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森林萌生更新研究进展 被引量:59
作者 朱万泽 王金锡 +1 位作者 罗成荣 段学梅 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第9期74-82,共9页
关键词 萌生更新 生理生态机理 持续生态位 干扰
秦岭山地锐齿栎次生林幼苗更新特征 被引量:43
作者 康冰 王得祥 +3 位作者 李刚 高妍夏 张莹 杜焰玲 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期2738-2747,共10页
分析了秦岭山地锐齿栎次生林群落乔木及木本幼苗物种特征值、更新生态位宽度及不同影响因子下(包括林分密度、坡向、海拔等)乔木的更新动态。结果表明,乔木层物种有25种,锐齿栎占有明显的优势,重要值为149.18%;其次为华山松(Pinus arman... 分析了秦岭山地锐齿栎次生林群落乔木及木本幼苗物种特征值、更新生态位宽度及不同影响因子下(包括林分密度、坡向、海拔等)乔木的更新动态。结果表明,乔木层物种有25种,锐齿栎占有明显的优势,重要值为149.18%;其次为华山松(Pinus armandii)和千斤榆(Carpinus cordata)等。更新层共有木本植物41种,其中乔木种有28种,占所有木本植物总数量的68%,优势种有青蛙皮槭(Acer grosseri)、木姜子(Litsea pungens)等。林下有丰富的幼苗库,更新方式以实生为主;分析了10种更新优势乔木种群的生态位宽度,同种幼树种群生态位宽度均大于幼苗种群生态位宽度。幼苗种群生态位宽度从大到小依次为榛子(Corylus heterophylla)、锐齿栎、青蛙皮槭等。幼树种群生态位宽度从大到小依次为榛子、青蛙皮槭、锐齿栎等;林分密度对林下乔木幼苗和幼树数量影响不同。当林分密度从720增加到1460株/hm2时,幼苗密度逐渐增大。随后随着林分密度的增加,又呈现出减少的趋势。而幼树密度随着林分密度增加一直呈现出减少的趋势。坡向对锐齿栎次生林林下乔木幼苗和幼树的影响各异,阳坡(南偏西3°)均利于幼苗和幼树的更新。南偏西45°林分内,幼苗密度急剧减少。随着坡向转为阴坡,幼苗密度又逐渐增加。而幼树密度逐渐减少。当海拔从1083 m增加到1547 m时,幼树密度逐渐增加。随后,随着海拔增加到1882m,幼树密度则逐渐减小。而幼苗密度随着海拔的增高一直呈现减小的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 秦岭山地 锐齿栎次生林 更新特征 更新生态位 林分密度 环境因子
以态势理论为基础的更新生态位测度研究 被引量:19
作者 王莹莹 左金淼 刘家冈 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期20-24,共5页
根据朱春全提出的态势理论对更新生态位宽度和更新生态位重叠公式进行改进,分别以林隙大乔木和小径木的生态位作为更新生态位的态和势来计算动态的森林更新生态位。通过对长白山阔叶红松林固定样地林隙更新的调查,分析了林隙内主要树种... 根据朱春全提出的态势理论对更新生态位宽度和更新生态位重叠公式进行改进,分别以林隙大乔木和小径木的生态位作为更新生态位的态和势来计算动态的森林更新生态位。通过对长白山阔叶红松林固定样地林隙更新的调查,分析了林隙内主要树种的数量特征,研究了其更新生态位宽度及重叠的特征。结果表明:此改进公式不但保证了其数学上逻辑的一致性,同时增加了生态学的解释意义,提高了更新生态位测度的精确度。 展开更多
关键词 林隙 更新生态位 阔叶红松林 长白山
戴云山黄山松群落主要树种更新生态位研究 被引量:19
作者 朱德煌 刘金福 +4 位作者 洪伟 郑世群 何中声 徐道炜 李文周 《热带亚热带植物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期561-565,共5页
为探讨戴云山黄山松(Pinus taiwanensis)群落的分化与动态更新,采用改进的更新生态位宽度和更新生态位重叠公式研究黄山松群落主要树种的更新生态位。结果表明,不同物种对空间资源的利用存在差异,不同物种具有不同的更新生态位宽度,物... 为探讨戴云山黄山松(Pinus taiwanensis)群落的分化与动态更新,采用改进的更新生态位宽度和更新生态位重叠公式研究黄山松群落主要树种的更新生态位。结果表明,不同物种对空间资源的利用存在差异,不同物种具有不同的更新生态位宽度,物种间的更新生态位重叠值也不同。在群落乔木层,黄山松的更新生态宽度最大,因此,黄山松在群落中占优势地位。黄山松与其它物种的更新生态位重叠值为0.1~0.39,表明黄山松与其它树种存在共用资源利用谱。黄山松与窄基红褐柃(Euryarubiginosa)和短尾越桔(Vaccinium carlesii)的更新生态位重叠值较大,与这些物种的竞争和排斥作用明显,不利于黄山松幼苗和幼树更新,因此建议采用人工抚育措施并加强保护,提高黄山松幼苗和幼树的成活率,使群落处于稳定状态。 展开更多
