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异色瓢虫生物学特性观察 被引量:28
作者 何继龙 马恩沛 +2 位作者 沈允昌 陈文龙 孙兴全 《上海农学院学报》 1994年第2期119-124,共6页
1987年和1992~1993年,研究了上海地区异色飘虫Harmoniaaxyridis(Pallas)的生活史和生活习性.室内该虫一年发生5代,以成虫越冬.24℃时.完成一世代需31.37d.其中卵期3.02d,幼... 1987年和1992~1993年,研究了上海地区异色飘虫Harmoniaaxyridis(Pallas)的生活史和生活习性.室内该虫一年发生5代,以成虫越冬.24℃时.完成一世代需31.37d.其中卵期3.02d,幼虫期9.76d,蛹期5.29d和成虫(产卵前期)13.30d,17.47~18.08℃时,用棉蚜喂饲.雌、雄成虫平均寿命分别为86.9d和90.25d.每头雌虫平均产卵751粒.在整个幼虫发育期间,平均每头幼虫可取食萝卜蚜561头.幼虫对萝卜蚜的功能反应曲线符合Holling(1959)Ⅱ型反应. 展开更多
关键词 异色瓢虫 生活史 生物学特性
草地螟迁飞、发生区与生活史的研究 被引量:19
作者 孙雅杰 陈瑞鹿 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1995年第4期86-91,共6页
草地螟在我国表现为长周期的间歇猖獗,主要发生于北纬37°以北,由东经108°至118°,斜向东北至北纬50°的地区。北纬39°~43°与东经110°~116°之间为主要越冬区,其它为扩... 草地螟在我国表现为长周期的间歇猖獗,主要发生于北纬37°以北,由东经108°至118°,斜向东北至北纬50°的地区。北纬39°~43°与东经110°~116°之间为主要越冬区,其它为扩散发生区。根据滞育与光照和温度的关系,阐明了主要越冬区形成大量滞育越冬种群的机制。雷达观测证实了草地螟的迁飞现象。主要越冬区秋季世代形成大量越冬种群,春季成虫迁飞构成大范围发生的虫源,扩散发生区春季迁入的成虫峰期、蛾量与主要越冬区相近,一代幼虫危害后虫量骤减,幼虫仅形成少量越冬种群。 展开更多
关键词 草地螟 迁飞 滞育 生活史 害虫
杉木半穿刺线虫病的研究 被引量:8
作者 蔡秋锦 龚其锦 林邦超 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1990年第6期506-514,共9页
近几年,我们对杉木普遍生长衰退及杉苗死亡进行研究,新发现了杉木半穿刺线虫病,病原线虫鉴定为Tylenchulus semipenetrans Cobb。通过定点定时定量系统观测,该线虫在福建年发生10代左右,种群数量自然消长与气温星正相关,与杉木根萌发相... 近几年,我们对杉木普遍生长衰退及杉苗死亡进行研究,新发现了杉木半穿刺线虫病,病原线虫鉴定为Tylenchulus semipenetrans Cobb。通过定点定时定量系统观测,该线虫在福建年发生10代左右,种群数量自然消长与气温星正相关,与杉木根萌发相一致,单卵培养计测,雌雄比为56:1,线虫最高发育温度为35℃,卵的致死温度为40℃。林地对比定时定量调查表明,虫口密度南坡最大,并随林龄增加而增大。在土壤中垂直分布可达1.2m,而30—40cm土层中虫口数最大,杉木与阔叶树混交较纯杉林虫口数下降26—72%。通过生理生化试验测出,病、健根的呼吸强度、N、P、K和蛋白质含量、酶的活性均差异明显。从病根分离和纯化真菌区系,经对比接种,发现线虫寄生利于镰刀菌入侵。病菌经40—50℃温水浸根10—15min可直接杀死线虫。分别将每亩3kg呋喃丹,6kg甲胺磷,2kg涕灭威用于区组、盆栽和大面积防治,效果为70—80%,发现新寄主还有柳杉和野柿子。 展开更多
关键词 杉木 半穿刺线虫 防治
云南省不同地区松墨天牛生活史比较研究 被引量:9
作者 徐正会 段艳 +2 位作者 郭萧 陈龙官 冯士明 《西南林学院学报》 2010年第4期53-58,64,共7页
为防治松墨天牛和预防松材线虫病,采用林间观察法、查迹调查法和木材解剖法,在12个观测点比较研究云南省不同地区松墨天牛的生活史。松墨天牛在云南省各地1年发生1代,幼虫5龄,以3~4龄幼虫在木质部越冬。成虫期3月下旬至7月上旬,卵期4... 为防治松墨天牛和预防松材线虫病,采用林间观察法、查迹调查法和木材解剖法,在12个观测点比较研究云南省不同地区松墨天牛的生活史。松墨天牛在云南省各地1年发生1代,幼虫5龄,以3~4龄幼虫在木质部越冬。成虫期3月下旬至7月上旬,卵期4月中旬至7月中旬,皮下幼虫期4月下旬至10月中旬,木质部幼虫期7月下旬至次年6月中旬。7月下旬至10月中旬是皮下幼虫陆续蛀入木质部时期,蛹期3月上旬至6月下旬。松墨天牛在云南省各地的发育进程不尽相同,主要受气温因素的制约,从滇西南向滇东北方向依次推迟。每年12月至次年1月是伐除虫害木的最佳时期。 展开更多
关键词 鞘翅目 松墨天牛 生活史 松材线虫 松树萎蔫病
上海地区大灰食蚜蝇生物学的初步研究 被引量:9
作者 何继龙 孙兴全 +1 位作者 桂龙妹 叶文娟 《上海交通大学学报(农业科学版)》 1990年第3期221-228,234,共9页
1987~1989年间,在上海地区根据室内饲育和田间观察的结果,大灰食蚜蝇一年发生5~7代,主要以蛹在土中越冬和越夏。世代历期长短随温度高低而异,当平均温度为24.23℃时(第4代),历期最短,仅为20.01天,而在14.99℃时(第6代),一世代可长达47... 1987~1989年间,在上海地区根据室内饲育和田间观察的结果,大灰食蚜蝇一年发生5~7代,主要以蛹在土中越冬和越夏。世代历期长短随温度高低而异,当平均温度为24.23℃时(第4代),历期最短,仅为20.01天,而在14.99℃时(第6代),一世代可长达47.61天。一世代的发育起点温度和有效积温分别为10.16±0.47℃和302.6±11.07日度。不同世代的雌蝇平均产卵量在117~911粒之间,一头雌蝇最高产卵量为1176粒。未交配的雌蝇所产下的卵均不能孵化。20~21.94℃时,用25%蔗糖水饲育,雌,雄蝇寿命分别为32.2和23.45天。幼虫在其发育期间,平均可捕食菜蚜272.5~353.2头,最高可达384头。该蝇主要夭敌为 Diplazon laetatorius(F.)。卵,老熟幼虫,蛹和成虫的过冷点分别为-6.27,-10.32,-14.20和-3.86℃。文末对该蝇的保护利用措施提出建议。 展开更多
关键词 大灰食蚜蝇 生活史 习性 过冷点
黑带食蚜蝇生物学的初步研究 被引量:7
作者 何继龙 孙兴全 +3 位作者 叶文娟 沈丽娟 彩云 李智华 《上海农学院学报》 1992年第1期35-43,共9页
