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二(2-乙基己基)磷酸萃取L-苯丙氨酸 被引量:25
作者 刘阳生 戴猷元 汪家鼎 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第3期289-295,共7页
以二(2-乙基己基)磷酸(D2EHPA)-正辛烷萃取L-苯丙氨酸为对象,研究了D2EHPA浓度、L-苯丙氨酸初始浓度以及pH值对萃取平衡分配系数的影响。不同pH值下负载有机相的红外谱图分析表明,D2EHPA与L-苯丙氨酸形成的萃合物结构与pH值无关。... 以二(2-乙基己基)磷酸(D2EHPA)-正辛烷萃取L-苯丙氨酸为对象,研究了D2EHPA浓度、L-苯丙氨酸初始浓度以及pH值对萃取平衡分配系数的影响。不同pH值下负载有机相的红外谱图分析表明,D2EHPA与L-苯丙氨酸形成的萃合物结构与pH值无关。提出了在萃取过程中同时存在着离子交换反应和质子转移反应的观点。1个氨基酸分子与2个二(2-乙基己基)磷酸二聚体相结合。本文建立的萃取平衡分配系数关联式,拟合精度令人满意。 展开更多
关键词 质子转移 D2EHPA 离子交换 苯丙氨酸 萃取
燕麦粉挤压膨化工艺参数研究 被引量:27
作者 宁更哲 张波 +2 位作者 魏益民 师俊玲 胡新中 《中国粮油学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期28-31,共4页
为了研究挤压工艺参数对纯燕麦粉挤压膨化产品特性的影响并初步优化工艺参数,以纯燕麦粉为原料,采用DSE-25型双螺杆挤压设备,分析挤压温度、物料含水率、喂料速度和螺杆转速对燕麦挤压膨化产品口感、表观、气味、膨化率和综合评价的影... 为了研究挤压工艺参数对纯燕麦粉挤压膨化产品特性的影响并初步优化工艺参数,以纯燕麦粉为原料,采用DSE-25型双螺杆挤压设备,分析挤压温度、物料含水率、喂料速度和螺杆转速对燕麦挤压膨化产品口感、表观、气味、膨化率和综合评价的影响。结果表明:不同工艺参数对纯燕麦粉挤压膨化产品的口感得分、表观得分、膨化率和综合评分影响显著,对气味得分影响不显著。随着挤压温度、物料含水率、喂料速度和螺杆转速的增加,燕麦挤压膨化产品的质量先改善,后趋于下降。综合考虑燕麦挤压膨化产品特性,初步认为纯燕麦粉挤压膨化的较优工艺为:挤压温度160℃,物料含水率18%~20%,喂料速度40 g/min,螺杆转速160~180 r/min。 展开更多
关键词 燕麦 挤压膨化 感官评价 膨化率
初始pH值、液固比对某焚烧炉灰重金属渗滤的影响 被引量:17
作者 陆胜勇 池涌 +3 位作者 严建华 李晓东 倪明江 岑可法 《环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期48-52,共5页
对某煤和垃圾混烧流化床焚烧炉的一种灰样品进行了TCLP试验 ,研究了初始渗滤液pH值变化以及液固比变化对该灰中重金属渗滤特性的影响 .在初始渗滤液pH =6之前 ,渗滤后溶液的pH值升高迅速 ,pH =6之后 ,趋势缓慢 .试验结果表明灰中重金属... 对某煤和垃圾混烧流化床焚烧炉的一种灰样品进行了TCLP试验 ,研究了初始渗滤液pH值变化以及液固比变化对该灰中重金属渗滤特性的影响 .在初始渗滤液pH =6之前 ,渗滤后溶液的pH值升高迅速 ,pH =6之后 ,趋势缓慢 .试验结果表明灰中重金属极易在酸性环境中渗滤 .随着初始渗滤液液固比的增大 ,渗滤后溶液的pH值下降 ,渗滤液中的重金属浓度上升 ,灰中的重金属随液固比的增大不断滤出直至饱和状态 . 展开更多
关键词 焚烧炉灰 TClP试验 PH值 重金属渗滤 液固比 垃圾焚烧炉
螺旋理论和旅光性──旋光机理和对几个问题的解疑 被引量:15
作者 尹玉英 刘春蕴 《石油化工高等学校学报》 CAS 1996年第2期13-17,共5页
简述了液体和溶液旋光机理的螺旋模型.简化了由螺旋模型导出的公式,并得出了螺旋线的长度、螺旋半径、螺距和旋光度间的关系式.确定了最大旋光度的s/l比值为0.5776.统一了光学和有机化学中有关旋光性的研究结果.由此合理地解释... 简述了液体和溶液旋光机理的螺旋模型.简化了由螺旋模型导出的公式,并得出了螺旋线的长度、螺旋半径、螺距和旋光度间的关系式.确定了最大旋光度的s/l比值为0.5776.统一了光学和有机化学中有关旋光性的研究结果.由此合理地解释了立体化学中的一些难题。 展开更多
关键词 螺旋理论 旋光机理 光学 有机化学
控轧控冷工艺对L450M管线钢屈强比的影响 被引量:4
