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《黄帝内经》“病机十九条”的研究 被引量:15
作者 柴瑞震 《中医学报》 CAS 2010年第3期419-422,共4页
"病机十九条"见于我国医学经典《黄帝内经》,是对疾病所在部位与机理的赅括,是对导致疾病发生原因的囊缩,也是对中医所有疾病种类与名目的简洁表述。"病机十九条"首先指出了疾病发生的部位是以五脏为中心的五大系统... "病机十九条"见于我国医学经典《黄帝内经》,是对疾病所在部位与机理的赅括,是对导致疾病发生原因的囊缩,也是对中医所有疾病种类与名目的简洁表述。"病机十九条"首先指出了疾病发生的部位是以五脏为中心的五大系统,在这五大系统中包罗了诸多的病种,但严格地说它只包括《内经》里的有关病机方面的一些论点,不包涵后世的病机学说,其病机都在阴阳气血的逆乱不序;其次,指出了引发诸病的原因是风、火、热、湿、寒,其中火与热是致病的主要因素,几乎占所有疾病的一多半,阐明了在我国所发生的疾病是以热性病为主。我们预防疾病和治疗疾病指出了明确的思路和方向。所以,"病机十九条"在医学领域中具有非常重大的历史意义与现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 黄帝内经 “病机十九条” 五脏
病机十九条火邪为因的理法辨析 被引量:10
作者 苏鑫 孙大中 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期677-678,共2页
《黄帝内经》作为中医经典著作对中医学的理论和诊疗发展影响颇远,而载于《素问·至真要大论》的病机十九条更是阐明疾病发生、发展及理法的核心要旨。文章以病机十九条火邪为因的5句原文为纲,从火邪为病的病因、病位、病理、辨证... 《黄帝内经》作为中医经典著作对中医学的理论和诊疗发展影响颇远,而载于《素问·至真要大论》的病机十九条更是阐明疾病发生、发展及理法的核心要旨。文章以病机十九条火邪为因的5句原文为纲,从火邪为病的病因、病位、病理、辨证以及方药等多方面进行文句分析、病机阐述和法方探究,将研习《黄帝内经》的心得感悟与同道相参。 展开更多
关键词 病机十九条 火邪 理法
基于新型冠状病毒肺炎探讨其病名及因机证治规律的研究 被引量:9
作者 王树鹏 鞠宝兆 +2 位作者 林大勇 刘书宇 石岩 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第8期17-21,共5页
探讨新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)属中医"疫"病范畴,结合其初起致病因素及临床证候表现应属于"寒湿(瘟)疫",其属于中医外感病,发病规律应遵循六经辨证、卫气营血、三焦辨证的发病规律;同时也详述了外感病的发生发展... 探讨新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)属中医"疫"病范畴,结合其初起致病因素及临床证候表现应属于"寒湿(瘟)疫",其属于中医外感病,发病规律应遵循六经辨证、卫气营血、三焦辨证的发病规律;同时也详述了外感病的发生发展变化规律(六经辨证)及与卫气营血辨证、三焦辨证的关系;系统总结了本病的分期、治疗原则,并提出了相应的治疗方剂,指出"识证"是治疗本病的关键。 展开更多
关键词 新型冠状病毒 中医病名 病因 发病规律 COVID-19
A longitudinal study of SARS-CoV-2-infected patients reveals a high correlation between neutralizing antibodies and COVID-19 severity 被引量:7
作者 Vincent Legros Solène Denolly +19 位作者 Manon Vogrig Bertrand Boson Eglantine Siret Josselin Rigaill Sylvie Pillet Florence Grattard Sylvie Gonzalo Paul Verhoeven Omran Allatif Philippe Berthelot Carole Pélissier Guillaume Thiery Elisabeth Botelho-Nevers Guillaume Millet Jérôme Morel Stéphane Paul Thierry Walzer François-Loïc Cosset Thomas Bourlet Bruno Pozzetto 《Cellular & Molecular Immunology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第2期318-327,共10页
Understanding the immune responses elicited by SARS-CoV-2 infection is critical in terms of protection against reinfection and,thus,for public health policy and vaccine development for COVID-19.In this study,using eit... Understanding the immune responses elicited by SARS-CoV-2 infection is critical in terms of protection against reinfection and,thus,for public health policy and vaccine development for COVID-19.In this study,using either live SARS-CoV-2 particles or retroviruses pseudotyped with the SARS-CoV-2 S viral surface protein(Spike),we studied the neutralizing antibody(nAb)response in serum samples from a cohort of 140 SARS-CoV-2 qPCR-confirmed infections,including patients with mild symptoms