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Shanghai "Maker" Urban Culture Construction in the Context of Big Cloud Movement
作者 Qunzhen QU 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2016年第12期85-88,共4页
Shanghai should orient its development to becoming a global science and technology innovation center. Now,it plans to launch a strategic research of new round of development in 2050,carry out future urban planning res... Shanghai should orient its development to becoming a global science and technology innovation center. Now,it plans to launch a strategic research of new round of development in 2050,carry out future urban planning research in 2040,and started start the implementation of thirteenth five-year development planning research. In this process,it is required to fully consider the impact of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform,include the construction of global innovation center into the layout of the future development of Shanghai,formulate global scientific and technological innovation center development strategy,and further make clear the leading and support function of scientific and technological innovation to economic and social development of Shanghai. This paper analyzed the relationship between Big Cloud Movement and " Maker",and the necessities for cultivating " Maker" urban culture to building Shanghai global scientific and technological innovation center. On this basis,it elaborated and analyzed how to integrate the Maker Culture into Shanghai urban culture. Finally,it came up with recommendations for establishing Shanghai " Maker" urban culture. 展开更多
关键词 Big Cloud Movement Maker culture shanghai urban culture
“海派文化”的复兴与历史街区的再生——以上海田子坊为例 被引量:1
作者 姚子刚 庞艳 汪洁琼 《住区》 2012年第1期139-144,共6页
关键词 海派文化 复兴 田子坊 历史街区再生
作者 周伟良 《都市文化研究》 2022年第2期250-261,共12页
圣约翰大学纪念坊是一座精巧美观的牌坊,堪称深入表达教育宗旨的罕见宝物与彰显近现代上海都市文化的精品力作。其上镌刻的诸多中文语句及从西文翻译过来的语句意义非凡,但长期以来一直缺乏准确精到的释文。本文在甄别、纠正古代文献中... 圣约翰大学纪念坊是一座精巧美观的牌坊,堪称深入表达教育宗旨的罕见宝物与彰显近现代上海都市文化的精品力作。其上镌刻的诸多中文语句及从西文翻译过来的语句意义非凡,但长期以来一直缺乏准确精到的释文。本文在甄别、纠正古代文献中相关传注的基础上,对其上语句释义作了详尽的考辨,鉴于中西融合是近现代上海都市文化及校园文化的主基调,进而对其上语句中西意蕴的相融与辉映作了细致的阐释。 展开更多
关键词 圣约翰大学 纪念坊 中西融合 上海都市文化
体大思精 宏丽全景——读黄江平的近著《明清上海市镇文化景观研究》
作者 许豪炯 《吕梁学院学报》 2016年第1期45-48,共4页
黄江平的近著《明清上海市镇文化景观研究》厚重、翔实、完备,风格独特、卓尔不群,出类拔萃。作者运用文化景观理论阐释市镇文化,全面展现了上海市镇文化景观的丰富内涵。该书是多学科综合研究的硕果,它以市镇文化景观为研究标的,资料... 黄江平的近著《明清上海市镇文化景观研究》厚重、翔实、完备,风格独特、卓尔不群,出类拔萃。作者运用文化景观理论阐释市镇文化,全面展现了上海市镇文化景观的丰富内涵。该书是多学科综合研究的硕果,它以市镇文化景观为研究标的,资料极其翔实、丰富、扎实。该书研究和论述上海市镇文化景观,尽可能做到物质形态的市镇文化景观与非物质形态的市镇文化景观并重,两全其美,相得益彰。该书还开展了对上海市镇文化景观的现实应用研究,即文化景观的实践性研究,这就使该书具有了"经世致用"的价值和意义。 展开更多
关键词 明清 上海市镇 文化景观
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