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典型陆相页岩油层系成岩过程中有机质演化对储集性的影响 被引量:32
作者 胡文瑄 姚素平 +3 位作者 陆现彩 吴海光 孙福宁 靳军 《石油与天然气地质》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期947-956,1047,共11页
在简要评述泥页岩层系成岩作用及微纳米孔隙发育特征研究现状基础上,选择渤海湾盆地古近系沙河街组和准噶尔盆地二叠系芦草沟组为实例,围绕陆相富有机质泥页岩层系成岩作用特点及储集空间发育机制进行了分析讨论,重点聚焦于有机质的成岩... 在简要评述泥页岩层系成岩作用及微纳米孔隙发育特征研究现状基础上,选择渤海湾盆地古近系沙河街组和准噶尔盆地二叠系芦草沟组为实例,围绕陆相富有机质泥页岩层系成岩作用特点及储集空间发育机制进行了分析讨论,重点聚焦于有机质的成岩(生烃)演化过程对储集空间发育的影响。结果表明,早成岩作用阶段,随着成岩压实作用的进行,页岩层系孔隙度显著降低,特别是粗介孔向细介孔转化,致使中-细介孔相对增加;至早成岩作用末期和中成岩作用阶段(东营凹陷3000~3700m深度),在有机质早期生烃等作用的影响下,孔隙度出现新的峰值;此后,成岩压实又占主导地位,孔隙度又急剧下降,但酸性流体溶蚀形成的次生孔隙增多,微米级孔隙增加。酸性流体的溶蚀作用在沙河街组已有所显示,但以芦草沟组最为突出,是储集空间形成的主要原因。对芦草沟组主要储集岩的地球化学分析表明,有机碳含量越高的样品,其碳酸盐矿物的δ^13C值越偏负,次生溶蚀孔隙也越发育。因此,富有机质页岩层系的成岩作用与一般泥页岩的成岩作用有显著差异,生烃作用形成的有机酸和酸性CO2等对储层的溶蚀改造和优化具有重要意义,是控制页岩油“甜点”发育的主要因素之一。 展开更多
关键词 有机质 成岩作用 储集空间 陆相 页岩层系 页岩油
物质空间层次宇宙模型 被引量:16
作者 殷业 《吉林师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2010年第1期23-26,29,共5页
新的科学方法是产生新思想、新理论的源泉.康德在1755年、拉普拉斯在1796年就预言了在1923年才由哈勃证实的河外星系的存在.如果将康德、拉普拉斯思考问题所使用的方法进行归纳,就可得到一种新的科学研究方法,将这种方法应用于新宇宙模... 新的科学方法是产生新思想、新理论的源泉.康德在1755年、拉普拉斯在1796年就预言了在1923年才由哈勃证实的河外星系的存在.如果将康德、拉普拉斯思考问题所使用的方法进行归纳,就可得到一种新的科学研究方法,将这种方法应用于新宇宙模型的建构,结合笛卡尔的物质空间思想,可得到一种新的宇宙模型——"物质空间层次宇宙模型",文中提出了验证该模型的实验观测方法.在新宇宙模型中,美国普林斯顿大学的保罗.斯坦哈特与英国剑桥大学的尼尔.图罗克提出的循环宇宙,成为一个自然的结果. 展开更多
关键词 宇宙模型 宇宙学 相对论 物质空间 YIN空间
松辽盆地古龙凹陷青山口组页岩油储层中有机质微孔特征 被引量:8
作者 何文渊 赵莹 +1 位作者 钟建华 孙宁亮 《地质论评》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期1161-1183,共23页
页岩油储层中的有机质一直是页岩油研究的重点。用电子背散射(HDBSD)详细地研究了松辽盆地古龙凹陷古龙页岩油储层中的有机质中的微孔,发现了古龙页岩油储层有机质中的微孔非常发育。有机质微孔可以分为4种类型:①结构镜质体微孔;②均... 页岩油储层中的有机质一直是页岩油研究的重点。用电子背散射(HDBSD)详细地研究了松辽盆地古龙凹陷古龙页岩油储层中的有机质中的微孔,发现了古龙页岩油储层有机质中的微孔非常发育。有机质微孔可以分为4种类型:①结构镜质体微孔;②均质镜质体微孔;③沥青质体微孔;④有机黏土微孔。有机质微米孔的直径多在1μm到数微米,圆形、近圆形或不规则;研究还发现,古龙页岩油储层中的孔隙度与有机碳呈一定的正相关关系。对有机质中的微孔孔隙度进行了初步的定量分析,获得了平均值为22.39%;初步计算表明有机微孔对储层孔隙度总的贡献在0.44%左右(有机碳取2.0%)。有机质中的微米孔(包括其他微米孔)可以与更高一级的微缝和页理缝互相联结,构成了一个很好的空间连通网络系统,为松辽盆地古龙页岩油的有效开发奠定了物质基础。 展开更多
关键词 有机质 微米孔 储集空间 页岩油 松辽盆地 古龙凹陷
暗物质粒子探测:意义、方法、进展及展望 被引量:12
作者 常进 《工程研究(跨学科视野中的工程)》 CSCD 2010年第2期95-99,共5页
关键词 暗物质 空间探测
暗物质粒子探测卫星及邻近的电子宇宙射线源 被引量:9
作者 常进 冯磊 +1 位作者 郭建华 范一中 《中国科学:物理学、力学、天文学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期149-155,共7页
在中国科学院空间科学战略性先导科技专项的支持下,紫金山天文台等单位正在建造"暗物质粒子探测卫星"(DAMPE),预期将于2015年底发射升空.暗物质粒子探测卫星是一个高能伽玛射线、宇宙线探测器,有望在1-10 TeV的电子宇宙射线... 在中国科学院空间科学战略性先导科技专项的支持下,紫金山天文台等单位正在建造"暗物质粒子探测卫星"(DAMPE),预期将于2015年底发射升空.暗物质粒子探测卫星是一个高能伽玛射线、宇宙线探测器,有望在1-10 TeV的电子宇宙射线能谱测量以及GeV-TeV伽玛射线线谱搜寻方面取得重要进展.在本文中,我们扼要介绍暗物质粒子探测卫星探测器的主要组成及功能,并介绍紫金山天文台的科学组在邻近电子宇宙射线源方面的研究进展. 展开更多
关键词 暗物质 宇宙线 空间天文
牛顿绝对时空观和爱因斯坦相对时空观的统一 被引量:8
作者 殷业 《吉林师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2011年第1期56-61,共6页
时空观是物理理论的基石,也是自然科学的基石,因为存在的一切都发生在一定的时间和空间之中.从亚里士多德、伽利略、牛顿到爱因斯坦,每一个伟大的物理学家都对时间和空间是什么做过回答,但这些答案还不是最终答案.本文分析了历史上存在... 时空观是物理理论的基石,也是自然科学的基石,因为存在的一切都发生在一定的时间和空间之中.从亚里士多德、伽利略、牛顿到爱因斯坦,每一个伟大的物理学家都对时间和空间是什么做过回答,但这些答案还不是最终答案.本文分析了历史上存在的各种时空观,从笛卡尔的"物质空间"思想出发重新审视了时间和空间的关系,通过分析说明:不同的"物质空间"中时间是不同的,从而获得了对牛顿绝对时空观和爱因斯坦相对时空观的统一认识. 展开更多
关键词 虚空 物质空间 绝对时间 相对时间 相对论 牛顿力学
New Approach to Synchronize General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics with Constant “K”-Resulting Dark Matter as a New Fundamental Force Particle
作者 Siva Prasad Kodukula 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 CAS 2024年第1期292-302,共11页
