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氧化还原敏感微量元素对古海洋沉积环境的指示意义 被引量:199
作者 常华进 储雪蕾 +2 位作者 冯连君 黄晶 张启锐 《地质论评》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期91-99,共9页
海洋的氧化还原条件控制着U、V和Mo等氧化还原敏感微量元素在沉积物或沉积岩中的富集程度,所以可以利用沉积物或沉积岩中这些微量元素的含量来重建古海洋的氧化还原状态和沉积环境。海洋沉积物或沉积岩中U、V和Mo的来源少,除了海水提供... 海洋的氧化还原条件控制着U、V和Mo等氧化还原敏感微量元素在沉积物或沉积岩中的富集程度,所以可以利用沉积物或沉积岩中这些微量元素的含量来重建古海洋的氧化还原状态和沉积环境。海洋沉积物或沉积岩中U、V和Mo的来源少,除了海水提供外,还有陆源碎屑,不过陆源碎屑提供的那部分含量能够被估计。沉积物埋藏之后这些元素(几乎)不发生迁移,保存了沉积时的组成和含量,能较好地反映沉积环境的特征,是古海洋环境的理想指示。在氧化—次氧化的海水环境中U、V和Mo不会富集,缺氧的条件下U和V富集,而在硫化(含溶解的硫化氢)的沉积环境中U、V和Mo在沉积物中都会强烈地富集。利用这种差异,可以根据沉积物或沉积岩中各种微量元素的含量变化来判别沉积时海水的氧化还原状态。但是,必须注意沉积环境的开放与否、成岩作用及重新氧化作用等对微量元素含量的影响。在利用氧化还原敏感元素进行古环境重建时,应首先评估沉积物或沉积岩中特定元素的来源和贡献,剔除非自生部分的影响,然后利用多元素指标综合判别古环境的氧化还原条件,才能获得可靠的结论。 展开更多
关键词 微量元素 氧化还原 缺氧 古海洋 古环境
焦化废水中几种含氮杂环化合物缺氧降解机理 被引量:34
作者 李咏梅 顾国维 赵建夫 《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第6期720-723,共4页
对焦化废水中几种主要的含氮杂环有机物 (吡啶、吲哚、喹啉、异喹啉、2 甲基喹啉 )在缺氧条件下的降解试验研究结果表明 ,几种受试物质在缺氧条件下均可降解 ,其中吡啶的降解速度远大于其余四种物质 .有机物定量结构-生物降解性关系 (Q... 对焦化废水中几种主要的含氮杂环有机物 (吡啶、吲哚、喹啉、异喹啉、2 甲基喹啉 )在缺氧条件下的降解试验研究结果表明 ,几种受试物质在缺氧条件下均可降解 ,其中吡啶的降解速度远大于其余四种物质 .有机物定量结构-生物降解性关系 (QSBR)研究表明缺氧条件下上述物质的反硝化速率常数与分子连接性指数1Xv 展开更多
关键词 含氮杂环有机物 缺氧 有机物定量结构-生物降解性关系 分子连接性批数 焦化废水 反硝化速率常数.