作者 张德勇 李伟 +3 位作者 杨志强 曲之国 刘振华 李维娟 《轧钢》 2023年第1期110-113,120,共5页
为了提高管线用钢的安全服役性能,使其获得良好的强韧性和较低的屈强比,采用现场小批量试制试验,研究了不同控轧控冷工艺对L450M管线钢组织性能的影响。结果表明:L450M管线钢采用粗轧开轧温度1010~1050℃,精轧开轧温度920~960℃,精轧终... 为了提高管线用钢的安全服役性能,使其获得良好的强韧性和较低的屈强比,采用现场小批量试制试验,研究了不同控轧控冷工艺对L450M管线钢组织性能的影响。结果表明:L450M管线钢采用粗轧开轧温度1010~1050℃,精轧开轧温度920~960℃,精轧终轧温度790~830℃,终冷温度550~580℃,屈服强度可达到475~513 MPa,抗拉强度565~583 MPa,伸长率32%~38%,屈强比0.82~0.88,-20℃横向冲击功188~285 J,满足API SPEC 5L-2018标准要求;适当提高精轧终轧温度、降低粗轧阶段变形量、减少精轧阶段轧制道次,有利于降低L450M管线钢的屈强比;适当降低冷速、提高终冷温度,使L450M管线钢显微组织中先共析铁素体比例增加,有利于降低屈强比。 展开更多
关键词 管线钢 l450M 屈强比 力学性能 控轧控冷工艺
L形高层隔震结构扭转影响参数分析 被引量:8
作者 赵建东 王曙光 刘伟庆 《世界地震工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期74-79,共6页
通过分析不规则L形高层结构在不同输入方向地震波下的振动特性,对不隔震设计以及不断优化隔震层偏心率的隔震设计下研究了楼层最不利位移比变化规律。建立高层隔震结构运动方程,并推导了偏心率的求解过程,基于结构偏心率与位移比的上述... 通过分析不规则L形高层结构在不同输入方向地震波下的振动特性,对不隔震设计以及不断优化隔震层偏心率的隔震设计下研究了楼层最不利位移比变化规律。建立高层隔震结构运动方程,并推导了偏心率的求解过程,基于结构偏心率与位移比的上述理论计算,用ETABS软件对5个算例进行了分析。结果表明:偏心率的变化对于不规则L形高层结构的扭转影响同一般规则结构相似,具有相同的规律。隔震设计能够有效改善不规则L形结构的严重扭转问题,同时随着隔震层刚心与上部结构质心的相对距离越来越小,即随着偏心率的减小,隔震设计下的结构楼层位移比也随之变小。因此,在不规则结构的隔震设计中,在满足隔震层设计要求下,应尽量减小偏心率,以保证减振效果和结构安全。 展开更多
关键词 l 高层隔震 偏心率 扭转 位移比
结核分枝杆菌L型检测的临床意义 被引量:6
作者 吴风霞 李慧灵 王鑫君 《中国防痨杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2004年第2期107-109,共3页
目的 研究结核分枝杆菌L型(MTB L)检测的临床意义。方法 结核病 31 4例留痰 31 2份 ,前列腺液 1份 ,精液 1份 ,标本经消化调整PH值后 ,380 0转 分离心沉淀 30分钟 ,取沉淀物接种92 TB L型培养基 ,进行MTB L培养 ,同时常规MTB培养对... 目的 研究结核分枝杆菌L型(MTB L)检测的临床意义。方法 结核病 31 4例留痰 31 2份 ,前列腺液 1份 ,精液 1份 ,标本经消化调整PH值后 ,380 0转 分离心沉淀 30分钟 ,取沉淀物接种92 TB L型培养基 ,进行MTB L培养 ,同时常规MTB培养对照。进行 (1 )初复治肺结核、肺外结核、肺结核治愈者标本MTB、MTB L培养 ,阳性检出率统计。 (2 )观察初治肺结核患者痰MTB L阳性与因症就诊时间关系。 (3)观察复治结核病MTB L阳性检出率与既往第一线用药品种数量关系。结果  31 4例MTB及MTB L均阳性的阳性检出率为 42 4% ,MTB L阳性检出率为 2 8 7% ,初治MTB L阳性者占菌阳总数的 64 .8% (59 91 ) ,并发现初治MTB L发生与就诊时间有关 ,超过 1个月与不超过 1个月阳性检出率相比差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 5)。复治MTB L阳性检出率占复治菌阳的72 .50 % (2 9 40 ) ,并与应用第一线抗结核药物品种数量有关 ,超过 4种药 3月以上与 1~ 3种药 3月以上相比 ,差异非常显著 (P <0 .0 1 )。结论 MTB L检测对结核病诊断、判断活动性、考核疗效及指导临床治疗 ,尤其痰MTB阴性者治疗 ,有重要临床意义。初、复治患者及时就诊 ,正规治疗 ,是减少MTB 展开更多