Planck scale plays a vital role in describing fundamental forces. Space time describes strength of fundamental force. In this paper, Einstein’s general relativity equation has been described in terms of contraction a... Planck scale plays a vital role in describing fundamental forces. Space time describes strength of fundamental force. In this paper, Einstein’s general relativity equation has been described in terms of contraction and expansion forces of space time. According to this, the space time with Planck diameter is a flat space time. This is the only diameter of space time that can be used as signal transformation in special relativity. This space time diameter defines the fundamental force which belongs to that space time. In quantum mechanics, this space time diameter is only the quantum of space which belongs to that particular fundamental force. Einstein’s general relativity equation and Planck parameters of quantum mechanics have been written in terms of equations containing a constant “K”, thus found a new equation for transformation of general relativity space time in to quantum space time. In this process of synchronization, there is a possibility of a new fundamental force between electromagnetic and gravitational forces with Planck length as its space time diameter. It is proposed that dark matter is that fundamental force carrying particle. By grand unification equation with space-time diameter, we found a coupling constant as per standard model “α<sub>s</sub>” for that fundamental force is 1.08 × 10<sup>-23</sup>. Its energy calculated as 113 MeV. A group of experimental scientists reported the energy of dark matter particle as 17 MeV. Thorough review may advance science further. 展开更多
关键词 General Relativity Quantum Mechanics space Time Dark matter A New Fundamental Constant “K”
思想·方法·对话——2008苏州“现象学与建筑研讨会”评述 被引量:5
作者 彭怒 张晓春 《建筑学报》 北大核心 2009年第1期19-22,共4页
全面介绍了中国内地第一次举行的建筑现象学会议——2008苏州"现象学与建筑研讨会"的由起、组织和主要内容,从现象学和建筑(学)的关系,现象和建筑的反思,关于海德格尔《筑·居·思》(Dwelling,Building and Thought)... 全面介绍了中国内地第一次举行的建筑现象学会议——2008苏州"现象学与建筑研讨会"的由起、组织和主要内容,从现象学和建筑(学)的关系,现象和建筑的反思,关于海德格尔《筑·居·思》(Dwelling,Building and Thought)的讨论,体验·记忆·空间·场所:建筑中的现象学思考等4个方面详细分析了会议论文的主要观点;回顾了现象学家和建筑师现场对话的交锋和回应;并在一系列国际建筑现象学会议和相关出版活动的背景中讨论了建筑现象学的意义。 展开更多
关键词 建筑 现象学 还原 栖居 物性 存在 空间 场所
Basic Notions of Classical Physics
作者 Vladimir S. Netchitailo 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 2023年第4期1187-1207,共21页
Classical Physics is a branch of Physics that should be described by classical notions, which define emergent phenomena. An Emergent Phenomenon is a property that is a result of simple interactions that work cooperati... Classical Physics is a branch of Physics that should be described by classical notions, which define emergent phenomena. An Emergent Phenomenon is a property that is a result of simple interactions that work cooperatively to create a more complex interaction. Physically, simple interactions occur at a microscopic level, and the collective result can be observed at a macroscopic level. The developed Hypersphere World-Universe Model (WUM) introduces classical notions, when the very first ensemble of particles was created at the cosmological time π<sub>M</sub> ≅ 10<sup>-18</sup> and become possible to introduce the notion “Medium of the World”. We emphasize that Classical Physics is principally different from Quantum Physics that describes quantum objects, which have four-momenta only. Classical Physics is dealing with ensembles of quantum objects! The present paper discusses the Basic Notions of Classical Physics considering a principally different cosmological model WUM, which is, in fact, a Paradigm Shift for Cosmology. WUM is a natural continuation of Classical Physics, and it can already serve as a basis for a New Cosmology proposed by Paul Dirac in 1937. 展开更多
关键词 World-Universe Model space and Time Aether Dark matter GRAVITY GRAVITOMAGNETISM Fundamental Physical Constants Creation of matter Primary Notions
Essence of Photons and Dark Matters
作者 Wu Wang 《Optics and Photonics Journal》 CAS 2023年第1期1-23,共23页
