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动物园野生动物消化道寄生虫感染调查 被引量:16
作者 罗琴 谭立娉 +4 位作者 胡伟 郑国超 林丽琴 路鹏云 李国清 《中国动物传染病学报》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第1期27-32,共6页
为了解广州市某野生动物园草食类及灵长类野生动物肠道寄生虫的感染情况,采用粪便检查法共检查36种动物500份粪样,总阳性率为50.6%。其中毛圆线虫、毛尾线虫、蛔虫、类圆线虫、钩虫、绦虫、片形吸虫、球虫的感染率分别为37.4%、5.0%、5... 为了解广州市某野生动物园草食类及灵长类野生动物肠道寄生虫的感染情况,采用粪便检查法共检查36种动物500份粪样,总阳性率为50.6%。其中毛圆线虫、毛尾线虫、蛔虫、类圆线虫、钩虫、绦虫、片形吸虫、球虫的感染率分别为37.4%、5.0%、5.4%、2.0%、0.2%、2.4%、0.4%、7.8%。草食类和灵长类动物寄生虫感染率分别为61.3%和28.4%,其中长颈鹿的毛圆线虫、猴科动物的毛尾线虫感染较为普遍,年平均感染率分别为64.5%和31.2%,具有明显季节性。采用粪便培养法将毛圆线虫卵培养至第三期幼虫,对其进行形态学鉴定,结果显示,来自长颈鹿、角马、弯角剑羚的毛圆线虫样品多为混合感染,其中捻转血矛线虫为优势虫种。 展开更多
关键词 野生动物 肠道寄生虫 捻转血矛线虫 毛尾线虫 野生动物园
国内羊胃肠道寄生虫流行病学调查及捻转血矛线虫系统进化分析 被引量:13
作者 郭筱璐 杨怡 +6 位作者 施宇 黄艳 时恒枝 张玲 周静茹 陈学秋 杜爱芳 《中国兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期1332-1337,共6页
为更好地掌握我国部分地区羊胃肠道寄生虫病的流行情况以及捻转血矛线虫zJ株近年来的系统进化关系,从而为捻转血矛线虫病的防治提供科学依据,于2014年9-12月采集了来自山东、吉林、黑龙江、内蒙古、辽宁、河北、江苏、天津和青海9个... 为更好地掌握我国部分地区羊胃肠道寄生虫病的流行情况以及捻转血矛线虫zJ株近年来的系统进化关系,从而为捻转血矛线虫病的防治提供科学依据,于2014年9-12月采集了来自山东、吉林、黑龙江、内蒙古、辽宁、河北、江苏、天津和青海9个省(市)的49(9份羊粪样品,对其进行了寄生虫虫卵分类鉴定,对羊寄生虫病的流行病学特征进行总结分析;此外实验室于2004-2013年采集了来自浙江省嘉兴地区的15份捻转血矛线虫ZJ株成虫样品,设计特异性引物对样品ITG2和ND4基因进行分子克隆测序鉴定比对,对该虫近10年来的系统进化进行分析。结果表明,全国各地羊体内肠道寄生虫的感染情况均较为严重,其中感染虫种的严重程度依次为原虫(83.27‰)、线虫(64.29%)和绦虫(49.80%),感染相对最为严重的3个地区分别为天津、青海和内蒙古,而相对较轻的3个地区为江苏、黑龙江、山东。对捻转血矛线虫ZJ株的15份样品进行系统进化分析显示,ITS-2和ND4基因在10年间均有不同程度的遗传变异发生,变异范围分别为0.0%-3.9%和0.4‰-4.8%,而ND4突变程度较大可能是由于虫种固有差异引起的。而2种基因都有部分位点突变后与H.placei(Haemonchus pacei)相同,说明嘉兴地区可能存在捻转血矛线虫和H.placei交叉感染的情况。调查分析结果将为制定更合理的羊寄生虫病防控方案提供参考依据,并为寄生虫系统进化分析研究奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 胃肠道寄生虫 流行病学调查 捻转血矛线虫 系统进化分析
新疆叶城县驴胃肠道寄生虫感染情况的调查 被引量:10
作者 王时伟 何良军 张伟信 《中国兽医科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期97-99,共3页
为了解塔里木盆地驴胃肠道寄生虫的感染情况,2011年7月下旬至9月中旬,在驴屠宰车间随机选取60头驴,应用系统剖检法对其胃肠道寄生虫的感染情况进行了调查,依据形态学鉴定虫体种类。结果显示,胃肠道寄生虫的感染率为100%,均为混合感染,感... 为了解塔里木盆地驴胃肠道寄生虫的感染情况,2011年7月下旬至9月中旬,在驴屠宰车间随机选取60头驴,应用系统剖检法对其胃肠道寄生虫的感染情况进行了调查,依据形态学鉴定虫体种类。结果显示,胃肠道寄生虫的感染率为100%,均为混合感染,感染2种寄生虫的驴占5%,感染3种以上寄生虫的驴占95%;共鉴定出7(亚)科13属28种寄生虫,其中圆线属占100%,杯环属占71.7%,盅口属占65.0%,胃蝇属占53.3%,冠环属占40.0%,柔线属占28.3%,杯冠属占21.7%,副蛔属占16.7%,三齿属占13.3%,尖尾属占8.3%,普氏属占3.3%,毛圆属占1.6%,裸头属占1.6%。建议养殖者提高管理水平,相关部门也应重视对驴进行消化道线虫和胃蝇的驱虫工作。 展开更多
关键词 胃肠道 寄生虫
广西地区人工驯繁猕猴、食蟹猴胃肠道寄生虫感染情况的初步调查 被引量:9
作者 李健 全琛宇 +4 位作者 施维 周庆安 张鸿满 黄维义 何国声 《实验动物与比较医学》 CAS 2013年第4期279-284,共6页
目的了解广西人工驯养、自繁非人灵长类实验动物(猕猴、食蟹猴)胃肠道寄生虫感染情况,为制定防治策略提供参考依据。方法根据驯繁场的常规饲养管理设置,将猴群分为生长猴群、繁殖猴群、检疫猴群三类,于2008~2012年间采集广西区内... 目的了解广西人工驯养、自繁非人灵长类实验动物(猕猴、食蟹猴)胃肠道寄生虫感染情况,为制定防治策略提供参考依据。方法根据驯繁场的常规饲养管理设置,将猴群分为生长猴群、繁殖猴群、检疫猴群三类,于2008~2012年间采集广西区内六家驯繁场共784份粪样,同时采用直接涂片法、饱和食盐水漂浮法、醛.醚沉淀法对粪样进行处理后镜检。结果猴胃肠道寄生虫总感染率为72.4%。共检查出原虫5类分别为:阿米巴原虫、人毛滴虫、贾第虫、结肠小袋纤毛虫及球虫:线虫5类分别为:鞭虫、类圆线虫、泡翼线虫、食道口线虫、卷口线虫;绦虫2类分别为膜壳绦虫、司氏伯特绦虫;以及吸虫1类、粉螨1类。生长猴群感染胃肠道寄生虫的种类最少,检疫猴群感染种类多,繁殖猴群则介于两种猴群之间。其中生长猴群与繁殖猴群肠道原虫的感染率相对较高,以阿米巴原虫与结肠小袋纤毛虫的感染为主。结论此次调查结果显示生活史简单的原虫以及驱虫药驱杀效果不佳的土源性线虫已成为危害广西驯繁非人灵长类实验动物的主要虫种,可作为防控依据:而部分检出虫种可作为人兽共患寄生虫病病原体,因此在防范人与猴群之间的疾病传播中具有重要的公共卫生意义。 展开更多
关键词 非人灵长类 猕猴 食蟹猴 胃肠道寄生虫 感染 广西
昭苏马夏秋季感染消化道寄生虫病的动态观察 被引量:6