and also more severe forms,including those that required intensive care.We show that nAb titers correlated strongly with disease severity and with anti-spike IgG levels.Indeed,patients from intensive care units exhibited high nAb titers;conversely,patients with milder disease symptoms had heterogeneous nAb titers,and asymptomatic or exclusive outpatient-care patients had no or low nAbs.We found that nAb activity in SARS-CoV-2-infected patients displayed a relatively rapid decline after recovery compared to individuals infected with other coronaviruses.Moreover,we found an absence of cross-neutralization between endemic coronaviruses and SARS-CoV-2,indicating that previous infection by human coronaviruses may not generate protective nAbs against SARS-CoV-2.Finally,we found that the D614G mutation in the spike protein,which has recently been identified as the current major variant in Europe,does not allow neutralization escape.Altogether,our results contribute to our understanding of the immune correlates of SARS-CoV-2-induced disease,and rapid evaluation of the role of the humoral response in the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 is warranted. 展开更多
关键词 ANTIBODY pathogenesis Humoral response COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2v
“诸呕吐酸,暴注下迫,皆属于热”的临床应用 被引量:6
作者 李丽乐 郑红斌 《成都中医药大学学报》 2015年第1期90-91,105,共3页
关键词 呕吐酸 《内经》 病机十九条 临床应用
谢晶日教授治疗胃食管反流病经验 被引量:1
作者 刘思邈 谢晶日 +2 位作者 饶显俊 梁光烨 孙志文 《吉林中医药》 2024年第2期161-164,共4页
胃食管反流病是我国高发疾病,是中医治疗的优势病种。本文从“诸呕吐酸,皆属于热”提炼出本病的病机以郁、酸、热、逆为主的病机特点,旨在总结谢晶日教授对胃食管反流病病因病机的认识和临床治疗特点。提出本病的发生与情志密切相关,治... 胃食管反流病是我国高发疾病,是中医治疗的优势病种。本文从“诸呕吐酸,皆属于热”提炼出本病的病机以郁、酸、热、逆为主的病机特点,旨在总结谢晶日教授对胃食管反流病病因病机的认识和临床治疗特点。提出本病的发生与情志密切相关,治疗从肝胃出发,主要采用疏肝解郁、调和肝胃以泄郁热制酸,和胃降逆、通腑降气以畅中焦气机的治疗方法。在治疗的同时,谢晶日注重身心调养。其疗效确切,以资借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 胃食管反流病 呕吐 吐酸 病机十九条 诸呕吐酸 皆属于热
弥散性血管内凝血的发病机制及药物治疗进展 被引量:4
作者 冯悦 王静 +2 位作者 李欣欣 马晓慧 胡庆华 《药学进展》 CAS 2023年第5期379-391,共13页
弥散性血管内凝血(DIC)是一种以全身凝血激活为特征的获得性凝血功能紊乱综合征,是与感染性疾病、恶性肿瘤及产科手术相关的严重并发症,新型冠状病毒感染(COVID-19)的重症患者亦有相伴发生DIC的临床报道。DIC发病机制复杂,涉及凝血、免... 弥散性血管内凝血(DIC)是一种以全身凝血激活为特征的获得性凝血功能紊乱综合征,是与感染性疾病、恶性肿瘤及产科手术相关的严重并发症,新型冠状病毒感染(COVID-19)的重症患者亦有相伴发生DIC的临床报道。DIC发病机制复杂,涉及凝血、免疫炎症、纤维蛋白溶解等多个系统的共同作用,导致机体凝血-抗凝-纤溶系统失调,大量微血管血栓生成,最终诱发出血、多器官衰竭等症状。该病起病急、进展快、患者死亡率高,属于临床危重综合征之一。国际血栓与止血协会(ISTH)诊治指南推荐肝素/低分子肝素、重组人活化蛋白C、抗凝血酶、重组人血栓调节蛋白等用于DIC的抗凝治疗。此外,中药(血必净注射液、复方丹参注射液、血府逐瘀汤等)以其独特的优势和特色,在DIC的治疗方面也发挥着重要作用。通过对近年来DIC发病机制及药物治疗进展进行分析和综述,以期为DIC的临床药物治疗提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 弥漫性血管内凝血 发病机制 药物治疗进展 新型冠状病毒感染
加味小承气汤治疗新型冠状病毒肺炎个案报道 被引量:2
作者 张峰 李红 +3 位作者 洪杰斐 刁志光 刘文林 林海英 《实用中医内科杂志》 2022年第7期113-115,共3页