What exactly are photons and dark matter? Modern physical theories do not explain them very well. In this paper, by extending the law of electromagnetic oscillation, the space particles and their operation law can als... What exactly are photons and dark matter? Modern physical theories do not explain them very well. In this paper, by extending the law of electromagnetic oscillation, the space particles and their operation law can also be obtained. The system of space particle theory is formed under the law of physics. The conclusion of the theory of space particles is quite consistent with many physical phenomena. There are no contradictions that can be found. According to the theory of space particles, there is an uneven space at the edge of an object, which has been proved by a series of experimental phenomena. The theory of space particles has revealed the essence of photons and dark matter. It has also revealed the relationship between space, mass, and energy. Space is a physical phenomenon. 展开更多
关键词 Electromagnetic Oscillations space Particles Energy Bodies PHOTONS Dark matter GRAVITY Uneven space
作者 闫辉 吴书海 张磊 《工程管理学报》 2024年第3期41-46,共6页
随着城市化进程的不断推进,由施工建设造成的扬尘逐渐成为城市空气污染的重要原因。以城市为研究对象整体描述污染排放情况,对全面评估施工扬尘的环境影响具有关键意义。因此,结合遥感影像解译和排放因子法,提出一种城市整体视角下的施... 随着城市化进程的不断推进,由施工建设造成的扬尘逐渐成为城市空气污染的重要原因。以城市为研究对象整体描述污染排放情况,对全面评估施工扬尘的环境影响具有关键意义。因此,结合遥感影像解译和排放因子法,提出一种城市整体视角下的施工扬尘排放清单构建方法。在此基础上建立广州市2020年施工扬尘源颗粒物排放清单,并将研究区域使用2 km×2 km网格分布进行排放特征分析,研究结果为进行高空间分辨率的污染物扩散模拟和环境影响评估提供了重要数据基础,并为观察施工污染提供了宏观视角,政府可以此为参考从城市整体出发进行污染监测和治理。 展开更多
关键词 施工扬尘 卫星遥感 污染特征 颗粒物 空间分布
Photon orbits and phase transition for Letelier AdS black holes immersed in perfect fluid dark matter
作者 Ashima Sood Md Sabir Ali +1 位作者 J.K.Singh Sushant G.Ghosh 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第6期247-259,共13页
We obtain an exact solution for spherically symmetric Letelier AdS black holes immersed in perfect fluid dark matter(PFDM).Considering the cosmological constant as the positive pressure of the system and volume as its... We obtain an exact solution for spherically symmetric Letelier AdS black holes immersed in perfect fluid dark matter(PFDM).Considering the cosmological constant as the positive pressure of the system and volume as its conjugate variable,we analyze the thermodynamics of our black holes in the extended phase space.Owing to the background clouds of strings parameter(a)and the parameter endowed with PFDM(β),we analyze the Hawking temperature,entropy,and specific heat.Furthermore,we investigate the relationship between the photon sphere radius and phase transition for the Letelier AdS black holes immersed in PFDM.Through the analysis,with a particular condition,non-monotonic behaviors are found between the photon sphere radius,impact parameter,PFDM parameter,temperature,and pressure.We can regard the changes in both the photon sphere radius and impact parameter before and after phase transition as the order parameter;their critical exponents near the critical point are equal to the same value,1/2,similar to that in ordinary thermal systems.This indicates that a universal relation of gravity may exist near the critical point for a black hole thermodynamic system. 展开更多
关键词 AdS black holes perfect fluid dark matter Letelier spacetime photon orbit extended phase space thermodynamics correlation of photon orbit and thermodynamics
Review Article: Cosmology and Classical Physics 被引量:3
作者 Vladimir S. Netchitailo 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 CAS 2022年第4期1037-1072,共36页
