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西北干旱区极端气候水文事件特征分析 被引量:56
作者 陈亚宁 王怀军 +1 位作者 王志成 张辉 《干旱区地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期1-9,共9页
中国西北干旱区是对全球变化响应最敏感地区之一。气候变化导致气候水文系统的不稳定性加剧,极端气候水文事件的频度和强度增大、重现期缩短,灾害程度加重。借助资料分析和文献阅读,对过去50 a中国西北干旱区极端气候/水文事件的发生规... 中国西北干旱区是对全球变化响应最敏感地区之一。气候变化导致气候水文系统的不稳定性加剧,极端气候水文事件的频度和强度增大、重现期缩短,灾害程度加重。借助资料分析和文献阅读,对过去50 a中国西北干旱区极端气候/水文事件的发生规律、影响机制及未来趋势进行了梳理总结,主要结论如下:(1)西北干旱区的极端气候/水文事件呈逐年增加趋势,特别是20世纪70年代以来增加显著;气温和降水极值都表现为一致的增强趋势。降水量的增多是降雨频率和强度共同增加的结果。(2)中国西北干旱区低温、降水极值在1986年左右发生了明显的突变,高温极值在1996年左右发生突变。突变后,气温和降水极值均发生了显著增强变化。(3)北半球极涡面积指数和青藏高原指数对西北干旱区气候极值变化具有重要影响,冬季极值还受冬季北极涛动和北大西洋涛动等影响。(4)新疆地区有变暖湿趋势,而河西走廊东部则为变干趋势。强大的西伯利亚高压和增强的贝加尔湖气流造成新疆地区降水增加,而河西走廊干旱增加是由东亚夏季风减弱引起的。 展开更多
关键词 极端气候水文事件 遥相关 气候突变 西北干旱区
近50年华东地区夏季异常降水空间分型及与其相联系的遥相关 被引量:27
作者 金大超 管兆勇 +1 位作者 蔡佳熙 江丽俐 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期947-961,共15页
利用中国华东地区91个站点1961~2007年夏季(6~8月)逐日降水资料和NCEP/NACR再分析资料,用旋转经验正交函数(REOF)方法将华东地区夏季降水场分为5个区域,即I区(闽赣地区)、II区(江南)、III区(长江中下游地区)、IV区(江淮)和V区(黄淮)。... 利用中国华东地区91个站点1961~2007年夏季(6~8月)逐日降水资料和NCEP/NACR再分析资料,用旋转经验正交函数(REOF)方法将华东地区夏季降水场分为5个区域,即I区(闽赣地区)、II区(江南)、III区(长江中下游地区)、IV区(江淮)和V区(黄淮)。这5个区域的夏季降水周期显著不同,当I区降水的年际周期性强(弱)时,II、III、IV、V区降水年际周期性弱(强)。I~V区夏季降水的年代际及年际变率的年代际变化显著,且在年代际降水较少或由多变少或由少变多的转换时段,容易发生较大的年际变化。各区降水异常形成的局地成因有所差别。其中,江南南部、江南、沿江(长江中下游)受低层异常反气旋控制,该异常反气旋使得这些地区出现水汽辐散,与异常的非绝热冷却结合,造成异常下沉气流,导致干旱发生。对于江淮之间的地区,由南侧异常气旋性环流和北侧反气旋环流的西部辐散气流控制,造成水汽向南北两侧辐散,导致降水偏少;对于黄淮地区干旱,可归因于位于蒙古高原上的反气旋异常和位于西太平洋上的气旋性异常之间的异常偏北气流造成该地区水汽的异常辐散所致。华东5个区域的夏季降水和不同类型的遥相关有关。闽赣地区降水受欧亚-太平洋型(EUP)遥相关影响;江南地区降水则可能受东亚-太平洋型(EAP)/太平洋-日本型(PJ)影响,亦与太平洋-北美型(PNA)存在可能的联系;长江流域则可能受东大西洋型(EA)和EAP型影响;江淮地区降水则明显地受EA/EUP和PJ/EAP的共同影响,而黄淮降水则与源于地中海地区向东北传播且通过北极涛动(AO)产生影响的波列存在联系。这5个区域的夏季降水异常还和东亚地区位涡、南海夏季风、Nin~o3、Nin~o4区海温、西太平洋副高变动等因子有关。 展开更多
关键词 华东 夏季降水异常 旋转经验正交函数 遥相关
北半球夏季位势高度场遥相关型的观测研究 被引量:6
作者 杨修群 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 1992年第5期513-521,共9页
本文利用点相关普查和经验正交函数展开分析了北半球夏季500hPa位势高度场的年际变化特征,指出在北半球夏季主要存在4种遥相关型,它们分别被称作亚洲/北美型、欧亚型、东北太平洋型和北美/西欧型.其中前两种遥相关型和东亚夏季大气环流... 本文利用点相关普查和经验正交函数展开分析了北半球夏季500hPa位势高度场的年际变化特征,指出在北半球夏季主要存在4种遥相关型,它们分别被称作亚洲/北美型、欧亚型、东北太平洋型和北美/西欧型.其中前两种遥相关型和东亚夏季大气环流年际异常有直接的联系.北半球夏季遥相关型的揭示对于研究东亚大气环流年际变异的机理及其预报有参考价值. 展开更多
关键词 北半球 夏季 遥相关 高度场
北半球夏季500hPa候平均高度场的遥相关和环流特征 被引量:9
作者 杨秋明 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 1993年第2期148-154,共7页
关键词 候平均 高度场 夏季 遥相关 环流
长江流域夏季气温变化型及其成因Ⅰ:年际变化与遥相关 被引量:8
作者 蔡佳熙 管兆勇 《气象学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期99-111,共13页
采用中国气象局整编的气温资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、哈得来月平均海温资料以及CPC(NOAA)指数,分析了长江流域夏季气温的变化型及其成因。结果表明:长江中下游地区夏季气温呈现出全区一致、南北反相以及东西反相3种分布型,且这3种分... 采用中国气象局整编的气温资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、哈得来月平均海温资料以及CPC(NOAA)指数,分析了长江流域夏季气温的变化型及其成因。结果表明:长江中下游地区夏季气温呈现出全区一致、南北反相以及东西反相3种分布型,且这3种分布型分别是中国同号气温异常变化、南北反号气温异常以及东西反号气温异常分布背景下的局部反映。上述这3种气温异常型具有显著的年际和年代际变化特征,其中在年际尺度上具有2 5年的周期,反映出在年代际背景下的年际变化;在年际尺度上,3种异常型分别对应不同特点的环流型,并且高度场在长江中下游地区上空的垂直分布均呈准正压结构;3种异常型对应的环流型的维持分别与来自大西洋穿越极区的波列,由地中海沿亚洲急流东传的波列以及北半球环状模有关。同时,全区一致型和南北反相型与P-J型波列联系紧密,其中南北反相型与该波列联系更为紧密;全区一致型与Nino3海温指数呈负相关关系,其中超前一季的负相关最大。南北反相型与Nino3海温指数超前2季相关最高,与Nino4海温指数同时相关最高。东西反相型则与Nino3海温指数同时相关最高,与Nino4海温指数超前3季相关最高。这些结果可为进一步认识长江流域夏季气温变化规律和极端天气气候事件的预测提供线索。 展开更多
关键词 长江中下游 气温型 遥相关 夏季
北大西洋涛动和英国-鄂霍次克海走廊型遥相关对2022年盛夏长江中下游极端高温的影响 被引量:3
作者 尹泽疆 魏维 杨崧 《大气科学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期345-353,共9页