不同耐湿基因型甘蓝型油菜苗期对缺氧胁迫的生理差异响应 被引量:42
作者 张学昆 范其新 +2 位作者 陈洁 李加纳 王汉中 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期485-491,共7页
目的试图阐明不同耐湿基因型甘蓝型油菜苗期对缺氧胁迫的生理差异响应。方法试验采用不同耐湿基因型的甘蓝型油菜材料,对发芽种子和幼苗(3叶期)缺氧处理,测定种子发芽性状和幼苗可溶性糖、脯氨酸、相对电导率、丙二醛(MDA)、过氧化物酶(... 目的试图阐明不同耐湿基因型甘蓝型油菜苗期对缺氧胁迫的生理差异响应。方法试验采用不同耐湿基因型的甘蓝型油菜材料,对发芽种子和幼苗(3叶期)缺氧处理,测定种子发芽性状和幼苗可溶性糖、脯氨酸、相对电导率、丙二醛(MDA)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性等生理指标。结果表明耐湿与不耐湿基因型相比具有显著的差异。缺氧处理后耐湿材料发芽种子具有较高的相对发芽率、相对苗长、根长、苗重和活力指数,而相对电导率较低。3叶期幼苗缺氧处理后,耐湿材料可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量提高幅度显著高于不耐湿材料,MDA和相对电导率则显著较低;耐湿基因型POD活性显著提高,CAT活性显著降低,SOD酶活性有较大幅度提高并显著高于不耐湿材料;不耐湿基因型则相反,POD活性显著降低,CAT活性显著提高,SOD酶活性幅度提高较小。结论缺氧胁迫下,甘蓝型油菜耐湿基因型能显著增加渗透调节有机物含量,同时启动活性氧清除系统,减少膜脂化程度,提高抵御缺氧胁迫。 展开更多
关键词 甘蓝型油菜 缺氧胁迫 耐湿性 可溶性糖 脯氨酸 相对电导率 丙二醛 过氧化物酶 过氧化氢酶 超氧化物歧化酶
中扬子地区晚震旦世—早寒武世转折期台—盆演化及烃源岩形成机理 被引量:43
作者 汪建国 陈代钊 +2 位作者 王清晨 严德天 王卓卓 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期1102-1109,I0002,共9页
在中国南方中扬子地区早寒武世早期,沉积了一套黑色碳质页岩、碳硅质页岩、黑色粉砂质页岩,分布范围广,厚度大,有机碳含量高,属于腐泥型为主的有机质类型,为中国南方海相区域主力烃源岩之一。为了认清该套烃源岩的形成环境,通过对岩石... 在中国南方中扬子地区早寒武世早期,沉积了一套黑色碳质页岩、碳硅质页岩、黑色粉砂质页岩,分布范围广,厚度大,有机碳含量高,属于腐泥型为主的有机质类型,为中国南方海相区域主力烃源岩之一。为了认清该套烃源岩的形成环境,通过对岩石学特征、沉积相的变化、台—盆转化的研究并结合一些地球化学指标分析了该地区在转折期古环境发生的变化,初步探讨了下寒武统这套主力优质烃源岩的形成背景,提出了一个热水活动—上升洋流—缺氧事件复合模式,即为在地壳拉张背景下,热液活动与上升洋流共同作用造成生物产率提高,水体缺氧,使得有机质大量埋藏并得以保存,构成了在中扬子克拉通上和东南边缘重要的下寒武统优质烃源岩。 展开更多
关键词 下寒武统 中扬子地区 硅质岩 黑色页岩 烃源岩 热液活动 缺氧
污水生物处理过程中的同步硝化反硝化研究概况 被引量:15
作者 周毅 杨开 杨德勇 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 2001年第6期6-8,共3页
在好氧生物氧化过程中通过控制反应器内 DO浓度、C/N比、污泥负荷的条件下 ,观察到较明显的同步硝化反硝化现象 ,通过控制反应条件 ,可使硝化、反硝化速率都得以同步提高。
关键词 同步硝化反硝化 好氧反硝化 好氧 缺氧 碳氮化 污水处理 生物处理
pH值对反硝化除磷的影响 被引量:27
作者 任南琪 陈鸣岐 《黑龙江科技学院学报》 CAS 2004年第5期284-286,共3页
概述了SBR工艺中的反硝化除磷现象,讨论了SBR反硝化除磷工艺中pH值、碳源、聚磷菌与非聚磷菌竞争、污泥龄等影响因素。采用厌氧、缺氧SBR反应器研究了厌氧段和缺氧段pH值变化对以硝酸盐作为电子受体的反硝化除磷过程的影响。结果表明,... 概述了SBR工艺中的反硝化除磷现象,讨论了SBR反硝化除磷工艺中pH值、碳源、聚磷菌与非聚磷菌竞争、污泥龄等影响因素。采用厌氧、缺氧SBR反应器研究了厌氧段和缺氧段pH值变化对以硝酸盐作为电子受体的反硝化除磷过程的影响。结果表明,当厌氧段pH=8.0、缺氧段pH=7.0±0.1时,脱氮除磷效果最好。 展开更多
关键词 PH值 反硝化除磷 脱氮 厌氧 缺氧
反硝化聚磷机理试验 被引量:18
作者 王春英 隋军 赵庆良 《环境污染治理技术与设备》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期65-68,共4页
通过实验研究缺氧反硝化聚磷 ,揭示DPB细菌在厌氧和缺氧交替环境下的厌氧释磷、缺氧反硝化吸磷及CODCr变化规律。结果表明 ,DPB细菌在缺氧条件下可利用NO-3 作最终电子受体进行吸磷 ,其吸磷效果及反硝化速率高于常规脱氮除磷工艺。
关键词 污水生物处理 脱氮除磷 厌氧 缺氧 反硝化聚磷 试验
废水除磷工艺中聚磷菌及其缺氧态下吸磷现象 被引量:8
作者 魏琛 张晚凉 《重庆环境科学》 2000年第4期44-46,共3页
废水生物除磷研究是目前水处理的热点、难点 ,本文着重探讨了聚磷菌在废水生物处理工艺中的关键作用及运行机理 ,并介绍了缺氧状态下的生物吸磷现象。
关键词 污水处理 生物除磷 聚磷菌 缺氧 吸磷 废水处理
利用亚硝酸盐的反硝化除磷菌及影响因素 被引量:15
作者 刘晖 周康群 +2 位作者 刘开启 周遗品 刘洁萍 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第7期14-16,41,共4页
反硝化聚磷菌(DPB)是一类能够在厌氧状态下释磷,缺氧存在硝酸盐(NO3-)或亚硝酸盐(NO2-)的情况下聚磷,并同时反硝化的聚磷菌。实验证明:传统A2/O工艺缺氧段污泥确实存在利用亚硝酸盐的反硝化聚磷菌,PO、PON和PONO各占聚磷菌的40.7%、38.5... 反硝化聚磷菌(DPB)是一类能够在厌氧状态下释磷,缺氧存在硝酸盐(NO3-)或亚硝酸盐(NO2-)的情况下聚磷,并同时反硝化的聚磷菌。实验证明:传统A2/O工艺缺氧段污泥确实存在利用亚硝酸盐的反硝化聚磷菌,PO、PON和PONO各占聚磷菌的40.7%、38.5%,20.8%。最佳的进水C/N/P为16∶4∶1且COD<200mg/L;pH值为7~7.5。聚磷菌在ORP<-80mV开始吐磷,在ORP值在-150mV左右能较好地吐磷,投加亚硝盐使ORP>-80mV,开始反硝化聚磷。 展开更多
关键词 亚硝酸盐 反硝化聚磷菌 缺氧 PO PON PONn
Organic Geochemistry of the Early Jurassic Oil Shale from the Shuanghu Area in Northern Tibet and the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event 被引量:16
作者 CHENLan YIHaisheng +2 位作者 HURuizhong ZHONGHong ZOUYanrong 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第3期392-397,共6页