In 1937, Paul Dirac proposed Large Number Hypothesis and Hypothesis of Variable Gravitational Constant, and later added notion of Continuous Creation of Matter in the World. Hypersphere World-Universe Model (WUM) foll... In 1937, Paul Dirac proposed Large Number Hypothesis and Hypothesis of Variable Gravitational Constant, and later added notion of Continuous Creation of Matter in the World. Hypersphere World-Universe Model (WUM) follows these ideas, albeit introducing different mechanism of Matter creation. In this paper, we show that WUM is a natural continuation of Classical Physics. WUM is proposed as an alternative to prevailing Big Bang Model (BBM) that relies on General Relativity. WUM and BBM are principally different Models: 1) Instead of Initial Singularity with infinite energy density and extremely rapid expansion of spacetime (Inflation) in BBM;in WUM, there was Fluctuation (4D Nucleus of World with extrapolated radius equal to basic size unit of a) in Eternal Universe with finite extrapolated energy density (~10<sup>4</sup> less than nuclear density) and finite expansion of Nucleus in Its fourth spatial dimension with speed c that is gravitodynamic constant;2) Instead of alleged practically Infinite Homogeneous and Isotropic Universe around Initial Singularity in BBM;in WUM, 3D Finite Boundless World (Hypersphere of 4D Nucleus) presents Patchwork Quilt of various Luminous Superclusters (&gE;10<sup>3</sup>), which emerged in different places of World at different Cosmological times. Medium of World, consisting of protons, electrons, photons, neutrinos, and dark matter particles, is Homogeneous and Isotropic. Distribution of Macroobjects is spatially Inhomogeneous and Anisotropic and temporally Non-simultaneous. Most direct observational evidence of validity of WUM are: 1) Microwave Background Radiation and Intergalactic Plasma speak in favor of existence of Medium;2) Laniakea Supercluster with binding mass ~10<sup>17</sup>M<sub>&odot;</sub> is home to Milky Way (MW) and ~10<sup>5</sup> other nearby galaxies, which did not start their movement from Initial Singularity;3) MW is gravitationally bounded with Virgo Supercluster (VS) and has Orbital Angular Momentum that far exceeds its rotational angular momentum;4) Mass-t 展开更多
关键词 Classical Physics World-Universe Model Medium of World Dark matter Angular Momentum space Time Gravity Principle of Relativity Universality of Physical Laws Conservation Law Dark Epoch Luminous Epoch Volcanic Rotational Fission
Action Origin of the Cosmos
作者 Hans Joachim Dudek 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 2023年第3期850-887,共38页
In physical information theory elementary objects are represented as correlation structures with oscillator properties and characterized by action. The procedure makes it possible to describe the photons of positive a... In physical information theory elementary objects are represented as correlation structures with oscillator properties and characterized by action. The procedure makes it possible to describe the photons of positive and negative charges by positive and negative real action;gravitons are represented in equal amounts by positive and negative real, i.e., virtual action, and the components of the vacuum are characterized by deactivated virtual action. An analysis of the currents in the correlation structures of photons of static Maxwell fields with wave and particle properties, of the Maxwell vacuum and of the gravitons leads to a uniform three-dimensional representation of the structure of the action. Based on these results, a basic structure consisting of a system of oscillators is proposed, which describe the properties of charges and masses and interact with the photons of static Maxwell fields and with gravitons. All properties of the elemental components of nature can thus be traced back to a basic structure of action. It follows that nature can be derived from a uniform structure and this structure of action must therefore also be the basis of the origin of the cosmos. 展开更多