利用欧洲中期天气预报中心的ERA5再分析资料,分析中高纬度大尺度环流异常对2022年盛夏长江中下游地区大范围极端高温事件的影响。结果表明,此次极端高温异常主要受到东亚副热带异常反气旋和北部异常气旋的影响。该经向偶极型环流异常与... 利用欧洲中期天气预报中心的ERA5再分析资料,分析中高纬度大尺度环流异常对2022年盛夏长江中下游地区大范围极端高温事件的影响。结果表明,此次极端高温异常主要受到东亚副热带异常反气旋和北部异常气旋的影响。该经向偶极型环流异常与北大西洋涛动(North Atlantic Oscillation,NAO)和英国-鄂霍次克海走廊型遥相关型(British-Okhotsk Corridor,BOC)密切相关。NAO正位相关联的副热带急流波列有利于副热带反气旋的形成。同时,正位相的BOC与丝绸之路遥相关耦合,有利于经向偶极型环流模态的形成。在该环流模态的影响下,对流层高层的南亚高压和西风急流明显增强且东伸,中低层西太平洋副热带高压增强西伸。异常高压控制下的下沉气流以及西风急流出口区右侧的下沉气流通过绝热下沉增温与晴空短波辐射增温,促进地表气温升高,进而引发极端高温异常。 展开更多
关键词 高温 急流 遥相关
基于复杂网络的北半球遥相关年代际变化特征研究 被引量:4
作者 龚志强 支蓉 +2 位作者 侯威 王晓娟 封国林 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期539-547,共9页
基于北半球中高纬度环流系统关联网络,研究了冬季北半球各种遥相关年代际尺度的变化特征及其与气候突变的可能联系等.研究结果表明,NAO,EUPA和WP等遥相关的作用中心在1970年代中后期和1990年代初期均对应有显著的跃变过程,且主要空间模... 基于北半球中高纬度环流系统关联网络,研究了冬季北半球各种遥相关年代际尺度的变化特征及其与气候突变的可能联系等.研究结果表明,NAO,EUPA和WP等遥相关的作用中心在1970年代中后期和1990年代初期均对应有显著的跃变过程,且主要空间模态也发生一定的变化.结合网络顶点度,定义直接体现遥相关作用强弱的指数并分析其随时间的变化:1980年代以前以PNA,EUPA和WP三种模态的共同作用为主导,1980年代以后NAO的作用显著增强,1987年以后AO的作用显著增强,其他模态的作用则相对较弱.因此,多种遥相关年代际尺度的调整可能是1970年代中后期和1990年代初期气候突变的重要表现形式之一. 展开更多
关键词 复杂网络 遥相关 年代际变化 气候突变
Pan-Asian monsoon and its definition,principal modes of precipitation,and variability features 被引量:6
作者 GAO Ya WANG HuiJun 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第5期787-795,共9页
Here we propose a new concept,the Pan-Asian monsoon,and use empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis and linear regression approach to define it and to analyze the monsoon-related rainfall variability.The Pan-Asia... Here we propose a new concept,the Pan-Asian monsoon,and use empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis and linear regression approach to define it and to analyze the monsoon-related rainfall variability.The Pan-Asian monsoon is referred to as the monsoon occurred over the great region (60°E-140°E,10°S-35°N),consisting of the Indian monsoon,Southeast Asian monsoon,East Asian monsoon,and Western North Pacific monsoon.The Pan-Asian monsoon region is the principal region of the summer rainfall over the Asian-Pacific monsoon region and is also water vapor channel connecting several Asian-Pacific sub-monsoon systems.The first EOF mode of the Pan-Asian monsoon precipitation (PAMP_F) shows a meridional tripole pattern with more (less) rainfall zonal belt over the Bay of Bengal (BOB),the Indo-China Peninsula,South China,the South China Sea (SCS),Philippines and the Philippine Sea,and less (more) rainfall on both sides.The first rainfall mode is associated with the weakened Somali cross-equatorial flows,enhanced southerly over the eastern coast of Australia,and strengthened westerly over the tropical Pacific.The first EOF rainfall mode shows a close relationship with the simultaneous El Nio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Pacific South America (PSA).The preceding spring and simultaneous summer Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) in the western Hemisphere (AAO in Pacific) has a connection with the first summer rainfall mode of the Pan-Asian monsoon.Because the main influence factors are over the Pacific,the first rainfall mode is named as the Pacific mode.The second mode of the Pan-Asian monsoon precipitation (PAMP_S) shows a dipole pattern from northeast to southwest,which is associated with the weakened Somali cross-equatorial flows,enhanced easterlies over the Maritime Continent,and weak easterly over the tropical Pacific.The second rainfall model has a close relationship with the atmospheric convection activity and the sea surface temperature variability over the Maritime Continent and South Indian Ocean.Because the influ 展开更多
关键词 Pan-Asian monsoon precipitation ENSO teleconnections
Different El Niño Flavors and Associated Atmospheric Teleconnections as Simulated in a Hybrid Coupled Model