This paper presents new geological and geochemical data from the Shuanghu area in northern Tibet, which recorded the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event. The stratigraphic succession in the Shuanghu area consists most... This paper presents new geological and geochemical data from the Shuanghu area in northern Tibet, which recorded the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event. The stratigraphic succession in the Shuanghu area consists mostly of grey to dark-colored alternating oil shales, marls and mudstones. Ammonite beds are found at the top of the Shuanghu oil shale section, which are principally of early Toarcian age, roughly within the Harplocearas falciferrum Zone. Therefore, the oil shale strata at Shuanghu can be correlated with early Toarcian black shales distributing extensively in the European epicontinental seas that contain the records of an Oceanic Anoxic Event. Sedimentary organic matter of laminated shale anomalously rich in organic carbon across the Shuanghu area is characterized by high organic carbon contents, ranging from 1.8% to 26.1%. The carbon isotope curve displays the δ 13C values of the kerogen (δ 13Ckerogen) fluctuating from –26.22 to –23.53‰ PDB with a positive excursion close to 2.17‰, which, albeit significantly smaller, may also have been associated with other Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs) in Europe. The organic atomic C/N ratios range between 6 and 43, and the curve of C/N ratios is consistent with that of the δ 13Ckerogen values. The biological assemblage, characterized by scarcity of benthic organisms and bloom of calcareous nannofossils (coccoliths), reveals high biological productivity in the surface water and an unfavorable environment for the benthic fauna in the bottom water during the Oceanic Anoxic Event. On the basis of organic geochemistry and characteristics of the biological assemblage, this study suggests that the carbon-isotope excursion is caused by the changes of sea level and productivity, and that the black shale deposition, especially oil shales, is related to the bloom and high productivity of coccoliths. 展开更多
关键词 oil shales Early Toarcian organic carbon isotope organic atomic C/N ratios Oceanic anoxic Events northern Tibet
缺氧-SBR工艺处理焦化废水 被引量:8
作者 罗建中 齐水冰 +1 位作者 温桂照 陈敏 《城市环境与城市生态》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2001年第4期60-62,共3页
对焦化废水进行曝气吹脱 ,1 0h氨氮去除率达 73 .7% ;用缺氧 -SBR工艺处理焦化废水 ,进水浓度为COD 1 474mg/L、NH3-N 82 6.8mg/L时 ,缺氧SRT 1 0h ,SBR曝气 1 0h ,沉降 2h ,出水COD 1 86mg/L、NH3-N2 90 .2 5mg/L ,去除率分别达到 87.8... 对焦化废水进行曝气吹脱 ,1 0h氨氮去除率达 73 .7% ;用缺氧 -SBR工艺处理焦化废水 ,进水浓度为COD 1 474mg/L、NH3-N 82 6.8mg/L时 ,缺氧SRT 1 0h ,SBR曝气 1 0h ,沉降 2h ,出水COD 1 86mg/L、NH3-N2 90 .2 5mg/L ,去除率分别达到 87.83 %、64 .9%。 展开更多
关键词 缺氧 SBR 焦化废水 废水处理 工艺
Phosphorus accumulation by bacteria isolated from a continuous-flow two-sludge system 被引量:15
作者 BAO Lin-lin LI Dong +4 位作者 LI Xiang-kun HUANG Rong-xin ZHANG Jie LV Yang XIA Guang-qing 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第4期391-395,共5页