关键词 结核分枝杆菌l 检测 结核病 检出率 诊断
作者 徐俊忠 许文娟 夏菊军 《信息技术与标准化》 2024年第3期88-92,共5页
为推动彩色电子纸发展,首先介绍彩色电子纸技术分类,其次对不同技术类别电子纸的光学性能评价指标及方法、光学测量仪器等进行研究,探索使用最适合的光学指标及测量仪器来评价彩色电子纸的光学性能,为彩色电子纸的发展提供更科学的评价... 为推动彩色电子纸发展,首先介绍彩色电子纸技术分类,其次对不同技术类别电子纸的光学性能评价指标及方法、光学测量仪器等进行研究,探索使用最适合的光学指标及测量仪器来评价彩色电子纸的光学性能,为彩色电子纸的发展提供更科学的评价方法与参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 彩色电子纸 反射率 对比度 l%MUl% a%MUl% b%MUl% 色域体积 9点均匀度
钢纤维/聚合物复合材料性能研究 被引量:7
作者 范五一 黄锐 蔡碧华 《工程塑料应用》 CAS CSCD 1997年第6期1-4,共4页
关键词 钢纤维 聚合物 复合材料 导电性能 力学性能 导热性能 长径比
增强相对热塑性聚酰亚胺复合材料性能的影响 被引量:7
作者 宋艳江 王晓东 +2 位作者 章刚 黄培 时钧 《南京工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2006年第1期54-57,共4页
采用热模压成型的方法,在热塑性聚酰亚胺(TPI)中添加玻璃微珠(GB)、玻璃纤维粉(GFP)和短切玻璃纤维(SGF)进行复合增强,研究了3种不同形态填充材料及其含量对复合材料力学、摩擦磨损及热性能的影响。结果表明,随着填充物填充量的增加,所... 采用热模压成型的方法,在热塑性聚酰亚胺(TPI)中添加玻璃微珠(GB)、玻璃纤维粉(GFP)和短切玻璃纤维(SGF)进行复合增强,研究了3种不同形态填充材料及其含量对复合材料力学、摩擦磨损及热性能的影响。结果表明,随着填充物填充量的增加,所制得复合材料的刚性明显提高;并且填充物长径比越大,其作用效果越明显,由此制得的复合材料同时具有较低的体积磨损率及线膨胀系数。采用SGF增强复合材料的力学强度也随其填充量的增加显著增大,而采用GB及GFP填充的材料则呈下降趋势。采用SEM观察了复合材料断裂面的结构形貌,初步分析了其增强机理。 展开更多
关键词 热塑性聚酰亚胺 结构形态 改性 长径比
激光熔覆316L涂层晶粒生长取向与形貌对其耐蚀性能的影响 被引量:2
作者 周勇 徐龙 +4 位作者 周爽 董会 郭鹏飞 杨紫辰 张三齐 《表面技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期378-387,共10页
目的表征316L激光熔覆层的晶粒取向、形貌与其耐蚀性之间的关系,阐明晶粒形态对316L熔覆层耐蚀性能的影响原理。方法在Q235钢板上激光熔覆制备搭接率为20%、35%、50%的316L不锈钢熔覆层,获得具有不同取向与含量柱状晶的熔覆层。采用光... 目的表征316L激光熔覆层的晶粒取向、形貌与其耐蚀性之间的关系,阐明晶粒形态对316L熔覆层耐蚀性能的影响原理。方法在Q235钢板上激光熔覆制备搭接率为20%、35%、50%的316L不锈钢熔覆层,获得具有不同取向与含量柱状晶的熔覆层。采用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、能谱仪、X射线衍射仪、电化学工作站对熔覆层的显微组织、元素分布、物相组成及耐蚀性能进行表征。结果熔覆层的晶粒形态和耐蚀性能受到搭接率影响。熔覆层因搭接发生部分重熔和回火,产生了横向柱状晶,随着搭接率从20%增大至50%,横向柱状晶含量从25%提升到41%。搭接率不影响熔覆层物相组成,熔覆层主要物相均为γ相。横向柱状晶含量在38%和41%时的熔覆层自腐蚀电流密度较25%含量的熔覆层下降1个数量级,分别为3.73、1.34μA·cm^(-2),熔覆层耐蚀性能随横向柱状晶含量的增加而提升。结论熔覆层物相与搭接率无关,但搭接率会导致熔覆层晶粒生长取向与形貌发生变化:随着搭接率的增大,晶粒由等轴晶转变为横向柱状晶。横向柱状晶降低了腐蚀性介质的传输效率,导致熔覆层耐蚀性大幅度提升。 展开更多
关键词 激光熔覆 搭接率 316l 晶粒取向 耐蚀性能
GGE双标图的信息比校正原理与应用——以长江流域棉花品种生态区划分为例 被引量:6