关键词 戴云山 黄山松 更新生态位
福建三明栲类次生林主要树种更新生态位研究 被引量:15
作者 周洋 郑小贤 +1 位作者 王琦 刘晓玥 《西北林学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期84-88,共5页
福建三明将乐林场栲类次生林是1958年皆伐后经过自然演替恢复的林分,采用改进的更新生态位宽度和更新生态位重叠计算公式,结合态势理论,以幼苗层、幼树层、小树层、大树层中重要值较高的10个主要树种进行更新生态位研究。结果表明,主要... 福建三明将乐林场栲类次生林是1958年皆伐后经过自然演替恢复的林分,采用改进的更新生态位宽度和更新生态位重叠计算公式,结合态势理论,以幼苗层、幼树层、小树层、大树层中重要值较高的10个主要树种进行更新生态位研究。结果表明,主要树种栲树的重要值最大,更新生态位宽度也最大,处于优势地位。木荷、苦槠、青冈具有较大的更新生态位宽度,幼苗、幼树适应能力较强,是栲树的主要伴生树种;甜槠、黄樟更新生态位宽度值较小,林内幼苗幼树较少,是群落中的衰退树种;杉木在郁闭状态下难以自然更新,是逐步被替代的树种;拟赤杨在幼苗层和幼树层的更新生态位宽度较低,在竞争中处于弱势,应采取人工抚育措施,促进拟赤杨幼苗幼树的天然更新。 展开更多
关键词 栲树 更新生态位 重要值 次生林
人工针叶群落中水曲柳种群发生发展特点的研究 被引量:10
作者 沈海龙 丁宝永 +4 位作者 夏辛畅 王录 刘强 罗传文 李殷英 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1991年第S1期182-190,共9页
通过对水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica)在红松(Pinus koraiensis)、樟子松(Pinus sylvestris Var.mongolica)、落叶松(Larix gmelini)人工林下的天然更新状况的调查分析,对其种群在人工针叶群落下发生发展特点做了比较详细的讨论。(1)在... 通过对水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica)在红松(Pinus koraiensis)、樟子松(Pinus sylvestris Var.mongolica)、落叶松(Larix gmelini)人工林下的天然更新状况的调查分析,对其种群在人工针叶群落下发生发展特点做了比较详细的讨论。(1)在土壤水分条件比较适中的人工针叶群落中,只要在70m范围内有水曲柳种源存在,就能发生水曲柳天然更新种群。(2)现实人工针叶群落中天然发生的水曲柳种群年龄结构、空间结构(包括垂直分层和水平分布)及高生长状况都比较合理,能正常生长发育,进入主林层,与上层林木共同构成人工天然针阔混交林。此外,还对人工针叶群落中水曲柳天然更新种群生态位做了分析和讨论。 展开更多
关键词 人工针叶群落 水曲柳 天然更新 种群 生态位
林窗对格氏栲天然林更新层物种生态位的影响 被引量:9
作者 何中声 刘金福 +4 位作者 朱德煌 洪伟 郑世群 苏松锦 吴承祯 《广西植物》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期624-629,611,共7页
采用改进更新生态位宽度和更新生态位重叠模型分析林窗干扰对福建三明市格氏栲天然林更新层物种生态位的影响。结果表明:林窗中格氏栲更新生态宽度值大于林下,林窗在促进格氏栲更新过程中具有重要作用。林窗和林下更新生态位宽度最大的... 采用改进更新生态位宽度和更新生态位重叠模型分析林窗干扰对福建三明市格氏栲天然林更新层物种生态位的影响。结果表明:林窗中格氏栲更新生态宽度值大于林下,林窗在促进格氏栲更新过程中具有重要作用。林窗和林下更新生态位宽度最大的为桂北木姜子,其与格氏栲更新生态位重叠值也较大。林窗中的格氏栲与其它物种更新生态位重叠值低于0.6,林窗微生境的异质性导致格氏栲与其它树种间对资源的利用存在明显的共享趋势,促进了物种间共存。林下的格氏栲与木荷、木荚红豆和短尾越桔的更新生态位重叠值均高于0.6,格氏栲与这些物种相互争夺资源与空间,种间竞争较强。格氏栲天然林未来树种组成中,主要由桂北木姜子、木荷、矩圆叶鼠刺与格氏栲等组成的混交群落,整个群落正向物种组成多样化的方向演变。 展开更多