作者 Junya HU Hongna WANG +1 位作者 Chuan GAO Rong-Hua ZHANG 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第5期864-880,共17页
A previously developed hybrid coupled model(HCM)is composed of an intermediate tropical Pacific Ocean model and a global atmospheric general circulation model(AGCM),denoted as HCMAGCM.In this study,different El Ni... A previously developed hybrid coupled model(HCM)is composed of an intermediate tropical Pacific Ocean model and a global atmospheric general circulation model(AGCM),denoted as HCMAGCM.In this study,different El Niño flavors,namely the Eastern-Pacific(EP)and Central-Pacific(CP)types,and the associated global atmospheric teleconnections are examined in a 1000-yr control simulation of the HCMAGCM.The HCMAGCM indicates profoundly different characteristics among EP and CP El Niño events in terms of related oceanic and atmospheric variables in the tropical Pacific,including the amplitude and spatial patterns of sea surface temperature(SST),zonal wind stress,and precipitation anomalies.An SST budget analysis indicates that the thermocline feedback and zonal advective feedback dominantly contribute to the growth of EP and CP El Niño events,respectively.Corresponding to the shifts in the tropical rainfall and deep convection during EP and CP El Niño events,the model also reproduces the differences in the extratropical atmospheric responses during the boreal winter.In particular,the EP El Niño tends to be dominant in exciting a poleward wave train pattern to the Northern Hemisphere,while the CP El Niño tends to preferably produce a wave train similar to the Pacific North American(PNA)pattern.As a result,different climatic impacts exist in North American regions,with a warm-north and cold-south pattern during an EP El Niño and a warm-northeast and cold-southwest pattern during a CP El Niño,respectively.This modeling result highlights the importance of internal natural processes within the tropical Pacific as they relate to the genesis of ENSO diversity because the active ocean–atmosphere coupling is allowed only in the tropical Pacific within the framework of the HCMAGCM. 展开更多
关键词 hybrid coupled model tropical Pacific Ocean global atmosphere Eastern/Central-Pacific El Niño atmospheric teleconnections
Shades of Chaos: Lessons Learned About Lessons Learned About Forecasting El Nio and Its Impacts 被引量:2
作者 Michael H.Glantz 《International Journal of Disaster Risk Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期94-103,共10页
The troubled forecast of El Nio’s onset in2014 requires an explanation as well as an open dialogue with the user community that depends on such an important forecast. A review of the forecasts on the Internet refle... The troubled forecast of El Nio’s onset in2014 requires an explanation as well as an open dialogue with the user community that depends on such an important forecast. A review of the forecasts on the Internet reflects two different perceptions about what transpired. The forecast community suggests they got it right, while the popular media suggests forecasters got it wrong. Why such a gap? The major El Nio that was alluded to by several organizations did not materialize when or even as expected. A science-fed media frenzy took place about an event considered in retrospect to have been an unusual borderline(weak) El Nio event, 'trickiest ever to forecast.'That is understandable, as the science of El Nio is still on a learning curve. But it suggests that the forecasting of El Nio’s onset is still in an experimental phase and not yet operational. Forecasting its onset(as a specific event)should be separated from forecasting its behavior and impacts(as a process) once the onset has been assured.Whenever a forecast is made, someone is responding to it.Therefore, such a distinction is necessary for the benefit of those societies and economic sectors affected by El Nio. 展开更多