作者 许乃银 李健 《中国生态农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期1169-1177,共9页
GGE双标图方法在农作物品种区域试验中被广泛地应用于品种评价、环境评价和品种生态区划分的统计分析和图形直观展示,但GGE双标图分析只能局限于前两个主成分,不能根据信息比准则恰当地取舍主成分数,因而无法保证对数据的最优拟合效果... GGE双标图方法在农作物品种区域试验中被广泛地应用于品种评价、环境评价和品种生态区划分的统计分析和图形直观展示,但GGE双标图分析只能局限于前两个主成分,不能根据信息比准则恰当地取舍主成分数,因而无法保证对数据的最优拟合效果。本研究以长江流域国家棉花区域试验数据为例,选择信息比IR≥1的主成分对GGE双标图模型进行校正,通过试验环境主成分得分的欧氏距离矩阵的聚类分析,校正通过双标图分析的品种生态区划分方案。结果表明,GGE双标图恰当拟合试验数据的比例仅为28.6%,在68.6%的试验中拟合不足,并在2.9%的试验中拟合过度。信息比校正的GGE(IR-GGE)模型总体拟合度提高了8.7%,而在GGE双标图拟合不足或拟合过度的试验中校正了12.2%的失拟度。GGE双标图模型的离优度系数为15.9%,对区域试验的总体模拟效果较好,仍可以展示基因型与环境互作的基本模式;但IR-GGE模型的拟合度更高,分析结果也更可靠。GGE双标图模型和IR-GGE模型对棉花品种生态区划分的总体架构相似,都将南襄盆地和四川盆地棉区划分为特定生态区,但在长江中下游棉区的划分细节上存在较大差异。IR-GGE模型的生态区划分方案与地理区域和生态特征更加吻合,实用性更强。本研究为GGE双标图的信息比校正研究和应用提供了范例,是对GGE双标图应用的重要补充,在基于GGE双标图的农作物品种区域试验数据分析和利用等方面具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 棉花(Gossypium hirsutum l.) GGE模型 双标图 信息比 品种生态区 区域试验
基于GA-BP神经网络的变压器故障诊断 被引量:5
作者 郭洪敏 杨岸 《煤矿机械》 2015年第7期318-320,共3页
提出利用GA-BP神经网络的系统对变压器的故障诊断进行优化。利用GA遗传算法优化BP的初始权值,得到GA-BP神经网络。同时使用L-M算法训练GA-BP,使其可精确识别故障变压器内部的气体含量变化,并针对变压器故障诊断过程进行高效处理。GA-BP... 提出利用GA-BP神经网络的系统对变压器的故障诊断进行优化。利用GA遗传算法优化BP的初始权值,得到GA-BP神经网络。同时使用L-M算法训练GA-BP,使其可精确识别故障变压器内部的气体含量变化,并针对变压器故障诊断过程进行高效处理。GA-BP神经网络具备模糊算法,具有计算快速和判断准确等优点,可在很多的领域内保障电气安全,因而其具有良好的发展前景。 展开更多
关键词 GA-BP l-M 三比值 模糊性 故障诊断 变压器
Influence of Vertical Load on Lateral-Loaded Monopiles by Numerical Simulation 被引量:1
作者 Qiang Li Pan Chen +2 位作者 Lihong Gao Dan Meng Jinjie Zou 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2023年第4期465-481,共17页
Monopiles are the most common foundation form of offshore wind turbines,which bear the vertical load,lateral load and bending moment.It remains uncertain whether the applied vertical load increases the lateral deflect... Monopiles are the most common foundation form of offshore wind turbines,which bear the vertical load,lateral load and bending moment.It remains uncertain whether the applied vertical load increases the lateral deflection of the