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喜马拉雅造山带新生代构造演化:沿走向变化的构造几何形态、剥露历史和前陆沉积的约束 被引量:266
作者 尹安 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期416-515,共100页
尽管过去150年以来,人们对于喜马拉雅造山带有很长的一段研究历史,但是对其几何特征、运动方式、动力学演化仍然理解不深。这种情况的出现,主要是因为人们持续关注的是喜马拉雅造山带的二维构造空间特性,并将某些研究程度较高地区的地... 尽管过去150年以来,人们对于喜马拉雅造山带有很长的一段研究历史,但是对其几何特征、运动方式、动力学演化仍然理解不深。这种情况的出现,主要是因为人们持续关注的是喜马拉雅造山带的二维构造空间特性,并将某些研究程度较高地区的地质关系向外推广到造山带其他地区。就地理、地层及构造划分而言,概念的混淆和误解在有关喜马拉雅的文章中也大量存在。为了阐明这些问题,并为那些有兴趣探究喜马拉雅造山带地质演化过程的人们提供一个新的平台,文中系统地综述了以前的基本观察。我的综述主要是强调沿走向变化的喜马拉雅地质格架在喜马拉雅剥露、变质和前陆沉积方面所起的作用。文章的主要目的是阐明占据造山带核部的大喜马拉雅结晶岩带(GHC)的侵位历史。因为喜马拉雅大部分地区是由主中央冲断层(MCT)和藏南拆离系(STD)之间的GHC所组成,所以在地图和剖面观察上确定这些一级喜马拉雅构造之间的关系是非常关键的。中喜马拉雅出露的平面模式表明,MCT具有断坪-断坡的逆断层的几何特征。南部的逆冲断坪携带了一个GHC的板片(Slab)叠置在小喜马拉雅层序之上(LHS),并形成了一个在MCT逆冲断层带之南延续100km的巨大上盘断弯褶皱。在西喜马拉雅造山带地区,东经约77°处,MCT呈现为横向逆冲断坡(Mandi倾向逆冲断坡)。在其西边,MCT将低级变质的特提斯喜马拉雅层序(THS)叠置到低级变质的小喜马拉雅之上;而在其东边,MCT将高级GHC叠置到低级LHS之上。这种沿走向变化的地层叠置和横穿MCT的变质等级表明,逆冲断层的断距向西减小,可能是由于地壳短缩总量沿着喜马拉雅造山带向西减小所致。在所有出露的地方,STD大致都沿着THS底部的同一地层面,呈现出一个长度>100km的上盘断坪。这种关系说明:STD可能沿着一个先期存在的岩石接触面,或者沿� 展开更多
关键词 喜马拉雅造山带 主中央冲NN(MCT) 藏南拆离系(STD) 被动-顶板(roof)断层 主动-顶板断层 侵蚀剥露
聂拉木地区高喜马拉雅岩石磁组构及其构造含义 被引量:11
作者 李建忠 潘忠习 +3 位作者 冯心涛 庄忠海 朱同兴 邹光富 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期496-503,共8页
利用岩石磁化率量值椭球体与岩石构造应变椭球体的共轴性,在缺乏岩性标志层的高喜马拉雅结晶基底(聂拉木地区)进行岩石磁组构研究,进而研究喜马拉雅造山带的变形期次和过程.磁组构特征表明:磁化率各向异性度P在樟木镇北1km处的片岩最高... 利用岩石磁化率量值椭球体与岩石构造应变椭球体的共轴性,在缺乏岩性标志层的高喜马拉雅结晶基底(聂拉木地区)进行岩石磁组构研究,进而研究喜马拉雅造山带的变形期次和过程.磁组构特征表明:磁化率各向异性度P在樟木镇北1km处的片岩最高为1.72,在康山桥南1km处最低,为1.13;百分率各向异性度H在11.82%~45.07%之间;磁性线理L在1.02~1.09之间,磁性面理F在1.06~1.60之间,磁性面理F比磁性线理L发育;磁化率椭球体的形状因子T在0.19~0.76之间,磁化率椭球的扁率E在1.04~1.49之间,磁化率椭球体的形状为一压扁椭球;樟木镇北1km到肉切村,平均最小磁化率主轴方向D3为S-N(除聂拉木北1km的MA9外),大多数样品最小磁化率主轴方向倾角I3>51°,最高达72.6°,局部发育有拉长形磁化率量值椭球体.本文研究结果表明,聂拉木地区早期经历强烈的韧性变形,推测可能是一条巨大的右旋逆冲韧性变形带,晚期构造掀斜. 展开更多
关键词 磁组构 藏南拆离系 主中央断裂 聂拉木
藏南定日地区主中央冲断层与藏南拆离系的特征及其活动时代 被引量:9
作者 刘焰 Wolfgang Siebel +1 位作者 李剑 肖序常 《地质通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第7期636-644,共9页
低喜马拉雅结晶杂岩构成了北北东向阿伦背斜的核部,该背斜东、西两翼由高喜马拉雅结晶杂岩组成,这两者之间的界线为主中央冲断层(MCT1)。MCT1原为向南逆冲的韧性断层,后遭受北北东向褶皱作用而转变为正断层。高喜马拉雅结晶杂岩顶部被... 低喜马拉雅结晶杂岩构成了北北东向阿伦背斜的核部,该背斜东、西两翼由高喜马拉雅结晶杂岩组成,这两者之间的界线为主中央冲断层(MCT1)。MCT1原为向南逆冲的韧性断层,后遭受北北东向褶皱作用而转变为正断层。高喜马拉雅结晶杂岩顶部被藏南拆离系下部的韧性正断层所截,与其上覆的北坳组分开,北坳组顶部又被一脆性正断层将其与上覆的藏南特提斯沉积岩分开。这条韧性正断层称为STD1,其上部的脆性正断层称为STD2。独居石U-Th-Pb测年结果和构造分析表明,藏南定日地区的高喜马拉雅结晶杂岩就是借助这2条韧性断层MCT1与STD1在大约13Ma时从藏南中下地壳折返至地壳浅部的,然后再遭受近南北向的褶皱作用。 展开更多
关键词 藏南定日地区 主中央冲断层 藏南拆离系 断层活动年龄 喜马拉雅造山带
Importance of Tourmaline Gneiss and Vein near Main Central Thrust in Sikkim Darjeeling Himalaya
作者 Tamoghna Saha 《Open Journal of Geology》 2020年第5期552-564,共13页
Lingtse gneiss (LGn) and Higher Himalayan crystallines (HHC) comprise parts of main central thrust (MCT) in the Darjeeling Sikkim Himalaya. Tourmaline bearing gneiss and quartz tourmaline veins are reported in immedia... Lingtse gneiss (LGn) and Higher Himalayan crystallines (HHC) comprise parts of main central thrust (MCT) in the Darjeeling Sikkim Himalaya. Tourmaline bearing gneiss and quartz tourmaline veins are reported in immediate contact with the LGn and some lesser Himalayan rocks in this study. Their importance is inferred via their comparative occurrence, micro-texture and chemistry. Flow of ductile crust was proposed to expose deep crustal rocks in the Himalayas in form of these gneissic rocks. Generation of paragneissic HHC from the protolith like the lesser Himalayan rocks like biotite-muscovite schist was proposed and documented in previous studies. The main central thrust where the principal motion is reported to date at circa 20 Ma appears in the contact regions of the HHC and lesser Himalayan rocks. Whether the tourmaline bearing gneiss or veins is a product during the episode of generation of the Higher Himalayan crystallines, which is taken as a component of the