In this article, polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs) from a lab-scale continuous-flow two-sludge system was isolated and identified, the different phosphorus accumulation characteristics of the isolates unde... In this article, polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs) from a lab-scale continuous-flow two-sludge system was isolated and identified, the different phosphorus accumulation characteristics of the isolates under anoxic and aerobic conditions were investigated. Two kinds of PAOs were both found in the anoxic zones of the two-sludge system, one of them utilized only oxygen as electron aeceptor, and the other one utilized either nitrate or oxygen as electron aeceptor. Of the total eight isolates, five isolates were capable of utilizing both nitrate and oxygen as electron acceptors to uptake phosphorus to some extent. And three of the five isolates showed good phosphorus accumulative capacities both under anoxic or aerobic conditions, two identified as Alcaligenes and one identified as Pseudomonas. Streptococcus was observed weak anoxic phosphorus accumulation because of its weak denitrification capacity, but it showed good phosphorus accumulation capacity under aerobic conditions. One isolates identified as Enterobacteriaceae was proved to be a special species of PAOs, which could only uptake small amounts of phosphorus under anoxic conditions, although its denitrification capacity and aerobic phosphorus accumulation capacity were excellent. 展开更多
关键词 aerobic phosphorus accumulation anoxic phosphorus accumulation continuous-flow two-sludge system polyphosphateaccumulating organisms (PAOs)
3种单一及其混合碳源的生物反硝化脱氮效能 被引量:17
作者 胡小宇 朱静平 《水处理技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期57-61,共5页
分别以乙酸钠、乙醇、葡萄糖及其两两混合物作为外碳源,对生活废水进行生物反硝化研究。结果表明,不同碳源系统均出现了NO2^--N的短时间积累,与单一碳源系统相比,对应混合碳源系统NO2^--N最大积累量较低。从培养初始至120 min时,随培养... 分别以乙酸钠、乙醇、葡萄糖及其两两混合物作为外碳源,对生活废水进行生物反硝化研究。结果表明,不同碳源系统均出现了NO2^--N的短时间积累,与单一碳源系统相比,对应混合碳源系统NO2^--N最大积累量较低。从培养初始至120 min时,随培养时间增加,单一和混合碳源系统中NO3^--N含量均大幅降低,乙酸钠、乙醇、葡萄糖、乙酸钠+乙醇、乙醇+葡萄糖、乙酸钠+葡萄糖系统的平均反硝化速率分别为6.9、5.1、4.3、7.2、5.7、6.0 mg/(g·h),至120 min时,各系统NO3^--N去除率分别为100%、77.8%、64.8%、100%、78.4%、85.1%。乙酸钠、乙酸钠+乙醇、乙酸钠+葡萄糖系统NO3^--N去除率分别在120、120、210 min时达到100%。从脱氮效果、碳源成本、环境风险角度,乙酸钠+.葡萄糖更适合作为工程应用上的外碳源。 展开更多
关键词 单一碳源 混合碳源 缺氧 反硝化脱氮
利用缺氧反硝化去除苯的试验研究 被引量:14
作者 李本玉 顾国维 李咏梅 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期51-54,共4页
关键词 反硝化 难降解有机物 废水处理 C/N 去除 出水 生物降解性能 缺氧 研究 试验条件
Biological nitrogen removal with enhanced phosphate uptake in (AO)2SBR using single sludge system 被引量:11
作者 JIANGYi-feng WANGLin +2 位作者 WANGBao-zhen HESheng-bing LIUShuo 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第6期1037-1040,共4页
Simultaneous biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal with enhanced anoxic phosphate uptake via nitrite was investigated in an anaerobic-aerobic-anoxic-aerobic sequencing batch reactor((AO)2 SBR). The system showed ... Simultaneous biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal with enhanced anoxic phosphate uptake via nitrite was investigated in an anaerobic-aerobic-anoxic-aerobic sequencing batch reactor((AO)2 SBR). The system showed stable phosphorus and nitrogen removal performance, and average removals for COD, TN and TP were 90%, 91% and 96%, respectively. The