pile.This paper investigated the influence of vertical load on the behaviour of monopiles installed in the sand under combined load using three-dimensional numerical methods.The commercial software PLAXIS was used for simulations in this paper.Monopiles were modelled as a structure incorporating linear elastic material behaviour and soil was modelled using the Hardening-Soil(HS)constitutive model.The monopiles under vertical load,lateral load and combined vertical and lateral loads were respectively studied taking into account the sequence of load application and pile slenderness ratio(L/D;L and D are the length and diameter of the pile).Results suggest that the sequence of load application plays a major role in how vertical load affects the deflection behaviour of the pile.Specifically,when L/D ratios obtained by lengthening the pile while keeping its diameter constant are 3,5 and 8,the relationships between lateral load and the deflection behaviour of the pile under the effect of vertical load demonstrate a similar trend.Furthermore,the cause of increased lateral capacity of the pile under the action of applied vertical load in the common practical application case and in the VPL case was analyzed by studying the variation law of soil stress along the pile embedment.Results confirm that the confining effect of vertical load increases means effective stress of the soil around the pile,thus increasing soil stiffness and pile capacity. 展开更多
关键词 PIlE lateral capacity combined load sequence of load application l/D ratio
迷迭香酸对大肠杆菌L-天冬酰胺酶的激活及亚铁离子对迷迭香酸的抗菌增效作用 被引量:4
作者 李明喆 刘晓倩 +1 位作者 邵楠 李荣贵 《微生物学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第8期1222-1226,共5页
研究了迷迭香酸对大肠杆菌L-天冬酰胺酶促反应动力学的影响,结果表明,迷迭香酸能降低天冬酰胺酶的表观米氏常数,是该酶的激活剂;亚铁离子能显著促进迷迭香酸的抗菌活性,吸收光谱分析显示,迷迭香酸与亚铁离子存在直接的相互作用,二者的... 研究了迷迭香酸对大肠杆菌L-天冬酰胺酶促反应动力学的影响,结果表明,迷迭香酸能降低天冬酰胺酶的表观米氏常数,是该酶的激活剂;亚铁离子能显著促进迷迭香酸的抗菌活性,吸收光谱分析显示,迷迭香酸与亚铁离子存在直接的相互作用,二者的结合比为1:1。 展开更多
关键词 迷迭香酸 l-天冬酰胺酶 亚铁离子 抗菌活性 结合比
