正向源模型法和反向受体模型法是进行城市PM_(2.5)源解析的2种方法,两者各有所长。该研究应用三维空气质量模型Weather Research and Forecasting Model with Chemistry(WRF-Chem)模型和受体模型Positive Matrix Factorization(PMF),以2...正向源模型法和反向受体模型法是进行城市PM_(2.5)源解析的2种方法,两者各有所长。该研究应用三维空气质量模型Weather Research and Forecasting Model with Chemistry(WRF-Chem)模型和受体模型Positive Matrix Factorization(PMF),以2014年10月为研究时段,分别对邯郸市的细微颗粒物(PM_(2.5))进行源解析。PMF模型的解析结果表明,邯郸市PM_(2.5)来源为二次源30.2%,燃煤源25.4%、金属冶炼源15.1%、机动车源14.4%、扬尘源9.8%,生物质燃烧源5.2%。应用WRF-Chem模型,Brute-Force方法解析出的结果为,在本地源贡献中,工业源贡献了49.0%,民用源11.9%、农业源9.6%、交通源3.8%和电厂源-1.5%(负值由于PM_(2.5)前体物之间的非线性反应所致)。应用源模型对二次成分(SO_4^(2-)、NO_3^-和NH_4^+)进行再解析,结果显示,燃煤源源贡献率最大,达到25.7%,其次分别为农业源(24.0%)、工业源(6.5%)、生物质源(1.8%)和机动车(0.03%)。结合2种方法得出,邯郸市的PM_(2.5)中,本地燃煤源贡献了37.1%,其次分别为金属冶炼源(18.4%)、机动车源(15.1%)、扬尘源(13.3%)、生物质燃烧源(6.2%)。展开更多
Several types of felsic granitoid rocks have been recognized, intrusive in both the mantle and the crustal sequence of the Semail ophiolite. Several models have been proposed for the source of this suite of tonalites,...Several types of felsic granitoid rocks have been recognized, intrusive in both the mantle and the crustal sequence of the Semail ophiolite. Several models have been proposed for the source of this suite of tonalites, granodiorites, trondhjemites intrusions, however their genesis is still not clearly understood.The sampled Dadnah tonalites that intruded in the mantle section of the Semail ophiolite display arctype geochemical characteristics, are high siliceous, low-potassic, metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, enriched in LILE, show positive peaks for Ba, Pb, Eu, negative troughs for U, Ti and occur with low δ^(18)O_(H_2 O), moderate ε_(Sr) and negative eNd values. They have crystallized at temperatures that range from~550 ℃ to ~720 ℃ and pressure ranging from 4.4 kbar to 6.5 kbar. The isotopic ages from our tonalite samples range between 98.6 Ma and 94.9 Ma, slightly older and overlapping with the age of the metamorphic sole. Our field observations, mineralogical, petrological, geochemical, isotopic and melt inclusion data suggest that the Dadnah tonalites formed by partial melting(~10%-15% continuous or ~12% batch partial melting), accumulation of plagioclase, fractional crystallization(~55%-57%), and interaction with their host harzburgites. These tonalites were the end result of partial melting and subsequent contamination and mixing of ~4% oceanic sediments with ~96% oceanic lithosphere from the subducted slab. This MORB-type slab melt composed from ~97% recycled oceanic crust and ~3% of the overlying mantle.We suggest that a possible protolith for these tonalites was the basaltic lavas from the subducted oceanic slab that melted during the initial stages of the supra-subduction zone(SSZ), which was forming synchronously to the spreading ridge axis. The tonalite melts mildly modified due to low degree of mixing and interaction with the overlying lithospheric mantle. Subsequently, the Dadnah tonalites emplaced at the upper part of the mantle sequence of the Semail ophiolite and are g展开更多
文摘正向源模型法和反向受体模型法是进行城市PM_(2.5)源解析的2种方法,两者各有所长。该研究应用三维空气质量模型Weather Research and Forecasting Model with Chemistry(WRF-Chem)模型和受体模型Positive Matrix Factorization(PMF),以2014年10月为研究时段,分别对邯郸市的细微颗粒物(PM_(2.5))进行源解析。PMF模型的解析结果表明,邯郸市PM_(2.5)来源为二次源30.2%,燃煤源25.4%、金属冶炼源15.1%、机动车源14.4%、扬尘源9.8%,生物质燃烧源5.2%。应用WRF-Chem模型,Brute-Force方法解析出的结果为,在本地源贡献中,工业源贡献了49.0%,民用源11.9%、农业源9.6%、交通源3.8%和电厂源-1.5%(负值由于PM_(2.5)前体物之间的非线性反应所致)。应用源模型对二次成分(SO_4^(2-)、NO_3^-和NH_4^+)进行再解析,结果显示,燃煤源源贡献率最大,达到25.7%,其次分别为农业源(24.0%)、工业源(6.5%)、生物质源(1.8%)和机动车(0.03%)。结合2种方法得出,邯郸市的PM_(2.5)中,本地燃煤源贡献了37.1%,其次分别为金属冶炼源(18.4%)、机动车源(15.1%)、扬尘源(13.3%)、生物质燃烧源(6.2%)。
基金part of H.J.'s MSc thesis project (PIPGSTS-16-16)conducted at the Petroleum Institute,UAE.
文摘Several types of felsic granitoid rocks have been recognized, intrusive in both the mantle and the crustal sequence of the Semail ophiolite. Several models have been proposed for the source of this suite of tonalites, granodiorites, trondhjemites intrusions, however their genesis is still not clearly understood.The sampled Dadnah tonalites that intruded in the mantle section of the Semail ophiolite display arctype geochemical characteristics, are high siliceous, low-potassic, metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, enriched in LILE, show positive peaks for Ba, Pb, Eu, negative troughs for U, Ti and occur with low δ^(18)O_(H_2 O), moderate ε_(Sr) and negative eNd values. They have crystallized at temperatures that range from~550 ℃ to ~720 ℃ and pressure ranging from 4.4 kbar to 6.5 kbar. The isotopic ages from our tonalite samples range between 98.6 Ma and 94.9 Ma, slightly older and overlapping with the age of the metamorphic sole. Our field observations, mineralogical, petrological, geochemical, isotopic and melt inclusion data suggest that the Dadnah tonalites formed by partial melting(~10%-15% continuous or ~12% batch partial melting), accumulation of plagioclase, fractional crystallization(~55%-57%), and interaction with their host harzburgites. These tonalites were the end result of partial melting and subsequent contamination and mixing of ~4% oceanic sediments with ~96% oceanic lithosphere from the subducted slab. This MORB-type slab melt composed from ~97% recycled oceanic crust and ~3% of the overlying mantle.We suggest that a possible protolith for these tonalites was the basaltic lavas from the subducted oceanic slab that melted during the initial stages of the supra-subduction zone(SSZ), which was forming synchronously to the spreading ridge axis. The tonalite melts mildly modified due to low degree of mixing and interaction with the overlying lithospheric mantle. Subsequently, the Dadnah tonalites emplaced at the upper part of the mantle sequence of the Semail ophiolite and are g