关键词 Hamilton Principle as Global Law in Physics Physical Information Generated by Action Correlation space Charge- and matter-Oscillators
质能转化思想和质空转化思想 被引量:4
作者 殷业 《吉林师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2012年第2期48-51,共4页
质能转化思想是相对论中最精彩的部分.关于质量和空间转化的思想是在文献[1]中提出的.2011年的诺贝尔物理学奖授予了"通过观测遥远超新星发现宇宙加速膨胀"的三位科学家,但现有理论不能解释宇宙为什么会加速膨胀?用本文所述... 质能转化思想是相对论中最精彩的部分.关于质量和空间转化的思想是在文献[1]中提出的.2011年的诺贝尔物理学奖授予了"通过观测遥远超新星发现宇宙加速膨胀"的三位科学家,但现有理论不能解释宇宙为什么会加速膨胀?用本文所述的质空转化思想可以说明其中的原因.要保持质能守恒定律在空间膨胀中仍然成立,需建立新的"物质空间"概念.本文详细讨论了质空转化思想的由来,分析了它对未来物理学可能产生的影响,并用它解释了一些标准宇宙模型中无法解释的现象. 展开更多
关键词 相对论 质能转化 质空转化 虚空 物质空间
Few-layer metasurfaces with arbitrary scattering properties 被引量:5
作者 Zhancheng Li Wenwei Liu +1 位作者 Hua Cheng Shuqi Chen 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第8期2-13,共12页
Metasurfaces,which are planar arrays of subwavelength artificial structures,have emerged as excellent platforms for the integration and miniaturization of electromagnetic devices and provided ample possibilities for s... Metasurfaces,which are planar arrays of subwavelength artificial structures,have emerged as excellent platforms for the integration and miniaturization of electromagnetic devices and provided ample possibilities for single-dimensional and multi-dimensional manipulations of electromagnetic waves.However,owing to the limited interactions between planar thin metallic nanostructures and electromagnetic waves as well as intrinsic losses in metals,metasurfaces exhibit disadvantages in terms of efficiency,controllability,and functionality.Recent advances in this field show that few-layer metasurfaces can overcome these drawbacks.Few-layer metasurfaces composed of more than one functional layer enable more degrees of design freedom.Hence,they possess unprecedented capabilities for electromagnetic wave manipulation,which have considerable impact in the area of nanophotonics.This article reviews recent advances in few-layer metasurfaces from the viewpoint of their scattering properties.The scattering matrix theory is briefly introduced,and the advantages and drawbacks of few-layer metasurfaces for the realization of arbitrary scattering properties are discussed.Then,a detailed overview of typical few-layer metasurfaces with various scattering properties and their design principles is provided.Finally,an outlook on the future directions and challenges in this promising research area is presented. 展开更多
关键词 few-layer metasurfaces light-matter interaction scattering matrix full-space manipulation
建筑工地周边重点区域扬尘污染特征研究——以广州市某建筑工地为例 被引量:4
作者 闫辉 吕希 +1 位作者 廉庆 冯凯伦 《工程管理学报》 2022年第3期125-130,共6页
为了探究建筑工地周边重点区域扬尘污染特征,选取广州市某典型建筑工地为研究对象,以 PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)作为扬尘监测指标,采用激光散射扬尘监测仪对建筑工地周边的下风向区域、出入口区域、居民区一定范围内的扬尘浓度进行了监测,从空... 为了探究建筑工地周边重点区域扬尘污染特征,选取广州市某典型建筑工地为研究对象,以 PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)作为扬尘监测指标,采用激光散射扬尘监测仪对建筑工地周边的下风向区域、出入口区域、居民区一定范围内的扬尘浓度进行了监测,从空间分布和时间变化角度分析了建筑工地周边重点区域的扬尘污染特征。结果表明,建筑工地周边下风向区域因空气流通较好,扬尘浓度随距工地边界距离增加而衰减;周边出入口区域因施工车辆频繁进出,扬尘污染极为严重;周边居民区易形成街道峡谷效应而不利于施工扬尘的扩散,居民区内扬尘浓度衰减不显著。监测期内,每日扬尘污染差异较大,PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)浓度范围为 21.8μg/m^(3)~71.7μg/m^(3)、41.2μg/m^(3)~143.2μg/m^(3),这与背景浓度变化和差异性的施工活动密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 建筑工地 污染特征 施工扬尘 颗粒物 空间分布
Structure of Space Fabric 被引量:2
作者 Pramod Kumar Agrawal 《Natural Science》 2021年第12期477-490,共14页