higher Himalayan crystallines episode remains a question as both concordant and discordant tourmaline bearing gneiss and/or quartzo-feldspahic veins appear respectively. The mm-cm scale tourmaline in the occasionally discordant quartz tourmaline veins shows strong zonation and less effects of shearing. Those are strongly zoned indicating magmatic hydrothermal character. The matrix tourmaline shows a separate composition. However, evidences of a less prominent shearing in them might signify rejuvenation. Lower temperature activity and fluid movement in this thrust zone are signified from the microstructure signifying that the high grade main central thrust was probably rejuvenated during or after the veining. 展开更多
关键词 Lingtse GNEISS main central thrust TOURMALINE HIMALAYA Quartzofeldspathic VEIN
作者 Kazunori Arita 1, Akira Takasu 2, Megh Raj Dhital 3, Kamal Raj Regmi 1,3 , Lalu Prasad Paudel 3 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 2000年第S1期46-47,共2页
The Himalaya, a fold\|and\|thrust belt in the northern margin of the Indian continent, is characterized by thrust tectoncis (Schelling and Arita, 1991). It consists mainly of three thrust\|bounded lithotectonic units:... The Himalaya, a fold\|and\|thrust belt in the northern margin of the Indian continent, is characterized by thrust tectoncis (Schelling and Arita, 1991). It consists mainly of three thrust\|bounded lithotectonic units: from south to north the Sub\|Himalayan imbricate zone, the Lesser Himalayan thrust package (LH) and the Higher Himalayan thrust sheet (HH) with the overlying Tethys Himalayan sequence. These units are separated by a series of propagated thrusts, i.e. from south to north the Himalayan Frontal Fault (HFF), Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and Main Central Thrust (MCT). These thrusts are splays off of an underlying mid\|crustal subhorizontal d$B;D(Jollement (Main Detachmen Trust or Main Himalayan Thrust), and were propagated southward with time. Among these thrusts the MCT is most important intracrustal thrust in considering the geological evolution of the Himalaya, and is controversial regarding its location and nature. In western and eastern Nepal the Higher Himalayan Crystalline sheet is thrust over the Lesser Himalayan rocks along the MCT. In the Kathmandu area of central Nepal also the high\|grade rocks of the HH with the overlying Tethyan sediments covers southward the Lesser Himalayan rocks, and form the Kathmandu nappe. In the north of the Kathmandu nappe the Higher Himalayan crystallines are skirted by the Main Central Thrust zone (MCT zone) which consists of green and black phyllites with sporadic garnet snow\|ball garnet and calcareous schist associated with characteristic mylonitic augen gneiss. The southern margin of the nappe is bounded by the Mahabharat Thrust (MT: Stoecklin, 1990) with a narrow zone of the LH which is cut by the MBT. But the relationship of the MCT in the north and the MT in the south is disputable and important (Arita et al., 1997: Rai et al., 1998: Upreti and Le Fort, 1999), and in the margin of the Kathmandu nappe the MCT zone has not been confirmed. 展开更多
关键词 main central thrust ZONE central Nepal TECTONIC SIGNIFICANCE
作者 Franco Rolfo 1, Bruno Lombardo 2, Piero Pertusati 3, Dario Visonà 4 2.CNR\|CS Geodinamica Catene Collisionali, c/o DSMP, Torino, Italy 3.D 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 2000年第S1期43-44,共2页