作者 明.乌尔娜 斯清 +3 位作者 李海 马玉辉 瓦热斯.吐尔松 巴音查汗 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第11期156-157,161,共3页
为了解昭苏马夏秋季消化道寄生虫感染情况,研究采用寄生虫病原学常规检查方法对昭苏县军马场、马繁育中心及部分牧户的70匹马进行了消化道寄生虫感染动态试验。结果表明:昭苏马夏秋季感染消化道寄生虫有7种,包括马圆形线虫、马副蛔虫、... 为了解昭苏马夏秋季消化道寄生虫感染情况,研究采用寄生虫病原学常规检查方法对昭苏县军马场、马繁育中心及部分牧户的70匹马进行了消化道寄生虫感染动态试验。结果表明:昭苏马夏秋季感染消化道寄生虫有7种,包括马圆形线虫、马副蛔虫、毛线虫、三齿线虫、马尖尾线虫、韦氏类圆线虫、球虫等,感染率分别为83.17%、74.87%、25.63%、7.48%、5.78%、5.12%、4.02%,且多为混合感染;虫卵感染强度(EPG)在8月份达到最高,每克粪便含虫卵数高达394个,说明8月份为驱虫最佳时期。 展开更多
关键词 昭苏马 消化道寄生虫 感染率 感染强度 动态观察 计划性驱虫
海晏县牦牛消化道寄生虫感染情况调查 被引量:5
作者 汪晓荷 任玫 +5 位作者 常建军 李若阳 宫震 韩梦妮 康明 林青 《动物医学进展》 北大核心 2019年第10期127-129,共3页
为摸清青海省海晏县牦牛消化道寄生虫的感染情况,为防治寄生虫病提供依据。试验随机采集牦牛新鲜粪便样品159份,用饱和盐水漂浮法和离心沉淀法进行寄生虫虫卵和卵囊检查。结果发现,在海晏县牦牛粪便中检出有线虫卵、绦虫卵和球虫卵囊,... 为摸清青海省海晏县牦牛消化道寄生虫的感染情况,为防治寄生虫病提供依据。试验随机采集牦牛新鲜粪便样品159份,用饱和盐水漂浮法和离心沉淀法进行寄生虫虫卵和卵囊检查。结果发现,在海晏县牦牛粪便中检出有线虫卵、绦虫卵和球虫卵囊,牦牛消化道这几种寄生虫的总感染率为57.2%,在夏季、秋季和冬季中的检出率分别为37.1%、43.5%、94.1%,差异显著(P<0.05),其中冬季的检出率最高。调查结果表明,海晏县牦牛消化道寄生虫普遍存在,提示在牦牛养殖中要重视消化道寄生虫病的防治。 展开更多
关键词 牦牛 消化道寄生虫 感染率 调查
宠物仓鼠胃肠道寄生虫感染情况调查 被引量:4
作者 吕超超 冯超 +4 位作者 齐萌 杨红玉 菅复春 宁长申 张龙现 《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期279-280,共2页
用饱和蔗糖溶液漂浮法、改良抗酸染色法和卢戈碘液染色法对郑州某宠物市场金色仓鼠(Mesocricetus auratus)、黑线毛足鼠(Phodopus sungorus)、坎氏毛足鼠(P.campbelli)和小毛足鼠(P.roborovskii)共153份粪便样品进行检查,寄生虫感染阳... 用饱和蔗糖溶液漂浮法、改良抗酸染色法和卢戈碘液染色法对郑州某宠物市场金色仓鼠(Mesocricetus auratus)、黑线毛足鼠(Phodopus sungorus)、坎氏毛足鼠(P.campbelli)和小毛足鼠(P.roborovskii)共153份粪便样品进行检查,寄生虫感染阳性率分别为70.7%(41/58)、96.7%(59/61)、83.9%(26/31)和100%(3/3),平均阳性率为84.3%。共检出8种寄生虫,分别为隐孢子虫(15.0%)、贾第虫(22.2%)、球虫(2.0%)、短膜壳绦虫(31.4%)、长膜壳绦虫(25.5%)、管状线虫(41.8%)、四翼无刺线虫(7.2%)和毛尾目未定种类(18.3%)。表明宠物仓鼠可感染和传播多种人兽共同感染的寄生虫。 展开更多
关键词 宠物 仓鼠 胃肠道寄生虫 调查
Infectious causation of chronic disease:Examining the relationship between Giardia lamblia infection and irritable bowel syndrome 被引量:3
作者 Alice S Penrose Eden V Wells Allison E Aiello 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第34期4574-4578,共5页
AIM: To evaluate whether a higher prevalence of Giardia lamblia infection is associated with an increase in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) prescriptions at the county level in Michigan. METHODS: The Michigan Disease S... AIM: To evaluate whether a higher prevalence of Giardia lamblia infection is associated with an increase in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) prescriptions at the county level in Michigan. METHODS: The Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS) was used to ascertain both the numbers of Giardia lamblia infections as well as the total number of foodborne illnesses per population by county in Michigan during 2005. This was compared with Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) of Michigan numbers of drug prescriptions for IBS per one thousand members per county in 2005. These data were also analyzed for associations with per capita income by county and the number of refugees entering each county in 2005. RESULTS: There were a total of 786 confirmed cases of Giardia lamblia reported to MDSS in 2005. During the same time period, the number of prescriptions