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蒙特卡洛模拟法在也门马里卜—夏布瓦盆地中的应用 被引量:12
作者 高济稷 白国平 +1 位作者 秦养珍 周志龙 《石油实验地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期305-308,共4页
美国地质调查局在2000年全球油气资源评价项目中,对待发现可采资源量的计算采用了概率相乘,即蒙特卡洛模拟法。文中将此方法应用于也门马里卜—夏布瓦盆地的资源评价工作,计算结果表明该盆地待发现可采资源量为1.02×108t油当量。... 美国地质调查局在2000年全球油气资源评价项目中,对待发现可采资源量的计算采用了概率相乘,即蒙特卡洛模拟法。文中将此方法应用于也门马里卜—夏布瓦盆地的资源评价工作,计算结果表明该盆地待发现可采资源量为1.02×108t油当量。认为研究区内同裂谷系成藏组合已接近成熟,而基底裂缝型成藏组合可能具有较大的勘探潜力。 展开更多
关键词 蒙特卡洛模拟法 资源评价 勘探潜力 马里卜—夏布瓦盆地 也门
也门69、71区块油气勘探前景展望 被引量:9
作者 张新建 张孝义 +1 位作者 顾勤 于少勇 《断块油气田》 CAS 2005年第4期31-33,共3页
也门69、71区块为中原油田2004年通过选区评价在中东地区获得的新的油气勘探合同区块,它们分别位于也门境内富含油气的马里卜—夏布瓦盆地和塞云—马西拉盆地。初步的石油地质评价认为两区块内生、储、盖层及圈闭发育比较好,资源落实;... 也门69、71区块为中原油田2004年通过选区评价在中东地区获得的新的油气勘探合同区块,它们分别位于也门境内富含油气的马里卜—夏布瓦盆地和塞云—马西拉盆地。初步的石油地质评价认为两区块内生、储、盖层及圈闭发育比较好,资源落实;区内钻井见良好油气显示,周边邻区均发现了规模较大的油气田或商业产层,因此两区块均具有较好的油气勘探前景。 展开更多
关键词 也门69 71区块 油气勘探 前景展望 油气勘探前景 区块 也门 展望 中东地区 选区评价
也门32区块空气泡沫钻井技术 被引量:6
作者 陈升 王长生 杜家祥 《钻采工艺》 CAS 2002年第2期3-4,13,共3页
也门 32区块和 5 3区块地层可钻性差、存在断层漏失 ,采用泡沫钻井液有效地解决了井漏问题 ,应用空气锤钻井加快了硬地层的钻进速度 ;并且利用国外先进技术成功地进行了取心和定向钻进 ;已在也门顺利完成 5口井 ,全部安全优质高效地完成 。
关键词 也门32区块 空气泡沫钻井技术 泡沫钻井液 空气锤 取心 定向 石油钻井
Analysis of Monthly, Seasonal and Annual Air Temperature Variability and Trends in Taiz City - Republic of Yemen 被引量:6
作者 Mahyoub H. Al Buhairi 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2010年第4期401-409,共9页
Climate change is one of the most important issues of today’s World. Climate scientists have concluded that the earth’s surface air temperature warmed by 0.6 ± 0.2℃ during the 20th century, accompanied by chan... Climate change is one of the most important issues of today’s World. Climate scientists have concluded that the earth’s surface air temperature warmed by 0.6 ± 0.2℃ during the 20th century, accompanied by changes in the hydrologic cycle. Of all the climate elements, temperature plays a major role in detecting climate change brought about by urbanization and industrialization. This study focuses on the variability and trends of the mean annual, seasonal and monthly surface air temperature in Taiz city, Republic of Yemen, during the period 1979-2006. The results of the analysis of the whole period reveal a statistically significant increasing trend in practically all the months and seasons. A tendency has also been observed towards warmer years, with significantly warmer summer and spring periods and slightly warmer autumn and winter, an increase of 1.79℃ and 1.18℃ has been observed in the mean summer and mean winter temperature, respectively. Positive trends of about 1.5℃ in the annual mean temperature were found for the whole period. The air temperature time series are analyzed, so that the variability and trends can be described. 展开更多
