方兴未艾的国际科技合作是科学复杂化与综合化的产物,亦是提升本国科研实力的必由之路。回顾我国30年参与国际科技合作历程,对于明晰我国在国际科技合作中的地位以及提升科研实力具有重要意义。论文合著与项目合作是科技合作的主要载体...方兴未艾的国际科技合作是科学复杂化与综合化的产物,亦是提升本国科研实力的必由之路。回顾我国30年参与国际科技合作历程,对于明晰我国在国际科技合作中的地位以及提升科研实力具有重要意义。论文合著与项目合作是科技合作的主要载体,通过搜寻Web of Science论文数据库和国家国际科技合作专项网、中国国际科技合作网、中国科学院官网、中国工程院官网等网站,分别检索1987-2016年我国国际论文合著和项目合作信息,选择科技合作重心、合作程度、合作热点进行量化分析。研究发现:(1)论文合著与项目合作重心分别呈现"极化到扩散"与"此消彼长"的合作态势,合作对象集中于发达国家,与新兴经济体国家的合作相对欠缺;(2)我国论文合著与项目合作程度持续深化,但国际主导型和参与的核心技术研发项目稀少,精准合作可以成为提升科技合作质量的出路;(3)论文合著与项目合作领域逐渐拓宽,但聚焦于数理、化学科学等自然科学领域,信息科学作为新兴学科也逐渐进入科技合作视野,社会科学领域合作则需要给予更多政策、基金与人才支持。展开更多
The Cube Sat refers to the low-cost nano satellite produced by international standards. The QB50 project is "an International Network of 50 double Cube Sats for multi-point, in-situ, long-duration measurements in...The Cube Sat refers to the low-cost nano satellite produced by international standards. The QB50 project is "an International Network of 50 double Cube Sats for multi-point, in-situ, long-duration measurements in the lower thermosphere and re-entry research". There are 23 countries and region participated in the QB50 Project. 38 Cube Sats were developed and launched. Among them, four Cube Sats developed by Chinese universities were sent to orbit(Three were deployed from the International Space Station, and one was launched by the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, PLSV). They are Aoxiang-1(Northwestern Polytechnical University, the Asia coordinator), Lilac Sat-1(Harbin Institute of Technology), NJUST-2(Nanjing University of Science and Technology) and NUDTsat(National University of Defense Technology). Through the development of the QB50 Project, Chinese researchers and students got in touch with the concept of Cube Sat and gained experience of international scientific cooperation. A lot of students took part in the assembly, integration, and test of spacecraft, which is helpful to the training of space talents. Now, many universities and institutes have the capabilities to develop Cube Sats and the subsystems independently.展开更多
文摘方兴未艾的国际科技合作是科学复杂化与综合化的产物,亦是提升本国科研实力的必由之路。回顾我国30年参与国际科技合作历程,对于明晰我国在国际科技合作中的地位以及提升科研实力具有重要意义。论文合著与项目合作是科技合作的主要载体,通过搜寻Web of Science论文数据库和国家国际科技合作专项网、中国国际科技合作网、中国科学院官网、中国工程院官网等网站,分别检索1987-2016年我国国际论文合著和项目合作信息,选择科技合作重心、合作程度、合作热点进行量化分析。研究发现:(1)论文合著与项目合作重心分别呈现"极化到扩散"与"此消彼长"的合作态势,合作对象集中于发达国家,与新兴经济体国家的合作相对欠缺;(2)我国论文合著与项目合作程度持续深化,但国际主导型和参与的核心技术研发项目稀少,精准合作可以成为提升科技合作质量的出路;(3)论文合著与项目合作领域逐渐拓宽,但聚焦于数理、化学科学等自然科学领域,信息科学作为新兴学科也逐渐进入科技合作视野,社会科学领域合作则需要给予更多政策、基金与人才支持。
文摘The Cube Sat refers to the low-cost nano satellite produced by international standards. The QB50 project is "an International Network of 50 double Cube Sats for multi-point, in-situ, long-duration measurements in the lower thermosphere and re-entry research". There are 23 countries and region participated in the QB50 Project. 38 Cube Sats were developed and launched. Among them, four Cube Sats developed by Chinese universities were sent to orbit(Three were deployed from the International Space Station, and one was launched by the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, PLSV). They are Aoxiang-1(Northwestern Polytechnical University, the Asia coordinator), Lilac Sat-1(Harbin Institute of Technology), NJUST-2(Nanjing University of Science and Technology) and NUDTsat(National University of Defense Technology). Through the development of the QB50 Project, Chinese researchers and students got in touch with the concept of Cube Sat and gained experience of international scientific cooperation. A lot of students took part in the assembly, integration, and test of spacecraft, which is helpful to the training of space talents. Now, many universities and institutes have the capabilities to develop Cube Sats and the subsystems independently.