关键词 2014 El Nio forecast El Nio ENSO Experimental forecast Oscillations teleconnections
全球地表温度大气遥相关路径研究 被引量:4
作者 营娜 叶谦 +1 位作者 韩战钢 陈清华 《北京师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期314-319,共6页
基于复杂网络方法,分析不同区域地表温度之间存在的相关关系及其时滞,建立了体现大气遥相关的全球地表温度网络,进而给出地表温度网络遥相关路径.研究表明:网络连接的空间距离在3500和7000 km处有1个峰值,这与大气Rossby波的1/2和1倍波... 基于复杂网络方法,分析不同区域地表温度之间存在的相关关系及其时滞,建立了体现大气遥相关的全球地表温度网络,进而给出地表温度网络遥相关路径.研究表明:网络连接的空间距离在3500和7000 km处有1个峰值,这与大气Rossby波的1/2和1倍波长一致.地表温度网络中,影响传播的主导节点在北半球分布在东亚、向西延伸的北太平洋、美国东海岸及邻接的北大西洋地区;在南半球分布在50°S纬度带.遥相关现象在南半球比北半球更显著,典型遥相关路径与不同的环流作用有明确对应:1)北太平洋中部到墨西哥的连接反映了西风带的作用;2)北大西洋传播到非洲北部、格陵兰岛到里海的连接,均属于连接北大西洋到欧亚大陆的跨欧亚波列的一部分;3)俄罗斯喀拉海到北太平洋的连接与北大西洋涛动(NAO)密切关联;4)南半球的连接反映了大气西风带和Rossby波的影响.大气遥相关路径分析有利于深化对地表温度变化的认识,可为减缓气候全球变化提供理论基础. 展开更多
关键词 气候变化 地表温度 气候复杂网络 拓扑结构 遥相关路径
Contribution of the tropical sea surface temperature in the Arctic tropospheric warming during 1979-2013
作者 Lingling Suo 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2023年第5期108-112,共5页
本文通过CAM6-Nor大气环流模式模拟实验研究热带海表温度在1979-2013年北极对流层增温中的贡献.分析结果表明热带海表温度变化可以解释历史模拟实验中的秋季和1月增温的30%-40%.这意味着热带海表温度可能是1979年至2013年间北极冬季对... 本文通过CAM6-Nor大气环流模式模拟实验研究热带海表温度在1979-2013年北极对流层增温中的贡献.分析结果表明热带海表温度变化可以解释历史模拟实验中的秋季和1月增温的30%-40%.这意味着热带海表温度可能是1979年至2013年间北极冬季对流层变暖的主要驱动因素之一.除了1月份850hPa以下的北极增温,热带海表温度的影响通常来自热带中东部太平洋,热带印度-西太平洋和热带大西洋的联合作用.对1月份850hPa以下的北极增温的影响主要来自热带印度-西太平洋. 展开更多
关键词 热带海表温度 北极气候变化 北极对流层变暖 遥相关
The Response of Geopotential Height Anomalies to El Niño and La Niña Conditions and Their Implications to Seasonal Rainfall Variability over the Horn of Africa
作者 Solomon Gunta Hejamady Gangadhara Bhat Busnur Rachotappa Manjunatha 《Atmospheric and Climate Sciences》 2022年第2期475-492,共18页
In this study, we unveil atmospheric circulation anomalies associated with the large-scale tropical teleconnections using National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis dataset. Composite analyses have... In this study, we unveil atmospheric circulation anomalies associated with the large-scale tropical teleconnections using National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis dataset. Composite analyses have been performed to know the impact of large-scale tropical circulations on the Horn of Africa. The composite analysis performed at the geopotential height of 850 Mb and 200 Mb, and precipitation rate (mm/day) during six strong El Ni&#241;o and La Ni&#241;a episodes revealed that the large-scale tropical variability induced climate anomalies in space and time. A substantial decrease in upper-level height (200 Mb) has been observed in the study area during El Ni&#241;o composite years as compared to the La Ni&#241;a years. During El Ni&#241;o conditions, the upper-level divergence initiates low-level vertical motion, thereby enhancing convection, however, during La Ni&#241;a composite years, nearly contrasting situations are noticed in Belg (February to May) season in Ethiopia. However, geopotential height anomalies at 850 Mb are above-normal during the strong El Ni&#241;o years, suggesting suppressed convection due to vertical shrinking and enhancement of divergence at the lower level. Compared to the Belg (February to May), geopotential anomalies were generally positive during the Kiremt (June to September) season, thereby suppressing the rainfall, particularly in Southern Ethiopia and Northern Part of Kenya. In contrast, an increase in rainfall was observed during the Belg season (February to May). 展开更多