This paper first proposes that a physical entity such as an electron and a cosmological entity such as a photon belong to two different levels of the Universe. When declaring that space is a vacuum, we are referring t... This paper first proposes that a physical entity such as an electron and a cosmological entity such as a photon belong to two different levels of the Universe. When declaring that space is a vacuum, we are referring to the physical vacuum, and not the cosmological vacuum. The paper propounds that the space we observe is a fabric of cosmological substances. We cannot presume that something fills the emptiness of space. This paper posits that the fab-ric of cosmological substances creates this emptiness to facilitate physical activities such as electromagnetic waves and gravitational pull. Second, the space fabric is a spatial cosmo-logical phenomenon, whereas time is a physical phenomenon operated by a physical entity. The spacetime continuum is created by physical time acquiring the cosmological space fab-ric. The third part of this paper explains the structure and ingredients of the space fabric. The structure itself explains several cosmological phenomena, including electromagnetic waves, gravitation, light, magnetism, dark matter, and dark energy. The philosophical cor-rectness of the paper is validated through the unification of multidisciplinary aspects, and its scientific correctness is validated by its logical consistency with the results of well-known experiments. 展开更多
关键词 space Fabric Aether Dark matter spaceTIME Emptiness of space
A New Version of Unified Field Theory—Stochastic Quantum Space Theory on Particle Physics and Cosmology 被引量:3
作者 Zhi-Yuan Shen 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2013年第10期1213-1380,共168页
Stochastic Quantum Space (SQS) theory is a new version of unified field theory based on three fundamental postulations: Gaussian Probability Postulation, Prime Numbers Postulation, Vacuon Postulation. It build a frame... Stochastic Quantum Space (SQS) theory is a new version of unified field theory based on three fundamental postulations: Gaussian Probability Postulation, Prime Numbers Postulation, Vacuon Postulation. It build a framework with theoretical results agree with many experimental data well. For more information, please refer to the PDF. 展开更多
关键词 Unified Field THEORY space Structure Elementary Particles Gaussian Probability Prime Numbers SPORADIC Groups GUT DARK matter DARK Energy Cosmos INFLATON MULTIVERSE Anthropic Principle General Relativity Primary Basic Equations
Astrophysics and Dark Matter Theory
作者 Auguste Meessen 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2017年第2期268-298,共31页
Space-Time Quantization implies that the cosmic dark matter gas is subjected to pressure effects. We prove this by accounting for the mass-density distribution of dark matter in galactic halos. It can be directly dedu... Space-Time Quantization implies that the cosmic dark matter gas is subjected to pressure effects. We prove this by accounting for the mass-density distribution of dark matter in galactic halos. It can be directly deduced from observed rotation curves and coincides with theoretical predictions for dark matter atmospheres in hydrostatic equilibrium. Through embedding, the pressure of the cosmic dark matter gas prevents also the gravitational collapse of the Oort cloud, globular star clusters and cosmic filaments. The Sun has only a very small dark matter atmosphere, but observations confirm that dark matter is orbiting around the Sun. Other facts are explained by planetary dark matter disks. Space-Time quantization accounts also for dark matter-electron interaction, which allowed already for direct detection of galactic dark matter particles. 展开更多
关键词 DARK matter space-TIME Quantization DARK matter Density Distribution DARK matter Rings PIONEER ANOMALY Flyby ANOMALY
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