conditions of pH 7.5—8.0 and temperature 32℃ were found detrimental to nitrite oxidation bacteria but favorable to ammonia oxidizers, and the corresponding specific oxygen uptake rates(SOUR) for phase 1 and 2 of nitrification process were 0.7 and 15 mgO 2/(gVSS·h) in respect, which led to the nitrite accumulation in aerobic phase of(AO)2 SBR. Respiratory tests showed that 40 mgNO 2-N/L did not deteriorate the sludge activity drastically, and it implied that exposure of sludge to nitrite periodically enabled the biomass to have more tolerance capacity to resist the restraining effects from nitrite. In addition, batch tests were carried out and verified that denitrifying phosphorus accumulation organisms(DPAOs) could be enriched in a single sludge system coexisting with nitrifiers by introducing an anoxic phase in an anaerobic-aerobic SBR, and the ratio of the anoxic phosphate uptake capacity to aerobic phosphate uptake capacity was 45%. It was also found that nitrite(up to 20 mgNO 2-N/L) was not inhibitory to anoxic phosphate uptake and could serve as an electron acceptor like nitrate, but presented poorer efficiency compared with nitrate. 展开更多
关键词 denitrifying phosphorus accumulation organisms(DPAOs) shortcut nitrification and denitrification anoxic phosphate uptake sequencing batch reactor(SBR) NITRITE electron acceptor
Biotic recovery from the Late Devonian F-F mass extinction event in China 被引量:10
作者 廖卫华 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2002年第4期380-384,共5页
The Frasnian-Famennian (F-F) mass extinction is one of the five great extinctions of marine life during the Phanerozoic. The F-F event killed most of the Devonian reefs, the characteristic Devonian corals, stromatopor... The Frasnian-Famennian (F-F) mass extinction is one of the five great extinctions of marine life during the Phanerozoic. The F-F event killed most of the Devonian reefs, the characteristic Devonian corals, stromatoporoids, bryozoans, nearly all tentaculites, a few superfamilies of brachiopods, such as Atrypacea and Pentameracea and some important elements of goniatites, such as Manticoceras.``The end-Frasnian was a phase of mass extinction. A large number of shelly benthos were killed by the F-F event. Early and middle Famennian was the survival interval. The marine faunas were very rare at that time. The late Famennian was the recovery interval. There appeared to have many new taxa in the Strunian stage. It lacked a radiation interval in Late Devonian Famennian because another event (the D-C mass extinction) happened at the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary.``Several causes for the F-F mass extinction have been proposed by some geologists, which have been grouped into two broad types, terrestrial and extraterrestrial. The former is related to sea level changes, climate changes and anoxic water event. The latter is linked with some forms of meteorite impact.``A large-scale eustatic change of sea level and black shales representing an anoxic environment has been invoked to explain one of the causes for the F-F mass extinction. 展开更多
关键词 LATE Devonian mass extinction biotic recovery eustatic change of sea level anoxic environment.