关键词 Air Temperature Climate Change REPUBLIC of yemen Taiz CITY Mann–Kendall Test Trends
Monthly and Seasonal Investigation of Wind Characteristics and Assessment of Wind Energy Potential in Al-Mokha, Yemen 被引量:6
作者 Mahyoub H. Al-Buhairi Ahmed Al-Haydari 《Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第3期125-131,共7页
The negative effects of fossil fuels have forced many countries to explore clean energy sources that are both environmenttally more suitable and renewable. In this study, wind characteristics and assessment of wind en... The negative effects of fossil fuels have forced many countries to explore clean energy sources that are both environmenttally more suitable and renewable. In this study, wind characteristics and assessment of wind energy potential, were analyzed using the wind speed data measured during the period 1995-2001 at 10 m height of Al-Mokha, located in the west of Taiz, in the southwest of Yemen, subjected to 2-parameter Weibull analysis. Based on these data, it was found that the monthly mean wind speed ranged from 3.50 m/s in June to 7.94 m/s in November, the monthly values of Weibull shape parameter (k), ranged from 3.09 to 6.26, while the value of scale parameter (c) ranged from 3.91 to 8.63 m/s and the monthly wind power density ranged from 33.08 to 352.43 W/m2. The seasonal mean wind speed data ranged from 3.61 to 7.56 m/s, while the wind power density was ranged from 36.62 to 328.59 W/ m2 for summer and winter, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Al-Mokha yemen Weibull DISTRIBUTION WIND ENERGY
气体/泡沫钻井技术在也门砂岩地层的应用 被引量:6
作者 崔卫华 侯绪田 +2 位作者 郑清国 毛迪 江山红 《石油钻探技术》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第4期107-109,共3页
针对也门Abyed-2井大尺寸井眼灰岩裂缝性地层漏失、疏松砂泥岩井眼失稳等一系列钻井难题,确定了采用泡沫气基流体钻过灰岩地层、抑制性硬胶泡沫钻过不稳定砂泥岩地层、零滤失高效泡沫压井液保证起下钻安全的多套气体钻井施工方案。现场... 针对也门Abyed-2井大尺寸井眼灰岩裂缝性地层漏失、疏松砂泥岩井眼失稳等一系列钻井难题,确定了采用泡沫气基流体钻过灰岩地层、抑制性硬胶泡沫钻过不稳定砂泥岩地层、零滤失高效泡沫压井液保证起下钻安全的多套气体钻井施工方案。现场施工表明,空气/泡沫钻井工艺提高了灰岩地层的机械钻速,避免了裂缝性灰岩、疏松砂泥岩地层出现恶性漏失,能维持疏松砂泥岩地层的井眼稳定,有效缓解了严重缺水地区钻井施工对生产用水的依赖,降低了钻井成本。空气/泡沫钻井工艺在该井的成功应用,为也门1区块的优快钻井提供了借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 气体钻井 泡沫钻井 砂岩 也门 Abyed-2井
也门多重武装力量的崛起及其治理困境 被引量:7
作者 朱泉钢 《阿拉伯世界研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期36-53,119,共19页
中东变局以来,也门政府的安全供给能力随政权更迭而下降。由于也门国内脆弱的安全结构以及外部力量的干预,多重武装力量崛起成为也门突出的安全现象。这不仅损害了也门的主权完整,也加剧了也门安全局势的恶化,进而加深了地区局势的动荡... 中东变局以来,也门政府的安全供给能力随政权更迭而下降。由于也门国内脆弱的安全结构以及外部力量的干预,多重武装力量崛起成为也门突出的安全现象。这不仅损害了也门的主权完整,也加剧了也门安全局势的恶化,进而加深了地区局势的动荡和地缘政治关系的复杂化。当前,围绕也门乱局形成了全球、地区和国内三个层次的治理实践。但囿于各层次的治理缺陷以及各层次间缺乏协调,对也门多重武装力量问题的治理陷入了困境。构建多层次综合治理框架,形成全球、地区和政府三个层次之间的有效协同机制,强化政府安全供给能力,有助于破解也门多重武装力量的治理困境,推动也门安全问题的最终解决。 展开更多
关键词 也门 多重武装力量 安全治理 多层次治理
毫针浅刺液门、照海穴治疗慢性咽炎的临床疗效观察 被引量:7
作者 毕臻 《中医临床研究》 2016年第22期43-45,共3页