The Arun mega\|antiform, a large N—S structure transversal to the tectonic trend of the E Nepal Himalaya, is a tectonic window offering a complete section of the Himalayan nappe pile, from the Lesser Himalayan zone t... The Arun mega\|antiform, a large N—S structure transversal to the tectonic trend of the E Nepal Himalaya, is a tectonic window offering a complete section of the Himalayan nappe pile, from the Lesser Himalayan zone to the Tethyan Himalaya. At the northern end of the Arun tectonic window (ATW), the Ama Drime—Nyonno Ri range of south Tibet exposes a section of that portion of the Main Central Thrust (MCT) zone and Lesser Himalayan Crystallines (LHC) which elsewhere in Nepal is concealed below the overlying Higher Himalayan Crystalline (HHC) nappe (Fig. 1). As throughout the Himalaya at the structural level of the MCT, the ATW is characterized by an inverted metamorphic field gradient characterized by a progression from chlorite to sillimanite grade from low to high structural levels of the nappe pile. Metamorphic peak temperatures rise from circa 400℃ in the pelitic and psammitic Precambrian metasediments of the Lesser Himalayan Tumlingtar Unit, to 550~620℃ in the overlying LHC, to over 700℃ in the muscovite\|free Barun Gneiss, the lowermost HHC unit in the Arun valley. 展开更多
关键词 Eastern Himalaya Lesser HIMALAYAN Crystallines main central thrust ZONE Arun VALLEY AMA Drime RANGE METAMORPHISM
作者 Bruno Lombardo 1, Piero Pertusati 2, Dario Visonà 3 (1 CNR\|CS Geodinamica, c/o DSMP Univ. Torino, Torino, Italy,E\|mail:lombardo@dsmp.unito.it 2 Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Pisa, Italy 3 Dipartimento di Mineralogia e Petrologia, Padov 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 2000年第S1期37-38,共2页
The Arun Tectonic Window (ATW) and its inverted metamorphic zonation were first described by Bordet (1961) and Hagen (1969) in their regional surveys of the eastern Nepal Himalaya. The ATW is centred on the Arun antif... The Arun Tectonic Window (ATW) and its inverted metamorphic zonation were first described by Bordet (1961) and Hagen (1969) in their regional surveys of the eastern Nepal Himalaya. The ATW is centred on the Arun antiform (“ trans\|anticlinal de l’Arun”, Bordet, 1961), a major late structure, c. 100km long, which strikes north to north\|northeast, transversely to the E—W tectonic trend of the eastern Himalaya from the lower Arun valley to southern Tibet. From south to north, i.e. from the core of the window upwards in the nappe pile, the tectonic units exposed in the ATW are:(1) The Lesser Himalayan Tumlingtar Unit (Nawakot nappes of Hagen,1969), a thick sequence of greenschist\|facies Upper Precambrian metasediments, bounded to the north by a thrust zone (Main Central Thrust 1 of Maruo & Kizaki, 1983; Main Central Thrust Zone of Meyer & Hiltner, 1993). (2) The Lesser Himalayan Crystalline nappe (LHC), comprised of staurolite to kyanite grade micaschists and granitic orthogneiss (Kathmandu Nappes of Hagen,1969), lying on top of the low\|grade metasediments. (3) The Higher Himalayan Crystalline nappe (Tibetan Slab of Bordet, 1977), bounded on both side of the ATW by thrust sheets defining a major syn\|metamorphic thrust (Main Central Thrust of Bordet,1961; Main Central Thrust 2 of Maruo & Kizaki, 1983).In this contribution some results of geological investigations in the hitherto unrecognized northern part of the ATW (Kharta region of the Arun—Phung Chu valley and Ama Drime—Nyonno Ri range), are presented. The Kharta region is 30km east of the Everest—Makalu massif and sits in the western limb of the Arun antiform, whereas the Ama Drime—Nyonno Ri Range, to the east of Kharta, is right in the core of the Arun antiform. Here the ATW exposes a section of deep tectonic levels of the Lesser Himalayan Crystalline nappe and MCT zone which elsewhere in the Nepal Himalaya are concealed below the overlying Higher Himalayan Crystalline nappe. 展开更多
关键词 Eastern HIMALAYA Lesser HIMALAYAN Crystallines main central thrust Zone Arun valley AMA Drime range METAMORPHISM
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