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计算机科学哲学的核心理念 被引量:4
作者 桂起权 任晓明 《淮阴师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2010年第1期13-19,共7页
毕达哥拉斯主义的基本精神,正是追求宇宙的数学和谐性的思想,它能成功地引导科学家使用数学语言、公式来刻画物理世界的内在奥秘,这是与当今流行的"计算主义"相互呼应的。另一方面,按照系统科学模式重新理解的目的论自然观,... 毕达哥拉斯主义的基本精神,正是追求宇宙的数学和谐性的思想,它能成功地引导科学家使用数学语言、公式来刻画物理世界的内在奥秘,这是与当今流行的"计算主义"相互呼应的。另一方面,按照系统科学模式重新理解的目的论自然观,则能提供从生物自然界、人工生命到自组织的宇宙的合理解释。毕达哥拉斯主义与目的论自然观的整合,将构成计算机科学哲学的核心理念。 展开更多
关键词 计算机科学哲学 毕达哥拉斯主义 计算主义 目的论自然观 自组织宇宙
我们的“物理学哲学研究”的核心理念 被引量:3
作者 桂起权 《科学技术哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期1-7,共7页
1.我们的物理学哲学研究的总纲领,是毕达哥拉斯主义与科学实在论的理念的整合。换句话说,我们相信物理世界的基本结构及其相互作用的奥秘都深藏于数学和谐的规律之中。然而,这并非人为的而是客观世界本身所固有的。2.在本体论上,我们相... 1.我们的物理学哲学研究的总纲领,是毕达哥拉斯主义与科学实在论的理念的整合。换句话说,我们相信物理世界的基本结构及其相互作用的奥秘都深藏于数学和谐的规律之中。然而,这并非人为的而是客观世界本身所固有的。2.在本体论上,我们相信"场的实在论",认为无形无象的场是物理世界的第一性实体。同时承认"关于结构的知识"是认识不可观察实体的必由之路(知识论版本的结构实在论)。3.在因果性观点上,我们主张,作为自组织系统的物理世界,在整体上是由因果律与机遇律共同决定的。4.我们持有多元主义方法论观点,认为从不同视角看,多种量子力学解释各有其合理性。 展开更多
关键词 物理学哲学研究 毕达哥拉斯主义 科学实在论 场的本体论 多元主义方法论
物理学史上的毕达哥拉斯主义研究传统 被引量:1
作者 桂起权 《洛阳师范学院学报》 2005年第4期8-12,共5页
在科学哲学中,毕达哥拉斯主义的要旨是认为物理世界的奥秘在于数学和谐或基本对称性。通过科学史的考察表明,这一思想不仅对近代天体力学中行星运动定律的发现有决定性意义,而且对理解现代原子光谱学、相对论、规范场论和粒子物理学等... 在科学哲学中,毕达哥拉斯主义的要旨是认为物理世界的奥秘在于数学和谐或基本对称性。通过科学史的考察表明,这一思想不仅对近代天体力学中行星运动定律的发现有决定性意义,而且对理解现代原子光谱学、相对论、规范场论和粒子物理学等都有启示价值。 展开更多
关键词 毕达哥拉斯主义 数学和谐 基本对称性 物理学
作者 吴家桂 魏德胜 《合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第5期77-80,共4页
古希腊的毕达哥拉斯学派提出了丰富的数的理论与和谐思想。近代科学家在他们的思想影响下,努力探求自然的数学关系与和谐性。文章通过从哥白尼到牛顿的天文学思想的论述,力图探求毕达哥拉斯学派对天文学的影响,以期寻找这些科学家的思... 古希腊的毕达哥拉斯学派提出了丰富的数的理论与和谐思想。近代科学家在他们的思想影响下,努力探求自然的数学关系与和谐性。文章通过从哥白尼到牛顿的天文学思想的论述,力图探求毕达哥拉斯学派对天文学的影响,以期寻找这些科学家的思想渊源。 展开更多
关键词 毕达哥拉斯主义 数的理论 和谐 近代天文学
正义与数——重思《理想国》中克法洛斯父子的正义观 被引量:1
作者 盛传捷 《哲学门》 2020年第2期46-61,共16页
《理想国》中克法洛斯父子的正义观通常被认为是当时普通希腊人的流行观念。本文试图通过亚里士多德和亚历山大的证言来说明这样的解读是不完整的,其实克法洛斯父子的正义观反映了毕达戈拉斯学派的正义观。尽管两者的联系在《理想国》... 《理想国》中克法洛斯父子的正义观通常被认为是当时普通希腊人的流行观念。本文试图通过亚里士多德和亚历山大的证言来说明这样的解读是不完整的,其实克法洛斯父子的正义观反映了毕达戈拉斯学派的正义观。尽管两者的联系在《理想国》中并未被直接言及,但是它们的核心都是“对等回报”原则。柏拉图对毕达戈拉斯学派的正义观并不完全赞同,但在整个《理想国》中他都没有放弃“对等回报”这个原则,反而在许多重要议题上都坚持了这个原则。这也反映出毕达戈拉斯学派的正义观念对《理想国》中苏格拉底的正义观有深远的影响。 展开更多
关键词 正义 《理想国》 毕达戈拉斯学派 对等回报
作者 于志浩 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第2期141-148,共8页
毕达哥拉斯学派是一个具有科学、宗教等多重性质的团体,毕达哥拉斯主义哲学的核心思想是数本原思想,即认为数是万物的本原。因此数作为本原具有两方面特征:一方面通过点线面的途径把握经验世界中有形体的可感事物,另一方面通过数字的象... 毕达哥拉斯学派是一个具有科学、宗教等多重性质的团体,毕达哥拉斯主义哲学的核心思想是数本原思想,即认为数是万物的本原。因此数作为本原具有两方面特征:一方面通过点线面的途径把握经验世界中有形体的可感事物,另一方面通过数字的象征意义来把握无形体的抽象事物。数本原思想的提出是要解决此前米利都哲学用物质性本原无法解释抽象事物的困境,但由于毕达哥拉斯学派不能清晰地区分具象和抽象,导致毕达哥拉斯主义的数还具有物质实在性,这是其自身的历史局限性。但就其进步意义来看,数作为本原正是基于统一于量的规定性,因而成为哲学史发展中衔接经验世界和形而上学之间必不可少的环节。 展开更多
关键词 毕达哥拉斯主义 数本原 本体论 经验世界 形而上学 抽象 具象
作者 李才华 《天中学刊》 2004年第2期14-17,共4页
关键词 相对论 量子论 毕达哥拉斯主义倾向
作者 王恒 《政治思想史》 CSSCI 2022年第1期100-113,199,共15页
通过挖掘莫尔早年对皮科和卢奇安的翻译,以及与伊拉斯谟的交往,分析了文艺复兴时期毕达哥拉斯主义的两种形式。《乌托邦》最明显的三个特征——财产共有、劳动和对科学与技术的热情——就是这两种毕达哥拉斯主义的结合。对乌托邦宪制的... 通过挖掘莫尔早年对皮科和卢奇安的翻译,以及与伊拉斯谟的交往,分析了文艺复兴时期毕达哥拉斯主义的两种形式。《乌托邦》最明显的三个特征——财产共有、劳动和对科学与技术的热情——就是这两种毕达哥拉斯主义的结合。对乌托邦宪制的细致分析表明,乌托邦岛本质上是一个异教版的神权政体。此外,通过分析莫尔的两次人生选择,指出了不能把希斯拉德的观点等同于莫尔的观点,莫尔的真正贡献在于发展了一种天主教版的入世禁欲主义。 展开更多
关键词 莫尔 《乌托邦》 毕达哥拉斯主义 入世禁欲主义
A Remark on Jesmanowicz' Conjecture for the Non-coprimality Case 被引量:12
作者 Takafumi MIYAZAKI 《Acta Mathematica Sinica,English Series》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第8期1255-1260,共6页