关键词 Geopotential Height Composite Analysis ENSO Atmospheric Circulations NCEP Reanalysis Tropical SST Anomalies teleconnections Belg Kiremt
Understanding the El Nio Costero of 2017: The Definition Problem and Challenges of Climate Forecasting and Disaster Responses 被引量:1
作者 Ivan J.Ramírez Fernando Briones 《International Journal of Disaster Risk Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第4期489-492,共4页
This preliminary study examines the definition problem and challenges of climate forecasting and disaster responses associated with the El Nio costero(coastal) of2017, which developed rapidly with no warning and had... This preliminary study examines the definition problem and challenges of climate forecasting and disaster responses associated with the El Nio costero(coastal) of2017, which developed rapidly with no warning and had catastrophic effects in Peru. Such a localized El Nio was not documented since 1925. An initial review suggests that in addition to the characteristics of the event(surprise),government responses may have been inadequate(as media reported) because of conflicting forecast reports(U.S. and Peru), which provoked a hydrometeorological debate and stifled decision making. Partly to blame was the El Nio definition problem, which can cause uncertainty and affect perception of risk, depending on which region of the equatorial Pacific one uses to identify an event. Responses were further complicated by the fact that some regions within Peru were experiencing drought prior to the El Nio costero's onset and impacts from the El Nio 2015–2016 were less than expected. Furthermore, a new government was in place, which may have hindered action. Thus, El Nio costero provides lessons to heed, not only with respect to the forecast information, but also with reference to the context of the forecast and disaster setting, which can influence disaster responses to hydrometeorological threats. 展开更多
关键词 Disaster risk reduction Ecuador El Nio costero El Nio forecast El Nio-Southern Oscillation Peru teleconnections
Climate Change Effect on Winter Temperature and Precipitation of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada from 1943 to 2011 被引量:1
作者 Janelle Laing Jacqueline Binyamin 《American Journal of Climate Change》 2013年第4期275-283,共9页
The correlation of the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), Pacific North American Oscillation (PNA), Arctic Oscillation (AO), and Scandinavia (SCAND) indices with winter (DJF) temperat... The correlation of the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), Pacific North American Oscillation (PNA), Arctic Oscillation (AO), and Scandinavia (SCAND) indices with winter (DJF) temperature and precipitation for the period of 1943 to 2011 was analyzed to study climate change and variability of Yellowknife, NWT. SOI correlated negatively with both temperature (r = -0.14) and precipitation (r = -0.06) causing colder, drier conditions during La Nina and warmer, wetter conditions during El Nino. PDO was shown to have a strong positive correlation with both temperature (r = 0.60) and precipitation (r = 0.33) causing warmer, wetter weather in the positive phase and colder, drier weather in the negative phase. PNA showed the strongest positive correlation for both temperature (r = 0.69) and precipitation (r = 0.37) causing very warm and wet conditions in the positive phase and very cold and dry conditions during the negative