关键词 林窗 格氏栲天然林 更新生态位
Seed Dynamics in Relation to Gaps in a Tropical Montane Rainforest of Hainan Island,South China:(II)Seed Bank 被引量:4
作者 Run-Guo Zang Yi Ding Wei-Yin Zhang 《Journal of Integrative Plant Biology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第5期513-521,共9页
Spatial and temporal patterns of seed bank dynamics in relation to gaps in an old growth tropical montane rainforest of Hainan Island, South China, were studied over two consecutive years. From June 2001 to June 2003,... Spatial and temporal patterns of seed bank dynamics in relation to gaps in an old growth tropical montane rainforest of Hainan Island, South China, were studied over two consecutive years. From June 2001 to June 2003, soil seed bank sampling blocks were taken near each of the four sides of each seed trap and immediately put into a nursery for observation of seedling emergence dynamics in four seasons (each experiment in each season). The abundances of seedlings that emerged from seed banks showed the trend of vine functional group (VFG) 〉 shrub functional group (SFG) 〉 tree functional group (TFG) 〉 herb functional group (HFG), but the trend in species richness of seedlings that emerged from the soil seed banks was TFG 〉 VFG 〉 SFG 〉 HFG. The abundances of seedlings that emerged from seed banks in the three gap zones showed no significant differences, but significant differences did exist for the species richness. The time of sampling or seasons of experiments had significant influences on both the species richness and seedling abundances. The seedling emergence processes of each experiment all revealed the unimodal patterns. Few emergences occurred 1 year after each experiment. Compared with those under closed canopies, the recruitment rates from seed to seedlings and from seedlings to saplings In gaps were higher, but the mortality rates from saplings to big trees were also higher in the gaps. 展开更多
关键词 functional groups gap dynamics Hainan Island regeneration niche seed bank supply-side ecology tropical montane rainforest.