Let a, b, c be relatively prime positive integers such that a^2+ b^2= c^2. Jesmanowicz'conjecture on Pythagorean numbers states that for any positive integer N, the Diophantine equation(aN)x+(b N)y=(cN)zhas n... Let a, b, c be relatively prime positive integers such that a^2+ b^2= c^2. Jesmanowicz'conjecture on Pythagorean numbers states that for any positive integer N, the Diophantine equation(aN)x+(b N)y=(cN)zhas no positive solution(x, y, z) other than x = y = z = 2. In this paper, we prove this conjecture for the case that a or b is a power of 2. 展开更多
关键词 Diophantine equation pythagorean numbers Jesmanowicz' conjecture
A Dynamic Emergency Decision-Making Method Based on Group Decision Making with Uncertainty Information 被引量:7
作者 Jing Zheng Yingming Wang +1 位作者 Kai Zhang Juan Liang 《International Journal of Disaster Risk Science》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第5期667-679,共13页
In emergency decision making(EDM),it is necessary to generate an effective alternative quickly.Case-based reasoning(CBR)has been applied to EDM;however,choosing the most suitable case from a set of similar cases after... In emergency decision making(EDM),it is necessary to generate an effective alternative quickly.Case-based reasoning(CBR)has been applied to EDM;however,choosing the most suitable case from a set of similar cases after case retrieval remains challenging.This study proposes a dynamic method based on case retrieval and group decision making(GDM),called dynamic casebased reasoning group decision making(CBRGDM),for emergency alternative generation.In the proposed method,first,similar historical cases are identified through case similarity measurement.Then,evaluation information provided by group decision makers for similar cases is aggregated based on regret theory,and comprehensive perceived utilities for the similar cases are obtained.Finally,the most suitable historical case is obtained from the case similarities and the comprehensive perceived utilities for similar historical cases.The method is then applied to an example of a gas explosion in a coal company in China.The results show that the proposed method is feasible and effective in EDM.The advantages of the proposed method are verified based on comparisons with existing methods.In particular,dynamic CBRGDM can adjust the emergency alternative according to changing emergencies.The results of application of dynamic CBRGDM to a gas explosion and comparison with existing methods verify its feasibility and practicability. 展开更多
关键词 Case-based reasoning Dynamic emergency decision making Group decision making Intervalvalued pythagorean fuzzy linguistic variable(IVPFLV)Regret theory
Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Support System for the Best Anti-Aging Treatment Selection Process through Normal Wiggly Hesitant Fuzzy Sets
作者 Daekook Kang Ramya Lakshmanaraj +5 位作者 Samayan Narayanamoorthy Navaneethakrishnan Suganthi Keerthana Devi Samayan Kalaiselvan Ranganathan Saraswathy Dragan Pamucar Vladimir Simic 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第9期4947-4972,共26页