phase. AO correlated negatively with temperature (r = -0.04) and positively with precipitation (r = 0.24) causing colder, wetter conditions in the positive phase and warmer, drier conditions in the negative phase. Finally SCAND was shown to have a weak negative correlation with both temperature (r = -0.10) and precipitation (r = -0.18). Sunspot area showed a strong negative correlation (r = -0.30) with temperature and a very weak positive correlation (r = 0.07) with total annual precipitation. Yellowknife’s average annual temperature and precipitation has increased by 2.5°C and 120 mm, respectively throughout the past 69 years. 展开更多
关键词 Yellowknife CLIMATE Change CLIMATE Variability CLIMATE Modes teleconnections ENSO SOI PDO PNA AO SCAND SUNSPOT Area
The Impact of Climate Modes on Summer Temperature and Precipitation of Darwin, Australia, 1870-2011 被引量:1
作者 Cameron Hunter Jacqueline Binyamin 《Atmospheric and Climate Sciences》 2012年第4期562-567,共6页
Monthly mean summer (DJF) temperature and precipitation from Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN-V3) for the period of 1870-2011, are analyzed to assess the role of teleconnections on climate of Darwin, Australia.... Monthly mean summer (DJF) temperature and precipitation from Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN-V3) for the period of 1870-2011, are analyzed to assess the role of teleconnections on climate of Darwin, Australia. Indices of El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Antarctic Oscillation (AAO), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Arctic Oscillation (AO), and Pacific North American Oscillation (PNA) are extracted from monthly means and compared with climatic data of Darwin. Most of these climate modes are shown to have a strong influence on the monthly mean summer temperature and precipitation. ENSO is shown to have a positive relationship with the amount of precipitation received and a negative relationship with the temperature. Where an El Nino event produces warmer drier conditions and a La Nina event produces colder wetter conditions. The AAO is shown to cause cold and dry conditions during the positive phase and warm and wet conditions during the negative phase. The PDO is shown to cause El Nino like condition during the positive phase causing warmer, drier weather, and La Nina like conditions during the negative phase causing cooler, wetter weather. Through the analysis it is also shown that the NAO, AO, and PNA have little effect on the temperature and precipitation patterns of Darwin. 展开更多
关键词 CLIMATE Modes teleconnections CLIMATE of DARWIN CLIMATE Change CLIMATE Variability ENSO AAO PDO
Kernel Density Estimation of Tropical Cyclone Frequencies in the North Atlantic Basin 被引量:1
作者 Timothy A. Joyner Robert V. Rohli 《International Journal of Geosciences》 2010年第3期121-129,共9页
Previous research has identified specific areas of frequent tropical cyclone activity in the North Atlantic basin. This study examines long-term and decadal spatio-temporal patterns of Atlantic tropical cyclone freque... Previous research has identified specific areas of frequent tropical cyclone activity in the North Atlantic basin. This study examines long-term and decadal spatio-temporal patterns of Atlantic tropical cyclone frequencies from 1944 to 2009, and analyzes categorical and decadal centroid patterns using kernel density estimation (KDE) and centrographic statistics. Results corroborate previous research which has suggested that the Bermuda-Azores anticyclone plays an integral role in the direction of tropical