中医药治疗新型冠状病毒肺炎疗效明显。结合案例介绍了加味小承气汤治疗新型冠状病毒肺炎,获得满意效果,并进一步指出:1.《伤寒论》治疗温病发热时,以承气汤类方为主方,吴有性所推崇的“疫病下不厌早”的观点更是与承气法一脉相承。2.... 中医药治疗新型冠状病毒肺炎疗效明显。结合案例介绍了加味小承气汤治疗新型冠状病毒肺炎,获得满意效果,并进一步指出:1.《伤寒论》治疗温病发热时,以承气汤类方为主方,吴有性所推崇的“疫病下不厌早”的观点更是与承气法一脉相承。2.阳明胃经为疫邪盘桓之所,初始阶段与伤寒皆凛凛恶寒,随后即发热而不恶寒,是为疫邪转入阳明。治疗新冠病毒肺炎,应从阳明入手,逐邪外出,安未受邪之地。3.疫病的预后和转归分为病“从外解者”或病“从内陷者”两种途径,新冠肺炎病毒也遵循这一规律,感受疫邪轻浅、症状较轻的新冠肺炎患者常可以从外解而易愈;而感受疫邪较深、发热重、并伴有多种兼症的患者,常常出现疫邪内陷,需以承气汤祛邪外出。4.结合本地自然气候环境及生活饮食习惯,采用祛湿泄热之法,加入适合患者个人体质特点的药物进行治疗。5.新冠病毒肺炎的主要病机是邪实正虚,临床紧紧抓住祛邪这一根本治法,兼顾正气,则新冠病毒终不能久居人体,提升免疫力是防护新冠肺炎的有效手段。6.新冠肺炎患者兼有旧病时,应抓住新冠肺炎(疫邪)这个主病(证),只要“疫邪”这个主要矛盾还在,就应以治疫为主,治疗兼证和旧病为辅。 展开更多
关键词 加味小承气汤 伤寒论 瘟疫论 疫邪 病机 新冠病毒肺炎 预后 兼证
从木火刑金论治新型冠状病毒肺炎 被引量:2
作者 刘耸峰 谷野 +2 位作者 于红 李研 王岩 《陕西中医药大学学报》 2021年第3期1-4,共4页
通过生理、病理相关性对比,结合中医五运六气学说,得出新型冠状病毒肺炎的中医范畴即"五疫"中的"木疫"。分析"木疫"的病因病机,以及木火刑金的含义,试图探讨从木火刑金论治新型冠状病毒肺炎的可能性,即... 通过生理、病理相关性对比,结合中医五运六气学说,得出新型冠状病毒肺炎的中医范畴即"五疫"中的"木疫"。分析"木疫"的病因病机,以及木火刑金的含义,试图探讨从木火刑金论治新型冠状病毒肺炎的可能性,即早期施以辛凉解表之法,中期施以辛凉宣肺,清肝泻火之法,重期施以清热解毒、开窍醒神之法,后期施以益气养阴之法。整个疾病过程中,均兼顾补脾。为新型冠状病毒肺炎的诊治开拓治疗思路、创新治疗方法,从而提升治疗疗效。 展开更多
关键词 病因 病机 木火刑金 分期 新型冠状病毒肺炎
先天性纯红细胞再生障碍性贫血发病机制的研究进展 被引量:1
作者 刘文雅 王化泉 邵宗鸿 《中国实验血液学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期1654-1657,共4页
先天性纯红细胞再生障碍又名Diamond-Blackfan贫血(DBA),是以单纯红系再生障碍和先天性畸形为特征的遗传性疾病,以贫血、身体发育异常和肿瘤易感性为主要临床特征。核糖体蛋白质(RP)基因突变是DBA的主要发病机制,最常见的基因突变类型为... 先天性纯红细胞再生障碍又名Diamond-Blackfan贫血(DBA),是以单纯红系再生障碍和先天性畸形为特征的遗传性疾病,以贫血、身体发育异常和肿瘤易感性为主要临床特征。核糖体蛋白质(RP)基因突变是DBA的主要发病机制,最常见的基因突变类型为RPS19基因突变,目前已在DBA患者中发现了19个RP基因的杂合突变及其他非RP基因的突变。本文对基因突变引起DBA的最新研究进展进行综述。 展开更多
关键词 纯红细胞再生障碍 发病机制 核糖体蛋白质 基因突变 RPS19 GATA1
Liver function in COVID-19 infection 被引量:1
作者 Dagmara Przekop Ewa Gruszewska Lech Chrostek 《World Journal of Hepatology》 2021年第12期1909-1918,共10页
Coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)disease affects multiple organs,including anomalies in liver function.In this review we summarize the knowledge about liver injury found during severe acute respiratory syndrome coron... Coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)disease affects multiple organs,including anomalies in liver function.In this review we summarize the knowledge about liver injury found during severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARSCoV-2)infection with special attention paid to possible mechanisms of liver damage and abnormalities in liver function tests allowing for the evaluation of the severity of liver disease.Abnormalities in liver function observed in COVID-19 disease are associated with the age and sex of patients,severity of liver injury,presence of comorbidity and pre-treatment.The method of antiviral treatment can also impact on liver function,which manifests as increasing values in liver function tests.Therefore,analysis of variations in liver function tests is necessary in evaluating the progression of liver injury to severe disease. 展开更多
关键词 COVID-19 pathogenesis of liver injury Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptor Liver function tests Severe COVID-19 Treatment effect
COVID-19 and Chronic Viral Liver Diseases