for IBS varied from 0.5 per 1000 members up to 6.0 per 1000 members per month. There was no trend towards higher numbers of IBS prescriptions in the counties with more Giardia lamblia infections. Per capita income was not associated with either IBS prescriptions or Giardiasis. There was a significant linear association between the number of refugees entering each county, and the number of Giardia lamblia cases per 100 000 population. CONCLUSION: In this ecological study, there was no association found between BCBS prescriptions for IBS and Giardia lamblia infections in Michigan counties. Our findings may have been influenced by the disparate number of refugees admitted per county. 展开更多
关键词 FOODBORNE gastrointestinal Giardia lamblia Irritable bowel syndrome parasite Prescription Refugees
非人灵长类动物肠道寄生虫与宿主相互作用的研究进展 被引量:1
作者 陆媚静 范鹏来 +1 位作者 孙涛 周岐海 《广西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第5期354-365,共12页
肠道寄生虫是宿主体内的重要组成部分,对宿主的生长发育和免疫疾病产生重要影响。随着非人灵长类动物与人类接触日益增多,非人灵长类动物感染肠道寄生虫的风险增加,由肠道寄生虫引发的新发疾病对非人灵长类动物的生存造成严重威胁,已成... 肠道寄生虫是宿主体内的重要组成部分,对宿主的生长发育和免疫疾病产生重要影响。随着非人灵长类动物与人类接触日益增多,非人灵长类动物感染肠道寄生虫的风险增加,由肠道寄生虫引发的新发疾病对非人灵长类动物的生存造成严重威胁,已成为非人灵长类动物保护的重要挑战。本文对非人灵长类动物肠道寄生虫的种类和特征进行总结,并对肠道寄生虫与非人灵长类动物的社会行为、生长发育、免疫作用、防御以及人类活动对非人灵长类动物肠道寄生虫的影响等方面进行综述,以期为研究非人灵长类动物肠道寄生虫的作用和公共健康卫生提供理论基础和新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 非人灵长类动物 人畜共患病 肠道寄生虫 传染病
Study on Gastrointestinal Parasitism of Wild Animals in Captivity at the Zoological Garden of Haramaya University, Ethiopia
作者 Dakalo Dashe Amare Berhanu 《Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine》 2020年第9期173-184,共12页
Captivity of wild animals and restriction of their movement can lead to stress, resulting in suppressed immune response and reduced disease resistance ability. Wild animals in zoological gardens can predominately affe... Captivity of wild animals and restriction of their movement can lead to stress, resulting in suppressed immune response and reduced disease resistance ability. Wild animals in zoological gardens can predominately affected by various gastro-intestinal parasites. This study was therefore, conducted to determine occurrence, identify types and assess seasonal variation of gastrointestinal parasites in captive animals at the Zoological garden of Haramaya University. The study involved a retrospective investigation of zoo records and fecal examinations. Twenty two fecal samples were collected in December, 2013 from all the animals in the garden and examined using concentration and fecal culture techniques. Sampling was repeated after four months in April, 2014 to assess seasonal variations of the parasites. The result from the retrospective study showed death of 21 animals in the last five years. Fecal examination confirmed presence of gastrointestinal parasites with an overall mean prevalence rate of 73.8%. A total of 9 parasite taxa were identified of which 6 (66.67%) and 4 (33.33%) were helminths and protozoa respectively. No Cestode and Trematode species were recovered. <i>Trichuris spp.