cyclone tracks. Other teleconnections such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) may also have an impact on tropical cyclone tracks, but at a different temporal resolution. Results expand on existing knowledge of the spatial trends of tropical cyclones based on storm category and time through the use of spatial statistics. Overall, location of peak frequency varies by tropical cyclone category, with stronger storms being more concentrated in narrow regions of the southern Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, while weaker storms occur in a much larger area that encompasses much of the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and Atlantic Ocean off of the east coast of the United States. Additionally, the decadal centroids of tropical cyclone tracks have oscillated over a large area of the Atlantic Ocean for much of recorded history. Data collected since 1944 can be analyzed confidently to reveal these patterns. 展开更多
关键词 ATLANTIC Tropical Cyclone Frequencies Decadal Centroid Patterns Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) Centrographic Statistics Bermuda-Azores ANTICYCLONE teleconnections
Teleconnections between Ocean-Atmosphere Coupled Phenomenon and Droughts in Tigray Region: Northern Ethiopia
作者 Moges Molla 《American Journal of Climate Change》 2020年第3期274-296,共23页
Existing limited understanding on the teleconnections between ocean-atmosphere coupled phenomena and drought occurrences in Ethiopia has been undermining the decisions and interventions related to climate change adapt... Existing limited understanding on the teleconnections between ocean-atmosphere coupled phenomena and drought occurrences in Ethiopia has been undermining the decisions and interventions related to climate change adaptation and mitigation. The two drought indices Standardized Precipitation Index and Reconnaissance Drought Index were used for correlation and lag correlation with global indices El-Nino Southern Oscillation, Oceanic Nino, Indian Ocean Dipole and Pacific Decadal Oscillation. The indices were obtained from their respective database websites of the National Center for Environmental Prediction. Historical EL-Nino and La-Nina years and Ethiopian drought years were collected from literatures. Meteorological data on seasonal mean rainfall, maximum and minimum temperatures from 1916-2016 were collected from Tigray regional meteorology agency. In addition, the Cru/ Model data were collected from KNMI climate explorer. The analysis results the strong correlations of global indices Nino3.4, IOD and PDO with local indices for April to June rainy season while SOI and IOD indices for July-Sep. The positive correlation of indices weakened and/or dislocated the rain-producing components for main rainy season, while those systems enhanced in low rain season. This shows global indices alter rain fall distribution & conveys Meteorological and Agricultural drought. The study revealed that, in addition to El Nino impacts, other events such as PDO, SOI and IOD are important factors for triggering meteorological and agricultural droughts in Tigray region of Ethiopia. This information has multiple implications, among others, improves seasonal forecast to make informed decisions. 展开更多
关键词 teleconnections ENSO IOD PDO SPI RDI
Investigating the Apparent Teleconnection between Cosmic-Ray Muon Flux over Jamaica and Large-Scale Climate Phenomena That Impact the Caribbean
作者 Lawrence Patrick Brown John Charlery Mitko Voutchkov 《Atmospheric and Climate Sciences》 2019年第4期626-649,共24页