1997~1998年,研究了上海地区黑带食蚜蝇的生活史和生活习性.室内条件下该蝇一年发生5代左右.以蛹和成虫越冬.在6月上旬至9月下旬,以蛹在土壤中越夏.气温在24℃时,完成一世代需28.83天,其中卵期1.77天,幼虫期5.24天,蛹期6.49天和成虫(... 1997~1998年,研究了上海地区黑带食蚜蝇的生活史和生活习性.室内条件下该蝇一年发生5代左右.以蛹和成虫越冬.在6月上旬至9月下旬,以蛹在土壤中越夏.气温在24℃时,完成一世代需28.83天,其中卵期1.77天,幼虫期5.24天,蛹期6.49天和成虫(产卵前期)15.33天.一世代的发育起点温度为8.23℃,有效积温为449.05日度.一天中成虫数量高峰发生在上午10时,中午以后数量就下降.室外的成虫在飞行中交配,历时约1秒钟.田间雌蝇比例占47.6%.室内卵平均孵化率为42.51%。室内用25%蔗糖水饲育,雌、雄成虫寿命分别为15.8天和12.5天.越冬期的成虫寿命可长达2个月左右.在整个幼虫发育期间,平均每头幼虫可吃萝卜蚜276.4或桃粉蚜328.4头. 展开更多
关键词 黑带食蚜蝇 生活史 生活习性 昼间节律 同翅目害虫 捕食性天敌
水直播稻田千金子的生活史及出草规律研究 被引量:8
作者 董立尧 张友明 +1 位作者 刘萍 沈晋良 《南京农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期65-67,共3页
模拟水直播稻田的生境研究了千金子的生活史.结果表明:6月1日至8月1日播种的千金子能够出苗、抽穗并成熟;8月21日播种的千金子能出苗并抽穗,但穗小(仅0.5~1 cm)且不能成熟;9月12日以后播种的千金子虽能出苗,但不能正常生长,甚至枯死.6... 模拟水直播稻田的生境研究了千金子的生活史.结果表明:6月1日至8月1日播种的千金子能够出苗、抽穗并成熟;8月21日播种的千金子能出苗并抽穗,但穗小(仅0.5~1 cm)且不能成熟;9月12日以后播种的千金子虽能出苗,但不能正常生长,甚至枯死.6月1日和8月1日播种的千金子生育期分别为87 d和62 d,说明播种早的千金子生育期长,反之则短.在大田自然条件下研究了千金子的出草特性,结果表明:水直播稻田千金子在水稻播种后4 d就有出苗,6~10 d是千金子的出草高峰期,占总出草量的41.26%,30 d后基本不再出草.调查后拔除千金子比不拔除多出草23.53%.暴雨造成田间积水深,可使出草量下降. 展开更多
关键词 千金子 生活史 出草
作者 刘昭霞 胡桂萍 +7 位作者 杨槟煌 曹红妹 谢小群 贺望兴 蒋国芳 薛芳森 傅淑 张灵玲 《环境昆虫学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期897-909,共13页
随着全球气候变暖,部分地区茶园害虫扁刺蛾Thosea sinensis再次爆发,为有效提高对其野外识别和预测预报的水平,开展了不同发育阶段虫体的形态特征及其生物学特性初步观察。结果表明,扁刺蛾卵扁平、椭圆形,卵长2.41 mm、卵宽1.77 mm,卵... 随着全球气候变暖,部分地区茶园害虫扁刺蛾Thosea sinensis再次爆发,为有效提高对其野外识别和预测预报的水平,开展了不同发育阶段虫体的形态特征及其生物学特性初步观察。结果表明,扁刺蛾卵扁平、椭圆形,卵长2.41 mm、卵宽1.77 mm,卵壳有网状线纹结构。幼虫具3对胸足、无腹足,移动时腹部呈波浪状蠕动,老熟幼虫体重542.35 mg、体长21.76 mm、体宽13.30 mm。老熟幼虫结茧后于茧内化蛹,雌虫茧长、宽均显著大于雄虫茧。蛹期体色由乳黄色渐变为黄白色、褐色至灰黑色,复眼由乳黄色渐变为红色至黑色,雌蛹体重446.95 mg,显著高于雄蛹363.32 mg。成虫体灰褐色,前翅近2/3处有一褐色横带,雌成虫体长15.23 mm显著大于雄成虫13.55 mm。扁刺蛾在江西地区1年发生2~3代,第3代发生率仅为1.37%,该虫野外被寄生率为4.66%。 展开更多
关键词 扁刺蛾 形态特征 生活习性 生活史
Sex-specific life-history trait expression in hybrids of a cave- and surface-dwelling fish (Poecilia mexicana, Poecilidae)
作者 Rüdiger Riesch Luis R.Arriaga Ingo Schlupp 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第4期421-429,共9页
Evaluating the fitness of hybrids can provide important insights into genetic differences between species or diverging populations.We focused on surface-and cave-ecotypes of the widespread Atlantic molly Poecilia mexi... Evaluating the fitness of hybrids can provide important insights into genetic differences between species or diverging populations.We focused on surface-and cave-ecotypes of the widespread Atlantic molly Poecilia mexicana and raised F1 hybrids of reciprocal crosses to sexual maturity in a common-garden experiment.Hybrids were reared in a fully factorial 2 x 2 design consisting of lighting(light vs.darkness)and resource availability(high vs.low food).We quantified survival,ability to realize their full reproductive potential(i.e.,completed maturation for males and 3 consecutive births for females)and essential life-history traits.Compared to the performance of pure cave and surface fish from a previous experiment,F1s had the highest death rate and the lowest proportion of fish that reached their full reproductive potential.We also uncovered an intriguing pattern of sex-specific phenotype expression,because male hybrids expressed cave molly life histories,while female hybrids expressed surface molly life histories.Our results provide evidence for strong selection against hybrids in the cave molly system,but also sug-gest a complex pattern of sex-specific(opposing)dominance,with certain surface molly genes being dominant in female hybrids and certain cavemollygenes beingdominant in malehybrids. 展开更多