次生林下栽植红松及其调控的研究 被引量:6
作者 李昕 戴洪才 +4 位作者 章依平 郭杏芬 庞亚文 刘海堂 范竹华 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 1993年第4期364-367,共4页
关键词 红松 次生林 生境 森林 生态学
柠条的更新生态位及其与荒漠植被恢复的关系 被引量:4
作者 闫兴富 雷茜 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第19期8257-8259,共3页
更新生态位是一个新的成熟植物个体成功地代替另一个成熟个体所要求的可能生态位,其生活史早期阶段的一系列特点可以作为其更新生态位。对蝶形花科(Papilionaceae),锦鸡儿属(Caragana)落叶灌木柠条(Caraganaspp.)的种子萌发、幼苗生长... 更新生态位是一个新的成熟植物个体成功地代替另一个成熟个体所要求的可能生态位,其生活史早期阶段的一系列特点可以作为其更新生态位。对蝶形花科(Papilionaceae),锦鸡儿属(Caragana)落叶灌木柠条(Caraganaspp.)的种子萌发、幼苗生长、土壤种子库和营养繁殖等更新生态位特征及其与荒漠植被恢复的关系进行了综述,旨在为柠条的繁殖生物学和恢复生态学研究提供更新生态位方面的理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 柠条 更新生态位 种子萌发 幼苗生长 土壤种子库 营养繁殖 荒漠植被恢复
不同更新方式对常绿落叶阔叶混交林迹地主要树种生态位的影响 被引量:4
作者 汤景明 孙拥康 《湖北林业科技》 2017年第4期1-5,10,共6页
运用Shannow-wiener生态位宽度指数和Pianka生态位重叠指数,对常绿落叶阔叶混交林迹地不同更新方式群落主要树种的生态位特征进行了比较研究。结果表明:不同更新方式对常绿落叶阔叶混交林迹地群落主要树种生态位有重要影响。人工更新群... 运用Shannow-wiener生态位宽度指数和Pianka生态位重叠指数,对常绿落叶阔叶混交林迹地不同更新方式群落主要树种的生态位特征进行了比较研究。结果表明:不同更新方式对常绿落叶阔叶混交林迹地群落主要树种生态位有重要影响。人工更新群落中乔木檫木(Sassafras tsumu)虽有最高的生态位,为1.748,但已受林下常绿灌木的挤压,将会变窄。人工促进天然更新群落中檫木生态位为1.671,因受微毛柃(Eurya hebeclados)、短柱柃(Eurya brevistyla)等树种挤压居第三位,群落已向良性方向演替。天然更新群落中乔木层落叶树种大穗鹅耳枥(Carpinus fargesii)最高,为1.667,常绿树种青冈(Cycloblanopsis glauca)的生态位已从人工更新群落中的0.601和人工促进天然更新群落中的1.081上升到1.584,群落中的落叶树种与常绿树种均较大,群落主要树种的生态位结构趋于合理。落叶阔叶树种檫木、光皮桦(Betula luminifera)在天然更新群落中的生态位重叠值较低,分别为0.387和0.292,而常绿阔叶树种青冈则相反,在天然更新群落中的生态位重叠值较高,为0.537。不同更新方式群落中树种生态位宽度及树种间生态位重叠的差异源于人为干扰过程中对非目的树种生态位的压缩与释放程度以及树种间对资源竞争的结果。通过树种间生态位调控可以优化群落结构。 展开更多
关键词 常绿落叶阔叶混交林 次生林 更新方式 生态位 森林经营
Regeneration and activation of liver progenitor cells in liver cirrhosis 被引量:3
作者 Yanze Yin Defu Kong +1 位作者 Kang He Qiang Xia 《Genes & Diseases》 SCIE 2021年第5期623-628,共6页
Cirrhosis is characterized as the progress of regenerative nodules surrounded by fibrous bands in response to chronic hepatic injury and causes portal hypertension and end-stage hepatic disease.Following liver injury,... Cirrhosis is characterized as the progress of regenerative nodules surrounded by fibrous bands in response to chronic hepatic injury and causes portal hypertension and end-stage hepatic disease.Following liver injury,liver progenitor cells(LPCs)can be activated and differentiate into hepatocytes in order to awaken liver regeneration and reach homeosta-sis.Recent research has uncovered some new sources of LPCs.Here,we update the mecha-nisms of LPCs-mediated liver regeneration in cirrhosis by introducing the origin of LPCs and LPCs’niche with a discussion of the influence of LPC-related cells.This article analyzes the mechanism of regeneration and activation of LPCs in cirrhosis in recent years aiming to provide help for clinical application. 展开更多
关键词 ACTIVATION CYTOKINES Extracellular matrix Hepatic stellate cells Liver cirrhosis Liver progenitor cells Liver regeneration niche
The diversity of adult lung epithelial stem cells and their niche in homeostasis and regeneration 被引量:3
作者 Yanxiao Wang Nan Tang 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第12期2045-2059,共15页