Advantages of Maize-Legume Intercropping Systems 被引量:3
作者 Shyamal Kheroar Bikas Chandra Patra 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第10期733-744,共12页
An experiment was conducted during Kharif seasons of 2009 and 2010 on sandy loam soil of West Bengal, India to evaluate the productivity and economic viability of maize + legume intercropping systems in additive as w... An experiment was conducted during Kharif seasons of 2009 and 2010 on sandy loam soil of West Bengal, India to evaluate the productivity and economic viability of maize + legume intercropping systems in additive as well as in replacement series with different row proportions. Maize (Zea rnays L.) cv. "Vijay" (composite), green gram (Vigna radiata L.) cv. "Samrat", black gram (Vigna mungo L.) cv. "Sarada", soybean (Glycine max L. Merril) cv. "PK 327" and peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) cv. "JL 24", were tested in monoculture as well as in intercropping situations with 1:1 (additive series) and 1:2 ratios (replacement series). The result indicated that intercropped legumes improved the yield components of maize and offered some bonus yield. The highest maize grain yield (2,916.28 kg/ha) and maize equivalent yield (4,831.45 kg/ha) were recorded with maize + green gram (1:1) and maize + peanut (1:I), respectively. The values of all the competition functions were always greater than unity and maize + black gram (1:2) recorded the highest values of land equivalent ratio (1.433), area time equivalent ratio (1.374) and land equivalent coefficient (0.421). Maximum monetary advantage (Rs. 10,579.13) was found with maize + green gam (l:1). Maize + peanut (1:2) combination recorded the highest relative net return (2.01), net return (Rs. 28,523.08), benefit-cost ratio (2.76) ad per day return (Rs. 259.30). 展开更多
关键词 Maize (Zea mays l.) INTERCROPPING lEGUME monetary advantage land equivalent ratio area time equivalent ratio relative net return benefit-cost ratio.