This socialized environment among educated and developed people causes themto focusmore on their appearance and health,which turns them towards medical-related treatments,leading us to discuss anti-aging treatment met... This socialized environment among educated and developed people causes themto focusmore on their appearance and health,which turns them towards medical-related treatments,leading us to discuss anti-aging treatment methods for each age group,particularly for urban people who are interested in this.Some anti-aging therapies are used to address the alterations brought on by aging in human life without the need for surgery or negative effects.Five anti-aging therapies such as microdermabrasion or dermabrasion,laser resurfacing anti-aging skin treatments,chemical peels,dermal fillers for aged skin,and botox injections are considered in this study.Based on the criteria of safety risk,investment cost,customer happiness,and side effects,the optimal alternative is picked.As a result,a NormalWiggly Hesitant Pythagorean Fuzzy Set(NWHPFS)is constructed and used in Multi-Criteria Decision-Making(MCDM)using traditional wavy mathematical approaches.The entropy approach is utilized to determine weight values,and the Normal Wiggly Hesitant Pythagorean-VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje(NWHPF-VIKOR)method is utilized to rank alternatives using MCDM methodologies.Sensitivity analysis and comparative analysis were performed to ensure the robustness and reliability of the proposed method.The smart final choice will undoubtedly assist Decision Makers(DM)in making the right judgments,and the MCDM approach will undoubtedly assist individuals in understanding the medicine. 展开更多
关键词 Normal wiggly hesitant pythagorean fuzzy set hesitant pythagorean fuzzy set anti-aging treatment entropy VIse Kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje
Three- and Four-Dimensional Generalized Pythagorean Numbers
作者 Alfred Wünsche 《Advances in Pure Mathematics》 2024年第1期1-15,共15页
The Pythagorean triples (a, b | c) of planar geometry which satisfy the equation a<sup>2</sup>+b<sup>2</sup>=c<sup>2</sup> with integers (a, b, c) are generalized to 3D-Pythagorean ... The Pythagorean triples (a, b | c) of planar geometry which satisfy the equation a<sup>2</sup>+b<sup>2</sup>=c<sup>2</sup> with integers (a, b, c) are generalized to 3D-Pythagorean quadruples (a, b, c | d) of spatial geometry which satisfy the equation a<sup>2</sup>+b<sup>2</sup>+c<sup>2</sup>=d<sup>2</sup> with integers (a, b, c, d). Rules for a parametrization of the numbers (a, b, c, d) are derived and a list of all possible nonequivalent cases without common divisors up to d<sup>2</sup> is established. The 3D-Pythagorean quadruples are then generalized to 4D-Pythagorean quintuples (a, b, c, d | e) which satisfy the equation a<sup>2</sup>+b<sup>2</sup>+c<sup>2</sup>+d<sup>2</sup>=e<sup>2</sup> and a parametrization is derived. Relations to the 4-square identity are discussed which leads also to the N-dimensional case. The initial 3D- and 4D-Pythagorean numbers are explicitly calculated up to d<sup>2</sup>, respectively, e<sup>2</sup>. 展开更多
关键词 Number Theory pythagorean Triples Tesseract 4-Square Identity Diophantine Equation
若瑟·阿米奥和启蒙运动时期对毕达哥拉斯定律法起源的讨论 被引量:6
作者 吉姆.列维 阎铭 冯文慈 《中国音乐学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1989年第2期124-142,共19页
18世纪的法国传教士若瑟·玛利·阿米奥(Joseph Maric Amiot),是民族音乐学历史中真正的先驱,是第一位全面写作有关中国音乐的权威性文章的欧洲人。他不仅是一位天才的音乐家,在北京居住的那些年代里,他对中国音乐文献研究之深... 18世纪的法国传教士若瑟·玛利·阿米奥(Joseph Maric Amiot),是民族音乐学历史中真正的先驱,是第一位全面写作有关中国音乐的权威性文章的欧洲人。他不仅是一位天才的音乐家,在北京居住的那些年代里,他对中国音乐文献研究之深,在外国人士中也是史无前例的。他的著作曾立即产生持久的影响,这在以后研究中国音乐的学术界中是显而易见的。 阿米奥研究中国音乐的主要著作《论中国古代和现代音乐》(Mémoire sar la musique des Chinois, tant anciens quc modernes),1779年在巴黎出版,1780年重印。他的一些其它短小文章也付印过,但还有许多并没有出版,其中就包括一篇对上述著作的补遗。在这篇补遗中,他提供了新的材料,并且答复了法国评论家们对他的评论。 本文旨在重点论述阿米奥在古代文化中关于毕达哥拉斯定律法(Pythagorean tuning)起源的争论中的作用。这场争论是由于让——菲力普·拉莫(Jean—Philippe Rameau)在《实用音乐辞典》(Code de musique practique)中,以阿米奥早期手稿为依据,错误地描绘了中国古代定律法所引起的。后来,其他18世纪认为毕达哥拉斯定律法起源于希腊、埃 及和中国的理论家让——亚克·卢梭(Jean—Jacques Rousseau)、德尼斯·狄德罗(DenisDiderot)。 展开更多