目的:观察毫针浅刺液门、照海穴治疗慢性咽炎的临床疗效。方法:将64例慢性咽炎患者随机分为观察组和对照组,观察组毫针浅刺液门、照海穴,对照组用庆大霉素雾化吸入治疗。两组分别在治疗前和治疗1、2、5次后对患者的症状体征进行评分。结... 目的:观察毫针浅刺液门、照海穴治疗慢性咽炎的临床疗效。方法:将64例慢性咽炎患者随机分为观察组和对照组,观察组毫针浅刺液门、照海穴,对照组用庆大霉素雾化吸入治疗。两组分别在治疗前和治疗1、2、5次后对患者的症状体征进行评分。结果:观察组总有效率为93.54%(29/31),对照组总有效率为76.67%(23/30),两组疗效差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),观察组疗效优于对照组。结论:毫针浅刺液门、照海穴是治疗慢性咽炎的有效方法。 展开更多
关键词 针刺疗法 咽炎 液门 照海
也门马里卜—夏布瓦盆地的地质模式和油气成藏风格 被引量:7
作者 黄彦庆 侯读杰 +2 位作者 江尚昆 余明发 张海全 《中国石油勘探》 CAS 2007年第6期58-62,共5页
也门马里卜—夏布瓦盆地是在板块分离产生的剪切应力场背景下拉张形成的一种被动裂谷盆地,不同于地幔上涌产生的主动裂谷。该盆地中生代经历了先强后弱两期裂陷作用,发育两套生油岩,其中第一裂谷期Lam-Meem组是主力生油层。盆地中发育6... 也门马里卜—夏布瓦盆地是在板块分离产生的剪切应力场背景下拉张形成的一种被动裂谷盆地,不同于地幔上涌产生的主动裂谷。该盆地中生代经历了先强后弱两期裂陷作用,发育两套生油岩,其中第一裂谷期Lam-Meem组是主力生油层。盆地中发育6套成藏组合,其中以Lam组砂岩和Alif砂岩为储层、Lam组泥岩和Sabatayn组盐岩为区域盖层的组合是盆地内的主要成藏组合,反向断层翘倾断块、盐构造和披覆背斜为主要圈闭类型。研究表明,马里卜—夏布瓦盆地具有优越的油气成藏条件和较好的勘探前景。 展开更多
关键词 被动裂谷盆地 地质模式 成藏模式 马里卜-夏布瓦盆地 也门
Monitoring of coastline changes along the Red Sea,Yemen based on remote sensing technique 被引量:7
作者 Aref A.Sagheer Ahmed Humade Aref M.O.Al-Jabali 《Global Geology》 2011年第4期241-248,共8页
The coastline changes along Yemen's the Red Sea (Al-muka, Al-khohah, Al-tiaf, Ras Katib and Al- Urji spits) were studied using a series of landsat images (MSS, TM and ETM + , 1972, 1989, 2000, 2006), coupled wit... The coastline changes along Yemen's the Red Sea (Al-muka, Al-khohah, Al-tiaf, Ras Katib and Al- Urji spits) were studied using a series of landsat images (MSS, TM and ETM + , 1972, 1989, 2000, 2006), coupled with geomorphological, sedimentological and meteorological findings. Comparison of satellite images provided a viable means for establishing long-term coastal changes (accretion and erosion) as observed in the studied spits (Al-Urj, Ras Sham, Ras Maemoon, Ras Katib, Al-Mandar, Nukhaylah, Mujamilah, Ras Ashab Abu-Zahr and Mukha). The rate of the spit accretion has the greatest value up to 89 pixel/year corresponding to 72 290 m2/year in Mukha, while the spit erosion shows greatest value up to 131 pixel/year corresponding to 106 404 m2/year in Mujamilab. The patterns of accretion and erosion along the spits depend on the spit direction, natural processes mainly of wave-induced longshore currents, the sediments supply and depth of sea. 展开更多
关键词 coastline change landsat images yemen Red Sea
也门石油工业及勘探开发前景 被引量:6
作者 吕延仓 何碧竹 张孝义 《当代石油石化》 CAS 2001年第9期36-39,共4页
介绍了也门的地质概况 ;认为也门具有较丰富的油气资源 ,石油工业起步晚、发展快 ,含油气盆地勘探程度低 ,勘探领域广 ;提出在也门政府采取的对外开放的石油政策下 ,中国石油。
关键词 也门 含油气盆地 石油工业 石油勘探开发市场 能源结构 管理体制
Continental Flood Basalts and Rifting: Geochemistry of Cenozoic Yemen Volcanic Province 被引量:3
作者 M. A. Mattash L. Pinarelli +4 位作者 O. Vaselli A. Minissale M. Al-Kadasi M. N. Shawki F. Tassi 《International Journal of Geosciences》 2013年第10期1459-1466,共8页