关键词 DOMINANCE life-history evolution local adaptation postzygotic isolation selection against hybrids.
The transcriptomic signature of responses to larval crowding in Drosophila melanogaster 被引量:1
作者 Juliano Morimoto Marius Wenzel +2 位作者 Davina Derous Youn Henry Herve Colinet 《Insect Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第2期539-554,共16页
Intraspecific competition at the larval stage is an important ecological factor affecting life-history,adaptation and evolutionary trajectory in holometabolous insects.However,the molecular pathways underpinning these... Intraspecific competition at the larval stage is an important ecological factor affecting life-history,adaptation and evolutionary trajectory in holometabolous insects.However,the molecular pathways underpinning these ecological processes are poorly characterized.We reared Drosophila melanogaster at three egg densities(5,60,and 300 eggs/mL)and sequenced the transcriptomes of pooled third-instar larvae.We also examined emergence time,egg-to-adult viability,adult mass,and adult sex-ratio at each density.Medium crowding had minor detrimental effects on adult phenotypes compared to low density and yielded 24 differentially expressed genes(DEGs),including several chitinase enzymes.In contrast,high crowding had substantial detrimental effects on adult phenotypes and yielded 2107 DEGs.Among these,upregulated gene sets were enriched in sugar,steroid and amino acid metabolism as well as DNA replication pathways,whereas downregulated gene sets were enriched in ABC transporters,taurine,Toll/Imd signaling,and P450 xenobiotics metabolism pathways.Overall,our findings show that larval crowding has a large consistent effect on several molecular pathways(i.e.,core responses)with few pathways displaying density-specific regulation(i.e.,idiosyncratic responses).This provides important insights into how holometabolous insects respond to intraspecific competition during development. 展开更多
关键词 intraspecific competition larval crowding life-history trade-offs TRANSCRIPTOMICS
RT-qPCR normalization of reference genes in different lifehistory stages of Gracilaria vermiculophylla(Rhodophyta)
作者 Yingyue ZHANG Jinxin YANG +2 位作者 Ze YANG Cong QI Di XU 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第5期1910-1917,共8页
The quantitative realtime polymerase chain reaction(RT-qPCR)is a powerful and sensitive method to measure expression of targeted gene but it highly relies on the use of suitable reference genes for data normalization.... The quantitative realtime polymerase chain reaction(RT-qPCR)is a powerful and sensitive method to measure expression of targeted gene but it highly relies on the use of suitable reference genes for data normalization.We evaluated the expressions of 8 housekeeping genes:18S ribosomal rDNA(18S rDNA),28S ribosomal