥金者,最易发病;岁运为水,年干为辛,主气为少阴君火者,不易发病,二者差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。另外,糖尿病发病与出生年份的运气相合特点密切相关,出生在小逆、不和、天刑年者,罹患率最高;其次为太乙天符、天符、同天符年;顺化、平气年;而出生在岁会、同岁会年者,罹患率最低,各组间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。其中,出生在平和年份(即岁会、同岁会、顺化、平气年)者,其后天糖尿病罹患率要低于出生在不平和年份(即太乙天符、同天符、天符、小逆、不和、天刑年)者,二者差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:人体后天糖尿病的罹患与出生日期的五运、六气、运气相合特点之间存在一定的关联性。 展开更多
关键词 五运 六气 运气相合 糖尿病 出生日期
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