作者 Maged Tharwat Elghannam Motaz Hasan Hassanien +4 位作者 Yosry Abdelrahman Gamalaldin Mohammed ALattar Emad Abdelwahab Turky Ahmed Aly EL Ray Mohammed Darwish EL Talkawy 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2021年第9期138-146,共9页
Coronavirus causes an outbreak of viral pneumonia that spread throughout the world. Liver injury is becoming more widely recognized as a component of the clinical picture of COVID-19 infection. We aimed to review this... Coronavirus causes an outbreak of viral pneumonia that spread throughout the world. Liver injury is becoming more widely recognized as a component of the clinical picture of COVID-19 infection. We aimed to review this relation in a concise way. This review article includes a large number of patients from both western and eastern countries with no clear difference of liver affection. The more severe and frequent liver injury, the more severe COVID-19 infection. Up to half of patients developed hepatitis with serum ALT elevation. Both hepatocellular and/or ductular injury were observed as evidenced by alkaline phosphatase elevation. Increase incidence of morbidity and mortality had been recorded in patients with CLD. Cirrhosis mortality extended in line with the Child-Turcotte-Pugh class. The incidence of ACLF in CLD patients with COVID 19 is not clear. There are no significant associations with the etiology of liver disease and death in cirrhosis. COVID-19 hinders HCV elimination by 2030. Patients should continue their medications if already receiving treatment. Patients with occult or resolved HBV and COVID-19 who are receiving immunosuppressive agents should use antiviral therapy to prevent viral flare-ups. 展开更多
关键词 COVID-19 Chronic Liver Disease Cell Entry PATHOLOGY pathogenesis and Pathophysiology Impact on CLD
COVID-19 Infection: The Virus and Its Origin, the Variants, the Immune Defense, the Multiorgan Autoimmune Reactions, and the Targeted Treatments
作者 Vu Thuong Nguyen Lawrence S. Chan 《Advances in Infectious Diseases》 CAS 2022年第3期568-631,共64页
Background: SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the current COVID-19 infection pandemic, has caused substantial damage and negative impacts in the world, including physical sickness, mental illness, death, society l... Background: SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the current COVID-19 infection pandemic, has caused substantial damage and negative impacts in the world, including physical sickness, mental illness, death, society lock down, work interruption, and productivity reduction. From the onset in early 2020, the pandemic has not yet totally subsided as of July 2022. Although great efforts have been made to understand the nature of this pandemic by the medical and scientific communities, a comprehensive review of this