Rift formation is a crucial topic in global tectonics. The Yemen rift-related area is one of the most important provinces, being connected to the rifting processes of the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea and Afar Triangle. I... Rift formation is a crucial topic in global tectonics. The Yemen rift-related area is one of the most important provinces, being connected to the rifting processes of the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea and Afar Triangle. In this paper, a review of the Yemen volcanic province and its relations with the Red Sea rifting are presented. Tertiary continental extension in Yemen resulted in the extrusion of large volumes of effusive rocks. This magmatism is divided in the Oligo-Miocene Yemen Trap Series (YTS) separated by an unconformity from the Miocene-Recent Yemen Volcanic Series (YVS). Magmas of the YTS were erupted during the synrift phase and correlate with the first stage of sea-floor spreading of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden (30 - 15 Ma), whereas the magmas of the YVS were emplaced during the post rift phase (10 - 0 Ma). A continental within plate character is recognized for both the YTS and YVS basalts. The YTS volcanic rocks are contemporaneous with, and geochemically similar to, the Ethiopian rift volcanism, just as the volcanic fields of the YVS are geochemically alike to most of the Saudi Arabian volcanics. YTS and YVS have analogous SiO2 ranges, but YVS tend to have, on average, higher alkalis and MgO contents than YTS. Fractional crystallization processes dominate geochemical variations of both series. Primitive magmas (MgO > 7.0%) are enriched in incompatible elements and LREEs with respect to primitive mantle, but YVS are more enriched than YTS. To first order, the different geochemical patterns agree with different degrees of partial melting of an astenospheric mantle source: 25% - 30% of partial melting for YTS and 10% - 3% for YVS. Secondly, the higher degree of enrichment in incompatible elements of YVS reflects also greater contribution of a lithospheric mantle component in their source region. 展开更多
也门宰德派的兴衰与胡塞武装的政治抗争 被引量:5
作者 吴天雨 吴冰冰 《阿拉伯世界研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期48-60,119,共13页
1962年也门伊玛目政权覆灭后,新生的阿拉伯也门共和国政权推行超越教派的政治模式,导致宰德派被边缘化。为改善族群生存状况,宰德派在政治和社会生活领域寻求复兴,推动了胡塞武装的形成及其与也门当局历时六年的武装对抗。"阿拉伯... 1962年也门伊玛目政权覆灭后,新生的阿拉伯也门共和国政权推行超越教派的政治模式,导致宰德派被边缘化。为改善族群生存状况,宰德派在政治和社会生活领域寻求复兴,推动了胡塞武装的形成及其与也门当局历时六年的武装对抗。"阿拉伯之春"发生后,胡塞武装利用也门政权过渡时期出现的权力真空,同前总统萨利赫结盟,对抗哈迪新政府。胡塞武装借助军事扩张,攻占了包括首都萨那在内的也门多个省区。2015年3月起至今,边境安全受到威胁的沙特组建阿拉伯联军对胡塞武装进行军事打击,双方形成了北南对峙的局面。 展开更多
关键词 宰德派 也门 胡塞武装 什叶派
也门极端组织的演变、成因及其影响 被引量:5
作者 刘中民 任华 《阿拉伯世界研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期3-18,共16页