The apparent teleconnection between cosmic-ray muon flux over a base point in the Caribbean is discussed against the background of an extensive record of indices representing large-scale climatic phenomena, but limite... The apparent teleconnection between cosmic-ray muon flux over a base point in the Caribbean is discussed against the background of an extensive record of indices representing large-scale climatic phenomena, but limited cosmic-ray muon flux data. Many investigators have shown that large-scale climate phenomena influence sub-seasonal and seasonal climate variability, especially in the northern hemisphere and their impacts on the Caribbean are well documented. These climatic phenomena that impact the Caribbean include, but are not limited to, the El Nino Southern Oscillation, the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation, the North Atlantic Oscillation, and the Arctic Oscillation which is now being investigated. Although strong statistical correlation between variables over non-contiguous regions are not absolute as proof of teleconnections, the correlation strength can be used as an indication of its existence. The data gathered at the Mona Campus of the University of the West Indies, in Jamaica, using a simple QuarkNet 6000 muon detector over the period September 2011 to September 2013, showed an apparent significant relationship with these climatic indices. This suggests that cosmic-ray muon flux might be linked to the behavior of the climate phenomena and therefore can be used as a climate or meteorological index over the Caribbean. 展开更多
关键词 COSMIC-RAY MUON University of the West Indies Mona CLIMATE PHENOMENA teleconnections
Impact of Climate Change and Variability on Wheat and Corn Production in Buenos Aires, Argentina
作者 Maria Pol Jacqueline Binyamin 《American Journal of Climate Change》 2014年第2期145-152,共8页
From the Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN-V3), monthly mean summer (DJF) temperature (1856-2012) and total precipitation (1861-2012) are analyzed in correlation with four climate modes and sunspot number to bet... From the Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN-V3), monthly mean summer (DJF) temperature (1856-2012) and total precipitation (1861-2012) are analyzed in correlation with four climate modes and sunspot number to better understand the role of teleconnections on Buenos Aires’ (Argentina) climate. A general increase in temperature and precipitation was observed. Temperature has increased by about 1.8°C and precipitation has increased by about 300 mm in the past century and a half. Indices of Arctic Oscillation (AO), Pacific North American (PNA), Antarctic Oscillation (AAO), and El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) are evaluated to study their effects on wheat and corn production and export. AO and PNA show strong relationships with precipitation and temperature received. AAO and ENSO show strong negative correlations with precipitation patterns and weak correlations with temperature. Sunspot Number shows a positive correlation with temperature. ENSO phases are strongly linked with the wheat and corn production and export;during El Nino Buenos Aires tends to experience extremely wet summer weather, causing soggy fields and extremely dry summer weather during La Nina causing drought. Both of these conditions result in reducing wheat and corn production and export. 展开更多
关键词 Climate Change of Buenos Aires teleconnections PNA AO SUNSPOT Number AAO ENSO WHEAT Corn Production and Export
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