r DNA(28S rDNA),rubisco large subunit(rbc-L),β-actin(ACT),glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase(GAPDH),elongation factor 1(EF1),β-tubulin(Tub B),and P-phycoerythrin B(PEB),to select the suitable reference genes for different life-history stages(tetrasporophyte,carposporophyte,and male/female gametophyte)of Gracilaria vermiculophylla by absolute quantitative method.Softwares geNorm and BestKeeper were used to verify the results acquired from copy number analysis.Results show that the expression of identified reference genes varied in comparing groups composed of different type of life stages.It is suggested that 18S rDNA and TubB could be used for highly complex samples composed of mixed ploidy and phases.18S rDNA and 28S rDNA were also preferred for using among the matured isomorphic samples.But for samples with different maturities,TubB and ACT were recommended for tetrasporophytes and gametophytes respectively. 展开更多
关键词 reference gene Gracilaria vermiculophylla life-history stage quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction(RT-qPCR) red algae
Variation in reproductive life-history traits of Chinese Bulbuls(Pycnonotus sinensis)along the urbanization gradient in Hangzhou,China
作者 Xingmin Chen Qin Zhang +3 位作者 Sisi Lan Qin Huang Shuihua Chen Yanping Wang 《Avian Research》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第2期174-181,共8页
Urbanization brings new selection pressures to wildlife living in cities,and changes in the life-history traits of urban species can reflect their responses to such pressures.To date,most of the studies investigating ... Urbanization brings new selection pressures to wildlife living in cities,and changes in the life-history traits of urban species can reflect their responses to such pressures.To date,most of the studies investigating the impacts of urbanization on avian life-history traits are conducted in Europe and North America,while such studies are often lacking in quickly developing countries in Asia(e.g.,China).In this study,we examined the variations in reproductive life-history traits of Chinese Bulbuls(Pycnonotus sinensis)along the urbanization gradient in Hangzhou,China.We detected 234 natural nests of Chinese Bulbuls and continuously monitored them in two continuous breeding seasons from 2012 to 2013.We collected data on seven life-history traits(laying date,incubation period,nestling period,clutch size,egg volume,hatching success rate,and fledging success rate).We used infrared cameras to record the number of feedings per hour as the measure of food resources for the nestlings.We measured nest predation pressure by monitoring 148 natural breeding nests during breeding seasons and 54 artificial nests immediately after breeding seasons.We then calculated the urbanization synthetic index(USI)as a measure of the level of urbanization and examined its relationship with the seven life-history traits.We found that Chinese Bulbuls laid eggs significantly earlier with increasing USI.However,the other six life-history traits did not vary significantly with the USI.Moreover,the feeding frequency of chicks increased significantly with the USI,but the nest predation pressure of Chinese Bulbuls decreased significantly with the USI.Increased food resources and reduced nest predation pressure in cities may lead to earlier laying date of Chinese Bulbuls.Further study should test whether the earlier laying date of Chinese Bulbuls is the result of phenotypic plasticity or genetic change. 展开更多