关键词 毕达哥拉斯 法起源 中国音乐 运动时 启蒙 民族音乐学 中国古代 pythagorean 音乐体系 现代音乐
A Synergistic Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Method for Educational Institutions Evaluation Using Similarity Measures of Possibility Pythagorean Fuzzy Hypersoft Sets
作者 Khuram Ali Khan Saba Mubeen Ishfaq +1 位作者 Atiqe Ur Rahman Salwa El-Morsy 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2025年第1期501-530,共30页
Due to the numerous variables to take into account as well as the inherent ambiguity and uncertainty,evaluating educational institutions can be difficult.The concept of a possibility Pythagorean fuzzy hypersoft set(pP... Due to the numerous variables to take into account as well as the inherent ambiguity and uncertainty,evaluating educational institutions can be difficult.The concept of a possibility Pythagorean fuzzy hypersoft set(pPyFHSS)is more flexible in this regard than other theoretical fuzzy set-like models,even though some attempts have been made in the literature to address such uncertainties.This study investigates the elementary notions of pPyFHSS including its set-theoretic operations union,intersection,complement,OR-and AND-operations.Some results related to these operations are also modified for pPyFHSS.Additionally,the similarity measures between pPyFHSSs are formulated with the assistance of numerical examples and results.Lastly,an intelligent decision-assisted mechanism is developed with the proposal of a robust algorithm based on similarity measures for solving multi-attribute decision-making(MADM)problems.A case study that helps the decision-makers assess the best educational institution is discussed to validate the suggested system.The algorithmic results are compared with the most pertinent model to evaluate the adaptability of pPyFHSS,as it generalizes the classical possibility fuzzy set-like theoretical models.Similarly,while considering significant evaluating factors,the flexibility of pPyFHSS is observed through structural comparison. 展开更多
关键词 Hypersoft set pythagorean fuzzy hypersoft set computational complexity multi-attribute decision-making optimization similarity measures uncertainty
Pythagorean Bézier速端曲线及其等距线 被引量:1
作者 韩西安 叶正麟 黄希利 《计算数学》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期27-36,共10页
The Pythagorean Bézier hodograph curves are Bézier curves {x(t), y(t)}, whose hodograph (first-order parametric derivative) components satisfy the Phythagorean condition x’2(t) +y’2(t) = σ’(t) for some p... The Pythagorean Bézier hodograph curves are Bézier curves {x(t), y(t)}, whose hodograph (first-order parametric derivative) components satisfy the Phythagorean condition x’2(t) +y’2(t) = σ’(t) for some polynomial σ(t). For nth degree PB curve (n is odd), its offset curve is represented by rational Bézier curve with (2n - 1)th degree and arc length by polynomial. Specially, the properties of cubic PB curve are studied, its geometric features are discussed and its quasi-Hermite interpolating curve and GC1 composite cubic PB curve are also constructed. 展开更多
关键词 几何造型 几何连续 pythagorean Bezier速端曲线