pandemic has not been reported. Purpose: We aimed to perform a thorough review of the subject in order to come to a better understanding of the origin of the virus, its mutations and their corresponding health effects, its pathophysiology, and its responses to therapeutic intervention. A more comprehensive set of data on these subject matters, if available, would give healthcare providers a valuable tool in formulating the best methods to respond to the current disease and prevent the disease from spreading in the future. Method: An extensive literature search on the subjects of COVID-19 was conducted regarding the possible origin of the viral pathogen, its evolutionary changes and health impacts, the world’s responses to COVID-19 and outcomes of their responses, and healthcare professional’s actions to understand and manage the disease and the results of their actions. To gather these data, websites of PubMed and Google Scholar were utilized for the search with the following keywords: Pandemic, COVID-19, coronavirus, SARS, SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, origin, pathogenesis, and treatment. Results: Our review revealed data that points to an interesting autoimmune phenomenon where most seriously sick patients affected by COVID-19 were documented by an IgA-dominant immune response to the pathogen, along with a neutrophil-directed infiltration to the vital organ in the lung aveola, resulting in critical lung injury, leading to respiratory failure, multi-organ failure, and death. Surprisingly, this IgA-mediated an 展开更多
关键词 COVID-19 pathogenesis AUTOIMMUNE Mortality ARDS SARS-CoV-2 ORIGIN Delta Variant Omicron Variant NEUTROPHIL IgA Neutrophil Adherence Cytokine Storm DAPSONE METHYLPREDNISOLONE Antithombotic Treatment Therapeutic Mechanism
作者 李静 高林 +2 位作者 李晓妤 李永纲 王福生 《中华肝脏病杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期554-558,共5页
新型冠状病毒肺炎的暴发及其引起的世界性大流行已经对全球社会稳定、经济发展和国家安全等产生了深刻的影响,并演变成为一场全球性的公共卫生方面的重大危机。快速、高效的疫苗研发并投入使用则是防控疫情的有效手段之一。现对目前新... 新型冠状病毒肺炎的暴发及其引起的世界性大流行已经对全球社会稳定、经济发展和国家安全等产生了深刻的影响,并演变成为一场全球性的公共卫生方面的重大危机。快速、高效的疫苗研发并投入使用则是防控疫情的有效手段之一。现对目前新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗的主要特点进行综述,同时重点关注疫苗接种后引发肝损伤的临床特点并对其可能的致病机制进行探讨。 展开更多
关键词 疫苗 肝损伤 致病机制 新型冠状病毒肺炎
An overview of COVID-19 被引量:17
作者 Yu SHI Gang WANG +6 位作者 Xiao-peng CAI Jing-wen DENG Lin ZHENG Hai-hong ZHU Min ZHENG Bo YANG Zhi CHEN 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第5期343-360,共18页