关键词 Feeding frequency Laying date life-history trait Nest predation URBANIZATION Urbanization synthetic index(USI)
The Combined Effect of Plastic Particles Size and Concentration on Rotifers’ (Brachionus plicatilis) Performance 被引量:3
作者 SUI Yanming WANG Senyang +8 位作者 MOHSEN Mohamed ZHANG Longsheng SHEN Mengyan LIU Zhiquan NGUYEN Haidang ZHANG Shengmao LI Kaixing LV Linlan DONG Xuexing 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第2期509-519,共11页
The presence of microplastics in aquatic ecosystems is of increasing global concern.Nano-sized plastics,in particular,can penetrate the cell membrane and cause biological death.Our study evaluated the combined impacts... The presence of microplastics in aquatic ecosystems is of increasing global concern.Nano-sized plastics,in particular,can penetrate the cell membrane and cause biological death.Our study evaluated the combined impacts of several polystyrene mi-crospheres’sizes and nominal concentrations on the overall performance changes of Brachionus plicatilis.Experimental animals were exposed to three microplastic sizes(0.08,0.5 and 6μm)and five nominal concentrations(0,0.5,2,8,32μg mL−1)for 20 d.Our results showed that the toxicological effect of particle size on rotifers did not significantly depend on the nominal concentration.The interaction between the nominal concentration and size occurred only for body length and lorica width.Specifically,high nominal concentrations of microplastics that were close to nanometer size significantly impaired the overall vitality of rotifers,embodied in shortage of body type,delay in the arrival of maturity,reduction in the cumulative number of neonates,and the advance of the death process.In comparison,fair-sized size(0.5 and 6μm)displayed non-significant damage except for individual groups.Most notably,the net reproductive yield was only a third of what it was in the original environment,implying that there was not much fertility left.Besides,with the development of rotifers,the adverse effects of polystyrene microsphere drive had become more and more serious. 展开更多
关键词 microplastic ZOOPLANKTON environmental stress life-history parameters
作者 王新艳 吕梦雪 +1 位作者 崔保山 邵冬冬 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期2171-2179,共9页
海草是唯一一类可以完全生活在海水中的高等被子植物,具有重要的生态服务功能和巨大的经济价值。但受气候变化和人类活动的双重影响,海草床退化趋势日益严峻。海草床生态系统受到外界胁迫后的稳定性和恢复能力很大程度上依赖于有性繁殖... 海草是唯一一类可以完全生活在海水中的高等被子植物,具有重要的生态服务功能和巨大的经济价值。但受气候变化和人类活动的双重影响,海草床退化趋势日益严峻。海草床生态系统受到外界胁迫后的稳定性和恢复能力很大程度上依赖于有性繁殖即种子繁殖,当胁迫造成海草死亡等不可逆转的伤害时,通过沉积物种子库能够进行种群维持和自我更新,因此研究海草种子扩散过程及种子库形成机制对海草生态系统稳定性的维持具有重要意义。综述了海草生活史类型、种子繁殖特征、种子扩散过程及影响因素、种子库形成机制等。在此基础上总结了目前研究存在的几方面不足和未来展望:1)不同环境胁迫条件对海草有性繁殖努力的影响研究;2)海草种子二次扩散的影响因素和扩散机制研究;3)沉积物沉降和再悬浮对种子扩散和截留的影响研究;4)环境因素变化下种子库的潜在分布和海草适宜生境预测与模拟。本研究以期为海草床生态系统的保护恢复研究提供理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 海草运动生态学 有性繁殖 生活史 水动力 沉积动态