</i>, <i>Toxocara spp.</i>, <i>Strongyloides spp.</i>, <i>Toxascaris leonine</i>, <i>Passalurus ambiguous</i> and <i>Ascaridia spp.</i> were the helminth parasites observed in the garden. <i>Entamoeba spp.</i>, <i>Isospora spp.</i> and <i>Eimeria spp.</i> were the protozoan parasites encountered. No remarkable seasonal variation in parasitic infection was noticed in the garden. The study revealed occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites in the zoological garden, most of which are zoonotic and hence future studies are needed to determine risks of cross-transmission. 展开更多
关键词 gastrointestinal parasite Captive Wild Animals Zoological Garden
胃肠道线虫的黏膜免疫 被引量:1
作者 韩周 路义鑫 宋铭忻 《中国兽医科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第8期679-683,共5页
从机体抗胃肠道线虫的黏膜免疫、胃肠道黏膜的抗原加工与递呈、胃肠道黏膜抵御寄生虫的效应机制等几方面论述了胃肠道线虫的免疫机理和免疫学研究的进展,旨在进一步阐明用免疫介入方法防治胃肠道线虫的理论基础,以解决胃肠道线虫治疗过... 从机体抗胃肠道线虫的黏膜免疫、胃肠道黏膜的抗原加工与递呈、胃肠道黏膜抵御寄生虫的效应机制等几方面论述了胃肠道线虫的免疫机理和免疫学研究的进展,旨在进一步阐明用免疫介入方法防治胃肠道线虫的理论基础,以解决胃肠道线虫治疗过程中的药物残留以及寄生虫的抗药性问题。 展开更多
关键词 胃肠道线虫 寄生虫 黏膜 免疫
Occurrence of gastrointestinal(GI)parasites in captive Olive Baboon and Common Langur in Bangladesh
作者 Taniza Tabasshum Fahmida Tasnim Liza +3 位作者 Md.Fazle Rabbe Mandira Mukutmoni Md.Mahabub Alam Aleya Begum 《Animal Diseases》 2022年第1期27-32,共6页
Non-human primates(NHPs)serve as necessary reservoir hosts of parasites that create diseases to human.A close interaction between human and NHP can make a pathway for transmission of zoonotic diseases.To prevent zoono... Non-human primates(NHPs)serve as necessary reservoir hosts of parasites that create diseases to human.A close interaction between human and NHP can make a pathway for transmission of zoonotic diseases.To prevent zoonotic infection of zoo keepers,park visitors as well as keeping the captive NHPs in healthy state,it is necessary to carry out regular parasitological examination and treatment.A total of 72 fecal samples of Olive Baboon(n=39)and Common Langur(n=33)irrespective of their age and sex were collected from two zoological gardens of Bangladesh.Eggs and oocysts of seven gastrointestinal(GI)parasites were observed and identified in samples of both host species.The prevalence of GI parasites recorded was 100%.In case of Olive Baboon,the protozoan prevalence was higher(53.83%)than that of helminths,but opposite scenario was seen in case of Common Langur.Besides,higher intensity of coccidian oocysts in both hosts was recorded in the study. 展开更多
关键词 Papio anubis Semnopithecus entellus CAPTIVE gastrointestinal parasite
Comparison of gastrointestinal parasite communities in vervet monkeys
作者 Kim VALENTA Dennis TWINOMUGISHA +4 位作者 Kathleen GODFREY Cynthia LIU Valérie A.M.SCHOOF Tony L.GOLDBERG Colin A.CHAPMAN 《Integrative Zoology》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第6期512-520,共9页