氮杂环化合物喹啉在缺氧条件下降解的影响因素 被引量:11
作者 程静 蔡伊秋 +1 位作者 张超杰 周琪 《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期1207-1211,共5页
通过摇瓶试验研究了缺氧条件下培养驯化污泥缺氧反硝化特性和氮杂环化合物喹啉的去除规律以及pH值、碳氮比和生物铁对喹啉去除的影响,并对喹啉生物降解产物和降解途径进行了测定与分析.结果表明:喹啉的去除主要经过吸附-解吸-降解三步;... 通过摇瓶试验研究了缺氧条件下培养驯化污泥缺氧反硝化特性和氮杂环化合物喹啉的去除规律以及pH值、碳氮比和生物铁对喹啉去除的影响,并对喹啉生物降解产物和降解途径进行了测定与分析.结果表明:喹啉的去除主要经过吸附-解吸-降解三步;反应的最佳pH值范围为7~9;碳氮比对喹啉的去除影响不大;生物铁法不能提高喹啉的去除;喹啉可以单独作为碳源和氮源进行生物降解. 展开更多
关键词 氮杂环化合物 喹啉 缺氧 影响因素
Anaerobic ammonium oxidation for advanced municipal wastewater treatment: is it feasible? 被引量:8
作者 LI Jie XIONG Bi-yong +2 位作者 ZHANG Shu-de YANG Hong ZHANG Jie 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第6期1022-1024,共3页
Anaerobic ammonium oxidation(ANAMMOX) is a recently developed process to treat ammonia-rich wastewater. There were numerous articles about the new technology with focus on the ammonium-rich wastewater treatment, but... Anaerobic ammonium oxidation(ANAMMOX) is a recently developed process to treat ammonia-rich wastewater. There were numerous articles about the new technology with focus on the ammonium-rich wastewater treatment, but few on advanced municipal wastewater treatment. The paper studied the anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANAMMOX) process with a down flow anoxic biofilter for nitrogen removal from secondary clarifier effluent of municipal wastewater with low COD/N ratio. The results showed that ANAMMOX process is applicable to advanced wastewater treatment with normal temperature as well as ammonia-rich high temperature wastewater treatment. The results indicated that ammonia removal rate was improved by raising the nitrite concentration, and the reaction rate reached a climax at 118.4 mgN/L of the nitrite nitrogen concentration. If the concentration exceeds 118.4 mgN/L, the ANAMMOX process was significantly inhibited although the ANAMMOX bacteria still showed a relatively high reactivity. The data also indicated that the ratio of NO2^- -N:NH4 * -N = 1.3:1 in the influent was appropriate for excellent nitrogen removal. The pH increased gradually along the ANAMMOX biofilter reactor. When the ANAMMOX reaction was ended, the pH was tend to calm. The data suggested that the pH could be used as an indicator to describe the course of ANAMMOX reaction. 展开更多
关键词 ANAMMOX anoxic biofilter advanced treatment nitrogen removal NITRITE
Advanced nitrogen and phosphorus removal in A^(2)O-BAF system treating low carbon-to-nitrogen ratio domestic wastewater 被引量:11
作者 Jianhua WANG Yongzhen PENG Yongzhi CHEN 《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2011年第3期474-480,共7页
A laboratory-scale anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process(A^(2)O)with a small aerobic zone and a bigger anoxic zone and biologic aerated filter(A^(2)O-BAF)system was operated to treat low carbon-to-nitrogen ratio domestic w... A laboratory-scale anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process(A^(2)O)with a small aerobic zone and a bigger anoxic zone and biologic aerated filter(A^(2)O-BAF)system was operated to treat low carbon-to-nitrogen ratio domestic wastewater.The A^(2)O process was employed mainly for organic matter and phosphorus removal,and for denitrification.The BAF was only used for nitrification which coupled with a settling tank Compared with a conventional A^(2)O process,the suspended activated sludge in this A^(2)OBAF process contained small quantities of nitrifier,but