Musculoskeletal diseases such as neck, shoulder, back and leg pain are ext remely common in clinic. Diseases of the joints of the ext remi ti es, especially sputum, wr ist spr ains, and periarthritis of the shoulders,...Musculoskeletal diseases such as neck, shoulder, back and leg pain are ext remely common in clinic. Diseases of the joints of the ext remi ti es, especially sputum, wr ist spr ains, and periarthritis of the shoulders, and even lumbar disc herniation, use X-shaped balance acupuncture therapy to relieve pain and improve motor function. The method of obtaining acupoints is simple and easy to operate. Many of clinical comparison shows that this therapy is simple to conventional acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of local pain and joint diseases. This review concluded the advantaged about the X-shaped balance acupuncture therapy and it worth to clinical promotion.展开更多
文摘Musculoskeletal diseases such as neck, shoulder, back and leg pain are ext remely common in clinic. Diseases of the joints of the ext remi ti es, especially sputum, wr ist spr ains, and periarthritis of the shoulders, and even lumbar disc herniation, use X-shaped balance acupuncture therapy to relieve pain and improve motor function. The method of obtaining acupoints is simple and easy to operate. Many of clinical comparison shows that this therapy is simple to conventional acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of local pain and joint diseases. This review concluded the advantaged about the X-shaped balance acupuncture therapy and it worth to clinical promotion.