Pneumonia caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2)infection emerged in Wuhan City,Hubei Province,China in December 2019.By Feb.11,2020,the World Health Organization(WHO)officially named th... Pneumonia caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2)infection emerged in Wuhan City,Hubei Province,China in December 2019.By Feb.11,2020,the World Health Organization(WHO)officially named the disease resulting from infection with SARS-Co V-2 as coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19).COVID-19 represents a spectrum of clinical manifestations that typically include fever,dry cough,and fatigue,often with pulmonary involvement.SARS-CoV-2 is highly contagious and most individuals within the population at large are susceptible to infection.Wild animal hosts and infected patients are currently the main sources of disease which is transmitted via respiratory droplets and direct contact.Since the outbreak,the Chinese government and scientific community have acted rapidly to identify the causative agent and promptly shared the viral gene sequence,and have carried out measures to contain the epidemic.Meanwhile,recent research has revealed critical aspects of SARS-CoV-2 biology and disease pathogenesis;other studies have focused on epidemiology,clinical features,diagnosis,management,as well as drug and vaccine development.This review aims to summarize the latest research findings and to provide expert consensus.We will also share ongoing efforts and experience in China,which may provide insight on how to contain the epidemic and improve our understanding of this emerging infectious disease,together with updated guidance for prevention,control,and critical management of this pandemic. 展开更多
关键词 Coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2) pathogenesis EPIDEMIOLOGY Prevention and management
刘完素对《素问》病机十九条的发挥 被引量:9
作者 毛德西 《河南中医》 2004年第10期5-7,共3页
刘完素对病机十九条的见解 ,强调六气之中 ,火热是致病的主要因素 ,而风湿燥寒易化热生火 ,提出“六气皆从火化”及“五志过极皆为热甚”的观点。在治疗上 ,善用寒凉之剂 ,重视“降心火 ,益肾水” ,创防风通圣散、双解散等清解方药 ,成... 刘完素对病机十九条的见解 ,强调六气之中 ,火热是致病的主要因素 ,而风湿燥寒易化热生火 ,提出“六气皆从火化”及“五志过极皆为热甚”的观点。在治疗上 ,善用寒凉之剂 ,重视“降心火 ,益肾水” ,创防风通圣散、双解散等清解方药 ,成为“寒凉派”的代表。其理论与治法对张子和、朱丹溪、李东垣乃至清代叶天士等人的学术思想 ,影响极深 。 展开更多
关键词 刘完素 《内经》 病机十九条 火热论
《诸病源候论》瘟疫的病因病机及导引法探析 被引量:9
作者 赵吉超 邓萍 章文春 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期1113-1115,共3页
《诸病源候论·疫疠诸病》阐述了疫疠的病因病机“与时气、温、热等病相类”,为天地之气的异常变化,“节气不和,寒暑乖候”,而导致人体产生“病热”等病理变化的疫病。所列导引法中明确了“温疫”的名称,文章对瘟疫有关导引法整理... 《诸病源候论·疫疠诸病》阐述了疫疠的病因病机“与时气、温、热等病相类”,为天地之气的异常变化,“节气不和,寒暑乖候”,而导致人体产生“病热”等病理变化的疫病。所列导引法中明确了“温疫”的名称,文章对瘟疫有关导引法整理归纳为4种:存念五气辟疫法、挽耳引鬓升阳法、浴面去肝气法、干浴胜风寒法。按此学习与锻炼,可改善身心健康状态,以避免不良行为习惯对自身带来的影响,对应对2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)有一定的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 诸病源候论 瘟疫 病因病机 导引法 2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19) 严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2(SARS-CoV-2) 形气神 气功学
基于《北京市新型冠状病毒感染中医药诊疗方案(试行第七版)》谈本病病因病机与辨治原则 被引量:7
作者 谷晓红 《现代中医临床》 2023年第4期1-5,共5页