The adult lung,a workhorse for gas exchange,is continually subjected to a barrage of assaults from the inhaled particles and pathogens.Hence,homeostatic maintenance is of paramount importance.Epithelial stem cells int... The adult lung,a workhorse for gas exchange,is continually subjected to a barrage of assaults from the inhaled particles and pathogens.Hence,homeostatic maintenance is of paramount importance.Epithelial stem cells interact with their particular niche in the adult lung to orchestrate both natural tissue rejuvenation and robust post-injury regeneration.Advances in single-cell sequencing,lineage tracing,and living tissue imaging have deepened our understanding about stem cell heterogeneities,transition states,and specific cell lineage markers.In this review,we provided an overview of the known stem/progenitor cells and their subpopulations in different regions of the adult lung,and explored the regulatory networks in stem cells and their respective niche which collectively coordinated stem cell quiescence and regeneration states.We finally discussed relationships between dysregulated stem cell function and lung disease. 展开更多
关键词 lung stem cell regeneration niche
影响生物牙根再生的关键因素 被引量:2
作者 范志朋 《中华口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第10期605-609,共5页
牙齿缺失是口腔颌面部的常见病,目前临床的修复方式均为义齿等赝复体修复,很难再现天然牙的组织形态和完整功能,随着干细胞及组织工程技术的不断发展,牙再生将成为未来牙齿缺失的治疗方向.牙根是牙齿作为器官行使功能的基础,在咀嚼过程... 牙齿缺失是口腔颌面部的常见病,目前临床的修复方式均为义齿等赝复体修复,很难再现天然牙的组织形态和完整功能,随着干细胞及组织工程技术的不断发展,牙再生将成为未来牙齿缺失的治疗方向.牙根是牙齿作为器官行使功能的基础,在咀嚼过程中支持牙冠,承载并传导力,因而牙根再生是实现牙齿功能再生的关键.目前对生物牙根的研究已取得初步成效,但生物牙根再生的成功率仍较低,限制了其转化应用,因此生物牙根要想临床转化应用必须提高生物牙根再生的成功率.研究显示诸多因素影响间充质干细胞成牙分化功能,进而影响生物牙根再生的成功率,包括种子细胞来源、支架材料、生长因子及再生微环境等.生物牙根在颌骨中生长,颌骨的骨髓微环境更倾向于诱导干细胞成骨向分化,而干细胞牙向分化的潜能决定了最终牙再生的效果.因此,如何促进干细胞在颌骨微环境中的牙向分化,抑制骨向分化,是提高生物牙根再生成功率的关键. 展开更多
关键词 干细胞 细胞分化 再生 生物牙根 微环境
Natural regeneration of Pinus brutia Ten. in a recreational public forest in Zawita-Kurdistan region, Iraq
作者 Hassan Muhamed Sami Youssef +4 位作者 Ahmed Mustafa Hishyer Suliman Aree Abdulqader Hishyer Mohammed Richard Michalet 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第5期1849-1857,共9页
Zawita natural forest has recently has been subject to mass recreational activities during spring that have denuded large areas of the forest.It was thus essential to assess regeneration before designing optimizing st... Zawita natural forest has recently has been subject to mass recreational activities during spring that have denuded large areas of the forest.It was thus essential to assess regeneration before designing optimizing strategies.To this end,we studied the overstory canopy and microhabitat conditions for recruitment of Pinus brutia Ten in 10 plots(20×25 m)on the southern aspects where the Zawita natural forest is still present.In total,1540 regenerating P.brutia were recorded,854 seedlings,597 saplings,and 89 trees.Seedlings and saplings were more frequent beyond the canopy than under the canopy of the parent trees.Regeneration requirements differed between seedlings and saplings.The probability of the occurrence of seedlings was negatively correlated with increasing litter depth and increasing soil compaction.The density of saplings only showed a positive significant correlation with increasing slope.The nearest neighbor index showed a trend toward a positive spatial association between understory shrubs with their neighboring seedlings at a mean distance of 1.6 m.Overall,the study highlighted the requirements for seedling regeneration as a relatively open canopy cover,a light understory litter layer,and noncompacted soils.These results are a step towards designing effective management and restoration programs. 展开更多
关键词 FOREST structure LITTER depth regeneration niche Spatial pattern Soil COMPACTION
Update on small intestinal stem cells
作者 Valentina Tesori Maria Ausiliatrice Puglisi +2 位作者 Wanda Lattanzi Giovanni Battista Gasbarrini Antonio Gasbarrini 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2013年第29期4671-4678,共8页