Reproductive biology of Gazella arabica: Predictors of offspring weight and short- and long-term offspring survival
作者 Ryan A.Martin Rudiger Riesch +2 位作者 Martin Plath Naif A.Al Hanoosh Torsten Wronski 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第6期643-653,共11页
Reproductive traits are central to organismal fitness,and so the factors influencing patterns of reproduction and offspring survival are at the heart of biology.Making use of breeding data collected over 16 years at t... Reproductive traits are central to organismal fitness,and so the factors influencing patterns of reproduction and offspring survival are at the heart of biology.Making use of breeding data collected over 16 years at the King Khalid Wildlife Research Centre in Saudi Arabia,we investigated the reproductive biology of Arabian gazelles Gazella arabica.Offspring survival was mainly a function of birth weight,with heavier offspring having higher survival rates than lighter offspring.However,while sons were heavier than daughters,daughters had higher survival rates.We could not find evidence that giving birth to sons negatively impacts offspring weight in the following year.We uncovered large narrow-sense heritability(h2)in offspring weight at birth,while maternal effects(m2)on birth weight were of lesser importance.However,maternal effects on offspring survival were strong until weaning age,while paternal effects dominated survival to sexual maturity and first reproduction.We propose that variation in maternal postnatal care might overshadow the effects of maternal inheritance of birth weights,while the overall strong heritability of weight at birth and the paternal effects on survival llustrates strong variance in sire fitness based on genetic quality,suggesting a role for sexual selectionbyfemalemate choiceinwildpopulations. 展开更多
关键词 Arabian gazelles HERITABILITY life-history evolution offspring mortality sex differences UNGULATES
作者 唐美君 王志博 +4 位作者 张欣欣 殷坤山 周孝贵 郭华伟 肖强 《植物保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期231-235,共5页
绿点益蝽Picromerus viridipunctatus是茶园中新发现的一种捕食性天敌。为探明其生防潜力,通过室内饲养和观测,对其生物学习性和捕食行为开展了研究。结果表明,绿点益蝽在杭州一年发生4代,以成虫越冬;若虫共有5龄。在7月-11月自然温度... 绿点益蝽Picromerus viridipunctatus是茶园中新发现的一种捕食性天敌。为探明其生防潜力,通过室内饲养和观测,对其生物学习性和捕食行为开展了研究。结果表明,绿点益蝽在杭州一年发生4代,以成虫越冬;若虫共有5龄。在7月-11月自然温度条件下,卵期、若虫期和成虫期分别为9.1~9.7、23.4~28.0、22.5~26.6 d。单雌平均产卵量133粒,卵平均孵化率55.6%。若虫和成虫均能捕食多种茶园鳞翅目害虫,目前已明确的有茶尺蠖、灰茶尺蠖、茶用克尺蠖、茶蚕、茶刺蛾和茶斑蛾等;成虫对4龄灰茶尺蠖的日捕食量为5.5头。绿点益蝽在茶园具有较好的应用潜力。 展开更多
关键词 绿点益蝽 生活史 历期 生物习性 捕食
Safety is increasingly important in cobweb spiders based on life history
作者 Haixin ZHANG Rui ZHONG +3 位作者 Long YU Jian CHEN Ingi AGNARSSON Jie LIU 《Integrative Zoology》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第4期736-745,共10页