"9·11"事件以来,极端组织在也门的发展十分迅速,使也门逐渐成为极端组织新的"策源地"。从国内方面看,也门政局长期动荡、派系林立、部落势力坐大、社会经济发展缓慢、部落暴力文化盛行等因素为极端组织的发展... "9·11"事件以来,极端组织在也门的发展十分迅速,使也门逐渐成为极端组织新的"策源地"。从国内方面看,也门政局长期动荡、派系林立、部落势力坐大、社会经济发展缓慢、部落暴力文化盛行等因素为极端组织的发展提供了社会土壤。从国际方面看,也门周边长期动荡、美国主导的反恐联盟投入严重不足及反恐手段功利化,使极端组织的发展难以得到有效遏制。从极端组织自身来看,"基地"组织的策略改变增强了其生存能力,它与"伊斯兰国"组织争夺领导权的斗争进一步刺激了也门极端组织的发展。也门极端组织的发展不仅挑战也门政权的政治合法性,使经济和社会形势进一步恶化,政治对抗和教派冲突不断激化,而且导致也门反恐形势更趋复杂,严重影响地区安全局势。 展开更多
关键词 也门 极端组织 “基地”组织 “伊斯兰国”组织
整体平衡疗法治疗神经根型颈椎病疗效观察 被引量:5
作者 邹来勇 涂国卿 朱玉辉 《上海针灸杂志》 2015年第11期1099-1101,共3页
目的观察整体平衡疗法治疗神经根型颈椎病的临床疗效。方法将120例神经根型颈椎病患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组60例。治疗组采用整体平衡疗法(平衡针刺配合平衡推拿)治疗,对照组采用常规针刺配合推拿治疗。观察两组治疗前后颈部活... 目的观察整体平衡疗法治疗神经根型颈椎病的临床疗效。方法将120例神经根型颈椎病患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组60例。治疗组采用整体平衡疗法(平衡针刺配合平衡推拿)治疗,对照组采用常规针刺配合推拿治疗。观察两组治疗前后颈部活动度各项指标,并比较两组临床疗效。结果两组治疗后颈部活动度各项指标(颈部前屈、颈部后伸、侧屈度及旋转角度)与同组治疗前比较,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗组治疗后颈部活动度各项指标与对照组比较,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗组总有效率为95.0%,对照组为85.0%,两组比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论整体平衡疗法是一种治疗神经根型颈椎病的有效方法。 展开更多
关键词 针刺疗法 缪刺 颈椎病 神经根型 推拿 液门
也门胡塞武装在国家重构中的角色及影响 被引量:1
作者 苏瑛 任华 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期23-41,138,共20页
也门胡塞武装的产生和发展不只是什叶派的栽德派在政治社会生活中边缘化时寻求复兴的直接结果,更折射出现代民族国家构建中的国家世俗化与政治伊斯兰运动、国家加强控制力与部落自治传统之间的结构性矛盾。伴随胡塞武装强势夺权,其对国... 也门胡塞武装的产生和发展不只是什叶派的栽德派在政治社会生活中边缘化时寻求复兴的直接结果,更折射出现代民族国家构建中的国家世俗化与政治伊斯兰运动、国家加强控制力与部落自治传统之间的结构性矛盾。伴随胡塞武装强势夺权,其对国家重构的影响力与日俱增,既改变了也门逊尼派主导政治权力的格局,还进一步削弱合法政府的控制力,在更大程度上主导着国家重构和地区安全形势。但是,也门国家政治重构将会持续一个较长时期,即便是胡塞武装与总统委员会作出实现也门内部长久和平的承诺后,也门政治和解依然任重而道远。 展开更多
关键词 也门 胡塞武装 什叶派 栽德派 民族国家重构
也门69区块构造特征与勘探方向分析 被引量:5
作者 王佑宁 《石油天然气学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期44-48,共5页
马里卜-夏布瓦盆地是也门的主要含油气盆地,石油资源丰富。69区块位于盆地的中部,构造上北东低、南西高,主要目的层构造复杂,断层比较发育。主要断层走向与盆地走向相一致,呈NW向展布。在区域应力场的作用下,萨巴特恩组厚层盐岩发生垂... 马里卜-夏布瓦盆地是也门的主要含油气盆地,石油资源丰富。69区块位于盆地的中部,构造上北东低、南西高,主要目的层构造复杂,断层比较发育。主要断层走向与盆地走向相一致,呈NW向展布。在区域应力场的作用下,萨巴特恩组厚层盐岩发生垂向塑性流动,致使沉积盖层上拱或刺穿,形成一系列不同类型特征的盐底辟构造。圈闭类型以背斜、断背斜、断鼻为主。根据该区块构造特征的研究和油气成藏条件,结合相邻区块的油气勘探实践,提出区块南部是最有利的勘探区带,应是下步的勘探方向。 展开更多
关键词 构造特征 底辟构造 油气勘探 也门 马里卜-夏布瓦盆地
Geochemistry of Ore-bearing Lamprophyre from the Cu-Ni Deposit in Dhi Samir,Yemen 被引量:2
作者 ZUO Liyan PEI Rongfu +3 位作者 SHUAI Kaiye YANG Fengqi ZHU Riwei ZHANG Liemeng 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第1期200-210,共11页
Magmatic Cu-Ni sulfide deposits are generally associated with mafic-ultramafic rocks and it has not been reported that lamprophyre is one of the surrounding rocks of Cu-Ni sulfide deposits.The Dhi Samir deposit in Yem... Magmatic Cu-Ni sulfide deposits are generally associated with mafic-ultramafic rocks and it has not been reported that lamprophyre is one of the surrounding rocks of Cu-Ni sulfide deposits.The Dhi Samir deposit in Yemen,however,is a rare example of Cu-Ni deposits which are hosted in lamprophyre