nitrification overwhelmingly conducted in BAF.So the system successfully avoided the contradiction in sludge retention time(SRT)between nitrifying bacteria and phosphorus accumulating organisms(PAOs).Denitrifying phosphorus accumulating organisms(DPAOs)played an important role in removing up to 91%of phosphorus along with nitrogen,which indicated that the suspended activated sludge process presented a good denitrifying phosphorus removal performance.The average removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand(COD),total nitrogen(TN),total phosphorus(TP),and NH_(4)^(+)-N were 85.56%,92.07%,81.24%and 98.7%respectively.The effluent quality consistently satisfied the national first level A effluent discharge standard of China.The average sludge volume index(SVI)was 85.4 mL·g^(-1)additionally,the volume ratio of anaerobic,anoxic and aerobic zone in A^(2)O process was also investigated,and the results demonstrated that the optimum value was 1:6:2. 展开更多
关键词 anoxic zone and biologic aerated filter(A^(2)OBAF)system domestic wastewater with low carbon-tonitrogen ratio advanced nitrogen and phosphorus removal denitrifying phosphorus removal
Sedimentary Characteristics of the Cretaceous in the Songliao Basin 被引量:8
作者 Liu Zhaojun, Wang Dongpo, Liu Li, Liu Wanzhu, Wang Pujun, Du Xiaodi and Yang Guang Changchun University of Earth Sciences, Changchun, Jilin Sun Sheping 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1993年第2期167-180,共14页
The rupture of the lithosphere in Late Jurassic brought about the eruption of basaltic magma in the Songliao Basin. The evolution of the basin in Cretaceous progressed through six stages: pre-rift doming, extensional ... The rupture of the lithosphere in Late Jurassic brought about the eruption of basaltic magma in the Songliao Basin. The evolution of the basin in Cretaceous progressed through six stages: pre-rift doming, extensional fracturing, fault subsidence, fault downwarping, downwarping and shringkage, resulting in the deposition of terrstrial facies nearly 10,000 m thick. There are different depositional sequences in these stages: the depositional period of the Early Cretaceous Shahezi and Yincheng Formations is the development stage of the down-faulted basin, forming a volcanic rock-alluvial fan-fan delta-lacustrine (intercalated with episodic turbidites)-swamp facies sequences; the period of the Early Cretaceous Dengluku Formation is the transformation stage of fault subsidence into fault downwarping of the basin, forming a sequence mainly of alluvial plain-lacustrine facies; the depositional period of the Early Cretaceous Quantou Formation-Late Cretaceous Nenjiang Formation is the downwarping stage of the basin, forming an alluvial plain-delta-lacustrine facies sequence; the period of the Late Cretaceous Sifangtai Formation-Mingshui Formation is the shringkage stage of the basin, forming again a sequence mainly of alluvial plain-alluvial fan and small relict lacustrine facies. These vertical depositional sequences fully display the sedimentary characteristics of a failed continental rift basin. Many facts indicate that the two large-scale lake invasions, synchronous with the global rise of sea level, which took place in the downwarping stage of the basin development, led to the connection between the lake and sea. 展开更多
关键词 depositional sequence EUSTASY anoxic event Songliao Basin
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