Detritus-based,bell-shaped cobwebs are an ideal model to research the plasticity of web architecture due to clearly separate defense and foraging components.We performed a thoroughfield investigation on the web archite... Detritus-based,bell-shaped cobwebs are an ideal model to research the plasticity of web architecture due to clearly separate defense and foraging components.We performed a thoroughfield investigation on the web architectures of Campanicola campanulata to research its cobweb architecture variation during the growth process and analyzed the energy trade-offs between foraging and defense at different developmental stages.The results indicated that as female C.campanulata grew,they dedicated more energy to defense and less energy to foraging,while males dedicated less energy to both defense and foraging through the growth period.We hypothesize that cobweb spiders dedicate an increasing amount of energy to safety based on evidence obtained from their life-history.Meanwhile,we present a new model to investigate web architecture variation and provide a new framework to quantify the energy allocation between foraging and predator defense for web-building spiders. 展开更多
关键词 Campanicola campanulata detritus-based bell-shaped retreat life-history theory trade-off
Altitudinal variation in life-history features of a Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau lizard
作者 Wei Yu Zeyu Zhu +3 位作者 Xiaolong Zhao Shuang Cui Zhensheng Liu Zhigao Zeng 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第3期284-293,共10页
Environmental changes along an altitudinal gradient can facilitate the differentiation of life-history features in ectothermic species,but little attention has been devoted to the reciprocal influence of altitude and ... Environmental changes along an altitudinal gradient can facilitate the differentiation of life-history features in ectothermic species,but little attention has been devoted to the reciprocal influence of altitude and alpine slope directionality on life-history variation.According to life-history theory,increased environmental stress causes a change in reproductive allocation from number to quality of offspring,as well as a stronger trade-off between size and number of offspring.To clarify the influence of environmental pressures on the life-history features of the Qinghai toad-headed lizard Phrynocephalus vlangalii along an altitudinal cline,we surveyed late pregnant females from 3 populations of low(2,600 m),middle(3,400 m),and high(3,600 m)elevations in the Dangjin Mountain of Gansu,China from July to October 2019,and compared their inter-population differences in maternal body size,reproductive characteristics,offspring growth,and locomotor performance.Because of lower temperatures,higher humidity,and lower light intensity caused by slope aspect and altitude,the middle-altitude region experienced stronger environmental stress than the high-and low-altitude regions.Our results showed that females were larger at middle-and high-altitude sites and smaller at the low-altitude site,following Bergmann’s rule.We also found that females from low-altitude population gave birth earlier than those from the middle and high altitudes.Our results showed a shift in the