Investigation on the Folding Mode and Deployment Process of an Inflatable Boarding Platform for the Marine Emergency Evacuation System
作者 Qiang Li Pan Chen +2 位作者 Lihong Gao Dan Meng Jinjie Zou 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2023年第4期483-510,共28页
Monopiles are the most common foundation form of offshore wind turbines,which bear the vertical load,lateral load and bending moment.It remains uncertain whether the applied vertical load increases the lateral deflect... Monopiles are the most common foundation form of offshore wind turbines,which bear the vertical load,lateral load and bending moment.It remains uncertain whether the applied vertical load increases the lateral deflection of the pile.This paper investigated the influence of vertical load on the behaviour of monopiles installed in the sand under combined load using three-dimensional numerical methods.The commercial software PLAXIS was used for simulations in this paper.Monopiles were modelled as a structure incorporating linear elastic material behaviour and soil was modelled using the Hardening-Soil(HS)constitutive model.The monopiles under vertical load,lateral load and combined vertical and lateral loads were respectively studied taking into account the sequence of load application and pile slenderness ratio(L/D;L and D are the length and diameter of the pile).Results suggest that the sequence of load application plays a major role in how vertical load affects the deflection behaviour of the pile.Specifically,when L/D ratios obtained by lengthening the pile while keeping its diameter constant are 3,5 and 8,the relationships between lateral load and the deflection behaviour of the pile under the effect of vertical load demonstrate a similar trend.Furthermore,the cause of increased lateral capacity of the pile under the action of applied vertical load in the common practical application case and in the VPL case was analyzed by studying the variation law of soil stress along the pile embedment.Results confirm that the confining effect of vertical load increases means effective stress of the soil around the pile,thus increasing soil stiffness and pile capacity. 展开更多
关键词 PIlE lateral capacity combined load sequence of load application l/D ratio
Immunogenetic basis of chicken’s heterophil to lymphocyte ratio revealed by genome-wide indel variants analysis
作者 ZHANG Jin WANG Jie +6 位作者 WANG Qiao CUI Huan-xian DING Ji-qiang WANG Zi-xuan Mamadou Thiam LI Qing-he ZHAO Gui-ping 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第9期2810-2823,共14页
Enhancing host immunity is an effective way to reduce morbidity in chickens.Heterophil to lymphocyte ratio(H/L)is associated with host disease resistance in birds.Chickens with different H/L levels show different dise... Enhancing host immunity is an effective way to reduce morbidity in chickens.Heterophil to lymphocyte ratio(H/L)is associated with host disease resistance in birds.Chickens with different H/L levels show different disease resistances.However,the utility of the H/L as an indicator of immune function needs to be further analyzed.In this study,a H/L directional breeding chicken line(Jingxing yellow chicken)was constructed,which has been bred for 12 generations.We compared the function of heterophils,and combined statistical analysis to explore the candidate genes and pathways related to H/L.The oxidative burst function of the heterophils isolated from the H/L selection line(G12)was increased(P=0.044)compared to the non-selection line(NS).The 22.44 Mb genomic regions which annotated 300 protein-coding genes were selected in the genome of G9(n=92)compared to NS(n=92)based on a genome-wide selective sweep.Several selective regions were identified containing genes like interferon induced with helicase C domain 1(IFIH1)and moesin(MSN)associated with the intracellular receptor signaling pathway,C–C motif chemokine receptor 6(CCR6),dipeptidyl peptidase 4(DPP4)and hemolytic complement(HC)associated with the negative regulation of leukocyte chemotaxis and tight junction protein 1(TJP1)associated with actin cytoskeleton organization.In addition,45 genome-wide significant indels containing 29 protein-coding genes were also identified as associated with the H/L based on genome-wide association study(GWAS).The expression of protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 5(PTPN5)(r=0.75,P=0.033)and oxysterol binding protein like 5(OSBPL5)(r=0.89,P=0.0027)were positively correlated with H/L.Compared to the high H/L group,the expressions of PTPN5 and OSBPL5 were decreased(P<0.05)in the low H/L group of Beijing you chicken.The A/A allelic frequency of indel 5_13108985(P=3.85E–06)within OSBPL5 gradually increased from the NS to G5 and G9,and the individuals with A/A exhibited lower H/L than individuals with heterozygote A/ATCT(P=4 展开更多