新型冠状病毒(简称“新冠”)感染严重威胁人民健康,影响社会经济的发展。中医药在防治该病中具有一定优势,本文旨在基于《北京市新型冠状病毒感染中医药诊疗方案(试行第七版)》详细论述该病病因病机与辨治原则。新冠感染属于中医“瘟疫... 新型冠状病毒(简称“新冠”)感染严重威胁人民健康,影响社会经济的发展。中医药在防治该病中具有一定优势,本文旨在基于《北京市新型冠状病毒感染中医药诊疗方案(试行第七版)》详细论述该病病因病机与辨治原则。新冠感染属于中医“瘟疫”范畴,其病因具有综合性,新冠病毒是主要致病因素,而气候、季节等外界环境因素与个人体质是影响疾病发生的重要因素。新冠感染以湿毒郁阻为核心病机,受气候地域、个人体质、治疗等因素影响,不同人群感邪后疾病发生、传变与预后特点往往不同。在辨病机时,应从病性、病所、病势、病期、病理角度综合分析。新冠感染诊疗应坚持“一病一方”与“一人一方”结合的基本策略,以及早治疗、重祛邪、顾正气、防传变的4个基本原则。 展开更多
关键词 新型冠状病毒感染 病因病机 辨治原则 北京市新型冠状病毒感染中医药诊疗方案
病机兼化理论下新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)病机演化规律探析 被引量:7
作者 洪靖 余宋 +3 位作者 赵河通 姚曼 冯秋婷 翟笑枫 《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期500-505,共6页
病机是认识疾病病变的关键,抓住核心病机演变发展的规律,是中医临床诊疗的主旨和核心。病机兼化理论由中国中医科学院胡镜清研究员提出,用以从病机层面理解疑难复杂疾病病证关系和把握其演变规律,在明确疾病基本矛盾的同时,兼顾疾病的... 病机是认识疾病病变的关键,抓住核心病机演变发展的规律,是中医临床诊疗的主旨和核心。病机兼化理论由中国中医科学院胡镜清研究员提出,用以从病机层面理解疑难复杂疾病病证关系和把握其演变规律,在明确疾病基本矛盾的同时,兼顾疾病的复杂性和多变性。文章通过构建新型冠状病毒肺炎病机兼化框架,揭示其病机演化规律,认为新冠肺炎属于“湿毒疫”范畴,湿毒始终是本病的病变核心,初期寒化,进展期热化,恢复期虚化是本病病机的传变方式。知本病之机,可未病先防,知病机传变,可截断扭转,有利于临床上增强对疾病发生发展趋势的预见性。 展开更多
关键词 病机兼化 新型冠状病毒肺炎 湿毒疫 病机演变
Acute encephalitis and encephalopathy associated with human parvovirus B19 infection in children 被引量:5
作者 Toru Watanabe Hideshi Kawashima 《World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics》 2015年第4期126-134,共9页
Reports of neurologic manifestations of human parvovirus B19(B19) infection have been on the rise. Acute encephalitis and encephalopathy is the most common, accounting for 38.8% of total B19-associated neurological ma... Reports of neurologic manifestations of human parvovirus B19(B19) infection have been on the rise. Acute encephalitis and encephalopathy is the most common, accounting for 38.8% of total B19-associated neurological manifestations. To date, 34 children with B19encephalitis and encephalopathy have been reported, which includes 21 encephalitis and 13 encephalopathy cases. Ten(29%) were immunocompromised and 17(39%) had underlying diseases. Fever at the onset of disease and rash presented in 44.1% and 20.6% of patients, respectively. Neurological manifestations include alteration of consciousness occurred in all patients, seizures in 15(44.1%) patients, and focal neurologic signs in 12(35.3%) patients. Anemia and pleocytosis in cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) occurred in 56.3% and 48.1% of patients, respectively. Serum Anti-B19 Ig M(82.6%) and CSF B19 DNA(90%) were positive in the majority of cases. Some patients were treated with intravenous immunoglobulins and/or steroids, although an accurate evaluation of the efficacy of these treatment modalities cannot be determined. Nineteen(57.6%) patients recovered completely, 11(33.3%) patients had some neurological sequelae and 3(8.8%) patients died. Although the precise pathogenesis underlying the development of B19 encephalitis and encephalopathy is unclear, direct B19 infection or NS1 protein of B19 toxicity in the brain, and immune-mediated brain injuries have been proposed. 展开更多
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