Among somatic stem cells, those residing in the intestine represent a fascinating and poorly explored research field. Particularly, somatic stem cells reside in the small intestine at the level of the crypt base, in a... Among somatic stem cells, those residing in the intestine represent a fascinating and poorly explored research field. Particularly, somatic stem cells reside in the small intestine at the level of the crypt base, in a constant balance between self-renewal and differentiation. Aim of the present review is to delve into the mechanisms that regulate the delicate equilibrium through which intestinal stem cells orchestrate intestinal architecture. To this aim, special focus will be addressed to identify the integrating signals from the surrounding niche, supporting a model whereby distinct cell populations facilitate homeostatic vs injury-induced regeneration. 展开更多
关键词 INTESTINAL stem cells ORGANOIDS INTESTINAL regeneration LGR5 niche
更新生态位及物种共存研究进展 被引量:1
作者 闫兴富 曹敏 《福建林业科技》 北大核心 2007年第4期248-252,269,共6页
更新生态位是一个新成熟个体成功代替另一个成熟个体所要求的可能生态位,是植物群落中物种共存的潜在机制和影响物种共存的关键因子;物种间能有效地分配生物和非生物资源而实现物种在时间和空间异质性的生境中共存;更新生态位分化表现... 更新生态位是一个新成熟个体成功代替另一个成熟个体所要求的可能生态位,是植物群落中物种共存的潜在机制和影响物种共存的关键因子;物种间能有效地分配生物和非生物资源而实现物种在时间和空间异质性的生境中共存;更新生态位分化表现为群落中共存物种间在较小时空尺度上的多种权衡;虽然共存物种间和种内个体竞争是森林群落物种共存的基本机制,但竞争和更新生态位分化并不矛盾,二者在不同的时空尺度上相互作用共同实现物种共存。 展开更多
关键词 更新生态位 物种共存 权衡 竞争
The perivascular niche of endometrial mesenchymal stromal/stem-like cells
作者 Rachel W.S.Chan Tian-Qi Li +2 位作者 Si-Si Zhang Yuan Fang Jing-Wen Xu 《Reproductive and Developmental Medicine》 CSCD 2022年第4期208-214,共7页
Human endometrium is a unique adult tissue that undergoes cyclical shedding,repair,and regeneration during a woman’s reproductive life.Over the past 2 decades,tremendous progress has been made towards the identificat... Human endometrium is a unique adult tissue that undergoes cyclical shedding,repair,and regeneration during a woman’s reproductive life.Over the past 2 decades,tremendous progress has been made towards the identification and characterization of endometrial stromal stem/progenitor cells.The substantial regeneration of vascularized stroma in the endometrium during the proliferative stages of each menstrual cycle is likely to be mediated by endometrial mesenchymal stromal/stem cells.This review focuses on the perivascular niche for CD140b^(+)CD146^(+)pericytes and SUSD2^(+)perivascular cells.The identity,characteristics,and underlying mechanisms of uterine regeneration are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 ENDOMETRIUM regeneration Stem/progenitor cells Stem cell niche
Effects of stand features and soil enzyme activity on spontaneous pedunculate oak regeneration in Scots pine dominated stands – implication for forest management
作者 Dobrowolska Dorota Kurek Przemysław +1 位作者 Olszowska Grażyna Leszek Bolibok 《Forest Ecosystems》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第3期566-582,共17页
Background:A challenge in current forestry is adaptation of managed forests to climate change,which is likely to alter the main processes of forest dynamics,i.e.natural regeneration.Scots pine will probably lose some ... Background:A challenge in current forestry is adaptation of managed forests to climate change,which is likely to alter the main processes of forest dynamics,i.e.natural regeneration.Scots pine will probably lose some parts of its distribution area in Europe.However,two native oaks,pedunculate and sessile may maintain or expand the area of their occurrence in central Europe.The utilization of spontaneous(not