offspring size-number trade-off of P.vlangalii in response to colder and harsher environments,with lizards from the alpine steppe(i.e.the middle-and high-altitude habitats)producing fewer but larger offspring than those from the warm steppe(i.e.the low-altitude habitat).Low-altitude juveniles grew faster than high-altitude ones,but at the same rates as middle-altitude juveniles.This result demonstrates that the growth of P.vlangalii was associated with temperature and light intensity.Our findings contribute to enhancing our understanding of the altitudinal v 展开更多
关键词 altitudinal gradient growth life-history Phrynocephalus vlangali plateau lizard trade-off
Impacts of oxygen deficiency on embryo life-history traits of migratory locust Locusta migratoria from low and high altitudes
作者 Xianliang Huang Qianli Du +1 位作者 Lijing Wang Bing Chen 《Insect Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第3期867-879,共13页
Hypoxia challenges aerobic organisms in numerous environments,and hypoxic conditions may become more severe under future climate-change scenarios.The impact of hypoxia on the development of terrestrial insect embryos ... Hypoxia challenges aerobic organisms in numerous environments,and hypoxic conditions may become more severe under future climate-change scenarios.The impact of hypoxia on the development of terrestrial insect embryos is not well understood.Here,to address this gap,embryonic life-history traits of migratory locust Locusta migratoria from low-altitude and high-altitude regions were compared under 2 oxygen levels:normoxia(i.e.,21 kPa oxygen partial pressure and mild hypoxia(i.e.,10 kPa oxygen partial pressure).Our results demonstrated that,whether reared under normoxia or mild hypoxia,L.migratoria from high-altitude populations had longer developmental times,reduced weight,and lower mean relative growth rate as compared with those from low-altitude populations.When transferred from normoxia to mild hypoxia,nearly all the tested lifehistory traits presented significant negative changes in the low-altitude populations,but not in the high-altitude populations.The factor'strain'alone explained 18.26%-54.59%of the total variation for traits,suggesting that the phenotypic differences between L.migratoria populations from the 2 altitudes could be driven by genetic variation.Significant genetic correlations were found between life-history traits,and most of these showed differentiation between the 2 altitudinal gradients.G-matrix comparisons showed significant structural differences between L.migratoria from the 2 regions,as well as several negative covariances(i.e.,trade-offs)between traits in the low-altitude populations.Overall,our study provides clear evidence that evolutionary divergence of embryonic traits between L.migratoria populations from different altitudes has occurred. 展开更多
关键词 EMBRYO life-history traits Locusta migratoria oxygen deficiency population divergence
鱼类寄生宫脂属线虫研究进展 被引量:3
作者 李亮 徐真 张路平 《寄生虫与医学昆虫学报》 CAS 2006年第4期244-250,共7页
关键词 线虫 宫脂属 分类学 流行病学 生活史
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