dikes.In this paper,comprehensive research is made on petrology,petrochemistry and isotope geochemistry for Cu-Ni-bearing rocks in the Dhi Samir area and the results show that dark rocks related to Cu-Ni orebodies are sodium-weak potassium and belong to calc-alkaline series lamprophyre,especially camptonite,characterized by enriched alkali,iron and titanium.In these rocks large-ion-lithophile elements are obviously concentrated,while high field strength elements slightly depleted,showing clear negative anomalies of Ta and Nb,and weak deficiency of Ti.TheΣREE is very high(225.67-290.05 ppm) and the REE partition curves are flat and right-inclined,featuring a LREE-enriched pattern with low negative Eu anomalies.Study of magmatic source areas indicates that the rocks have low(87Sr/86Sr) and highεNd(t),and the magmas were probably derived from the enriched mantle I(EM-I) end-member.Based on the LA-ICPMS on zircon U-Pb isotope dating,the lamprophyre in the Dhi Samir mining area has an age of 602±2.6 Ma,indicating that the rock was formed in the late Proterozoic and in an intraplate setting due to magmatism of an extensional environment in the post-Pan-Africa orogeny. 展开更多
关键词 LAMPROPHYRE geochemical characteristics Cu-Ni deposit in Dhi Samir yemen
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Virus Infections among Patients with Chronic Renal Failure in Zabeed City, Yemen Republic 被引量:2
作者 Mohammed A. Al-Hegami Abdullah Al-Mamari +3 位作者 Abdulrahman S. Al-Kadasse Fadhl A. S. Al-Gasha’a Sadeq Al-Hag Adel A. S. Al-Hegami 《Open Journal of Medical Microbiology》 2015年第3期136-142,共7页
Background and Aims: Patients on hemodialysis (HD) are at high risk of viral hepatitis due to high number of blood transfusion sessions, prolonged vascular access, high exposure to infected patients and contaminated e... Background and Aims: Patients on hemodialysis (HD) are at high risk of viral hepatitis due to high number of blood transfusion sessions, prolonged vascular access, high exposure to infected patients and contaminated equipment, or cross contamination from the dialysis circuits and pose problems in the management of patients in the renal dialysis units. This study was done to determine the prevalence of Hepatitis B virus (HBV) & Hepatitis C virus (HCV), in patients on hemodialysis in Zabeed City, Yemen Republic, and address the major risk factors for transmission of these viruses among HD patients. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, during June, 2013 to October, 2014, a total of 243 chronic hemodialysis patients were tested. Patients were selected from many regions by cluster sampling from Zabeed public hospital, (hemodialysis center) in Zabeed City, Yemen Republic. A close ended and multiple choice-based questionnaires were completed and HBsAg and anti-HCV antibodies were assessed using third generation enzyme linked immunoassay kit as serological testing and data were analyzed using the SPSS-20 software. Results: The overall prevalence of positive HBsAg was (48.83%) while positive anti-HCV was (46.01%) and (5.16%) mixed infection with HBV and HCV. Analysis of risk factors in patients with HBV & HCV infection is showed the history of blood transfusion and duration of hemodialysis was found to be a statistically significant (P < 0.05) as risk factor for HBV and HCV infection. Conclusion: The evaluation suggests that blood transfusion and duration of hemodialysis may be the main most important risk factor for HBV and HCV infection among hemodialysis patients. 展开更多
The Upper Jurassic sediments,Marib-Shabwa Basin,Yemen:Lithofacies aspects and sequence stratigraphic analysis
作者 Mohammed Albaroot Mohamed M.Elhossainy +2 位作者 Nabil M.Al-Areeq Emad A.Abdullah Abdelhamid M.Salman 《Energy Geoscience》 EI 2024年第1期342-357,共16页
The present study is devoted to understanding the evolution of the Upper Jurassic Sab'atayn Formation in the Marib-Shabwa Basin,Yemen,through a sequence stratigraphic analysis based on integrating datasets of sedi... The present study is devoted to understanding the evolution of the Upper Jurassic Sab'atayn Formation in the Marib-Shabwa Basin,Yemen,through a sequence stratigraphic analysis based on integrating datasets of sedimentology,seismic sections,and well logs.The Sab'atayn Formation(Tithonian age)is represented by a series of clastic and evaporites that were deposited under fluvio-deltaic to prodeltaic settings.It is divided into four members including Yah(at the base),upwards to Seen,Alif,and Safir at the top.Two third-order depositional sequences were determined for the Tithonian succession which were separated by three sequence boundaries.These sequences were classified into their systems tracts signifying several sedimentation patterns of progradational,aggradational,and retrogradational parasequence sets.The first depositional sequence corresponds to the early-middle Tithonian Yah and Seen units that can be classified into lowstand,transgressive,and highstand systems tracts.The second sequence comprises the late Tithonian Alif unit that can be subdivided into transgressive and highstand systems tracts.The sandy deposits of the Alif Member(highstand deposits)represent the most productive hydrocarbon reservoir in the basin.The Upper Jurassic sediments in the study area were resulted from a combination of eustatic and tectonic effects. 展开更多
关键词 Sequence stratigraphy Sandstone reservoir Well logs Upper Jurassic Marib-Shabwa Basin yemen
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