initialized by foresters)oak regeneration in Scots pine stands for the creation of next generation stands is one of the adaptation methods to climate change.Many factors influencing pedunculate oak regeneration are well known,but there is a lack of knowledge on the relation between soil enzyme activity and the establishment and development of the species.The aim of the study was to identify the relationships among stand characteristics,herb species composition,soil enzyme activity and the establishment or recruitment of oak regeneration in Scots pine-dominated stands.Results:The one of the most influential factors shaping the oak seedling count was dehydrogenase activity in the humus horizon.We found that plots without litter and fern cover had higher seedling density.The raspberry ground cover and birch crown projection area had a positive influence on oak seedling number.The factor indicating good conditions for high density of oak saplings was phosphatase activity in the organic horizon.The same enzyme activity but in humus horizon described conditions in which more numerous recruits were observed.Conclusions:The activity of soil enzymes can be used as the predictor of the establishment and advancement of oak regeneration but also could be seen as a new dimension of oak regeneration.The general density of spontaneous oak regeneration was not sufficient for the creation of new generation forest stands dominated by oak,but it is possible to use them as admixtures in new generation stands. 展开更多
关键词 Forest stand conversion Spontaneous regeneration regeneration niche DEHYDROGENASE PHOSPHATASE
Natural regeneration dynamics of three dry deciduous forest species in Chacocente Wildlife Reserve, Nicaragua
作者 Guillermo Castro Marin Mulualem Tigabu +1 位作者 Benigno Gonzalez Rivas Per Christer Oden 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第1期1-6,共6页
A study was conducted to examine the natural regeneration of three dry forest species, Lysiloma divaricatum (Jacq.), Tabebuia ochracea (Cham.) and Lonchocarpus minimiflorus (Donn. Sin.) over a three-year period ... A study was conducted to examine the natural regeneration of three dry forest species, Lysiloma divaricatum (Jacq.), Tabebuia ochracea (Cham.) and Lonchocarpus minimiflorus (Donn. Sin.) over a three-year period and to analyze heterogeneity of regeneration in relationship to topographic slope and incidence of light in Chacocente Wildlife Reserve in Nicaragua. Permanent sample plots were established in 2001, and all individuals with height as low as 10 cm and diameter as large as 10 cm were recorded for three consecutive years from 2001 to 2003. The results show that the density of naturally regenerated individuals varied significantly among species, as well as over time. L. minimiflorus and T. ochracea had higher densities compared with L. divaricatum, and the net change in population density was slightly positive for T. ochracea only. Regeneration was more abundant in the gentle and steep slopes under partial exposure of the crown to sunlight, thus resulting in aggregated pattern of distribution, especially for L. minimiflorus and T. ochracea. We concluded that natural regeneration alone is not sufficient to maintain the desired number of stocks of these species, and an immediate restoration measure should be taken to assist the natural regeneration process. 展开更多
关键词 Central America MORTALITY regeneration niche spatial pattern dry forest
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