Globally,habitat degradation is accelerating,especially in the tropics.Changes to interface habitats can increase environmental overlap among nonhuman primates,people,and domestic animals and change stress levels in w... Globally,habitat degradation is accelerating,especially in the tropics.Changes to interface habitats can increase environmental overlap among nonhuman primates,people,and domestic animals and change stress levels in wildlife,leading to changes in their risk of parasite infections.However,the direction and consequences of these changes are unclear,since animals may benefit by exploiting human resources(e.g.,improving nutrition­al health by eating nutritious crops)and decreasing susceptibility to infection,or interactions with humans may lead to chronic stress and increased susceptibility to infection.Vervet monkeys are an excellent model to under­stand parasitic disease transmission because of their tolerance to anthropogenic disturbance.Here we quantify the gastrointestinal parasites of a group of vervet monkeys(Chlorocebus aethiops)near Lake Nabugabo,Ugan­da,that frequently overlaps with people in their use of a highly modified environment.We compare the parasites found in this population to seven other sites where vervet monkey gastrointestinal parasites have been identi­fied.The vervets of Lake Nabugabo have the greatest richness of parasites documented to date.We discuss how this may reflect differences in sampling intensity or differences in the types of habitat where vervet parasites have been sampled. 展开更多
关键词 anthropogenic disturbance DISEASE gastrointestinal parasite habitat degradation Nabugabo VERVET zoonotic disease
An Ecological Alternative for the Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Sheep in Northern Veracruz (Mexico)
作者 Amalia Cabrera Nunez Miguel Angel Lammoglia Villagomez Iliana Del Carmen Daniel Renteria Rebeca Rojas Ronquillo 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2014年第1期14-17,共4页
The objective was to evaluate the effect of aqueous infusion of cracked soursop seeds on two different concentrations as an organic dewormer compared to a commercial one in GNE (gastrointestinal nematodes) egg popul... The objective was to evaluate the effect of aqueous infusion of cracked soursop seeds on two different concentrations as an organic dewormer compared to a commercial one in GNE (gastrointestinal nematodes) egg population in crossbred hair sheep (Blackbelly-Khatadin) of the northen region of Veracruz. The aqueous infusion was prepared adding 93.5 g of cracked soursop seeds in 1,875 mL of boiled water and let stand for 12 h. Crossbred ewes were randomly assigned to receive every 19 days: (1) 10 mL of cracked soursop infusion orally (n = 27), (2) 15 mL of cracked soursop infusion orally (n = 27), and (3) 2 mL of Febendazole subcutaneously (n = 26). Feces (2-5 g) were collected directly from the rectum of each animal on the following days: 0, 19, 38 and 57 days post treatment. Nematode egg population was determined using the technique of McMaster. Statistical analysis was done using ANOVA (analysis of variance). There was a reduction overtime (P = 0.05) in all treatments in parasite egg population. There were no differences (P = 0.10) in egg population across treatments. In conclusion, aqueous infusion of soursop cracked seeds proved to be an environmentally friendly and effective alternative in the control of gastrointestinal parasites in crossbred hair sheep in the region of northern Veracruz. 展开更多