Pythagorean Uncertain Linguistic Variable Hamy Mean Operator and Its Application to Multi-attribute Group Decision Making 被引量:2
作者 Huidong Wang Shifan He +1 位作者 Chengdong Li Xiaohong Pan 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2019年第2期527-539,共13页
Pythagorean fuzzy set(PFS) can provide more flexibility than intuitionistic fuzzy set(IFS) for handling uncertain information, and PFS has been increasingly used in multi-attribute decision making problems. This paper... Pythagorean fuzzy set(PFS) can provide more flexibility than intuitionistic fuzzy set(IFS) for handling uncertain information, and PFS has been increasingly used in multi-attribute decision making problems. This paper proposes a new multiattribute group decision making method based on Pythagorean uncertain linguistic variable Hamy mean(PULVHM) operator and VIKOR method. Firstly, we define operation rules and a new aggregation operator of Pythagorean uncertain linguistic variable(PULV) and explore some properties of the operator.Secondly, taking the decision makers' hesitation degree into account, a new score function is defined, and we further develop a new group decision making approach integrated with VIKOR method. Finally, an investment example is demonstrated to elaborate the validity of the proposed method. Sensibility analysis and comprehensive comparisons with another two methods are performed to show the stability and advantage of our method. 展开更多
关键词 Hamy mean(HM) OPERATOR MULTI-ATTRIBUTE group decision making(MAGDM) pythagorean fuzzy set pythagorean UNCERTAIN LINGUISTIC variable
Pythagorean hodograph曲线及其应用 被引量:1
作者 唐伟 刘传刚 《制造技术与机床》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第12期64-67,共4页
分析了自由曲线的数控加工对其表示方程的要求,提出了制造型参数曲线的概念,介绍了PythagoreanHodograph(PH)曲线的定义和主要性质。由于PH曲线具有将曲线弧长表示成多项式,将偏置曲线以有理形式表示的能力,可以有效地提高数控插补计算... 分析了自由曲线的数控加工对其表示方程的要求,提出了制造型参数曲线的概念,介绍了PythagoreanHodograph(PH)曲线的定义和主要性质。由于PH曲线具有将曲线弧长表示成多项式,将偏置曲线以有理形式表示的能力,可以有效地提高数控插补计算效率,在高速、高精密数控加工中,它将得到广泛应用。 展开更多
关键词 pythagorean Hodograph曲线 弧长 偏置曲线 数控技术
Pythagorean Fuzzy Einstein Aggregation Operators with Z-Numbers:Application in Complex Decision Aid Systems 被引量:1
作者 Shahzad Noor Abbasi Shahzaib Ashraf +1 位作者 M.Shazib Hameed Sayed M.Eldin 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2023年第12期2795-2844,共50页
The primary goal of this research is to determine the optimal agricultural field selection that would most effectively support manufacturing producers in manufacturing production while accounting for unpredictability ... The primary goal of this research is to determine the optimal agricultural field selection that would most effectively support manufacturing producers in manufacturing production while accounting for unpredictability and reliability in their decision-making.The PFS is known to address the levels of participation and non-participation.To begin,we introduce the novel concept of a PFZN,which is a hybrid structure of Pythagorean fuzzy sets and the ZN.The PFZN is graded in terms of membership and non-membership,as well as reliability,which provides a strong advice in real-world decision support concerns.The PFZN is a useful tool for dealing with uncertainty in decision-aid problems.The PFZN is a practical way for dealing with such uncertainties in decision-aid problems.The list of aggregation operators:PFZN Einstein weighted averaging and PFZN Einstein weighted geometric,is established under the