关键词 H/l ratio heterophil INDEl selective sweep GWAS
Microstructure and Size‑Dependent Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steels Produced by Laser Metal Deposition
作者 Hua‑Zhen Jiang Qi‑Sheng Chen +5 位作者 Zheng‑Yang Li Xin‑Ye Chen Hui‑Lei Sun Shao‑Ke Yao Jia‑Huiyu Fang Qi‑Yun Hu 《Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第1期1-20,共20页
Metal additive manufacturing(AM),as a disruptive technology in the feld of fabricating metallic parts,has shown its ability to design component with macrostructural complexity.However,some of these functionally comple... Metal additive manufacturing(AM),as a disruptive technology in the feld of fabricating metallic parts,has shown its ability to design component with macrostructural complexity.However,some of these functionally complex structures typically contain a wide range of feature sizes,namely,the characteristic length of elements in AM-produced components can vary from millimeter to meter-scale.The requisite for controlling performance covers nearly six orders of magnitude,from the microstructure to macro scale structure.Understanding the mechanical variation with the feature size is of critical importance for topology optimization engineers to make required design decisions.In this work,laser metal deposition(LMD)is adopted to manufacture 316L stainless steel(SS)samples.To evaluate the efect of defects and specimen size on mechanical properties of LMD-produced samples,fve rectangular sample sizes which ranged from non-standard miniature size to ASTM standard sub-sized samples were machined from the block.Tensile test reveals that the mechanical properties including yield strength(YS),ultimate tensile strength(UTS),and elongation to failure(εf)are almost the identical for samples with ASTM standard size.Whilst,relatively lower YS and UTS values,except forεf,are observed for samples with a miniature size compared with that of ASTM standard samples.Theεf values of LMD-produced 316L SS samples show a more complex trend with sample size,and are afected by three key infuencing factors,namely,slimness ratio,cluster of pores,and occupancy location of lack of fusion defects.In general,theεf values exhibit a decreasing trend with the increase of slimness ratio.Microstructure characterization reveals that the LMD-produced 316L samples exhibited a high stress status at low angle grain boundaries,whilst its location changed to high angle grain boundaries after plastic deformation.The grain size refnement and austenite-to-martensite phase transformation occurred during plastic deformation might be responsible for the very high YS 展开更多
关键词 Additive manufacturing laser metal deposition 316l stainless steel Tensile properties Slimness ratio
Climatic effects on soil organic nitrogen fractions and amino acid chirality in paddy soils
作者 Qiang LI Jin WANG +2 位作者 Hezhong YUAN Baoshan CHEN Shunyao ZHUANG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第4期579-588,共10页
Soil organic nitrogen(ON)accounts for more than 90%of the total nitrogen(TN)in paddy soils.Inadequate understanding of the different ON fractions in paddy soils and their corresponding bioavailability under different ... Soil organic nitrogen(ON)accounts for more than 90%of the total nitrogen(TN)in paddy soils.Inadequate understanding of the different ON fractions in paddy soils and their corresponding bioavailability under different climatic conditions has constrained the development of appropriate nutrient management strategies for rice production.In this study,we applied a modified Bremner method coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography to characterize how soil ON fractions and amino acid chirality varied under different climatic conditions at five typical rice production sites along a latitudinal gradient.According to the results,climate had no obvious influence on TN,nitrogen(N)form,and individual amino acid contents.However,the proportions of various N forms in TN had linear relationships with annual mean temperature(AMT),with high correlation coefficient(r)values.Amino acid components also exhibited similar trends,with r as high as 0.85.Most notably,consistent linear relationships were observed between the D/L ratios of several amino acids and AMT in paddy soils(r=0.18–0.92).Findings of this study provide insights into ON and amino acid dynamics in paddy soil systems under intensive production along climate gradients. 展开更多
关键词 amino acid-N amino sugar-N annual mean temperature D/l ratio hydrolysable ammonium-N rice total hydrolysable N unhydrolysable N
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