关键词 SHEEP soursop seed gastrointestinal nematode parasite.
Phenotypic Characterization of the Response to Infection with <i>Trichinella spiralis</i>in Genetically Defined Mouse Lines of the CBi-IGE Stock
作者 María D. Vasconi Griselda Bertorini +3 位作者 Ana V. Codina Paula Indelman Ricardo J. Di Masso Lucila I. Hinrichsen 《Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine》 2015年第5期111-122,共12页
Trichinella spiralis (T. spiralis), which is a cosmopolitan nematode that infects humans among other species, presents a complex host-parasite relationship that hinders the development of tools to eradicate the parasi... Trichinella spiralis (T. spiralis), which is a cosmopolitan nematode that infects humans among other species, presents a complex host-parasite relationship that hinders the development of tools to eradicate the parasitosis. The aim of this research was to analyze the host response during a primary infection with T. spiralis in five genetically different mouse lines of the CBi-IGE stock. Adult males from the CBi+, CBi&minus;, CBi, CBi/L and CBi/C lines were infected with 1, 2 or 4 L1 larvae per g of body weight. In the chronic stage, the number of parasites per g of tissue (relative larval load, rLL) showed a significant host genotype-dose interaction, since it did not increase in the same way in the five genotypes. At the lowest dose, both CBii&minus;and CBi/L mice were resistant while CBi+, CBi/C, and CBi were susceptible. At the highest dose, only CBi/L remained resistant, and CBi+ was the most susceptible. The reproductive capacity index of adult worms (RCI = rLL/infective dose) evinced only a genotype effect, allowing rating each line as resistant or susceptible regardless of dose. Animals receiving 2 L1 larvae were also sacrificed in the intestinal phase (6 and 13 days p-i) to determine the number of adult parasites (nAP) recovered in a small intestine segment, and female fecundity (Ff). No differences in nAP were observed among genotypes on day 6 p-i. nAP decreased between days 6 and 13 p-i, this reduction being different among genotypes and significant only in CBi/L and CBi/C. Ff decreased in CBi/L and CBi/C on day 13 p-i. At the time of infection, serum cytokine baseline values showed a Th1 orientation for genotype CBi/L (high IFN-γ and IL-2) and a Th2 for CBi+ (high IL-4 and IL-10).The variability in the response observed in this murine model suggests its potential usefulness to gain insight into the mechanisms that regulate host-parasite relationship. 展开更多
关键词 Host Genotype-parasite Relationship gastrointestinal NEMATODE TRICHINELLA spiralis Infectivity Resistance
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