novel Pythagorean fuzzy ZNs.It is a more precise mathematical instrument for dealing with precision and uncertainty.The core of this research is to develop a numerical algorithmto tackle the uncertainty in real-life problems using PFZNs.To show the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm,we illustrate the numerical case study related to determining the optimal agricultural field.The main purpose of this work is to describe the extended EDAS approach,then compare the proposed methodology with many other methodologies now in use,and then demonstrate how the suggested methodology may be applied to real-world problems.In addition,the final ranking results that were obtained by the devised techniques weremore efficient and dependable in comparison to the results provided by other methods presented in the literature. 展开更多
关键词 pythagorean fuzzy Z-number Einstein weighted averaging pythagorean fuzzy Z-number Einstein weighted geometric decision making
C^1四次Pythagorean Bézier样条曲线的构造 被引量:1
作者 桂校生 《安庆师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2011年第1期27-30,共4页
根据PH曲线的定义,构造了Bézier形式的四次PH曲线,亦称之四次Pythagorean Bézier速端曲线(PB曲线),研究了四次PB曲线特征性质,构造了它的一阶Hermite插值曲线,得到了C1四次Pythagorean Bézier样条曲线。
关键词 PH曲线 pythagorean Bézier速端曲线(PB曲线) C1四次pythagorean Bézier样条曲线
Einstein Weighted Geometric Operator for Pythagorean Fuzzy Hypersoft with Its Application in Material Selection
作者 Rana Muhammad Zulqarnain Imran Siddique +2 位作者 Rifaqat Ali Fahd Jarad Aiyared Iampan 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2023年第6期2557-2583,共27页
Hypersoft set theory is a most advanced form of soft set theory and an innovative mathematical tool for dealing with unclear complications.Pythagorean fuzzy hypersoft set(PFHSS)is the most influential and capable leew... Hypersoft set theory is a most advanced form of soft set theory and an innovative mathematical tool for dealing with unclear complications.Pythagorean fuzzy hypersoft set(PFHSS)is the most influential and capable leeway of the hypersoft set(HSS)and Pythagorean fuzzy soft set(PFSS).It is also a general form of the intuitionistic fuzzy hypersoft set(IFHSS),which provides a better and more perfect assessment of the decision-making(DM)process.The fundamental objective of this work is to enrich the precision of decision-making.A novel mixed aggregation operator called Pythagorean fuzzy hypersoft Einstein weighted geometric(PFHSEWG)based on Einstein’s operational laws has been developed.Some necessary properties,such as idempotency,boundedness,and homogeneity,have been presented for the anticipated PFHSEWG operator.Multi-criteria decision-making(MCDM)plays an active role in dealing with the complications of manufacturing design for material selection.However,conventional methods of MCDM usually produce inconsistent results.Based on the proposed PFHSEWG operator,a robust MCDM procedure for material selection in manufacturing design is planned to address these inconveniences.The expected MCDM method for material selection(MS)of cryogenic storing vessels has been established in the real world.Significantly,the planned model for handling inaccurate data based on PFHSS is more operative and consistent. 展开更多
关键词 pythagorean fuzzy soft set pythagorean fuzzy hypersoft set pythagorean fuzzy hypersoft Einstein weighted geometric operator(PFHSEWG) MCDM
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